Syllabus 2015 Graduate School of Fashion and Living Environment Studies Master’s Program in Clothing Science Studies Global Fashion Concentration(English-Language Program) Index of Subjects Subject Title(Japanese) ふ ぁっ しょ んさ いえ んす ろん ファッションサイエンス論 てきすたいるあーとわーくえんしゅう テキスタイルアートワーク 演習 きのうあぱれるでざいんえんしゅう 機能 アパレルデザイン演習 でざいん・くりえーしょん デザイン・クリエーション でざいん・くりえーしょんじっしゅう デザイン・クリエーション 実習 ふぁっし ょん でざ いん ろん ファッションデザイン論 ふぁっしょんでざいんろんえんしゅう ファッションデザイン論演習 にほんぞうけいぶんかろん 日本造形文化論 にほんぞうけいぶんかろんえんしゅう 日本造形文化論演習 ふぁっしょんさんぎょうろん ファッション産業論 ふぁっしょんさんぎょうろんえんしゅう ファッション産業論演習 めでぃあろん メディア論 めでぃあろんえんしゅう メディア論演習 くりてぃかるらいてぃんぐ クリティカルライティング に ほ ん ご (き そ) 日本語(基礎) いんた ーん しっ ぷA (こ くな い) インターンシップA(国内) Subject Title Page Advanced Fashion Science 4 Seminar in Textile Artwork 5 Seminar in Functional Apparel Design 6 Design Creation 7 Practicum in Design Creation 8 Advanced Fashion Design 9 Seminar in Fashion Design 10 Advanced Study of Art and Design in Japanese Culture 11 Seminar in Advanced Study of Art and Design in Japanese Culture 12 Advanced Fashion Industry 13 Seminar in Advanced Fashion Industry 14 Advanced Media Studies 15 Seminar in Advanced Media Studies 16 Critical Writing 17 Japanese(Basic) 18 Internship A (Domestic) 19 2 2 Glossary English Japanese こうぎ Lecture 講義 えんしゅう Seminar 演習 じっけんじっしゅう Practical classes 実験実習 いちねんじせんたく/にねんじせんたく 1年次選択/2年次選択 はんき One-term class 半期 にたんい 2 credits 2単位 つうねん Year long class (2 terms) 通年 しゅうちゅうじゅぎょう Intensive Classes 集中授業 じゅぎょうがいよう Class Description 授業 概要 とうたつもくひょう Goal 到達目標 ないよう Class Schedule 内容 ひょうかほうほう 1st Year Elective/2nd Year Elective ひょうか 評価方法 A(S)~C・E評価 ひょうかのきじゅん 評価の基準 し け ん ・ れぽ ーと 試験・レポート み に れ ぽ ーと とう ミニレポート等 しゅっせきりつ・じゅぎょうへのいよく、さんかど 出席率・授業への意欲、参加度 きょうかしょとう・びこう 教科書等・備考 ぷりんとをはいふする プリントを配布する じゅぎょうのなかでしじする 授業の中で指示する じゅんびがくしゅう 準備 学習 たんとうきょういん といあわせ 担当教員 問い合わせ Method of Evaluation A(S)~C・E Evaluation Evaluation Criteria Examination/ Report Mini-report etc. Attendance and Participation Textbooks/Notes Refer to the Handouts Students will be informed after each lecture Preliminary Study Contact Details 3 3 大学院生活環境学研究科被服学専攻(博士前期課程) ファッションサイエンス論 <講義> Advanced Fashion Science 米山 雄二, 柚本 玲, 小柴 朋子, 永井 伸夫, 佐藤 真理子 1,2年次選択/半期/2単位 授業概要 到達目標 In this class, students will gain a deeper understanding of the functionality of clothing from th e aspects physiology and human factor engineering, and the features textile materials, and the care for fashion textiles. In particular, students will learn about making clothing which has bot h functionality and fashionability, and valuable guides in selection of textile materials Functionality of clothing can be considered from the relation physiology and human fact or engineering. Features and the care for fashion textiles can be understood scientifcally. 項目 1 内 容 Appearance characteristics of fabrics and fibers. (Yumoto) 2 Chemical properties of natural and man-made fibers (Yumoto) 3 Dyeing properties of textile fibers (acid, direct and disperse dyestuffs). (Yumoto) 4 Surface and interface on fabrics (Yoneyama) 5 Mechanism of detergency : emulsification, dispersion, and solubilization (Yoneyama) 6 Surfactant used for fabric care: anionic and nonionic surfactants (Yoneyama) 7 The structure of the human body and characteristics of human body shape (Koshiba) 8 The relationship between body movement and functional apparel design (Koshiba) 9 Function of compression wear and effect of clothing pressure (Koshiba) 10 The comfortable of foot wear. ∼Anatomy of leg and foot. The relationship between foot and foot wear. ∼ (Nagai) 11 The relationship between walking and foot wear. ∼Mechanism of human walking.∼ (Nagai) 12 Management of clean clothes. ∼ Examination of dirt and bacteria of clothes.∼ (Nagai) 13 The thermoregulation and clothing comfort under cold environment (Sato) 14 The thermoregulation and clothing comfort under hot environment (Sato) 15 Physiological characteristics of the skin and functional apparel design (Sato) 評価方法 教科書等 ・ 備考 1. 評価の方法 2. 