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二〇一五年十一月八日 午後一時〜四時
中平卓馬 お別れの会
Takuma Nakahira:
A Day of Remembrance
2015 年 9 月 1 日に中平卓馬氏が逝去されました。
Photographer and critic, Takuma Nakahira (born in 1938) passed away on September 1,
2015, at the age of 77.
A day of remembrance to commemorate the deceased will be held, open to the public,
at the time and place indicated below. Please join us in remembering Nakahira and
making an offering of flowers in his honor.
2015 年 11 月 8 日(日曜日)午後 1 時~ 4 時
BankART Studio NYK 3 階
〒 231-0002 神奈川県横浜市中区海岸通 3-9
横浜みなとみらい線「馬車道駅」6 出口[赤レンガ
倉庫口 ] 徒歩 5 分
BankART 1929
「中平卓馬 お別れの会」事務局(オシリス内)
Tel. 03-5485-0991 Fax 03-5485-0993 [email protected]
(前日・当日連絡先 090-8047-2836)
Date and time:
Sunday, November 8, 2015
From 13:00 - 16:00
BankART Studio NYK, 3F
3-9 Kaigan-dori, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0002
(Access: A five-minute walk from No.6 Exit
Bashamichi station, Yokohama Minato Mirai Line)
Event Support:
BankART 1929
Contact us for more information:
"Takuma Nakahira: A Day of Remembrance" at
Osiris [email protected]