2.バイオ産業科学 植物生理学・作物育種:Plant physiology, Plant breeding 菊池 彰:Akira KIKUCHI 講師:Assistant Professor E-mail: [email protected] URL: http://www.gene.tsukuba.ac.jp/Plant/GeneticDiversity/ Our main goal is to develop economically valuable plants using transgenic approaches. Plants are immobile, and evolve their own defense systems against environmental stresses. Several genes responsible to these defense systems have been identified. Our aim here is to generate genetic lines conferring abiotic stress Fig.1 Transgenic eucalyptus conferring salinity tolerance tolerances and to verify their performances. We 耐塩性遺伝子組換えユーカリ are also studying impacts of transgenic plants on biological diversity to establish environmental biosafety risk assessment system on transgenic trees. The salinity tests revealed that the transgenic lines were survived whereas the non-transgenic eucalypts were died under the salinity conditions (Fig. 1). The first Japanese field-trial case of transgenic trees is being performed (Fig. 2). Tree species are perennial, and the evaluation system may have to be elaborated from the modality and its specific methods for annual crop species. We Fig.2 Field-trial case of transgenic eucalyptus conferring… salinity tolerance 耐塩性遺伝子組換えユーカリの屋外栽培試験 are monitoring long-term changes in the biological おり、関わる遺伝子の幾つかが明らかにされて diversity, especially soil microbial population きています。私たちの研究室では、環境ストレ structures to fine-tune the evaluation systems for ス応答に関わる遺伝子を有用植物に導入するこ transgenic trees. とによって、環境ストレスに強い植物を作出し て、その有効性を検証しています。同時に、作 22 遺伝子組換え技術を通じて、産業利用可能な 出された有用遺伝子組換え体の生物多様性影響 有用植物、特に劣悪環境に強い植物の開発を目 評価を行い、遺伝子組換え体の実用化に必要な 指して研究に取り組んでいます。固着生活をし 評価系の構築を進めています。 ている高等植物は、外環境からの様々なストレ 耐塩性遺伝子を導入した組換えユーカリにつ スを移動によって回避することが出来ないた いて、海水濃度と同等の塩条件下において、非 め、特別な器官や物質を産生するなど、動物と 組換えユーカリは枯死してしまいましたが、遺 は異なった適応手段を独自に進化させました。 伝 子 組 換 え ユ ー カ リ は 生 存 が 可 能 で し た( 図 こうした適応反応は遺伝子によって制御されて 1)。 また、 日本で初めてとなる遺伝子組換え Bioindustry and Bioscience 樹木の屋外栽培試験を実施しています(図2)。 properties after germination. Plant Physiol. 樹木は永年性であることから単年性の草本植物 146:149-161. 2008 や作物とは異なることからこれまでの生物多様 性影響評価の項目を検証する必要があります。 Akira Kikuchi, Kazuo Watanabe, Yoshikazu 特に土壌微生物相に与える長期的な影響をモニ Tanaka, Hiroshi Kamada. Recent progress on ターし、どのような評価項目が新たに必要にな environmental biosafety assessment of genetically るかについて検討を行っています。 modified trees and floricultural plants in Japan. Plant Biotech. 25:9-15. 2008 Selected Publications. Nadia Anwar*, Akira Kikuchi*, Toru Kumagai, Takayoshi Shimazaki, Akira Kikuchi, Etsuko Kazuo N. Watanabe. Nucleotide sequence Matsunaga, Kazuya Nanto, Teruhisa Shimada, variation associated with β-amylase deficiency Kazuo N. Watanabe. Establishment of a in the sweet potato Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. homogenized method for environmental biosafety Breeding Sci.59:209-216.2009 (*equally assessments of transgenic plants. Plant Biotech. contributed) 26:143-148. 2009 Tomiko Shibukawa, Kastumi Yazawa, Akira Xiang Yu, Akira Kikuchi, Etsuko Matsunaga, Kikuchi, Hiroshi Kamada. Possible involvement Yoshihiko Morishita, Kazuya Nanto, Nozomu of DNA methylation on expression regulation of Sakurai, Hideyuki Suzuki, Daisuke Shibata, Carrot LEC1 gene in its 5'-upstream region. Gene. Te r u h i s a S h i m a d a , K a z u o N . W a t a n a b e . 437:22-31. 2009 Establishment of the Evaluation System of Salt Tolerance on Transgenic Woody Plants in the Akira Kikuchi, Xiang Yu, Takayoshi Shimazaki, Special Netted-house. Plant Biotech. 26:135-141. Akiyoshi Kawaoka, Hiroyasu Ebinuma, Kazuo 2009 N. Watanabe. Allelopathy assessments for the environmental biosafety of the salt-tolerant Motoki Tanaka, Akira Kikuchi, Hiroshi Kamada. transgenic Eucalyptus camaldulensis, genotypes Isolation of putative embryo-specific genes using codA 12-5B, codA 12-5C, and codA 20C. J Wood stress induction of carrot somatic embryos. Sci. 55:149-153. 2009 Breeding Sci. 59:37-46. 2009 Makiko Mimura, Kipkorir E. Lelmen, Takayoshi Motoki Tanaka, Akira Kikuchi, Hiroshi Kamada. Shimazaki, Akira Kikuchi, Kazuo N. Watanabe. Sugar signaling is involved in histone deacetylase- Impact of environmental stress-tolerant transgenic mediated repression of embryonic characteristics potato on genotypic diversity of microbial after germination. Plant Biotech. 25:335-340. communities and soil enzyme activities under 2008 stress conditions. Microbes Environ. 23:221-228. 2008 Motoki Tanaka, Akira Kikuchi, Hiroshi Kamada. The Arabidopsis histone deacetylases HDA6 and HDA19 contribute to the repression of embryonic 23
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