シラバス登録 [LOYOLA] 1 of 2 https://scs.cl.sophia.ac.jp/campusweb/campussquare.do?_flowExecut... 講義概要/Course description 科目基礎情報/Course information 開講元学部/Faculty 文学部/FACULTY OF HUMANITIES 開講元学科/Department 史学科/DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY 登録コード/Registration Code HHT59600 期間/Period 2015年度/Academic Year 春学期/SPRING 曜限/Period 火/Tue 5 科目名/Course title 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering レベル/Level 教員表示名 主担当教員名/Instructor 単位数/Credits 更新日/Date of renewal 日本史特講(近代史)/JAPANESE HIST. (MODERN)1 HST308 300 KINMONTH Earl KINMONTH EARL HENRY/ 2 2015/02/17 講義概要情報/Course description 科目サブタイトル /Subtitle of this course The Making of Modern Japan 講義概要 /Course description The primary purpose of this course is to provide students with a survey of modern Japanese political history and historiography. The course will follow a loosely chronological narrative beginning with a discussion of the historical legacy imparted by the political practices and ideas of the Tokugawa period. Subsequent class meetings will focus on such major political developments as the Meiji Restoration, the establishment of a constitutional system, the rise and decline of party power, the early Showa drive to create a “new order,” and the postwar coalescence of the “1955-system.” 到達目標(授業の目標) /Course objectives Because history is inherently subjective narration, this course will frequently deal with historiography the way in which the contemporary politics of those who wrote history influenced the way in which they depicted the past. This knowledge will equip students to understand how contemporary politicians and writers narrate and manipulate the past for their own contemporary goals. 授業時間外(予習・復習等)の学 Before class read the textbook pages indicated for the lecture topic. 習 /Expected work outside of After lecture, review your notes. If there are points you do not understand, raise class them at the next lecture session. 他学部・他研究科受講可否 可/Yes /Other departments' students 評価基準・割合 /Evaluation テキスト/Textbook テキスト1/Textbooks1 授業参加/Class participation (20.0%) 小テスト等/Quizzes.etc. (80.0%) その他/Others(in detail) :The final examination will be in essay format with the questions distributed at least two weeks before the end of the course. Participation may be measured directly by random checks on attendance or indirectly by assessment of the degree to which issues stressed in lecture are taken up in student written work. 自由記述/Free Text :Purchase of the textbook is not mandatory. 教科書を買うことは必須ではない。 著者名/Authors :Kenneth Pyle 書名/Title : The Making of Modern Japan. 2nd Ed. 2015/02/17 23:08 シラバス登録 [LOYOLA] 2 of 2 https://scs.cl.sophia.ac.jp/campusweb/campussquare.do?_flowExecut... 出版社・出版年/Publisher.Year : (D.C. Heath & Co., 1996). 必要外国語 /Required foreign languages 講義概要HP URL /URL of syllabus or other information English http://www2.gol.com/users/ehk/jochi/hst308 講義スケジュール/Schedule 授業計画/Class schedule 1.Introduction to the course 2.Bakumatsu and the Legacy of Tokugawa Era “Feudalism”. Pyle, pp. 1-75. 3.Restoration and Consolidation of the Meiji State. Pyle, pp. 77-95. 4.Defining a Constitutional System & the Emergence of Political Opposition. Pyle, pp. 97-158. 5.The Rise of Party Government and “Taisho Democracy” Pyle, pp. 159-87. 6.The Decline of Party Rule and the Rise of Militarism Pyle, pp. 187-92. 7.Socialism, Militarism, and A New Order for Japan and East Asia Pyle, pp. 192-205. 8.War, Empire, Defeat and Surrender Pyle, pp. 207-13. 9.Occupation, Punishment, Demilitarization and Democratization. Pyle, pp. 213-226. 10.The 1955 System and the Creation of the "One Party State" Pyle, pp. 227-240 11.Recovery and Income Doubling - Japan Becomes an Economic Superpower Pyle, pp. 241-54. 12.The Rise and Decline of the New Middle-Mass Society Pyle, pp. 255-83. 13.The Politics of Historical Memory - The "Rape of Nanking", the "Comfort Women", and the Yasukuni Shrine. Readings to be announced. 14.Modern Japanese History as Reported and Misreported in English Language Mass Media Readings to be announced. 15.Students may do ONE of the following outside of scheduled lecture time. (1) Visit a museum or historical site associated with the period covered by this course. (2) View a television documentary or film dealing with some aspect of the period covered by this course. (3) Read a popular book or manga that deals with some aspect of the period covered by this course. For whichever option chosen, submit a brief report describing what you learned. This activity will be discussed during the introduction to the course. 2015/02/17 23:08
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