Japan America Society of Minnesota The Tsūshin is a membership publication of the Japan America Society of Minnesota January 2015 VOL. 24, No. 01 Happy New Year! 新年あけましておめでとうございます Celebrate the New Year at Shinnenkai 2015! JASM is bringing the sights, tastes, and sounds of the Japanese New Year to Minnesota with the Shinnenkai 2015 celebration at the Hopkins Eisenhower Community Center on January 18th. Plans are well underway to make this Shinnenkai a great start for the New Year with fun, food and entertainment for the whole family. The 2015 event will feature Taiko drumming, colorful festival dances, traditional Japanese music, and some new performances of current Japanese musical entertainment. There will be demonstrations of Ikebana, martial arts and other activities by exhibitors to engage and introduce Japanese cultural traditions. Also planned are Japanese calligraphy, Mochi pounding, a silent auction, and, also new this year, manga drawing. There will be an sumptuous array of Japanese food to enjoy amidst the entertainment and the activities of the festival. See the flyer in the back of this month’s Tsushin for more information. Be sure to get your tickets for less with our Early Bird special! The deadline for the registration form is January 17th, 2015. Please return the form to the JASM office. Of course, none of this would be possible without the generous support of our members. JASM is looking for donations for the bazaar. Any Japan-related items are welcome, from dolls to crafts to artwork. JASM is looking for volunteers for this event. If you are interested, please call the JASM office or sign up online. Date: Sunday, J anuar y 18, 2015 Time: 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. Where: Hopkins Eisenhower Community Center 1001 Minnesota 7, Hopkins, MN 55305 For more information, please visit the JASM website or call 612-627-9357. The Buzz Begins about J-Quiz February is just around the corner, and that means J-Quiz - the Upper Midwest Japanese Language and Culture Competition that will be held at Normandale Community College on Saturday, February 14th, 2015. This annual competition is a collaborative event that JASM presents in cooperation with the Minnesota Council of Teachers of Japanese and with the support of the Consulate General of Japan at Chicago. The competition tests the ability of Japanese language and cultural knowledge at three levels of high school curriculum: Level II, Level III and Level IV. The competition is intense as the students work hard to prepare for the contest with their teachers. The first place winners at each level will go on to compete in the National Japan Bowl that will be held in April in Washington D.C., where they will also be able to attend the large Sakura Festival in the nation’s capital. In addition to the competition, there will be cultural sessions for the students to enhance their knowledge of Japanese culture and artistic traditions. Plans this year include Taiko drumming and a presentation on the extensive collection of Japanese art found in the Twin Cities. There will also be a Flea Market offering Japanese items to support the winners’ trip to Washington D.C. If you wish to donate curios or Japanese crafts, please contact the Last year’s J-Quiz champions in Washington D.C. JASM office. Thank you! for the National Japan Bowl. Japanese School Letter from the President Bonnenkai Season Although it is hard to believe, another yearend is rapidly approaching. Last week, I returned from my final business trip to Japan. The city of Tokyo was illuminated by holiday lights and the hustle and bustle of the season was palpable everywhere you looked. It seems that almost every night we celebrated the Bonnenkai season with amusing stories, delicious food and plenty of cold sake. For me, Bonnenkai season is a time of reflection. This year has been particularly busy and meaningful. Last week, we held the final board meeting of my