Technology Marketing 03: knowing external environment Prof. K. FUKUYO, MOT, Yamaguchi Univ. External Environment Before making new products or services, you should know the external environment An enterprise is affected by the macro-environment and microenvironment 商品開発をする前に外部環境を 知らなくてはならない 企業はマクロ環境とミクロ環境に 影響される マクロ環境 Macro-environment consists of Social, technological, economic, educational, political, legal, environmental forces ミクロ環境 Micro-environment consists of five forces of competition (Michael Porter): In-sector, substitutes, supplier, buyers, new entrants 社会,技術,経済,教育,政治,法 律,地球環境等の影響力 マイケル・ポーターの「ファイブ・ フォース」 競争企業間の敵対関係,代替品の 脅威,供給企業の交渉力,買い手の 交渉力,新規参入業者の脅威 セグメントとステークホルダー Segmentation and Stakeholders (c) Prof. Kazuhiro FUKUYO, PhD, 2015 Macro-environment Macro-environment consists of STEEPLE forces: Social/cultural force Technological force Economic force Educational force Political force Legal force Environmental force マクロ環境は”STEEPLE” で構成されている 社会・文化 技術 経済 教育 政治 法律 地球環境問題 (c) Prof. Kazuhiro FUKUYO, PhD, 2015 Social force (1) For example, the average family size depends on the country or culture 2.7 persons live in an average family in Japan 6.5 persons in Kuwait The family size will influence the preference of cars, house, etc. A big family wants to have a big car and a big house A small family doesn’t think of the size of a car or house, but thinks of the other things, for example, the performance, good appearance, etc. 例: 国や社会の違いによって 世帯規模が異なる 日本では2.7人/世帯 クウェートでは6.5人/世帯 世帯規模は車や家の嗜好に 影響する 大家族なら大きな車や家を 人数が少なければ,車や家の サイズにはこだわらない。もっ と別のこと,見栄え,性能など に興味を持つ (c) Prof. Kazuhiro FUKUYO, PhD, 2015 Social force (2) Eating habit In Western countries, people use knives and forks to eat something In Asian countries, people use chopsticks In the other countries, people eat with their hands 例:食事の習慣 欧米ではナイフとフォーク を使う アジアでは箸を使う 手を使う場合もある (c) Prof. Kazuhiro FUKUYO, PhD, 2015 Technology (1) New technology expand the variety of lifestyles Communication 新技術はライフスタイルを 多様化させる About 100 years ago, many people used postal mail to communicate with distant friends Now, you can use postal mails, telephones, mobile phones, e-mails, etc. 情報通信 100年前と今の比較 交通 過去と現在の比較 Transportation People in the past went to every places by foot Now, you can ride on cars, buses, motorcycles, bicycles, etc. (c) Prof. Kazuhiro FUKUYO, PhD, 2015 Technology (2) New technology improves products and services The discovery of semiconductor materials allowed for important advancements in the field of electronics. Semiconductors allow to small-scale electronic devices, such as mobile phones, computers, etc. 新技術は商品を発展させ る 半導体材料の発見はエレ クトロニクスを発展させた 半導体は小型の電子機器, 例えば携帯電話やコン ピュータを生み出した (c) Prof. Kazuhiro FUKUYO, PhD, 2015 Technology (3) Infrastructure (roads, bridges, electric wires, wireless networks, etc.) is important to spread products and services among the people Roads If a road is not paved, only tough cars, such as Jeeps, Land Cruisers, etc., can run the road インフラは商品が普及する ために重要 道路 舗装されているかいないかは 大違い 無線ネットワーク 無線ネットワークが張り巡らさ れていなければ携帯電話は 普及しない Wireless networks If wireless networks are not developed, you cannot use your mobile phone (c) Prof. Kazuhiro FUKUYO, PhD, 2015 Economy Economic issues are very important to create and sell products and services Economic issues are as follows: Business cycle Consumers’ income Level and cost of employees Inflation rate, exchange rate, taxation Costs of raw materials 経済問題は商品開発や 商品販売に多大な影響を 与える ビジネスサイクル 消費者の収入 労働コスト インフレ率,為替レート,税 金 原材料の値段 (c) Prof. Kazuhiro FUKUYO, PhD, 2015 Economy: Business cycle A major business cycle is a seasonal cycle Mineral water sales peak in the summer Air-conditioner sales also peak in the summer Air ticket sales peak at Christmas, in New Year’s Holidays, etc. 