January 2015 - EUIJ Kyushu

Issue 7
January 2015
EUIJ 九州は、九州大学、西南学院大学、福岡女子大学によるコンソーシアムで運営しています。
The European Union Institute in Japan, Kyushu (EUIJ-Kyushu) is administered by the consortium of Kyushu University, Seinan Gakuin University, and Fukuoka Women’s University.
EUIJ Kyushu より
EUIJ 九州は 2011 年 4 月に発足しました。したがって、早くも
4 年が過ぎようとしています。半年ごとのニューズレターで活
From EUIJ-Kyushu
The EUIJ Kyushu was launched in April, 2011.
already been almost 4 years, and throughout these
we have been informing about our activities by
Letters issued twice a year. Looking back at our
It has
第 4 回EUIJ 九州年次国際会議
「 危機を越えて-欧州統合の未来-」
EUIJ 九州第 4 回年次国際会議が 12 月 7 日( 日 )に九州大学西
年 10 月に着任された駐日欧州連合大使のヴィオレル・イスティ
た。フィシュラー元委員は、EU のエネルギー問題や、日欧貿易・
FTA の利益などに触れ、EU は今後様々な国際的交渉において
指導力を発揮したいと考えていると述べ、また次の 5 年間に加
盟国の拡大の可能性はないと言明しました。アイダン先生は EU
続いて、北海道大学公共政策大学院教授の遠藤乾( えんどう
EU は財政統合なき通貨統合を実施している点で、不完全なまま
であると述べ、EU としては "Harmonize up" という、直面する
だき、EUIJ 九州代表の八谷まち子教授( 九州大学大学院法学研
「EU の今後のエネルギー政策について」
「 移民対策、人のモビリティについて 」
「 トルコの今後の加盟の
可能性について 」
「 EU の補完性原則について 」などが取り上げ
しめくくりとして「 新欧州委員長ユンケル氏に期待すること 」
「 強い EU になる
ことを期待する 」
「( 審議のための )専門委員会の役割を強化し
てもらいたい 」
「 効果的な外交政策の舵をとること 」など、それ
EU を知り、理解して、そして親しんでもらうお手伝いをすると
そして、EUIJ を通して、新しい研究仲間がアジア太平洋地域で
うんと増えました。EU を考えることを通して、日本で暮らす私
と思います。2015 年も、EU を核にしたグローバルな視点と問
range of activities, I am quite happy to see that what we are
working on has gradually but certainly achieved the aim
of our organization, that is, to help people in the Kyushu
region to know better, understand better and feel closer to
the EU. At every event, we frequently see familiar faces
and more people are coming to talk to us about EU related
topics. What pleasure they give us. Every year, we see an
increase in applications from students for the EU Study
Tour and the Residential Summer Course. We have also
been able to widen the researchers networking through the
Asian Pacific EU Centres meetings. All these have been
made possible largely because of discussing about the EU is
actually reflecting on daily life for each one of us. We share
common problems and a common future. Our activities in
2015 will continue to share global views with more friends.
Come and join us.
issue that the EU is carrying out the monetary integration
without financial integration. He stated that the EU agreeing
more on a common philosophy, "Principles to harmonize
up", will create improvements in the current situation.
To conclude, a round table discussion was held by all
speakers including the Ambassador as one of discussants,
and Prof. Machiko Hachiya, Director, EUIJ-Kyushu,
Faculty of Law, Kyushu University, as a moderator. We
received numerous questions from the audience, "The
future of the energy policy of the EU", "Immigration
countermeasures, Mobility of the people", "The possibility
of Turkey accession to the EU in the f ut ure", "The
subsidiarity principle in the EU" were enthusiastically
discussed. Active exchanges of opinions and discussion
about the current significance of European Integration
were conducted. After deliberation, it was considered
from a historic and a global viewpoint. The Ambassador
summarized the EU as, "a house still under construction,
striving to make things better for its residents".
As a closing thought, the moderator asked each discussant
for a few words in terms of things to be expected from Mr
J.C. Juncker, the new leader of the European Commission.
Some words raised were, "Expect to be a strong EU", "I
want to make him strengthen the role of the committee", "to
take the helm of effective foreign policy".
Af ter t he con ference, a recept ion pa r t y was held.
Hot discussions at the reception venue continued and
participants had more opportunities to ask questions
directly to the lecturers.
