和・洋古書:英語・英文学&日本学・海外雑誌 (有) 〒101-0051 東京都千代田区神田神保町 2-7 TEL 03 (3262) 0908 FAX 03 (3264)0734 小川図書 http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ E-mail; [email protected] OGAWA TOSHO LTD. 2-7, Kanda Jimbocho Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 101-0051, Japan 「ABAJ 創立 50 周年記念国際稀覯本フェア 2015 日本の古書 世界の古書」カタログ カラーページ掲載品 1 W.モリス 地上楽園 8 巻 ケルムスコット・プレス刊 1896-97 年 軟ヴェラム装 紙 刷り・限定 225 部 ゴールデン活字 Morris,William The Earthly Paradise. 8 vols. Hammersmith: Kelmscott Press, 1896-97. 193pp. / 121pp. / 169pp. / 137pp. / 241pp. / 217pp. / 203pp. / 186pp. Original full limp vellum, with two silk ties (vols.1-2; green, others; brown), gilt title to spines. One of 225 paper copies. Woodcut title, decorative initials. Printed in red and black in Golden type. Ex-libris. (Frederick John Hancock Lloyd; all vols. / Marbel Ashburton; vols.3-6). Boards and spine sl.stained and edges light foxing. Top edges somewhat darkened. 24x17cm. [aj1005-807955] ¥1,620,000 2 欽定訳聖書 5 巻 ナンサッチ・プレス刊 1924-27 年 総革装 三方金 特製 75 部(No.37) The Holy Bible: Reprinted According to The Authorized Version 1611 [with] The Apocrypha. Genesis to Ruth / Samuel to Psalms / Proberbs to Malachi / The New Testament / The Apocrypha. 5 vols. London: The Nonesuch Press / New York: The Dial Press, 1925, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1924. 327pp. / 417pp. / 327pp. / 309pp. / 237pp. [The Holy Bible: This book has been printrd by Frederick Hall, printer to the University, at the Oxford University Press, where the proofs have been read. The copperplates have been designed and engraved by Stephen Gooden. The typography has been arranged by Francis Meynell. The edition is limited to 1,000 copies on Japon vellum and 75 copies on Arnold unbleached rag paper for sale in England and America. This copy, one of the 75 on Arnold rag paper, was printed for T.E.Milligan Grundy. The Apocrypha: 1,250 copies, numbered 1 to 1250, have been printed on Japon vellum for England and America; and 75 copies, numbered I to LXXV, on Arnold unbleachedrag paper. This is number XXXVII.] Bound in brown full calf, gilt rule to boards, gilt title and gilt compartments to spine. A.e.g. Edges of spines somewhat rubbed. Very small worm hole to rear e.p.and flyleaves of "Genesis…". A small slip pasted on rear e.p.of "The New Testament". 31.5x20.3cm. [aj1006-807956] ¥864,000 3 ジョンソン英語辞典 初版 1755 年 2巻 ロンドン刊 3/4 革装 福田恆存旧蔵(蔵書印あり) 第 2 巻:905-916pp.欠(コピー補充) Johnson,Samuel A Dictionary of the English Language: In Which the Words are Deduced from their Originals, and Illustrated in Their Different Significations by Examples from the best Writers. To which are Prefixed, A History of the Language, and An English Grammer. By Samuel Johnson, A.M. 2 vols. London: Printed by W.Strahan, For J.and P.Knapton; T.and T.Longman; C.Hitch and L.Hawes; A.Millar; and R.and J.Dodsley, 1755. The First Edition. Unpaginated. 3/4 maroon morocco with cloth boards. Raised bands with gilt title to spines. T.e.g. New e.p. Text in 2 column. Title page in red and black. From the library of Tsuneari Fukuda with his stamp on title page and the first page of the dictionary. Boards and spine somewhat rubbed. Fore and bottom edge foxing. Title page of each vol.sl.stained. Pencil paginate notation. Some pencil notations to vol.I. The last page of vol.I spotted. 905-916pp.(TIM-TOR) of vol.II missing (supplement with phtocopied pages). 41.5x25.5cm. [aj1116-102400] ¥972,000 1 4 米國 平文先生 著 改正増補 和英 英和 語林集成 布製カバー付 日本東京 丸善商社藏版 第 3 版 明治 19 年 3/4 革装 布製カバー汚れ 前見返しに「製紙分社」ラベル貼り付き Hepburn,J.C. A Japanese - English and English-Japanese Dictionary. Third Edition. Tokyo: Z.P.Maruya & Co., 1886. xxxiii,962pp. Bound in 3/4 dark brown calf with dark red cloth and marbled e.ps., gilt title and gilt compartments to spine. A small label (Sheishibunsha, printer, copperplater & binder) pasted on front e.p. With white cloth dust wrapper with marbled flap, title on front cover and spine, printed in red. Corners of boards chipped, top and bottom edges of spine rubbed. Joints of front and rear boards and spine loosened and partly torn, and repaired with black tape from the backside. Edges foxing. Small pencil notations to p.961 & p.962. [Dust wrapper: sunned and worn, stained to front cover. Joint of flap torn.] 22.7x15.8cm. [aj1007-807957] ¥540,000 5 小泉八雲著作コレクション 12点(全点初版) 全点 3/4 革装 Lafcadio Hearn; First editions. 12 vols.set. Bound in uniform 3/4 leather, marbled boards. Gilt letters and motifs to spine. T.e.g. Ex-libris. Spines of each vol.somewhat sunned and edges foxing, and small label pasted on rear end paper. 1. Youma. The Story of a West Indian Slave. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1890. 193pp. With a frontis. 2. Out of The East. Reveries and Studies in New Japan. 341pp. 17.8x12.4cm. 18.7x12.5cm. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1895. 3. Exotics and Retrospectives. Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1898. 299pp. With 4 plates and 13 illus.in the text. 18.8x12.7cm. 4. Kotto. Being Japanese Curios, With Sunday Cobwebs. Collected by Lafcadio Hearn. With Illus. by Genjiro Yeto. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1902. vii,251pp. With a frontis.and 3 plates. 19.8x13.6cm. 5. Japan. An Attempt at Interpretation. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1904. v,541pp. With a colored frontis. pp.4-8 sl.stained. 19.8x13.6cm. 6. The Romance of the Milky Way and Other Studies and Stories. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1905. xiii,209pp. A corner of p.1 missimg. Fore edge of p.197 chipped. 19.2x12.8cm. 7. Letters from The Raven. Being the Correspondence of Lafcadio Hearn with Henry Watkin. With Introduction and Critical Comment by the Editor Milton Bronner. New York: Brentano's, 1907. 201pp. With 4 plates at the facing 36, 40, 70, 72pp. Some pages of this copy were unopened. 18.8x13cm. 8. Gould,Geroge M. Concerning Lafcadio Hearn. With a bibliography by Laura Stedman. Philadelphia: Geroge M.Jacobs & Co., 1908. 416pp. With a frontis.and 6 plates. 19.3x13.4cm. 9. Bisland, Elizabeth ed. The Japanese Letters of Lafcadio Hearn. Edited with an Introduction by Elizabeth Bisland. With illustrations. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1910. lx,468pp. With a frontis.and 5 plates. A corner of p.39 folded. Fore edges of pp.291-314 rubbed. Lower margin of p.449 sl.torn. 22.5x15cm. 10. Kennard,Nina H. Lafcadio Hearn. Containing some Letters from Lafcadio Hearn to his Half-sister, Mrs.Atkinson. New York: D.Appleton and Co., 1912. x,356pp. With a frontis.and 7 plates. 21x14cm. 11. Fantasies and Other Fancies. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1914. ix,241pp. 550 numbered copies printed at The Riverside Press, Cambridge in Oct., 1914. This copy No.465. 18.2x11.5cm. 12. Japanese Lyrics. Translated by Lafcadio Hearn. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1915. vii,85pp. 20.1x14.5cm. ¥450,000 [aj1003-807953] 2 6 明治 29 年(1896 年)6 月 15 日の三陸沖大地震(大津波)の時の岩手県知事・ 服部一三宛見舞状 封筒付・12 通 封筒なし・7 通 服部一三(1851-1929)は、ニューオーリンズで 開催された万国産業綿花百年記念博覧会(1884-85)に日本政府から派遣さ れた文部官僚で、博覧会の取材に訪れたラフカディオ・ハーン(小泉八雲)と 出会い、のちにハーンが来日した際には、島根県尋常中学校の英語教師の 職を斡旋した。明治三陸沖地震当時の岩手県知事。日本地震学会初代会長。 Letters of expressing sympathy to Ichizo Hattori, a prefectural governor of Iwate, after a disaster of Sanriku earthquake in 1896. With envelopes; 12 letters, letter papers only; 7 letters. 岩村高俊(福岡県知事)、小松原英太郎(日本赤十字社)、ジェフリース(仙台)、巣山三郎(京都府紀伊郡伏見町長)、 園田安賢(警視総監)、千田(貞暁)(宮崎県知事)、千阪高雅(東京麻布市)、徳久恒範(香川県知事)、中川元(熊本 第五高等学校)、長松幹(東京麹町)、畠山雄三(秋田県会議長)、原保太郎(北海道庁長官)、深野一三(鳥取県知 事)、藤本真弘(岩手県会副議長)、平山靖彦(秋田県知事)、村上義雄(徳島県知事)、渡邉時哉(岐阜県竹鼻町町 長)(以上 17 通)、ほか(2 通) [aj1012-807962] ¥864,000 7 ヨハン・レメリン(著) 解剖書 小宇宙鑑 ドイツ語版 アウスブルグ刊 1661 年 解剖図 3 点(紙を内臓の形に切り、一枚一枚重ね合わせて貼り付 けてあり、めくると深層の部位が現れてくる仕掛けになっている)。 全ページ綴じ外れ、ページ欠なし。汚れ、傷み。後見返しに「夜明関 行徳」 蔵書票、裏表紙に小さなラベル。(行徳家は久留米藩の御典医を経て、現 在まで代々続く医者の旧家。[大分県日田市観光協会ホームページより]) 著者のヨハン・レメリン(1583〜1632)は、ドイツのウルムに生まれ、チュービ ンゲン大学で哲学、医学を学び、1617 年までウルムで市医となった。1613 年に初版(ラテン語)が出たが、これは知人がレメリンに無断で出版したものである。1619 年にレメリン自身解説をつけ た通算第 4 版が出た。その後もいろいろな国語に訳されて、出版が続いた。レメリンがなくなった 1632 年には息子がド イツ語版をアウスブルグで出版した。『解体新書』出版(1774 年)に先立ち、日本で最初に翻訳された西洋解剖書『和 蘭全軀内外分合図』は本書のオランダ語版を訳したものである(1683 年頃)。 [原三信(編)「日本で初めて翻訳した解剖書」より] Remmelin,Johann Kleiner Welt Spiegel. Das ist: Abbildung Göttlicher Schöpffung an dess Menschen Leib / mit beygesetzter Schrifftlicher Erklärung / So wol zu Gottes Weissheit / als dess Menschen selbst Erkandtnus dienend / Auss / Johannis Remmelini, Philosophiae Et Medicinae Doctoris, Lateinischem Exemplar / in die Teutsche Sprach übersetzet / Durch M. Iohannem Ludovicum Remmelinum, Med. Stud. Authoris Filium. Augsburg: Gedruckt durch Johann Schultes Buchtrucker / In verlegung Johann Görlin Buchhändlers in Ulm, 1661. 22pp. With engraved title page and 3 engraved anatomical charts. All page out of binding with contemporary front and rear boards (worn, stained and surface peeled). All edge of each page chipped, worn, darkened and sl.torn. Upper edge and margin of bottom edge of title page missing. Tears of title page are repaired on verso. Margin of pp.1-2 light stained caused by liquid spilled. Upper edge of pp.3-7 and lower side of p.8 light stained. Margin of pp.14, 20 and 21 repaired. Right side of p.18 and left side of p.21 repaired and some letters missing. Some piece of paper pasted on charts of 'female and male' and 'male'. 'female' chart partly light stained. 2 parts of 'male' chart pasted on verso of rear board. Ex-libris on rear paste down and a small numbering label on rear board. 49x33.5cm. [aj1178] ¥1,800,000 8 ケンペル 日本誌 英語版 2 巻 1728 年 第 2 版 革装 2巻揃 Kaempfer,Engelberto The History of Japan, Giving an Account of the Ancient and Present State and Government of that Empire; of Its Temples, Palaces, Castles and other Buildings…Together with a Description of the Kingdom of Siam. Written in High Dutch by Engelbertus Kæmpfer…and Translated from his Original Manuscript, never before Printed, by F.G.Scheuchzer... With the Life of the Author, and Introduction... Illustrated with many Copper Plates. In 2 vols. London: Printed for the Publisher, and fold by Thomas Woodward at the Half-Moon over against St.Dunstan's Church Street, and Charles Davis in Pater-Noster Row. 1728. Second edition. 3 Vol.I: lii,391pp.+ explanation of the plates. Vol.II: 393-612pp.+ appendix, 75pp.+ the second appendix, 11pp.+ explanation + index. With 45 plates and maps, some folding. Folio, recent full speckled calf, spine with 6 raised bands, gilt motif and red title label with gilt title. Red colored edges. Title page of vol.II slightly faded caused by dampness. A number of plate misprinted ("ILII" of vol.II misprinted as "XXII"). Formerly in the collection of Harvard Sinologist Charles Sidney Gardner, with his book-plate tipped-in. 35.2x23.7cm. [jp0208-750512] ¥2,000,000 9 [縮緬本] エスパダ(訳) 西文 日本昔噺 第一号~第二十号セット Cuentos del Japon viejo: 10 冊 Leyendas y narraciones japonesas: 10 冊 計 20 冊揃 全冊初版 (明治~大正) 欧文(スペイン語)和装本 印刷者:柴田喜一 他 飜譯者:エスパダ 發行者:長谷川武次 郎 元箱付 美本 Cuentos del Japon viejo: 1「桃太郎」大正 3 年 5 月 14 日発行 2「舌切雀」明治 18 年 8 月出版 3「猿蟹合戦」 4「花咲爺」 5「勝々山」 6「瘤取」(以上 4 点)大正 3 年 5 月 14 日 発行 7「浦島」大正 3 年 3 月 14 日発行 8「野干の手柄」 9「俵藤太」 10「蜘蛛」(以上 3 点)大正 3 年 5 月 14 日発行 Leyendas y narraciones japonesas: 1(日本語タイトル記載なし「ねずみの嫁入り」) 2「八頭の大蛇」 3「因幡の白兎」 4「松山鏡」 5「海月」 6「玉の井」 7「文福茶釜」 8「竹篦太郎」 9「羅生門」 10(日本語タイトル記載なし「養老の滝」) 大正 3 年 5 月 14 日発行、「文福茶釜」「養老の滝」のみ発行日記載なし Espada,Gonzalo J.de la (trans.) Cuentos del Japon viejo, nos.1-20 [and] Leyendas y narraciones japonesas, nos.1-20. (Complete in 20 books). Cuentos del Japon viejo: No.1 Momotaro, No.2 El gorrion con la lengua cortada, No.3 La batalla entre monos y cangrejos, No.4 El viejecito que hacia florecer los arboles secos, No.5 La Montana Kachi-kachi, No.6 El viejo y los demonios, No.7 Urasima, el pescadorcillo, No.8 La venganza del raposillo, No.9 Su Alteza Saco de Arroz, No.10 La arana duende. Leyendas y narraciones japonesas: No.1 La boda de los ratones, No.2 La sierpe de ocho cabeza, No.3 La liebre de Inaba, No.4 El espejo de Matsuyama, No.5 La Medusa Candida, No.6 El Principe Brillante y el Principe Luciente, No.7 La olla magica, No.8 Sippeitaro, No.9 El brazo de ogro, No.10 La cascada maravillosa. First edition, first issue. All copies published in 1914, except for ‘Cuentos del Japon Viejo’ no.2 “El gorrion con la lengua cortada”, published in 1885. Crepe paper book, with numerous hand colored woodblocks, Japanese style binding. Housed in an original box. 15.3x10.7cm. [aj1076-707186] ¥648,000 10 [写本] 万延元年(1860 年) 遣米使節団記録 亜行船日記 萬延元庚申年正月 18 日から 9 月 28 日まで 識語に「文久元辛酉七月 佐藤秀長謹識」とある 使用済和紙(裏墨書)を使用 41 丁 Ako-sen Nikki. A manuscript: A journal of Hidenaga Sato, a member of the Japanese Embassy to the United States (1860). 41 Japanese papers. 24.8x33cm. [aj1013-807963] ¥680,000 11 [平紙本] 譯者 呉 文聰 西洋昔噺 第一號 八ッ山羊 明治二十年七月十五日版権免許同九月出版 (初版) 出版人:長谷川武次郎 和装・仕掛け本 タイトル及び本文日本語 右開き 美本 (Kure,Ayatoshi) Yatsuyagi (The wolf and the seven kids. Western Fairy Tale. No.1.)First edition. Tokyo: Kobunsha, 1887. (12pp., including front & rear covers) A pop-up book. Printed on Japanese paper and Japanese style binding. With numerous hand colored woodblocks. 18.2x12.4cm. [aj1071-707181] ¥250,000 12 [縮緬本] J.ドウトルメル訳 仏文日本昔噺 第一号~第二十号セット (「第二号 舌切雀」欠) Les contes du vieux Japon. 19 冊セット No.16 以外全冊初版 No.16 のみ再版 欧文(フランス語)和装本 翻訳者:ドウトルメル(No.1 には「佛國エプヲル君譯述」とあり) 發行者:長谷川武次郎 元箱付(擦れ、一部裂け) 各巻少々ヤケ、背少々擦れ No.3 裏表紙から数ページに薄いシミ、この巻のみ背が水色 (他の巻は黄色) No.5 全ページに何かを押し付けたような跡、表紙折れ 全体的には状態良好 4 1「桃太郎」明治 19 年 12 月 10 日出版 3「猿蟹合戦」明治 18 年 11 月 2 日出版 4 「花咲爺」明治 19 年 1 月出版 5「勝々山」明治 30 年 3 月 7 日発行 6「ねずみの嫁 入り」明治 28 年 8 月 1 日発行 7「瘤取」明治 30 年 9 月 10 日発行 8「浦嶋太郎」明 治 30 年 3 月 7 日発行 9(日本語タイトル記載なし「八頭の大蛇」)明治 30 年 3 月 3 日出版 10「松山鏡」明治 30 年 3 月 7 日発行 11「因幡の白兎」 12「野干の手柄」 13「海月」 14「玉の井」 15「俵藤太」 16「文福茶釜」(大正 2 年 4 月 20 日再版発行) 17「竹篦太郎」 18「羅生門」 19「羅生門」 20「養老の瀧」 (11-20: 日本語タイトル 記載なし、16 以外は明治 36 年 5 月 10 日発行) Dautremer,J. trans. Les contes du vieux Japon. No.1 Momotaro, No.3 La bataille du singe et du crabe, No.4 Le veillard qui fait fleurir les arbres morts, No.5 Le mont Katsi Katsi, No.6 Le mariage de la souris, No.7 Le vieillard et les démons, No.8 Ourasima : le petit pêcheur, No.9 Le serpent à huit têtes. No.10 Le miroir de Matsouyama, No.11 Le lièvre d'Inaba, No.12 La victoire du petit renard, No.13 La méduse simple et naïve, No.14 Le Prince Feu-Brillant et le Prince Feu-Luisant, No.15 Monseigneur sac de riz, No.16 La bouillotte du bonheur, No.17 Sippeitaro, No.18 Le bras de l'ogre, No.19 Les ogres d'Oyeyama, No.20 La cascade enchantée. 19 books (of 20). First edition, first issue, except for No.16 (second edition). Tokyo: Publié par T.Hasegawa, 1885-1913. No.2; "Le moineau qui a la langue coupee" missing. Crepe paper book, with numerous hand colored woodblocks, Japanese style binding. Spines in yellow silk, except for no. 3 (blue silk). Housed in an original box (somewhat rubbed and torn). Somewhat sunned and spine sl.rubbed. No.3: From rear cover to some pages light stained. No.5: With a dent in the center of this copy, front cover folded. Otherwise fine condition. 15x10.3cm. [aj1171-751304] ¥648,000 「ABAJ 創立 50 周年記念国際稀覯本フェア 2015 日本の古書 世界の古書」カタログ モノクロページ掲載品 13 プリニウス 博物誌 バーゼル刊 1525 年 黒厚紙装(擦れ) 一部ページにシミ [Gaius Plinius Secundus (Pliny the Elder)] Ioannes Frobenius Lectori S.D. en Damus. C. Plinii Secundi divinum opus cui titulus, Historia mundi, multo quam antehac unquam prodijt emaculatius: idque primum ex annotationibus eruditorum hominum, praesortim Hermolai Barbari: deinde ex collatione exemplariorum, quae hactenus opera doctorum nobis quam fieri potuit emendatissime sunt excusa: postremo ex fide uetustissimorum codicum, ex quibus non pauca restituimus, quae alioque nemo, quamlibet eruditus uel deprehendit, uel deprehendere poterat. Absit inuidia dicto. Vicimus superiores omneis. Si quis hanc palmam nobis eripuerit, non illi quide inuidebimus, sed studijs publicis gratulabimur. Bene uale lector, & fruere... Additus est index, in quo nihil desideres. Basileae apud Io. Frobenium, Mense, Martio. An, 1525. (index; 142pp.), (36pp.), 671pp. Black boards, red title label with gilt title to spine. With "Index in Uniuersum Naturalis Historiae C. Plinni Opus, Summa Dilingentia Collectus" at the beginning of this copy. Boards and spine rubbed and chipped. Corners of boards chipped. Surface of spine partly peeled. Joint of spine and boards started. Edges darkened and water stained. Front e.p. light stained and a small bookshop sticker pasted. Index; title page and p.69 of index light stained, and margin of p.141 chipped. Text; pp.99, 110-111, 153, 610-611, 630-631, 670-671 light stained. Ink notation to p.163 and the last page. 37.5x26cm. [aj1111-102395] ¥432,000 14 プリニウス 博物誌 リヨン刊 1548 年 総ヴェラム装(汚れ) 表紙外れ 本文インク書込 [Gaius Plinius Secundus (Pliny the Elder)] C. Plinii Secundi Historiae Mundi Libri Triginta Septem... Annexae sunt praeterea in calce operis Castigationes Sigismundi Gelenii. Has Sequitur Index longe quam locupletissimus. Lugduni, ex officina Godefridi et Marcelli Beringorum fratrum, 1548. (32pp.), 975pp.(numbering each column), (annotation; 32pp.), (index; 126pp.) Full vellum. Raised bands and title ("Pliny: Opa:") to spine. Text in 2 column. Front board detached. Boards and spine rubbed and stained. Surface of spine partly peeled and upper edge missing. Pages foxing. Pencil notation to rear e.p. Ink notation to front flyleaf, pp.5-6, 157-158, 163, 170, 175, 177, 499, 542, and 976. pp.405-408 foxing. Pp.581-584 light stained. 33.6x22cm. [aj1112-102396] ¥108,000 5 15 プリニウス 博物誌 全 37 巻 1 冊リヨン刊 1615 年 総革装(擦れ) 前見返しのど 一部裂け、綴じ緩み 前遊び紙から本文 p.10 までシミ有、薄いシミ有ページ多数 前半数ページにインク アンダーライン 一部ページ余白に少々虫食いあり [Gaius Plinius Secundus (Pliny the Elder)] C. Plinii Secundi Historiae Mundi Libri XXXVII, Opus. Omni Quidem Commendatione Maius. Sed Nullis ad Hunc Diem Editionibus, … Nunc Denuo Quanta praestari Potuif Fide, … Variis Quoque Sigism. Gelenii, Fredenandi. Lugduni, Apud Antonium Candidum, 1615. (36pp.), 32pp., 746pp., (index; 122pp.), (index; 38pp.), (8pp.), 114pp., 29pp. Full leather. Raised bands, red title label with gilt title to spine. Text in 2 column. Title page in red and black. Boards and spine rubbed, chipped and surface of leather partly peeled. Corners of bords chipped. Edges rubbed and darkened. Joint of borads and spine partly torn and started. Front e.p. torn, chipped and pencil notationed. Title page stained and upper right corner missing. From front flyleaf to p.10 of text stained. Many pages light spotted. Some pages wormed at margin. Ink underlined to first half of this copy. Upper corner of pp.473-478 missing. Plastic wrapper fasten with sellotape at front and rear e.ps. 34.3x23cm. [aj1110-102394] ¥108,000 16 プリニウス 博物誌 11 巻 ロンドン刊 1826 年 総革装(少々汚れ) 1、3、4、5、9 巻の背のジョイ ント部分に傷み [Gaius Plinius Secundus (Pliny the Elder)] C. Plinii Secundi Naturalis Historiae Libri XXXVII. Ex Editione Gabrielis Brotier Cum Notis et Interpretatione in Usum Delphini Variis Lectionibus Notis Variorum Recensu Editionum et Codicum et Indicibus Locupletissimis Accurate Recensiti. 11 vols. Londini: Curante et imprimente A.J.Valpy, A.M., 1826. v.1. Preface, etc., Naturalis historiae lib.I-III. (viii,652pp.). v.2. Lib.III-VI, De situ Paradisi Terrestris Disquisitto. (653-1277pp.+ 1 folding map). v.3. Lib.VII-IX. (1280-1837pp.). v.4. Lib.X-XV.(1840-2494pp.). v.5. Lib.XVI-XIX.(2496-3070pp.). v.6. Lib.XX-XXV.(3072-3676pp.). v.7. Lib.XXVI-XXXII.(3678-4298pp.). v.8. Lib.XXXIII-XXXVII, Index.(4300-4954pp.). v.9. Notae variorum, lib.I-XXVIII.(4958-5654pp.). v.10. Notae variorum, lib.XXIX-XXXVII, Notitia literaria, Recensus editionum, Recensus codicum mss., Index. (5655-5869pp., 18 plates, cccx). v.11. Index. (ccccxi-mxxi). Full calf. Raised bands with title label, gilt title to spine. Gilt motif to front boards. All edges marbled, and marbled e.ps. Boards light stained and spines somewhat darkened. Flyleaves light stained. Hinge of front boards of vols.1, 3, 4 and 9, and of front & rear boards of vol.5 damaged. 22x14.5cm. [aj1168-102439] ¥129,600 17 プリニウス 博物誌 新版 3 巻 パリ刊 1741 年 総革装(擦れ) [Gaius Plinius Secundus (Pliny the Elder)] Caii Plinii Secundi Historiae Naturalis libri XXXVII. Quos Interpretatione et Notis Illustravit Joannes Harduinus e Societate Jesu, Jussu Regis Christianissimi Ludovici Magni, in Usum Serenissimi Delphini. 3 vols. Editio nova emendatior & auctior. Parisiis, Impensis Societatis, 1741. Tomus primus; (28pp.), 1 folded map., 788pp., 11 plates. / Tomus Secundus; 835pp. / Tomi II. pars altera; 836-1279pp., (1pp.). Full calf. Raised bands with title label, gilt title and motif to spine. Red colored edges. New e.ps. Ex-libris.on front e.p. (Fir John E Swinburne Bar, Capheaton). Boards and spine rubbed and chipped. Corners of bords chipped and surface of spine partly peeled. Joint of spine and boards started and partly torn. Edges spotted. Small ink notation to margin of title page. Some pages of each vol.light stained and foxing. Tomus Primus; A label of spine peeled and chipped. Edges spotted. Pencil notations to pp.69-71 and 73. Margin of p.151 torn. / Tomus Secundus; Pages light damp stained. / Tomi II. pars altera; Small part of spine calf missing. Page number of p.891 misprinted as p.198. Lower corner of pp.973 and 1237 folded. 38.8x25.5cm. [aj1113-102397] ¥270,000 6 18 サミュエル・ボシャール ヒエロゾイコン 2 巻 1 冊 聖書の動物について フランクフルト・アム・マイン刊 1675 年 総ヴェラム装(汚れ) Bochart,Samuel Hierozoicon Sive Bipertitum Opus de Animalibus S. Scripturae, Cuius Pars Prior Libris IV. De Animalibus in Genere et de Quadrupedibus Viviparis & Oviparis. Pars Posterior Libris VI. De Avibus, Serpentibus, Insectis, Aquaticis, & Fabulosis Animalibus agit. Cum Indice Septuplici… Authore Samuel Bocharto, … Opera atque studio David Clodii Hamb.Profess.Gisseni. Recusum vero. 2 vols.in one. Francofurti ad Moenum, Impensis Johannis Davidis Zunneri. Typis Balthas Christophori Wustii, 1675. (68pp.), 1094pp.(numbering each column), (76pp.), 888pp.(numbering each column), (62pp.) Full vellum. Red colored edges. Text in Latin, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, and other Semitic languages, in 2 column. Title page in red and black. Boards and spine rubbed and spotted. Spine darkened. Edges rubbed and faded. Front e.p.partly repaired with paper. Rear flyleaf light satined. Page number of pp.821 & 823 of vol.2 misprinted as 822 & 823. 36.3x24cm. [aj1109-102393] ¥194,400 19 ヒポクラテス全集 フランクフルト刊 1621 年 ギリシャ語ラテン語併記 総ヴェラム装 ページヤケ 一部ページに虫食い及び文字の欠損あり [Hippocrates] Του μεγαλου Iπποκρατουs Παντων των ιατρων κορυφαιου τα ευρισκομενα. Magni Hippocratis Medicorum Omnium Facile Principis, Opera Omnia Quæ Extant, in VIII. Sectiones ex Erotiani mente Distributa. Nunc Denuo Latina Interpreatione & Annotationibus Illustrata, Anutio Foesio Medionatorico Medico Authore ... cum Indice Quadruplici longe amplissimo & utilissimo. Cum Gratia & Privilegio S.Rom Imp. Vicarii ad An. XII. Francofurti, In Officina Danielis ac Dauidis Aubriorum, & Clementis Schleichij, 1621. (12pp.), 1344pp., (45pp.) Full vellum, with two leather ties. Raised bands and title ("HIPPOCRATIS OPERA OMNIA") to spine. Text in Greek and Latin, in 2 column. Boards and spine rubbed, stained and sunned. Boards chipped at corners. Edges darkened. Front e.p.and flyleaves spotted and partly missing. Rear e.p.and flyleaves spotted. Ink notations to front e.p., title page and its facing page. From title page to p.37 partly missing at margin. Some pages darkened and spotted. p.51 wrinkled. From p.93 to 122 wormed at margin. From p.103 to p.139 wormed and some letters missing. Lower part of p.230 torn and fastened with a pin. Page number of p.413 misprinted as p.411 and letters of upper left corner of this page faded and hard to read. 2 small holes in p.11 of 'index' and some letters missing. 38.5x25cm. [aj1020-102392] ¥162,000 20 フォティオス 図書総覧 フランス・ルーアン刊 1653 年 ギリシャ語ラテン語併記 総革装 [Photios I of Constantinople] Φωτιου Μυριοδιβλον, η Βιβλιοθηκη : Photii Myriobiblon, siue, Bibliotheca librorum quos legit et censuit Photius Patriarcha Constantinopolitanus. Graecè edidit David Hoeschelius Augustanus, & notis illustrauit. Latinè verò reddidit & scholiis auxit Andreas Schottus Antuerpianus. Opus insigne, è quo Theologi, Medici, Philosophi, Historici, Oratores, & Philologi vberrimum fructum & iucundissimum capere possunt. Rothomagi, Sumpt. Ioan. & Dauidis Berthelin, fratr., 1653. (30pp.), 1624pp., 104pp. (numbering each column), (23pp.) Full calf. Raised bands and gilt title and motif to spine. Colored edges. Text in Greek and Latin, in 2 column. Title page in red and black. Boards somewhat rubbed and chipped at corners. Bottom left corner of rear board missing. Spine rubbed, upper edge partly missing, and joint of boards partly torn. Edges foxing. Rear e.p.and flyleaves spotted. Some pages light foxing. Ink notation to margin of title page. Page numbers of p.141 and p.144 misprinted. Upper side of p.906 partly torn. Margin of pp.1074 and 1422 chipped. 38x24.5cm. [aj1018-102390] ¥162,000 21 羅仏対訳聖書 3 巻 ウルガタ・フランス語対訳 リエージュ刊 1742 年 総革装(やや擦れ、傷み) 銅版画口絵、折 り込み図版および地図(1 点裂け) La Sainte Bible traduite en franc̜ois le latin de la Vulgate a côté, avec de courtes notes tirées des Saints Peres & 7 des meilleurs Interprêtes, pour l'intelligence des endroits les plus difficiles; et la Concorde des quatre evangelistes, en latin & en françois. Nouvelle edition, enrichie de cartes geographiques et de figures, avec les traitez de cronologie & de geographie, les sommaires des livres tant du vieux que de nouveau Testament, & de toutes les Tables tirées de la grande Bible Latine d'Antoine Vitre. De plus une idée generale de l'Ecriture Sainte, avec differentes manieres & diverses regles pour l'expliquer. Le tout augmenté d'une Table très-ample des Matières en français et en Latin. 3 vols. A Liege, chez Jean-François Broncart (at frontis.) / A Liege, chez J.Delorme de la Tour, … A Amsterdam, chez P.Mortier, J.F.Bernard. A Utrecht, chez Savoye. A Lahaye, chez J.Neaulme (et al.). A Cologne, chez Metternich. A Francfort et a Leipsik, En tems de Foires, chez, P.Mortier. et Van Duren. De l'Imprimerie de J,F,Broncart, ... (at title page), 1742. 1 frontis., xlvii, (1p.), 1 folding illus., 1 folding map, 922pp. / 849pp. / 502pp., 2 folding map (at the facing page of pp.2-3), 22pp., 171pp., (207pp.), 2 folding map (st the first page of Chronologia sacra), 23pp., (1p.). Full calf. Raised bands, gilt title and motif to spine. Marbled e.ps. All edges colored in red (faded). Text in French and Latin, in 2 column. Title page in red and black. With engraved frontis., vignettes, and initials. Front and rear boards scuffed. Spine scuffed and somewhat torn at edges. Title labels somewhat faded. E.ps.rubbed and faded. Vol.1: Light damp stained to pp.615-668. Vol.2: A small damage to right edge of front board. Lower corner of p.849 wrinkled. Vol.3: Hinge of title page started. Map of Jerusalem torn. Light damp stained to margin of the latter part of this copy. 39.5x26cm. [aj1175-403219] ¥324,000 22 アリストテレス 著作集 デュヴァル編 2 巻 パリ刊 1619 年 ギリシャ語ラテン語 併記 総革装(擦れ、少々汚れ) 第 2 巻に乱丁あり(ページ欠けなし) [Aristote] Aristotelis Opera Omnia quae extant, Graecè & Latinè. Veterum ac recentiorum interpretum, vt Adriani Turnebi, Isaaci Casauboni, Iulij Pacij studio emendatissima, cum Kyriaci Strozae, patritii Florentini libris duobus Graecolatinis de republicâ in supplementum Politicorum Aristotelis… Authore Guillelmo Du Val Pontesiano, Philosophiae Graecae & Latinae in Parisiensi Academiâ Regio... [with] Aristotelis Operum. Tomus Secundus. In quo libri ethicorum ad Nicomachum... Accesit synopsems analyticae universae doctrinae Peripateticae pars altera, in omnes posteroris huiusce… authore Guillelmo Du-Vallio... Adiecti sunt ad tomi calcem indices tres nonissime aucti & locupletati.2 vols. Lutetiae Parisiorum : Typis Regiis, 1619. Vol.I: (32pp.), 1251pp., (36pp.), 184pp. Vol.II: (2pp.), (2pp.), 3-1104pp., (31pp.), (1pp.), 131pp. Full calf. Raised bands with title label, gilt title and motif to spine. Joint of boards and spine repaired. Ex-libris.