評価の基準 A(S)∼C・E評価 試験・レポート40% ミニレポート等0% 出席率・授業への意欲、参加度60% 授業の中で指示する Refer to materials delivered Consider the relation to your research task 準備学習 担当教員 問い合せ先 Textile Laboratory (A073), Functional Design Laboratory (A081a) 4 大学院生活環境学研究科被服学専攻(博士前期課程) テキスタイルアートワーク演習 <演習> Seminar in Textile Artwork 米山 雄二, 齋藤 光彌, 柚本 玲 1,2年次選択/半期/1単位 授業概要 到達目標 Learning the textile (dyeing and weaving) of Japan through measurements of textile propertie s, dyeing practice and investigative tours. Various textile design can be done by use of dyeing, printing, and weaving technologies. 項目 1 内 容 Orientation Drawing pattern and introduction of various samples:one-piece dress-pattern in 1/4 size with Illustrator 2 Making the basic print patterns: Drawing the basic print patterns with Photoshop or Illustrator 3 Development of the print patterns: Placement of the print patterns onto the dress or tights pattern by Photoshop 4 Direct printing the patterns of the one-piece dress on silk 5 Heat transfer printing for the tights 6 Opel finish (1) Preparation and making motifs 7 Opel finish (2) Designing patterns to be finished on textile. Placing glue and its washing out. 8 Opel finish (3) Dyeing 9 Exercise Textile pattern design techniques 10 Exercise dyeing techniques (1) Indigo blue 11 Exercise dyeing techniques (2) Tea color 12 Exercise dyeing techniques (3) 13 Artwork: Making the the one-piece dress using your own direct print (1) 14 Artwork: Making the one-piece dress using your own direct print (2) 15 Summary and discussions 評価方法 教科書等 ・ 備考 1. 評価の方法 2. 評価の基準 A(S)∼C・E評価 試験・レポート40% ミニレポート等0% 出席率・授業への意欲、参加度60% 授業の中で指示する Refer to materials delivered Consider the relation to your research task 準備学習 担当教員 問い合せ先 Textile Laboratory 5 大学院生活環境学研究科被服学専攻(博士前期課程) 機能アパレルデザイン演習 <演習> Seminar in Functional Apparel Design 小柴 朋子, 永井 伸夫, 佐藤 真理子 1,2年次選択/半期/1単位 授業概要 到達目標 In developmental research on functional design, learning through experiments is important. In this seminar, attention is focused on uniquely Japanese materials and environments. Various measuring instruments are handled and basic items are learned through experiments and field trips. In order to understand the purpose of research and to achieve results, you learn performi ng a suitable method correctly. 項目 1 内 容 Orientation; Research methods for determining the functional design of clothing in Japan. (Koshiba, Nagai, Sato) 2 The relationship between foot and foot wear. We analyze gait and function of shoes by measuring plantar pressure distribution.(Nagai) 3 The foot shape and foot wear. Making a foot model from foot size data of three-dimensional (3D) measurement system. (Nagai) 4 Observation of walking using 3D motion analysis and measurement of the muscle activity using electromyography. (Nagai) 5 Management of clean clothes. Examination of dirt and bacteria of clothes.(Nagai) 6 Design of tight fit wear. (Koshiba) 7 Pattern of tight fit wear. (Koshiba) 8 Making of tight fit wear. (Koshiba) 9 Making of tight fit wear.(Koshiba) 10 Evaluation of tight fit wear. (Koshiba) 11 Skin sensation and physiology. (Sato) 12 Heat Retention and Warm/Cold Contact Sensation. (Sato) 13 Water Absorbency and Air Permeability. (Sato) 14 Environmental Temperature and Humidity Measurement and Evaluation of Thermal Index. (Sato) 15 Measurement of Skin Temperature and Clothing Climate. (Sato) 評価方法 教科書等 ・ 備考 1. 評価の方法 2. 評価の基準 A(S)∼C・E評価 Essay 50%. Participation and in-class activity 50%. 授業の中で指示する Students will be informed after each lecture. Consider the relation to your research task 準備学習 担当教員 問い合せ先 Functional Design Laboratory ( A081a ) 6 大学院生活環境学研究科被服学専攻(博士前期課程) デザイン・クリエーション <講義> Design Creation 高木 陽子 1,2年次選択/半期/2単位 授業概要 到達目標 This class is designed to keep students on track towards their 2nd year thesis goals by engagin g them intellectually on the study of fashion design in a cultural, spatial and practical context. This class focuses on academic reading and analysis through writing and discussion. This course will give students the necessary skills to analyze their design work and put it into an academic context. They will also work towards their thesis goals. Students will e ngage with fashion through various conceptual frameworks. 