2015.02.27 Aomori High School SGH News letter Vol. 1 Topics SGH生徒課題研究発表会を開催しました! 2月10日(火)、SGH生徒課題研究発表会を開催し、各クラスの 代表7グループが、研究の成果を発表しました。県内外を問わず、 教職員や保護者など多くの方々のご参加を賜り、本当にありがとう ございました。 1学年の生徒達は、今年度1年間を通じ、SGH講演会で様々な 課題について学んだり、フィールドワークで実地調査やインタ ビューを実施したり、プレゼンの技法などを学んだり、新しい多く のことを経験しました。研究発表会では、その成果が十分に伝 わってくるすばらしい内容の発表ばかりでした。 SGH事業に寛大なるご理解を示してくださった、保護者の皆様、 地域の皆様、SGHに御協力を頂きましたすべての皆様に、心より 感謝申し上げます。ありがとうございました。 ※1年間のSGH活動記録を、日本語と英語で青森高校のホーム ページに掲載しています。お時間のある時に、ぜひご覧ください。 SGH生徒課題研究発表会 タイトル一覧 ● 1組「あおもり経済に“いっぱい”の光! ~ラーメン“一杯”が青森を変える~」 ● 2組「青森市駅前商店街活性化による地域再生」 ● 3組「肥満 ~短命県とともに肥満県も脱却?! 青森県の現状と対策~」 ● 4組「Blue Forest (仮) ~二人の愛で再開発 ♡ ~」 ● 5組「インスタント麺で短命県返上」 ● 6組「青森県の経済活性化~愛してます、青森~」 ● 7組「青森県のゆるキャラがゆるすぎる件について」 編集メモ SGH事務職員の青木です。 3階職員室のアレックス先生の SGH News Letter 第1号は、 前に座っていますので、いつ いかがでしたでしょうか? でもお声かけください☆ ご感想お待ちしています。 (Aoki) On February 10th , 2015, students gave presentations on what they researched and investigated under the Super Global High School (SGH) program. We would like to thank you all those who attended. The students in the first grade have experienced many things throughout this year, such as studying various problems we face now through the SGH lectures, conducting research and interviews as fieldwork, learning the techniques of giving presentations, and so on. All the presentations they made were really excellent, and we could see the results of this SGH program. We would like to thank all the parents and families, and all the people who cooperated with us for their generous understanding on the SGH program. 平成27年1月8日(木)、SGH事業の一環として、1学年の参加希望生徒34名が三沢 基地内エドグレン高校の生徒に対して、インタビュー活動を行ってきました。以下は、成果報 告のレポートの一例です。 Amazing! ~From Edgren High School~ 1135 Nakashima Riko & 1532 Tajima Mitsuki We went to Misawa and visited Edgren High School on January 8th. We talked to Edgren High School students a lot. We introduced famous things in Aomori. First, we talked about miso curry milk butter ramen. They were surprised that all of them are in it, and said they want to eat it. Second, we showed how to play kendama. The students play it like us. It is popular among them. They played it very well. Then, we asked them about their lives. There are many things that we were amazed at. For example, all of them have lived in a lot of countries. The biggest number that the student answered was 6(Singapore, California, etc…). They had lived in these cities for about 4 years each. They learn foreign languages, but it is different from how we learn it in Japan. We were required to learn only English, but they can choose one out of four. The most popular language was Spanish. They said that Japanese pronunciation was difficult, so there are not many students who learn Japanese. We have entrance examinations before we enter our high school, but the students have exam before they graduate from high school. ☚This is our lunch! There are many kinds of foods. Our favorite is :Riko/Roast pork, Mitsuki/Cherry Crunch. They are very delicious! We had a really good time ! We will never forget.
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