(Chatsworth). Text in Greek and Latin, in 2 column. Title page in red and black. Boards and spine somewhat rubbed and somewhat stained. Corners of bords chipped. Surface spine peeled. Edges darkened and somewhat stained. Joint of e.ps.repaired with cloth tape. Pages foxing. Vol.I: Water stained to upper margin of text. Vol.II: 310-312pp.spotted. Page number of 467, 470, 481-492, 661, 1066-1067pp.misprinted. Lower right corner of p.799 folded. 1057-1068pp.misbound. 40x27.5cm. [aj1115-102399] ¥216,000 23 ホメロス 著作集 バーゼル刊 1561 年 総革装(擦れ) 背の上端欠および少々裂 け 若干綴じ緩み タイトルページおよび 1 ページ目にインク書込があり、一部の文字 の判読困難 本文少々インク書込 一部ページ余白に薄いシミ [Homer] Homeri Opera graeco-latina, quae quidem nunc extant, omnia. Hoc est: Ilias, Odyssea, Batracho myomachia, et hymni: praeterea Homeri uita ex Plutarcho ... In haec operam suam contulit… Basileae: per Nicolaum Brylingerum, 1561. (4pp.), (index 16pp.), 317pp. Full calf. Raised bands with title label, gilt title to spine. A.e.g. Text in 2 column. Decorative initials. Boards and spine rubbed, stained and worn at edges. Hinge of spine partly torn and upper edge of spine chipped. Hinge of front board somewhat started. E.ps.stained. A small bookshop label pasted on front e.p. Pages foxing. Ink notations to title page and the first page, and some letters hard to read. Margin of first 4 pages and index light stained. Small ink notations to some pages. 33.5x21cm. [aj1161-102434] ¥129,600 8 24 ウェルギリウス アエネイス ガーヴィン・ダグラスによるスコットランド語訳 2 巻 エディンバラ刊 1839 年 背改装・厚紙装 各巻の表紙、裏表紙擦れ、 少々汚れ 小口ヤケ ページに少々シミ 第 1 巻若干綴じ緩み 第 2 巻前見 返しのど少々裂け [Virgil] Douglas,Gawin (Gavin) trans. The Aeneid of Virgil Translated into Scottish Verse by Gawin Douglas Bishop of Dunkeld. Presented to the Bannatyne Club by Andrew Rutherfurd and George Dundas. 2 vols. Printed at Edinburgh, 1839. 511pp./ 514-915pp., ix. Brown paper covered boards. Rebacked with cloth, gilt title label. Boards of each vol.rubbed, somewhat stained and chipped at edge. Edges sunned. A small bookshop label pasted on front e.p.of vol.1. Pages light spotted. Hinge of front and rear boards of vol.1 somewhat started. Front e.p.of vol.2 partly torn at hinge. 27.5x22cm. [aj1162-102435] ¥129,600 25 パウサニアス(著) ギリシア案内記 ハーナウ刊 1613 年 総ヴェラム装(やや擦れおよび汚れ) Pausaniae Pausaniae Accurata Graeciae Descriptio, qua lector ceu manu per eam regionem circumducitur: A Guilielmo Xylandro Augustano diligenterrecognita, & ab innumeris mendis repurgata. Accesserunt annotationes, quae à G.Xylandro paulo ante obitum inchoatae, nunc verò à Frid. Sylb. continuatae magnaq; accessione locupletatae, non exiguum ad genuinam Pausaniae lectionem momentum afferunt. Additaetiam doctissima Romuli Amasaei versio, antehac quidem seorsum excusa, nunc autem Graeco textui è regione accommodata, quaeq & ipsa plurimis à mendis vindicata breuibusque notatiunculis illustrata est. Appendice quoque aucta est haec Pausaniae ... & aliis, quae sexta abhinc pagina prolixius recensentur. Cum tribus rerum & verborum indicibus amplissimis. Hanoviae: Typis Wechelianis, apud haeredes Claudii Marnii, 1613. (24pp.), 899pp., (76pp. Index). Full vellum, blind motif to front and rear boards. Text in Greek and Latin, in 2 column. Title page with an engraved vignette of a winged horse. With engraved vignettes and initials. Boards somewhat stained, worn and chipped. Surface of upper edge of rear board peeled and missing. Spine somewhat stained, worn, small notationed and chipped at upper edge. Hinge of front board started. Edges browned. Ink notations to margin of pp.2, 320, 585, 624, 660, and index. 36x23.2cm. [aj1177-102447] ¥216,000 26 パウサニアス(著) ギリシア案内記 ライプツィヒ刊 1696 年 総ヴェラム装(やや擦れおよび汚れ) Pausaniae Graeciae Descriptio Accurata, Accurata, qua Lector ceu manu per eam regionem circumducitur: cum Latina Romuli Amasei interpretatione. Accesserunt Gul.Xylandri & Frid.Sylburgii annotationes, ac nouae notae Ioachimi Kuhnii. Lipsiae: Apud Thomam Fritsch, 1696. (26pp.), 943pp., (75pp. Index). Full vellum, gilt motif to front and rear boards and spine. Colored edges (faded). Text in Greek and Latin, in 2 column. Title page in red and black with an engraved vignette of a winged horse. With engraved vignettes and initials. Boards somewhat spotted and worn. Spine sunned and chipped. Hinge of front board started. Edges sunned. A small piece of paper pasted on front e.p. Front flyleaf spotted. Pages light foxing and "index" pages browned. 35x23cm. [aj1176-102446] ¥216,000 27 ウィリアム J.バーチェル 南アフリカ紀行 初版 2巻揃 ロンドン 1822 年・1824 年 総革装 カラー、モノクロ図版多数 Burchell,William John Travels in the Interior of Southern Africa. 2 vols. First edition. London: Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees Orme, Brown ('and Green' in vol.2), 1822 & 1824. Vol.1: viii+Contens, list of illus.& errata+582pp.+1 folded map of Southern Africa. Vol.2: Contens, list of illus.& errata+648pp. Full calf, gilt crest on front boards, gilt 9 title and gilt motif on spines, all edges marbled with marbled e.ps. With numerous b/w and hand colored engravings. [From the library of Marquis of Stafford with crest on front boards and ex-libris.on front e.ps.] Boards of each vol.somewhat damaged but repaired professionally. Joints of e.ps.repaired with cloth tapes. This copy without both half titles. 27.3x22.2cm. [aj785-102004] ¥756,000 28 ペトラルカ 詩集 2 巻 ヴェネツィア刊 1756 年 総革装 銅版画プレートおよび図版 各巻タイトルラベル部分欠 第 1 巻の背少々裂け、第 2 巻の上端欠 第 2 巻若干綴じ緩み [Petrarca,Francesco] Le Rime del Petrarca. Brevemente Esposte per Lodovico Castelvetro. Edizione Corretta Illustrata, ed Accresciuta, Siccome dalla seguente Prefazione Apparisce. 2 vols. In Venezia, presso Antonio Zatta, 1756. lxxx,557pp./ xvi,615pp. Full calf. Raised bands with title label, gilt title to spine. E.ps.with a colored pattern. Engraved plates and illus.engraved by B.Crivellari, Brustolon, Magnini et al. With 2 ex-libris.on front e.ps.of each vol. (J.W.Middleton Berry, Ballynegall & Vincent Lloyd-Russell). Surface of boards sl.rubbed. Title label of each vol.partly missing. Hinge of front board of vol.1 partly torn. Top edge of spine of vol.2 chipped. Hinge of pp.240-241 of vol.2 started. 29.5x22.3cm. [aj1164-102437] ¥162,000 29 エリス編 シェイクスピア詩集 ケルムスコット・プレス刊 1893 年 軟ヴェラム装 紙刷り・限定 500 部 ゴールデン活字 [Shakespeare,William] Ellis,Frederick S. ed. The Poems of William Shakespeare, Printed After the Original Copies of Venus and Adonis, 1593. The Rape of Lucrece, 1594. Sonnets, 1609. The Lover's Complaint. Edited by Frederick S.Ellis, and printed by William Morris at the Kelmscott Press, Upper Mall, Hammersmith, in the Country of Middlesex, and finished on the 17th day of January, 1893. Sold by Reeves & Turner, 196, Strand. Hammersmith: Kelmscott Press, 1893. 216pp. Original full limp vellum, with two brown silk ties, gilt title to spines. Limited to 510 copies of which this is one of 500 on paper. Woodcut title, decorative initials. Printed in red and black in Golden type. Boards and spine sl.stained and edges light foxing. Ties torn away at ends. 21x15.2cm. [aj1156-808010] ¥486,000 30 S.ルイス 英国地誌辞典 4 巻 1/2 革装 Lewis,Samuel A Topographical Dictionary of England, Comprising the Several Counties, Cities, Boroughs, Corporate and Market Towns, Parishes, Chapelries, and Townships, and the Islands of Guernsey, Jersey, and Man, with Historical and Statistical Descriptions; Illustrated by Maps of the Different Counties and Islands; A Map of England, Shewing The Principal Towns, Roads, Railways, Navigable Rivers, and Canals; and A Plan of London and its Environs; and Embellished with Engravings of the Arms of the Cities, Bishopricks, Universities, Colleges, Corporate Towns, and Boroughs; and of the Seals of the Several Municipal Corporations. In 4 vols. London: Published by S. Lewis and Co., 1831. Vol.I: lxiv,572pp. / Vol.II: 538pp. / Vol.III: 652pp. / Vol.IV: 634pp. With some folding maps of each vols. Half leather with gilt title & decorated on spine & marbled boards. All edges marbled. Marbled endpapers. Front & rear cover sl.sunned & rubbed. Its spine sunned & peeled. Lower part of spine of some vols. sl.cracked & chipped. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear fly leaf partly sunned. Some pages sl.sunned. [Vol.IV]: Joint of front & rear cover started. Red ink painted & pencil line on map of "Yorkshire". 30x24cm. [aj1120-300898] ¥216,000 10 31 W.モリス クリストファ王子と美女ゴルディリンド 2巻 ケルムスコット・プレス刊 1895 年 背ホランド装 紙刷り・限定 600 部 チョーサー活字 Morris,William Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair. 2 vols. Hammersmith: Kelmscott Press, 1895. 256pp. / 239pp. Original holland-backed blue boards. One of limited 600 copies. Uncut. Complete with errata slip at the end of vol.1. Printed in red & black in Chaucer type. Vol.1 with woodcut title page. Decorated initials. Some minor stains to boards of each vol.and corners sl.chipped. Spines browning, rubbed and title label chipped. Edges foxing and top edges somewhat darkened. 14.8x11cm. [aj1004-807954] ¥194,400 32 ボズウェル ジョンソン伝 2 巻 初版初刷 総革装 故 脇村義太郎先生旧蔵(無署名) Boswell,James The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Comprehending an Account of his Studies and Numerous Works, in Chronological Order; A Series of his Epistolary Correspondence and Conversations with many Eminent Persons; and Various Original Pieces of his Composition, Never Before Published. The Whole Exhibiting a View of Literature and Literary Men in Great-Britain, for Near Half a Century, During which he Flourished. In 2 vols. First edition. First issue. London: Printed by Henry Baldwin, 1791. Vol.I: xii,[16pp.]+516pp. / Vol.II: 588pp. Full brown leather with title label on spine. All edges red. With a frontispiece & incorrect spelling "gve" on line 10 of p.135 in Vol.I. One plate "Round Robin" at p.92 & Facsimilles of Dr. Johnson's hand writing at p.588 in Vol.II. Front & rear cover partly stained & sl.scuffing. Side of covers sl.rubbed & chipped. Its spine sl.sunned & stained. Top edges partly stained. Fore & bottom edges sl.sunned. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf partly sunned. Title page sl.sunned. A small spotted on several pages. [Vol.I]: Rear ep. sl.wrinkled. From the library of Yoshitaro,WAKIMURA (without signature). [s05463-212619] ¥648,000 33 テディ・ベア&アザー・ソングス (「ぼくたちがとてもちいさかったころ」より) A.A.ミルン作詞 フレーザー・シムソン作 曲 E.H.シェパード挿絵 ロンドン:メシュ エン刊 1926 年 限定 100 部 ミルン、フ レーザー・シムソン、シェパードの署名入 表紙に薄いシミ Milne,A.A Teddy Bear & Other Songs from When We Were Very Young by A.A.Milne. Music by H.Fraser-Simson. Decorations by E.H.Shepard. This edition, published in 1926, is limited to 100 numbered and signed copies, of which this is No.44. London: Methuen & Co., 1926. 43pp. Signed by A.AMilne, H.Fraser-Simson and E.H.Shepard. Navy cloth backed gray boards, title label (with illus.) on front boards. Front board and title label somewhat stained. Corners of boatds chipped. 33x26.5cm. [aj1014-807964] ¥194,400 34 D.H.ロレンス 署名入書簡 1912 年 6 月 15 日付 4 頁・2 葉 封筒 マックレオド(代用教員時代の同僚)宛 フリーダとの不倫を非難された手紙に対するローレンスの切々たる気持ちを詩的 に記した貴重な書簡 ケムブリッジ版書簡集第 1 巻 No.462 に所収 Lawrence,D.H. A Letter of D.H.Lawrence. To Arthur McLeod, 15 June 1912. Autograph Letter Signed, 4pp on one folded 21.7x27.5cm sheet of Professor Edgar Jaffe's paper. With a small envelope (7.2x11.1cm). 11 [The Cambridge Edition of the Letters of D.H.Lawrence. Vol.I, no.462.] Lawrence fell in love with Frieda Weekly the German wife of Lawrence's teacher, English philologist Ernest Weekly, and they eloped in May 1912. In this letter, he wrote frankly about his love for Frieda and how wonderful to love and to be loved. ("… There I read your letter. I was on my honeymoon. I an not legally married. Perhaps some day the great scandal will come out. But I don't care. I have been fearfully happy. I long to go back to Frieda on Monday. I am in love - and, my God, it's the greatest thing that can happen to a man...") [abaj2005-100943] ¥864,000 35 [仕掛け絵本] ローター・メッゲンドルファ Scenes in the Life of Masher ロンドン刊 1890 年頃 厚紙装 仕掛け付カラープレート 8 点 表紙、裏表紙擦れ Meggendorfer,Lothar Scenes in the Life of Masher. A Movable Toybook by Lothar Meggendorfer. London: H.Grevel & Co., n.d. (c.1890) (18pp., including 8 colored movable plates). "Introduction" at the first page, verse at the recto pages and plates at facing pages. Cloth backed color pictorial boards. Front and rear boards rubbed, worn, and stained. Pages light foxing. Ink notation to front e.p. Bottom edge of p.6 (verse) partly missing. Some pages light spotted. 37x26cm. ¥237,600 [aj1149-500301] 36 [仕掛け絵本] The Jolly Old Man Who Sings Down Derry Down ロンドン:ディーン&サン刊 19 世紀中頃 稀少 厚紙装 手彩色プレート 8 点、描かれた人物の顔にあたる部分がくり抜かれ ており、最後のプレートにはめ込まれた木彫りの顔が覗く仕掛け 表紙、裏表 紙端および背補修 表紙少々汚れ The Jolly Old Man Who Sings Down Derry Down. London: Dean & Son, n.d. (c.mid 19th century) 8 plates, printed on one side of the paper. Cloth backed color pictorial boards. With a hole cut in each page through which protrudes an actual carved wooden head that is mounted on the last page of text (p.8). The wooden head fits into each of the 8 hand-colored engravings. Front and rear covers and spine chipped but neatly repaired. Front cover somewhat darkened and rear cover sl.rubbed. A small bookshop label pasted on front e.p. Some light spotted to pages. Ink notation (dated 1865) to front flyleaf. Scarce. 25.7x17.6cm. [aj1147-500294] ¥162,000 37 エドワード・リア 「ナンセンスの絵本」 第 2 版 日付記載なし(ロンドン刊 1855 年) 稀少 背クロース装・マーブル表紙(角大きく欠け) プレート 1 点欠、重複プレート(1 枚)あり Lear,Edward A Book of Nonsense. Second edition. [London: Thomas McLean, 1856.] n.d. Lithographic title plate and 72 lithographic plates, each on the recto page. The plate "There was an Old Man of Kildare" missing, but "There was an Old Man of Moldavia" in duplicate. With a preserve box. Contemporary marbled boards, brown cloth spine with gilt title. No printed title page to the second edition, but the first plate "Old Derry Down Derry" with the title of the book in the illustration. The two "Old Man of the West" limericks are usually miscaptioned to the second edition but this copy corrected. Boards rubbed and sunned, upper right corner of the front board missing. Spine cloth somewhat darkened. Edges sunned. Inner hinges repaired. E.ps.sunned. Some pages spotted and / or water stained. The hinge at the middle of this book repaired with plastic tape. Scarce. 13.8x20.5cm. [aj1117-500280] ¥350,000 38 [仕掛け絵本] The Electrical Wonder Book ニューヨーク/ロンドン:パーカー・ブラザース刊 20 世紀中頃? 厚紙 装 元函 前見返し中央に先生のイラスト、後見返しに生徒のイラストが描かれており、各ページのくりぬかれた部分か らイラストが見えるようになっている。それぞれの人物の可動式の腕が仕込まれた磁石で動き、ページに印刷された質 問の答えがわかる仕掛け。 The Electrical Wonder Book. New York & London: Parker Brothers, n.d. (c.mid 20th century) 12 25pp. Cloth backed color pictorial boards. With a hole cut in center of each page through which protrudes illus.of a schoolmaster (at front e.p.) and a schoolboy (at rear e.p.) with iron movable arms. 14 questions are printed on recto of the pages and 14 answers are on the facing pages, and check the answer by the movement of the arm with the device of the magnet. Front and rear boards sl.rubbed and sl.stained. With a preserved case, sl.rubbed and sl.torn, with a small bookshop label pasted on inside. 22.8x25.5cm. [aj1148-500295] ¥108,000 39 [パリ・ファッション雑誌] Journal des Demoiselles. Trente-quatrième Année. 1866 年 1 月-12 月号 合本冊数:12 [ファッション・プレート] 白黒・3 点 白黒(折込)・2 点 / カラー・11 点 / [その他図 版]白黒・2 点 背革装 / 表紙、裏表紙、背擦れ 背上下端を中心に傷 小口ヤケ 見返し少々ヤケ 前見返 しに白い汚れ ページ少々ヤケ 白い汚れのある広告ページあり Paris: Au Bureau du Jounal. 3 b/w and 11 colored fashion plates. 2 foleded b/w fashion plates and 2 b/w plates. 380pp.+(ad.)Dark green leather backed marbled boards. Gilt title to spine. Marbled e..ps. Boards and spine wholly rubbed. Spine rubbed and chipped. Edges sunned. E.ps.somewhat sunned. A small white stain on front e.p. Pages light sunned. An advertising page white stained. 28.4x19.5cm. [aj899-807354] ¥35,640 40 [パリ・ファッション雑誌] La Mode Illustrée. Journal de la Famille. Vingt-troisième Année de la Publication. / Vingt-quatrième Année de la Publication. 1882 年 1 月 1 日号-12 月 31 日号 / 1883 年 1 月 7 日号-6 月 24 日号 合本冊数:78 記事内に白黒図版多数 背革装 / 表紙少々擦れ、部分退色 裏表紙ヤケ、擦れ、汚れ 背擦れ、表面剥がれ、傷 小口 ヤケ 見返しヤケ ページ余白を中心に薄いシミあり 後遊び紙上端少々欠 [1882 年] p.39 余 白に小さな破れ p.103 余白に小さな穴 p.231-232 に濃い点状のシミ 1 か所 p.325 余白に小さ な破れ p.327 余白テープで補修 p.330-335 に濃い点状のシミ p.360-361 ヤケ p.363 裂け 12 月 24 日号と 31 日号の順番が逆になっている [1883 年] p.95 余白テープで補修 5 月 6 日 号、6 月 17 日号、6 月 24 日号ヤケ p.143-145 大きなシミ Paris: A La Librairie de Firmin-Didot et cie. With numerous b/w illus. iv,416pp. / iv,200pp. Dark green leather backed marbled boards. Gilt title to spine. Marbled e..ps. Front board somewhat rubbed and partly faded. Rear cover sunned, rubbed and stained. Spine rubbed and peeled. Edges sunned. Front and rear e.ps.sunned. Upper edge of rear flyleaf partly missing. Pages light stained at the margin. [1882] Margin of p.39 and p.325 sl.torn. A small hole on the margin of p.103. Dark small stain on pp.231-232 and pp.330-335. Margin of p.327 repaired. pp.360-361 sunned. p.363 torn. Dec.24 issue and Dec.31 issue misbound. [1883] Margin of p.95 repaired. May 6, June 17 and 24 issues sunned. pp.143-175 stained. 37.7x27.5cm. [aj908-807349] ¥43,200 41 [フランス生地見本帖] agp シルク 1956 年・夏 生地見本多数 生地を使用した女性ファッ ション画あり 一部生地ピン留め [album of samples of fabrics] agp soieries. Été 1956. Paris, 1956. 104pp. Brown cloth backed ivory boards. Numerous pieces of fabric pasted on pages. With illus. of women that wear the clothes which made using the sample fabric.Front and rear boards somewhat stained, rubbed and partly peeled. Spine rubbed. Some fabrics pinned on pages. Ink notations to pp.103-104. 40.8x32.7cm. [aj971-807949] ¥216,000 13 42 バルセロナ リセウ大劇場 1837 年-1930 年 3/4 ヴェラム装 カラー・プレート 20 点 本文中にモノクロ図版多数 Bertran,Marc-Jesús El Gran Teatre del Liceu de Barcelona 1837-1930. Amb un prefaci "Com s'ha arribat al Liceu", per Francesc Carreras i Candi. Mil vint documents gràfics intercalats en el text i altres trenta en làminas apart, reproducïts a tot color. 750 exemplars ordinaris de paper de fil. (Limited edition. This copy is no.590.) Barcelona: Oliva de Vilanova, 1931. xxiv,406pp.+ 20 colored plates. Bound in 3/4 vellum, marbled boards. Spine in gilt with 2 brown morocco labels. Top edge red. Pictorial e.ps. Numerous illus.in text. Boards and spine light foxing and sl.stained. Edges light sunned. 35.5x25.6cm. [aj921-807941] ¥108,000 43 [縮緬本] 横浜ベーマー商会 1895-6 年 輸出用日本産植物価格表 球根、苗木、種など 表紙および奥付に日本語タイトルなし 欧文(英語)和装本 全体的に少々ヤケ、皺 ページ角折れ 背布の上下端欠け 裏表紙上端に裂け L.Boehmer, A.Unger Price List. Japanese Bulbs, Plants, Seeds & c. Exported by Boehmer & Co. Nurserymen & Florists. Nos.4, 5 & 28 Bluff. Yokohama Japan 1895-6. Druck, Illustrationen & Papier von T.Hasegawa, Tokyo, n.d.(c.1895). (42pp., including front & rear covers) Crepe paper book, with hand colored woodblocks, Japanese style binding. Somewhat sunned and wrinkled. Corners of pages folded. Edges of spine chipped. Upper edge of rear cover torn. 17.2x13.7cm. [aj1074-707184] ¥172,800 44 [平紙本] K.フロレンツ 寺子屋 明治参拾参年壹月壹日發行 印刷者 村岡平吉 / 飜譯者 カール、フロレンツ / 發行者 長谷川武 次郎 欧文(フランス語)和装本 元帙(少々ヤケ) カバー 美本 Florenz,Karl (trans.) Scènes du Théâtre Japonais. L'École de Village. (Terakoya) Drame historique en un acte. Tokyo: Publié par T.Hasegawa, 1900. iii, (3pp.), 32pp., 9pp. With an original preserved case (sunned). Pictorial d.w. Printed on Japanese plain paper and Japanese style binding. With numerous color woodblocks. 27.7x20.8cm. [aj1170-751303] ¥250,000 45 馬場文英(原著) アーネスト・サトウ(英訳) 開国史談一名元治夢物語 『ジャパン・ウィークリー・メイル』1871 年 2 月 25 日-7 月 1 日 号からの抜粋 和装本 拵帙入(題箋「英文 維新元治夢物語 全」木村毅 蔵書印あり) p.1 に三宅雪嶺、木村毅の蔵書印あり また渡 辺修二郎蔵書印もあるが消されて薄くなっている 全ページ に書込、校正指示あり 渡辺修二郎が本書を内外出版協会 で復刻した際に使用した原本と思われる 表紙に赤、黒の墨で「英文日本近世史」「元治夢物語英譯」書込 附・渡邊修二郎(編)「Japan 1854-1864 (開國史談)」内外出版協会 明治 38 年 6 月 25 日発行 Baba,Bunyei / Satow,Sir E.M. trans. Japan 1854-1864. Extract from "The Japan Weekly Mail" 25 Feb.-1 Jul. 1871. Yokohama, 1871. (45pp.) Japanese binding. Ex-library stamps of Setsurei Miyake, Ki Kimura and Shujiro Watanabe (erased) on title page. 14 With many annotation (written by Shujiro Watanabe?). Covers rubbed and somewhta stained. Red and black sumi ink inscription of title to front cover. p.1 sunned and sl.torn at edge, and other pages light foxing. 33.5x22.8cm. [with] Japan 1853-1864, or Genji Yumemonogatari. Translated by Sir Ernest Mason Satow. Edited by Shujiro Watanabe. Tokyo: Naigai Shuppan Kyokai, 1905. 242pp. Printed wrappers. Frontis. Corners of covers chipped. Spine partly missing. Joint of spine and covers partly torn. A small bookshop label pasted on front e.p. Pages light foxing. 18.9x12.7cm. With a preserved case. [aj1015-807965] ¥162,000 46 [縮緬本] 英國立徳繙 譯 老鼠告状 再版 明治二四年十一月二八日印刷 同年十二月出版御届 発行人:長谷川武次郎 譯者:リットル 印刷人:廣瀬安七 欧文(英語)和装本 全体的にヤケ 表紙、裏表紙に少々 汚れ 背布少々擦れ Little,Archibald The Rat's Plaint. Second Edition. Published by T.Hasegawa, Tokyo, for sale by Kelly & Walsh, Ltd. Shanghai, Hong Kong, Yokohama & Singapore, 1891. (34pp., including front & rear covers) Crepe paper book, with numerous hand colored woodblocks, Japanese style binding. Somewhat sunned. Front and rear covers darkened. Cloth of spine rubbed. 16.2x20.1cm. [aj1075-707185] ¥129,600 47 慶応二年 開成所刊行 英学書 5 冊セット [慶応二年開成所刊行英学書五部作」 幕末慶応二年(1866)一組となって出 現した、わが国最古の学校用英語教科書五部作。いずれも江戸幕府唯一の 外国語研修機関「開成所」において、舶載していた洋書を翻刻刊行したもので、 官行としての権威を有していた。 英吉利文典 開成所 慶應二年 (第 5 版) 表紙・厚紙に青灰色ペーパー貼 り合せ、背青クロース 表紙にタイトルラベル タイトルページに開成所印 久 邇宮家旧蔵?(蔵書印なし) 原本は英国のロンドンの製品で問答式英文法の教科書。文久三年(1863)開板 以来毎年版を重ね、慶應三年(1867)には第六版が出、定価は三朱もした。 片々たる一小冊子であったから愛称「木の葉文典」の名で親しまれた。 English Grammar. The Elementary Catechisms. Fifth Edition at Yedo. Yedo (Tokyo), 1866. 63pp. Printed wrappers. Cloth backed paper boards, title label to front board. Printed on Japanese paper. Publisher's stamp on title page. "Groombridge and Sons, Paternoster Row" to p.53. Surface of front board chipped. Title label chipped and somewhat faded. Surface of rear board's bottom corner peeled and chipped. Some small holes to spine. Pages light foxing. 3 red stamps on front flyleaf. Small sumi ink stain to p.12. 19x12cm. 英吉利單語篇 開成所 慶應二年 表紙・厚紙に薄桃色ペーパー貼り合せ、背青クロース 表紙にタイトルラベル 前見返しに小さな書込 前あそび紙に「宮本蔵書」印および角印 タイトルページに開成所印 表紙少々汚れ 背に 小さな破れ p.1 から p.38 にインク書込(各単語の日本語訳など) 原書は英語の語彙を集録した英国製。 Book for Instruction at the School Kaiseizio in Yedo. Vol.1. First Edition. Yedo (Tokyo), Anno 2. Kei-ou (1866). 76pp. Printed wrappers. Cloth backed paper boards, title label to front board. Printed on Japanese paper. Publisher's stamp on title page. Front cover sl.stained. Spine chipped. Edges sl.darkened. Small ink notation to front e.p. 2 Stamped on front flyleaf and light stained. Ink notations to 1-38pp. 19x12cm. 英語階梯 開成所 慶應二年 表紙・厚紙にベージュペーパー貼り合せ 和装本 25 丁 表紙にタイトルラベル(小さ な破れ) 前見返しに小さな書込 前あそび紙に開成所印および「大藤氏図書記」印 最後のページに「大藤氏図書 記」印 表紙、裏表紙少々汚れ p.4 から p.7(2 丁-4 丁め)に赤インク書込 後見返しに鉛筆書込 原書は米国製の Webster あたりの綴字と発音訓練の教科書 An English Spelling-Book, with Reading Lessons, for the Beginners at the School Kaiseidzio in Yedo. First Edition. 15 Yedo (Tokyo), The 2.year of Kei-ou (1866). (50pp.) Printed wrappers. Japanese binding. Title label to front board (chipped). Printed on Japanese paper. Publisher's stamp on half title page. Front and rear covers light stained. Edges sl.darkened. Ownership stamped on half title page and p.50. Half title page light stained. Red ink notations to 4-7pp. Pencil notation to rear e.p. 18x12cm. 英語訓蒙 初篇 開成所 慶應二年開版 表紙・厚紙に薄桃色ペーパー貼り合せ、背青クロース 表紙にタイトルラ ベル p.1 に開成所印 木版挿絵多数 前あそび紙、p.1、p.60 に蔵書印(「治三郎文庫」ほか) 表紙、裏表紙汚れ 背 に小さな破れ 前見返しおよび遊び紙に薄い汚れ 裏表紙および後見返しに小さなラベル貼り付き 原書は英国製の読本。内容は初級課程のやさしい児童向けの逸話・物語り集。前の三点に比べ著しく稀覯。慶応二 年の開板。 Minor Educational Course. For Use of the School Kaiseizio. Yedo (Tokyo), Anno 2. Kei-ou (1866). 60pp. Printed wrappers. Cloth backed paper boards, title label to front board. Printed on Japanese paper. Publisher's stamp on p.1. Woodcut vignette to each chapter. Front and rear covers stained and somewhat wrinkled. Spine chipped. Edges sl.darkened. Light stained to front e.p.and flyleaf. Ownership stamped to front flyleaf, p.1 (2 stamps) and p.60. Small paper labels pasted on rear cover and rear e.p. 19x12cm. ヲルムステッド 活耳水思哲氏 博物通論 上篇 開成所 慶應二年 表紙・厚紙にベージュペーパー貼り合せ 表紙にタイトルラベル 文中図版多数 タイトルページに「治三郎文庫」印 表紙、裏表紙少々汚れ 背下端に小さな 破れ 表紙から p.69 にかけて上端余白にムレシミ 前記四書と異なり原書に関しては明らかで、書名は "Rudiments of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy"、著者は Yale 大学の Denison Olmsted 教授(1791-1859)、出版は 1858 年(安政五)の秋。本書も稀覯本で慶応二年の開板。内容は 米国の専門学校・高等学校生向けの物理の教科書。 Olmsted,Denison Rudiments of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy: Designed in Academies. And for Common Schools. By Denison Olmsted, LL.D. Professor of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy in Yale College. Volume I. Yedo (Tokyo), In the second year of Kei-ou (1866). 179pp. Printed wrappers. Cloth backed paper boards, title label to front board. Printed on Japanese paper. With many b/w illus.in text. Front and rear covers stained and somewhat wrinkled. Spine chipped at bottom edge. Edges sl.darkened. From front cover to p.69 damp stained at top edge. Ownership stamped on title page. 19.5x12.3cm. [aj1153-751299] ¥324,000 48 ヴィルヘルム・ハイネ 日本 1880 年 クロース装 Heine,W. Japan. Beiträge zur Kenntniss des Kandes und Seiner Bewohner. [with] In Wort und Bild (207pp.). Dresden: Im Selbstverlag des Verfassers., 1880. 99pp.+(207pp.) With 50 illus. Dark gray cloth with gilt title & black motif on spine & front cover. All edges red. Flower motif endpapers. Front & rear cover sl.stained. Rear cover sl.rubbed. Joint of covers sl.rubbed & cracked. Its spine sl.sunned. Lower part of spine sl.torn. All edges sl.stained. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned. Front gutter sl.torn. Side of front fly leaf to P.2 splited. Gutter of title page sl.cracked. Ink notation & ink stamped on title page. [In Wort und Bild pages]: Parly spotted on some pages. "Falken" page partly torn & splited. 23.7x16cm. [aj1126-707213] ¥162,000 49 J. J. ホフマン 日本語文典 1867 年 クロース装(改装) Hoffmann,J. J. Japansche Spraakleer. Uitgegeven op Last van Zijne Excellentie den Minister van Koloniën. Leiden: A. W. Sijthoff., 1867. 348pp. Rebound black cloth with gilt title on spine. Rear cover sl.stained. All edges sl.sunned. Original front & rear cover & half title page partly sunned. Upper part of original rear cover sl.bended. Original front cover to last "Inhoud" pages sl.torn (sl.repaired). Red pencil notation on 276-277pp. Partly spotted on some pages. 26.7x17.5cm. ¥86,400 [aj1105-707207] 16 50 新渡戸稲造 日米交流の歴史 1891 年 W. E.グリフィスから B. H. チェムバ レンへの識語署名入り献呈本 クロース装 Inazo,(Ota) Nitobe The Intercourse Between The United States and Japan. An Historical Sketch. [Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science, Extra Volume VIII] Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1891. ix,198pp. Dark green cloth with gilt title on spine & front cover. Brown endpapers. Front & rear cover partly stained & sl.rubbed. Upper part of front cover sl.bended. Rear cover sl.wrinkled. Its spine sunned. Upper & lower part of spine partly torn. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned. Front ep. sl.torn & bended. Ex-libis by B. H. Chamberlain on front ep. Rear ep. sl.cracked. Ink notation from W. E. Griffis to B. H. Chamberlain (1. 14. 1891) on front fly leaf. Pencil notation & ink stamped by ("S. Usuda") on title page (2x2cm.). A small ink spotted on title page to vi page. 55-56pp. missing (With xeroxed copy). Ink line on some pages. 24x15cm. [aj1038-707137] ¥129,600 51 グレイアム・マーター 龍南五高生=龍南物語 厚紙装 熊本: 稻本報徳舎出版部 昭和 5 年 Martyr,Graham Gokosei of Ryunan. Kumamoto, 1930. 