項目 1 内 容 Orientation - Theory and Practice 2 Material Culture 3 Art/Fashion/Technology (Nukeme) 4 Mass Production 5 The meaning of craft 6 Cross-cultural expressions 1 7 Cross-cultural expressions 2 8 Cross-cultural expressions 3 9 Sustainability 10 Fashion exhibit 11 Fashion & space 12 Visit exhibition 13 Visit exhibition 14 Critique 15 Critique 評価方法 教科書等 ・ 備考 1. 評価の方法 2. 評価の基準 A(S)∼C・E評価 Final presentation and essay 50% Participation and in-class activity 50% プリントを配布する Many texts and reference material will be handed out in class Basic knowledge is beneficial, but students of all experience levels are encouraged to take this class. Assignments will be tailored to your level. 準備学習 担当教員 問い合せ先 Joint Research Office for Fashion and Clothing Culture(F42) 7 大学院生活環境学研究科被服学専攻(博士前期課程) デザイン・クリエーション実習 <実験実習> Practicum in Design Creation 高木 陽子 1,2年次選択/通年/2単位 授業概要 到達目標 This is an intensive practice-based course that is linked to academic research. This class cover s the basic areas of fashion design creation for beginner students, and extends to advanced are as of making and research in order to respond to current market needs and changes. Students will gain practical skills needed to execute clothing designs. They will also be c hallenged to think in experimental ways to develop problem-solving skills, making them stronger designers. Students will look at various design approaches in order to create a c ollection or research paper. 項目 1 項目 16 内 容 Orientation- Research Practice 内 容 Critique 2 Talk by Yohji Yamamoto atelier director 17 Exercise(making bacteria fabric) 3 Basics-Pattern cutting practices 1 (Beginner) 18 Factory visit (Bunka Textile Institute) 4 Basics-Pattern cutting practices 2 (Advanced) 19 Factory visit ( Japanese paper) 5 Basics-Tools & structure 20 Production, proximity & the black box) 6 Basics- Draping 1 21 Factory visit (laser cut/ glass) 7 Basics- Draping 2 22 Factory visit (leather) 8 Basics- Color theory and trend forecasting 23 Studio work and advice 1 9 Basics- Design details, deconstruction & surface design 24 Studio work and advice 2 10 Critique 25 Studio work and advice 3 11 Intention & function 26 Critique 1 12 Pattern cutting methodologies 27 Critique 2 13 Design creation & math 28 Menswear 14 A priori & nature 29 Studio work and advice 15 Identity & authenticity 30 Final critique 評価方法 教科書等 ・ 備考 1. 評価の方法 2. 評価の基準 A(S)∼C・E評価 As the number and type of assignment in this course are selected by the students, it is possible to achieve a score of % 100 in this class. 授業の中で指示する Many textbooks for each assignment will be suggested, all of which can be found in the Bunka Gakuen Library or online. Basic knowledge is beneficial, but students of all experience levels are encouraged to take this class. Assignments will be tailored to your level. 準備学習 担当教員 問い合せ先 Joint Research Office for Fashion and Clothing Culture (F42) 8 大学院生活環境学研究科被服学専攻(博士前期課程) ファッションデザイン論 <講義> Advanced Fashion Design 森 崇 1,2年次選択/集中授業/2単位 授業概要 到達目標 The fashion industry is today characterized both by abundance and a shortening cycle from m anufacturing to consumption. Students will relate this knowledge to a strongly independent pl anning which contributes to society. The basis of marketing and branding theory will be appr oached by taking into account both consumption trends and psychology and will be combined with the sensory dimension of fashion to foster a thinking which should be both fresh and ma kes sense from a business point of view over the long term. Making presentations that are interesting to others while making sense from a business p oint of view. Developing the skills of a flexible and capable professional designer able to build a win-win relationship by quickly understanding the wishes of his client while rem aining strongly creative. 