Q棚忠 er lnstitute of Education Observation of Teacher bv Trainee Lesson... P Date… Focus Teachers' Standard: l\gvr4 Year group... (- Raw & Ja cule P-rortt-oAq-c ql A\a3a中 智Ⅲ ゞ 蓼唱撃 _鮮_瞥 ■蹴幣性 脳 ::::lili:::li::i:llliili:i:│;i::i::il:。 Target - dur.rtt I o* €ro,$-uDdk' - 御 ' fY\al<-L Jt,urc {ucccjju/ A\-a- fuo-l*4rtal, Ct'vrt-ctt*t'rw 64ry\Llra/ u^.a\ ( uJ{ Vltt ccrrtrL Arfi\u\A'gry b t;{ccl^ & (nJJ O^ 優JJ魚 :rnpact (彎 ズ し πθ り 仰飲 ヽ 117響 句 ´ 帰 ム 船ダ°他 1″ 鰍 : 鶴豚妨 鶴 維 犠 ヘ ン χ レ 、 シ ´ と レ へ θ θ´ ´^ ル ′ “ θ01. ``〕 ρノ.′ ノ ∼ ― スヘ^ ^^′ ^ヵ ⑬棚魁 er lnstitute of Educrtion Lesson Observation Form: Phonics be used when obseling a trarinec during School Experlene (Please note, there are 2 pages) To School: Trainee Teacher: Date′ Time:。 2ノ :■ Lesson: r2014 UW Tutor / Schoot Menror: a-e.cePho-- pU-rr ffnAS frf SE3 SE2′ ∪ Year Group: g 7t^-Ot^'C3 PGCE ノ SCH00L D:RECT/ 3YR BA CONTEXT: FOCUSi - 1. Reco?@ ' C.ood sl)+;5 lt'sr' 5|tcr>Vr,'q or-:5 Revisit: AActPIed -Le r<caP atn f-'re'^r <c;vrc..dS -'5h' and 'P' Does the trainee ensure that children practise phonemesakeadytaught? t fs it kept lively and fast-paced? Rern't4'ao ta 7':V V 猶 嘉 t ryJ晶.YP'お ^crc、 ふ Are all children encouraoed to participate? 2. Teach: ls the articulation of phonemes conect? Are children required to articulate phonemes .z themselves? Are the children taught the name of the letter? Are the children shown clearly how to read and write the lettef / ", Are the children being taught how to blend and/or segment? -/ 憮 ls there evidence ol new 3. Ars they given opportunities to blend phonemes to read words? Are they given opportunities to segment words into phonemes/graphemes for spelling? Are thev oiven ooportunities to write the letter? む 瞥 oQ 7tc),-:r<-/ tbrd, Cordg - Practise: Do children have opponunities to practise saying the phoneme? Are they given opportunities to read the corresponding graphemes? Y色 彙 L-e- & lq,cA7.otoq.q (ca*te->oo-a) ftogrc,.r...r-e- SefEg a^d ,eocrd , -to gvc.sfos<\t.l.vtrdr.rd^o-- - Fcr-r-) =-"S g6oGd. ①糀盟 er lnstihjte of Educition Key Stage 1 /2 Lesson Observation Form: Schoot Experience Da曜 FOd a九 〃錫 Lessm`ra_4/商 明 :E /Fa: ζ ま PGCE/SCH00L DIREC丁 / : DCUS: YearGroup2`: SElノ SE2′ SE3 CONttEXT: ObserveCs comments Comrnent on challenge and engagementrerisu百 ng a‖ pupiis make progress′ subiect knoWledge and de:ling witr misconceptions/ promotion of leaming including planning and structure of the teison / differentiation / assessment and feedback / effectivl behavioui manag-ement and management of 競 筋 %蹴 競 僣 addit:onai aduits. 務 ー Teachers' Standards 離 Areas for development- these should 2012) ● Teachers' Standards 2012) Z を に 2_ rlease below: ;igned : Observer 1 Signed: Observer 2 (for joint observations) igned : Trainee Teacher NOTE:NO SPLIT GRADES copyゎ レ "7re cOpy 「 schο o7 merror/PInk● ●pyわ′ rgrOr●end fO & Placements The mentor should keep a copy of this fom for their recotds. A copy nust be given to the frainee ts,adter within one day of the obseNation- There should be at least 1 obseyation per week. )ntinuation sheet if required ①糀臨 