171pp. With 5 illus. Red boards. Front & rear cover partly stained & rubbed. Sl.spotted on rear cover. Its spine partly sunned & peeled. All edges partly sunned. Sl.water spotted on fore edge. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned & stained. India ink notation on rear fly leaf. Red pencil underline on P.23. Sl.damp stained on lower part of 128-133pp. Sl.pencil notation on some pages. 19.5x12.7cm. ¥54,000 [aj947-707015] 52 M. パスケ-スミス Western Barbarians in Japan and Formosa in Tokugawa Days, 1603-1868. ゼー、エル、タムソン株式會社 昭和 5 年 著者識語入り献呈本クロース装 Paske-Smith,M. Western Barbarians in Japan and Formosa in Tokugawa Days, 1603-1868. Kobe: J. L. Thompson & Co (Retail) Ltd., 1930. xiv,431pp. With a folding color frontis. & 46 illus. 4 supplements (1 map & 3 plates) in the pocket of the back cover. Red cloth with gilt title on spine & front cover. Front & rear cover sl.sunned & partly rubbed. Its spine sunned. Sl.water spotted on lower part of spine. All edges partly sunned. Partly spotted on front ep. Front & rear fly leaf partly sunned & stained. Ink signature by author on front fly leaf. Small spotted on some pages. 25.9x18cm. [aj1128-707215] ¥97,200 53 源貞世(今川了俊)(原著) A. プフィッツマイアー(訳) Zwei Reisen Nach dem Westen Japans. (『道ゆきぶり』、『鹿苑院義満公厳島詣記』の翻訳) 1881 年 3/4 クロース、マーブル厚紙装 Pfizmaier,August Zwei Reisen Nach dem Westen Japans. In den Jahren 1369 und 1389 N. CHR. Wien: In Commission bei Carl Gerold's Sohn, 1881. 98pp. Quarter dark green cloth of spine & marbled boards. Front & rear cover sl.sunned & rubbed. Its spine sunned & stained. All edges sl.sunned. Ex-libris (N.NISHIDA) on front ep. Small ink notation on rear ep. Front & rear fly leaf partly sunned. Partly spotted on title page & 95-98pp. Small spotted on some pages. 30x24.5cm. [aj1090-707192] 17 ¥64,800 54 A. プフィッツマイアー Der Stand der Chinesischen Geschichtschreibung in dem Zeitalter der sung. 1878 年 3/4 クロース、マーブル厚紙装 Pfizmaier,A. Der Stand der Chinesischen Geschichtschreibung in dem Zeitalter der sung. Wien: In Commission bei Karl Gerold's Sohn, 1878. 98pp. Quarter dark green cloth of spine & marbled boards. Front & rear cover sl.sunned & rubbed. Its spine sunned. Sl.spotted on upper part of spine. All edges partly sunned. Ex-libris (N.NISHIDA) on front ep. Small ink notation on rear ep. Front & rear fly leaf partly sunned. Upper part of all pages sl.bended & wrinkled. Partly spotted on title page & some pages. Gutter of 4-13pp. partly stained & sl.torn. 30.3x24.5cm. [aj1091-707193] ¥64,800 55 エドワード・J. リード 日本: 歴史、伝統、宗教 2巻 クロース装 Reed,Sir Edward J. Japan: Its History, Traditions, and Religions. With the Narrative of a Visit in 1879. Vol.I: With Map and Illustrations. Vol.II: With Illustrations. In 2 vols. London: John Murray, 1880. Vol.I: lii,365pp. / Vol.II: viii,356pp.+32pp. (Catalogue) Green cloth with gilt & black illustrations on covers. Gilt title on spine. Front & rear cover sl.sunned & stained. Its spine sunned & sl.rubbed. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.stained. [Vol.I]: Ink spotted on front & rear cover & fore edge. Front & rear gutter sl.cracked. Sl.spotted on frontspiece. Title page sl.sunned & stained. [Vol.II]: Ex-libris on front ep. Rear gutter sl.cracked. Partly spotted on front fly leaf to title page. 23x14.5cm. [aj969-707051] ¥86,400 56 ストックホルム東アジア博物館紀要 第 12 巻 1940 年 クロース装(改装) The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities (Östasiatiska Samlingarna) Stockholm. Bulletin N:o 12 Bernhald Karlgren: Grammata Serica, Script and Phonetics in Chinese and Sino-Japanese. Stockholm, 1940. 496pp.+viii (plates) Rebound black cloth with gilt title on spine. All edges sl.sunned & stained. Original front cover missing, rear cover sl.chipped. Upper part of title page sl.torn. Title page to P.8 sl.wrinkled. 221-224pp. sl.bended. Sl.spotted on some pages. 26.7x18.8cm. ¥64,800 [aj1103-707205] 57 ブルーノ・タウト 日本人とその家 三省堂 昭和 12 年 (初版) クロース装 Taut,Bruno Houses and People of Japan. London: John Gifford Ltd., / Tokyo: Sansido, 1937. (First edition) xiii,318pp. With numerous color & b/w Fig. Brown cloth with silver title on spine. Its spine sunned. All edges partly sunned & stained. Front & rear fly leaf sl.sunned. Side of front fly leaf splited. 26.5x19cm. [aj1127-707214] ¥64,800 58 P. F.フォン・シーボルト 日本 2 巻 1897 年 クロース装 Siebold,Philipp Franz von Nippon. Archiv zur Beschreibung von Japan. Und Dessen Neben- und Schutzländern Jezo mit den Südlichen Kurilen, Sachalin, Korea und den Liukiu-Inseln. Herausgegeben von Seinen Söhnen. In 2 vols. Würzburg und Leipzig: Verlag der K. U. K. Hofbuchhandlung von Leo Woerl, 1897. Vol.I: xxxv,421pp. / Vol.II: vii,342pp. With numerous illus of each vols. 1 folding map of vol.I. Cloth bound (Vol.I: White / Vol.II: Red) with color title on spine & gilt decorated on front cover. All edges red of vol.I. All edges marbled 18 of Vol.II. Front & rear cover partly stained. Its spine sunned. Upper & lower part of spine sl.torn & rubbed. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. partly sunned. Sl.spotted on some pages. [Vol.I]: Corner of covers partly peeld. A small hole on front ep. [Vol.II]: Rear cover partly stained & scuffing. Side of title page to vii page partly torn. 27x18.3cm. [aj1130-707217] ¥86,400 59 満州に関する日清条約並に付属協約・日露講和条約 (日・英・仏文) 1905 年 1/2 革装 外務官吏研修所旧蔵 Treaty of Peace Between Japan and Russia. With Treaty and Additional Agreement Between Japan and China Relating to Manchuria. 1905 (明 38). (20pp.)+8pp.+89pp.+85pp.+4pp.+2pp.+4pp. Half leather with gilt title on spine & dark brown cloth. Front & rear cover partly sunned & stained. Corner of leather partly peeled. Joint of covers partly cracked. Its spine sunned & partly chipped. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned & stained. Ink notation on front fly leaf. Partly spotted on title page. Ink stamped erased from title page. Large stamped on last page (3.5x3.5cm.). 33.5x23cm. [aj1094-707196] ¥54,000 60 ホラティウス 詩集 ヴェネツィア刊 1562 年 総ヴェラム装、表面にマーブル模様、 汚れ、擦れ タイトルラベル部分欠 タイトルページ、本文、後遊び紙にインク書込 ページに薄いシミ [Horace] Q.Horatii Flacci Poetae Venusini, Omnia poemata cum ratione carminum, & argumentis vbisque insertis… Scholisque angeli politiani, M.Antonii Sabellici… His nos praeterea annotationes doctissimorum… Nicolai Perotti Sipontini libellus de metris… Index copiosissimo omnium vocabulorum, quae in toto opere animaduersione digna visa sunt. Venetiis: Apud Ioannem Mariam Bonellum, 1562. (4pp.), (index 4pp.), 225pp.(one numbering to 2 pages) Red marbled full vellum. Title label to spine. Edges colored in blue. Text in 2 column. Decorative initials. Boards and spine worn, partly stained and surface of vellum partly peeled (especially at hinge and upper edge of spine). Title label partly missing. Ink notations to title page, rear flyleaf and pages. Center of pp.1-100 and fore edge of pp.10-16 stained. Margin of some pages spotted. 30x21.7cm. [aj1160-102402] ¥129,600 61 プルターク 英雄伝 スイス刊 1573 年 ラテン語 総革装(汚れ) 少々虫食いあり インク書込あり [Plutarch] Plutarchi Chaeronei, Gravissimi et Philosophi et Historici, Vitae comparatae illustrium Virorum, Graecorum & Romanorum, ita digestae ut temporum ordo seriésque constet, Hermanno Cruserio I.C. atque illustriss. Ducis Cliuensis & Juliacensis consiliario, Interprete elegantiss. ac fidelissimo… ccesserunthis Indices locupletissimi. Balileae Apud Thomam Guarinum, 1573. (12pp.), 823pp., (71pp.) Full leather, blind embossed motief on boards. Raised bands to spine. Text in Latin. Boards and spine rubbed, stained and faded. Boards chipped at corners and wormed at edge. Joint of boards started. Spine ink title notationed, and joint of boards partly torn. Edges darkened. A small bookshop label pasted on front e.p. Front flyleaf wormed, sl.torn and spotted. From rear e.p.to some pages wormed. Rear flyleaf missing. Title page somewhat darkened, small ink notationed and sl.torn. From title page to p.73 light stained at the joint. Red or black ink underlines to many pages. Page number of p.511 misprinted as p.515. A corner of p.749 repaired from its verso. 34x23cm. [aj1019-102391] ¥86,400 62 プリニウス 博物誌 3 巻 ロッテルダム刊 1668-1669 年 総ヴェラム装(やや汚れ) 第 1 巻にムレ、汚れあり [Gaius Plinius Secundus (Pliny the Elder)] C. Plinii Secundi Naturalis Historiae, Cum Commentariis & adnotationibus Hermolai Barbari, Pintiani, Rhenani, 19 Gelenii, Dalechampii, Scaligeri, Salmasii, Is. Vossii, & Variorum. Accedunt praeterea variae lectiones ex mss. compluribus ad oram paginarum accurate indicatae. 3 vols. Lugd.Batav.Roterodami.: Apud Hackios, 1668-1669. (16pp.), 80pp., 838pp., (index 134pp.) / 917pp., (index 83pp.) / 853pp., (index 83pp.) Full vellum. All edges colored in red. Ex-libris.( Sr.Wm.Beauchamp Proctor). Engraved frontis.with title: "Naturalis historiae cum selectis doctorum Virorum Commentariis", publisher "ex officina Hackiana" and "G. Wingendorp sculp". Boards and spines somewhat stained and darkened. Vol.1: Fore and top edges stained and faded. A small bookshop label pasted on front e.p. Front and rear e.ps., flyleaves, frontis., title page and first 20 pages and last 10 pages damp stained and partly stained. Margin of frontis partly torn at hinge. Vol.2: Front e.p.partly torn at hinge. 2 worm holes at rear e.p. 18.8x12.5cm. [aj1167-102438] ¥97,200 63 プリニウス 博物誌 第 2 版 3 巻 パリ刊 1723 年 総革装(擦れ) 第 1 巻表紙、裏表紙の表面剥げ 第 1-2 巻表紙、裏表紙が外れか かっている 第 3 巻綴じ緩み [Gaius Plinius Secundus (Pliny the Elder)] Caii Plinii Secundi Historiae Naturalis libri XXXVII. Quos Interpretatione et Notis Illustravit Joannes Harduinus e Societate Jesu, Jussu Regis Christianissimi Ludovici Magni, in Usum Serenissimi Delphini. 3 vols. Editio altera emendatior & auctior. Parisiis, Typis Antonii-Urbani Coustelier, 1723. Tomus primus; (32pp.), 1 folded map., 790pp., 8 plates. / Tomus Secundus; 796pp., 3 plates., 797-835pp., (addenda; 2pp.) / Tomi II. pars altera ; 836-1289pp., (1pp.). Full calf. Raised bands with title label, gilt title and motif to spine. Red colored edges. Boards and spine somewhat rubbed, light stained and chipped. Joint of spine and boards started and partly torn. Top edge darkened. Tomus Primus; Boards damaged and the surface peeled. Joint of spine and boards almost detached. Lower part of title page torn. / Tomus Secundus; Joint of spine and front board almost detached, and joint of rear board partly torn. Bottom edge of spine damaged. From title page to p.280 small wormed. Ink notation to margin of p.1. / Tomi II. pars altera; Joint of spine and front board started and partly torn. Ink notation to margin of title page. pp.873-4 page number misprinted. 40x25.5cm. [aj1114-102398] ¥129,600 64 プリニウス 博物誌 10 巻・13 冊 パリ刊 1827-1832 年 クロース装(少々擦れ) 見返し少々汚れ 小口及びページ少々ヤケ 一部の巻にのど割れあり [Gaius Plinius Secundus (Pliny the Elder)] Caii Plinii Secundi Historiae Naturalis Libri XXXVII. Cum Selectis Commatariis J.Harduini ac Recentiorum Interretum Novisque Adonitaionibus. [Bibliotheca Classica Latina sive Collectio Auctorum Classicorum Latinorum com Notis et Indicibus] 10 vols.in 13. Parisiis: Colligebat Nicolaus Eligius Lemaire, 1827-1832. v.1. Preface, etc., Naturalis historiae lib.I-II, De variis apud antiquos ventorum divisionibus dissertatio. (cxii,480pp.+ 2 folding charts). v.2-1. Lib.III-IV. (viii,394pp.). v.2-2. Lib.V-VI, Excursus etc. (396-904pp.+ 1 folding chart). v.3. Lib.VII-VIII, Excursus etc. (647pp.). v.4. Lib.IX-XI, Excursus etc. (645pp.). v.5. Lib.XII-XVI, Excursus etc. (viii,666pp.). v.6. Lib.XVII-XX., Excursus etc. (650pp.). v.7-1. Lib.XXI-XXIV, Excursus etc.(519pp.). v.7-2. Lib.XXV-XXVII, Tabula. (522-890pp.). v.8. Lib.XXVIII-XXXII, Excursus etc. (642pp.). v.9. Lib.XXXIII-XXXVII, Essai etc. (724pp.). v.10-1. Index. (viii,692pp.) v.10-2. Index. (694-1222pp., 175pp.) Bound in green cloth, gilt title to spine. Colored edges. Boards and spines somewhat worn at edges, e.ps. somewhat darkened, edges and pages foxing. Vol.1: Hinge of half title page started. Hinge of rear e.p.cracked but doensn't out of joint. Charts repaired. Vols.5 & 6: Hinge of front e.p.torn and started. Hinge of rear e.p.cracked but doensn't out of joint. Vols.7-1 & 7-2 Hinges of front and rear boards started. Vol.8: Hinge of half title page started. Vols.10-1 & 10-2: Hinge of rear e.p.torn. 22x14.6cm. [aj1169-102443] ¥97,200 65 プリニウス 博物誌 2 巻 ヴェネツィア刊 1844 年 背革装 少々ヤケ 一部ページにごく薄いシミ 1 巻目後見返し から数ページにムレ [Gaius Plinius Secundus (Pliny the Elder)] 20 Della Storia Naturale di C.Plinio Secondo. Libri XXXVII. Traduzione di M.Lodovico Domenichi. C. Plinii Secundi Historiae Mundi Libri XXXVII. [Bibliotheca degli scrittori Latini con traduzione e note (5 & 6)] 2 vols. Venezia: Dalla Tip.di Giuseppe Antonelli ed. (Venetiis: Excudit Joseph Antonelli), 1844. xxx,1806pp./ 1824pp. Half red calf wirh red cloth. Gilt title and motif to spine. Text in 2 column. Boards and spine somewhat sunned and worn. Edges foxing. E.ps., flyleaves and some pages of each vol.light foxing and light spotted. Rear e.p.and a few pages of vol.1 damp stained. 26x17.5cm. [aj1159-102401] ¥108,000 66 トゥキディデス 歴史 (ペロポネソス戦争史) 3 巻 トーマス・アーノルド註釈 オックスフォード刊 1863 年 第 6 版 総ヴェラム装 とじ込みモノクロ図版(地 図など) 本文に鉛筆書込 [Thucydides] The History of the Peloponnesian War, by Thucydides: Illustrated by Maps, Taken Entirely from Actual Surveys, with Notes Chiefly Historical and Geographical, by Thomas Arnold, D.D. ... with Indexes by the Rev., R.P.G.Tiddeman. 3 vols. Sixth edition. Oxford: John Henry and James Parker, Whittaker and Co. London, 1863. xxiv,543pp.+ 5 folding maps & illus./ viii,460pp.+ 2 folding maps, 3 maps./ xvi,282pp.+3 folding maps & illus., 284-286pp.+ Vol.3, part 2: The Indexes. (iv,99pp., 170pp., New recension of Thucydides, by L.Dindorf. <15pp.>) Full vellum with green calf title and red vol.labels, title and motif in gilt. Gilt motif on front and rear boards of each vol. All edges colored in red. Marbled e.ps. Boards and spine somewhat darkened and light spotted. Top edge darkened. Pages foxing. Pencil notations to each vol. Small ink ownersip notation to front flyleaf of vol.1. 22.5x14.6cm. [aj1163-102436] ¥54,000 67 リシュレ フランス語辞典 1759 年 3 巻 リヨン刊 総革装(擦れ) 一部ページムレ 第 3 巻:革装が部分欠 Dictionnaire de la Langue Françoise, Ancienne et Moderne, de Pierre Richelet. Nouvelle Édition, Augmentée d’un Très-grand Nombre d’Articles. 3 vols. Lyon: Chez les Freres Duplain, 1759. iv,802pp., (1pp.) / 787pp. / 907pp. Full calf with a black pattern. Raised bands with title label, gilt title and motif to spine. Marbled e.ps. All edges colored in red. Title page in red and black. Text in 2 column. Boards and spines rubbed and chipped at edge. Pages light damp stained. Front boards of vols.1 & 2 partly torn at hinge. Vol.1: Small ink notation to front flyleaf. From front e.p.to pp.8 light damp stained. Pp.311-314 foxing. Vol.2: Some pages light foxing. Vol.3: Calf of boards peeled and chipped at corners. Front board wormed. Front e.p.partly missing. Some pages light foxing. 40.2x26cm. [aj1166-300914] ¥216,000 68 アカデミー・フランセーズ辞典 4 版 1762 年 2 巻 パリ刊 総革装(擦れ) 一部ページ角にシワ 第 2 巻:表紙から 63 ページ辺りまでムレ、シミ 59-62 ページ 乱丁 Dictionnaire de l'Académie Françoise. Quatriéme Édition. Tome premier. A=K. Tome second. L=Z. 2 vols. Paris: Bernard Brunet, 1762. vii,984pp./ 967pp. Full calf. Raised bands, gilt title and motif to spine. Marbled e.ps. All edges colored in red. Boards and spines rubbed. E.ps.rubbed and somewhat stained. Some pages wrinkled at corner. Vol.1: Upper edge of spine missing. Ex-library stamp on front flyleaf. Small ink stain to p.968. / Vol.2: Damp stained to front board to p.63. A paper label pasted on front flyleaf. pp.59-62 misbound. 40.2x26.2cm. [aj1165-300913] ¥64,800 69 ジョンソン英語辞典 6版 1785 年 2巻 Johnson の死後出版だが、レイノルズ所蔵本(4 版)に Johnson が書き 込んだ訂正 200 箇所ほどを採用している(SLEDD & KOLB による) ロンドン刊 総革装 第 2 巻の前扉欠 21 Johnson,Samuel A Dictionary of the English Language: In Which the Words are Deduced from their Originals, and Illustrated in Their Different Significations by Examples from the best Writers. To which are Prefixed, A History of the Language, and An English Grammer. By Samuel Johnson, LL.D. 2 vols. The Sixth Edition. London: Printed for J.F.and C.Rivington, L.Davis, T.Payne and Son, etc., 1785. Unpaginated. Full calf. Raised bands with red leather labels and gilt title to spines. Vol.I with half title page and a portrait frontis.of Johnson. Text in 3 column. Boards somewhat rubbed, stained and chipped at corners. Spine rubbed and faded, title label chipped. Edges light stained. Joint of front cover of each vol. started and joint of front flyleaf partly torn. Ownership signature to front flyleaf of each vol. From e.ps.to preface of vol.1 foxing and spotted. E.ps.and flyleaves of vol.2 spotted. Half title page of vol.2 missing. Front flyleaves of each vol.wrinkled. Pages light spotted. The complete text, with Johnson's final corrections. "There was no folio sixth edition, just this quarto, which was printed from Samuel Johnson's own corrected copy of the fourth folio edition(1773), which he bequeathed to Sir Joshua Reynolds…..Thouth several printers were involved in the production of this sixth edition, Strahan's account shows that both the sixth(quarto) and the seventh(folio) were printed together. Moreover, the evidence of typesetting shows that the type set for the quarto was readjusted, but not reset, to make up the folio pages. .28.3x23cm. [aj1017-300897] ¥216,000 70 エリス 編 サー・イザンブラス ケルムスコット・プレス チョーサー活字 背ホランド装 350 部限定 背、天少々汚れ Ellis,F.S. ed. Syr Isambrace. Edited by F.S.Ellis after the edition printed by J.O. Halliwell from the MS. in the Library of Lincoln Cathedral, with a few corrections. Printed at the Kelmscott Press, Upper Mall, Hammersmith, in the county of Middlesex, and finished on the 14th day of July, 1897. Hammersmith: The Kelmscott Press, 1897. 41pp. Frontis.designed by E.Burne-Jones. Printed in red & black, Chaucer type. Original holland-backed blue paper boards. Limited to 350 copies. Ex-libris.(Allan F.Vigers) on front e.p. Spine and top edge somewhat darkened. 21.2x14.7cm. [aj804-101968] ¥226,280 71 風刺雑誌 パンチ 1841 年 7 月 17 日号(創刊号)-1910 年 12 月 28 日号 合本 70 冊 3/4 革装. 小口及び見返しマーブル. 表紙、裏表紙、背やや擦れ. 革の表面少々剥がれ. 各巻前見返しに蔵書票(Colin G.Hay, Ardbeg House, Islay.). 一部の巻の見返しのど部分裂け. 小口少々ヤケ. Punch, or The London Charivari. July 17, 1841 (vol.1) through December 28, 1910 (vol. 139). 3,626 issues, bound in 70. London: Published at the Office, etc., 1841-1910. 3/4 red morocco with red cloth, raised bands with gilt motif (Mr. Punch and Toby) and gilt title to spine. Marbled e.ps.and marbled edges. Ex-libris.(Colin G.Hay, Ardbeg House, Islay.) on front e.ps.of each vol. (Some volumes) joint of e.ps.and flyleaves sl.damaged. Boards and spine somewhat rubbed. Surface of morocco partly peeled. Edges of each vol.light sunned. 27.5x21.8cm. 1859. vol.37.: 261pp.missing. / 1888. vol.95.: 289-300pp. (no.2476. December 22) missing. / 1893: Rear board somewhat damp stained. / 1895. vol.108.: 13-16pp.of "Punch's almanack" missing. / 1900. vol.119.: "Punch's almanack" in this volume is same as in 1899. / 1903. vol.125.: p.23 of "Punch's almanack" missing. / 1907: Upper left corner of front board wrinkled. / Uniform bindings. Overall fine. [hu0281-212837] ¥1,080,000 72 W.B.イエイツ(編) W.ブレイク詩集 イエイツ署名入 1893 年 Yeats,W. B. ed. The Poems of William Blake. First limited editon. London: Lawrence & Bullen, 1893. liii,251pp. With a frontis. Quarter white leather with gilt title on spine & light green cloth. T.e.g. Two hundred copies of this edition No.63. Front & rear cover partly stained. Side of covers sl.rubbed. Its spine sunned & stained. Lower part of spine sl.cracked & scuffing. All edges partly sunned. Top edge partly stained. 2 Ex-libris (one is Archibald G. B. Russell's, writing works on William Blake) on front ep. Front & rear fly leaf partly sunned. Ink signature by author on half title page. Title page sl.stained. Pencil notation on several pages. 18.5x11.8cm. [s05457-212613] ¥308,570 22 73 ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) クレオール料理 1885 年 初版初刷 Hearn,Lafcadio La Cuisine Creole. A Collection of Culinary Recipes. From Leading Chefs and Noted Creole Housewives, who Have Made New Orleans Famous for its Cuisine.First edition (Brùlot to "Introduction"). NY: Will H.Coleman, 1885. iv,268pp. Brown cloth. Partly gilt title and illus.to front cover. Edges light foxing. Front e.p.partly peeled and joint of rear e.p.sl.started. Bright, near fine. [aj658-101750] ¥432,000 74 エリザベス・ビスランド The Life and Letters of Lafcadio Hearn. 2 巻 1906 年 初版・自筆草稿1葉付 Bisland, Elizabeth The Life and Letters of Lafcadio Hearn. With illustrations. In 2 vols. First edition, one of 200 copies bound uncut and containing a page of Hearn's original autograph manuscript (in this copy, notes regarding a haiku of Funayūrei; Japanese marine ghosts; Erimoto ye / Mizu kakeraruru / Kokochi seri, / "Hishaku kase" cho / Fune no kowane ni. / etc.). Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin and Co., 1906. viii,475pp./ 554pp. Original dark green cloth with paper spine labels and extra labels tipped in at the rear. Titles of labels are; LAFCADIO / HEARN / LIFE AND / LETTERS / I (and II) / ELIZABETH / BISLAND / First Edition. With frontis.and illus. Title label of spine sunned and spine sl.scratched. All edges somewhat darkened. Exlibris of Charles Williston McAlpin to front paste down of each vol. 23x15.5cm. [f0194-170193] ¥390,850 75 モノグラム辞典 2巻 1832、1833 年 ミュンヘン刊 背クロース装 Brulliot,François Dictionnaire des Monogrammes, Marques Figurées, Lettres Initiales, Noms Abrégés etc. Avec Lesquels les Peintres, Dessinateurs, Graveurs et Sculpteurs ont Désigné Leur Nom. Première Partie, Contenant les Monogrammes. Seconde Partie, Contenant les Lettres Initiales. 2 vols. Nouvelle Édition Revue, Corrigée et Augmentée d'un Grand Nombre d'Articles. Munich: à l'Institut Littéraire Artistique de la Librairie de J.G Cotta, 1832, 1833. viii,454pp.+errata (1pp.) / 440pp. Dark red cloth backed marbled boards, gilt title to spine, marbled e.ps. T.e.g. and other edges untrimmed. Ex-libris (Charles Edouard) on front e.ps., stamped on title pages of each vol. and p.13 of seconde partie. Edges of boards and spines rubbed and worn. Fore and bottom edge of each vol. foxed. Pages wholly light spotted and light stained. Page number of p.455 of premiere partie misprinted ( as p.451). 30.5x21.5cm. [aj924-807944] ¥64,800 76 フランス出版年鑑 1922 年 クリスマス 3/4 ヴェラム装 さまざまな本の挿絵、広告等印刷物の複製を多数掲 載 L'Imprimerie Glorifiée par le Poètes & par les Littérateurs. ("Les Maitres imprimeurs de France" to spine). Paris: Bulletin Officiel des Maitres Imprimerurs, Album de Noël 1922. 128pp., illus., advertisement 88pp. (49-56pp.missing). 3/4 vellum and marbled boards, marbled e.ps. With numerous reproductions of printed matter. Boards and spine light foxing and somewhat stained on vellum. Edges spotted. 31.8x25cm. [aj925-807945] ¥43,200 77 ジョルジョ・モランディ 1992 年 パリ刊 限定 340 部 Dorothée Lalanne と Patrick Mauriès によるテキスト Michelangelo Giuliani によるアトリエを撮影したモノクロ写真 版画作品の複 写 麻布装 水彩画の複製 8 点を収めた別冊 函 [MORANDI,Giorgio] Giuliani, Michelangelo, Dorothée Lalanne & Patrick Mauriès Giorgio Morandi. Photographies: Michelangelo Giuliani (photographs of Morandi's atelier). 23 Textes: Dorothée Lalanne & Patrick Mauriès. Paris: Librairie Jullien-Cornic, 1992. 79pp. With 8 facsimile reproductions of watercolors "Réunies dans la Chemise Toilée" in a separate volume. Limited to 340 copies. This copy no.42. Bound in linen cloth. With a slip case. Flyleaves light spotted. Reproductions of watercolors light spotted. 28.8x22.8cm. (separate volume; 32.7x25cm.) [aj1001-807951] ¥45,000 78 WASHI. The World of Japanese Paper. 「和紙」 大型本 カラー・モノクロ図版多 数 和紙サンプル 43 ページ 背クロース装・表紙、裏表紙に和紙を使用 元帙 元箱 数ページにごく薄いシミ Hughes,Sukey Washi. The World of Japanese Paper. First edition. Tokyo, New York and San Francisco: Kodansha International, 1978. 452pp. Limited to 1,000 copies (this copy is No.259). Blue cloth backed tan-speckled Japanese paper-covered boards. In a maroon cloth preserved case with a title label. In the publisher's protective cardboard box. Illustrated with drawings throughout the text, 27 color photos, 236 b/w photos, 43 pages of paper samples, and 2 maps. From front flyleaves to title page and edges of this copy light foxing. 30.5x23.2cm. [aj1174-403203] ¥55,000 79 薔薇刑 細江英公寫眞集 被寫體および序文、三島由紀夫 集英社 昭和 38 年 限定 1500 部(No.1141) 細江英公・三島由紀夫署名入 装幀・写真構成:杉 浦康平 クロース装(表紙にごく薄いシミ、裏表紙少々ヤケ)、ビニールカバー付 函(擦れ) Hosoe,Eikoh Barakei (Killed By Roses). Photography by Eikoh Hosoe. Model and introduction by Yukio Mishima. Tokyo: Shueisha, 1963. Limited to 1,500 copies (this is no.1141). Signed by Hosoe and Mishma on the small red leave inside. Bound in pictorial cloth with vinyl d.w. With a publishers printed cardboard slipcase. Front cover partly light stained and rear cover somewhat sunned. Edges of covers and spine sl.darkened. 4 thin paper pages light spotted. Slip case rubbed. 43x28cm. [aj1002-807952] ¥180,000 80 W.アレクサンダー 色彩豊かなオーストリアの服装と風習の描写 彩色図版 50 点 3/4 革装 函 表紙、裏表紙ヤケ、汚れ、擦れ、革の表面剥げ 小口ヤケ 見返しに蔵書票 Alexander, William Picturesque Representations of the Dress and Manners of the Austrians. Illustrated in Fifty Coloured Engravings, with Descriptions. "Pubd. June 1, 1813, by J. Murray..."on plates. London: Printed for James Goodwin… by W. Lewis, n.d. (c.1813) xv pp.+ 50 plates. 3/4 morocco with marbled boards. Title label on front board. Gilt title to spine. Front and rear boards sunned, stained, rubbed and peeled at corner. Spine rubbed. Edges sunned. Ex-libris.on front e.p. With preserved box. 25x18.5cm. [aj915-807359] ¥162,000 81 Albert Depréaux 海兵隊と北アフリカ軍の制服 1931 年パリ植民地博覧会刊行物 カラー・モノクロ図版多数 ペーパー装 Depréaux, Albert Les Uniformes des Troupes de la Marine et des Troupes Coloniales et Nord-Africaines des Origines a nos Jours. Exposition Coloniale Internationale de Paris 1931. Édité sous le patronage du Ministère des Colonies et du Service Historique de l'armée. Paris: Ateliers d'impressions d'Art, 1931. 129pp.+platers. Printed wrappers. With numerous b/w and colored plates. 28.2x23.3cm. ¥54,000 [aj916-807360] 24 82 Martin Lezius 軍服の歴史 カラー・モノクロ図版多数 紺クロース装 表紙、裏表 紙汚れ 背ヤケ、表紙と接する側をテープで補修、裏表紙と接する側は裂け 小口 ヤケ、やや汚れ 後見返しから数ページムレシミ p.172 及び 386-416pp.に鉛筆書 込 Lezius, Martin Das Ehrenkleid des Soldaten. Eine Kulturgeschichte der uniform von ihren anfangen bis zur gegenwart. Mit 208 farbigen Tafeln. Berlin: Im Verlag Ullstein, 1936. 415(416)pp. With numerous b/w and colored illus.and plates. Bound in navy cloth. Gilt motif on front board. Colored top edge. Front and rear boards stained. Spine sunned, repaired with tape at its right edge and torn at its left edge. Edges sunned and somewhat stained. Damp stained to rear e.ps.and margin of pages. Pencil notation to margin of p.172 and pp.386-416. 28.8x21.7cm. [aj917-807361] ¥16,200 83 A.ギオモ Jr.画 フランス・ディレクトワール時代のコスチューム M.ヴィクトリアン・サルドゥの戯 曲「素晴らしき女たち」(Les Merveilleuses)より A.Guillaumot Fils 画 銅版画 20 点 背革装 表紙、 裏表紙角欠、背擦れ 前遊び紙から'table des planches'まで及び図版余白にムレシミ Sardou, M. Victorien / Guillaumot Fils, A. Costumes du Directoire tirés des Merveilleuses. Avec une lettre de M. Victorien Sardou. 20 eaux-fortes de A. Guillaumot Fils. Dessins de MM. Eugène Lacoste et Draner. D'Apès les Estampes du Temps. Tiré Chez Ch. Chardon Ainé. Paris: Librairie Bachelin Deflorenne, n.d. (c.1874) Lettre' (2pp.), 'table des planches' (1p.), 20 plates. Morocco backed marbled boards, gilt title to spine. Marbled e.ps. Marbled top edge. Corners of boards chipped. Spine rubbed and partly wrinkled. From front flyleaf to ''table des planches' and margin of plates damp stained. 