EUIJ-Kyushu 4th Annual
International Conference
"After Crisis: What Next for
European Integration?"
EUIJ-Kyushu 4th Annual International Conference was held
on 7 December at Kyushu University Nishijin Plaza.
The conference started with an opening remark by Dr
Chiharu Kubo , President of Kyushu University, and
followed by, Ambassador of the European Union to Japan,
H.E. Mr Viorel Isticioaia Budura, who took his position
from October 2014, delivered a welcoming remark.
The invited lectures were organized by two invited
l e c t u r e r s ; D r Fr a n z Fi s c h l e r, Fo r m e r E u r o p e a n
Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development,
and Ms Senem Aydin-Düzgit, Associate Professor, Istanbul
Bilgi University, Jean Monnet Chair. Dr Franz Fischler
spoke about the energy issue in the EU, the benefit of
EU-Japan trading and FTA (Free Trade Agreement). He
mentioned that the EU is hoping to show strong leadership
on various international negotiations hereafter, and that
there would be no possibility of an enlargement of the EU
over the next five years. Assoc. Prof. Senem Aydin spoke
that the EU crisis led to the fragmentation among the
member states of the EU, which had highlighted differences
of thoughts on diplomacy. While the Russian inf luence
has been getting strong, she explained that the focus on
sustainable energy development is necessary in order to be
more competitive, and that diversification from dependence
on gas has been demanded.
Next, Dr Ken Endo, Professor, Faculty of Public Policy,
Hokkaido University, spoke in response to the two invited
lectures. He spoke that the EU remains incomplete on the
EUIJ-Kyushu Newsletter Issue 7 January 2015
EU 研究ディプロマプログラム( EU-DPs )
EU-DPs はコンソーシアム構成大学の学生に、EU についての
体系的な学習と研究の機会を提供する EU 研究修了証プログラ
ムです。各大学での EU-DPs の認知度が高まるにつれ、登録者・
修了者も徐々に増えています。2014 年度前期には、8 名の学生
( 学部生 1 名、修士課程 7 名 )が修了証を授与されました。また、
2014 年度後期には 249 名( 学部生 211 名、修士課程 38 名 )の学
2014 年度前期のリサーチペーパー最優秀賞( EU 研究部門 )に
は、マルセロ コラレスさん( 九州大学法学研究院 )の研究論
論文タイトル:Databases in the Cloud: A Sui Generis Contractual Model for Cloud Brokerage Scenarios
EUIJ 九州は、コンソーシアム構成大学の教職員と学生に、2
種類の研究助成金、および 3 種類の奨学金を提供し、EU に関す
2014 年 7 月から 12 月の間に決定した研究助成金の受給者は以
< EU 研究助成金>
ウルブカ シュテファン
(九州大学法学研究院 准教授)
南野 森
(九州大学法学研究院 教授)
小津 稚加子
(九州大学経済学研究院 准教授)
藤岡 豊
(西南学院大学商学部 教授)
ジャヤセーナ パスマシリ
(福岡女子大学国際文理学部 准教授)
馬場 優
(福岡女子大学国際文理学部 准教授)
(福岡女子大学国際文理学部 准教授)
吉田 信
(福岡女子大学国際文理学部 准教授)
2014 年 7 月から 12 月の間にショートビジット奨学金の受給者
が決定しました。ショートビジット奨学金は EU 加盟国での短
期留学( 語学研修、サマースクール等 )の経験により、EU に対
EU 研究サマーコース
日程:2014 年 9 月 4 日( 木 )~9 月 7 日( 日 )3 泊 4 日
参加学生:26 名( 九州大学 8 名、西南学院大学 8 名、福岡女子
大学 4 名、福岡教育大学 1 名、神戸大学 1 名、関西学院大学 2 名、
早稲田大学 2 名 )
中村民雄( 早稲田大学、教授 )
山本健( 西南学院大学、准教授 )
高崎春華( 大東文化大学、助教 )
八谷まち子( 九州大学、教授/ EUIJ 九州代表 )
ユーゴ キャニアック( ボルドー政治学院 博士課程 )
ニコラス ピータース(ルーヴァン・カトリック大学 博士課程)
アントニョ フォルマシオン( 九州大学、助教 )
国立阿蘇青少年交流の家において 9 月 4 日から 7 日の 3 泊 4 日
で 4 回目となる EUIJ 九州 EU 研究サマーコースが開催されまし
た。日本全国 7 大学から 26 名の参加者が集まりました。合宿に
先立ち、豊かな自然を楽しみながら、往復約 1 時間 30 分の仙酔
範囲に渡ります。3 泊 4 日のコースを修了すれば、EU について
2014 年度第 1 次募集では 6 名、第 2 次募集では 2 名の学生に授
【第 1 次募集】
浅野 知美(九州大学法学府 CSPA コース)
レ ティ トュ ヴァン(九州大学法学府 CSPA コース)
ワルントーン コムタロパ(九州大学法学府 CSPA コース)
榊 由利恵(西南学院大学文学部外国語学科)
川越 文尊(西南学院大学国際文化学部)
吉冨 瑞歩(福岡女子大学国際文理学部)
【第 2 次募集】
エカテリーナ ルキアノワ(九州大学法学府 CSPA コース)
ニキータ シュポルトコ(九州大学法学府 CSPA コース)
これらの研究助成制度と奨学金制度に関する情報は、EUIJ 九
EU Studies Diploma Programmes (EU-DPs)
EU-DPs provide students of three consortium universities
with opportunities to study the EU and EU member states.