項目 1 内 容 orientation; introduction of various professions and their roles in the fashion industry 2 market research; understanding of current market trends 3 A/W2015 collection analysis; understanding of worldwide runway shows trends 4 marketing theory; 3C (customer/competitor/company) and 4P (product/price/place/promotion) 5 branding theory; branding definition and the 12 factors to make a brand successful 6 project protocol; how to make a project protocol logical and efficient 7 design drawing; mood-oriented outfit drawing and accuracy-oriented flat drawing 8 brand label (logo); typography and colors analysis 9 merchandise planning; basis of merchandising (deign-produce-sales) 10 fabrication; from natural fabric to techno textile such as 3D printing 11 OEM works; client-oriented design 12 S/S2016 collection analysis; understanding of worldwide runway shows trends 13 VMD/SALES tools design; shop interior, fixture and fittings design 14 invitation /PR tools design; efficient invitation card design and PR method 15 line sheet and lookbook; effective and easy-to-understand line sheet and lookbook 評価方法 1. 評価の方法 2. 評価の基準 A(S)∼C・E評価 試験・レポート50% ミニレポート等30% 出席率・授業への意欲、参加度20% 授業の中で指示する 教科書等 ・ 備考 portfolio would be preferable 準備学習 担当教員 問い合せ先 Joint Research Office for Fashion and Clothing Culture (F42) 9 大学院生活環境学研究科被服学専攻(博士前期課程) ファッションデザイン論演習 <演習> Seminar in Fashion Design 森 崇 1,2年次選択/集中授業/1単位 授業概要 到達目標 The fashion industry is today characterized both by abundance and a shortening cycle from m anufacturing to consumption. Students will relate this knowledge to a strongly independent pl anning which contributes to society. The basis of marketing and branding theory will be appr oached by taking into account both consumption trends and psychology and will be combined with the sensory dimension of fashion to foster a thinking which should be both fresh and ma kes sense from a business point of view over the long term. Making presentations that are interesting to others while making sense from a business p oint of view. Developing the skills of a flexible and capable professional designer able to build a win-win relationship by quickly understanding the wishes of his client while rem aining strongly creative. 項目 1 内 容 mood-board making; choose one brand from A/W2015 collection and make a mood-board 2 refinement of the project; brushing up your own project 3 work for the collection; support for making samples 4 critique #1; 1st sample review (10%) 5 critique #2; 2nd sample review (30%) 6 work for the collection; support for making samples 7 work for the collection; support for making samples 8 work for the collection; support for making samples 9 work for the collection; support for making samples 10 critique #3; 3rd sample review (50%) 11 work for the collection; support for making samples 12 work for the collection; support for making samples 13 critique #4; 4th sample review (80%) 14 preparation for the presentation; preparation for the presentation 15 final presentation; make a presentation in 20 minutes 評価方法 1. 評価の方法 2. 評価の基準 A(S)∼C・E評価 試験・レポート50% ミニレポート等30% 出席率・授業への意欲、参加度20% 授業の中で指示する 教科書等 ・ 備考 portfolio would be preferable 準備学習 担当教員 問い合せ先 Joint Research Office for Fashion and Clothing Culture (F42) 10 大学院生活環境学研究科被服学専攻(博士前期課程) 日本造形文化論 <講義> Advanced Study of Art and Design in Japanese Culture 高木 陽子, 横山 稔, 他 1,2年次選択/半期/2単位 授業概要 到達目標 This lecture series will focus on basic ideas of art and design in Japanese culture and will be p resented by a number of specialists, both from in-house and from outside. It is hoped that students will appreciate both the gorgeous images and delicate beauty of Japa nese art and design by synthesizing the lectures, reading academic papers and classics, discus sions, and their research. Art and design in Japanese culture has been historically influenced by foreign countries a nd has gone through a process of acceptance, reworking and reconstruction. Diverse cult ural influences have been weaved into Japanese art and design culture, from, color, art an d clothing to architecture, living style, and globalization. The goal of this lecture series i s to provide students with an understanding of how Japanese art and design has develope d over time as a result of these various cultural influences. 