外部委託業者の募集 References: IO/CFN/14/11176/PMT “ITER Tokamak Vacuum Vessel Thermal Shield Additional Neutron Shielding” (ITER トカマク真空容器サーマルシールドの追加中性子遮蔽の委託業務) IO 締め切り 2015 年 1 月 16 日(金)、国内締め切り 2015 年 1 月 16 日(金) 1. 概要: ITER 機構(IO)は、ITER トカマク真空容器サーマルシールドの追加中性子遮蔽の専門業者を外部の企業・ 機関から募集します。このため、適切と思われる企業・機関の推薦を参加極に求めます。各極から推薦され た企業・機関を ITER 機構が審査し、外部委託契約を結ぶ候補企業・機関を選定して入札を行い、契約する 企業・機関を選定します。 2. 目的と背景 構造仕様の本契約では、①原材料の調達、②必要な製作工程の実施(切削加工、研磨加工) 、③遮蔽板の 銀めっき加工、④ITER 真空容器サーマルシールド(VVTS)のための追加中性子遮蔽体(ANS)の梱包と 納入までが含まれます。 サーマルシールド(TS)システムは、ITER トカマクの主要機器の一つです。TS は、4.5K で稼働する超 伝導コイル/構造物に用いられる機器に放射される熱負荷に対して光学的に不透明なバリアを作ります。熱 負荷には、①プラズマ運転中の、熱放射及び伝導、②真空容器(VV)ベーキング時の熱放射と伝導、③TF コイルの核発熱(>14kW)が含まれます。真空容器・ブランケット・ダイバータの最新設計情報を取り入 れたモデルを用いた核発熱の値は、500MW パルスの核融合出力時で 21KW まで上昇すると推定されます。 TS に中性子吸収材を追加することで TF コイルの加熱を低減するために必要な中性子遮蔽とします。追加 中性子遮蔽(ANS)はおよそ 720 枚強のプレート(プレートとプレートの間には 3-5mm のギャップ、全重 量は約 8 トン)で構成され、各プレートは VVTS 内側に 2 個のスタッド・ボルトで固定されます。ANS と TS パネル間の熱伝導を改善すると共に TS 冷却チューブを設置するために、ANS と VVTS の間には、銅製 スペーサーをいれます。 3. 業務範囲 3.1 供給の範囲:典型的な ANS アセンブリには、中性子吸収板、銅スペーサー、ネジ付きスタッド、六角 ナットとワッシャーが含まれます。基本的に供給頂く範囲には、表 3-1 にある機器の調達・製作および納入 が含まれます。 表 3-1:40°VVTS 内側サブアセンブリ・セクタに供給される機器 機器 図面・参考 品質クラス 安全クラス 特定要求クラス* 数量/40°セクター ANS プレート 033771/XX 1 適用外 適用外 80 銅スペーサー 033771/XX 1 適用外 適用外 80 スタッド M20 033771/13 1 適用外 適用外 160 ワッシャー 033771/14 1 適用外 適用外 160 ナット M20 033771/15 1 適用外 適用外 160 *原子力圧力機器、圧力機器 3.2 以下は、本契約の範囲内で受注者に実行していただく一般的な業務とタスクのリストです。 : 品質管理/保証 計画管理 原料の調達 製造 梱包と納入 4. 製作要件 (※ここでは省略します。英語版仕様書をご覧ください。) 5. 経験条件 受注者は以下の基準を満たしていることが求められます: 制作能力: 製作条件への理解 原材料の調達計画と関連する検査/試験への経験 表面処理と銀めっき要件および適切な実施計画への知識/経験 必要加工装置の確保 業務範囲に関する要件を満たすための十分な設備(真空機器、銀めっきの保護等) 銀めっきの工程および真空機器の製作の経験 6. 入札スケジュール (推定) 暫定スケジュールは以下の通りです。 【※ 国内機関ノミネーションの〆切 2015 年 1 月 16 日 入札開始 2015 年 2 月 契約締結 2015 年 5 月 バッチ#1 の納入(推定) 2016 年 1 月 バッチ#2 の納入(推定) 2016 年 4 月 バッチ#3 の納入(推定) 2017 年 1 月 詳しくは ITER 公式ウェブ http://www.iter.org/org/team/adm/proc/overview をご参照ください。 】 「核融合研究開発部門」の HP http://www.naka.jaea.go.jp/ITER/index.php では ITER 機構からの各募集(IO 職員募集、IO 外部委託、IO エキスパート募集) を逐次更新しています。ぜひご確認ください。 イーター国際核融合エネルギー機構からの 外部委託 に関心ある企業及び研究機関の募集について <ITER 機構から参加極へのレター> 以下に、外部委託の概要と要求事項が示されています。参加極には、提案された業務 に要求される能力を有し、入札すべきと考える企業及び研究機関の連絡先の情報を ITER 機構へ伝えることが求められています。このため、本研究・業務に関心を持たれる企業及 び研究機関におかれましては、応募書類の提出要領にしたがって連絡先情報をご提出下 さい。 1 Route de Vinon-sur-Verdon - CS 90 046 - 13067 St Paul Lez Durance Cedex - France ITER TOKAMAK VACUUM VESSEL THERMAL SHIELD ADDITIONAL NEUTRAL SHIELDING CALL FOR NOMINATION Ref. IO/CFN/14/11176/PMT SUMMARY OF TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1 Purpose The purpose of this Build-to-Print Contract is to 1) procure the raw material, 2) perform necessary fabrication processes (cutting, machining, and polishing) 3) silver plating of the shielding plates and 4) packaging and delivery of the Additional Neutron Shielding (ANS) for the ITER Vacuum Vessel Thermal Shield (VVTS). 2 Background The International Thermo-nuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) is a large-scale scientific experiment with the goal of demonstrating that it is possible to produce commercial energy from fusion. A major component in the ITER Tokamak is the Thermal Shield (TS). The TS system will provide an effective optically opaque barrier for thermal loads being transferred from warm components to the superconducting coils and structures that operate at 4.5K. Thermal loads include: 1) thermal radiation and conduction during plasma operating state, 2) thermal radiation and conduction during Vacuum Vessel (VV) baking and 3) nuclear heating to the TF coils (which must not exceed 14kW). Estimates of the nuclear heating using models incorporating the latest information on vacuum vessel, blanket and diverter designs indicate that the heating could be as high as 21kW during a 500MW pulse. The addition of neutron absorbing material to the thermal shield will provide the necessary nuclear shielding to reduce the TF coil heating. The Additional Neutron Shielding (ANS) will be constructed of numerous plates, with gaps of 3-5mm between the plates. The total number of plates will reach approximately 720 pieces (plus spares) with the total approximate weight 8 metric tons. Each shielding plate will be attached to the inboard of the VVTS by two stud-bolts. A copper spacer will be inserted between the ANS and VVTS to improve the conduction cooling between the ANS and the TS panel and provide clearance to the TS cooling tubes. 