Level 5 Simul Worksheet 2 Primary Education in Hong Kong

Level 5
Simul Worksheet 2
Form B
Activity A – Preparation Homework – Student A
Read the following article and take notes on the main points. Be ready to share the information
with other students at the beginning of next week’s class. When talking with the other students
compare the similarities and differences of primary school education in the two countries.
Primary Education in Hong Kong
Primary education in Hong Kong covers a wide curriculum. Core subjects include Chinese,
English, and Mathematics. Other basic subjects include social studies, sciences (physics,
chemistry and biology), and health education (or 'General Studies' which is a mixture of
the aforementioned), music, physical education, and art and craft.
The teaching medium in most of the local schools is Chinese with English as a second
language. 'International' schools teach in English, with some of them providing education
in an alternative language as a second language. For example, the German Swiss
International School makes German the second language, and the French International
School, French.
A central allocation system, the Secondary School Places Allocation system, was
introduced in 2000. Secondary Schools are now divided into three bands according to
their academic standards. Primary school students take three examinations and their
grades determine what 'band' a student is in. There has been some debate on whether
this 'band system' is fair or discriminatory.
Due to the drop in birth rate in recent years, many primary schools have been forced to cut
classes an teachers or even close down. There has been heated a debate about whether
the Hong Kong Government should seize this oppourtunity to promote small class
teaching to the obvious benefit to the students.
Level 5 Simul Worksheet 2
Activity A – Preparation Homework – Student B
Read the following article and take notes on the main points. Be ready to share the information
with other students at the beginning of next week’s class. When talking with the other students
compare the similarities and differences of primary school education in the two countries.
Primary Education in America
Schooling is compulsory for all children in the United States, but the age range for which
school attendance is required varies from state to state. Most children begin primary
education with kindergarten at the age of 5 or 6, depending upon eligibility requirements in
their district.
Elementary school, "grade school", "grammar school", and "public school" are all
interchangeable names for schools that begin with kindergarten or first grade and end
either with fifth or sixth grade. Elementary school provides a common daily routine for all
students except the most disadvantaged (those with learning disabilities, mental illnesses,
or those students who do not speak English). Sometimes gifted or advanced students
receive separate education as well. Students do not choose a course structure and often
remain in one or two classrooms throughout the school day, with the exceptions of
physical education ("P.E." or "gym"), music, and/or art classes.
Education is not standardized at this level. Teachers, most of whom are women, receive a
book to give to the students for each subject and brief overviews of what they are
expected to teach. In general, a student learns basic arithmetic and sometimes
rudimentary algebra in mathematics, English proficiency (such as basic grammar, spelling,
and vocabulary), and fundamentals of other subjects. Social studies may include basic
events and concepts in American and world history and, in some places, state or local
history; science varies widely.
Activity B – The Gist
Watch the report, take notes and then answer the question below.
点を掴む練習。Skim Listening とも呼ばれ
アクティビティーを通して通常 1 回目のリ
¾ Which country does the report focus on? What problem does the report focus on?
Level 5 Simul Worksheet 2
Activity C – References
What do the underlined words refer to?
… the secondary school, pupils here don’t pay for their education.
For Frida and Delphine, it may be a pointless
む練習。True/False や、ステイトメントの正
their first choice? You raise up the hand.
next year they cannot go to secondary school
because they cannot afford school fees.
Activity D – Correcting False Information
The statements below are all incorrect. Listen to the report and note down the key information to
correct the information. Correct the statements.
In 1997 the Ugandan Government made Secondary School Education free.
The numbers of poor school children increased by 7 million.
Delphine and Frida are the oldest students in their class.
Delphine and Frida’s father is working but he refuses to pay their school fees.
Delphine and Frida plan to become domestic servants after they finish school.
The Head teacher feels that although the girls are very nice, their academic ability is not high
enough for them to continue to secondary school level.
Main points:
Level 5 Simul Worksheet 2
Activity E – Paraphrasing
Listen to the comments. Which paraphrase best matches what they said? Why are the other
choices not suitable?
The Girls
♦ We are very smart.
♦ We will come top of our class in the tests.
♦ We are intelligent and expect to do well
in our final exams
♦ My father is a problem so we can’t pay for school.
♦ My father lost his job due to illness and so we can’t afford school fees.
♦ My father drives a lorry but the owners took the lorry.
♦ After I finish school, I will be a teacher.
♦ I’m planning to go to Massesco to be a teacher.
♦ I’d like to finish my education and become a teacher.
The Girls
♦ Domestic servants are sometimes forced to have sex with their employers.
♦ If you are a domestic servant, anyone can make you work.
♦ People want to attract young girls to have sex.
Level 5 Simul Worksheet 2
Activity F – Making a summary
Put the following sentences in the order that makes the best summary of this report. Then rewrite
the summary so that it flows more smoothly – link the sentences and replace reappearing names
with references or omit them.
Frida and Delphine are top of their primary school class. Frida and Delphine cannot
go to Secondary school. Frida and Delphine’s parents do not have enough money to
send Frida and Delphine to Secondary school.
In 1997 the Ugandan Government made Ugandan primary school education free.
Ugandan student numbers doubled at Ugandan primary schools.
The new problem in Ugandan education is some Ugandan primary school students
are not able to continue to Ugandan secondary schools.
The report focuses on current problems in Ugandan Education
Ugandan students from poorer Ugandan families were able to go to Ugandan
primary schools.
Ugandan students from poorer Ugandan families cannot pay the fees for Ugandan
Secondary schools.
Rewritten summary:
Level 5 Simul Worksheet 2
Activity G – Reaction and Discussion
Discuss the questions in groups.
What is your reaction to the situation in this report?
How would you feel if you were the parent in a situation like Frida and Delphine’s?
What do you think the Ugandan Government should do to help children in their situation?
Recently in Japan there has been some discussion over the fairness of the education system;
children of wealthy parents have access to private school education or expensive cram
schools, while children from less affluent families have none of these options. What do you
think? Do privately educated students have an unfair advantage? Are students from poorer
backgrounds loosing out in Japan’s highly competitive education system?
Activity H – Role-play
The teacher will divide you into groups to role-play the following situation.
Situation: Special meeting to discuss the possibility of extending free education to Ugandan
Secondary schools.
Role 1: You are the Head Teacher of a Primary School. You understand the difficulties of funding
free education but are unhappy about the current situation because many of your most gifted
students cannot go on to Secondary school because their parents cannot afford to pay school fees.
You think that the Government should set up a special grant system whereby students with the
highest grades should receive free education.
Role 2: You are a parent. Your children, like Delphine and Frida, are extremely bright but will be
unable to continue to Secondary school because you cannot afford the school fees. You feel that
free education should be the right of every Ugandan child and that the Government is failing your
Role 3: You are the personal assistant to Head of Education for the region. You understand that
people are very angry about the situation in Uganda but know that the Government has very limited
money and cannot afford to pay for free Secondary education for all. Try to explain the situation to
the meeting members but also listen to their suggestions. At the end of the meeting you must decide
what recommendations to give to your boss.