項目 1 内 容 Orientation(Takagi, Yokoyama) 2 The Color of Japanese Art(Ozeki) 3 Introduction to Japanese Religion (Gaitanidis) 4 Fieldwork 5 Techniques for Japanese Style Paintings (Shibata) 6 Japanese Monster in Art History(Okajima) 7 Japonisme (Takagi) 8 Japonisme in Fashion(Takagi) 9 Art of Japanese Traditional Architecture and Interior Design (Yokoyama) 10 Art of Japanese Joinery (Yokoyama) 11 History of Japanese Clothing (Cliffe) 12 Kimono:Art of Wearing (Cliffe) 13 Calligraphy (Suzuki) 14 Way of Tea (Denda) 15 Conclusion: Summary and discussion (Takagi, Yokoyama) 評価方法 教科書等 ・ 備考 1. 評価の方法 2. 評価の基準 A(S)∼C・E評価 Class portfolio 50% Participation and in-class activity 50% 授業の中で指示する Students will be informed after each lecture. To be prepared to discuss the lecture topic. 準備学習 担当教員 問い合せ先 Joint Research Office for Fashion and Clothing Culture (F42). Institute/Architecture and Interior dept. Interior Design division 11 大学院生活環境学研究科被服学専攻(博士前期課程) 日本造形文化論演習 <演習> Seminar in Advanced Study of Art and Design in Japanese Culture 高木 陽子, 横山 稔 1,2年次選択/集中授業/1単位 授業概要 到達目標 In this seminar, students will visit places where the essence of traditional Japanese art and des ign can been seen and felt. Student's understanding of the lectures will be deepened by, for ex ample, wearing a kimono or sitting on a tatami floor in a traditional Japanese tea house in an a tmosphere of simple beauty while feeling the season, tasting Japanese tea and admiring the Ja panese art on the walls.Prerequisite: Advanced Study of Art and Design in Japanese Culture. Students feel the true fabric of Art and Design with they actually experience it using thei r five senses. Students will experience the traditional Japanese life style(clothing, food a nd living)by engaging in various types of fieldwork. 項目 1 内 容 Orientation 2 Advanced lecture 3 Fieldwork 1 4 Fieldwork 2 5 Fieldwork 3 6 Fieldwork 4 7 Fieldwork 5 8 Fieldwork 6 9 Fieldwork 7 10 Fieldwork 8 11 Fieldwork 9 12 Fieldwork 10 13 Fieldwork 11 14 Fieldwork 12 15 Summary and Discussion 評価方法 教科書等 ・ 備考 1. 評価の方法 2. 評価の基準 A(S)∼C・E評価 Essay 50% Participation and in-class activity 50% 授業の中で指示する Students will be informed the detail of Fieldwork( 1-12 )on the day of Orientation Students to bear a part of the cost of each trip, including transportation and admission fees. 準備学習 担当教員 問い合せ先 Joint Research Office for Fashion and Clothing Culture (F42). Institute/Architecture and Interior dept. Interior Design division 12 大学院生活環境学研究科被服学専攻(博士前期課程) ファッション産業論 <講義> Advanced Fashion Industry 首藤 眞一 1,2年次選択/半期/2単位 授業概要 到達目標 Learn the basic structure and uniqueness of the Japanese fashion industry based on the current industry topics. Students need to participate in discussions and contribute their opinions in th e class. Students cultivate better understanding of Japan-specific system and trends in the Japane se fashion industry, and acquire knowledge of the unique market characteristics. 項目 1 Orientation; Define and categorize the fashion industry in Japan 2 Uniqueness of the Japanese fashion industry and market trends 3 Current situations and issues of Japanese big apparel manufacture 4 Apparel retailing in Japan ‒ Department stores 5 Apparel retailing in Japan ‒ Specialty stores 6 Apparel retailing in Japan ‒ Direct channels 7 Japanese domestic fashion brands and imported fashion brands 8 Current trends and issues in the luxury market in Japan 9 New business models and trends in the Japanese fashion industry 内 容 10 Japanese consumer behaviors for fashion 11 Overseas fashion brands succeed in the Japanese market 12 Standardization strategy and Adaptation strategy 13 Effective media and tools for communication in Japan 14 Project presentation 15 Review and discussion 評価方法 教科書等 ・ 備考 1. 評価の方法 2. 評価の基準 A(S)∼C・E評価 試験・レポート60% ミニレポート等0% 出席率・授業への意欲、参加度40% プリントを配布する Refer to materials delivered. Reserch the market as much as possible in order to obtain the basic knowledge about the fashion market in Japan 準備学習 担当教員 問い合せ先 Shinichi Shuto / [email protected] 13 大学院生活環境学研究科被服学専攻(博士前期課程) ファッション産業論演習 <演習> Seminar in Advanced Fashion Industry 金川 孝義, 藤江 大輔 1,2年次選択/半期/1単位 授業概要 到達目標 Students will visit fashion outlets and areas known for fashion such as Shibuya 109,Harajuku, Daikanyama,Aoyama and so on. Each fashion area has a different future from others dependi ng on people going by and some other factors. Students are required to gain the ability to find out characteristics of each fashion area an d to predict the posibilities for fashion business. 