3 Scope of Work 3.1 Scope of the Supply The typical ANS assembly consists of neutron absorbing plates, copper spacers, threaded studs, hex nuts and washers, see Figure 3-1. The scope of basic supply includes the procurement and/or fabrication and delivery of the items listed in Table 3-1. Figure 3-1: ANS Detail Assembly Table 3-1: Supplied Items per 40° VVTS Inboard Sub-Assembly Sector Quality class Safety class 1 Not Applicable Specific requirements class.* Not Applicable Quantity/ 40° Sector 80 Item ANS Plate Drawing/ Reference 033771/XX Cu Spacer 033771/XX 1 Not Applicable Not Applicable 80 Studs M20 033771/13 1 Not Applicable Not Applicable 160 Washers 033771/14 1 Not Applicable Not Applicable 160 Nuts M20 033771/15 1 Not Applicable Not Applicable 160 *Nuclear pressure equipment, pressure equipment. Page 2 of 5 3.2 Extent of the Supply The following is a list of the general activities and tasks to be performed by the Supplier within the frame of the Supply Contract. • • • • • Quality Control/Assurance Project Controls Procurement of raw material Manufacturing activities Packaging and Delivery 4 Manufacturing Requirements 4.1 Vacuum Thermal Shield components function in a vacuum environment. Care must be taken in manufacturing processes to ensure no contaminants are introduced into surfaces which may be difficult to remove later and which might result in degraded vacuum performance. 4.2 Dimensional Inspection At every important manufacturing stage, each ANS component shall be dimensionally inspected and the measurements documented. Results are to be compared with drawings. If necessary, remedial action is to be proposed to the IO prior to implementing a solution. 4.3 Material Requirements The material shall be gadolinium inserted chromium-nickel stainless steel plate, 316NU-78 or equivalent material containing a minimum boron equivalent of 6.2%. In general the material shall conform to ASME and ASTM standards. Before the start of production for full required quantity of material, a trial qualification program shall be performed with the goal of confirming the main requirements of the specification. The trial production of a limited quantity of plates (with equal thickness of production plates) shall be made and all the plates shall be qualified in accordance with qualification program agreed between Supplier and IO. The qualification test to be performed shall include (at a minimum) chemical composition, Charpy impact, KIC and tensile testing. Testing shall be performed at room temperature and cryogenic temperature (~70-80K). The results of testing shall be documented in accordance with approved documentation requirements. 4.3 Special Processes Requirements Silver Plating A critical parameter for the successful operation of the ANS plates is emissivity. The chosen method of reducing the emissivity and therefor the heat load to the superconducting surfaces of the magnet structure is silver plating. The candidate Suppliers shall have the experience to implement/oversee a silver plating program. The key processes of the silver coating are as follows: 1) Electrolysis cleaning removes contaminants other than oxide, hydroxide, and base metal from the surfaces of work pieces by placing the work pieces on the cathode. Page 3 of 5 2) Etching is the process used to remove oxide film, rust, scales or other forms of hydroxide from the surface of the work pieces. 