As EU-DPs are gaining recognition in each university, the
number of students enrolling is increasing. 1 undergraduate
students and 7 graduate students were awarded the Diploma
in EU Studies in the Spring Semester of 2014. 249 students
(211 undergraduates, 38 graduates) are currently enrolled.
The EU-DPs has recognized an EU Research Award of
Excellence from the 2014 Spring Semester research papers.
Congratulations to Kyushu University graduate student, Mr
Marcelo Corrales, who received this citation.
Research Paper Title: Databases in the Cloud: A Sui Generis
Contractual Model for Cloud Brokerage Scenarios
Research Funds and Scholarships
Faculty, researchers, and students from the EUIJ-Kyushu
consortium universities benefit from funds for a variety of
EU-related endeavors. We provide two kinds of research
funds and three kinds of scholarships.
Research Funds
< EU studies Research Fund >
Stefan Wrbka
(Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Kyushu University)
Shigeru Minamino
(Professor, Faculty of Law, Kyushu University)
Chikako Ozu
(Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, Kyushu University)
Yutaka Fujioka
(Professor, Department of Commerce, Seinan Gakuin University)
Pathmasiri Jayasena
(Associate Professor, International College of Arts and
Sciences, Fukuoka Women's University)
Masaru Baba (Associate Professor, International College
of Arts and Sciences, Fukuoka Women's University)
Yan Zhang (Associate Professor, International College
of Arts and Sciences, Fukuoka Women's University)
Makoto Yoshida (Associate Professor, International College
of Arts and Sciences, Fukuoka Women's University)
In the past six months, Short Visit Scholarships have been
awarded to the following 8 students.
The purpose of the Short Visit Scholarship is to support
students during language study or other shor t-ter m
study programmes within the EU. Through this study
abroad, students are expected to broaden and deepen their
understanding of the EU and its relationship to Japan, and
establish a commitment to continue to develop strong and
friendly ties between Japan and the EU into the future.
Congratulations to the following Short Visit Scholarship
< Short Visit Scholarship Awardees >
・First call for application
Tomomi Asano
(CSPA, Graduate School of Law, Kyushu University)
Van Thi Thu Le
(CSPA, Graduate School of Law, Kyushu University)
Waruntorn Kocmtaropas
(CSPA, Graduate School of Law, Kyushu University)
Yurie Sakaki
(Department of Literature, Seinan Gakuin University)
Fumitaka Kawagoe
(Department of Intercultural Studies, Seinan Gakuin
Mizuho Yoshitomi
(International College of Arts and Sciences, Fukuoka
Women's University)
・Second call for application
Ekaterina Lukianova
(CSPA, Graduate School of Law, Kyushu University)
Nikita Shportko
(CSPA, Graduate School of Law, Kyushu University)
Those who were awarded research funds in the past six
month are listed below.
Visit our website to see more details.
