GIFT SOLUTIONS WITH A TOUCH OF GLAMOUR INSPIRING GIFTS, ENDLESS BRILLIANCE With over 100 years of creative innovation and a rich tradition of technological perfection, Swarovski, the world leader in cut crystal, has transformed gift giving into an art form. 凭借百多年来的创意革新理念和致力追求完 美技术的深厚 传统,作为全球首屈一指的 切割仿水晶制造商,施华洛世 奇成功将精 美礼品转化为艺术杰作。 Recognized and trusted worldwide for its distinctive style and superior quality, Swarovski offers unique incentive and business gift ideas that deliver your sentiments with sophistication and elegance. 施华洛世奇凭借独特风格、精湛工艺以及卓 越品质成为享 誉国际的著名品牌,并一直 呈献各种富特色的奖赏及商务 礼品构思, 让您以精雕细琢及精致优雅的作品向合作伙 伴 表达祝福。 When giving has to create a lasting memory and express an individual message, many of our sparkling crystal items can be engraved with a message or logo of your choice. 若您正在寻找令人永志难忘,同时又能传达 独特心意的贺 礼,您可送上专属的施华洛 世奇仿水晶作品以作纪念。我 们许多闪烁 的仿水晶作品均可刻上个人信息或标志。 Celebrate successful partnerships, express your appreciation for clients and reward your valued employees with unique and memorable gifts from Swarovski. 独特又具纪念价值的施华洛世奇礼品,是庆 祝与伙伴合作 顺利、表达对客户的感激, 或奖励杰出员工的最佳选择。 With a stunning collection, elegant signature packaging, and an option to personalize your gifts, Swarovski helps your company’s strongest assets to achieve new heights of brilliance. 无论是令人炫目的精美系列、还是雅致及 标志性包装、又 或者是个性化的礼品,施 华洛世奇都能令您宝贵的企业财 富添上光 芒、令业务更上一层楼。 100年を超える、たゆみないイノベーショ ン、豊かな伝統と高い技術。 カットクリ スタルの世界的リーダーであるSwarovski は、コーポ レートギフトを新たな次元へ と導きます。 独創的なデザイン、高度な技術により 生み出される高品質のクリスタ ル製 品。Swarovskiのコーポレートギフトはさ まざまなビジネスシー ンに対応し、優雅 で洗練された印象を添えます。 大切な思い出にメッセージを込めて。シー ンに合わせて、オリジナル のSwarovski製 品を。クリスタル製品にメッセージやロゴ を刻印でき ます。 ビジネスギフトやスタッフへの報償品とし て、大切な思い出作りに Swarovski製品を お役立てください。 エレガントなパッケージ、クリスタル製 品にオリジナルの刻印、個性 あふれるギ フトコレクション。Swarovskiは企業の 価値をさらに輝 かせるお手伝いをいたし ます。 CONTENTS FASHION ACCESSORIES 8 Bags & Clutches 9 Small Leather Goods 10 Mobile Accessories 11 Key Rings MEN’S COLLECTION 16 Men’s Jewelry & Accessories 18 Men’s Jewelry Cufflinks JEWELRY 22 Classic Jewelry Sets 28 Classic Jewelry Collections 41 Classic Jewelry Pendants & Necklaces 48 Classic Jewelry Bracelets & Cuffs 52 Classic Jewelry Pierced Earrings 56 Modern Jewelry Collections 70 Modern Jewelry Pendants & Necklaces 72 Modern Jewelry Bracelets & Cuffs 52 Modern Jewelry Pierced Earrings HOME ACCESSORIES 82 Crystalline Collection 86 Starlet Collection 87 Classic Collection 88 Shimmer Collection 90 Ambiray Collection 93 First Steps Collection FIGURINES 98 Contemporary Nature 106 Mother Nature 110 Asian Motifs & Mythology 112 Asian Symbols 116 Crystal Nature 125 The Lovlots CHRISTMAS 130 Christmas 2015 STATIONERY 144 Crystalline Stardust Collection 153 Crystalline Collection 160 Stellar Collection WATCHES 164 Women’s Watches DISNEY COLLECTION 172 Disney Jewelry 174 Disney Figurines EXCLUSIVE LEATHER COLLECTION 182 Work Accessories 186 Wallets & Business Card Holder 194 Travel Accessories CORPORATE AWARDS & ACCESSORIES 200 Corporate Awards 203 Corporate Accessories 207 PERSONALIZATION 210 SWAROVSKI WORLDWIDE 214IMPRINT FASHION ACCESSORIES Wallets, purses, mobile accessories and key rings are finished with luxurious crystal embellishments. The beauty is in the detail. 缀以瑰丽仿水晶的钱包、零钱包、手提电 话配 饰与钥匙扣,通过精致细节展现非凡美感。 クリスタルを贅沢にあしらったウォレッ ト、パモイルアクセサリーホルダーとキー リング。ディテールの美しさが光ります。 FA S H I O N ACC ES S O R I ES Bags & Clutches New Power Rock Bag 5039247-1 Color: comet argent light / stainless steel / silk satin 18.5 × 9.5 × 6 cm / 18 7/8 / 7 1/4 / 3 5/8 / 2 1/4 in New Power Rock Bag 5039246-1 Color: crystal metallic light gold / stainless steel / silk satin 18.5 × 9.5 × 6 cm / 18 7/8 / 7 1/4 / 3 5/8 / 2 1/4 in 8 FA S H I O N ACC ES S O R I ES Small Leather Goods Glam Rock Flap Card Holder 5113143-1 Color: comet argent light / calfskin 11 × 7.5 × 1.5 cm / 4 3/8 × 3 × 6/8 in Glam Rock Flap Card Holder 5020955-1 Color: crystal metallic light gold / calfskin 11 × 7.5 × 1.5 cm / 4 3/8 × 3 × 6/8 in 9 FA S H I O N ACC ES S O R I ES Mobile