JASM Presidency. I feel very fortunate to have served with such a committed and capable board of directors. I was particularly impressed with how the board embraced and led new programs to reach and expand the JASM community. Some particularly successful new programs include the Young Professionals Group and the Nichibei Lecture Series that provided programing in Japanese. At the same time, JASM continues to receive high marks for its JQuiz and Corporate Roundtable programs. These programs require a significant amount time and energy to successfully plan and execute them. JASM is able to conduct these quality programs thanks to the strong leadership of our Executive Director Ben van Lierop. This year, we will fortunate enough to bring on a Program Manager (Rio Saito) to further enhance our programs and expect the JASM reach beyond the Twin Cities. Thus far, we have held programs in Duluth and Rochester. In addition to the quality programs, JASM is a healthy and growing organization. We continue to add general and corporate members to the JASM family. Thanks to a successful Mondale Scholarship Fundraising Gala, JASM will support three deserving Minnesota college students who will be studying in Japan next year. Shinnenkai As always, the New Year will bring significant change. For JASM, there will be new leadership and fresh ideas to move the organization forward. I have every confidence in our incoming JASM President Liz Brailsford. In addition to her high energy and deep love for Japan, she is enthusiastic, well organized and has many great ideas. The organization will continue to evolve to meet the needs of the membership. May the coming year bring you good health, happiness and prosperity. - David Smith JASM President Incoming JASM President Liz Brailsford 平成27年度ミネアポリス日本語補習授業校 クラス 小学部 1年 対象 年齢* 満6歳 オープン ハウス 生徒募集 試験/面接 2月14 日 2月28日 (試験/面接) 募集期間 平成26年11月 1日 ~ 平成27年 1月31日 対象年齢*は平成27年4月1日時点での年齢 詳細は、ミネアポリス日本語補習授業校ホームページをご覧くだ さい。http://www.minneapolisjapaneseschool.org/ 参加をご希望の方は、ピーターソン [email protected] までご連絡ください。 Open House and Enrollment Interview at Minneapolis Japanese School, Class Date of Birth Application Deadline Open House Interview & Examination 1st Grade 4/2/2008 ~ 4/1/2009 1/31/2015 2/14/2015 2/28/2015 If you are interested in attending, please contact Rumiko Peterson at [email protected] . Membership News Thanks to the following Renewed JASM Members: Miaki Habuka Satoru & Sheila Asato Thanks to the following New JASM Members: Natasha Vaubel, McIsiah Kendema, Bryan Roberts, Donna D’Souza, Daniel Wokasch, George Dahlgren, Elyssa Mason Thanks to the following Renewing Corporate Members: Jet Alumni Association, Stinson Leonard Street, Mu Performing Arts, Bloomington Sister City Organization Thanks to the following New Corporate Members: Microbiologics, Inc. Red Bridge Translation, LLC Corporate Roundtable: JETRO Chief Sone Inspiresé Ichiro Soné, Chief Executive Officer for the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) of Chicago spoke at the JASM Corporate Roundtable on Wednesday, December 3rd. Director Soné focused on ways American businesses can enter and participate in the current positive business environment in Japan. The Japanese economy is becoming more open to direct foreign investment, due to the government’s strategy of Global Outreach, Tax Reform, and National Strategic Special Zones. Also, the Japanese economy is recovering from its previous slump due to the fiscal policies introduced by the current government, making it a perfect time to enter Japan's vibrant market. Mr. Soné expounded on the multiple goals of JETRO, a Japanese governmental organization that is part of the Ministry of the Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI). The main goal is to promote foreign direct investment and help small and medium sized enterprises (SME) expand overseas. JETRO can assist foreign SMEs in opening branch offices in Japan. They provide resources for