項目 内 容 1. Orientation and brief lecture on the fashion markets in Japan(T.KANAGAWA) 2. Visit Shibuya 109, well known as a Mecca for new wave fashion brands (T.KANAGAWA) 3. Visit Laforet Harajuku, a shopping mall synonymous with Harajuku fashion (T.KANAGAWA) 4. Visit Meiji street in Shibuya.(T.KANAGAWA) 5. Visit Omotesando and Aoyama areas. (T.KANAGAWA) 6. Visit From First street and Kottodori street in Aoyama. (T.KANAGAWA) 7. VISIT Daikanyama area .(T.KANAGAWA) 8. Visit Jiyugaoka area. (T.Kanagawa) 9. Visit Marunouchi Area near Tokyo station (T.Kanagawa) 10. Visit NAKAMEGURO area. (T.KANAGAWA) 11. Business model innovation in fashion industry : Does business model innovation occur in the fashion industry ? (D.FUJIE) 12. Case study 1 : Moda Operandi - A new style of fashion retail (D.FUJIE) 13. Case study 2 : - A new style of finance driven (D.FUJIE) 14. Case study 3 : ZOZOTOWN / - A new style of social commerce (D.FUJIE) 15. Discussion : Innovation is a phenomenon in the present and the future. It can not be found in bulky textbooks.(D.FUJIE) 評価方法 教科書等 ・ 備考 1. 評価の方法 2. 評価の基準 A(S)∼C・E評価 ESSAY 80% Participation and in-class activity 20% プリントを配布する Printed material will be handed out in class Read articles and the hottest topics in the fashion field as much as possible 準備学習 担当教員 問い合せ先 Fashion sociology office(A064) 14 大学院生活環境学研究科被服学専攻(博士前期課程) メディア論 <講義> Advanced Media Studies トビー スレイド 1,2年次選択/半期/2単位 授業概要 到達目標 What is fashion? How does it work? This course seeks to understand the role of clothing and f ashion in our personal lives and in society at large. It will examine the psychology of why we wear clothing and how we choose it and judge it; how it affects economies and politics, and h ow it is linked to greater art movements and aesthetics. To read and understand the key thinkers in the canon of Fashion Theory, be able to critiq ue them and to apply their ideas to historical and contemporary fashion. 項目 1 内 容 Introduction: Key Thinkers and Ideas 2 The Origin of Clothes 3 Fashion System(s) 4 The Suit and Male Sartorial Modernity 5 Flappers, Female Sartorial Modernity 6 Class and Clothes: Material Conditions and What to Wear 7 The Dandy & Dandyism 8 Japanese Fashion from the Meiji Era to Now 9 Cosmetics & Make-up 10 Hats & Ornament 11 Explanations for fashion 12 Magazines & Fashion Media (Japanese comparison) 13 Discussion of contemporary fashion & the current state of scholarship 14 Class Presentations 15 Class Presentations 評価方法 教科書等 ・ 備考 1. 評価の方法 2. 評価の基準 A(S)∼C・E評価 The assessment for this course will be a final presentation on a topic of your choice and an accompanying essay. 授業の中で指示する Most weeks there will be a companion reading to the lecture theme. We will discuss the readings in groups each week. All the readings are in the cla ss reader which costs ¥1000. There is no preliminary study. 準備学習 担当教員 問い合せ先 Joint Research Office for Fashion and Clothing Culture (F42) 15 大学院生活環境学研究科被服学専攻(博士前期課程) メディア論演習 <演習> Seminar in Advanced Media Studies 高野 公三子 1,2年次選択/半期/1単位 授業概要 到達目標 The objective of this course is to get the research literacy about Japanese fashion and culture, communications through key benchmarks: the street fashion, the magazine and new media, ne w shops and events. We research on actual topics from the theoretical field of media studies and the creative works. And, the goal of this class is to make a little press/web site. 