ジョバンニ・ガネリ 次長 IMF アジア太平洋地域事務所 2003 年に IMF に着任。財政局、 欧州局および IMF 研修所(現 能力開発局)にてヨーロッ パ、アジア、アフリカ地域における様々な代表団での任務を担当。2012 年 8 月よりアジア 太平洋地事務所シニアエコノミストとして着任、2015 年 9 月より現職。日本チームのエコノ ミストとして対日 4 条協議を担当。主な研究分野は財政政策。ウォーリック大学で経済学 博士号を取得。イタリア国籍。 Giovanni Ganelli Deputy Head of Office IMF Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific Mr. Ganelli, an Italian national, joined the IMF in 2003, and assumed his current position as Deputy Head of Office in September 2015. Before being assigned to OAP in August 2012 as a Senior Economist, he was based at the IMF’s Headquarters in Washington DC, where he worked in the Fiscal Affairs, European and Institute for Capacity Development departments. During his IMF career he participated in several missions to various countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa. He is currently a member of the IMF team which carries out the annual Article IV consultation with Japan. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Warwick (UK). His research focuses on fiscal policy issues and, more recently, on structural reforms in Japan.
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