Accessories Glam Rock Smartphone Incase for iPhone® 6 5142753-1 Color: silver / crystal rocks / calfskin/plastic case/alcantara® 14 / 7 × 1 cm / 5 1/2 / 2 3/4 × 3/8 in Glam Rock Smartphone Incase for iPhone® 6 5113321-1 Color: metallic light gold / crystal rocks / calfskin/plastic case/alcantara® 14 / 7 × 1 cm / 5 1/2 / 2 3/4 × 3/8 in 10 iPhone ® is a trademark of Apple Inc. FA S H I O N ACC ES S O R I ES Key Rings NEW! Glam Rock Key Ring 5174942-1 Color: crystal bermuda blue / crystal rocks/stainless steel / alcantara® 10 × 1.6 × 2.5 cm / 3 7/8 × 5/8 × 7/8 in July 27, 2015 NEW! Glam Rock Key Ring 5174947-1 Color: crystal metallic light gold / crystal rocks/stainless steel / alcantara® 10 × 1.6 × 2.5 cm / 3 7/8 × 5/8 × 7/8 in July 27, 2015 11 FA S H I O N ACC ES S O R I ES Key Rings ° Alice Key Ring 860475-1 Color: crystal / stainless steel / calfskin 10 cm / 4 in 12 ° Customizable FA S H I O N ACC ES S O R I ES Key Rings Archibald Key Ring 5020914-1 Color: crystal / stainless steel 9 × 3.5 × 1 cm / 3 1/2 / 1 3/8 / 3/8 in Star Key Ring 1162680-1 Color: crystal silver night / stainless steel 6 / 10.5 × 4.3 × 1 cm / 4 1/4 / 1 1/2 / 3/8 in Tayla Deluxe Key Ring 5113156-1 Color: black / crystal mesh/stainless steel / calfskin 13 / 2.8 × 1.4 cm / 5 / 1 × 1/2 in 13 MEN’S COLLECTION Designed to express the many facets of the modern man, the Swarovski Men’s Collection is certain to impress with contemporary accessories, clean geometric shapes and metallic finishes. This diverse assortment of classic to edgy designs incorporates accessories which are ideal for any occasion, day and night. 施华洛世奇Men’s Collection 的配饰,以 当代格调、俐落的几 何造型与金属涂层为 亮点, 彰显现代男性千变万化的一面。 さまざまな顔を持つ現代の男性像を、シン プルで幾何学的な フォルムとメタリック な質感で表現するコンテンポラリーな Swarovski Men’s Collection。 这些目不暇给,经典与前卫兼备的设计精 品,与日夜装扮皆 完美配衬。 クラシックからエッジーなデザインまで 幅広いバラエティを 揃えたコレクション は、昼夜を問わず、どんなシーンにもぴ ったりのアクセサリーが揃います。 M E N ’S CO L L E C T I O N Men’s Jewelry & Accessories NEW! Deed Pendant Cross 5159630-1 Color: crystal silver night / satined stainless steel 50 / 1.5 × 2.5 cm / 19 5/8 / 1/2 × 7/8 in July 27, 2015 16 M E N ’S CO L L E C T I O N Men’s Jewelry & Accessories NEW! Deed Cufflinks 5159646-1 Color: crystal silver night / satined stainless steel 2.5 cm / 7/8 in July 27, 2015 NEW! Deed Bracelet 5159640-1 Color: crystal silver night / satined stainless steel 20 cm / 7 3/4 in July 27, 2015 17 M E N ’S CO L L E C T I O N Men’s Jewelry Cufflinks NEW! Draft Set 5180677-1 Color: crystal / stainless steel 5 / 2.5 cm / 1 7/8 / 7/8 in July 27, 2015 18 M E N ’S CO L L E C T I O N Men’s Jewelry Cufflinks NEW! Draft Cufflinks 5159698-1 Color: crystal / stainless steel 2.5 cm / 7/8 in July 27, 2015 NEW! Draft Cufflinks 5165185-1 Color: crystal silver night / stainless steel 2.5 cm / 7/8 in July 27, 2015 Round Cufflinks 1095441-1 Color: montana / stainless steel 2 cm / 3/4 in NEW! Advantage Cufflinks 5142829-1 Color: crystal / stainless steel/black PVD lines 2.5 cm / 7/8 in July 27, 2015 19 JEWELRY Synonymous with sparkle and style, Swarovski jewelry offers the perfect balance between highoctane glamour and classic crystal treasures. 集闪烁光彩与时尚风格的施华洛世奇 首饰,在演绎极致魅力与经典仿水晶 瑰宝之间取得完美平衡。 輝きとスタイルを象徴するSwarovskiジュ エリー。グラマラ スでクラシックなデザ インが特徴です。 J E W E L RY Classic Jewelry Sets NEW! Diapason Set 5142738-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 40 / 4 cm / 15 5/8 / 1 1/2 in July 27, 2015 22 J E W E L RY Classic Jewelry Sets Tennis Set 5007747-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 38 / 0.5 cm / 14 7/8 × 1/8 in 23 J E W E L RY Classic Jewelry Sets Brilliance Set 1179712-1 Color: crystal / gold-plated 40 / 1 cm / 15 5/8 / 3/8 in Brilliance Set 1807339-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 40 / 1 cm / 15 5/8 / 3/8 in Attract Round Set 5113468-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 38 / 0.5 cm / 14 7/8 / 1/8 in NEW! Attract Set 5149222-1 Color: cubic zirconia / gold-plated 