項目 1 内 容 Orientation 2 Lecture about the cultural studies, and a briefing of recent Japanese fashion and culture 3 Fieldwork: Tokyo Fashion Week (1) 4 Fieldwork: Tokyo Fashion Week (2), or Tokyo Designers Week, Tokyo Art Book Fair, and so on. 5 Discussion re. Tokyo Fashion Week, and other fashion & art, culture events in this season and write report 6 Lecture: the history of the relationship between Japanese media and Japanese street fashion (1) 7 Lecture: the history of the relationship between Japanese media and Japanese street fashion (2) 8 Group work (to make little a media/web site): interview and report some designers, fashion directors, shop owners, editors, researchers, and so on. 9 Group work (to make little a media/web site): interview and report some designers, fashion directors, shop owners, editors, researchers, and so on. 10 Group work (to make little a media/web site): interview and report some designers, fashion directors, shop owners, editors, researchers, and so on. 11 Group work (to make little a media/web site): interview and report some designers, fashion directors, shop owners, editors, researchers, and so on. 12 Group work (to make little a media/web site): interview and report some designers, fashion directors, shop owners, editors, researchers, and so on. 13 Group work (to make little a media/web site): editorial design, shooting, and proof reading 14 Group work (to make little a media/web site): editorial design, shooting, and proof reading 15 Presentation 評価方法 教科書等 ・ 備考 1. 評価の方法 2. 評価の基準 A(S)∼C・E評価 試験・レポート25% ミニレポート等25% 出席率・授業への意欲、参加度50% 授業の中で指示する The document, we prepare each class as required. If you have time, see these web magazines as follows: "", “tokyotelephone", "", and so on. 準備学習 担当教員 問い合せ先 [email protected] PARCO CO., LTD. Joint Research Office for Fashion and Clothing Culture (F42) 16 大学院生活環境学研究科被服学専攻(博士前期課程) クリティカルライティング <演習> Critical Writing トーマス サミュエル 1,2年次選択/半期/1単位 授業概要 到達目標 Using fashion criticism as its focus, this course will provide students with the skills necessary to write at an advanced academic level. In each class the students will present a short essay o n one of a number of diverse topics designed to expand the repertoire of written styles at their disposal, as well as improving their knowledge of Japanese fashion as a whole. Students will be encouraged to think critically not only about important issues in fashion, but also about ho w to best communicate in the academic arena. The eventual goal of this class is to furnish students with the writing skills essential to fa shion academia as well as important additions to any skill set within the fashion industry. Students will finish the course empowered by the ability to express their own views on fashion with confidence, eloquence and academic poise. 項目 1 内 容 Course Orientation and Self-introductions 2 Informative Writing - Fashion from your own country 3 Writing on Broad Topics - Globalism 4 Presenting Niche Topics - Tokyo Fashion Tribes 5 Comparative Writing 1 (Similarities) - Contemporary Street Fashion 6 Writing to Deadlines - Tokyo Fashion Week 7 Providing Context - Mainstream Fashion 8 Comparative Writing 2 (Differences) - Japanese Media 9 Research and Fact-based Writing - The Retail Landscape 10 Planning and Proposals - Marketing 11 Avoiding Generalizations - Gender 12 Anthropological Writing - Social Issues 13 Advanced Criticism - Critique Case Studies 14 Comparative Writing 3 (Reaching Conclusions) - Designer Case Study 15 Summary and Discussion 評価方法 教科書等 ・ 備考 1. 評価の方法 2. 評価の基準 A(S)∼C・E評価 試験・レポート40% ミニレポート等30% 出席率・授業への意欲、参加度30% University of Chicago Press Staff『The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th Edition』(University Of Chicago Press) Additional teaching materials will be distributed in class. Students are advised to familiarize themselves with contemporary academic writing style and tone prior to the course. 準備学習 担当教員 問い合せ先 [email protected] 17 大学院生活環境学研究科被服学専攻(博士前期課程) 日本語(基礎) <演習> Japanese(Basic) 三國 純子 1,2年次選択/通年/2単位 授業概要 到達目標 Japanese (Basic) lessons, designed for beginners, cover basic Japanese grammar and sentence patterns, as well as vocabulary and expressions necessary in real life situations.The lessons fo cus on not only oral practice, but also listening, reading, and writing. Writing exercises in hira gana (Japanese alphabet), katakana (Japanese alphabet) and kanji (Chinese Characters) are als o presented.