37x27cm. [aj918-807362] ¥32,400 84 アルベール・ロビダ(著および挿絵) 絵で見るパリモードの歴史 エレガンスの千年 背革装 改装(元表紙あり) Robida, A. Mesdames nos Aïeules. Dix siècle d'élégance. Texte et dessins par A. Robida. Paris: A La Librairie Illustree, n.d. (c.late 1800's - early 1900's) 254pp. Leather backed marble boards. Rebound with original illustrated front cover. With 29 colored plates and numerous b/w illus.in text. 19x13cm. [aj919-807366] ¥19,440 85 アンリ・ブテ 19 世紀女性のモード 1801 年から 1900 年まで1年1枚の カラー手彩色ファッションプレート (合計 100 枚). 背欠. 全てのページ がばらばらになっている. 表紙ヤケ、裂け、傷み. 前扉に表紙裏が貼り 付き. プレート少々ヤケ. 函(裂け、ヤケ). プレートのサイズ:30.2x22cm. Boutet, Henri Les modes féminines du XIXe siècle interprétées en cent pointes sèches, aquarellées au pinceau 1801 - 1900. ("1801-1850" on front cover.) Préface de Jules Claretie. Paris: Edition de la Maison d'Art, 1902. 14pp. + 100 hand colored plates. With a preserved box (sunned and torn). Spine missing. Unbound. Front cover sunned, torn and damaged. Verso of front cover and half title page partly pasted. Plates somewhat sunned. (plates 30.2x22cm.). [aj920-807412] ¥32,400 86 フランス王室クラウン・ジュエル競売カタログ 1887 年 パリ刊 3/4 革装 表紙、裏表紙ヤケ 表紙に小さなシール貼り付き 革の表面剥げ ページ少々ヤケ プレート 1 およ び 9 欠(7 枚現存) Diamants Perles et Pierreries Provenant de la Collection dite des Joyaux de la Couronne. Ministère des Finances. Direction Générale de l'Enregistrement, des Domaine et du Timbre. Direction des Domaines de la Seine. (p.5) Dont la vente aura lieu au Palais des Tuileries, Pavillon de Flore (Salle des États), le jeudi 12 mai 1887... par les soins de M. le 25 Directeur des Domaines de la Seine ou de son délégue, assisté de MM. Escribe, commissaire-priseur, Emile Vanderheym, expert près la Cour d'appel, Arthur Bloche experts. Exposition Publique... Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1887. 15pp.+7 plates (plates 1 & 9 missing). 3/4 leather and marbled boards, marbled e.ps. Plates; Phototypie Berthaud. Leather of spine and corners rubbed and peeled. Boards sunned. A small sticker pasted on front board. Pages light sunned. 39.5x29cm. [aj923-807937] ¥21,600 フランス ファッション雑誌 合本 19 世紀中期にフランスで刊行された、月刊女性雑誌「ジュルナル・デ・ドゥモワゼル(令嬢のための雑誌)」 87 Journal des Demoiselles. 1845 年 1 月-12 月号背革装 小口マーブル / 表紙、裏表 紙、背擦れ 小口ヤケ 合本タイトルページ~p.4 まで欠 ページ余白を中心に薄いシミ p.137 余白少々欠 [ファッション・プレート] 白黒・4 点 / カラー・11 点 / [刺繍図版]カラー・1 点 合本冊 数:12 Dark green leather backed dark green boards. Gilt title to spine. Marbled edges and e..ps. Boards and spine somewhat rubbed. Corners of boards chipped and repaired. Edges sunned. From title page to p.4missing. Pages light stained. Margin of p.137 chipped. 4 b/w and 11 colored fashion plates. 1 colored embroidered design. 382pp. 24.5x16.8cm. [aj897-807352] ¥35,640 88 Journal des Demoiselles. Vingt-huitème Année. 1860 年 3 月-12 月号 Paris: Au Bureau du Jounal. 背革装 / 表紙、裏表紙、背少々擦れ 背ジョイント部に穴 小口ヤケ 前見返し綴じ割れ(た だし背で繋がっている) p.186-187 余白汚れ [ファッション・プレート] 白黒・5 点 白黒(三つ折)・2 点 / カラー・10 点 / [その他図版]白黒・3 点 合本冊数:10 Black leather backed dark marbled boards. Gilt title to spine. Boards and spine sl.rubbed. A small hole on the joint of spine. Edges sunned. Joint of front e.p.cracked. Pages light stained. Margin of pp.186-197 stained. 5 b/w and 10 colored fashion plates. 2 foleded b/w fashion plates and 3 b/w plates. 32pp.+65-380pp.28.5x19.2cm. [aj898-807353] ¥35,640 89 Journal des Demoiselles. Quarante-siximème Année. 1878 年 1 月-12 月号 Paris: Au Bureau du Jounal. 背革装 / 表紙、裏表紙、背擦れ及び傷み 表紙、裏表紙角欠 背部分欠及びジョイント部 少々裂け 小口ヤケ 見返しヤケ p.19 余白欠 p.41 綴じ外れ、余白少々汚れ p.91 に穴及び 印刷剥げ(一部文字欠損) p.141 欠 [ファッション・プレート] 白黒・2 点(共に三つ折) / カラー・16 点 合本冊数:12 Dark green leather backed dark green boards. Gilt title to spine. Marbled e..ps. Boards and spine wholly rubbed. Corners of boards chipped and peeled. Spine chipped and somewhat torn at joint. Edges sunned. E.ps.sunned. Margin of p.19 chipped. p.41 out of joint and light stained at the margin. A small hole on the p.91, partly peeled and some letters missing. p.141 missing. 2 folded b/w fashion plates and 16 colored fashion plates. 336pp.+44pp.27.7x19.5cm [aj900-807355] ¥48,600 90 Journal des Demoiselles. Quarante-neuvième Année. 1881 年 1 月-12 月号 Paris: Au Bureau du Jounal. 背革装 / 表紙、裏表紙、背擦れ及び傷み 表紙、裏表紙角欠 表紙大きく剥げ 背部分欠及 びジョイント部少々裂け 小口ヤケ p.139 欠 [ファッション・プレート] 白黒・2 点(共に折込) / カラー・16 点 合本冊数:12 Dark green leather backed dark green boards. Gilt title to spine. Marbled e..ps. Boards and spine wholly rubbed. Corners of boards chipped. Edge of front board peeled. Spine chipped and somewhat torn at joint. Edges sunned. Front and rear e.ps.partly browned. p.139 missing. 2 folded b/w fashion plates and 16 colored fashion plates. 332pp.+48pp.28x19.5cm ¥48,600 [aj901-807356] 26 レヴュー・デ・ラ・モード 91 Revue de la Mode. Gazette de la Famille. Huitième Année 1879. 1879 年 1 月 5 日号-12 月 28 日号 Paris: Rédaction et Administration aux Bureaux du Moniteur Universel et du Monde Illustré. 背革装 / 表紙、裏表紙角擦れ 背擦れ、部分剥がれ、表紙とのジョイント部分一部裂け 小口 ヤケ 見返し擦れ ページヤケ 目次テープで補修 p.149、170、171、185、253、255、261、263、 417、419 余白テープで補修 p.195、283 ページ番号ミスプリント 321-324pp.欠 p.325 余白 少々裂け カラー図版なし 記事内に白黒図版多数 合本冊数:52 (supplement 含む) Red calf backed red cloth boards. Gilt title to spine. Marbled e..ps. Front and rear boards somewhat rubbed at corners. Spine rubbed, partly peeled, and partly torn. Edges sunned. Front e.p.rubbed. Pages somewhat sunned. Index page repired with a tape. Margin of pp.149, 170, 171, 185, 253, 255, 261, 263, 417 & 419 repired with tapes. p.194 misnumbered as p.191. and p.285 misnumbered as p.283. pp.321-324 missing. Margin of p.325 torn. Numerous b/w illus. 420pp. 37.6x27.3cm. [aj910-807939] ¥43,200 92 Revue de la Mode. Gazette de la Famille. Dixième Année 1881. 1881 年 1 月 2 日号-12 月 25 日号 Paris: Rédaction et Administration aux Bureaux du Moniteur Universel et du Monde Illustré. 背革装 / 表紙、裏表紙擦れ 背全体的に擦れ、部分剥がれ 小口ヤケ 腹に赤インクシミ 前 あそび紙折れ 後見返しあそび紙欠 p.78-81 に薄いシミ p.99 折れ p.161-208 ヤケ p.164-176 薄いシミ p.201 上端少々破れ p.201-208 ヤケ、上端に薄いシミ 7 月 3 日号と 7 月 3 日号のサプリメント号の順番が逆になっている p.328-329 薄いシミ p.337-360 ヤケ p.409-432 ヤケ p.411 折れ p.416 ページ番号 408 とミスプリント p.431 上端余白裂け [ファッション・プレート] カラー・1 点 記事内に白黒図版多数 合本冊数:54 (supplement 含む) Brown leather backed marbled boards. Gilt title to spine. Marbled e..ps. Front and rear boards somewhat rubbed. Spine rubbed and peeled. Edges sunned. Red ink spotted to fore edge. Front e.p.sunned and partly torn at the joint. A front flyleaf folded. Rear e.p.sunned. A rear flyleaf missing. pp.78-81 and pp.164-176 light stained. p.99 and p.411 folded. pp.161-208, pp.337-360 and pp.409-432 sunned. Upper edge of p.201 sl.torn. pp.201-208 sunned and light stained at upper edge. July 3 issue and supplement issue of July 3 misbound. pp.328-329 light stained. Page numbering of p.416 misprinted ('408'). Upper edge of p.431 torn. 1 colored fashion plate and numerous b/w illus. 432pp. 38x27.3cm. [aj911-807350] ¥43,200 93 Revue de la Mode. Gazette de la Famille. 1887 年 1 月 2 日号-12 月 25 日号 背革装 / 表紙、裏表紙端擦れ 背擦れ、部分剥がれ 小口ヤケ、天と腹にインクシミ 見返し 擦れ ページややヤケ 一部ページに薄いシミ p.109 裂け p.161、167、341、347 欠 p.163、 343-346、353-356 余白少々裂け 197-200pp.右下角余白破れ p.408 テープで補修 カラー図版・3 点(そのうち 1 点は 4/17 号表紙) カラープレート・1 点 記事内に白黒図版多数 合本冊数:50 Brown calf backed marbled boards. Gilt title to spine. Marbled e..ps. Front and rear boards somewhat rubbed atedges. Spine rubbed and partly peeled. Edges sunned. Ink stained to top and fore edges. Front e.p.rubbed. Pages somewhat sunned. Some pages light stained. P.109 torn. pp.161, 167, 341, & 347 missing. Margin of pp.163, 343-346, 353-356 sl.torn. Bottom corners of pp.197-200 chipped. p.408 repaired with a tape. 3 colored illus. (includes a cover illus. of April 17 issue), 1 colored plates, and numerous b/w illus. 420pp. 38x27cm. [aj912-807940] ¥43,200 月刊婦人教養誌「マガザン・デ・ドモワゼル」 94 Magasin des Demoiselles. Morale, Histoire ancienne et moderne, Sciences, Économie domestique, Littérature, Beaux-Arts, Vouages, Récréations, Biographie, Petit Courrier des Demoiselles. Tome Septième. 1850-1851 年 / 本文下端には「Tome 8. - Octobre 1851」から「Tome 8. - Septembre 1852」の記 載あり Paris: Administration et Rédaction du Magasin des Demoiselles. 背革装 / 表紙、裏表紙、背少々擦れ 小口ヤケ ページに薄いシミ [ファッション・プレート] 白黒・2 点 / カラー・12 点 合本冊数:12 Brown leather backed red boards. Gilt title to spine. Boards and edge of spine somewhat rubbed. Edges sunned. Pages light stained. 2 b/w fashion plates and 12 colored fashion plates. 380pp. 25.5x17.2cm. [aj903-807351] ¥38,880 27 19 世紀中期にフランスで刊行された、月刊女性雑誌「ジュルナル・デ・ジュンヌ・ペルソンヌ(若い女性のための雑誌)」 95 Journal des Jeunes Personnes. Trente-siximème Année. 1867 年 11 月-1868 年 10 月号 Paris. 背革装 / 表紙、裏表紙、背少々擦れ 背に傷及び上下端少々欠 小口ヤケ 見返し部分的 にヤケ ページ少々ヤケ [ファッション・プレート] カラー・10 点 カラー(三つ折)・1 点 合本冊数:12 Dark green leather backed dark green boards. Gilt title to spine. Marbled e..ps. Boards somewhat rubbed. Edge of spine missing and small stains on the center. Front and rear e.ps.partly browned. Edges sunned. Some pages sl.wrinkled at the corner. 10 colored fashion plates and 1 folded colored fashion plate. 388pp. 26x18cm. [aj904-807358] ¥32,400 「キープセイク・デ・ダーム・エ・デ・ドモワゼル」 「ル・メッサージュ・デ・ダーム・エ・デ・ドモワゼル」 96 Keepsake des Dames et des Demmoiselles / Le Messager des Dames et des Demoiselles. Keepsake des Dames et des Demmoiselles 日付なし / Le Messager des Dames et des Demoiselles. 1854 年 10 月-1855 年 9 月号 背革装 / 表紙、裏表紙、背少々擦れ 背部分表面剥げ 小口ヤケ ページに薄いシミ Le Messager des Dames~の p.185-192 欠 Keepsake des・・・ [読み物の挿絵] 白黒・5 点 / Le Messager des・・・ [ファッションプレート] 白 黒・1 点 / カラー・12 点 [書簡のコピー] 白黒・2 点 合本冊数:Le Messager: 12 Dark green leather backed dark green boards. Gilt title to spine. Marbled e..ps. Boards and spine somewhat rubbed. Leather of spine partly peeled. Edges sunned. Front and rear e.ps.partly browned. Pages light stained. pp.185-192 of "Le Messager des Dames" missing. (Keepsake) 5 b/w fashion plates. (Le Messager) 1 b/w fashion plates and 2 b/w plates of photo copies of letters. 12 colored fashion plates. Keepsake des・・・ (49pp.)-192pp. / Le Messager des・・・ 184pp., (p.193)-200pp.25.5x17.5cm. [aj902-807357] ¥38,880 「モニエール・デ・ダーム・エ・デ・ドモワゼル」 (マダムとマドモワゼルたちのアドバイザー)」 97 Moniteur des Dames et des Demoiselles. Guide complet de tous les travaux de dames. Littérature choisie … Gravures de modes coloriées a l'aquarell, … par M.Jules David … 1866 年 11 月-1867 年 10 月号 Paris: A.Goubaud. 背革装 / 表紙、裏表紙、背少々擦れ 表紙、裏表紙角欠 背に傷 小口ヤケ 見返しヤケ、 擦れ、少々汚れ ページ少々ヤケ、余白に薄いシミ p.156 ページ番号ミスプリント p.333 下端 裂け [ファッション・プレート] カラー・12 点 合本冊数:12 Navy leather backed marbled boards. Gilt title to spine. Marbled e.ps. Boards and spine rubbed. Corners of boards chipped. Spine rubbed andpartly peeled. Edges sunned. Front and rear e.ps.sunned, rubbed and partly stained. Pages light sunned and light stained at the margin. Numbering of p.156 misprinted. p.333 partly torn at the bottom. 12 colored fashion plates. 372pp. 30.5x22.2cm. [aj905-807347] ¥38,880 ル・モニトゥール・ドゥ・ラ・モード 98 Le Moniteur de la Mode. 1896 年 1 月 4 日号-12 月 26 日号 背クロース装 / 表紙、裏表紙擦れ 背クロース汚れ及びシミ 小口ヤケ、天と腹にインクシミ 見返しヤケ 前あそび紙折れ及び小さな破れ ページヤケ p.663 右下角欠(一部文字も欠け) 記事内に白黒図版多数 カラー図版すべて欠 合本冊数:52 Red cloth backed marbled boards. Front and rear boards somewhat rubbed. Spine stained. Edges sunned. Red ink spotted to top and fore edges. E.ps.sunned. Front flyleaf folded, sl.torn and chipped. Bottom corner of p.663 missing. With numerous b/w illus. All colored plates missing. 663pp. 39.5x30.3cm. [aj909-807938] ¥43,200 ル・パリジャン・デ・パリ 99 Le Parisien de Paris. Journal hebdomadaire illustré. Édition de luxe. Année 1897. 1897 年 1 月 10 日号-12 月 26 日号 28 Paris. ペーパー装 6 月 13、20 日、7 月 11、18 日各号にサプリメント(Un Cahier de Nouvelles)挟み込 み / 表紙薄いシミ、裂け 裏表紙少々汚れ 背に薄いシミ 表紙から p.16 閉じ緩み(ほぼ綴じ 外れ) 小口及びページ少々ヤケ p.203 余白に鉛筆で書込 p.281 ページ下端少々裂け p.283 欠 5/16 号~ページ番号ミスプリント 10/24~ページ番号ミスプリント 記事内に白黒図版多数 合本冊数:51 Printed wrappers. June 13 & 20, July 11 & 18 with supplement ("Un Cahier de Nouvelles"). Front cover light stained and torn. Rear cover and spine light stained. Pages from front cover to p.16 out of joint. Edges and pages light sunned. Pencil notaion to margin of p.203. Bottom edge of p.281 torn. p.283 missing. Misnumbered from page 'May 16' and from 'Oct 24.' With numerous b/w illus. 808pp. 33x26cm. [aj906-807348] ¥43,200 ファッションデザイン画の始まりといわれる 19 世紀を代表するモード誌“ラ・モード・イリュストレ” 100 La Mode Illustrée. Journal de la Famille. 1871 年 1 月 1 日号-12 月 24 日号 背革装 / 表紙、裏表紙少々擦れ、端を中心に小さな欠け 背擦れ、表面剥がれ、傷 小口ヤ ケ 見返しヤケ ページ少々ヤケ p.115、307、387、395 欠 p.289、397 切り抜き 記事内に白黒図版多数 合本冊数:52 Dark brown leather backed brown boards. Gilt title to spine. Marbled e..ps. Boards somewhat rubbed and chipped. Spine rubbed and peeled. Edges sunned. Front and rear e.ps.sunned. Pages light sunned. Pages 115, 307, 387, 395 missing. Pages 289 & 397 are partly cut out. With numerous b/w illus. 416pp. 37.5x27cm. [aj907-807363] ¥32,400 ル・サロン・デ・ラ・モード 101 Le Salon de la Mode. Moniteur de la Famille. Modes, Littérature, Beaux-arts, Musique. 1877 年 1 月 1 日号 - 12 月 23 日号、1878 年 9 月 1 日号 - 12 月 29 日号 Paris: Aux du Salon de la mode, 焦げ茶クロース装、擦れ、端のクロース傷み 背ジョイント部分割れ 前後見返しのジョイント 部分割れ(表紙、裏表紙とも外れてはおらず、綴じ糸で繋がっている) / 1877 年:1-99pp.薄い シミ p.104 書込 5 月 13 日号以降の号ページヤケ p.183 裂け p.241 余白裂け p.319 余 白補修 p.333 裂け 1878 年:p.299 欠、p.419 裂け 折込白黒プレート・2 点 合本冊数:1877 年:52 / 1878 年:18 Bound in dark brown cloth, rubbed, damaged at th edge. Spine hinge partly cracked. 1877: 1-99pp.light stained. p.104 notationed. Pages from May 13 issue to Dec.23 issue sunned. p.183 torn. Margin of p.241 torn. Margin of p.319repaired. p.333torn. / 1878: p.299missing. p.419 torn. 2 b/w plates. 419pp., (281pp.)-424pp. 35.3x28cm. [aj913-807413] ¥43,200 モード・エ・トラヴォー (ファッションと手芸) 102 Modes et Travaux. feminins. 1928 年 1 月 1 日号-12 月 15 日号 Paris. 背革装 / 裏表紙角擦れ 背の端擦れ 小口ヤケ あそび紙ヤケ / 附・1936 年 9 月 15 日号 の付録(型紙) 合本冊数:24 Navy leather backed marbled boards. Gilt title to spine. Marbled e..ps. Corners of rear board sl.chipped. Spine rubbed at the edge. Flyleaves sunned. With a supplement of 15 Sept. 1936 issue. 29.4x19.8cm. [aj914-807364] ¥43,200 29 縮緬本・平紙本 「日本昔話」 欧文(英語)和装本 Japanese crepe paper / plain paper books 103 [縮緬本] 小泉八雲 日本昔噺 小泉八雲縮緬本 5 冊揃 Japanese Fairy Tale 元帙 極美 欧文(英語)和装本 The Boy who Drew Cats. 明治 31 年・初版 (黄色の表紙). 發行者:長谷川武次 郎 著者:ラフカヂヲ ヘルン 繪画と印刷:小宮屋壽 文字印刷者:柴田喜一 The Old Woman who Lost Her Dumpling. 昭和 12 年・8 版. 發行兼印刷者:西 宮興作 發行所:長谷川商店 Chin Chin Kobakama. 大正 14 年・15 版. 英譯者:ラフカヂヲ ヘルン 編輯兼發 行者:長谷川武次郎 印刷者:西宮興作 The Fountain of Youth. 昭和 9 年・3 版. 英譯者:ラフカヂオ ヘルン 編輯兼發 行者:長谷川武次郎 印刷者:西宮興作 The Goblin Spider. 大正 15 年・3 版. 英譯者:故ラフカヂオ ヘルン 編輯兼發 行者:長谷川武次郎 印刷者:西宮興作 絵師 新井芳宗 鈴木華邨 / 著者 ラフカヂヲ ヘルン / 發行者 長谷川武次郎 / 印刷者 西宮興作 (The Boy who Drew Cats のみ繪画と印刷 小宮 屋壽 / 文字印刷者 柴田喜一) Hearn,Lafcadio Japanese Fairy Tale. Rendered into English by Lafcadio Hearn. [The Boy who Drew Cats (1898, 1st edition). The Old Woman who Lost Her Dumpling (1937, 8th edition). Chin Chin Kobakama (1925, 15th edition). The Fountain of Youth (1934, 3rd edition). The Goblin Spider (1926, 3rd edition).] 5 vols.set. Y.Nishinomiya, Publisher & Art-Printer, Tokyo ("The Boy who…" & "The Old Woman…"), T.Hasegawa, Tokyo (the other 3 copies), 1898-1937. Crepe paper book with hand colored woodblocks, Japanese style binding. Set in an original preserved case, sunned at spine. Although not first issues, they are a beautiful set of Hearn's titles which are especially desirable. 19.2x13.7cm (book). [aj875-102203] ¥432,000 *追加入荷 本リスト No.300 [縮緬本] 「続 日本昔噺」 小泉八雲 縮緬本 3 冊揃 104 [平紙本] ダビッドタムソン譯述 日本昔噺 第二号 舌切雀 明治十八年八月十七日版権免 許同月出版 同十九年七月添題再版御届 弘文社 鮮斎永濯画 欧文(英語)和装本 全体的 に少々ヤケ 裏表紙に薄いシミ (Thompson,David trans.) The Tongue Cut Sparrow. Japanese Fairy Tales. Second Series, No.2. Tokyo: Kobunsha, 1886. (22pp., including front & rear covers) Printed on Japanese paper and Japanese style binding. With numerous hand colored woodblocks. Somewhat sunned. Rear cover light stained. 18.2x12.4cm. [aj1072-707182] ¥37,800 105 [平紙本] 米國 ダビッドタムソン先生 譯 日本昔噺 第三號 再版 猿蟹合戦 明治十九年 十一月五日再版御届 出版所:弘文社 欧文(英語)和装本 全体的に少々ヤケ 裏表紙にごく 薄いシミ 表紙、裏表紙、奥付イラストはカラー、本文イラストは白黒 (Thompson,David trans.) Battle of the Monkey and the Crab. Japanese Fairy Tale Series, No.3. (Second edition). Second edition. Published by the Kobunsha, Tokyo, 1885. (18pp., including front & rear covers) Printed on Japanese paper and Japanese style binding. With numerous woodblocks, illus.on front and rear covers and colophon are colored, and on text are b/w. Somewhat sunned. Rear cover light stained. 18.2x12.4cm. [aj1073-707183] 106 [縮緬本]ダビッド、タムソン譯述 日本昔噺 第五号 かちかちやま 表紙に「勝々山」 昭和 七年三月一日第十六版印刷 同月十日發行 發行兼印刷者:西宮興作 欧文(英語)和装本 美本 Thompson,David (trans.) Kachi-kachi Mountain. Japanese Fairy Tale Series, No.5. 16th edition. Tokyo: T.Hasegawa (at front cover) / Published by Y.Nishinomiya, Tokyo (at colophon), 1932. 30 ¥37,800 (22pp., including front & rear covers) Crepe paper book with numerous hand colored woodblocks, Japanese style binding. 15x10.8cm. [aj1061-707171] ¥35,000 107 [縮緬本](ジェイムズ夫人) 日本昔噺 第十一號 因幡の白兎 昭和十二年二月一日第十七 版印刷 同月十日發行 發行兼印刷者:西宮興作 (絵師:鮮斎永濯) 欧文(英語)和装本 著 者名記載なし(日本語・英語どちらも) 美本 (James,T.H. Mrs.) The Hare of Inaba. Japanese Fairy Tale Series, No.11. 17th edition. Published by Y.Nishinomiya, Tokyo (at front cover), 1937. (18pp., including front & rear covers) Crepe paper book with numerous hand colored woodblocks, Japanese style binding. 15.2x10.5cm. [aj1062-707172] ¥35,000 108 [縮緬本]ヂェイムス夫人譯 日本昔噺 第十二號 野干の手柄 昭和十二年三月一日第十六 版印刷 同月十日發行 發行兼印刷者:西宮興作 (絵師:鮮斎永濯) 欧文(英語)和装本 美 本 (James,T.H. Mrs.) The Cub's Triumph. Japanese Fairy Tale Series, No.12. 16th edition. Tokyo: T.Hasegawa, 1937. (26pp., including front & rear covers) Crepe paper book with numerous hand colored woodblocks, Japanese style binding. 15.3x10.4cm. [aj1063-707173] ¥35,000 109 [縮緬本]ヂェイムス夫人譯述 日本昔噺 第十四號 玉の井 昭和十二年七月十日第十七版 印刷 同月十六日發行 發行兼印刷者:西宮興作 欧文(英語)和装本 美本 James,Kate The Princes Fire-flash & Fire-fade. Told in English by Kate James. Japanese Fairy Tale Series, No.14. 17th edition. Published by Y.Nishinomiya, Tokyo (Late T.Hasegawa), 1937. (28pp., including front & rear covers) Crepe paper book with numerous hand colored woodblocks, Japanese style binding. 15.4x10.3cm. [aj1064-707174] ¥35,000 110 [縮緬本]譯述者 ジェイムス夫人 日本昔噺 第十七號 竹篦太郎 昭和十五年四月一日第 十八版印刷 同月十日発行 発行者:西宮興作 印刷者:中井虎太郎 欧文(英語)和装本 表紙に薄い汚れ James,T.H. Mrs. (trans.) Schippeitaro. Japanese Fairy Tale Series, No.17. 18th edition. Tokyo: Published by Y.Nishinomiya, 1940. (26pp., including front & rear covers) Crepe paper book with numerous hand colored woodblocks, Japanese style binding. Front cover light stained. 15.5x103.cm. ¥35,000 [aj1065-707175] 111 [縮緬本]ヂェイムス夫人譯述 日本昔噺 第十九号 大江山 昭和三十年七月二十日第十 七版印刷 同月二十八日發行 発行兼印刷者:西宮興作 欧文(英語)和装本 美本 (James,T.H. Mrs. (trans.)) Ogres of Oyeyama. Japanese Fairy Tale Series, No.19. 17th edition. Tokyo: Published by Y.Nishinomiya, 1955. (32pp., including front & rear covers) Crepe paper book with numerous hand colored woodblocks, Japanese style binding. 15.4x10.5cm. [aj1066-707176] ¥35,000 31 112 [縮緬本](ジェイムズ夫人) (日本昔噺 第二十號 養老の瀧) 表紙および奥付に日本語タイ トルなし 昭和七年三月二十五日第十七版印刷 同月二十八日發行 發行者:長谷川武次郎 印刷者:西宮興作 欧文(英語)和装本 美本 James,Kate The Enchanted Waterfall. Japanese Fairy Tale Series, No.20. 17th edition. Tokyo: Published by Y.Nishinomiya, 1932. (22pp., including front & rear covers) Crepe paper book with numerous hand colored woodblocks, Japanese style binding. 15.2x10.1cm. [aj1067-707177] ¥35,000 113 [縮緬本] (ジェイムズ夫人) (日本昔噺 第二十二號 思い出草と忘れ草) 表紙および奥 付に日本語タイトルなし 昭和十四年五月十五日第十二版印刷 同年六月一日發行 發行 兼印刷者:西宮興作 發行所:長谷川商店 欧文(英語)和装本 美本 Mrs. T.H.James The Flowers of Remembrance and Forget Fulness. Japanese Fairy Tale (at front cover) (Japanese Fairy Tales Large Size Edition, No.2). Told in English by Mrs.T.H.James. 12th edition. Tokyo: T.Hasegawa, 1939. (22pp., including front & rear covers) Crepe paper book with numerous hand colored woodblocks, Japanese style binding. 19.2x13.7cm. [aj1069-707179] ¥70,200 114 [縮緬本]譯者 ラフカヂヲヘルン 日本昔噺 再版 第一號 蜘蛛 明治三十二年四月一日 印刷 同十日發行 (初版) 發行者:長谷川武次郎 印刷者:柴田喜一 欧文(英語)和装本 全体的に少々ヤケ Hearn,Lafcadio The Goblin Spider. Japanese Fairy Tales. Second Series, No.1. First edition. T.Hasegawa, Publisher, Tokyo, 1899. (22pp., including front & rear covers) Crepe paper book with numerous hand colored woodblocks, Japanese style binding. Somewhat sunned. 15.1x10cm. [aj1068-707178] ¥43,200 115 [縮緬本] (ケイト・ジェイムズ) 日本昔噺 鉢かづき 表紙および奥付に日本語タイトルなし 昭和九年四月二十日印刷 同年五月一日發行 (初版) 絵師:鈴木華邨 發行兼印刷者: 西宮興作 發行所 長谷川商店 欧文(英語)和装本 美本 James,Kate Japanese Fairy Tale. The Wooden Bowl. (Japanese Fairy Tales Large Size Edition, No.3). Told in English by Kate James. First edition. Published by T.Hasegawa, Tokyo, 1934. (22pp., including front & rear covers) Crepe paper book with numerous hand colored woodblocks, Japanese style binding. 19x13.7cm. [aj1070-707180] ¥75,600 116 [縮緬本][バルブドー] ラ・フォンテーヌ 寓話選 2 巻揃 明治廿七年發行 著作者:佛國人馬留武黨 編輯者・發 行者・印刷者:曲田成 監督者:野村宗十郎 印刷所:東京築地活版製造所 畫工:梶田半古、狩野友信、岡倉秋水、 河鍋暁翠、枝貞彦 木版師:木村徳太郎 欧文(フランス語)和装本 拵帙入 各巻表紙、裏表紙擦れ 第 1 巻の綴じ 糸少々解れあり Choix de Fables de La Fontaine. (at title page) Illustrées par un Groupe des Meilleurs Artistes de Tokio. Sous la direction de P.Barboutau. 2 vols. Tokio: 1894. Imprimerie de Tsoukidji-Tokio, S. Magata, Directeur. Crepe paper book with hand colored woodblocks, Japanese style binding. Covers of each vol.rubbed. Silk strings which tied vol.1 partly frayed. With a new preserved case. 19.8x15.2cm. [aj876-102204] ¥257,140 117 [縮緬本] カール・フローレンツ 孝女白菊の詩 原著 井上巽軒(哲次郎) / 絵師 三島蕉窓、新井芳宗 發行者 長谷川武次郎 / 繪畫印刷者 小宮屋壽 / 文字印刷者 齋籐章達 明治二十八年九月三十日發行(初版) 第三版 32 の元帙(少々擦れ、補修済)及び拵帙入 欧文(ドイツ語)和装本 Florenz,Karl Japanischen Dichtungen. Weissaster. Ein Romantisches Epos. Nebst Anderen Gedichten. Frei Nachgebildet von Karl Florenz. First edition. Leipzig: C.F.Amelamg's Verlag, Tokyo: T.Hasegawa, 1895. vorwort'+79pp.+4pp.(anmerkungen) Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. With an original pictorial preserved case of 3rd edition (sl.rubbed and repaired) and a new preserved case. 19.4x15.9cm. ¥129,600 [aj790-101984] 118 [縮緬本] カール・フローレンツ 東の国からの詩の挨拶-和歌集 絵師 三 島蕉窓、新井芳宗、鈴木華邨 他 發行者 長谷川武次郎 / 印刷者 金子徳 次郎 明治四十二年十月二十日第十二版發行 欧文(ドイツ語)和装本 元帙 入 Florenz,Karl Dichtergrüsse aus dem Osten. Japanische Dichtungen. Übertragen von Karl Florenz in Tokyo. Zwölfte auflage. Leipzig: C.F.Amelangs Verlag (title page) / Druck, illustrationen & papier von T.Hasegawa, Tokyo (colophon), 1909. 96pp.+'Anmerkungen' Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. With an original pictorial preserved case (partly chipped and color chipped). 19.8x14.8cm. [aj787-101981] ¥129,600 119 [平紙本] K.フローレンツ 寺子屋 明治参拾参年壹月壹日發行 欧文(フランス 語)和装本 印刷者 村岡平吉 / 飜譯者 カール、フロレンツ / 發行者 長谷川武 次郎 カバー裏表紙及び背表紙の一部欠(補修済み) ページ余白に極薄いシミ Florenz,Karl (trans.) Scènes du Théâtre Japonais. L'École de Village. (Terakoya) Drame historique en un acte. Tokyo: Publié par T.Hasegawa, 1900. Printed on Japanese plain paper and Japanese style binding. With numerous color woodblocks. Rear cover and spine of dust wrapper missing. 27.7x20.8cm. [aj642-704937] ¥162,000 120 [縮緬本] K.フローレンツ (日本の芝居: 寺子屋・朝顔) 明治三十三年九月十日 初版 欧文(ドイツ語)和装本 絵師 新井芳宗 / 著者 フロレンツ / 發行者 長谷川武次郎 / 印 刷者 小宮屋壽 / 發行所 長谷川商店 元袋付 元帙 (この本には表紙は2種あるが、当 該本は珍しい。) Florenz,Karl Japanische Dramen. Terakoya und Asagao. Übertragen von Prof.Dr.Karl Florenz. First edition. Leipzig: C.F.Amelangs Verlag / Tokyo: T.Hasegawa, 1900. Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. With an original tissue paper wrapper and an original pictorial preserved case. 19.5x14.8cm. [aj654-704936] ¥162,000 121 [平紙本] ジェー、エス、デー、ベンネヴィル (著作兼發行者) 小栗判官一代記 大正四年三月六日印刷 大正四 年三月十日發行 印刷者:村岡平吉 印刷所:福音印刷合資会社 欧文(英語) クロース装 表紙に留め紐 本文袋 綴じ カラー口絵 1 点 白黒図版 45 点 地図 3 点 小口、背、見返しヤケ Benneville,James S.de Tales of the Samurai. Oguri Hangwan Ichidaiki. Being the Story of the Lives, the Adventures, and the Misadventures of the Hangwan-dai Kojirō Sukeshige and Terute-hime, his wife. [A redaction from the kōdan and chronicles of the Japanese originals]. Yokohama, 1915. xx,485pp. Bound in light blue cloth, gilt title and white motif on front board, gilt title to spine. The book can bind with 2 33 strings at fore edge. With 1 coloured frontis., 45 b/w illus.in page, and 3 folding maps. A double-leaved book, printed on Japanese paper. Spine, edges and e.ps.sunned. 23.5x15.7cm. [aj750-101970] ¥30,850 122 [縮緬本]イー、エス、パットン (さかさまの國日本) 明治二十九年七月七日發行 發行 者:長谷川武次郎 文字印刷者:東京築地活版製造所 繪畫印刷者:小宮や江 發行所: 長谷川商店 欧文(英語)和装本 全体的にややヤケ 表紙、裏表紙に小さなシミ 背擦れ Patton,E.S. Mrs. Japanese Topsyturvydom. Published by T.Hasegawa, ... Tokyo (at colophon), 1896. 36pp. Crepe paper book with numerous hand colored woodblocks, Japanese style binding. Covers and whole page light foxed. Covers partly spotted. Spine worn at edge. 20.2x16.9cm. [aj874-102202] ¥129,600 123 [平紙本][巌谷小波] 漣山人 (編) 廣業 (画) 日本昔噺 第七編 かちかち山 校訂日本昔噺 (序より) 和英對譯 日本昔噺 英國ソントン女史譯 表装挿畫寺崎廣業君 (本書掲載の出版リストより) 明治三十六年 英學新報社蔵版 編輯兼發行者:田村奈良吉 印刷者:水谷景長 印刷所:博進社工場 發兌元:博文館・東京堂 大賣捌:盛文館川 瀬代助 和英対訳 (日本語 18pp. 英語 32pp.) ペーパー装 表紙および裏表紙にカラーイラスト 本文白黒イラスト 小口ヤケ 英文タイトルページに巌谷小波署名あり (Iwaya,Sazanami) Iwaya's Fairy Tales of Old Japan. The Story of Kachi-Kachi Yama. Translated by E.T. Tokyo: Eigaku-Shimpo-Sha, 1903. 18pp.(in Japanese) & 32pp.(in English). Printed wrapers. Colored illus.on front and rear covers, b/w illus.in text. Edges sunned. Ink signature by Sazanami Iwaya to English title page. 22.6x15cm. [aj871-102229] ¥86,400 124 [平紙本]巌谷小波 (編) 日本昔噺 第九編 俵藤太 校訂日本昔噺 (序より) 和英對譯日本昔噺 米國リツデル 女史譯 木版挿畫藤島華僊君 (本書掲載の出版リストより) 明治三十六年 英學新報社蔵版 編輯兼發行者:田村 奈良吉 印刷者:水谷景長 印刷所:博進社工場 發兌元:博文館・東京堂 大賣捌:盛文館川瀬代助 和英対訳 (日本語 18pp. 英語 32pp.) ペーパー装 表紙および裏表紙にカラーイラスト 本文白黒イラスト 裏表紙角わずか に欠 小口ヤケ 英文タイトルページに巌谷小波署名あり (Iwaya,Sazanami) Iwaya's Fairy Tales of Old Japan. Tawara Toda Hidesato (Hidesato of the Rice Bale). Translated by Hannah Riddell. Tokyo: Eigaku-Shimpo-Sha, 1903. 18pp.(in Japanese) & 32pp.(in English). Printed wrapers. Colored illus.on front and rear covers, b/w illus.in text. Edges sunned. Rear cover chipped at corner. Ink signature by Sazanami Iwaya to English title page. 22.6x15cm. [aj872-102230] ¥86,400 125 [平紙本]巌谷小波 (編) 日本昔噺 第拾壹編 物臭太郎 校訂日本昔噺 (序より) 和英對譯日本昔噺 英國リツ デル女史譯 木版挿畫梶田半古君 (本書掲載の出版リストより) 明治三十七年 英學新報社蔵版 編輯兼發行者: 田村奈良吉 印刷者:水谷景長 印刷所:博進社工場 發兌元:博文館・東京堂 大賣捌:盛文館川瀬代助 和英対 訳 (日本語 20pp. 英語 32pp.) ペーパー装 表紙および裏表紙にカラーイラスト 本文白黒イラスト 表紙ホチキス 綴じ部分少々シミ 小口ヤケ 英文タイトルページに巌谷小波署名あり (Iwaya,Sazanami) Iwaya's Fairy Tales of Old Japan. Do-Nothing-Taro. Translated by Hannah Riddell. Tokyo: Eigaku-Shimpo-Sha, 1904. 20pp.(in Japanese) & 32pp.(in English). Printed wrapers. Colored illus.on front and rear covers, b/w illus.in text. Small stains on joint of front cover. Edges sunned. Ink signature by Sazanami Iwaya to English title page. 22.6x15cm. [aj873-102231] ¥86,400 126 ピエール・ロチ お菊さん パリ刊 1888 年 フィガロ・エディション 限定 100 部(番号なし) 総革装 元表紙、裏表紙 綴じこみ(表紙のど補修) カラー・モノクロ挿絵多数 背、小口、ページ少々ヤケ 34 Loti,Pierre Madame Chrysanthème. Dessins et Aquarelles de Rossi et Myrbach. Gravure de Guillaume Frères. Edition du Figaro (to original front cover). Collection E.Guillaume et Cie (to title page). Il à été tire de cet ouvrage 100 exemplaires sur Japon. Paris: Calmann Lévy, Éditeur, 1888. 328pp. Limited to 100 copies (this copy is no number). Bound in green morocco. Gilt letters and motifs to spine. Marbled e.ps. With original covers inside. b/w and colored illus. Spine light sunned and edges sunned. Pages light foxing. The original front cover was skillfully restored. Margin of pp.314-317 light spotted. 23.5x16.5cm. [aj1157-808011] ¥32,400 127 公教宣教師 エ、ラゲ 高等學校講師 小野藤太 共編 佛和會話大辭典 明治 38 年 8 月刊行 印刷者:山本忠太 郎 印刷所:立教學院活版部 發行所:天主公教會 3/4 革装 革傷み 表紙、裏表紙汚れ ページヤケ、シミ タイト ルページに印 3 か所及び「preface」に個人印 一部ページにインク・鉛筆書込 Raguet,E. & Tōta Ono eds. Dictionnaire Français - Japonais. Précédé d'un Abrégé de Grammaire Japonaise. Droits de reproduction réservés. Tokyo: Librairie Sansaisha (三才社) / Yokohama, Shanghai: Brême, Max Noëssler & Co. / Bruxelles: Société Belge de Librairie / Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1905. ii,78pp.('Abrégé de Grammaire Japonaise'),ii,1084pp. Bound in 3/4 dark brown leather with green cloth. Gilt title to spine. Front and rear boards faded, stained, water marked and chipped at corners. Spine rubbed, chipped at edges, and leather partly torn at joint. New e.ps.stained. Plastic wrapper fasten with sellotape at front and rear e.ps. Pages sunned, light spotted and somewhat stained at the margin. Ex-library with stamps; 3 stamps on title page and a small one on the end of 'preface'. Pencil underlines or notations to p.1 of 'Dictionnaire...' and pp.600 (with black and red pencils), 711, 780, and 781. Ink notations to the margin of pp.308, 310, and 423. pp.470-471 light stained. 