r instltute of Education Key Stage 1 /2 Lesson Observation Form: School Experience 400と Lesson:Gじ ]に2 PCCE/SCH00L DiRECT ′″ CONTⅨ ■ ,残 ″%― Observe/s comments Comment on chalbnge and engagement all pupils make progress / subiect knowledge and dealing with misconceptionsl promotion of learning including planning and structrre of the lesson / 凛 い :藷 辮 :盤 :な 爾郡写;ξ: 鑽 Of 瀬動魂意島蠣麟 鶴 “ … (ey strenghs- these should feed into veekly reviews ″` Teachers' Standards ra Areas for development- these should feed into weekly reviews 彦麓 ″ A― Teachers' Standards 12012) 6 = 腸 igned : Observer ″ メ Signed: Observer 2 (for joint observations) 1 NOTE:NO SPL:T GRADES Vhite copy for bainee / Yellow copy for school mentor fiJtor (send to Parhership Adm in istator at The mentor should keep a copy of this fom for their t€triotds. A copy must be given to the trainee teadrer within @e day of the obseNation. There should be at least 1 obseNation perwek- )ntinuation sheet if required ①棚忠 er lnstitute of Education Critical Reflection Form Module/!esson.こ 4夕 .に ′ 人 r.. .・ Date.凝、 Focus Teachers' Standard ..3.C 'fuo panrd y Yr**"*tt'J Lrorw tl^t- pr<t@uJ l'',-.,*\ ualct\ wp Jrrrlo^ uti--;i ^ (z+ ot ls),tpul\^'a-d 6 uor'n^1l^fuL @'l*\ wa/) focuJJunq q\ thr. u]! q [e,n L-@b;'w abtt| -qyy q (.pr^ {^r *ilit[i"i[rru3.# tk\r.^il\to^ u Aoq .o* ^euruJ kot{ mffi TarqeUs Pt'us't q fro*f1ct.a t N@ili Pxffiffi ffffilffhffiH,W $,#s,,xi Uorrt ki*^^oa# t[rnr'12.f,g1./ -t0. (kt Ott corrLot. fu,rrult\obqq u\ tfl-ab'd b - &(o4AJ 0^o( ;rrr*'' 6^t -u" - PPvtAt uubai q^d ^nila^ ptnhack fb,!- &.rfm at ti nnK t JQJ| @A' *-y Review I oLttt-ad. mydLUUd axvurg't'f tlo e,hilolltn Cilld Vjwruo. tu^J t truur.r.a.l- e Ju4/1!- cc/rovr tttri,.*h. AlJ,t.l0rtlutcl Cnrlpue,.,. tf,vrr creq.t-c-rt ntf-ir 0r^- .,f(/u3/Lc0J l'KOtrL ctrutg,/0-^ ffed!.rt ( p0/o.qr64L , 11lc%,- ,tltwNca t*ilrttd-t-tD 0. cotq 0/\4[ 0L tu^Ai: vra;,.'(hox4ot,, fu b-ruOt l.hod- y prorz.tfip14 pl.ff^rr.!=d cu\x- d.o;virffid. Ku+va Uro u{.u,touxn fu o.-ru'roo.-r Ur^o@our^0t^At oArtn "!.ln@! dt lou^qr/Ccl^s\ Xwao ahl-a fr wa- +h!. @rru.ck Arw,ialaqu 1sy Kat: b wt- ( JLn ^'-Csla;^ u*idtt* wo-d. TAqh" ",lldrd-sra " 6ngu/h wturua lrqn u,afutw &,t\d I dfiwl -6" tA. tkt; (wrU/q thitMurt Uw h.e( A€ad AU, fn,b,^qr^ rvft ^V ayilru ,9(W \aru W,onU iarr*stc,cl G/.t qnd,-. Wil.1^{f.t A!- rvwi-(g/.o\ f^rtn tntt. u)aA wad. . RJ cntjA,ru uana vit ヽ : _ e棚忠 er lnstitute of Edutation CHJca!RenectiOn Fom Focus Teachers' Standard ..9d.: TarqeUs oJilhtJ {6^P) 'fuulul oJtc d'r\ot P{"rtrru'e'r (ut xlo*ror to tqhar f"UJlnub{/'i 'Enrure t uro-aJittnd, [tu] fo *ptO,Ln four\o(uY NHL Cll(trrril PIIUJ Revlew ' /not Uuldtu m/nptfirut dr firo ur'qJ ChiLLR{\0-bcLk 0\ 'ffi.eJ4 UUI0U..en roLu\dl/$ orrtcL{'g', f,ffift,ffi-*U**fft , 0 uiufi Wry UX/'{ ry',.''ffi ,ruffifm Pe^n\!tur linpact cl.lr ffi[ a]to- 0,Ad {0 uru Mt!- to txptorn v\I,u 1l.eq ptn,rctqi or, a ir,ill' 'ild"011 d'\ild'rc^ ultf,Q 0'u ul\d.i/JU.^O[ fu $q#.rl-^(l rnrur-l'"' tlu HlJ9. 0S ctuJd" t I dt,lff., oY\,U o.U^/LtLJ 2.
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