Florida International University Department of Modern Languages Syllabus: JPN 3400 (Advanced Japanese I) セメスター: 2015 年 春 クラス: 10:00 – 10:50 クラスの日: 月、水、金 部屋: GC 289 サイト: http://dll.fiu.edu/ http://asianstudies.fiu.edu インストラクター: Asuka H. Mashav オフィス: 481A (DM) Office hours: 1:00 – 2:00 月 水 金 and 予約 Tel: (305) 348-6516 / Fax: (305)348-1085 メールアドレス: [email protected] Course Description: This third year course is designed to enable students to read modern Japanese materials with the aid of dictionaries. Students will build their four language skills on the individual’s current language level and ability. As an intermediate course, however, increased attention will be given to the reading and writing in the Japanese writing system. Also, in depth study of Japanese culture, formation of different language styles and systems, history and issues in the contemporary society will be studied. Course Objectives: -Students will expand their vocabulary and knowledge of structural patterns of the language. -Students will develop the ability to communicate in more complicated situations and social contexts. -Students will develop the ability to write letters, personal essays and descriptive essays in Japanese. -Students will learn approximately 60 additional kanji. -Students will become more acquainted with aspects of Japanese culture that relate to the lesson topics. Textbooks: Textbook: Banno, Ikeda, Ohno, Shinagawa, Tokashiki (2011). GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese I (2nd Edition). Tokyo: The Japan Times, Ltd. (ISBN: 4-7890-1440-3) Workbook: Banno, Ikeda, Ohno, Shinagawa, Tokashiki (2011). GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese I Workbook (2nd Edition). Tokyo: The Japan Times, Ltd. (ISBN: 4-78901441-0) Course Work: Lesson 20-23 Grading Scale: 100 – 94 A 93 – 90 A89 – 87 B+ 86 – 83 B Grades: Assignment Quizzes Chapter tests Final exam Class participation Presentation Final interview 82 – 80 79 – 77 76 – 73 72 – 70 BC+ C C- 69 – 67 D+ 66 – 63 D 62 – 60 D59 & below F 15% 15% 25% 15% 10% 10% 10% Class: Classes meet twice a week, and daily attendance and participation are absolutely necessary. All students are expected to be fully prepared and on time for class. If something comes up which causes you to miss class, please contact me as soon as possible either by phone or e-mail. Penalty of absences are as follow (No extra work can make up for the absences): Three times of being late will equal one day absence. Leaving early without permission will equal to one day absence. Assignments: Assignments (HW) are designed to give you a chance to review what you learn in class each day. Therefore, the assignment is due on the next class day after it is assigned. Late assignments are not accepted. Quizzes/Exams: Missing a test will lead to failure on the test unless you arrange a make-up with the instructor in advance. Make-up quizzes/tests are given only if you have contacted the instructor and been granted the permission before the scheduled test time, except for emergency cases. The time for taking the make-up must be as soon as possible after the original test. The lowest quiz (not the chapter tests) will be dropped from your final grade. *Students are responsible for revisions announced in class. Final exam This will be a comprehensive exam. It will cover from chapter 20-23. Final interview You will have a final interview with Sensei. It will be a short conversation. Presentation You will have a paired/group presentation. You must make the skit with your partner and memorize all lines. More details will be announced in class. Attention: No cheating and plagiarizing. Cheating/Plagiarizing will lead to failure on the test/assignment. Keep your appointments with instructors. Be punctual. If you cannot show up at the scheduled time or must reschedule, call beforehand. If for some reason, you could not call in advance call afterward, as soon as you can. Make many mistakes! You learn the best when you make mistakes. Others can learn from your mistakes, too. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. *Disability Statement: Students with documented special learning needs may want to inform the instructor. 2015 年 春学期 DATE CLASS SCHEDULE HOMEWORK 1/12 M 自己紹介とクラスの説明 シラバスの プリント 1/14 1/16 1/19 M 1/21 1/23 1/26 M 1/28 漢字と単語 文法1 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 文法2 文法3 文法4 文法5 1/30 文法6 & Dialogue 2/2 M p.207, p.329, Handout, Online Review Chapter 20 test 漢字と単語 文法1 文法2 文法3 文法4 文法5& Dialogue p.229, p.335 B & C, Handout, Online Review 2/4 2/6 2/9 M 2/11 2/13 2/16 M 2/18 2/20 コーススケジュール QUIZ 単語と漢字の 復習 x 漢字 x 単語 p.329 (Textbook) p.123,p.124 p.68-p.76 x x 漢字 単語 p.335 B & C p.125, p.126 p.77-p.85 2/23 M 2/25 2/27 3/2 M 3/4 3/6 3/9 M 3/6 3/16 M 3/18 3/20 3/23 M 3/25 3/27 3/30 M 4/1 4/3 4/6 M 4/8 4/10 4/13 M 4/15 4/17 4/20 M 4/22 4/24 4/27 M Chapter 21 test 漢字と単語 SJS Conference (Asian Studies Program) 文法1 文法2 Speaker 文法3 文法4 Spring Break 文法5& Dialogue p.251, p.339- p.341B&C&D, Handout, Online Review Chapter 22 test 漢字と単語 文法1 文法2 文法3 文法4 文法5& Dialogue p.273, p.345 - p.347, Handout Online Review Chapter 23 test Final review 漢字と単語 Final review 文法 Final interview Final interview Presentation Presentation Presentation Final Exam 9:45-11:45 x x 漢字 x p.341B&C&D p.127, p.128 p.86 - p.94 単語 x 漢字 単語 x p.345 - p.347 p.129, p.130 p.97- p.105 Note: Professor reserves the right to modify syllabus as necessary.
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