25.5x18cm. [aj1008-807958] ¥54,000 128 和英通韻 以呂波便覧 全土佐 海援隊蔵板 慶應四年戌辰三月(序文より) 尚友主人興校 和装本 拵帙入 26 丁 見返し及び表題、扉ページ欠 表紙、裏表紙汚れ ページに朱で書込 Waei Tsuin Iroha Benran Zen. (English text book for Japanese in the Edo era.) Tosa (Japan): Kaientai, 1868. (52pp.) Japanese binding, bound in contemporary yellow paper wrappers and new string. Title label to front cover. Front and rear covers stained and black and red sumi-ink notationed. Title label darkened and chipped. Red sumi-ink notations to many pages. 26.3x18.2cm. [aj1009-807959] ¥86,400 129 法朗西單語篇 開成所 慶應二年刷印 表紙・厚紙に薄桃色ペーパー貼り合せ、背青クロース 表紙にタイトルラ ベル タイトルページに開成所印 後見返しに書込み及び印 裏表紙少々破れ 裏表紙から天にかけてダメージあり Livre pour l'Instruction dans l'École Kaïceizio a Yedo. Vol.I. Première Édition. Yedo (Tokyo), En L'an 2. Kei-Au (1866). 76pp. Printed wrappers. Cloth backed paper boards, title label to front board. Publisher's stamp on title page. Front board sl.faded. Rear board light stained and partly missing at upper edge. Top edge of this copy and upper edge of spine somewhat damaged. Some small holes to spine. Pages light foxing. Sumi ink notation to rear e.p.and a small stamp to rear flyleaf. Hinge of boards started. 19x12cm. [aj1152-751298] ¥64,800 130 錦窠先生(伊藤圭介) 著 伊藤圭造、西村良三(柳河春三) 同校 萬寳叢書洋字篇 11 丁 尾張:花繞書屋藏版 天保十二年 (1841) 包背装 拵帙入 表紙及び裏表紙全体的に汚れ 題簽に個人印(小) 裏表紙に墨で書込 「和 蘭亜別設二十六字」に朱書及び鉛筆書込 23.8x16.3cm. (Bampou shousho yoji-hen) (22pp.) Bound with yellow paper wrappers, stained. Title label to the front board, faded and small stamped. With a new preserved case. Small sumi-ink notations to rear board. Pencil and red ink notations to facing page of title page. 24x16.3cm. [aj611-704839] ¥270,000 35 131 R.モリソン (著) 英國文語凡例傳 1823 年 マカオ刊 背クロース、厚紙装 Morrison,Robert A Grammar of the English Language. For the Use of the Anglo-Chinese College. Macao: Printed at the Honorable East India Company's Press, By P. P. Thoms 1823. 97pp. Brown cloth of spine & marble boards. Front & rear cover sl.sunned & stained. Side of front cover sl.torn. Rear cover sl.started. Its spine sunned & rubbed. All edges partly sunned. Partly water stained on front ep. & title page. A small spotted on rear ep. & fly leaf. Pencil notation on tilte page. Library stamped ("School of Oriental & African Studies, London") on title page verso & p.97 verso. Guard of 26-27pp. sl.cracked. 23x15cm. [d00573-300820] ¥270,000 132 ホーム・ライフ 海外版 1942 年 1 月号-5 月号 Vol.4. Nos.1-5. 大阪毎日新聞社 東京日日新聞社 本文:英語、 中国語、一部フランス語 5 冊セット Home Life. January - May 1942. (Vol.4. Nos.1-5.) Text in English, Chinese and partly French. 5 issues. Osaka Mainichi Shimbun-Sha & Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shimbun-Sha, 1942. Shionogi & Co., Hohei Tanabe & Co., Asahi Nippon Rubber Co., Oji Seishi, Mitui Bussan Kaisha, Nippon Tire (Bridgestone), 他 企業広告多数 1 月号 表紙:御朱印船 (西山英雄 画) 議会風景 / 閲兵式 / 電子顕微鏡 / 初春之舞:石井獏門下生による / 火炎放射器、高射砲陣地飛行機製作工 場 ページヤケ January 1942. Cover: 'Goshuin-Bune' (Red Seal Ships), illus.by Hideo Nishiyama. 56pp. Printed wrappers. Pages sunned. The Imperial Diet in session. / Military review. / Super-electron microscope, pride of Nippon's scirnce. / Dance of early spring, by students of Baku Ishii. / Flame-thrower, Anti-aircraft battery, At an aircraft plant. 2 月号 表紙:マレー沖海戦・プリンスオブウエールス号撃沈 (松添健 画) 「大東亜戦争の意義」大阪毎日新聞主幹・下田将美 / 日本の撮影所 / 山本提督 海軍航空隊 / ハワイ大爆撃 (真珠湾) ページヤケ February 1942. Cover: Sinking of the battleship Prince of Wales, illus.by Ken Matsuzoe. 56pp. Printed wrappers. Pages sunned. Significance of The Greater East Asia War. / Motion picture studios in Nippon. / Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, The naval air force of Nippon. / The great raid on Hawaii (Parl Harbor). 3 月号 表紙:(鯉と桜) (里見公起 画) 「大東亜戦争の目的」東條英機 / シンガポール陥落 / 日本刀 / 宝塚歌劇団 ページヤケ、裏表紙に折れた跡多数及び裂け p.5 余白に小さな裂け March 1942. Cover: Carp and cherry blossoms, illus.by Koki Satomi. 56pp. Printed wrappers. Rear cover folded and partly torn. Pages sunned. Margin of p.5 sl.torn. Premier Tojo clarifies, Greater East Asia War objectives. / Singapore foe surrenders. / Making a Japanese sword. / Takarazuka Girl's Opera 4 月号 表紙:(日本の落下傘部隊) (Toshiro Maeda 画) パレンバン空挺作戦 / シンガポール陥落 / 伝染病研究所 / 川奈ホテルのゴルフコース ページヤケ、裏表紙にごく小さな裂けおよび薄いシミ April 1942. Cover: Nippon army parachute troops, illus.by Toshiro Maeda. 56pp. Printed wrappers. Rear cover sl.torn and light stained. Pages sunned. The battle in the oilfield region. / Singapore falls. / Infectious Diseases Reserch Institute. / Kawana Golf Links. 5 月号 表紙:(チャイナドレスを着た女性) (Keinosuke Ito(伊藤慶之助?) 画) 日本とタイが同盟、Phya Phahol Pholphayuha Sena 来日 / バターン半島の米比軍捕虜 ページヤケ 36 May 1942. 56pp. Printed wrappers. Pages sunned. Nippon welcomes Thai felicitation mission. / Foe on Bataan peninsula captulates. [aj922-807942] ¥270,000 「ABAJ 創立 50 周年記念国際稀覯本フェア 2015 日本の古書 世界の古書」カタログ 未掲載品 133 イヴリン・アダム Behind the Screens. 1910 年 クロース装 Adam,Evelyn Behind the Screens. An English Woman's Impressions of Japan. New York & London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1910. xiii,277pp. Black cloth with gilt title & color illustration on spine & front cover. Front & rear cover sl.stained. Its spine sunned. & rubbed. All edges partly sunned & stained. Small spotted on front & rear ep. & fly leaf. Gutter of title page & 272-275pp. partly cracked. Sl.spotted on some pages. 19.5x13cm. [aj995-707101] ¥6,480 134 秋元俊吉 日本の魅力 編輯兼發行者: 財團法人國際観光協會 北星堂 昭和 9 年 カバー、クロース装 Akimoto,Shunkichi The Lure of Japan. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press, 1934. xvi,371pp. With 40 illus. & 1 map. d.w. Green cloth. d.w. sl.sunned & stained. Spine of d.w. partly torn & chipped. Front & rear cover partly stained. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear fly leaf sl.sunned. Frontspiece to title page & illustration of P.166 completely detached. Gutter of half title page partly cracked. 19.5x13cm. [aj930-706992] ¥2,160 135 ラザフォード・オールコック 大君の都 第 2 巻のみ 1868 年 クロース装 Alcock,Sir Rutherford The Capital of the Tycoon. Vol.II Only. A Narrative of a Three Year's Residence in Japan. With Maps and Numerous Illustrations. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1868. 436pp.+6pp.(Catalogue) Green cloth with gilt title on spine, embossed motif on spine & front cover. Front & rear cover sl.stained. Corner & lower part of covers sl.rubbed. Its spine sl.sunned & partly rubbed. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf partly sunned. Lower part of front fly leaf sl.torn. A fording map ("Map of Osaka") sl.torn. Partly spotted on title page. Lower part of 99-100pp. partly chipped. 261-262pp. & 273-274pp. missing. 20x13cm. [aj1027-707126] ¥8,640 136 エドウィン・アーノルド Seas and Lands. 1894 年 新版 クロース装 Arnold,Sir Edwin Seas and Lands. With Numerous Illustrations. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1894. New edition. xii,601pp.+24pp.(Catalogue) Wine red cloth with silver title on spine & front cover. Front & rear cover partly stained. Its spine sunned. Upper & lower part of spine sl.torn & rubbed. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. sl.stained. Ink notation on vii page. Small spotted on many pages. 18.8x12.8cm. [aj1021-707120] ¥6,480 137 馬場辰猪 日本語文典 3 版 クロース装 Baba,Tatui An Elementary Grammar of the Japanese Language with Easy Progressive Exercises. Revised by G. Ukita. With an Intdoruction by Arthur Diósy. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., 1904. Third Edition. xi,120pp. Dark red cloth with gilt title on spine & front cover. Front & rear cover sl.stained. SL.spotted on front cover. Its spine sunned. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear gutter sl.cracked. Ink notation and signature by former owner ("Kusakabe,H.") on half title page. Library stamped on title page. Small spotted on some pages. 18.5x12.5cm. [aj962-707036] ¥21,600 37 138 G. バグレスコ 大和魂 仏文版 [1936 年] クロース装 Bagulesco,Georges Yamato Damashii. Roman, I. L'imprimerie Kenkyusha Co., [1936.] 317pp. With 2 color illus. Dark gray cloth with gilt title on spine. Front & rear cover partly sunned. Small spotted on front cover. Its spine partly sunned & sl.wrinkled. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned & stained. Partly spotted on front fly leaf to title page & 316-317pp. Gutter of half title page sl.cracked. 25x19.5cm. [aj992-707098] ¥16,200 139 マーガレット・テート・キニア・バラ 古き日本の瞥見 1908 年 クロース装 Ballagh,Margaret Tate Kinnear Glimpses of Old Japan 1861-1866. Tokyo: For the Author Methodist Publishing House, 1908. 126pp. Green cloth with gilt title on front cover. Partly spotted on front & rear cover. Its spine sl.rubbed. Sl.spotted on upper part of spine. All edges partly sunned. Partly water stained on front ep. Front & rear fly leaf partly sunned. Ink notation & sl.pencil line on some pages. 19x12.8cm [aj1025-707124] ¥21,600 140 K. F. ベリー A Pioneer Doctor in Old Japan. カバー、クロース装 Berry,Katherine Fiske A Pioneer Doctor in Old Japan. The Story of John C. Berry, M. D. New York: Fleming H. Revell Co., [1940.] 247pp. With a frontis. & 20 illus. d.w. Blue cloth. d.w. partly sunned & stained. Spine of d.w. sl.torn & chipped. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned. Ink notation on front fly leaf. Ink stamped (date) on rear fly leaf. 22.2x15.5cm. [aj935-706997] ¥6,480 141 Laurence Binyon A Catalogue of Japanese & Chinese Woodcuts. 1916 年 クロース装 Binyon,Laurence A Catalogue of Japanese & Chinese Woodcuts. Preserved in the Sub-Department of Oriental Prints and Drawings in the British Museum. Printed by Order of the Trustees, / British Museum, 1916. lii,605pp. With a frontis. & 35 woodcuts (in 2 woodcuts missing). Green cloth with gilt title on spine. Front & rear cover partly stained & rubbed. Its spine sunned. Upper & lower part of spine splited & rubbed. All edges partly sunned. Sl.spotted on fore edge. Front & rear ep. partly stained & sl.peeled. Ink stamped on front ep. (3.5x3.5cm). Front & rear fly leaf partly sunned. Gutter of title page verso partly cracked. Small spotted on illus. 25.3x19cm. [aj1129-707216] ¥17,280 142 Laurence Binyon & J. J. O'brien Sexton Japanese Colour Prints. 1923 年 クロース装 Binyon,Laurence & Sexton,J. J. O'brien Japanese Colour Prints. London: Ernest Benn, Ltd., 1923. lvi,237pp.+xlvi (plates) With 46 color & b/w plates. Brown cloth with gilt title on spine. Front & rear cover sl.stained & rubbed. Red ink spotted on upper part of front cover. Sl.glue stained on rear cover. Its spine sunned & rubbed. All edges partly sunned. Front ep. & fly leaf partly sunned. Small spotted on front & rear fly leaf. Ink notation on some pages. Pencil underline on liv to lv page. Ink underline on 211-225pp. Paraffin paper of "plate XXIX" completely detached. 28.8x22cm. [aj1093-707195] ¥12,960 143 ジョン・R. スミス ヤング・ジャパン:横浜と江戸 2 巻 カバー、クロース装 Black,John R. Young Japan: Yokohama and Yedo 1858-79. With an Introduction by Grace Fox. [Oxford in Asia Historical Reprints] In 2 vols. Tokyo: Oxford UP, 1968. 38 Vol.I: xviii,iii-viii,v-xiv,418pp. / Vol.II: xiv,499pp. With a color frontis. of vol.I. d.w. Navy cloth. d.w. sl.stained. All edges sl.sunned. A small ink stained on P.490 of vol.II. Otherwise fine condition. 22.3x14.7cm. [aj945-707013] ¥12,960 144 レジナルド H. ブライス Japanese Life and Character in Senryu. 北星堂 昭和 36 年 初版 函・カバー、クロース 装 Blyth,R. H. Japanese Life and Character in Senryu. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press, 1960. First printing. viii,630pp. With a frontis. & 17 illus. & slip case. d.w. Bown cloth. Slip case sl.sunned & stained. Spine of d.w. sl.sunned & rubbed. Upper part of d.w. sl.torn. Front & rear flap sl.clipping. All edges sl.sunned. Ink stamped on front fly leaf & v page (2.2x2.2cm.). From the library of Shotaro Ozima. 22x16cm. [aj977-707083] ¥32,400 145 Jean Bouchot & Henri Cucherousset Notes Japonaises. 1925 年 クロース装(改装) Bouchot,Jean & Cucherousset,Henri Notes Japonaises. Le Pays des Frais Épis de la Luxuriante Plaine des Roseaux. Hanoi: Édition de L'Éveil Économique de L'Indochine, 1925. 96pp. With numerous illu. & 4 maps. Rebound black cloth with gilt title on spine. All edges partly sunned. Original front & rear cover partly sunned & stained. Partly water stained on original titl page. Small paper sticked on front ep. A small hole on half title page. Some pages sl.wrinkled & bended. 1 map of "Carte du Japon" partly sunned. 27.3x17.5cm. [aj1104-707206] ¥12,960 146 C. R. ボクサー Jan Compagnie in Japan, 1600-1850. 1950 年 改訂第 2 版 カバー、クロース装 Boxer,C. R. Jan Compagnie in Japan, 1600-1850. An Essay. On the Cultural, artistic and scientific influence exercised by the Hollandres in Japan from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries. With 17 plates of which 4 in colour. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1950. Second Revised Edition. xii,198pp. d.w. Beige cloth. d.w. partly sunned & stained. Upper & lower part of d.w. splited. Covers sl.sunned. All edges partly sunned & stained. Front & rear fly leaf partly sunned. Partly spotted on some pages. 25x16.8cm. [aj990-707096] ¥16,200 147 G. W. ブラウン 日本: 場所及び人々 1904 年 クロース装 Browne,G. Waldo Japan: The Place and the People. With an Introduction by The Hon. Kogoro Takahira. Illustrated with over Three Hundred Coloured Plates and Half-Tones. London: Sampson Low, Marston Co., 1904. 438pp. With many color & b/w illus. Red cloth with gilt title on spine & front cover. White flag illustration on front cover. Front & rear cover partly stained. Upper part of rear cover sl.peeled. Its spine sunned. Upper & lower part of spine sl.rubbed & torn. All edges partly sunned. Partly spotted on front & rear endpaper. Front & rear fly leaf partly sunned. Large ink stamped on title page. Sl.pencil line on some pages. 26.2x19cm. [aj993-707099] ¥21,600 148 J. I. ブライアン The Civilization of Japan. 初刷 カバー、クロース装 Bryan,J. Ingram The Civilization of Japan. [Home Uiversity Library of Modern Knowledge Vol.134] London: Williams & Norgate, Ltd., 1927. First printed. 256pp. d.w. Red cloth. Spine of d.w. sl.sunned. Lower part of d.w. sl.torn. Front & rear cover sl.stained. Its spine sl.rubbed. All edges sl.sunned & stained. Front & rear fly leaf sl.sunned. A small stamped on front fly leaf (2x2cm.). A small spotted on some pages. 17.2x11cm. [aj928-706990] ¥3,240 149 B. H. チェンバレン 口語体日本語手引 博聞社 明治 21 年 (初版) クロース装 Chamberlain,Basil Hall 39 A Handbook of Colloquial Japanese. London: Trübner & Co., / Tokyo: The Hakubunsha, / Kelly & Walsh, 1888. (First edition.) 486pp. Gray cloth with gilt title on spine & embossed motif on covers. Front & rear cover partly stained. White spotted on lower part of covers. Its spine partly sunned & sl.rubbed. Upper & lower part of spine splited. All edges partly sunned. Front gutter sl.cracked. Front & rear fly leaf partly sunned. P.485 sl.torn & stained. 20x13.5cm. [aj953-707027] ¥32,400 150 B. H. チェンバレン 口語体日本語手引 秀英舎 明治 31 年 3 版 クロース装 Chamberlain,Basil Hall A Handbook of Colloquial Japanese. London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co., / Tokyo: The Shūyeisha, / Kelly & Walsh, 1898. Third Edition. ix,570pp. Dark green cloth with gilt title on spine & embossed motif on covers. Front & rear cover sl.stained & rubbed. Its spine partly rubbed. Upper part of spine sl.torn. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf partly sunned. Rear gutter sl.cracked. Sl.ink notation on rear ep. Ink & pencil notation & color pencil line on some pages. 19.2x13.3cm. [aj954-707028] ¥17,280 151 B. H. チェンバレン 口語体日本語手引 秀英舎 明治 31 年 3 版 クロース装 Chamberlain,Basil Hall A Handbook of Colloquial Japanese. London: Sampson Low, Marston, & Co., / Tokyo: The Shūyeisha, / Kelly & Walsh, 1898. Third Edition. ix,570pp. Dark red cloth with gilt title on spine. Front & rear cover partly rubbed. Its spine sl.rubbe. Peeled of label on spine. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear gutter sl.cracked. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf partly sunned. Front fly leaf partly torn. Library stamped on lower part of title page & title page verso. Pencil notation & red ink & pencil underline on some pages. 19.3x13cm. [aj955-707029] ¥16,200 152 B. H. チェンバレン 口語体日本語手引 發賣所: ケリー・ウォルシ商會 明治 40 年 4 版 クロース装 Chamberlain,Basil Hall A Handbook of Colloquial Japanese. London: Crosby Lockwood & Son, / Kellye & Walsh, 1907. Forth Edition. ix,584pp. Brown cloth with gilt title on spine. Front & rear cover sl.stained. Sl.spotted on front cover. Its spine sl.sunned. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear fly leaf partly sunned. Upper part of all pages sl.wrinkled. 19.3x12.5cm. [aj956-707030] ¥21,600 153 B. H. チェンバレン 日本事物誌 明治 24 年 2 版(再版) クロース装 Chamberlain,Basil Hall Things Japanese. Being Notes on Various Subjects Connected with Japan. For the Use of Travellers and Others. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., / Kelly & Walsh, 1891. Second Edition Revised and Enlarged. ii,503pp. With a folding map. Greenish-blue cloth with gilt title on spine & front cover. Fornt & rear cover sl.stained. Its spine sl.sunned. Small spotted on rear cover & spine. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear fly leaf partly sunned. Sl.spotted on title page. 20.3x14cm. [aj970-707078] ¥37,800 154 B. H. チェンバレン 日本事物誌 明治 35 年 4 版 クロース装 Chamberlain,Basil Hall Things Japanese. Being Notes on Various Subjects Connected with Japan. For the Use of Travellers and Others. London: John Murray, / Kelly & Walsh, 1902. Fourth Edition Revised & Enlarged. vi,545pp. With a folding map. Black cloth with embossed a maple leaf at front cover. Front & rear cover partly stained. Coner of covers sl.peeled. Its spine sunned & stained. Upper & lower part of spine rubbed & sl.peeled. All edges partly sunned. Ex-libris on front ep. Front & rear fly leaf partly sunned. 21.8x15cm. [aj973-707079] ¥21,600 155 B. H. チェンバレン 日本事物誌 明治 38 年 5 版 クロース装 40 Chamberlain,Basil Hall Things Japanese. Being Notes on Various Subjects Connected with Japan. For the Use of Travellers and Others. London: John Murray, / Kelly & Walsh, 1905. Fifth Edition Revised. vi,552pp. With a folding map (sl.sunned & torn). Navy cloth with gilt title on spine & front cover, embossed a maple leaf at front cover. Brown endpapers. Front & rear cover sl.stained. Corner of covers sl.rubbed. Its spine sunned. Upper & lower part of spine SL.torn & rubbed. All edges partly sunned. Peeled off label on rear ep. Front & rear fly leaf partly sunned. Title page partly sunned. Ink notation on title page. Sl.spotted on some pages. 21.3x14.8cm. [aj974-707080] ¥21,600 156 B. H. チェンバレン 日本事物誌 明治 38 年 5 版 クロース装 Chamberlain,Basil Hall Things Japanese. Being Notes on Various Subjects Connected with Japan. For the Use of Travellers and Others. London: John Murray, / Kelly & Walsh, 1905. Fifth Edition Revised. vi,552pp. With a folding map. Blue cloth with gilt title on spine & gilt illustrated on front cover. Front & rear cover sl.sunned & stained. Corner of covers sl.rubbed. Joint of front & rear cover sl.cracked. Its spine sunned. Upper & lower part of spine sl.torn & peeled. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear fly leaf partly sunned. Many ink notation & 1 ink stamped (1.2x2.5cm.) on front fly leaf. Ink underline & notation on several pages. 21.8x14.8cm. [aj975-707081] ¥19,440 157 B. H. チェンバレン & W. B. メーソン 日本案内 明治 27 年 増補改訂第 4 版 クロース装 Chamberlain,Basil Hall & Mason,W. B. A Handbook for Travellers in Japan. With Twenty-six Maps and Plans and Numerous Illustrations. London: John Murray, / Kelley & Walsh, / Tokyo: K. Ogawa, 1894 Fourth Edition Revised and Augmented. ix,528pp.+viii (Errata & Addenda), 38pp.(Advertisements) Red cloth with gilt title on spine & front cover. Front & rear cover partly stained. Joint of rear cover sl.cracked. Its spine partly sunned. A small number label on spine. Upper & lower part of spine sl.rubbed & peeled. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf partly sunned. Ex-libris on front ep. Front fly leaf completely detached. Ink notation on front fly leaf. Rear fly leaf partly torn & chipped. Small name stamped by former owner on title page & rear ep. vii-viii page almost detached. 15-32pp.missing. Map of P.285 sl.torn. Side of some pages splited. Blue pencil line on 126-127pp. Sl.pencil notation on some pages. 18.5x12.5cm. [aj957-707031] ¥12,960 158 B. H. チェンバレン & 第 8 版 クロース装 W. B. メーソン 日本案内 印刷所: 秀英舎、發賣所: ケリー・ウォルシ商會 明治 40 年 Chamberlain,Basil Hall & Mason,W. B. A Handbook for Travellers in Japan. Including the Whole Empire from Saghalien to Formosa. With Thirty Maps and Plans and Mumerous Illustrations. London: John Murray, / Kelly & Walsh, 1907. Eight Edition, Revised and Partly Rewritten. ix,570pp.+35pp. (Advertisements) Red cloth with gilt title on spine & front cover. 1 map of "Japan (in pocket of cover)" missing. Front & rear cover sl.stained & rubbed. Front cover sl.scuffing. Joint of covers sl.cracked. Its spine sl.sunned. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned & stained. Front ep. sl.peeled. Gutter of viii-ix page & rear gutter sl.cracked.Small paper-tape repaired on some maps. Lower part of 239-240pp. sl.chipped. Ink notation on map of P.279. Ink & pencil notation on some pages. 18x12cm. [aj958-707032] ¥12,960 159 B. H. チェンバレン & 第 9 版 クロース装 W. B. メーソン 日本案内 印刷所: 秀英舎、發賣所: ケリー・ウォルシ商會 大正 2 年 Chamberlain,Basil Hall & Mason,W. B. A Handbook for Travellers in Japan (Including Formosa). With Thirty maps and Plans and Numerous Illustrations. London: John Murray, / Kelly & Walsh, 1913. Ninth Edition, Revised Throughout. xi,555pp.+38pp. (Advertisements) Red cloth with gilt title on spine & front cover. 2 maps of "Japan (in pocket of cover)" & "Key to Sectional Maps (to face title page)" missing. Front & rear cover sl.stained. Its spine sunned & rubbed. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.stained. Ex-libris & ink notation on front ep. Small name stamped by former owner on front & rear ep. & title page & P.1. Pencil notation on P.67. Sl.spotted on 282-302pp. 17.5x12cm. [aj959-707033] ¥12,960 41 160 ウィリアム・ヘンリー・チェンバレン アジアを支配する日本 1937 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 Chamberlin,William Henry Japan Over Asia. With Illustrations. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1937. First edition. xii,395pp. With a frontis. & 24 illus. d.w. Cloth bound. d.w. partly sunned & stained. Upper & lower part of d.w. partly torn. Water stained on side of d.w. to x page.Its spine sunned. Upper part of spine sl.rubbed. All edges partly sunned & stained. Front & rear ep. sl.sunned. Gutter of rear fly leaf partly cracked. Ink notation & a small ink stamped (1x0.8) on rear fly leaf. Illustration of P.332 completely detached. Small spotted on some pages. 22.5x15cm. [aj1037-707136] ¥5,400 161 Elizabeth W. Champney & Frère Champney Romance of Old Japan.1917 年 (初版) 1/2 革装、天金 Champney,Elizabeth W. & Champney,Frère Romance of Old Japan. With 96 Illustrations. New York & London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1917. (First edition) xviii,444pp. Half leather with gilt title on spine & green cloth. T.e.g. Green endpapers. Front & rear cover sl.sunned & stained. Corner of covers sl.rubbed. Its spine sunned & sl.peeled. Upper part of spine sl.torn. Fore & bottom edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. sl.sunned. One illustration of 274-275pp. partly torn. 22.7x15.2cm. [aj1032-707131] ¥21,600 162 アーネスト・W. クレメント A Handbook of Modern Japan. 1904 年 4 版 クロース装 Clement,Ernest W. A Handbook of Modern Japan. With New Map, Made Especially for the Book, and Over Sixty Illustrations from Photographs. London: A. C. McClurg & Co., 1904. Fourth edition. xiv,403pp. Green cloth. Front & rear cover sl.stained. Corner & joint of covers sl.rubbed. Its spine sl.sunned & rubbed. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned. Small spotted on half title page to title page. Pencil notation on some pages. Illustration of P.48 verso partly peeled. 19.4x13cm. [aj1044-707143] ¥8,640 163 アーネスト・W. クレメント(編) ヒルドレス "日本の今昔" 2 巻 1907 年 クロース装、天金 Clement,Ernest W. ed. Hildreth's "Japan as it Was and Is". A Handbook of Old Japan. Edited, with Supplementary Notes, by Ernest W. Clement. Introduction by WM. Eliot Griffis. With One Hundred Illustrations and Maps. In 2 vols. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1907. Vol.I: xxix,401pp. / Vol.II: x,388pp. Green cloth with gilt title & color illustration on spine & front cover. T.e.g. Front & rear cover sl.stained. Sl.spotted on front cover of each vols. Its spine sunned. Library label on spine of each vols.All edges partly sunned & stained. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned & stained. Ex-libris & ink stamped (4x4cm.) on front ep. of each vols. [Vol.I]: Lower part of front cover sl.torn. Front gutter partly cracked. Lower part of P.64 & 88-89pp. sl.sunned. 19.3x13.7cm. [aj982-707088] ¥16,200 164 アーネスト・W. クレメント(編) ヒルドレス "日本の今昔" Vol.I のみ 1907 年 クロース装、天金 Clement,Ernest W. ed. Hildreth's "Japan as it Was and Is". Vol.I Only. A Handbook of Old Japan. Edited, with Supplementary Notes, by Ernest W. Clement. Introduction by WM. Elliot Griffis. With One Hundred Illustrations and Maps. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1907. xxix,401pp. Green cloth with gilt title & color illustration on spine & front cover. T.e.g. Front & rear cover partly rubbed & stained. Sl.spotted on front cover. Its spine sunned. All edges partly sunned & stained. Ink spotted on fore & bottom edges. Front & rear fly leaf sl.sunned. Front spice sl.torn & chipped. Gutter of front fly leaf sl.cracked. "Map of Feudal Japan (P.272)" partly torn. Sl.water spotted on upper part of some pages. 19.3x13.7cm. [aj981-707087] ¥4,320 165 E. クーパー The Heart of O Sono San. スウェード革装、天金 Cooper,Elizabeth The Heart of O Sono San. With Thirty-One Illustrations in Duo Tone from Photographs. 42 London: George G. Harrap & Co., n.d. ix,269pp. Brown soft suede leather with gilt title & illustration on front cover. T.e.g. Front & rear cover sl.stained. Lower part of front cover sl.chipped. Fore & bottom edges sl.sunned. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned. 21.5x14.5cm. [aj937-706999] ¥8,640 166 マリオ・E. コゼンツァ タウンゼント・ハリスの日記 1930 年 初版 クロース装 Cosenza,Mario Emilio The Complete Journal of Townsend Harris. First American Consul General and Minister to Japan. Introduction and Notes by Mario Emilio Cosenza, PH.D. New York: Japan Society, / Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1930. First edition. xix,616pp. With a frontis. & 14 illus. Wine red cloth with gilt title on spine. Front & rear cover sl.sunned & stained. Its spine sunned. All edges partly sunned. Sl.water stained on top edge. Partly spotted on bottom edge. Front & rear fly leaf sl.sunned. Partly water spotted on lower part of many pages. 23.5x15.7cm. [aj1054-707156] ¥8,640 167 カール・クロウ 日本の扉を開いた男 1939 年 初版 クロース装 Crow,Carl He Opened the Door of Japan. Townsend Harris and the Story of His Amazing Adventures in Establishing American Relations with the Far East. Illustrated. New York & London: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1939. First edition. xvii,275pp. With a frontis. & 15 illus. Beige cloth with title label on spine. Illustration endpapers. Front & rear cover partly stained. Upper part of front cover sl.rubbed. Its spine sunned. Title label sl.peeled. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. sl.sunned. Ink notation on front ep. P.14 sl.stained. Small spotted on some pages. 