主要なビジネスサイクル は季節循環 ミネラル・ウォーターは夏に 売れる エアコンも夏に売れる 航空券はクリスマスや正月 に売れる (c) Prof. Kazuhiro FUKUYO, PhD, 2015 Economy: Income Engel's law When your income rises, the proportion of the income spent on food falls Rich people’s food expense is not so higher than ordinary people’s food expense Rich people may spend their money on luxurious goods Wealth distribution エンゲルの法則 家計の総消費支出に占める飲 食費の割合は,総消費支出が 大きいほど低下する 所得分布 所得分布は国によって異なる 格差の大きい国 格差の小さい国 Wealth distribution varies from country to country In some countries, there are small number of very rich people and big number of poor people In the other countries, their wealth is distributed rather equally (c) Prof. Kazuhiro FUKUYO, PhD, 2015 Economy: level and cost of labors Level and cost of employees affect the quality and price of products or services Consumers want to buy a high-quality product at a lower price However, how to make it possible? In the developed countries, the salary of labors is high, but they are well educated and make high-quality products In the developing countries, the salary of labors is low, but it is difficult to improve the quality of the products 労働者のレベルとコストは 商品の質と価格に影響する 消費者はいいものをより安く 買いたい しかし… 先進国では労働者の賃金 は高いが,よく教育されてい て高品質の商品を作ること ができる 発展途上国では逆で,労働 者の賃金は低いが商品の 質を向上させるのはむずか しい (c) Prof. Kazuhiro FUKUYO, PhD, 2015 Economy: Taxation Taxation affects what people buy In EU countries, car taxes can be differentiated to support the market introduction of fuel efficient and low carbon dioxide (CO2) emitting cars. 税金は購入行動に影響する EUでは燃費と二酸化炭素排 出量に応じた税金を課している 自動車の売れ行きにどのように 影響するだろうか? 日本の消費税導入は商品の売 れ行きにどのような影響がある だろうか? If a car consumes much fuel and emits much CO2, car tax for the car will be higher If the other car consumes less fuel and emits less CO2, car tax for the car will be lower Which car do you want to buy? (c) Prof. Kazuhiro FUKUYO, PhD, 2015 Economy: costs of raw materials Raw materials are required to create products Costs of oil, steel, etc. varies from day to day and from country to country 商品を作るためには当然, 原材料が必要 原油価格,鉄鋼価格など は日々変化するし,国に よっても異なる (c) Prof. Kazuhiro FUKUYO, PhD, 2015 Educational force A well-trained and skillful workforce is always required Literacy (ability to read and write) is very important to create complex products and provide sophisticated services よく教育された労働者は 常に必要とされている リテラシー(読み書き能 力)は複雑な物をつくった り,洗練されたサービスを 提供するためには非常に 重要である (c) Prof. Kazuhiro FUKUYO, PhD, 2015 Political and Legal force In some countries, possession or sale of firearms (guns) is legal In some countries, smoking in public places is illegal Before starting your business, you should know the politics and legislations 銃の所持,売買が認めら れている国がある 公共の場での喫煙が禁じ られている国がある 事業を始める前に政治や 経済についての情報を集 めておくこと (c) Prof. Kazuhiro FUKUYO, PhD, 2015 Environmental force Environmental protection is now one of the most important issues for business person Don’t emit pollutants Pollutants will damage animals, plants and human health 環境保護は今や事業を 行う上で重要な課題と なっている 汚染物質を出さないこと 生物保護,健康上の理由 二酸化炭素排出量の削減 二酸化炭素濃度の増加が 温暖化を引き起こしている (と言われている) Reduce CO2 emission Increasing CO2 emissions would lead to global warming (c) Prof. Kazuhiro FUKUYO, PhD, 2015 STEEPLE analysis Purpose of STEEPLE analysis To identify critical issues to be considered for the decision-making This analysis consists of four headings STEEPLE element Issue Potential impact and implication Comments and actions STEEPLE分析の目的 意思決定を行う際に考慮 するべき問題点を明らかに する この分析は4つの項目で 構成される STEEPLE要素 問題点 予想される影響等 コメントや対応策 (c) Prof. Kazuhiro FUKUYO, PhD, 2015 Example of STEEPLE analysis: Electric motorcycle in Lao PDR STEEPLE element Issue Impact / implications Comments / actions Integration Infrastructure Not complicated Electricity is