marketing, governmental incentive programs, start up support, partner matching, and business networking. JETRO provide services to ease the movement into the Japanese market. -Continued on Page 4 - Ichiro Soné giving his lecture. Corporate Membership Spotlight JASM is pleased to welcome its new corporate member McLaughlin Gormley King (MGK), one of the leading developers of professional pest control solutions. MGK has been a family-owned insect control products company since 1902. It develops and markets a wide rang of insect control products, primarily based on natural pyrethrum, which is derived from chrysanthemums and synthetic pyrethroids. Pyrethrum is produced from flowers and has been used effectively to control insects for centuries. MGK’s services include product development and analysis, biological testing, custom formulations, registration support, product testing (including shelf life, biological efficacy and stability), and finished goods packaging. MGK has been managed by four generations of the McLaughlin (now Gullickson) family. It was founded by Alexander McLaughlin and has evolved from grinding spices (such as cinnamon and pepper) with plant leaves, barks, fruits, and flowers used in pharmaceuticals at the time, to a company with advanced pest control technology. MGK has a presence in over 60 countries, but its foreign relations is strongest in the southeast Pacific. The MGK Asia-Pacific Pty Ltd (MAP) has been supplying Australia, New Zealand, and South East Asia with quality products for over 10 years. Since 2012, MGK has been a Minnesota-based subsidiary for the Japanese company, Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd., which had been a long-time shareholder of MGK. The relationship with Sumitomo Chemical gives MGK continued access to new chemistries and technologies for insect control. MGK’s location in North America provides one of the most important markets for household and public health insect-control products for Japanese businesses. McLaughlin Gormley King (MGK) Inc., mentions in its promotional materials that being in the forefront of pest control methods with minimal environmental impact has been an MGK legacy for four generations. The company plans to continue this legacy into the future. We are happy to welcome this new member into the JASM family with its important connection to Japan through Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd. Please thank our members with your support! Corporate Benefactor Members Daikin Applied Delta Airlines, Inc. Corporate Sustaining Members 3M Company Bowman and Brooke, LLP Design Ready Controls, Inc. Dorsey & Whitney, LLP Fredrikson & Byron, PA Gray Plant Mooty Hamre, Schumann, Mueller & Larson, PC Hubbard Broadcasting Japan Lifeline Co. Ltd. Jet Edge Inc. Lion Precision Mall of America Medtronic, Inc MGK, Inc. Naigai Industries U.S.A. Inc. Proto Labs, Inc. St. Jude Medical Taiyo International, Inc. The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. Corporate Contributing Members Aveda Corporation Briggs and Morgan, P.A. Compart Family Farms Deloitte Tax, LLP Leonard, Street and Deinard Satellite Industries Sysco Asian Foods Wilson Learning Worldwide Partners in Service J&K Trading, LLC Kiku Enterprises Origami Restaurant Sakura Restaurant & Sushi Bar Saint Paul Saints Baseball Club Suishin Restaurant The Voyager Group Tomodachi Zen Healing Center Nonprofit Members Aikido of Minnesota Anime Twin Cities, Inc. BioBusiness Alliance of Minnesota Concordia Language Villages JETAA Minnesota JETRO Chicago KCC–Japan Education Exchange Macalester College Asian Language & Culture Department Minneapolis Japanese School Minnesota International Center Minnesota Trade Office Mu Performing Arts U of MN Dept. of Asian Languages and Literatures, Japanese Language Program US-China Business Connections Winona State Univ. Global Studies Dept. Corporate Roundtable Cont. -Continued from Page 3 One of the major points of the