22.5x15cm. [aj1034-707133] ¥6,480 168 F. H. デイヴィス 日本の神話と伝説 クロース装 Davis,F. Hadland Myths & Legends of Japan. With Thirty-Two Full-Page Illustrations by Evelyn Paul. London: George G. Harrap & Co., 1913. 432pp. Green cloth with gilt title on spine & front cover. Top edge color. Front & rear cover sl.stained. Its spine sl.rubbed. All edges partly sunned. Ink notation on front ep. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf partly sunned. Small spotted on title page. 22x14.8cm. [aj934-706996] ¥6,480 169 コント・ド・ボーヴォワール 北京、江戸、サンフランシスコ 1872 年 背クロース、厚紙装 De Beauvoir,Le Comte Pékin, Yeddo, San Francisco. Voyage Autour du Monde. Ouvrage Enrichi de Quatre Cartes et de Quinze Gravures-Photographies par Deschamps. Paris: Henri Plan, Imprimeur-Éditeur, 1872. 360pp. With a frontis. & 14 illus. & 4 maps. Red cloth of spine & boards bound, marbled paper sticked on front cover. Front & rear cover sl.partly stained. Marbled paper of front cover partly peeled & splited. Partly worm-hole on front cover. Upper of rear cover sl.chipped. Its spine sl.sunned & rubbed. All eges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned. Front & rear ep. sl.wormed. Side of 359pp. to rear fly leaf splited. Small ink stamped on P.360 (2x1cm.). 18x11.5cm. [aj1028-707127] ¥16,200 170 J. S. デ・ベンネヴィル 小栗判官一代記 大正 4 年 クロース装、 De Benneville,James S. Tales of the Samurai Oguri Hangwan Ichidaiki. Being the Story of the Lives, the Adventures, and the Misadventures of the Hangwan-dai Kojirō Sukishige and Terute-hime, his wife. [A redaction from the kōdan and chronicles of the Japanese originals] Yokohama: James S. de Benneville, 1915. xx,485pp. With 3 folding maps & 1 color frontis. & 44 b/w woodcut illus. Blue-gray cloth with gilt title on spine & ribbon ties and ivory clasps. Printed on Japanese paper. Front cover sl.stained & rubbed. Partly spotted on rear cover. Its spine sunned. Upper & lower part of spine sl.torn & rubbed. All edges partly sunned. Library stamped on top & bottom 43 edges. Front & rear fly leaf partly sunned. Ex-libris on front ep. 2 types library stamped & number stamped & ink notation on front ep. & fly leaf. Number stamped & library stamped on title page. Partly spotted on some pages. 23.5x15cm. [aj1055-707157] ¥12,960 171 J. L. デーリング(編) The Christian Movement in Japan. 大正 2 年 クロース装 Dearing,John Lincoln ed. The Christian Movement in Japan. Including Korea and Formosa. A Year Book for 1913. Eleventh Annual Issue. Associate Editors: Galen M. Fisher, G. W. Fulton, Daniel C. Greene and D. B. Schneder. Japan: Published for the Conference of Federated Missions, 1913. xiii,771pp. With 2 folding maps & statistics tables. Green cloth with gilt title on spine & front cover. Front & rear cover sl.stained. Its spine sunned & rubbed. All edges partly sunned & stained. Advertisement pages partly sunned. Small spotted on title page & some pages. Ink notation on statistics tables. 19x12.5cm. [aj1045-707144] ¥9,720 172 W. デニング Japan in Days of Yore. 第 1 巻のみ 博聞社 明治 20 年 和綴本 Dening,Walter Japan in Days of Yore. I. Human Nature in a Variety of Aspects. Tokyo: Hakubunsha, 1887. iv,87pp. With 6 color illus. Printed wrappers with color illustration on front cover. Front & rear cover partly sunned & peeled & wrinkled. Lower part of front cover sl.chipped. Its spine sunned. Ink notation of title on spine. Lower part of spine partly missing (maybe bitten by rats). All edges partly sunned & stained. Title page partly stained. Two types ink stamped on title page. 18.3x12.5cm. [aj1024-707123] ¥27,000 173 W. ディクソン 日本 1898 年 1/2 革装、天金 Dickson,Walter Japan. With Two Supplementary Chapters of Recent Events by Mayo W. Hazeltine. Illustrated. New York: Peter Fenelon Collier, 1898. 384pp. With a frontis. & 3 illus. Half red leather with gilt title on spine & black cloth. T.e.g. Front & rear cover partly stained. Corner of covers sl.rubbed. Its spine sl.sunned & scuffing. Upper & lower part of spine sl.rubbed & chipped. Fore & bottom edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. sl.sunned. 20.2x13.8cm. [aj1047-707146] ¥6,480 174 ロバート・K. ダグラス Europe and The Far East 1506-1912. 1912 年 改訂版 クロース装 Douglas,Sir Robert K. Europe and The Far East 1506-1912. Revised & Corrected. With an additional Chapter (1904-1912) by Joseph H. Longford. [Cambridge Historical Series] Cambridge: at the UP, 1912. Revised edition. vii,487pp. With 2 folding maps. Light green cloth with gilt title on spine. Front & rear cover sl.stained. Its spine sunned & sl.rubbed. All edges partly sunned & stained. Small spotted on front & rear fly leaf. Half title page to title page partly sunned. 19x12.5cm. [aj1046-707145] ¥8,640 175 クリストファー・ドレッサー 日本 1882 年 クロース装、天金 Dresser,Christopher Japan. Its Architecture, Art, and Art Manufactures. London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1882. xi,467pp. With many illus. Gray cloth with illustration on covers. T.e.g. Front & rear cover partly stained & rubbed. Some worm-hole on covers. Its spine sunned & sl.rubbed. Upper part of spine sl.torn. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. sl.stained. Sl.spotted on upper part of front ep. Title page sl.sunned. P49 & P.291 partly torn (repaired). Sl.spotted on some pages. Some pages unopened. 23x16.3cm. [aj1096-707198] ¥32,400 176 O.エドワード 日本の芝居とその仲間たち 1901 年 クロース装 Edwards,Osman 44 Japanese Plays and Playfellows. With Twelve Coloured Plates by Japanese Artists. London: William Heinemann, 1901. viii,306pp. Light green cloth with navy illustrations on spine & front cover. Front & rear cover sl.sunned & stained. Its spine partly sunned. Lower part of spine sl.rubbed. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear fly leaf partly sunned. Partly spotted on half title & title page. Small spotted on some pages. "To Yakumo Koizumi and Lafcadio Hearn" printed. 22.5x14.7cm. [aj1029-707128] ¥9,720 177 O.エドワード 日本の芝居とその仲間たち 1901 年 クロース装 Edwards,Osman Japanese Plays and Playfellows. With Twelve Coloured Plates by Japanese Artists. London: William Heinemann, 1901. viii,306pp.+32pp.(Catalogue) Light green cloth with navy illustrations on spine & front cover. Front & rear cover sl.sunned & stained. Sl.spotted & repaired on rear cover. Its spine sunned. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. & fly lear partly sunned. Partly spotted on 44-49pp. Small spotted on some pages. "To Yakumo Koizumi and Lafcadio Hearn" printed. 23x14.8cm. [aj1030-707129] ¥9,720 178 ジョン・F. エンブリー Japanese Peasant Songs. 1969 年 再版 クロース装 Embree,John F. comp. Japanese Peasant Songs. Compiled and Annotated by John F. Embree. With the Assistance of Ella Embree and Yukuo Uyehara. [Memoirs of the American Folklore Societ Vol.38] New York: Kraus Reprint Co., 1969. Reprinted. ix,96pp. With 11 illus. Dark red cloth with gilt title on spine. Front & rear cover sl.stained. Its spine sl.sunned. All edges sl.sunned. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned. Two types of ink stamped on front & rear fly leaf & P.1 (2.2x2.2cm. / 3x3cm.). Lower part of some pages sl.bended. From the library of Shotaro Ozima. 23.5x15.5cm. [aj978-707084] ¥5,400 179 エレン・フォレスト ゆきさん 1924 年 オランダ語版 クロース装 Forest,Ellen Yuki San. Modern Meisjesleven in Japan. Rotterdam: W. L. & J. Brusse's Uitgeversmaatschappij, 1924. 258pp. Yellow cloth with red title on spine & front cove & brown decorated on front cover. Top edge yellow. Front & rear cover partly stained & rubbed. Sl.spotted on rear cover. Corner of covers sl.rubed. Its spine partly sunned. Upper part of spine splited. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned & stained. Front fly leaf bended. 2 typse of ink stamped on title page & P.5 (1.5x1.5cm.). Small spotted on some pages. 21.5x16.3cm. [aj1042-707141] ¥6,480 180 General Headquarters Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers Civil Information and Education Section Education Division Education in the New Japan. Volume I: Text. ペーパー装 General Headquarters Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers Civil Information and Education Section Education Division Education in the New Japan. Volume I: Text. Tokyo: General Headquarters Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers Civil Information and Education Section Education Division, 1948. 392pp. With 61 photos. Printed wrappers. Black cloth of spine. Front & rear cover partly sunned & stained. Color pencil notation on upper part of front cover. Front & rear ep. sl.sunned. 98-99pp. sl.sunned. 26.7x20.3cm. [aj951-707019] ¥5,400 181 G. K. グッドマン The Dutch Impact on Japan (1640-1853). 1967 年 ペーパー装 Goodman,Grant Kohn The Dutch Impact on Japan (1640-1853). [Monographies du T'oung Pao, Volume V] Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1967. viii,242pp. Printed wrappers. Front & rear cover sl.stained. Front cover sl.scuffing. All edges sl.sunned. Front & rear fly leaf sl.sunned & stained. 25.3x16.8cm. [aj988-707094] ¥12,960 45 182 G. グダロー 日本旅行 n.d. 5 版 クロース装、三方金 Goudareau,G. Excursions au Japon. Illustré de 42 Dessins de Notor. Paris: Librairie D'Education Nationale, n.d. Cinquième Édition. 310pp. With a frontis. & 42 illus. Red cloth with gilt title & full color illustrated on spine & front cover. A.e.g. Front cover partly stained & rubbed. Side of front cover sl.peeled. Joint of covers sl.cracked. Its spine sunned. Lower part of spine sl.rubbed. All edges sl.stained. Front & rear ep. sl.sunned. 199-200pp. partly torn. Sl.spotted on some pages. 30x20.3cm. [aj1131-707218] ¥32,400 183 Sydney Greenbie Japan: Real and Imaginary. 背クロース、厚紙装 Greenbie,Sydney Japan: Real and Imaginary. With Many Illustrations from Photographs. New York & London: Harper & Brother Publishers, 1920. xiii,461pp. Black cloth of spine & gray boards with gilt embossed title on front cover. Front & rear cover sl.sunned & stained. Sl.red ink spotted on upper part of front cover. Its spine sl.wrinkled. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear fly leaf partly sunned. Embossed stamp on upper part of title page ("Presentation Copy"). Pencil line & sl.spotted on some pages. 21.2x14.2cm. [aj932-706994] ¥6,480 184 ジョセフ・C. グルー 滞日十年 1944 年 3 刷 著者署名入り カバー、クロース装 Grew,Joseph C. Ten Years in Japan. A Contemporary Record Drawn from the Diaries and Private and Official Papers of Joseph C. Grew. US Ambasador to Japan 1932-1942. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1944. Third printing. xii,554pp. With a frontis. & 23 b/w plates. d.w. Black cloth. Top edge red. d.w. partly sunned & stained. Upper & lower part of spine splited & chipped. Lower part of front & rear cover partly stained (by mold). All edges sl.sunned & stained. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned. Ink signature by author to "Yoshitaro Kusuyama" on front fly leaf. Small spotted on title page. 21.8x14.5cm. [aj1052-707154] ¥12,960 185 W. E. グリフィス 皇国 1876 年 クロース装 Griffis,William Elliot The Mikado's Empire. Book I. History of Japan, from 660 B.C. to 1872 A.D. Book II. Personal Experiences, Observations, and Studies in Japan, 1870-1874. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1876. 625pp.+11pp.(Catalogue) With many illus. Navy cloth with gilt title on spine & front cover. Brown endpapers. Front & rear cover partly stained. Side of covers sl.rubbed. Its spine sunned. All edges partly sunned. Ink spotted on bottom edge. Side of 187-188pp. sl.torn. Sl.spotted on some pages. 22.3x15cm. [aj984-707090] ¥16,200 186 W. E. グリフィス 皇国 1900 年 9 版 クロース装 Griffis,William Elliot The Mikado's Empire. Book I. History of Japan from 660 B.C. to 1872 A.D. / BookII. Personal Experiences, Observatons, and Studies in Japan, 1870-1874. With Supplementary Chapters. Including the War with China and History to 1898. New York & London: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1900. Ninth Edition. 677pp. With a fronti. & 1 map & 106 illus. Navy cloth with gilt title on spine & front cover. Front & rear cover sl.stained. Peeled off label on lower part of covers. Its spine sunned. Upper & lower part of spine sl.rubbed & torn. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf partly sunned. Ex-libris on front ep. Blue pencil notation on front fly leaf. Frontispiece partly torn. Selo-tape repaired on title page. Sl.spotted on some pages. 22x14.5cm. [aj1099-707201] ¥12,960 187 W. E. グリフィス 皇国 2 巻 1906 年 クロース装 Griffis,William Elliot 46 The Mikado's Empire. Vol.I. Book I.-History of Japan from 660 B.C. to 1872 A.D. / Vol.II. Book II.-Personal Experiences. Observations, and Studies in Japan., 1870-1875. Book III.-Supplementary Chapters, Including History to the Beginning of 1906. Illustrated. With Seven Supplementary Chapters Including History to Beginning of 1906. In 2 vols. New York & London: Harper & Brothers, 1906. Vol.I: 324pp. / Vol.II: 327-738pp. With many illus of each vols. Light green cloth with gilt title on spine. Front & rear cover sl.sunned & stained. Its spine sunned. Upper & lower part of spine sl.torn & rubbed. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned. Pencil notation on some pages of each vols. Small spotted on upper part of some pages of each vols. [Vol.I]: Gutter of front fly leaf partly cracked. Sl.spotted on upper part of some pages. [Vol.II]: Upper part of front fly leaf to title page sl.torn. Paprtly spotted on 381-384pp. 20.8x13.5cm. ] [aj983-707089] ¥16,200 188 アナ・C. ハーツホーン 日本および日本人 2 巻 1902 年 (初版) クロース装、天金 Hartshorne,Anna C. Japan and Her People. Illustrated. In 2 vols. Philadelphia: Henry T. Coates & Co., 1902. (First edition.) Vol.I: x,377pp. / Vol.II: vi,374pp. With a numerous illus of each vols. & a folding map of Vol.II. Red cloth with gilt title on spine & gilt decolated on front cover. T.e.g. Its spine sl.sunned & stained. Fore & bottom edges sl.sunned & stained. Front & rear fly leaf sl.sunned. [Vol.I]: Lower part of spine sl.rubbed. Top edge sl.rubbed. [VolII]: Red ink spotted on fore edge. 20.8x14cm. [aj979-707085] ¥32,400 189 アナ・C. ハーツホーン 日本および日本人 2 巻 1902 年 (初版) クロース装、天金 Hartshorne,Anna C. Japan and Her People. Illustrated. In 2 vols. Philadelphia: Henry T. Coates & Co., 1902. (First edition.) Vol.I: x,377pp. / Vol.II: vi,374pp. With a numerous illus of each vols. & a folding map of Vol.II. Greenish-blue cloth with gilt title on spine, gilt Front & rear cover sl.stained. Corner of covers sl.rubbed. Its spine sl.sunned. Upper & lower part of spine sl.rubbed. All edges sl.sunned & stained. Small spotted on front & raer ep. & fly leaf. [Vol.I]: Rear gutter sl.cracked. 20.8x14cm. [aj980-707086] ¥27,000 190 ジョセフ彦 漂流記 第 2 巻のみ 丸善 明治 28 年 クロース装 Heco,Joseph The Narrative of a Japanese; What he has seen and the people he has met in the course of the last forty years. Vol.II only. Edited by James Murdoch, M.A. Tokyo: Maruzen Co., 1895. 254pp.+v (Appendix)With 7 plates. Navy cloth with gilt title on spine & front cover. Partly water stained on front cover & partly spotted by mold on covers & spine. Library label on spine. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf partly sunned. 2 types library stamped on front ep. to title page verso & colophon page in Japanese (2.5x2.5cm. / 3.3x4.8cm.). 22.2x15.5cm. [aj1031-707130] ¥6,480 191 岸本英夫 明治時代の日本の宗教 1956 年 初刷 1/2 革、厚紙装 Hideo,Kishimoto comp. Japanese Religion in the Meiji Era. Compiled and Edited by Kishimoto Hideo. Translated and Adapted by John F. Howes. Japanese Culture in the Meiji Era, Volume II: Religion. [Centenary Cultural Council Series] Tokyo: Ōbunsha, 1956. First impression. xix,377pp. With some illus. Quarter leather & japanese paper boards. Marbled endpapers. Front & rear cover partly sunned. Rear cover sl.stained. Joint of covers partly cracked. Its spine partly sunned & peeled. Upper part of spine sl.chipped. All edges partly sunned. Red & blue pencil underline & notation on some pages. 21.5x15cm. [aj1100-707202] ¥8,640 192 Hildreth,Richard Japan: As it was and is. 翻刻兼發行者: 島久我三 三秀舎 明治 35 年 500 部限定、No.83 ク ロース装 Hildreth,Richard 47 Japan: As it was and is. Edited with Supplementary Notes by K. Murakawa. Tokyo: Printed at the Sanshūsha, 1902. This edition only 500 copies, No.83. 611pp. With a folding map. Green cloth with gilt title on spine & gilt illustration on front cover. Front & rear cover sl.stained & rubbed. Its spine sunned. Upper part of spine sl.torn. All edges partly sunned & sl.stained. Front & rear fly leaf sl.sunned. Small spotted on some pages. 22.5x14.5cm. [aj941-707009] ¥32,400 193 リチャード・ヒルドレス 日本の今昔 三秀舎 明治 35 年 クロース装 Hildreth,Richard Japan: As it Was and Is. (Boston: Phillip Sampson & Co.) Edited with Supplementary Notes by K. Murakawa. Tokyo: Shanshūsha, 1902. This edition only 500 copies, No.240. iv,611pp. With a folding map. Dark green cloth with gilt title on spine and gilt illustration on front cover. Brown endpapers. Front & rear cover partly stained. Upper & lower part of covers sl.rubbed. Its spine sunned. Library label on spine. Sl.ink spotted on rear cover & spine. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. sl.stained, fly leaf partly sunned. A folding map sl.torn & sunned. 13-93pp. partly sunned. Sl.pencil notation & line on P.83 & P.86. Small spotted on some pages. 22.7x15cm. [aj998-707117] ¥27,000 194 Sir Walter Hillier 華英文義津逮 クロース装 Hillier,Sir Walter The Chinese Language and How to Learn it. A Manual for Beginners. London: Kegan, Paul Trench, Trübner & Co., 1907. vi,263pp.+viii ( Catalogue) Blue cloth with gilt title on spine & front cover. Black Chinese characters on front cover. Front & rear cover sl.sunned & stained. Side of covers sl.rubbed. Its spine sunned. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear fly leaf partly sunned. Ink notation on front fly leaf. A small label on rear fly leaf. Sl.ink spotted on 18-21pp. Gutter of 16-17pp. sl.cracked. 69-76pp.sl.wrinkled. 23x15.5cm. [aj961-707035] ¥12,960 195 J. J. ホフマン 日本語文典 1876 年 2 版 クロース装 Hoffmann,J. J. A Japanese Grammar. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1876. Second Edition. 367pp. Blue cloth (Rebound). Sl.spotted on front & rear cover. Its spine sl.sunned. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear fly leaf partly sunned. Ink notation on front fly leaf. Pencil notation on plate of II. Small spotted on several pages. 26.5x18.5cm. [aj964-707038] ¥64,800 196 C.オランダ Things Seen in Japan. クロース装 Holland,Clive Things Seen in Japan. With Fifty Illustrations. London: Seeley, Service & Co., 1914. 252pp.+15pp.(Catalgue) Blue cloth with gilt motif on spine, gilt illustration on front cover. T.e.g. Marble endpapers. Front & rear cover sl.sunned & stained. Its spine sunned. All edges sl.sunned. Front & rear fly leaf sl.sunned. Sl.spotted on some pages. 15x11cm. [aj927-706989] ¥5,400 197 C.オランダ Things Seen in Japan. カバー、クロース装 Holland,Clive Things Seen in Japan. With Many Illustrations. London: Seeley, Service & Co., [1923.] 252pp. With 48 photos & 2 illus. d.w. Blue cloth with color motif on spine, gilt illustration on front cover. d.w. partly sunned & chipped. All edges partly sunned & stained. Front & rear fly leaf sl.sunned. Small spotted on some pages. Upper part of 185-194pp. sl.torn. 15x11cm. [aj926-706988] ¥5,400 198 伊地知純正 東西文化の交流 研究社 昭和 30 年 初版 48 函、和綴じ本 Iddittie,Junesay When Two Cultures Meet. Sketches of Postwar Japan 1945-1955. Tokyo: Kenkyusha, 1955. First edition. xiv,209pp. With a frontis. & 22 illus. & slip-case. Printed wrappers. Slip-case partly sunned. Front cover sl.stained. Spine & all edges partly sunned. Corner of P.9 sl.bended. 19x13.3cm. [aj985-707091] ¥4,320 199 B. カールグレン Compendium of Phonetics in Ancient and Archaic Chinese. ペーパー装 Karlgren,Bernhard Compendium of Phonetics in Ancient and Archaic Chinese. Stockholm: Reprinted from The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, 1954. Reprinted 211-367pp. Printed wrappers. Front & rear cover sl.sunned & stained. Small spotted on covers. Ink signature by former owner ("Kusakabe") on front cover. Its spine sunned. Ink notation of title on spine. All edges partly sunned. Small spotted on some pages. 26.7x19.2cm. [aj965-707039] ¥16,200 200 K. カール・カワカミ(編) What Japan Thinks. 1921 年 カバー、クロース装 Kawakami,K. K. ed. What Japan Thinks. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1921. (First edition.) 237pp. d.w. Red cloth. d.w. sl.stained. Upper & lower part of d.w. splited. Partly spotted by mold on front & rear cover. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned. Rear ep. partly stained. Red pencil notation & underline on some pages. 19.7x13cm. [aj1040-707139] ¥4,320 201 Captain Malcolm D. Kenedy The Problem of Japan. 初版 クロース装 Kennedy,Captain Malcolm D. The Problem of Japan. London: Nisbet & Co. Ltd., 1935. First published. xvi,287pp. With a frontis. & 11 illus. Yellow cloth. Front & rear cover partly stained. Its spine sunned. All edges partly sunned & stained. Front & rear fly leaf sl.sunned. Sl.ink stained on P.221. Sl.spotted on some pages. 22x14.5cm. [aj938-707000] ¥5,400 202 福澤諭吉(著) 淸岡暎一(飜譯) 福翁自傳 北星堂 昭和 9 年 カバー、クロース装 Kiyooka,Eiichi (trans.) The Autobiography of Fukuzawa Yukichi. With an Introduction by Shinzo Koizumi. Tokyo: Hokuseido Press, 1934. xviii,370pp. With a frontis. & 27 illus. d.w. Navy cloth. T.e.g. d.w. parlty stained & rubbed. Upper part of d.w. sl.torn (repaired). Spine of d.w. partly sunned & sl.chipped. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned. Front ep. partly peeled. Library stamped on front fly leaf & P.370. 22.7x15cm. [aj948-707016] ¥3,240 203 A. クロパトキン 日露戦争回顧録 背クロース、マーブル厚紙装(改装) Kuropatkin,A. Записки генерала Куропаткина. О русско-японской войнъ. Итоги Войны. Gen.Kuropatkin Memoiren. Berlin: J. Ladyschnikow Verlag, [1909.] 557pp. Rebound. Red cloth of spine & marbled boards. Front & rear cover sl.stained. Its spine sl.sunned & rubbed. All edges partly sunned. Original front cover partly sunned & stained. Large number stamped on title page & P.21. Small spotted on several pages. 21.2x15cm. [aj950-707018] ¥12,960 204 Mette Laderrière ed. 日本を訪れたデンマーク人 ペーパー装 Laderrière,Mette ed. Danes in Japan 1868 to 1940. Aspects of Early. Danish-Japanese Contacts. Copenhagen: Akademisk Forlag, 1984. 49 200pp. With some illus. Printed wrappers. Front & rear cover sl.stained. Its spine sl.rubbed. All edges sl.sunned. 22x14cm. [aj944-707012] ¥3,240 205 Napoléon Landais Grammaire de Napoléon Landais. 総革装 Landais,Napoléon Grammaire de Napoléon Landais. Résumé Général de Toutes les Grammaires Françaises, Présentant La Solution Analytique, Raisonnée et Logique de Toutes les Questions Grammaticales Anciennes et Modernes. Paris: Au Bureau Central, 1835. 636pp. Full brown leather with gilt title on spine. All edges marbled. Marbled endpapers. Front & rear cover sl.stained & rubbed. Corner of covers peeled. Joint of covers sl.cracked. Its spine sl.sunned & rubbed. Peeled off label on lower part of spine. All edges partly sunned. Partly spotted on half title page to P.5 & some pages. Library stamped on title page. Water spotted on 409-501pp. 28.3x18.3cm. [aj967-606664] ¥16,200 206 ルドルフ・ランゲ 口語体日本語教本 1906 年 クロース装 Lange,Rudolf I Lehrbuch der Japanischen Umgangssprache. Formenlehre und die Wichtigsten Regeln der Syntax. Berlin: Druck und Verlag von George Reimer, 1906. xxxi,802pp. Red cloth with gilt title on spine. Front & rear cover partly sunned & stained. Joint of rear cover sl.cracked. Corner of covers partly rubbed. Its spine sunned. Sl.spotted on spine. Upper & lower part of spine sl.torn & rubbed. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear fly leaf partly sunned & stained. Title page partly stained. Contents page missing. Partly spotted on 801-802pp. Small spotted on some pages. 22x14.7cm. [aj1133-707220] ¥21,600 207 チャールズ・ランマン 米國在留日本人 1872 年 クロース装 Lanman,Charles The Japanese in America. London: Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer., 1872. viii,406pp. Green cloth with gilt title on spine & gilt illustration on front cover. Front & rear cover partly stained. Corner of covers partly rubbed. Its spine sunned & wrinkled. Upper & lower part of spine partly torn. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. partly stained. Front ep. sl.peeled. Ex-libris on front fly leaf. Gutter of rear fly leaf & viii page partly cracked. 93-96pp. missing. Sl.spotted on some pages. 19.5x13.5cm. [aj997-707103] ¥10,800 208 チャールズ・ランマン(編) 米國在留日本人 1872 年 クロース装 Lanman,Charles ed. The Japanese in America. Edited by Charles Lanman. New York: University Publishing Co., 1872. 352pp. With a frontis. & 2 illus. Red cloth with gilt title on spine, gilt flag illustration on front cover. Front & rear cover partly stained. Water stained on rear cover. Its spine sunned. Upper & lower part of spine sl.torn & rubbed. All edges partly sunned & stained. Front & rear ep. sl.stained. Small spotted on front & rear fly leaf. Ink stamped on title page (2.3x2.3cm.). Sl.spotted on some pages. 19x12.8cm. [aj1000-707119] ¥16,200 209 J. M. ルマレシャル 和佛大辭典 全 佛國公教宣教師ルマレシャル編譯 横濱・天主堂發行 三才社 明治 37 年 1/2 革、クロース装 Lemaréchal.J. M. Dictionnaire Japonais-Français. Tokyo: Librairie Sansaisha, / Yokohama: Librairie Max Nössler & Co., 1904. viii,1008pp. Half leather & dark red cloth. Gilt title & motif on spine. All edges marbled. Front & rear cover stained. Partly spotted on rear cover. Leather parts peeled. Its spine sunned & peeled. Upper part of spine sl.chipped. Paper repaired on spine. All edges partly sunned. Ink notation of alphabet on fore edge. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned & stained. Sl.water spotted on front fly leaf. Front fly leaf to Japanese title page sl.bended. Partly spotted on some pages. 25.5x17.5cm. [aj966-707040] ¥32,400 50 210 フランセス・リトル Little Sister Snow. 1909 年 クロース装 Little,Frances Little Sister Snow. With Illustrations by Genjiro Kataoka. New York: The Century Co., 1909. 141pp. With a color frontis. & 11 color iillus. Gray cloth with gilt title & flower illustration on spine & front cover. Illustration endpapers. Front & rear cover sl.stained. Upper part of rear cover sl.sunned. Its spine sl.sunned. Lower part of spine sl.wrinkled. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. sl.sunned. Sl.spotted on inner margin of some pages. 18x12cm. [aj1022-707121] ¥8,640 211 フランセス・リトル 勲章の貴婦人 1907 年 再版 クロース装 Little,Frances The Lady of the Decoration. New York: The Century Co., 1907. Reprinted. 236pp. Black cloth with gilt & red flower motif on spine & front cover. Side of front cover sl.rubbed. Its spine sunned & rubbed. All edges partly sunned. Red ink spotted on bottom edge. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned. Ink notation on front fly leaf. Sl.spotted on some pages. 18x12cm. [aj1023-707122] ¥4,320 212 フランセス・リトル The Lady and Sada San. 1912 年 クロース装 Little,Frances The Lady and Sada San. A Sequel to The Lady of the Decoration. New York: The Century Co., 1912. 225pp. With a color frontis. Gray cloth with gilt & navy & light blue decorated on spine & front cover. Front & rear cover sl.stained. Its spine sunned. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep & fly leaf sl.sunned. Upper part of P.18 sl.sunned & bended. 18x11.7cm. [aj1041-707140] ¥4,320 213 アーサー・ロイド Every-Day Japan. クロース装 Lloyd,Arthur Every-Day Japan. Written After Twenty-Five Years' Residence and Work in the Country. Introduction by Count Hayashi. With Eight Plates in Colour and Ninety-Six Reproductions from Photographs. Cassell and Co, Ltd., 1911. Popular edition. (First printed 1909.) xvi,381pp. Brown cloth with gilt title on spine, illustration on front cover. Fornt & rear cover partly sunned & sl.rubbed. Its spine sunned & stained. All edges partly sunned. Number stamped on rear ep. Rear fly leaf partly sunned. 3-14pp. sl.detached. 