required Easy to fix Social / cultural Technological Economic Educational Political Traffic policy Transport policy Legal Driver license Distribution license Environmental CO2 emission Not consuming gasoline (c) Prof. Kazuhiro FUKUYO, PhD, 2015 External Environment Before making new products or services, you should know the external environment An enterprise is affected by the macro-environment and microenvironment 商品開発をする前に外部環境を 知らなくてはならない 企業はマクロ環境とミクロ環境に 影響される マクロ環境 Macro-environment consists of Social, technological, economic, educational, political, legal, environmental forces ミクロ環境 Micro-environment consists of five forces of competition (Michael Porter): In-sector, substitutes, supplier, buyers, new entrants 社会,技術,経済,教育,政治,法 律,地球環境等の影響力 マイケル・ポーターの「ファイブ・ フォース」 競争企業間の敵対関係,代替品の 脅威,供給企業の交渉力,買い手の 交渉力,新規参入業者の脅威 セグメントとステークホルダー Segmentation and Stakeholders (c) Prof. Kazuhiro FUKUYO, PhD, 2015 Micro-environment Micro-environment consists of five forces of competition (Michael Porter): In-sector Substitutes Supplier Buyers New entrants マイケル・ポーターのファ イブ・フォースとは: 競争企業間の敵対関係 代替品の脅威 供給企業の交渉力 買い手の交渉力 新規参入業者の脅威 (c) Prof. Kazuhiro FUKUYO, PhD, 2015 In-sector competition The competition of enterprises working in the same business area For example, there are some telecommunication companies in a country For example: Beeline (TIGO), ETL, LTC, STL in Laos They fight each other ある事業分野には通常, ライバル企業が存在し, 競争が行われる 例えば,携帯電話業界 (c) Prof. Kazuhiro FUKUYO, PhD, 2015 Substitutes (1) Products and services often change their forms Example: Music In old ages, music is provided by LP records LP records was replaced by CD CD was replaced by digital download services via the internet 商品はその形態を変えてい く 例: 音楽 LPレコード→CD→ダウン ロードサービス 例: 移動手段 東南アジアに行くと,いわゆ るタクシーの代わりに,バイク タクシーやトゥクトゥクと呼ば れる乗り物がある Example: Transportation There are many tuktuks in ASEAN countries Number of taxis are increasing in these countries (c) Prof. Kazuhiro FUKUYO, PhD, 2015 Substitute (2): switching costs Switching costs affect the widespread of substitutes If you use a Windows PC and want to switch to a Mac, you should think of the switching cost: スイッチングコストは代替 品の普及に影響する Windowsパソコンを使っ ている人にとってMacに 切り替えることは大変 新たにMac用ソフトウェア に切り替えるコスト 使い方を学ぶための時間 Prices of Mac and office software Time to learn how to use the Mac (c) Prof. Kazuhiro FUKUYO, PhD, 2015 Suppliers (1) There are many PC companies (suppliers): Apple, Renovo, HP, Dell, Sony, Toshiba, etc. Consumers have the option to choose and buy PCs There are a few OS (operation system) companies: Microsoft (Windows) and Apple (Mac OS) パソコンメーカーは多い 顧客はたくさんの選択肢を持 つ パソコンのOSの種類は限ら れている 顧客の選択肢は少ない 多くの場合,マイクロソフトの Windows 7や8などを選ばざ るを得ない There are limited options for consumers Most of the consumers should choose Microsoft’s Windows 7 or 8 (c) Prof. Kazuhiro FUKUYO, PhD, 2015 Suppliers (2) If there is more demand than supply, suppliers holds power On the contrary, if there is more supply than demand, consumers holds power The suppliers can sell their products or services at higher prices The suppliers have to sell their products or services at lower prices 供給よりも需要が大きい場 合,供給者は力を持つ 供給者は商品をより高く売る ことができる 逆に,供給が需要を上回る と消費者の方が力を持つ 供給者は商品を高く売ること ができない Examples: CHANEL, GUCCI, Lancôme, SHISEIDO, etc. (c) Prof. Kazuhiro FUKUYO, PhD, 2015 Buyers If there are many products with the same uses and there is little difference between those products, consumers (buyers) hold the power Example: There are many Japanese motorbike companies: SUZUKI, HONDA, YAMAHA, KAWASAKI 「供給企業の交渉力」と「買 い手の交渉力」は表裏一体 ほとんど差が無い商品が豊 富に供給されていれば,買 い手に主導権がある 例: 日本ではスズキ,ホンダ,ヤ マハ,カワサキなど高品質の バイクを供給する企業が鎬を 削っている Their bikes are of good quality and there is little difference between them Consumers can choose among these