presentation was that Japan is an effective business gateway for American companies to do business in Asia. Conducting foreign business in Asian markets is full of barriers that can be mitigated by starting in a mature economy. Japan also has various free-trade agreement platforms with North America and Asia, and various resources for David Smith welcomed everyone to marketing, business the meeting. experience, advanced technology, and manufacturing. It can be a good investment for an American company to start a branch office to get into Asia’s emerging and developing economies. As Mr. Soné pointed out, because Japan is one of Asia's developed economies, it is a perfect gateway from the USA to Asia and beyond. Many thanks to Gray, Plant, Mooty for hosting the event. JASM Professional Group Recap On Tuesday, December 9th, the JASM Professionals Group hosted an event at Zen Box Izakaya in Downtown Minneapolis. Thanks to the planning committee consisting of Rio Saito, Ryan Polzin, and Elizabeth Fehrmann, the event resulted in yet another success. Members and friends of JASM gathered in this casual setting to discuss things such as culture, travel, and of course, the food. This was a great opportunity for the JASM community to enjoy Japanese cuisine while connecting with others in the community who share ties with Japan. New members, experienced members, and guests all participated. It was also a wonderful way for the newcomers to chat with some of our esteemed members about various Japanrelated topics. A big thank you goes out to Zen Box Izakaya in Downtown Minneapolis for hosting this event and helping it go so smoothly. If you were not able to attend this JASM Professionals Group event, please check the JASM website for the details of the next event in 2015. JASM Professional Group members socializing at Zen Box Izakaya restaurant. Tom Haeg’s Book Review; The Kizuna Coast The Kizuna Coast; Sujata Massey; Ikat Press, 2014; Amazon Kindle, $2.99 She’s back! After a six year hiatus, Agatha and Macavity Award Winner novelist Sujata Massey, my good friend and erstwhile Minnesota resident, has written another in her series (the 10th) of Rei Shimura sleuth novels. As you may recall, yours truly reviewed one of her earlier novels, The Zen Attitude, in this column in 2011. So, it was pleasant to learn that Ms. Massey came out of a self-imposed retirement for this reprise. The Kizuna Coast follows a proven format, -a usual cast of suspects, a crime to solve, a love story, chase scene, commercial Japanese antiques, a little sex ( “…I like the longterm sexual availability that comes with wedlock.”), a woman growing from self-doubt to self-awareness. The venues of her prior mystery novels were mostly Tokyo. Here, our protagonist Rei Shimura ventures north to tohoku post 3/11 tsunami. She goes to the ravaged region in search of clues to solve the mystery. What she discovers while solving the mystery is the incredible, Japanese resilience to cope with their natural enemies, earthquakes and tsunamis, and now nuclear catastrophe. By her own admission, Ms. Massey wants the scenery to heighten the readers’ awareness of the despoliations. Normally, disasters fade from memory. She aspires to have this novel serve as a platform to maintain relief for the area. Today, more than 300,000 victims still reside in temporary housing. She accomplishes this with a convincing accounting of police and firefighters staying on the job, drivers packing their cars with neighbors headed to higher ground and nuclear power plant workers remaining in lethal zones. The Kizuna Coast deftly interweaves fiction to history. And, by using the first person narrative we enjoy a special, newscaster style reportage of tohoku even Hemingway would applaud. While the plot is simple, solve mystery, the story is fascinating. JASM readers will enjoy her work, …again. -Tom Haeg, JASM Executive Secretary Save the Date! Economics Club Luncheon The