21.8x13.7cm. [aj933-706995] ¥6,480 214 J. L. ロング Miss Cherry-Blossom of Tôkyô. 1905 年 クロース装、天金 Long,John Luther Miss Cherry-Blossom of Tôkyô. Philadelphia & London: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1905. xvii,364pp. With a color frontis. Beige cloth with color illustrated on front cover. T.e.g. Flower motif endpapers. Front & rear cover partly sunned & stained. Corner of covers sl.rubbed. Its spine sunned. Upper & lower part of spine sl.torn & peeled. Top edge sl.scuffing. Fore & bottom edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. sl.sunned. Rear gutter sl.cracked. 21.3x14.3cm. [aj1043-707142] ¥6,480 215 C. Bogue Luffmann 日本の収穫 クロース装 Luffmann,C. Bogue The Harvest of Japan. A Book of Travel with some Account of the Trees, Gardens, Agriculture Peasantry, and Rural Requirements of Japan. London: T. C. & E. C. Jack, Ltd., 1920. 276pp. Yellow cloth. Front & rear cover partly stained. Red ink spotted on front cover. Its spine sunned. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear fly leaf partly sunned. Sl.spotted on some pages. 22.7x15cm. [aj936-706998] ¥6,480 51 216 モーティマー・メンピス 日本絵画紀行 クロース装、天金 Menpes,Mortimer Japan: A Record in Colour. Transcribed by Dorothy Menpes. London: Adam & Charles Black, 1903. Reprinted. xiv,207pp. With 100 full color illus. Navy cloth eith gilt title & motif on spine & front cover. T.e.g. Front & rear cover sl.stained. Its spine sl.sunned & rubbed. Fore & bottom edges sl.sunned & stained. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned. Small spotted on half title pages. Frontspice & some catalogue pages completely detached. Sl.spotted on some pages. 22.8x16cm. [aj943-707011] ¥8,640 217 モーティマー・メンピス 日本絵画紀行 1905 年 再版 クロース装、天金 Menpes,Mortimer Japan; A Record in Colour. Transcribed by Dorothy Menpes. London: Adam & Charles Black, 1905. Reprinted. xiv,207pp. With 100 full color illus. Navy cloth with gilt title & gilt flower motif on spine & front cover. T.e.g. Front & rear cover partly stained. Small spotted on title cover. Its spine sunned. Upper & lower part of spine sl.rubbed. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned. Half title page partly sunned. Sl.spotted on some pages. 22.8x16cm. [aj1101-707203] ¥12,960 218 H. B. モンゴメリー The Empire of the East. クロース装 Montgomery,H. B. The Empire of the East. A Simple Account of Japan as it was, is, and will be. With Nineteen Illustrations. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co., 1909. xii,307pp. Navy cloth with gilt title on spine & front cover and gilt illustration on spine. Front & rear cover sl.sunned & stained. Its spine partly sunned & sl.runned. All edges partly sunned. Ink spotted on top edge. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned. Small spotted on some pages. 22.8x14.2cm. [aj942-707010] ¥10,800 219 サミュエル・モスマン 新生日本 幕末明治二十年史 1873 年 クロース装 Mossman,Samuel New Japan, The Land of the Rising Sun; Its Annals During the Past Twenty Years, Recording the Remarkable Progress of the Japanese in Western Civilization. With Map. London: John Murray, 1873. vii,484pp. Blue cloth with gilt title on spine. Front & rear cover sl.sunned & stained. Partly water stained on rear cover. Its spine partly sunne. Upper & lower part of spine partly chipped & torn. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf partly sunned. Partly spotted on title page to vii page. Gutter of 128-129pp. sl.cracked. Small spotted on some pages. 22.7x14.5cm. [aj1097-707199] ¥32,400 220 ダビッド・モルレー 日本 1896 年 3 版 総革装 Murray,David Japan. London: T. Fisher Unwin, / New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1896. Third edition. x,431pp. With a frontis. & 32 illus. & 2 folding maps. Green full leather with gilt title & decorated on spine. Gilt embossed on front cover. All edges marbled. Marbled endpapers. Front & rear cover sl.sunned & scuffing. Its spine sunned & rubbed. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. partly sunned. Ex-libris on front ep. Sl.spotted on some pages. Small repaired on map of P.420 ("Map of Japan"). 20x13.3cm. [aj999-707118] ¥21,600 221 D.モルレー 日本 1904 年 クロース装 Murray,David Japan. [The Story of the Nations] New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1904. x,431pp. With 33 illus. & 2 maps. Green cloth with gilt motif & title on spine. Gilt illustration on front cover. Rear 52 cover partly stained. Its spine sl.sunned & rubbed. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned. One map ("Map of Japan") sl.torn. 19.8x13.2cm. [aj929-706991] ¥6,480 222 ヘンリー・ノーマン The Real Japan. 1892 年 3/4 革装 Norman,Henry The Real Japan. Studies of Contemporary Japanese Manners, Morals, Administration, and Politics. Illustrated from Photographs by the Author. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1892. Second Edition. 364pp. With many illus. Quarter leather with gilt title on spine and dark red cloth. All edges red. Front & rear cover sl.stained. Corner of covers sl.rubbed. Its spine sl.sunned. Upper & lower part of spine sl.rubbed. All edges partly sunned. Small spotted on front & rear ep. Title page sl.sunned & stained. Small paper repaired on side of P.17 & P.55. Upper part of P.19 sl.torn. 35-36pp. missing? 1 illustration ("A Processionist of Yoshiwara" p.287) misbound. Gutter of 216-221pp. sl.cracked. Sl.spotted on some page. 20.2x14cm. [aj994-707100] ¥12,960 223 岡崎義恵 Japanese Literature in the Meiji Era. 1955 年 初刷 カバー、クロース装 Okazaki,Yoshie comp. & ed. Japanese Literature in the Meiji Era. Compiled and Edited by Okazaki Yoshie. Translated and Adapted by V. H. Viglielmo. [Centenary Cultural Council Series] Tokyo: Ōbunsha, 1955. First impression. xiv,673pp. With some color & b/w illus. d.w. Beige cloth. d.w. sl.sunned & stained. Sl.water spotted on spine of d.w. Front cover & spine sl.sunned. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear fly leaf sl.sunned. 21.5x15.5cm. [aj976-707082] ¥6,480 224 P. G. オニール A Guide to Nō. 檜書店 昭和 35 年 再版 カバー、ソフトクロース装 O'Neill,P. G. A Guide to Nō. Toyko & Kyoto: Hinoki Shoten, 1960. ii,229pp. With 2 illus. d.w. Flexible yellow cloth. Partly water stained on d.w. Front d.w. sl.peeled. Sl.water spotted on upper part of rear cover & spine. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned. Large ink stamped (2.3x2.3cm.) & ink notation by Shotaro, Oshima(尾島庄太郎)on front fly leaf. Red ink stained on 8-9pp. Pencil underline on P.134 & P.197. Some pages partly bended. 17.7x10.8cm. [aj1050-707149] ¥4,320 225 尾崎テオドラ Romances of Old Japan. n.d. [1920 年] クロース装 Ozaki,Madame Yukio Romances of Old Japan. Rendered into English from Japanese Sources. London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., n.d. [1920.] ix,278pp. With color & b/w illustrations. Purple cloth with gilt title on spine & front cover, gilt & black decorated on front cover. Top edge navy. Front & rear cover partly stained. Ink notation on rear cover. Corner of covers sl.rubbed. Its spine partly sunned. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear gutter sl.cracked. Half title page & P.278 partly sunned. Illustration on P.8 missing. Some illustrations misbound. 107-108pp. partly bended. 25x18.5cm. [aj991-707097] ¥8,640 226 E. パピノー Historical and Geographical Dictionary of Japan. 1909 年 クロース装 Papinot,E. Historical and Geographical Dictionary of Japan. Yokohama, 1909. xiv,842pp. With numerous illus. Green cloth with gilt title on spine. All edges red. Dark red endpapers. Partly spotted by mold on front & rear cover. Its spine sunned & sl.rubbed. All edges sl.sunned. Front ep. sl.stained. Title page missing. 23x15.5cm. [aj1095-707197] ¥16,200 227 M. パスケ-スミス 英国と日本 ゼー、エル、タムソン株式會社 昭和 3 年 総革装、天金 53 Paske-Smith,M. England and Japan. The First Known Account of Japan in English extracted from the "History of Travayle" 1577. Preface by M. Paske-Smith, C.B.E. Kobe: J. L. Thompson & Co (Retail) Ltd., 1928. 69pp. Full brown leather with gilt title on front cover. T.e.g. Black endpapers. Front & rear cover partly stained & sl.peeled. Side of cover sl.rubbed. Joint of front cover sl.cracked. Its spine partly rubbed. Fore & bottom edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. sl.sunned. Title page sl.stained. 17-25pp. partly sunned & sl.bended. Ink notation on P.42 & P.50. 21.5x14.5cm. [aj1048-707147] ¥16,200 228 M. パスケ-スミス(編) 日本の歴史 上下巻合冊 ゼー、エル、タムソン株式會社 昭和 6 年 クロース装 Paske-Smith,M. ed. History of Japan. Compiled from the Records of The English East India Company at the Instance of the Court of Directors by Peter Pratt 1822. 2 vols. in 1 Kobe: J. L. Thompson & Co (Retail) Ltd., 1931. Vol.I: xxvii,488pp. / Vol.II: iii,339pp. Green cloth with gilt title on spine. Front & rear cover sl.stained. Its spine sunned & sl.rubbed. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned. All pages unopened. Sl.spotted on some pages. [Vol.II]: 1-32pp. misplace. 24.7x15.2cm. [aj946-707014] ¥16,200 229 [Perry, M. C.] F. L. ホークス(編) 日本遠征記 全 3 巻・図版、図表多数 1856 年 米国議会上院版 クロース装 Hawks,Francis L. comp. Narrative of The Expedition of an American Squadron to The China Seas and Japan. Vol.I & II: Performed in the Years 1852, 1853, and 1854. Under the Command of Commodore M. C. Perry, United States Navy, by Order of the Government of the United States. Compiled from the Original Notes and Journals of Commodore Perry and his Officers, at his Request, and Under his Supervision. With Numerous Illustrations.Vol.III: Observations on The Zodiacal Light. From April 2, 1853, to April 22, 1855, Made Chiefly on Board The United Sates Steam-Frigate Mississippi. Durling her Late Cruise in Eastern Seas, and her Voyage Homeward: With Conclusions fom The Date Thus Obtained; by Rev. George Jones, A. M. In 3 vols. Published by Order of the Congress of the United States. / Washington: Beverley Tucker, 1856. Vol.I: xvii,537pp. / Vol.II: 414pp.+14pp.+xi / Vol.III: xliii,705pp. With 17 charts of Vol.II. Navy cloth with gilt title on spine. Embossed motif on front & rear cover of each vols. Front & rear cover partly sunned & stained. Corner of covers partly rubbed of Vol.I & III. Its spine partly sunned. Upper & lower part of spine splited & peeled. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned. Ink notation on front fly leaf of each vols. Partly spotted on rear ep. of vol.I & II. Small spotted on several pages of each vols. [Vol.I]: Joint of front cover sl.torn & cracked. Upper part of 79-80pp. partly torn. Illustlation on P.462 sl.torn, P.190-191 & P.445 missing. 402-410pp. started. [Vol.II]: Joint of rear cover partly torn. Rear gutter partly cracked. Front & rear fly leaf sl.torn. Lower part of P.45 sl.chipped. P.65 partly bended & splited. 213-216pp. missing. 2 charts (No.1 & 2) partly torn. [Vol.III]: 679-680pp. completely torn & splited. 30.3x23.5cm. [aj1119-707211] ¥216,000 230 [Perry, M. C.] ペルリ提督 日本遠征記 日本語訳 全 3 巻・海図(14 枚)付セット 1997 年 函、クロース装 United States Japan Expedition by COM. M. C. PerryVol.I & II: アメリカ艦隊による中国海域および日本への遠征 記(図版付) / Vol.III: 合衆国の日本遠征観測報告 黄道光 (翻訳・構成: 株式会社オフィス宮崎) 栄光教育文化研究所, 1997. Vol.I: ix,xiii,535pp. / Vol.II: 414pp.+14pp.(複写 日本との条約原本)+xii,iii / Vol.III: vii,xliii,705pp. 函、臙脂クロー ス装. 図版及び地図多数. 函僅かな汚れ. 美本. 30.5x24.5cm. [aj1108-707210] ¥97,200 231 [Perry, M. C.] サミュエル・E. モリソン ペリー提督伝 初版 クロース装 Morison,Samuel Eliot "Old Bruin": Commodore Matthew C. Perry 1794-1858. The American Naval Officer who Helped Found Liberia, Hunted Pirates in the West Indies, Practised Diplomacy with the Sultan of Turkey and the King of the Two Sicilies; Commanded the Gulf Squadron in the Mexican War, Promoted the Steam Navy and the Shell Gun, and Conducted the Naval Expedition which Opened Japan. An Atlantic Monthly Press Book, 1967. First edition. 54 xxii,482pp. With a frontis. & 61 illus. & 14 maps. Two color cloth bound. Top edge navy. Front & rear cover sl.sunned. Its spine sl.stained & rubbed. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned. 24x15.8cm. [aj949-707017] ¥8,640 232 Ernest H. Pickering Japan's Place in the Modern World. 初版 クロース装 Pickering,Ernest H. Japan's Place in the Modern World. With Illustrations from Photographs. George G. Harrap & Co., 1936. First published. 326pp. With 50 illus. Blue cloth. Front & rear cover sl.stained. Its spine sunned. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned. Sl.spotted on some pages. 21.3x14.3cm. [aj931-706993] ¥6,480 233 トマス・ロオカ 御遠足 1927 年 2 刷 背クロース、厚紙装 Raucat,Thomas The Honorable Picnic. Translated by Leonard Cline. Decorations by Lorraine Combs. New York: The Viking Press, 1927. Second printing. 319pp. Yellow cloth of spine & marbled boards. Black illustration on spine. Top edge navy. Corner of covers sl.rubbed. Its spine sunned. Upper & lower part of spine sl.torn. All edges partly sunned. Ex-libris on front ep. Ink notation & book-shop stamped on front fly leaf. 19.5x13.5cm. [aj1026-707125] ¥8,640 234 エドワード・J. リード 日本: 歴史、伝統、宗教 (Vol.II のみ)クロース装 Reed,Sir Edward J. Japan: Its History, Traditions, and Religions. (Vol.II Only) With the Narrative of a Visit in 1879. With Illustrations. London: John Murray, 1880. viii,356pp.+24pp. (Catalogue) Green cloth with gilt & black illustrations on covers. Gilt title on spine. 1 plate missing ("Soldiers in Time of Peace" ). Front & rear cover partly stained. Joint of front cover sl.cracked. Its spine sunned & torn. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.stained. Front & rear gutter sl.cracked. Side of front fly leaf splited. 297-300pp. unopened. 23x14.5cm. [aj968-707050] ¥16,200 235 トマス・ランドール(編) 16・17 世紀の日本帝国記録 1850 年 クロース装 Rundall,Thomas ed. Memorials of the Empire of Japon; In the XVI and XVII Centuries. Edited, with Notes by Thomas Rundall. London: Printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1850. 4pp.+xxxviii,186pp. With 1 folding map & 4 plates. Blue cloth with gilt title on spine & gilt illustration on front cover. Front & rear cover partly stained. Joint of covers sl.cracked. Its spine partly sunned & torn. Upper & lower part of spine sl.peeled. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. sl.sunned. Ex-libris on front ep. Title page & 82-83pp. partly sunned. Folding map sl.torn. 22.8x14.2cm. [aj1098-707200] ¥32,400 236 坂西志保(編)A Private Journal of John Glendy Sproston U.S.N. 上智大学 1968 年 2 版 背クロース、厚紙装 Sakanishi,Shio ed. A Private Journal of John Glendy Sproston U.S.N. With a New Foreword by George Alexander Lensen. [A Monumenta Nipponica Monograph] Tokyo: Sophia University in cooperation with Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1968. Second edition, revised & reset. xvii,128pp. With a color illus. & 19 b/w illus. White cloth of spine & navy boards. Front & rear cover sl.stained. Its spine sl.sunned. Number stamped on spine. Library stamped on top edge. Front ep. sl.stained. A small stamped on title page & vii page (1.5x1.5cm.). Library stamped & ink notation on v page. 26.3x16.8cm. [aj1089-707191] ¥3,240 237 アーネスト・サトウ 一外交官の見た明治維新 1921 年 クロース装 Satow,Sir Ernest A Diplomat in Japan. The Inner History of the Critical Years in the Evolution of Japan when the Ports were Opened and the Monarchy Restored, Recorded by a Diplomatist who took an Active Part in the Evens of the Time, with an 55 Account of his Personal Experiences During that Period. With Illustrations and Plans. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1921. 427pp. With a frontis. & 11 illus. Yellow cloth. Front & rear cover sl.sunned & stained. Its spine sunned. Upper & lower part of spine sl.rubbed & wrinkled. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear fly leaf partly sunned. Front fly leaf sl.bended. Ink notation & large stamped (3.5x3.5cm.) on frontispiece verso. Partly spotted on title page & some pages. 22.3x14cm. [aj1053-707155] ¥32,400 238 W. スカボロ 中国諺語集 クロース装 Scarborough,W. A Collection of Chinese Proverbs. Revised and enlarged by the addition of some Six Hundred Proverbs by the Rev. C. Wilfrid Allan. Shanghai: Published by the Presbyterian Mission Press, / China: To be had from The Mission Book Co., / London: Probsthain & Co., 1926. vi,381pp.+xiv (Index) Dark green cloth. Partly spotted on front & rear cover. Its spine partly rubbed & sl.wrinkled. All edges sl.sunned & stained. Sl.spottd on fore edge. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned. Title page sl.sunned. Small spotted on some pages. 21.7x14.3cm. [aj960-707034] ¥12,960 239 A. C. スコット勧進帳 北星堂 昭和 28 年 カバー、クロース装 Scott,A. C. Kanjincho. A Japanese Kabuki Play. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press, 1953. 50pp. With a frontis. & 8 illus. d.w. Colorful cloth boards. d.w. partly sunned & sl.rubbed. Upper part of d.w. splited. Front & rear cover sl.stained. All edges sl.sunned. Small spotted on front & rear ep. Half title page to frontis. & 49-50pp. sl.sunned. Ink underline on P.47. Lower part of P.48 sl.bended. Small spotted on some pages. 21.5x15.3cm. [aj1049-707148] ¥4,320 240 ドン・C. サイツ Surface Japan. 1911 年 背クロース、厚紙装 Seitz,Don C. Surface Japan. Short Notes of Swift Survey. Illustrated in Colour by Photogravure and Marginal Sketches After Hokusai. New York & London: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1911. 158pp. With a frontis. & 19 illus. Gray cloth of spine & decorated boards. Front & rear cover partly sunned. Side of cover sl.rubbed. Its spine sunned & rubbed. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned. Side of front fly leaf sl.torn. Pencil notation on rear fly leaf. Gutter of title page sl.cracked. Some illustrations sl.torn. 84-85pp. sl.sunned. 29x21.7cm. [aj1092-707194] ¥12,960 241 ダグラス・スレーデン 日本の風変わりな習俗 1913 年 クロース装 Sladen,Douglas Queer Things about Japan. With a Coloured Fonrtispiece and Thirty Full-page Illustrations. Fourth Edition, to which is added a Life of the late Emperor of Japan. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., 1913. lxxv,443pp. Dark red cloth with gilt title on spine. Front & rear cover sl.stained. Its spine sl.sunned & rubbed. 3 small labels on lower part of spine. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf partly sunned. Front gutter sl.cracked. Upper part of title page to xv page sl.torn & chipped. Pencil line & notation on some pages. 22x14.3cm. [aj1035-707134] ¥8,640 242 J. W. スポルディング 日本と世界周航 1855 年 クロース装 Spalding,J. W. Japan and Around The World. An Account of Three Visits to the Japanese Empire with Sketches of Madeira, St. Helena, Cape of Good Hope, Mauritius, Ceylon, Singapore, China, and Loo-Choo. With Eight Illustrations in Tint. [The Japan Expedition] New York: Redfield, 1855. 56 377pp.+2pp. (Catalogue) With a frontis. & 7 illus. Navy cloth with gilt title on spine. Front & rear cover partly stained. Corner of covers sl.rubbed. Its spine sunned & sl.rubbed. Upper & lower part of spine sl.torn. All edges partly sunned. Front gutter partly cracked. Ex-libris on front ep. Partly spotted on front & rear fly leaf. 5-20pp. & 27-46pp. started. Upper part of P.343 sl.bended. Sl.spotted on some pages. 19.5x13cm. [aj996-707102] ¥17,280 243 マリー・C. ストープス & 桜井譲二 Plays of Old Japan The 'Nō'. 1913 年 厚紙装 Stopes,Marie C. & Prof. Sakurai,Joji Plays of Old Japan The 'Nō'. With a Preface by his Excellency Baron Kato. Illustrated. London: William Heinemann, 1913. 103pp. With a color frontis. & 6 b/w plates. Gray boards with title label on spine. Front & rear cover sl.sunned & stained. Its spine sl.sunned. Sl.water stained on lower part of rear cover & spine. All edges partly sunned & stained. Front & rear fly leaf partly sunned. Small ink stamped on front & rear fly leaf & some pages (2.3x2.3cm.). P.11 sl.peeled. Corner of some pages bended. Partly spotted on 102-103pp. Small spotted on some pages. The Book from Shotaro, Oshima. 20.7x14cm. [aj1051-707150] ¥21,600 244 C. H. シュトラッツ 日本人の芸術と生活の中での身体の形 1925 年 第 4 版 クロース装 Stratz,C. H. Die Körperformen in Kunst und Leben der Japaner. Mit 152 in den Text Gedruckten Abbildungen und 4 Farbigen Tafeln. Stuttgart: Verlag von Ferdinand Enke, 1925. Vierte Auflage. xii,234pp. Yellow cloth. Front & rear cover partly stained. Upper part of rear cover sl.sunned. Its spine sl.sunned. Upper part of spine sl.torn. All edges sl.sunned & stained. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned & stained. 24.5x16.5cm. [aj989-707095] ¥16,200 245 J. T. サンダーランド Rising Japan. 1918 年 クロース装 Sunderland,Jabez T. Rising Japan. Is She a Menace or A Comrade to be Welcomed in the Fraternity of Nations? With a Foreword by Lindsay Russell. New York & London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1918. xi,220pp. Navy cloth with gilt title on spine & front cover. Front & rear cover partly stained. Small spotted on front cover. Lower part of front cover sl.peeled. Its spine sunned & rubbed. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned & stained. Partly spotted on several pages. 19.2x13cm. [aj1039-707138] ¥6,480 246 (末松謙澄) A Fantasy of Far Japan or Summer Dream Dialogue. クロース装 Suyematsu,Baron A Fantasy of Far Japan or Summer Dream Dialogue. London: Archibald Constable and Co., 1905. xii,337pp. Color pictorial cloth with gilt title on spine. Front & rear cover sl.sunned & rubbed. Its spine partly sunned. Upper & lower part of spine partly torn. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear gutter sl.cracked. Front & rear fly leaf sl.sunned. Half title page partly sunned. Presented from the author. Small spotted on some pages. 23x14.5cm. [aj940-707008] ¥6,480 247 鐡道院(編) 日本公式ガイド 鐡道省 昭和 8 年 ソフトクロース装 The Japanese Government Railways An Official Guide to Japan. With Preparatory Explanations on Japanese Customs, Language, History, Religion, Literature, Fine Art, Architecture, Music, Drama, etc., etc., A Handbook for Travellers. With 36 Specially Drawn Maps, 10 Illustrations and 14 Plans. Tokyo: Prepared by The Japanese Government Railways, 1933. ccx,506pp. Red flexible cloth with gilt title on spine & front cover. All edges marbled. Full color illustrated endpapers. Front & rear cover sl.stained. Lower part of front cover sl.torn. Its spine sl.sunned & rubbed. All edges partly sunned. Sl.spotted on fore edge. Front & rear ep. sl.stained. Title page sl.sunned. Some maps sl.torn. A small hole on map of 57 before the title page ("JApan with Key to Sectional Maps"). 1 map missing ("Japanese Empire and Mainland of Asia"). 16x11cm. [aj1132-707219] ¥8,640 248 東京女子高等師範學校(編輯) Life of the Japanese Woman of To-day. 研究社 昭和 12 年 クロース装(和綴じ 本) The Tokyo Higher Normal School for Woman Life of the Japanese Woman of To-day. Compiled from Contributions by the Teaching Staff of The Tokyo Higher Normal School for Woman. Tokyo: Kenkyusha, 1937. 61pp. With a frontis. & 23 illus. Flexible navy cloth with title label on front cover. White ribbon tied to spine. Its spine partly sunned & peeled. Lower part on spine sl.torn & cracked. All edges partly sunned. Small spotted on front & rear ep. & fly leaf. Title page partly sunned. Sl.spotted on some pages. 22.3x15.8cm. [aj1125-707212] ¥12,960 249 クララ・ベル・サーストン The Jingle of a Japan. 1908 年 クロース装 Thurston,Clara Bell The Jingle of a Japan. Boston: H. M. Caldwell Co., 1908. unnumbered. Full color illus. Color pictorial cloth with title label on front cover. Color illust endpapers. Front & rear cover sl.stained. Corner of covers sl.rubbed. Its spine sunned. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned & stained. Two small hole on front ep. Many pages sl.sunned & stained. Upper part of some pages sl.torn. 23x18cm. [aj986-707092] ¥21,600 250 東京市役所 The Reconstruction of Tokyo. 昭和 8 年 クロース装、天金 Tokyo Municipa Office The Reconstruction of Tokyo. Tokyo Municipal Office, 1933. xx,419pp. With a frontis. & a large folding map & some color maps & b/w illus. Red cloth with gilt decolated on covers. T.e.g. Color illustrated end-papers. Front & rear cover sl.stained. Its spine sl.sunned. All edges sl.sunned. Front ep. sl.stained. Rear ep. partly sunned. 243-244p. sl.torn (repaired). Sl.spotted on some pages. 31.5x22.5cm. [aj1155-707226] ¥32,400 251 H. B. Tristram Rambles in Japan. クロース装、天金 Tristram,H. B. Rambles in Japan. The Land of the Rising Sun. With Forty-Five Illustrastrations by Edward Whymper from Sketches and Photographs. London: The Religious Tract Society, 1895. 304pp. Dark green cloth with gilt title on spine and gilt illustration on front cover. T.e.g. Front & rear cover sl.stained. Its spine sunned. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear fly leaf partly sunned. Sl.spotted on some pages. 22.3x14.5cm. [aj939-707007] ¥19,440 252 H.フェイクフィールド New Paths for Japan. 1948 年 初版 クロース装 Wakefield,Harold New Paths for Japan. With an Introduction by Sir Paul Butler. Issued under the auspices of the Institute of Pacific Relations and the Royal Institute of International Affairs. London: Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1948. First published. viii,223pp. Navy cloth with gilt title on spine. Front & rear cover sl.stained. Sl.spotted on front cover. Its spine sl.sunned. All edges partly sunned & stained. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned. Ink notation on title page. Small spotted on some pages. 22x14.2cm. [aj1033-707132] ¥4,320 253 オノト・ワタンナ A Japanese Blossom. 1906 年 クロース装、天金 Watanna,Onoto 58 A Japanese Blossom. Illustrated by L. W. Ziegler. New York & London: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1906. 264pp. Lavendar cloth with gilt title on spine & front cover & color flower illustration on front cover. T.e.g. Front & rear cover sl.sunned & stained. Sl.ink spotted on upper part of rear cover. Its spine sunned & sl.rubbed. Top edge sl.scuffing. Fore & bottom edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep.sl.sunned. Ink notation on front ep. Title page sl.sunned. 21.3x14cm. [aj1036-707135] ¥19,440 254 Günther Wenck 日本語の音声学 ペーパー装 Wenck,Günther Japanische Phonetik. Band I: Die Lautlehre des modernen Japanischen. / Die Geschichte des Lautbewuβtseins und der Lautforschung in Japan. / Die Quellen der japanischen Lautgechichte. Band II: Die Phonetik der Manyōgana. In 2 vols. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1954. Band I: 373pp. / Band II: 328pp. Printed wrappers. Front & rear cover sl.sunned & stained. Side of covers splited. Ink signature by former owner ("Kusakabe") on front cover & title page of each vols. It spine partly sunned & rubbed. All edges partly sunned. Small spotted on some pages of each vols. [Band I]: Upper part of front cove sl.chipped. 24.5x16.8cm. [aj963-707037] ¥32,400 255 Elizabeth P. Wittermans & John Z.Bowers Doctor on Desima. 上智大学 1970 年 背クロース、厚紙装 Wittermans,Elizabeth P. & Bowers,John Z. (trans.) Doctor on Desima. Selected Chapters from JHR J. L. C. Pompe van Meerdervoort's. Vijf Jaren in Japan [Five Years in Japan] (1857-1863). Translated and Annotated by Elizabeth P. Wittermans & John Z. Bowers. [A Monumenta Nipponica Monograph] Tokyo: Sophia University, 1970. vii,144pp. White cloth of spine & purple boards. Front & rear cover sl.sunned. Its spine sl.sunned & stained. Number stamped on spine. Library stamped on top edge. A small stamped on title page (1.5x1.5cm.). Library stamped & ink notation on v page. 26.3x16.8cm. [aj1088-707190] ¥3,240 256 ベ・ア・ロマーノフ 日露戦争外交史概説 1895-1907 年 改訂増補第 2 版 クロース装 РОМАНОВ,Б. А (Romanov,B. A.) ОЧЕРКИ ДИППЛОМАТИЧЕСКОЙ ИСТОРИИ РУССКО-ЯПОНСКОЙ ВОЙНЫ 1895-1907. ИЗДАНИЕ ВТОРОЕ ИСПРАВЛЕННОЕ И ДОПОЛЕННОЕ. МОСКВА: ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО АКАДЕМИИ НАУК СССР, 1955. Second edition. 695pp. Light gray cloth. Front & rear cover sl.stained. Its spine sunned. All edges sl.sunned & stained. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned & stained. A small stamped on rear fly leaf. ]26.4x17.3cm. [aj952-707020] ¥54,000 257 The Imperial Japanese Mission 1917. 