38 / 0.5 cm / 14 7/8 × 1/8 in June 29, 2015 Attract Set 5033022-1 Color: cubic zirconia / rhodium-plated 38 / 0.5 cm / 14 7/8 × 1/8 in 24 J E W E L RY Classic Jewelry Sets Beloved Set 5074346-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 36 / 1 cm / 14 1/8 / 3/8 in Agree Set 5032996-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 38 / 2 × 0.5 cm / 14 7/8 / 3/4 × 1/8 in Cyndi Set 5112175-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 42 / 1 cm / 16 1/2 / 3/8 in Cyndi Set 5117696-1 Color: siam/crystal / rhodium-plated 42 / 1 cm / 16 1/2 / 3/8 in 25 J E W E L RY Classic Jewelry Sets NEW! Vintage Set 5142379-1 Color: crystal/montana / rhodium-plated 40 / 2.5 cm / 15 5/8 / 7/8 in July 27, 2015 NEW! Angelic Set All Around 5166808-1 Color: crystal/montana / rhodium-plated 38 / 16.5 / 1 cm / 14 7/8 / 6 1/4 / 3/8 in June 29, 2015 Angelic Set 1106375-1 Color: sapphire/crystal / rhodium-plated 40 / 1 × 1 cm / 15 5/8 × 3/8 × 3/8 in NEW! Attract Light Set 5166045-1 Color: crystal/montana / rhodium-plated 38 / 0.5 cm / 14 7/8 / 1/8 in June 29, 2015 NEW! Attract Light Set 5160907-1 Color: crystal/siam / rhodium-plated 38 / 0.5 cm / 14 7/8 / 1/8 in June 29, 2015 26 J E W E L RY Classic Jewelry Sets Nude Set 1081922-1 Color: crystal white pearl/crystal / rhodium-plated 38 / 1 × 1 cm / 14 7/8 / 3/8 × 3/8 in Appear Set 5048087-1 Color: crystal white pearl/crystal / rhodium-plated 40 × 1.5 cm / 15 5/8 / 1/2 in Celestin Set 5119501-1 Color: crystal white pearl/crystal / gold-plated 38 / 1 cm / 14 7/8 / 3/8 in 27 J E W E L RY Classic Jewelry Collections Swan Necklace 5007735-1 Color: crystal pavé / rhodium-plated 40 / 1.5 × 1.5 cm / 15 5/8 / 1/2 × 1/2 in 28 J E W E L RY Classic Jewelry Collections Swan Bangle, M 5011990-1 Color: crystal pavé / rhodium-plated 15 cm / 5 7/8 in Swan Mini Pierced Earrings 1116357-1 Color: crystal pavé / rhodium-plated 1 cm / 3/8 in Swan Necklace 5063921-1 Color: crystal pavé / gold-plated 40 / 1.5 × 1.5 cm / 15 5/8 / 1/2 × 1/2 in Swan Mini Pierced Earrings 5083132-1 Color: crystal pavé / gold-plated 1 cm / 3/8 in Swan Bangle, M 5083133-1 Color: crystal pavé / gold-plated 15 cm / 5 7/8 in Swan Necklace 5121597-1 Color: crystal pavé / rose gold-plated 40 / 1.5 × 1.5 cm / 15 5/8 / 1/2 × 1/2 in NEW! Swan Mini Pierced Earrings 5144289-1 Color: crystal pavé / rose gold-plated 1 cm / 3/8 in June 29, 2015 NEW! Swan Bangle, M 5142752-1 Color: crystal pavé / rose gold-plated 15 cm / 5 7/8 in June 29, 2015 29 J E W E L RY Classic Jewelry Collections Circle Pendant 681251-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 38 / 2.5 × 2 cm / 14 7/8 × 7/8 × 3/4 in Circle Mini Pierced Earrings 5007750-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 2 cm / 3/4 in Circle Bracelet, M 678223-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 18 cm / 7 in Circle Mini Pierced Earrings 5084712-1 Color: crystal / gold-plated 2 cm / 3/4 in Circle Pendant 1081977-1 Color: crystal / gold-plated 38 / 2.5 × 2 cm / 14 7/8 / 7/8 × 3/4 in Circle Pendant 1081976-1 Color: crystal / rose gold-plated 38 / 2.5 × 2 cm / 14 7/8 / 7/8 × 3/4 in 30 J E W E L RY Classic Jewelry Collections Circle Heart Pendant 5113776-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 38 / 2 × 2 cm / 14 7/8 / 3/4 × 3/4 in Circle Heart Pendant 5139604-1 Color: crystal / gold-plated 38 / 2 × 2 cm / 14 7/8 / 3/4 × 3/4 in Circle Heart Pendant 5127999-1 Color: crystal / rose gold-plated 38 / 2 × 2 cm / 14 7/8 / 3/4 × 3/4 in Match Necklace 1062708-1 Color: crystal / gold-plated/rhodium-plated 38 cm / 14 7/8 in Match Bracelet, M 1062709-1 Color: crystal / gold-plated/rhodium-plated 16 cm / 6 1/4 in 31 J E W E L RY Classic Jewelry Collections Angelic Bracelet, M 5071173-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 17 cm / 6 5/8 in Angelic All-Around Necklace 5117703-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 38 cm / 14 7/8 