Economics Club of Minnesota invites you to their April luncheon featuring the Honorable Haruhiko Kuroda, Governor of the Bank of Japan. When: Sunday, Apr il 19, 2015 Reception: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Luncheon: 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Where: Wayzata Countr y Club 200 Wayzata Boulevard West Wayzata, MN 55391 Cost: $60 Guest of Member r ate Questions? Contact Abby Michaud at [email protected] g or 612-432-6790 New Pastor Arrives at Japanese Fellowship Church in Minneapolis with New Approach おしん I am Gen Hashimoto, who arrived from California in cold November, to be the new pastor of the Japanese Fellowship Church in Minneapolis. This is a bilingual church worshipping in Japanese and English. My wife Etsuko and I have lived in several cities throughout the US: Columbia (South Carolina), Seattle, Maui, Los Angeles, and now here in Minneapolis. We learned the ukulele and praise hula in Hawaii, and want to bring the warm Hawaiian wind to this community. The other day we went Christmas caroling, together with many church members, visiting several homes and joyfully singing hymns with the ukulele. We will start beginners’ ukulele and hula classes in the church. Both are free of charge. Anyone who is interested should please contact us. We would like to serve the community in this city through the Japanese Fellowship Church. Looking forward to meeting you. 12月の初め何方ですか沢山の本と一緒に橋田寿賀子原作 「おしん」の本をご寄附くださり有り難うございまし た.1983年―1984年NHKで放送された連続ドラマ母危篤 で帰国した時は7歳のおしんが米1俵で町の材木屋の子守 となり逃げ出した彼女が雪の中に倒れているのを脱走兵 に助けられ山に隠れて暮らした話の初期でしたが圧倒的 な聴衆率は新潟電鉄終点県庁前の待合室が「おしん」の 放送を見上げている高校生で埋り聴衆率52.9%と聞く.私 より33年若い「おしん」の生きた環境は私の時代にも 残っており雪深い新潟,農家,藁に寝る,大根飯(かて 飯)田植え,稲刈り,嵐の翌日は俵をもって山の堂境内 へ杉の落葉を拾いに行き6人が土間のチャボ小屋生活,灯心 の明かりで借りた教科書を鉛筆で書き写した,2年後れを 2か月で埋めて優等生で卒業した,口減らしの為に子守に だされる小学生だったが有難いマッカーサーによって校 舎の無い新制中学生にしてくれ,3年後に米1俵でなく前 金1200円で出された農家の女子衆午前4時掃除から午後9 時半馬に飼葉をやって10人目の風呂に入った優等生女中 は家庭教師役と寝小便の子を起す役も.小学校低学年は 満州事変の戦場の跡に建てられた日本人学校生徒20人の 日本兵の校長と次席2人広い草原に塹壕が掘られ春はアヤ メの花が咲き時々捨てられた子供の屍骸が旧軍用犬の群 れで食い荒されている処を1人で通らねばならなかった. 学校玄関内に掲げられた額は「沖、横山…」で始まる日 本軍ノン江鉄橋守備で満州人に変装して活躍した日本兵 スパイを讃える1文を朗読最敬礼をして入る規則だった. 父は土塀で囲まれ大門をくぐって入る裏庭のある家の1辺 に「白鳥食堂」主におでんカレーライス(食欲旺盛な日 本兵向き)を開いたお隣さんは日本軍憲兵隊で1メートル もある鯉の刺身(鯉こく)を差し入れたり釣って来たと 直径12インチもある鯰の頭を頂いて,母は輪切りにした1 切れそのまま鍋物にして食べさせた.台所で朝食用に仕 込んだご飯の釜が低温で割れたのもあの頃北満フラルギ 村1945年父はシベリアへ母子9人はソ連軍の攻撃で握り飯 とおしめを持って午前6時家をで徒歩で1家放浪の旅が始 る小学校5年生,4か月で3人の弟妹が餓死した昨日まで あった政府,軍隊,警察,学校,医者等強者は消えて無 くなり現金は占領軍が変るごとに無価値になった.弱い 者は死なねばならない戦争、同時に生き延びた者を更に 賢く強くしてくれるのも戦争だ.おしん46歳洋子13歳 だった再出発の終戦1年後1946年の夏だった. 私は橋本元と申します。今年の寒い11月に、カリフォルニアか らミネアポリスにあるフェローシップ日本人教会の新しい牧師と してやって来ました。この教会は、バイリンガル礼拝が日本語と 英語で行われています。 私は妻の永津子と一緒にアメリカの数箇所の都市に住みまし た。コロンビアSC、シアトル、 マウイ、 ロサンジェルス、 そし てここミネアポリス。私達夫婦は、ハワイで覚えたウクレレとフラ 賛美で、温かいハワイの風をもたらしたいと思います。先日も多 くの教会の人達と一緒に、クリスマス・キャロリングで数件のお 宅を回り、ウクレレ伴奏で楽しく賛美しました。 教会で初心者向けウクレレ・クラスとゴスペル・フラを始めます。 興味のある方は御連絡ください。どちらも無料です。私達はこ の町でフェローシップ日本人教会を通して、コミュニティーに仕 えていきたいと願っています。お 会いできる事を楽しみにしていま す。 橋本元牧師 Pastor Gen Hashimoto Japanese Fellowship Church 4217 Bloomington Ave S. Minneapolis, MN Phone: (612)722-8314 Gen and Etsuko Hashimoto at Minnehaha Falls Short Stories by Lawrence Farrar This is a continuation of the list of stories presented in last month’s issue. For more information on Lawrence Farrar, follow him on Twitter. “It’s Been a Long Time” Streetlight (Fall 2013) http://streetlightmag.com An American woman has dinner in a California hotel with a Japanese surgeon with whom she was once romantically involved. “And That Was Something” Paradise Review (July 2013) http://paradisereview.org A woman with a US passport is surrounded in her Caribbean island home by a crowd whose members think she swindled them. A young vice consul is sent to rescue her. Yoko Breckenridge B-952-431-9811 M-612-839-0008 E-mail– [email protected] Advertise in the Tsushin! 月例日本人会のお知らせ Advertisement Rates 毎月日本語図書館で日本人会の昼食会(Monthly Nihonjinkai )を行っています。電話などでお誘い合わせの上、お 友達やお知り合いとご一緒においで下さい。可能の方は どうぞ料理を1品ご持参願います。ミネソタ州在住の日本 人達で良い事を考え、ご馳走と日本語で楽しい時間を持 ちましょう。 