1918 年 クロース装 The Imperial Japanese Mission 1917. A Record of the Reception Throughout the United States of the Special Mission Headed by Viscount Ishii. Together with the Exchange of Notes Embodying The Root-Takahira Understanding of 1908 and The Lansing-Ishii Agreement of 1917. Foreword by Elihu Root. [Carnegie Endowment for Internation Peace, Division of Intercourse and Education, Publication No.15] Washington, D. C.: Carnegie Endowment for Internation Peace, 1918. iv,125pp. Green cloth with gilt title on spine & front cover. Front & rear cover sl.stained. Its spine sl.scuffing. All edges partly sunned. Small spotted on top edge. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned & stained. Sl.spotted on some pages. 25x17.5cm. [aj987-707093] ¥6,480 258 W. フランケ 中国科學制度革廢考 1960 年 厚紙装 Franke,Wolfgang The Reform and Abolition of the Traditional Chinese Examination System. Seminar für Sprache und Kultur Chinas University of Hamburg. Published by the Center for East Asian Studies Harvard University, 1960. viii,100pp. Boards bound. Front cover partly sunned & stained. Its spine sl.sunned. Staples rusted on covers. All edges partly stained. Title page & rear fly leaf sl.stained. 27.5x21.5cm. [aj1134-707221] ¥21,600 59 259 ベルンハルド・カールグレン(高本漢) 中華語音學研究 1926 年 クロース装(改装) Karlgren,Bernhard Etudes sur La Phonologie Chinoise. [Archives D'Etudes Orientales, Vol.15] Götenbourg: Elanders Boktryckeri Aktiebolag, 1926. 898pp. Rebound black cloth with gilt title on spine. Front & rear cover sl.stained. All edges sl.sunned. Original front cover partly chipped (repaired), rear cover missing. Sl.spotted on title page. Water stained on lower part of title page to P.16. & 65-80pp. & 225-240pp. Small spotted on some pages. 23.6x15.2cm. [aj1102-707204] ¥54,000 260 W. F. メイヤーズ(編) 大清国・諸外国間条約集 1901 年 増訂第 3 版 クロース装 Mayers,William Frederick ed. Treaties between The Empire of China and Foreign Powers. Together with Regulations for the Conduct of Foreign Trade, Conventions, Agreements, Regulations, etc., etc., etc. and the Peace Protocol of 1901. First Edition, 1877, Edited by William Frederick Mayers. Shanghai: Printed and Published at the "North-China Herald" Office, 1901. Third and Enlarged Edition Issued by Publishers, 1901. viii,xiv,318pp. Brown cloth with gilt title on front cover. Front & rear cover partly stained & rubbed. Its spine sunned & sl.torn (repaired) Upper & lower part of spine sl.torn & rubbed. Small worm-hole on joint of front cover to front ep. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf partly sunned. Ink notation on title page. Ink stamped on title page verso (2.5x2.5cm.). Guard of title page verso & P.318 partly cracked. P.305 almost detached. Red pencil underline & small spotted on some pages. 23.8x15.8cm. [aj1106-707208] ¥43,200 261 アレクサンダー・ハミルトン 東インド新紀行 2 巻 1930 年 975 部限定、No.206 3/4 ヴェラム装 Hamilton,Alexander A New Account of the East Indies. With numerous Maps & Illustrations. Now edited with Introduction and Notes by Sir William Foster, C.I.E. In 2 vols. London: The Argonaut Press, 1930. Limited to 975 copies, No.206. Vol.I: xxxvii,259pp. / Vol.II: vi,225pp. Quarter vellum leather with gilt title on spine & light green cloth. Gilt embossed flower motif on front cover of each vols. Front & rear cover partly stained & sl.rubbed. Its spine sunned. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf partly sunned. Small spotted on some pages. Some pages unopened of each vols. [Vol.II]: Lower part of rear cover sl.chipped. 26.3x19.8cm. [aj1107-707209] ¥43,200 262 A. L. サドラー(訳) 英譯 平家物語 君和田書店昭和 16 年 Sadler,A. L. (trans.) The Heike Monogatari. Reprinted, by permission of the trasnlator from the Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan XLVI ii ans XLIX i, In 2 vols. Tokyo: Kimiwada Shoten, 1941. Vol.I: xiv,278pp. / Vol.II: ii,354pp.+11pp.(Appendix) With a 2 folding maps of vol.II. Green cloth with gilt title on spine & light gray boards. Front & rear cover sl.sunned & stained. Its spine sl.sunned. Upper & lower part of spine sl.rubbed. All edges partly sunned. Partly waer spotted on fore edge of each vols. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned. Some pages partly sunned. [Vol.I]: Cloth of spine partly peeled. 21.5x15cm. [aj1057-707159] ¥21,600 263 L. レデスデール 日本昔話 Redesdale,Lord Tales of Old Japan. With Illustrations. Drawn and Cut on Wood by Japanese Artists. London: Macmillan and Co., 1903. Reprinted. xii,383pp.+32pp.(Catalogue) With a frontis. & 30 illus. Red cloth with gilt title on spine. Partly spotted by mold on front & rear cover. Its spine partly sunned & rubbed. All edges partly sunned & stained. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf partly sunned. Lower part of frontis. sl.started. Water stained & red ink spotted on lower part of front fly leaf to title page. TItle page sl.stained. Side of P.121 sl.chipped. Water spotted on illus of P.132 to P.143. Gutter of 224-225pp. sl.cracked. Small spotted on some pages. 19.2x13cm. [aj1058-707160] ¥5,400 264 アーサー・ウェイリー(訳) 源氏物語 尾島庄太郎の印あり Waley,Arthur (trans.) The Tale of Genji. A Novel in Six Parts by Lady Murasaki. Translated from the Japanese by 60 Arthur Waley. One Volume Edition. Six Novels Altogether. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1957. Third impression. xvi,1135pp. d.w. Blue cloth. Top edge orange. d.w. sunned & satined. Upper & lower part of d.w. sl.torn & chipped. Sl.spotted on front & rear cover. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear fly leaf partly sunned. Ink stamped by Shotaro Oshima on front fly leaf & title page (2.5x2.5cm.). P.469 & P.523 dog-eared. 20x13.3cm. [aj1059-707161] ¥8,640 265 末松謙澄(訳) 源氏物語 Kenchio,Suyematz (trans.) Genji Monogatari. The Most Celebrated of the Classical Japanese Romances. London: Trüner & Co., 1882. xvi,253pp. Light green cloth with gilt title on spine & black & silver illustration on front cover. Flower motif endpapers. Front & rear cover partly stained. Small spotted on front cover. Its spine partly sunned & rubbed. Upper & lower part of spine splited. All edges partly sunned. Small ink spotted on fore & bottom edges. Front & rear ep. sl.sunned. Rear gutter sl.cracked. Ink notation on front & rear ep. & title page. A small ink stamped on half title page (2x1.5cm.). 2 types large stamped on title page & rear fly leaf (4.5x3.5cm. / 3.3x1.5cm.). Some pages partly stained & sl.chipped. Pencil notation & red pencil line on several pages. 19.5x13cm. [aj1060-707162] ¥6,480 266 W. ホワイトハウス(訳) 落窪物語 ゼーエルタムソン株式会社 昭和 9 年 Whitehouse,Wilfried (trans.) Ochikubo Monogatari; Or The Tale of the Lady Ochikubo. A Tenth Century Japanese Novel. Japan: J. L. Thompson & Co., / London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1934. vii,245pp. d.w. Red cloth. d.w. partly sunned. All edges partly sunned & stained. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf partly sunned. Title page partly sunned. Red pencil underline on 1-23pp. Sl.spotted on some pages. 22.3x14.8cm. [aj1056-707158] ¥8,640 267 W. ホワイトハウス Yanagisawa,Eizo(訳) 英訳 落窪物語 北星堂 昭和 40 年 Whitehouse,Wilfried & Yanagisawa,Eizo (trans.) Ochikubo Monogatari; Or The Tale of Lady Ochikubo. A Tenth Century Japanese Novel. Tokyo: Hokuseido Press, 1965. Revised edition. iv,287pp. d.w. Green cloth. d.w. sl.sunned & stained. Spine of d.w. sl.rubbed. Front & rear flap sl.clipping. All edges sl.sunned. Front & rear fly leaf sl.sunned. Lower part of 21-24pp. dog-eared. 18.4x13.3cm. [aj1077-707163] ¥3,240 268 P. アドラー-ルボン 日本文学 Adler-Revon,Paul Japanische Literatur. Geschichte und Auswahl von den Anfängen bis zur Neusten Zeit. [Taschenbücher der Literatur] Frankfurt am Main: Frankfurter Verlags-Anstalt A. G., n.d. 430pp. With a slip case. d.w. Orange cloth with gilt title & decolated on spine. Top edge navy. Slip case partly sunned & sl.torn. Spine of d.w. sl.sunned & rubbed. Upper part of d.w. sl.torn. Fore & bottom edges sl.sunned. Front & rear ep. & flyleaf sl.sunned. Small spotted on some pages. Sl.blue ink stained on P.419. 17.7x11.2cm. [aj1078-707164] ¥3,240 269 O. ハウザー Die Japanische Dichtung. Hauser,Otto Die Japanische Dichtung. Mit vielen Kunstbeilagen. Berlin: Brandus Verlagbuchhandlung, n.d. 68pp. With a frontis. & 10 illus. Beige cloth with brown decorated on front cover. Top edge green. Front & rear cover sl.stained. Sl.spotted on front cover. All edges sl.sunned. Front & rear fly leaf sl.sunned. Half title & title page & some pages partly sunned & stained. 18.2x13.3cm. [aj1079-707165] ¥4,320 270 Preuschen,Hermione V. 独文 吉原物語 Preuschen,Hermione V. Yoshiwara. Vom Freudenhaus des Lebens. Roman in Drei Teilen. Berlin: Otto Janke-Verlag, 1920. 61 195pp. Brown boards with red & black decolated on front cover. Top edge color. Front & rear cover partly sunned. Rear cover partly stained. Side of covers sl.rubbed. Joint of front cover partly cracked. Its spine sunned & partly torn & peeled. Upper part of spine sl.chipped. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. partly sunned. Gutter of half title page sl.cracked. Upper & lower part of some pages sl.torn. Partly spotted on several pages. 18.7x12.8cm. [aj1080-707166] ¥4,320 271 アーサー・ウェイリー Japanese Poetry The 'Uta'. Waley,Arthur Japanese Poetry The 'Uta'. London: Percy Lund, Humphries & Co., 1959. Reprinted. 110pp. Printed wrappers. Front & rear cover sl.stained & scuffing. Front cover sl.bended. Its spine sunned. All edges partly sunned & stained. Ink notation on rear fly leaf. Small spotted on title page & some pages. P.83 dog-eared. 19x14.5cm. [aj1081-707167] ¥4,320 272 桜井忠温(著) 肉弾 丁未出版社 大正 11 年 Sakurai,Tadayoshi / Honda,Masujiro & Bacon,Alice M. (trans.) Human Bullets (Niku-Dan). A Soldier's Story of Port Arthur. With an Introduction by Count Okuma. Translated from the Japanese by Masujiro Honda and Alice M. Bacon. Tokyo: Teibi Publishing Co., 1920. Fourteenth Edition. (奥付は第 15 版と記載) iv,ii,250pp. With a frontis. & 3 illus. & slip-case. Half red cloth with gilt title on spine & brown boards. Partly vinyl-tape repaired on slip-case. Front & rear cover & spine sl.sunned. Protected with a vinyl seal on covers. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear fly leaf partly sunned. Small spotted on some pages. 19.3x13cm. [aj1082-707168] ¥4,320 273 山口益(著) 渡辺照宏(訳) Dynamic Buddha and Static Buddha. 理想社 昭和 33 年 Yamaguchi,Susumu / Watanabe,Shoko (trans.) Dynamic Buddha and Static Buddha. A System of Buddhist Practice. Translated by Shoko Watanabe. Tokyo: Risosha Ltd., 1958. First published. 93pp. d.w. Light gray cloth. d.w. sl.sunned & stained. Upper part of d.w. sl.torn & chipped. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear fly leaf sl.sunned. P.55 & P.59 dog-eared. Pencil line on some pages. 18.7x13cm. [aj1083-707169] ¥3,240 274 山本晃紹(訳) 英文完訳 教行信証 華林文庫 昭和 33 年 尾島庄太郎の印あり Yamamoto,Kosho (trans.) The Kyogyoshinsho. Or The 'Teaching, Practice, Faith, and Attainment'. Translated and Annotated by Kosho Yamamoto. Tokyo: The Karinbunko, 1958. xiv,518pp. Quarter leather with gilt title on spine & navy cloth. All edges black. Front & rear cover sl.stained. Leather of covers partly peeled. All edges sl.stained. Front fly leaf partly sunned. Ink stamped by Shotaro Oshima on front & rear fly leaf & xi page (2.3x2.3cm.). Small spotted on some pages. Partly spotted on 240-241pp. Some pages dog-eared. 18.7x12.8cm. [aj1084-707170] ¥12,960 275 本多平八郎(訳) 英訳古今和歌集 北星堂 /英林社 昭和 45 年 尾島庄太郎の印あり Honda,H. H. (trans.) The Kokin Waka-Shu. The 10th-Century Anthology Edited by The Imperial Edict. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press / Osaka: The Eirinsha Press, 1970. viii,292pp. With a frontis. d.w. Brown cloth with silver title on spine & front cover. d.w partly stained. Upper paer of d.w. sl.torn (repaired). All edges sl.sunned. Sl.spotted on top edge. Ink stamped by Shotaro Oshima (2.3x2.3cm.) & ink stained on front fly leaf & P.1. Some pages dog-eared. 18.5x13.3cm. [aj1085-707187] ¥5,400 276 与謝野晶子(原著) 本多平八郎(訳) 英文 歌集みだれ髪 北星堂 昭和 32 年 Yosano,Akiko / Honda,H. H. (trans.) The Poetry of Yosano Akiko. 62 Tokyo: Hokuseido Press, 1957. xi,104pp. With a frontis. Brown cloth with gilt title on spine & front cover. Front & rear cover sl.sunned & stained. All edges sl.sunned. Half title page & P.104 to rear fly leaf partly sunned. 18.2x12cm. [aj1086-707188] ¥4,320 277 岡田哲蔵(訳) Chinese & Sino-Japanese Poems. 静觀荘 昭和 12 年 Okada,Tetsuzō (trans.) Chinese & Sino-Japanese Poems. Selected abd Translated by Tetsuzō Okada. Tokyo: Seikansō, 1937. v,99pp. Printed wrappers. Front & rear cover partly stained & splited. Upper part of front cover to P.1 bended. Sl.ink notation on front cover. Its spine sunned & partly torn. All edges partly sunned. Rear fly leaf sl.sunned. Sl.pencil notation P.13 & P.56. Ink stained on P.57. Many pages dog-eared. 19x12.5cm. [aj1087-707189] ¥8,640 278 A. デ・ヤーヘル オランダ語学の分野における今日的様態 クロース装(改装) De Jager,A. Verscheidenheden. [bound with] Latere Verscheidenheden. Uit Het Gebied der Nederduitsche Taalkunde. 2 vols. in 1 Te Deventer: Bij A. Ter Gunne., 1844. / 1858. x,348pp.+viii,506pp. Rebound. Gray & red cloth with gilt title on spine. Front & rear cover sl.stained. All edges sl.sunned & stained. Sl.water stained on fore edge. Front & rear ep. sl.sunned. Ink notation on half title page of each vols. Pencil notation & small spotted on some pages. [Verschedenheden]: Ink stained on title page. [Latere Verschedenheden]: 495-496pp. partly torn. [aj1121-606665] ¥19,440 279 P. J.プリンセン オランダ語文法要解 ペーパー装 Prinsen,P. J. Beginselen van de Voorstellen-Leer der Nederduitsche Taal. Voor Aankomende Onderwijzers. Haarlem: Erven F. Bohn., 1844. x,146pp. Printed wrappers. Front & rear cover partly sunned. Two ink stamped (3x6cm.) & ink notation on front cover. Front & rear leaf half missing. Its spine sunned & partly torn. Small paper sticked on spine. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. Partly sunned. Ex-libris on half title verso. Ink notation & small hole on title page. 69-70pp. partly torn (repaired). Gutter of 112-113pp. sl.cracked. Small spotted on some pages. [aj1122-606666] ¥32,400 280 L. A. ウィンケル 蘭語正字法基礎 1/2 クロース装(改装) Te Winkel,L. A. De Grondbeginselen der Nederlandsche Spelling. Regeling der Spelling Voor Het Woordenboek der Nederlandsche Taal. Leiden: D. Noothoven van Goor., 1865. xxii,251pp. Rebound. Half brown cloth & marbled boards. Top edge yellow. Library label on front cover (3.2x5.2cm.). All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf partly sunned. Title page sl.torn & wrinkled. Paper repaired on title page verso. Ink stamped on title page & v page (3x6cm.). Gutter of vi-vii page sl.torn. Small spotted on some pages. [aj1123-606667] ¥16,200 281 E. F. C. ローゼンミュラー アラビア語文法 3/4 ヴェラム装 Rosenmülleri,Ernesti Friderici Caroli Institvtiones ad Fvndamenta Lingvae Arabicae (Arabic Grammar). Accedvnt Sententiae et Narrationes Arabicae vna cam Glossario Arabico-Latino. Lipsiae: Svmtibvs Io. Ambros. Barthii, 1818. xii,446pp. Quarter vellum with gilt title on spine & brown cloth. All edges marbled. Front & rear cover partly sunned & stained. Corner of covers sl.peeled. Its spine partly stained & sl.rubbed. Upper part of spine sl.cracked. All edges partly sunned. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned. Ink notation on front fly leaf. Title page partly sunned. Partly spotted on some pages. [aj1124-606668] ¥32,400 63 282 [仕掛け絵本] ストーリー・フロム・ディケンズ ロンドン他刊 日付なし(20 世紀初頭頃?) 厚紙装 カラーイラスト表 紙 カラー図版 2 点 仕掛け絵本(見開き 2 ページのパノラマに配された登場人物たちが飛び出す) 書込あり [Dickens,Charles] Stories from Dickens for Boys and Girls. Told by His Grand-daughter and Others. With Illustration by Harold Copping. With "Come to Life" Panorama. ('The Storyland Treasury' series.) London, Paris, New York: Raphael Tuck & Sons, Ltd., n.d. (c.early 20th century) 152pp., (publisher's ad.; 8pp.) Thick paper boards, color illus.on front board, red cloth spine. With a color frontis.and a color plate. Thick card pages. Numerous b/w illus. Pop up panorama of characters. Front board sl.darkened and rubbed at edge. Rear board somewhat stained and water stained at upper edge. Spine darkened, rubbed and sl.torn at upper edge. Edges sunned. Inner hinge of front board started. Ink and pencil inscription to front flyleaf. From half title page to verso of 'contents' spotted. Red and black pencil notations to some pages. 22.7x18.2cm. [aj1118-500281] ¥12,960 283 ラドヤード・キップリング ジャングル・ブック 仏語訳 Louis Fabulet、Robert d'Humières 仏語訳 Roger Reboussin 挿画 Kipling,Rudyard Le Livre de la Jungle. Traduction de Louis Fabulet & Robert d'Humières. Illustrations de Roger Reboussin. Cinquième édition. Paris: Librairie Delagrave, n.d. 176pp. Bound in half calf, marbled boards. Spine in gilt with 2 brown morocco labels. T.e.g. Marbled e.ps. Numerous b/w illus.in text. Surface of spine partly peeled. Front and rear boards sl.color chipped and rubbed at edges. Fore and bottom edges and pages light foxing. Joint of title page somewhat started. Some pages light stained. P.133 (a plate) stained. 28.6x23.5cm. [aj972-807950] ¥21,600 284 ミルトン 失楽園 W.ブレイク挿絵 リバプール刊 1906 年 初版 Milton,John Paradise Lost. Illustrations by William Blake. First edition. Printed at the Lyceum Press, Liverpool, and published by the Liverpool Booksellers' Co., Limited, 1906. ix,397pp.+ 12 coloured plates. Linen backed blue boards. Paper title label to spine. Boards and spine sl.sunned, light stained and rubbed at corners. Paper title label sunned and chipped. Edges darkened. Small ownership stamps on half title page and rear flyleaf. E.ps.foxing and sl.stained. 26.5x20cm. [aj1172-170442] ¥17,280 285 シャルル・ペロー ペロー童話集 背革装 Henry Émy 挿画 フランス語 全ページの四方を童話の登場人物のイラストが囲む。 「青ひげ」「赤ずきん」「眠りの森の美女」「長靴をはいた猫」「シンデレラ」 「ロバの皮」ほか。 Perrault,Charles Contes des Fées par Ch. Perrault. La Barbe Bleue, Le petit Chaperon rouge, Les Fées, La Belle au Bois Dormant, Le Chat Botté, Cendrillon, Riquet à la Houppe, Le petit Poucet, L'adroite princesse, Peau d'Ane. Édition illustrée par Henry Émy. Paris: Delarue, Libraire-Éditeur, n.d. (c.late 1800's). 166pp. Red morocco backed red cloth, gilt title to front board and spine. A.e.g. b/w illus. Text on each page within illustrated frames. Front and rear boards somewhat stained. Edges of boards and spine rubbed. Joint of front e.p.started. Flyleaves and margin of some pages spotted. 26.3x20cm. [aj1173-170443] ¥12,960 286 シェイクスピア詩集 ロンドン刊 日付なし(1915 年頃) チャールズ・ロビンソン挿画 クロース装 カラープレート 12 点 モノクロ挿絵多数 若干綴じ緩みあり [Shakespeare,William] The Songs and Sonnets of William Shakespeare. Illustrated by Charles Robinson. London: Duckworth & Co., n.d. (c.1915) xiv,239pp. Bound in blue cloth with gilt lettering and decorations on front board and spine. 12 tipped in colour plates with tissue guards. Illus.in e.ps.and text in green. Upper and bottom edges of spine sl.worn. Edges light sunned. Front 64 and rear flyleaves, half title page and pp.238- last page sl.spotted. Hinge of pp.80-81 and pp.112-113 started. 25.5x19.5cm. [aj1158-808012] ¥32,400 287 [チャップブック] The History of Giles Gingerbread ヨーク:ケンドリュー刊 19 世紀前半頃 小型本 木版挿絵 12 点 Trip,Tom The History of Giles Gingerbread, a Little Boy, Who Lived upon Learning. By Tom Trip. Embellished with Wood-cuts. York: Printed and sold by J. Kendrew, n.d. (c.early 19th century) 31pp. A chapbook. Original yellow printed wrappers. Rear wrapper with an advertisement for Penny Books printed and sold by J. Kendrew, York. 12 woodcut illus. Wrappers and pages light sunned. Rear wrapper and p.31 water stained. 10x6.5cm. [aj1135-500282] ¥8,640 288 [チャップブック] 眠れる森の美女 エディンバラ:オリバー&ボイド刊 19 世紀前半頃 小型本 木版挿絵 12 点 The History of the Sleeping Beauty in the Wood. Embellished with Engravings on Wood. Edinburgh: Printed for Oliver & Boyd, Tweeddale-court, n.d. (c.early 19th century) 31pp. A chapbook. Original light blue printed wrappers. Rear wrapper with an advertisement for Juvenile Books printed for Oliver & Boyd. 12 woodcut illus. Wrappers sl.stained. 12x8cm. [aj1136-500283] ¥12,960 289 [チャップブック] A Garland of New Songs ニューキャッスル:J.マーシャル刊 日付なし(1810 年頃?) 1 枚の紙に両 面 8 ページ分印刷 「Tweed Side」ほか詩 5 編 A Garland of New Songs. [Containing: 1. Tweed Side. 2. My Nanie, O. 3. Highland Laddie. 4. Up in the Morning Early. 5. Flowers of the Forest.] Newcastle upon Tyne: Printed by J.Marshall, In Old Flesh Market, n.d. (c.1810) 8pp. A chapbook. Single sheet, folded and uncut as issued. Woodcut vignette to title. Sunned. Title page blind stamped. Small ink notationed to p.2. A small hole to p.3. 29x20cm. [aj1137-500284] ¥3,240 290 [チャップブック] A Garland of New Songs ニューキャッスル:J.マーシャル刊 日付なし(1815 年頃?) 1 枚の紙に両 面 8 ページ分印刷 「Allen A-Dale」ほか詩 6 編 A Garland of New Songs. [Containing: 1. Allen A-Dale. 2. Paddy Carey. 3. Ma Chere Amie. 4. William Tell. 5. Oh the Moment was Sad. 6. The Cottage of the Moor.] Newcastle upon Tyne: Printed by J.Marshall, In Old Flesh Market, n.d. (c.1815) 8pp. A chapbook. Single sheet, folded and uncut as issued. Woodcut vignette to title. Sunned. Title page blind stamped. Small ink notationed to p.8. Lower left side of title page sl.torn. 29.5x20cm. [aj1138-500285] ¥3,240 291 [チャップブック] A Garland of New Songs ニューキャッスル:J.マーシャル刊 日付なし(1817 年頃?) 1 枚の紙に両 面 8 ページ分印刷 「The Bay of Biscay」ほか詩 6 編 A Garland of New Songs. [Containing: 1. The Bay of Biscay, O. 2. All Well. 3. Poor Joe the Marine. 4. The Mid Watch. 5. The Sea-Boy. 6. The Sailor's Adieu.] Printed by J.Marshall, In Old Flesh Market, Newcastle., n.d. (c.1817) 8pp. A chapbook. Single sheet, folded and uncut as issued. Woodcut vignette to title. Sunned. Title page blind stamped. Small ink notationed to p.2. 29x19.5cm. [aj1139-500286] ¥3,240 292 [チャップブック] ジョン・ノックスの生涯と功績 グラスゴー刊 19 世紀中頃 ペーパー装 The Life and Meritorious Transactions, of John Knox, the Great Scottish Reformer. (No. 61 of a series.) Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, n.d. (c.mid 19th century) 24pp. A chapbook. Printed wrappers. Uncut. Woodcut illus.to title. Somewhat sunned. Margin of p.11 & p.17 sl.torn. 15.5x10cm. [aj1140-500287] ¥3,240 65 293 [チャップブック] The Ghost of My Uncle グラスゴー刊 19 世紀中頃 ペーパー装 表紙余白に薄いシミ 8-9 ペー ジ余白に鉛筆書込 The Ghost of My Uncle. To which is added, the Outwitted Tax-gatherer. (No. 20 of a series.) Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, n.d. (c.mid 19th century) 24pp. A chapbook. Printed wrappers. Uncut. Woodcut vignette to title. Somewhat sunned. Upper edge of spine torn. Margin of front cover light stained. 8-9pp.light stained and pencil notationed. 15.2x10cm. [aj1141-500288] ¥3,240 294 [チャップブック] ヘンリー・フィールディング原作 親指トム ロンドン:ジョン・フェアバーン刊 1805 年頃 ペーパー 装 ヤケ、汚れ、折れ 表紙端破れ Fielding,Henry Fairburn's Complete Edition of Tom Thumb, A Burlesque Tragedy, As Performed at the Theatres Royal Hay-Market and Covent-Garden. Originally Written by Henry Fielding, esq., with the Alterations to the Present Time. Also a Critique on the Performance and Performers. (Containing: The Original Tragedy of Tom Thumb, as Performed at the Theatre-Royal, Hay-Market, 1730. Written by Henry Fielding, Esq. [and] Tom Thumb, as Now Performed at the Theatre-Royal Hay-Market and Covent-Garden.) London: John Fairburn, n.d. (c.1805) 38pp. A chapbook. Printed wrappers. Backed with brown paper. Front and rear covers sunned, stained, chipped and folded at edge. Rear cover rubbed. Upper edge of spine missing and bottom edge torn. Pages somewhat spotted, chipped, sl.torn, and folded at edge. Bottom edge of p.3 darkened. 18.5x11.5cm. [aj1142-500289] ¥12,960 295 少年向け週刊誌 ザ・ボーイズ・オウン・ペーパー 1882 年 3 月 11 日号 ロンドン刊 図版多数 ペーパー装 少々 ヤケ ページ端に細かな裂け The Boy's Own Paper. March 11, 1882. No.165, Vol.IV. (Containing: "Wild Adventures Round the Pole" by Gordon Stables, "The Two Cabin-boys" by Louis Rousselet, "The Fifth Form at St.Dominic's" by Talbot Baines Reed, etc.) London: "Leisure Hour" Office, 1882. 378-392pp. A weekly magazine for boys with many b/w illus. Printed wrappers. Covers and pages light sunned, and chipped and sl.torn at edge. Upper and bottom edges of spine torn. 30.5x22cm. [aj1143-500290] ¥2,160 296 少年向け週刊誌 ザ・ボーイズ・オウン・ペーパー 1882 年 3 月 18 日号 ロンドン刊 図版多数 ペーパー装 少々 ヤケ ページ端に細かな裂け 背が裂けており表紙、裏表紙がとれかかっている The Boy's Own Paper. March 18, 1882. No.166, Vol.IV. (Containing: "Wild Adventures Round the Pole" by Gordon Stables, "The Two Cabin-boys" by Louis Rousselet, "The Fifth Form at St.Dominic's" by Talbot Baines Reed, etc.) London: "Leisure Hour" Office, 1882. 394-408pp. A weekly magazine for boys with many b/w illus. Printed wrappers. Covers and pages light sunned, and chipped and sl.torn at edge. Spine torn and front and rear covers almost detached. 30.5x22cm. [aj1144-500291] ¥2,160 297 少年向け週刊誌 ザ・ボーイズ・オウン・ペーパー 1882 年 3 月 25 日号 ロンドン刊 図版多数 ペーパー装 少々 ヤケ ページ端に細かな裂け 表紙上部ヤケおよび左右余白少々欠 The Boy's Own Paper. March 18, 1882. No.167, Vol.IV. (Containing: "Wild Adventures Round the Pole" by Gordon Stables, "The Two Cabin-boys" by Louis Rousselet, "The Fifth Form at St.Dominic's" by Talbot Baines Reed, etc.) London: "Leisure Hour" Office, 1882. 410-424pp. A weekly magazine for boys with many b/w illus. Printed wrappers. Covers and pages light sunned, chipped and sl.torn at edge. Upper side of front cover somewhat darkened, torn at upper edge, upper right corner and left side (margin) partly missing. 30.5x22cm. [aj1145-500292] ¥2,160 298 少年向け週刊誌 ザ・ボーイズ・オウン・ペーパー 1897 年 9 月 25 日号 ロンドン刊 図版多数 読み物一篇およ び Vol.XIX のインデックス ペーパー装 少々ヤケ ページ端に綴じ穴 4 か所 図版に色鉛筆で彩色 The Boy's Own Paper. September 25, 1897. No.976, Vol.XIX. (Containing: "Saved by a Camel" by A.H.Wall, "What shall I Be?" by T.F.Uttley, etc.) London: "Leisure Hour" Office, 1897. 66 818-824pp., vi-xii (contents of nineteenth annual volume, 1896-97.) A weekly magazine for boys with many b/w illus. Printed wrappers. Covers and pages light sunned with 4 small hole at the left side. Illustrations were painted with coloured pencils. 29.5x21.7cm. [aj1146-500293] ¥2,160 299 [切手] ペニーブラック 世界最古の切手 イギリス 1840 年発行 使用済み(発行当時の赤い消印あり) 四辺余白 残存 極美 (stamp) The Penny Black. Great Britain, 1840. Used, red cancellation stamp, four margins remain. Lettered GK. 2.5x2cm. [aj1156-170425] ¥21,600 300 [縮緬本] 小泉八雲 続 日本昔噺 小泉八雲 縮緬本 3 冊揃 Japanese Fairy Tale Series. 欧文(英語)和装本 Hearn,Lafcadio Japanese Fairy Tale Series (Enlarged English Edition). Rendered into English by Lafcadio Hearn. 3 vols.set. Crepe paper book with hand colored woodblocks, Japanese style binding. No.23. The Boy who Drew Cats. 明治三十一年八月一日印刷 同月十日發行・初版 (青色の表紙). 發行者:長谷川武次郎(日吉町) 著者:ラフカヂヲ ヘルン 繪画と印刷:小宮屋壽 文字印刷者:柴田喜一 (鈴木華邨 絵) 全体的にヤケ 表紙端少々擦れ 背少々傷 The Boy who Drew Cats. Japanese Fairy Tale Series, No.23. Tokyo, Hiyoshicho: T.Hasegawa, 1898. (24pp., including front & rear covers) Sunned. Edges of front cover somewhat rubbed. Spine somewhat damaged. 19.1x13.8cm. No.24. The Old Woman who Lost Her Dumpling. 明治三十五年五月十五日印刷 同年六月一日發行・初版 編輯兼發行者:長谷川武次郎(本材木町) 絵畫印刷者:金子徳次郎 英文印刷者:佐藤義雄 (鈴木華邨 絵) 全体的にヤケ 表紙、裏表紙少々汚れ 表紙下端少々擦れ 背少々傷 本文 11 ページ目に裂け The Old Woman who Lost Her Dumpling. Japanese Fairy Tale Series, No.24. Tokyo, Honzaimokucho: T.Hasegawa, 1902. (24pp., including front & rear covers) Sunned. Front and rear covers somewhat stained. Bottom edge of front cover somewhat rubbed. Spine damaged. 11th page of the text partly torn. 19.1x13.8cm. No.25. Chin Chin Kobakama. 大正十四年九月十日第十五版印刷 同年同月十五日發行 英譯者:ラフカヂヲ ヘルン 編輯兼發行者:長谷川武次郎(上根岸町) 印刷者:西宮興作 (新井芳宗 絵) 全体的にややヤケ 表紙少々汚れ 奥付に「MARTIN HOPKINSON & CO.LTD.」印あり Chin Chin Kobakama. Japanese Fairy Tale Series, No.25.15th edition. Tokyo, Kaminegishicho: T.Hasegawa, 1925. (24pp., including front & rear covers) Somewhat sunned. Front cover sl.stained. "MARTIN HOPKINSON & CO.LTD." stamped on colophon. 19.1x13.7cm. [aj1179-751355] ¥378,000 67
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