in Angelic Pierced Earrings 1081942-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 1 cm / 3/8 in Angelic Pendant 1081938-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 40 / 1 × 1 cm / 15 5/8 / 3/8 × 3/8 in Angelic Pierced Earrings 5118533-1 Color: crystal white pearl/crystal / rhodium-plated 1 cm / 3/8 in Angelic Pierced Earrings 5112163-1 Color: crystal / rose gold-plated 1 cm / 3/8 in Angelic Pierced Earrings 1081941-1 Color: crystal / gold-plated 1 cm / 3/8 in 32 J E W E L RY Classic Jewelry Collections Tricia Pendant 5032907-1 Color: crystal white pearl/crystal / rhodium-plated 38 / 1 × 1.5 cm / 14 7/8 / 3/8 × 1/2 in Tricia Pierced Earrings 1179751-1 Color: crystal white pearl/crystal / rhodium-plated 1.1 cm / 3/8 in NEW! Tricia Pierced Earrings Drop 5156959-1 Color: crystal white pearl/crystal / rhodium-plated 3 cm / 1 1/8 in July 27, 2015 Nude All-Around Necklace 1179752-1 Color: crystal white pearl/crystal / rhodium-plated 41 cm / 16 1/8 in Nude Bracelet, M 5048084-1 Color: crystal white pearl/crystal / rhodium-plated 17.5 cm / 6 7/8 in 33 J E W E L RY Classic Jewelry Collections NEW! Attract Light Necklace 5142719-1 Color: cubic zirconia/crystal / rhodium-plated 38 cm / 14 7/8 in June 29, 2015 NEW! Attract Light Pierced Earrings 5142721-1 Color: cubic zirconia/crystal / rhodium-plated 2.5 cm / 7/8 in June 29, 2015 NEW! Emma Necklace 5166281-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 38 cm / 14 7/8 in July 27, 2015 Emma Pierced Earrings 1730583-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 0.7 cm / 1/4 in Heloise Pendant 1023992-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 38 / 0.7 × 2 cm / 15 / 1/4 × 13/16 in Heloise Pierced Earrings 1075333-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 2 cm / 3/4 in 34 J E W E L RY Classic Jewelry Collections Stone Medium Pendant 5017144-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 38 / 2.5 × 2.5 cm / 14 7/8 / 7/8 × 7/8 in Stone Bangle, M 1156344-1 Color: crystal pavé / rhodium-plated 5.8 cm / 2 1/4 in Stone Mini Bangle, M 5032846-1 Color: crystal pavé / rhodium-plated 5.8 × 5.2 cm / 2 1/4 × 2 in Stone Mini Bangle, M 5032852-1 Color: jet hematite pavé / black PVD 5.8 × 5.2 cm / 2 1/4 × 2 in Spiral Pierced Earrings 5099219-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 4 cm / 1 2/3 in Spiral Bangle, M 5071171-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 6.6 × 5.6 cm / 2 1/2 × 2 1/8 in 35 J E W E L RY Classic Jewelry Collections NEW! Diapason Necklace All Around 5184273-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 40 cm / 15 5/8 in July 27, 2015 NEW! Diapason Necklace, Small 5146739-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 38 cm / 14 7/8 in July 27, 2015 NEW! Diapason Necklace, Medium 5146738-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 38 cm / 14 7/8 in July 27, 2015 NEW! Diapason Pierced Earrings 5180709-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 4 cm / 1 1/2 in July 27, 2015 NEW! Diapason Bracelet, M 5146744-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 16.5 cm / 6 3/8 in July 27, 2015 Tranquility Pierced Earrings 1179730-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 2.4 cm / 7/8 in Tranquility Necklace 1179727-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 40 cm / 15 5/8 in 36 J E W E L RY Classic Jewelry Collections Azalea Collar 5032932-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 38 cm / 14 7/8 in Azalea Bracelet, M 5032935-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 16 cm / 6 3/8 in Talesia Necklace 1178115-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 38 cm / 14 7/8 in Talesia Bracelet, M 1178116-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 17 cm / 6 5/8 in Fidelity Collar Necklace 1121076-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 38 cm / 14 7/8 in Fidelity Bracelet, M 1106363-1 Color: crystal / pale blue / rhodium-plated 17 cm / 6 5/8 in 37 J E W E L RY Classic Jewelry Collections Solitaire Pendant 1800045-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 38 / 0.5 × 1 cm / 14 7/8 / 1/8 × 3/8 in Solitaire Pierced Earrings 1800046-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 0.6 cm / 1/8 in Solitaire Pierced Earrings 5112158-1 Color: light rose / rhodium-plated 0.6 cm / 1/8 in NEW! Solitaire Pierced Earrings 5143334-1 Color: montana / rhodium-plated 0.6 cm / 1/8 in July 27, 2015 38 J E W E L RY Classic Jewelry Collections Curled All-Around Necklace 5120541-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 37 cm / 14 1/2 in Curled Soft Bangle, M 5129334-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 5/9 × 4 cm / 2 1/4 × 1 1/2 in Megan Pendant 1071202-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 38 / 2 × 3 cm / 14 7/8 / 3/4 × 1 1/8 in Megan Pierced Earrings 1062665-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 3.5 cm / 1 3/8 in NEW! Meringue Necklace 5166020-1 Color: amethyst / rhodium-plated 40 cm / 15 5/8 in July 27, 2015 Meringue Montana Necklace 1062666-1 Color: montana / rhodium-plated 40 cm / 15 5/8 in 39 Meringue Montana Pierced Earrings 1062667-1 Color: montana / rhodium-plated 3.5 cm / 1 3/8 in J E W E L RY Classic Jewelry Collections Christie Necklace Oval 5118944-1 Color: multicolored / rhodium-plated 40 cm / 15 5/8 in Christie Pierced Earrings Oval 5118903-1 Color: rosaline / rhodium-plated 0.5 cm / 1/8 in Christie Necklace Oval 5118942-1 Color: rosaline / rhodium-plated 38 cm / 14 7/8 in NEW! Christie Necklace Oval 5156789-1 Color: crystal/multicolored / rhodium-plated 40 cm / 15 5/8 in July 27, 2015 NEW! Christie Necklace Oval 5159175-1 Color: crystal/aquamarine / rhodium-plated 38 cm / 14 7/8 in July 27, 2015 40 NEW! Christie Pierced Earrings Oval 5166017-1 Color: crystal/aquamarine / rhodium-plated 0.5 cm / 1/8 in July 27, 2015 J E W E L RY Classic Jewelry Pendants & Necklaces Alana Heart Pendant 1062588-1 Color: multicolored / rhodium-plated 38 / 2 × 2 cm / 14 7/8/3/4 × 3/4 in 41 J E W E L RY Classic Jewelry Pendants & Necklaces Cupid Pendant 5113778-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated/rose gold-plated 45 / 2 × 1.5 cm / 17 5/8 / 3/4 × 1/2 in Cupid Pendant 5118813-1 Color: light rose/crystal / rhodium-plated 45 / 2 × 1.5 cm / 17 5/8 / 3/4 × 1/2 in 42 J E W E L RY Classic Jewelry Pendants & Necklaces Amorous Versatile Pendant 5032964-1 Color: crystal/multicolored / rhodium-plated/rose gold-plated 40 / 2 × 2.5 cm / 15 5/8 / 3/4 × 7/8 in Crocus Pendant 5118732-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated/rose gold-plated 42 / 1 × 1.5 cm / 16 1/2 / 3/8 × 1/2 in Crocus Pendant 5112176-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 38 / 1 × 1.5 cm / 14 7/8 / 3/8 × 1/2 in Crocus Heart Pendant 5128098-1 Color: crystal / gold-plated 38 / 1 × 1.5 cm / 14 7/8 / 3/8 × 1/2 in 43 J E W E L RY Classic Jewelry Pendants & Necklaces Cupidon Pendant 5119331-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 40 / 2.5 × 2.5 cm / 15 5/8 / 7/8 × 7/8 in Cupidon Pendant 5139508-1 Color: crystal / gold-plated 40 / 2.5 × 2.5 cm / 15 5/8 / 7/8 × 7/8 in Cupidon Pendant 5113583-1 Color: crystal / rose gold-plated 40 / 2.5 × 2.5 cm / 15 5/8 / 7/8 × 7/8 in 44 J E W E L RY Classic Jewelry Pendants & Necklaces Mozart Pendant 1071200-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 40 / 1.5 × 1.5 cm / 15 5/8 / 1/2 × 1/2 in Heart Pendant 1809006-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 40 / 1.2 × 1.1 cm / 15 5/8 / 3/8 × 3/8 in Emotion “Happy” Pendant 5113777-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 36 / 3 × 1.5 cm / 14 1/8 / 1 1/8 × 1/2 in Emotion “Love” Necklace 5093577-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 36 / 3 × 1.5 cm / 14 1/8 / 1 1/8 × 1/2 in Emotion “Love” Necklace 5093576-1 Color: crystal / rose gold-plated 36 / 3 × 1.5 cm / 14 1/8 / 1 1/8 × 1/2 in Better Necklace Clover 5076853-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated/rose gold-plated 36 cm / 14 1/4 in Better Necklace Butterfly 5074329-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated/rose gold-plated 36 cm / 14 1/8 in 45 J E W E L RY Classic Jewelry Pendants & Necklaces Noble Mini Pendant 5007808-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 40 / 1 × 3 cm / 15 5/8 / 3/8 × 1 1/8 in Balthazar Pendant 5070889-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 60 / 5 × 2.5 cm / 23 1/2 / 1 7/8 × 7/8 in Cross Mini Pendant 956722-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 40 / 2.2 × 1 cm / 15 5/8 / 3/4 × 3/8 in Cross Mini Pendant 5020060-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 40 / 1.5 × 2.5 cm / 15 5/8 / 1/2 × 7/8 in Towards Horseshoe Necklace 1179724-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 38 cm / 14 7/8 in Tough Moon Pendant 1181093-1 Color: crystal/crystal moonlight / rhodium-plated 38 / 1.4 × 1.2 cm / 14 7/8 / 1/2 × 3/8 in 46 J E W E L RY Classic Jewelry Pendants & Necklaces Lavender Pendant 1039065-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 38 / 1.5 × 1.5 cm / 14 7/8 / 1/2 × 1/2 in Pebble Pendant 5079660-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 65 / 3 × 3 cm / 25 5/8 / 1 1/8 × 1 1/8 in Aline Pendant 5020058-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 38 / 0.5 × 3.5 cm / 14 7/8 / 1/8 × 1 3/8 in Gillian Y-Necklace 678189-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 40 cm / 15 5/8 in NEW! Delta Necklace 5140832-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 38 cm / 14 7/8 in June 29, 2015 Actual Pendant 5032791-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 40 / 1 × 0.5 cm / 15 5/8 / 3/8 × 1/8 in NEW! Delta Necklace 5140120-1 Color: crystal / rose gold-plated 38 cm / 14 7/8 in June 29, 2015 47 NEW! Vio Pendant 5152858-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated/rose gold-plated 38 / 1 × 1 cm / 14 7/8 / 3/8 × 3/8 in September 16, 2015 J E W E L RY Classic Jewelry Bracelets & Cuffs Voile Bangle, M 5007773-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 5.9 / 4.4 cm / 2 1/4 / 1 5/8 in 48 J E W E L RY Classic Jewelry Bracelets & Cuffs NEW! Dalliance Bangle Set, M 5184307-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 5.8 × 5.2 cm / 2 1/4 × 2 in October 19, 2015 Edith Bangle, M 1808935-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 6 cm / 2 1/4 in Channel Set Bangle, M 1800050-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 6 cm / 2 1/4 in Ready Bangle, M 1121058-1 Color: crystal / stainless steel 6.4 cm / 2 1/2 in Ready Bangle, M 5032904-1 Color: crystal / rose gold-plated 6.4 cm / 2 1/2 in 49 J E W E L RY Classic Jewelry Bracelets & Cuffs Tactic Bangle Thin, M 5080045-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 5.8 × 5.2 cm / 2 1/4 × 2 in Tactic Bangle Thin, M 5098368-1 Color: crystal / rose gold PVD 5.8 × 5.2 cm / 2 1/4 × 2 in Tactic Bangle, M 1179788-1 Color: crystal / rose gold PVD 5.8 × 5.2 cm / 2 1/4 × 2 in 50 J E W E L RY Classic Jewelry Bracelets & Cuffs Tennis Bracelet, M 1791305-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 17 cm / 6 5/8 in Emily Bracelet, M 1808960-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 17 cm / 6 5/8 in 51 J E W E L RY Classic Jewelry Pierced Earrings Vi Hoop Pierced Earrings 5017087-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 4.5 cm / 1 3/4 in 52 J E W E L RY Classic Jewelry Pierced Earrings Attention Pierced Earrings 5036781-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 2.5 cm / 7/8 in Canvas Pierced Earrings Set 5113770-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 1 / 0.5 cm / 3/8 / 1/8 in NEW! All Day Pierced Earrings Set 5184311-1 Color: crystal white pearl/crystal / rhodium-plated 0.5 / 1 cm / 