救急放射線セミナー・ベーシック 腹膜(臓側腹膜・壁側腹膜)、間膜 腹膜腔 後腹膜器 後腹膜への固定 Cecal volvulus Cecal volvulus plain XP (erect) plain XP (supine) Sigmoid colon volvulus Frimann Dahl’s sign Strangulated Sigmoid Volvulus T S T S D D T S anal side S D C D rectum A oral side Gastrointestinal tract perforation 1) Free intra-peritoneal air 2) Retroperitoneal emphysema 3) Mesenteric emphysema ---> Retroperitoneal emphysema (1) (1) (3) (2) Plain radiography Presence of air outside the gut lumen. • Upright chest radiography • Left lateral dequbitus abdominal radiography 1-2mL of intra-peritoneal air can be visible unless peritoneal adhesion exists Sensitivity: 50 - 70 %. CT Examination • Scanning the whole with 1-2.5 mm collimation • Five to 7 mm-thick contiguous axial images • Thinner sections or multiplannar reconstruction • Use of intravenous contrast injection • Oral or rectal contrast administration • Assessment with lung window setting Perforation of peptic ulcer at the stomach Use of intravenous contrast injection Supine abdominal radiography Retroperitoneal emphysema The Mesentery S S IMA LCA SA SRA 滋賀医科大学 井上明星先生のご好意による 1 IMA IMV 2 3 SA/SV SRA/SRV 4 SA/SV SA/SV SRA/SRV 6 5 S SM SM SRA/SRV R R 滋賀医科大学 井上明星先生のご好意による Mesentery of the Sigmoid Colon B A S S S 滋賀医科大学 井上明星先生のご好意による Come sign seen in the arteries in the Sigmoid Mesocolon * S 滋賀医科大学 井上明星先生のご好意による Tumor spread in the sigmoid mesocolon 滋賀医科大学 井上明星先生のご好意による A B S * S * C D Retroperitoneal spread of extraluminal gas in bowel perforation Sigmoid colon perforation Where dose the gas locate? Dorsal Mesentery and Ventral Mesentery Foregut: Celiac artery: Dorsal and Ventral Mesentery Midgut: Superior Mesenteric Artery: Dorsal Mesentery Hindgut: Inferior Mesenteric Artery: Dorsal Mesentery Dorsal Mesentery Dorsal and Ventral Mesentery 盲嚢の形成 Gastric Perforation Foramen of Winslow Hernia Foramen of Winslow Hernia Herniation intio the superior recess of the lesser sac Foramen of Winslow Hernia Herniation intio the superior recess of the lesser sac Where dose the gas locate? a) b) c) d) in the biliary tree in the portal vein in the peritoneal space other Ligamentum Teres fissure, Ligamentum Venosum fissureに沿う腹膜腔の広がり Relation of position of extraluminal gas to sites of GI tact perforation Large amount of free air and ascites: upper GI tract Air in the lessor sac: stomach or duodenal bulb Air along the Glison sheath: duodenal bulb or stomach Air in the retroperitoneum: duodenum, ascending, descending and sigmoid colon Air in the peri-renal space: inferior duodenal flexure Perforation of the duodenal bulb Perforation of the stomach Perforation of the sigmoid colon Retroperitonal anatomy with interfascial planes Duodenum Ascending colon Descending colon Duodenal Perforation Find the perforation site. Neda Yagan, et al. Extension of Air into the Right Perirenal Space after Duodenal Perforation: CT Findings. Radiology 2009 Mar;250(3):740-8. Neda Yagan, et al. Extension of Air into the Right Perirenal Space after Duodenal Perforation: CT Findings. Radiology 2009 Mar;250(3):740-8. 腎筋膜前葉と下十二指腸曲の位置関係 2009 Mar;250(3):740-8. Quiz Case 1 Right abdominal pain 単純CT 造影CT 単純CT 造影CT 腹直筋血腫 好発年齢:50−60歳(M:F=1:2) 原因:咳嗽、運動、労働、くしゃみ、嘔吐などにより腹壁動脈が破綻し、腹直 筋鞘内に血腫を生じる疾患 誘因:呼吸器疾患、開腹の既往、高血圧、糖尿病、抗凝固療法 症状:強い腹痛(右下腹部)、可動性のない腫瘤、時に皮下出血 誤診例:卵巣軸捻転、腸梗塞、腹壁ヘルニア、虫垂炎 CT:腹直筋鞘内に止まる血腫:正中を超えない。 治療:安静と疼痛コントロール 手術適応:血腫増大(血管塞栓術)、腹腔内穿破、血腫感染 Case 2 Abdominal Pain Intussusception Invagination of an ileal tumor Multiple Intussusceptions 那覇市民病院 又吉先生のご好意による Peutz-Zeghers syndrome 那覇市民病院 又吉先生のご好意による ご清聴ありがとうございました 解剖を理解しましょう。 病気を知りましょう。 思い込まないように。 侮ってはいけません。
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