今回は、ヨーロッパからボルドー政治学院博士課程ユーゴ キャ
最終日には「 模擬欧州理事会 」が行われました。学生一人一
人が EU 加盟 28 カ国の各国代表となって、設定された議題に対
する EU 全体としての方針を議論します。
全の侵害に対し、EU の動向に世界が注目していたウクライナ問
題です。折しも、EU では 8 月 1 日に本格的な経済制裁を盛り込
「EU とロシアの関係-クリミア問題を中心にして-」
した。同時に、実際に EU が制裁措置を実施するには、どのよ
議長が中心となって平和的解決に向けて EU 全体としての対応
「 今後、
『 自国 』として担当した国の情勢がニュースに出るた
となるでしょう 」と最後に八谷代表が締めくくりました。学生
全員に EU 研究サマーコースのすべての課程を修了したことを
証明する「 修了証書 」が手渡され、達成感につつまれる中、新
しい仲間となった全員が清々しい笑顔で今年の EU 研究サマー
Professor Tamio Nakamura, Waseda University
Associate Professor Takeshi Yamamoto, Seinan Gakuin
Assistant Professor Har uka Takasaki, Daito Bun ka
Professor Machiko Hachiya, Kyushu University / Director,
Mr Hugo Canihac, PhD Candidate, Sciences Po Bordeaux
Mr Nicholas Peeters, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Arts
(Japanese Study), University of Leuven (LKU)
Assistant Professor Antonio Formacion, Kyushu University
At the base of Mt. Aso, the 4th EUIJ-Kyushu EU Study
Summer Course was held over 4 days and 3 nights,
from 4 to 7 September 2014, at the National Institute for
Youth Education in Aso. 26 students gathered from three
拡 張 現 実〈 A R 〉に つ い て スマートフォンを使ってEUIJKYUSHUサマーコースの様子
I n s t a ll t h e f r e e a p p “Junaio”i n t o y o u r i P h o n e / i P a d o r
Android Phone.
Download Junaio from A pp Store or Google Play into your
mobile device.
EU Study Summer Course
Date: 4 to 7 September 2014 (4 days and 3 nights)
Venue: National Institute for Youth Education in Aso
Participants: 26 students (Kyushu University (8), Seinan
Gakuin University (8), Fukuoka Women's University (4),
Fukuoka University of Education (1), Kobe University (1),
Kwansai Gakuin University (2), Waseda University (2))
模擬欧州理事会 / A simulation of the European Council
App Store / Playストアにて、
Tap the“Scan”
Point your camera to the photo with the AR mark.
EUIJ-Kyushu Newsletter Issue 7 January 2015
consortium universities, Kyushu University, Seinan Gakuin
University and Fukuoka Women's University, and also from
seven universities from all over Japan.
The field of lectures covered a wide range including
economics, law, politics, societ y and cult u re. It is
programmed that general and basic knowledge about the
EU would be acquired by the participants having completed
this course. This time, we invited two PhD students from
Europe, Mr Hugo Canihac from Institute of Bordeaux
Politics, Mr Nicholas Peeters from University of Leuven.
They gave lectures in English.
"A simulation of the European Council" was conducted on
the last day. In this program, each student represented one
of the 28 EU member states and discussed their standpoint
on the issues being debated and to make an agreement with
the other EU member states. The Ukraine problem, which
has become a concern for the world, was the theme for
this year. The theme for this year's debate was "EU-Russia
Relations -Issues over the Crimea and others-".
The students began with examining political tendency AR この写真に Junaio を起動したスマートフォンをかざしながらご覧ください。
and economic power, the history and culture of
different countries, and energy and environmental
problems facing each EU member state. Consequently,
they also learnt about the system side and what kind
of procedures would be necessary so that the EU
actually carries out sanctions. In a set time, each of
the students clearly stated the viewpoint of their own
country, while the chairperson played a key role to
seek the support of the entire EU towards a peaceful
resolution. An intriguing debate was conducted.
Finally, Prof. Hachiya, Director of EUIJ-Kyushu,
concluded that "This will be a chance to become
interested more than ever in the political system of
the EU". A "Certificate" to prove the completion of
the EU Study Summer Course were handed to all
students who participated. There was a deep sense of
accomplishment and satisfaction by those who took
part in the course.