1/8 / 3/8 in June 29, 2015 NEW! All Day Pierced Earrings Set 5184314-1 Color: crystal white pearl/crystal / rhodium-plated 1 / 1 / 2 cm / 3/8 / 3/8 / 3/4 in July 27, 2015 Typical Pierced Earrings 1179717-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 0.8 cm / 1/4 in NEW! Attract Pierced Earrings 5183618-1 Color: crystal white pearl /cubic zirconia 0.5 cm / 1/8 in June 29, 2015 NEW! Attract Pierced Earrings 5166807-1 Color: crystal white pearl / light pink cubic zirconia 0.5 cm / 1/8 in June 29, 2015 53 J E W E L RY Classic Jewelry Pierced Earrings Alana Pierced Earrings 1121080-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 0.9 cm / 1/4 in Pop Stud Pierced Earrings 1156233-1 Color: crystal silver shade / gold-plated 0.8 cm / 1/4 in Perpetual Pierced Earrings 1106454-1 Color: crystal white pearl/crystal / rhodium-plated 2 cm / 3/4 in Palace Pierced Earrings 1106512-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 1.5 cm / 1/2 in 54 J E W E L RY Classic Jewelry Pierced Earrings Brief Pierced Earrings 5076765-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 2 cm / 3/4 in Bella Pierced Earrings 883551-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated 1.5 cm / 1/2 in Bella Pierced Earrings 901640-1 Color: crystal golden shadow / gold-plated 1.5 cm / 1/2 in Bella Pierced Earrings Mini 5007738-1 Color: light sapphire / rhodium-plated 1.5 cm / 1/2 in 55 J E W E L RY Modern Jewelry Collections NEW! Circlet Set 5184291-1 Color: black diamond / rose gold-plated/mixed plated 45 / 2 / 17 cm / 17 5/8 / 3/4 / 6 5/8 in June 29, 2015 56 J E W E L RY Modern Jewelry Collections NEW! Circlet Necklace 5153380-1 Color: crystal/black diamond / rose gold-plated/mixed plated 40 cm / 15 5/8 in June 29, 2015 NEW! Circlet Pendant 5142818-1 Color: black diamond / rose gold-plated/mixed plated 45 / 2.5 × 3.5 cm / 17 5/8 / 7/8 × 1 3/8 in June 29, 2015 NEW! Circlet Pierced Earrings 5153433-1 Color: black diamond / rose gold-plated/mixed plated 2 cm / 3/4 in June 29, 2015 NEW! Circlet Bracelet, M 5153437-1 Color: black diamond / rose gold-plated/mixed plated 17 / 5.8 / 5.8 cm / 6 5/8 / 2 1/4 / 2 1/4 June 29, 2015 NEW! Deem Bangle Set, M 5184277-1 Color: black diamond / rose gold-plated/mixed plated 17/5.8/5.8 cm / 6 5/8 / 2 1/4 / 2 1/4 June 29, 2015 57 J E W E L RY Modern Jewelry Collections NEW! Duo Star Set 5140839-1 Color: light sapphire / rhodium-plated/rose gold-plated 38 / 0.5 cm / 14 7/8 / 1/8 in July 27, 2015 NEW! Duo Pendant Heart 5139473-1 Color: crystal/siam / rhodium-plated/rose gold-plated 38 / 1 × 1 cm / 14 7/8 / 3/8 × 3/8 in July 27, 2015 NEW! Duo Snowflake Set 5169397-1 Color: crystal/denim blue / rhodium-plated/rose gold-plated 38 / 1 cm / 14 7/8 / 3/8 in July 27, 2015 NEW! Duo Pendant Heart Medium 5169393-1 Color: crystal/siam / rhodium-plated/rose gold-plated 40 / 2 × 2 cm / 15 5/8 / 3/4 × 3/4 in July 27, 2015 NEW! Duo Pendant Clover 5139471-1 Color: crystal/emerald / rhodium-plated/rose gold-plated 38 / 1 × 1 cm / 14 7/8 / 3/8 × 3/8 in July 27, 2015 NEW! Duo Bangle Heart, M 5169396-1 Color: crystal/siam / rhodium-plated/rose gold-plated 5.9 / 4.5 cm / 2 1/4 / 1 3/4 in July 27, 2015 NEW! Duo Bangle Clover, M 5169395-1 Color: crystal/emerald / rhodium-plated/rose gold-plated 5.9 / 4.5 cm / 2 1/4 / 1 3/4 in July 27, 2015 58 J E W E L RY Modern Jewelry Collections NEW! Dot Pendant 5160866-1 Color: smoky quartz / gold-plated 38 / 1.5 × 2 cm / 14 7/8 / 1/2 × 3/4 in July 27, 2015 NEW! Dot Pierced Earrings 5172976-1 Color: smoky quartz / gold-plated 2 cm / 3/4 in July 27, 2015 NEW! Dot Pendant 5158489-1 Color: ruby / rhodium-plated 38 / 1.5 × 2 cm / 14 7/8 / 1/2 × 3/4 in July 27, 2015 NEW! Dot Pierced Earrings 5158581-1 Color: ruby / rhodium-plated 2 cm / 3/4 in July 27, 2015 NEW! Dot Pendant 5158514-1 Color: tanzanite / rhodium-plated 38 / 1.5 × 2 cm / 14 7/8 / 1/2 × 3/4 in July 27, 2015 NEW! Dot Pierced