日程:毎月第2月曜日正午より 場所:日本語図書館 (4231 Bloomington Ave S., Minneapolis, MN 55407) Style 1/4 page 1/2 page Full page Classified Size Cost/issue 5 x 3.5 in $50.00 5 x 7.5 in $90.00 10 x 7.5 in $150.00 80 character line $10/ line (min. 2 lines) Ad production and design available in both Japanese and English for an additional charge. Deadline for completed ads and classifieds is the 20th of every month. Questions? Contact the JASM Office Tel: 612-627-9357 [email protected] Japan America Society Calendar January 2015 Shinnenkai - January 18th February J-Quiz - February 14th *If you would like to let JASM know about an upcoming event, e-mail us at [email protected]* Japanese Speaking Club The Japanese Speaking Club is an informal meeting place for those wishing to practice Japanese. We encourage those just beginning the language as well as native speakers to gather at the Espresso Royale Café in Downtown Minneapolis to meet new people, discuss experiences in Japan, or simply to speak Japanese. Come when you can, leave when you must. Date/Time: Ever y Satur day, any time after 3:00 p.m. Place: Espr esso Royale Cafe 1229 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55403 また、毎週土曜日午後2時からは、日本語図書館のお手伝 いしてくださる方の集まりがあります。是非ご参加くだ さい。この図書館には、漫画や宗教誌約25000冊や約2500 本のビデオDVDがあり、希望者にはセルフサービスで日 本人会と同じく無料で貸出しています。お問い合わせは 下記までどうぞ。 Yoko Breckenridge Cell phone: (612) 839-0008 E-mail: [email protected] Nihonjin-kai monthly meeting on 2nd Monday, at noon, at 4231 Bloomington Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55407 Become a JASM Member online! 1. 2. 3. Support our mission and become a member! Go to mn-japan.org Click on ‘Membership’ at the top Select your membership type and read the benefits and instructions. Become a member on your smart phone! Japan America Society of Minnesota O Membership Application O Change of Address O Tax-deductible Donation _____________________________________________________ Name _____________________________________________________ Name (2nd adult of a household membership) _____________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________ City State ZIP ___________________________ E-mail ___________________________ Phone I would like to make an additional taxdeductable donation of Individual Membership Patron……………………$1,000+ Sustaining……………… $500+ Contributing……………. $100+ Individual ………………. $30 Student/Senior ………… $20 Household ……………... $50 (2 adults plus children under 18) Amount Enclosed:____________ (Please make checks payable to JASM) Japan America Society of Minnesota 43 Main Street SE Suite EH—131 Minneapolis, MN 55414 Name(s)・名前 Phone・電話 Email・メールアドレス Method of Payment Charge to Visa/ Mastercard Check payable to JASM enclosed Credit Card # Signature Exp. JASM member Non-member Student/Senior Children (6-18 yrs.) Family Pack (Member) Family Pack (Non-member) $10 x ___ $15 x ___ $10 x ___ $5 x ___ $20 x ___ $25 x ___ = $_____ = $_____ = $_____ = $_____ = $_____ = $_____ Reservation Total = $_____ Japan America Society of Minnesota Riverplace EH-131 43 Main Street SE Minneapolis, MN 55414-1031 Tel: 612-627-9357 Fax: 612-379-2393 [email protected] www.mn-japan.org Tsūshin January 2015 The Japan America Society of Minnesota is a non-profit, non-political association engaged in bringing the peoples of Japan and the United States closer together in mutual understanding, respect, and cooperation. Through programs and interchange, it endeavors to promote an appreciation of cultural, educational, economic, public, and other affairs of interest to both peoples. Membership in the society is open to individuals, corporations, and other organizations interested in furthering its programs. The Japan America Society of Minnesota is a member of the National Association of Japan-America Societies. (Please report any inaccuracies you find in this publication to [email protected]) JASM 2014: a Year in Pictures
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