どの議論が展開されました。はたしてこれからの 5 年間の EP の
活動は EU を変える力をもつでしょうか、注目していきましょう。
日本からの討論者は、スティーヴン・デイ教授( 大分大学 )、
児玉昌己教授( 久留米大学 )
、森井裕一准教授( 東京大学 )です。
マーストリヒト大学より T. クリスチャンセン教授を迎えて 2
フォーラム 特別講義
日時:2014 年 7 月 25 日( 金 )10:00-12:00
場所:九州大学 21 世紀交流プラザⅠ 多目的ホール
おもに大学院修士課程および学部学生を対象にして、EU を
理解するために必読の教科書であるPolitics of the European
Union のなかで教授が共同執筆者として担当した「 EU のガバナ
ンスにおける規範性 」の章についてのレクチャーをいただきま
した。EU のガバナンスの問題のひとつとされている「 民主主義
の確保 」と「 専門家集団による統治 」を取り上げて、民主的な
日時:2014 年 7 月 25 日( 金 )15:00-18:00
場所:九州大学 21 世紀交流プラザⅠ 多目的ホール
2014 年 5 月に行われた欧州議会( European Parliament, EP )
選挙の結果を受けて、T. クリスチャンセン教授と日本の EU 研究
者 3 人によるシンポジウムが開かれました。今回の EP 選挙の結
果は、反 EU を謳う政党の進出が過去になかった数になり、多く
の注目と議論を呼びました。この結果を踏まえて、4 人の専門家
がそれぞれの視点から意見を述べ合いました。EU に批判的な政
党が EP に議席を得ることで議会内の論争が活性化される、市民
EU インフォメーションイベント
「 エラスムス・ムンドゥス 」
「 エラスムス・プラス 」説明会
日時:2014 年 10 月 29 日( 水 )
場所:九州大学 21 世紀交流プラザⅠ 多目的ホール
駐日欧州連合代表部のリチャード・ケルナー氏( 広報部学術
協力担当 )を講師に迎え、欧州の高等教育機関のためのプログ
で行われました。約 40 名の参加者が集まりました。
欧州連合は、将来の人材を育て、EU の目指す知識基盤型経済
を強化するために、EU 全体として高等教育レベルでの留学と教
「 エラスムス・ムンドゥ
ス 」は、教育機関の連携と、学生・研究者・大学職員の交流を
促進するためのプログラムとして、延べ 200 万人という大変多
統合され、2014 年 1 月より 7ヵ年計画として始動した「 エラスム
ス・プラス 」は、優秀な留学生にヨーロッパ諸国で学んでもら
の留学で少なくとも二つの EU の大学で学ぶことができ、ダブ
た EU への留学への意欲を一層強めたようでした。
「 EU 留学オフミーティング 」
エラスムスの説明会に引き続き、九州大学 21 世紀交流プラ
デュースするヨーロッパ留学の情報提供コミュニティ「 EU 留学
( Study in Europe )」のオフ会が EUIJ 九州と西南学院大学 EU
りたい EU 諸国の留学生と、留学を考えているがなかなか話を
する機会がない日本人学生ら約 40 名が参加し交流を深めました。
のテーブルに並べ、チーム対抗 EU クイズなどゲームを通して
Two events were held by welcoming Prof. Thomas
Christiansen from Maastricht University.
Forum; Special Lecture
Date and Time: 25 July 2014, 10:00-12:00
Venue: Lecture Room, 21st Century Plaza Ⅰ , Hakozaki
Campus, Kyushu University
Prof. Thomas Christiansen from Maastricht University gave
a special lecture on his chapter on "Normative perspectives
of European Governance: Technocracy vs Democracy?"
in Politics of the European Union (C.U.P.) for the graduate
and undergraduate students. The lecture was open to the
public, which provided a precious
opportunity for the participants
to have direct dialogue with a
renowned scholar of EU studies.
Venue: Lecture Room, 21st
Century Plaza Ⅰ , Hakozaki
Campus, Kyushu University
T he ele c t io n r e s u lt h a s
attracted much attention not
only among the academics
but from the media as well,
because of a sharp rise of the
anti-EU parties in several
member states. The four
discussants exchanged their
views on the significance
of the newly elected party members whether they would
change the direction of the European integration, how much
of the citizens' opinions will be reflected in the EU policies
through the EP, or whether this year's result indicated
changes from the past. Our attention will be on the EP for
the coming 5 years to see whether the EP will be influential
on the EU by having an effect on more integration or more
sectorial organization.