Earrings 5158582-1 Color: tanzanite / rhodium-plated 2 cm / 3/4 in July 27, 2015 59 J E W E L RY Modern Jewelry Collections NEW! Stardust Deluxe Bracelet Double Set, M 5184498-1 Color: crystal / stainless steel/gold PVD metal/rose gold PVD metal / metal fishnet tube 40 cm / 15 5/8 in July 27, 2015 NEW! Startdust Deluxe Set, M 5184494-1 Color: crystal/multicolored 40 / 5.5 cm / 15 5/8 / 2 1/8 in July 27, 2015 NEW! Stardust Deluxe Bracelet Set, M 5184490-1 Color: crystal/crystal golden shadow 40 / 5.5 cm / 15 5/8 / 2 1/8 in July 27, 2015 60 J E W E L RY Modern Jewelry Collections NEW! Stardust Deluxe Link Necklace 5180117-1 Color: crystal / rhodium-plated/stainless steel / metal fishnet tube 42 cm / 16 1/2 in July 27, 2015 NEW! Stardust Deluxe Necklace 5180944-1 Color: crystal / stainless steel / metal fishnet tube 42 cm / 16 1/2 in July 27, 2015 NEW! Stardust Deluxe Bracelet Double, M 5159279-1 Color: crystal / stainless steel / metal fishnet tube 40 cm / 15 5/8 in July 27, 2015 NEW! Stardust Deluxe Link Necklace 5165477-1 Color: crystal golden shadow / gold-plated/gold PVD metal / metal fishnet tube 42 cm / 16 1/2 in July 27, 2015 NEW! Stardust Deluxe Necklace 5180852-1 Color: crystal golden shadow / gold PVD metal / metal fishnet tube 42 cm / 16 1/2 in July 27, 2015 NEW! Stardust Deluxe Bracelet Double, M 5159277-1 Color: crystal golden shadow / gold PVD metal / metal fishnet tube 40 cm / 15 5/8 in July 27, 2015 NEW! Stardust Deluxe Necklace 5171532-1 Color: light silk / rose gold PVD metal / metal fishnet tube 42 cm / 16 1/2 in July 27, 2015 NEW! Stardust Deluxe Bracelet Double, M 5159278-1 Color: light silk / rose gold PVD metal / metal fishnet tube 40 cm / 15 5/8 in July 27, 2015 61 J E W E L RY Modern Jewelry Collections Stardust Knot Necklace 5138989-1 Color: crystal / palladium-plated / fishnet tube 40 cm / 15 5/8 in NEW! Stardust Knot Bracelet, M 5150128-1 Color: crystal / palladium-plated / fishnet tube 20 cm / 7 3/4 in June 29, 2015 Stardust Knot Necklace 5119019-1 Color: jet hematite/black / palladium-plated / fishnet tube 40 cm / 15 5/8 in NEW! Stardust Knot Bracelet, M 5110649-1 Color: jet hematite/black / palladium-plated / fishnet tube 20 cm / 7 3/4 in June 29, 2015 62 J E W E L RY Modern Jewelry Collections Stardust Necklace 5119069-1 Color: crystal / palladium-plated / fishnet tube 42 cm / 16 1/2 in Stardust Bracelet, M 5089839-1 Color: crystal / palladium-plated / fishnet tube 20 cm / 7 3/4 in Stardust Double Bracelet, M 5089840-1 Color: crystal/grey / palladium-plated / fishnet tube 40 cm / 15 5/8 in Stardust Double Bracelet, M 5089836-1 Color: crystal / gold-plated metal / fishnet tube 40 cm / 15 3/4 in Stardust Necklace 5127501-1 Color: crystal / gold-plated metal / fishnet tube 42 cm / 16 1/2 in Stardust Necklace Grad 5119065-1 Color: jet/vintage rose / rose gold-plated metal / fishnet tube 42 cm / 16 1/2 in 63 J E W E L RY Modern Jewelry Collections NEW! Stardust Day & Night Set 5184488-1 Color: dark multicolored / palladium-plated / fishnet tube 36 / 40 / 5.5 cm / 14 1/8 / 15 5/8 / 2 1/8 in October 19, 2015 64 J E W E L RY Modern Jewelry Collections NEW! Stardust Bracelet Set, M 5184499-1 Color: crystal/crystal golden shadow / gold-plated/palladium-plated / fishnet tube 40 / 20 cm / 15 5/8 / 7 3/4 in October 19, 2015 NEW! Stardust Bracelet Set, M 5184501-1 Color: crystal/jet hematite / palladium-plated / fishnet tube 40 / 20 cm / 15 5/8 / 7 3/4 in October 19, 2015 NEW! Stardust Bracelet Set, M 5184500-1 Color: crystal/grey / palladium-plated / fishnet tube 40 / 20 cm / 15 5/8 / 7 3/4 in October 19, 2015 65 J E W E L RY Modern Jewelry Collections NEW! Stardust Bracelet Grad, M 5151888-1 Color: light amethyst/multicolored / palladium-plated / fishnet tube 20 cm / 7 3/4 in June 29, 2015 NEW! Stardust Bracelet Grad, M 5152108-1 Color: crystal blue sha
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