*Student with a high Japanese proficiency will not be allowed to take the course. This course will enable students to gain an understanding of basic Japanese grammar.In addition, it will equip students to carry out functions as describing oneself, expressing op inions and giving impressions about various topics. 項目 1 項目 16 内 容 Explanation of how the lessons will be taught. Filling out a "can do" list. 内 容 Describing hopes and plans and offering to do something for someone. 2 Describing yourself in simple terms. 17 Understanding how to make and use the dictionary form of verbs. 3 Handling numbers, quantities and prices. 18 Describing yourself and expressing your abilities using the dictionary form of verbs. 4 Describing everyday life and possessions. 19 Understanding how to make and use the "te"-form of verbs. 5 Understanding descriptions of the location of things. 20 Understanding directions and requests using "te"-form of verbs. 6 Understanding basic sentences describing familiar activities from everyday life. 21 Makeing requests and giving permission using "te"-form of verbs. 7 Giving a simple description of daily routines, likes and dislikes. 22 Expressing temporal sequences of actions or procedures using the "te"form of verbs. 8 Understanding dates, days and time. 23 Expressing a negative request in which the speaker asks or instructs someone not to do something. 9 Understanding and describing simple phrases about places. 24 Describing your past experiences using the "ta"-form of verbs and ajectives. 10 Talking about your likes and interests and asking others about theirs. 25 Understanding informal conversations. 11 Explaining that you have received something from someone or given something to someone. 26 Expressing your opinions or impressions about certain topics and experiences. 12 Comparing and discussing what to choose, where to go, what to do, etc. 27 Using reported speech to express what someone has said. 13 Talking about what you did or how you felt using a past form. 28 Understanding how to modify a noun. 14 Japanese annual events. 29 Conveying thanks and gratitude. 15 Term1 final review. 30 Term2 final review. 評価方法 教科書等 ・ 備考 1. 評価の方法 2. 評価の基準 A(S)∼C・E評価 Examinations 40%, Vocabulary tests 30%, Class participation 30% 3anet corporation『Elementary Japanese1 Grammar Notes 』(スリーエーネットワーク) 3anet corporation『Elementary Japanese1 Grammar Notes 』(スリーエーネットワーク) A minimum of two-thirds attendance is required. Pre-class preparation using the grammar textbook and review are required for the lessons. 準備学習 担当教員 問い合せ先 MIKUNI Junko (Japanese・Intercultural Studies and Tourism C office) A046b 16 大学院生活環境学研究科被服学専攻(博士前期課程) インターンシップA(国内) <実験実習> Internship A(Domestic) 高木 陽子 1,2年次選択/集中授業/1単位 授業概要 到達目標 In order to learn about professions, trades and businesses, students are required to complete a n internship at a designer brand company, an apparel maker, a design studio, a textile manufa cturer, or other related business. The period and duration of the internship will be determined according to the conditions and needs of each company. Students will periodically report to a faculty member the nature of their training and the progress they have made during their int ernship. The goal of this internship is to provide students with the opportunity of learning from pr ofessionals and gain hands-on experience. Students will further develop their creative th ought while making a real world connection between theory and practical business kno wledge. 項目 1 Orientation 2 internship 1 3 internship 2 4 internship 3 5 1internship 4 6 1internship 5 7 internship 6 8 internship 7 9 internship 8 10 internship 9 11 internship 10 12 internship 11 13 internship 12 14 internship 13 15 Summary and Discussion 内 容 評価方法 1. 評価の方法 2. 評価の基準 P・E評価 Your grade will be based on the internship evaluation from each company. 授業の中で指示する 教科書等 ・ 備考 Report to a faculty periodically 準備学習 担当教員 問い合せ先 Joint Research Office for Fashion and Clothing Culture (F42) 17
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