___________________________________________________________________________ 2015/FMP/WKSP2/012 Session 2.6 Key Initiatives in Creating Bankable Deals Submitted by: Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ (BTMU) Workshop on Infrastructure Financing and Capital Market Development Iloilo, Philippines 23-24 July 2015 Key Initiatives in Creating Bankable Deals Hiroshi Matano Executive Officer & Global Head of Structured Finance The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. (“BTMU”) July 2015 The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. A member of MUFG, a global financial group 1 Key Initiatives in Creating Bankable Deals Infrastructure Finance / Current Status (1) Regulatory framework for PPP has been developed in many Asia Pacific nations (e.g. Vietnam/New PPP Doctrine, Philippines/PPP Center, Indonesia/PPP Unit). (2) Each of multilateral agencies, export credit agencies, official development assistance organizations and local banks have been playing significant roles in infrastructure finance. (3) Global initiatives to facilitate infrastructure investment/finance have been recently established (e.g. World Bank/Global Infrastructure Facility, ADB/Co-Advisory Platform). To date, International banks have made substantial contribution to the development the Independent Power Project (“IPP”) sector in the developing countries. However, there has been limited involvement of international banks in PPP projects, such as roads, railways, ports, and etc., located in these countries. 2 Discussion Purpose Only Key Initiatives in Creating Bankable Deals Financing to IPPs in Developing Countries / Lessons from the Past (1) Dated back to early 1990s in Asia (e.g. Pagbilao Coal-fired Power Project, 1993) (2) Although initially considered challenging, a number of IPPs have accepted the following standards which lead to their successes. - Strong commitment by host countries - Experienced foreign sponsors and contractors - US$-indexed mechanism in Power Purchase Agreements (“PPA”) - Extensive support from multilateral agencies and ECAs (Today) - In the Philippines, Thailand and India, local banks with ample liquidity provide financing to numerous IPPs with minimal or no involvement of international banks - In Indonesia and some countries, IPPs with above framework are still prevailing but with certain structural adjustments 3 Discussion Purpose Only Key Initiatives in Creating Bankable Deals Nam Ngiep Hydropower Project / Collaboration Between Local &International Banks Background (1) 289MW hydroelectric power project in Lao PDR(signed in 2014) (2) Upon completion, majority of electricity will be sold to Electricity Authority of Thailand (“EGAT”) Key Features of the Project Availability based payment by EGAT in dual currencies • Payment under 27-year PPA will be made in both USD and THB (50% each) • Debt facilities are divided into USD and THB tranches involving 3 Japanese banks, 2 multilaterals/ECAs and 4 Thai banks LHSE USD lenders(ADB, global banks) Debt EGAT INT NNP1 THB lenders(ADB, local banks) O&M Contractor 4 Discussion Purpose Only O&M Agreement EPC Contract EPC Contractor KEPCO EGAT Power Purchase Agreement (USD 50% : THB 50 %) Key Initiatives in Creating Bankable Deals General Features of PPP Projects (in comparison with IPPs) (1) Less stable/predictable cash flow (unless on an availability payment basis) (2) Smaller involvement of central government (3) Larger local civil component/ Smaller portion of foreign equipment in project budget (4) More concerns on land acquisition Taking into the above, more bankable PPP projects could be created IF: Appropriate international standards are applied to greenfield projects (roads, railways, ports etc). There are opportunities for foreign players to acquire existing projects. This will allow foreign players to become more familiar with projects and enable them to gradually take more risk in subsequent projects. International banks gain stronger insight into local risk by being involved in projects which has local and International bank participation. 5 Discussion Purpose Only Disclaimer The information herein is provided for information purposes only, and is not to be used or considered as an offer or the solicitation of an offer to sell or to buy or subscribe for securities or other financial instruments. Neither this nor any other communication prepared by The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. 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