3) Activation is the process of activating the surface by neutralizing the residual components and then removing any thin oxide film which may have appeared during the pretreatment process. 4) Nickel strike is the process of plating the material with nickel while removing the strong oxide film from the stainless steel. 5) Nickel plating is the process of forming an excellent, strong, and glossy plating layer by conducting nickel plating on the rough plating layer resulting from the nickel strike. 6) Silver plating is the process of forming a silver plating layer on the nickel plating layer. 7) Chromate treatment is the process of maintaining the original silver color from being affected by a contaminated environment or by fingerprints. The supplier will be required to submit a detailed plating procedure to the IO for approval. A test of the silver plating process shall be performed prior to plating the full production quantity. The supplier shall have the experience and capability to implement a quality control program to check: thickness of plating, adhesion, porosity and emissivity. 5 Timetable The tentative timetable is below. The final timetable with respect to delivery will be developed to coincide with VVTS deliveries. Call for Nominations December 2014 Call for Tender February 2015 Contract Placement May 2015 Batch #1 (sectors 5 & 6) estimated delivery January 2016 Batch #2 (sectors 1, 2, 3 & 4) estimated delivery April 2016 Batch #3 (sectors 7, 8 & 9) estimated delivery January 2017 6 Experience Requirements The ITER Organization is looking for suppliers which experience is based on the following criteria: • Manufacturing capabilities: o understanding of the manufacturing requirements o experience with an appropriate procurement plan for material and associated inspection/testing o knowledge/experience of surface preparation/treatment and silver plating requirements and an appropriate execution plan o presence of required machining equipment o sufficient equipment and facility to meet the requirements as related to the scope of work (vacuum components, protection of silver plating, etc.) • Experience with silver plating process and production of vacuum components Page 4 of 5 During the selection phase, ITER Organization reserves the right to contact some or all of each nominated company’s references to ask if: (1) the nominated company delivered a quality product which was compliant with the customer’s requirements; (2) the company’s performance conformed with the terms and conditions of its contract, including the delivery schedule; and (3) the company was reasonable and cooperative during performance and committed to customer satisfaction. ITER Organization may choose to visit customer references and may also use other sources of information. 7 Candidature Candidature is open to all companies participating either individually or in a grouping (consortium) which is established in an ITER Member State. A consortium may be a permanent, legally-established grouping or a grouping, which has been constituted informally for a specific tender procedure. All members of a consortium (i.e. the leader and all other members) are jointly and severally liable to the ITER Organization. The consortium groupings shall be presented at the tender submission stage. The consortium cannot be modified later without the approval of the ITER Organization. Page 5 of 5 NOMINATIONS IO/CFN/14/11176/PMT - ITER TOKAMAK VACUUM VESSEL THERMAL SHIELD ADDITIONAL NEUTRON SHIELDING Nominating Domestic Agency:Japan COMPANY NAME ADDRESS (no mailbox please) WEB SITE CONTACT PERSON PHONE FAX E-MAIL COMPANY INFORMATION (if any)
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