options (c) Prof. Kazuhiro FUKUYO, PhD, 2015 New entrants (1) New entrants are the threat Example: Bookstores sell books If supermarkets start to sell books, they become the new entrants in the bookselling sector sells books via the Internet It also the new entrants in the book-selling sector 新規参入者は脅威 例 本を売るのは書店,というの が従来の姿 しかし,スーパーマーケットが 本を売るようになったらどうな るか Amazonのようなインターネッ ト通販業者も現れている これらの新規参入者は書店 にとって脅威である Supermarkets and Amazon are the threat to bookstores (c) Prof. Kazuhiro FUKUYO, PhD, 2015 New entrants (2) In the ASEAN countries, agriculture is an important industry As the globalization is advancing, import and export of agricultural crops are expanding For farmers in some ASEAN countries, imported agricultural crops are the threat to them Example: ASEAN諸国では農業は重 要な産業である グローバル化によって農作 物の輸出入が盛んになって きた ASEAN諸国の農家にとっ て輸入農作物は脅威である Laos coffee (c) Prof. Kazuhiro FUKUYO, PhD, 2015 New entrants (3) Ten years ago, Japanese companies sold their home appliances (such as, TVs, refrigerators, airconditioners, etc.) to the ASEAN countries Now, Korean companies (e.g. LG and Samsung) and Chinese companies (e.g. Haier) expand their sales in the ASEAN countries Korean and Chinese companies are the new entrants and the threat to Japanese companies 10年前ならばASEAN諸国 では日本の家電品が良く売 られていた 現在では韓国(LG, Samsung)や中国(海爾)の 製品が普及している 中国・韓国企業は日本企業 にとって新規参入者であり 脅威である (c) Prof. Kazuhiro FUKUYO, PhD, 2015 Example of competition analysis: Restaurant in Lao PDR Competition element Issue Impact / implications Comments / actions In-sector Substitutes Suppliers Buyers New entrants (c) Prof. Kazuhiro FUKUYO, PhD, 2015 Segmentation and Stakeholders Not only the five forces (competition forces), but also segmentation and stakeholders should be taken into account ファイブ・フォースだけで なくセグメントやステーク ホルダーについても考慮 しなくてはならない (c) Prof. Kazuhiro FUKUYO, PhD, 2015 Segmentation (1) Not all customers are equal Young people buy cuttingedge electronic goods while old people buy traditional goods A customer likes coffee while the other customer likes tea An office worker uses a Windows PC while the other worker uses a Mac 顧客は一種類ではない 若年層と高齢層との違い 嗜好の違い(コーヒーとお茶) ウィンドウズ系かマックか 顧客は年齢,性別,国籍, 宗教,嗜好などによってセ グメントに分けられる Customers are segmented by their age, gender, nationality, religion, preference, etc. (c) Prof. Kazuhiro FUKUYO, PhD, 2015 Segmentation (2) Segmentation of Cars Segment Average persons living in a city People living in a rural area Rich people What do they think of? Economy (cost of oil) Robustness (bad roads) Good-looking Performance Type of cars Fuel-efficient car Four-wheel-drive Luxury car, vehicle Sports car Ferrari Not producing Not producing Producing Rolls Royce Not producing Not producing Producing Toyota Producing Producing Producing (c) Prof. Kazuhiro FUKUYO, PhD, 2015 Practice: segmentation of your customers Name of your work: Types of your customer What do they think of? What do you offer to them? (products / services) (c) Prof. Kazuhiro FUKUYO, PhD, 2015 Stakeholders Stakeholders are people who have greater influence on your business Typical stakeholders Customer Competitor (rivals) Collaborative companies (supplier, etc.) Company (your company) Owners Managers Employees ステークホルダーというの は事業に影響のある人々の こと 典型的なステークホルダー 顧客 競争者 協力者 企業内の人々 株主・オーナー マネージャー 労働者 (c) Prof. Kazuhiro FUKUYO, PhD, 2015 Example of stakeholder analysis: Your company Competition element Issue Impact / implications Comments / actions Customer Competitor Collaborative companies Owners Managers Employees (c) Prof. Kazuhiro FUKUYO, PhD, 2015 Literature 1. Tony Curtis: Marketing for engineers, scientists and technologists, Wiley, 2008 (c) Prof. Kazuhiro FUKUYO, PhD, 2015
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