T hom a s C h r ist ia n se n , Ma a st r icht Un ive r sit y, t he
Masami Kodama, Kurume University, Japan
Stephen Day, Oita University, Japan
Yuichi Morii, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Symposia Series
EP elections 2014: EU Citizens
and a future of the EU
Date and Time: 25 July 2014,
EU Information Event
Meeting on "Erasmus Mundus", "Erasmus Plus"
Date: 29 October 2014
Venue: Lecture Room, 21st Century Plaza Ⅰ, Hakozaki
Campus, Kyushu University
We received Mr Richard Kelner, Academic Cooperation
Off icer, Press, Public and Cultural Affairs Section,
Delegation of the European Union to Japan, as a lecturer.
He spoke about the programme for the European higher
education system. It was organized into two sessions; for
university faculty teachers and staff, and for students who
wish to go to graduate school abroad. Approximately 40
people attended.
The European Union has promoted studying abroad at the
higher education level and international cooperation of
educational institutions in the EU to develop talented people
for the future, and to strengthen the knowledge-oriented
economy that the EU pursues. "Erasmus Mundus" has been
used as a program to promote cooperation between the
educational institutions and the interchange of students,
researchers and university staff which incorporates 2
million people. This program has evolved and integrated
furthermore into "Erasmus Plus". This began in January
2014 as a seven-year plan, and aims to raise an overall
academic standard in Europe by giving opportunities for
excellent foreign students to study in European countries.
In the programme, students can study at least at two
universities in the EU for one opportunity of education
abroad. A double degree, triple degree, or joint degree can
be acquired at the time of graduation.
The students seemed to have gained a clear understanding
of the programme and strengthened their interest in
studying in EU countries.
◆ Please look at follows for more information about
Erasmus Plus.
chance to make new friends, share experiences, and to have
fun. "EU Ryugaku (Study in Europe)" is the information
provision community produced by the Delegation of
the European Union to Japan. This event was aimed at
expanding the circle of friends for those who are thinking
about studying abroad and don't have any chances to talk
with international students, and for international students
who want to make friends with Japanese university
students. Approximately 40 students participated.
In the fine autumn weather, they enjoyed pleasurable and
diverse conversation and also participated in the EU quiz
team competition. After, recommended food from the
student's home towns were arranged on the table at the caféterrace outside and enjoyed by everyone.
EU information event "EU Ryugaku Off Meeting"
EUIJ-Kyushu and Seinan Gakuin EUi (European Info)
organized an informal event "EU Ryugaku Off Meeting"
to give Japanese and European university students the
EUIJ-Kyushu Newsletter Issue 7 January 2015
EU についての理解を深めるための、より一般向けのイベント
2014 年 7 月 3 日( 木 )九州大学箱崎キャンパス文系講義棟中講
義室において、九州大学法学部・経済学部共催、EUIJ 九州主催
り堀智宣氏を迎え、約 40 名の参加者が集まり熱心に耳を傾けま
講義では、なぜ欧州が世界各地域との「 結節点 」となってい
理事国 5 か国中に英仏 2 カ国が占めており、また G8 メンバー9 カ
国中 5 カ国を欧州が占めるため、G8 サミットの 2 回に 1 回は欧州
また 5 月 7 日ブリュッセルで開催された「 日 EU 定期首脳協議 」
の説明がありました。この協議は、今後も日・EU が「 基本的価
プを展開させていくことを確認するものとなり、EPA( 日 EU
経済連携協定 )、SPA( 戦略的パートナーシップ )の交渉の進展
シリーズ「 国境を考える 」
第 1 回 " 軍事国境・生活国境−アジアとヨーロッパ "
講義の後は「 座談会 」として講師を囲んでざっくばらんに話
Forums include various events which are aimed at the
public to gain more understanding of the EU.
MOFA Diplomacy Lecture
On 3 July 2014, MOFA Diplomacy Lecture was held,
organized by EUIJ-Kyushu and co-organized by the Faculty
of Law and the Faculty of Economics of Kyushu University
at the Midium Lecture Room, Common Lecture Building,
Hakozaki Campus, Kyushu University. Mr Tomonobu Hori,
Secretary, European Policy Division, Ministry of Foreign
Affiars of Japan was received as a lecturer and around 40
participants gathered and listened to it ardently.
In the lecture, Europe, which is considered to be a
geographical "crunode" with other areas in the world, is
explained as an influential player in the global community.
The significance of diplomacy with Europe was told. In
fact, there are 2 European nations, England and France, out
of five permanent members in the United Nations Security
Council, also, Europe occupies five of the nine G8 member
countries, which means the G8 Summit is held in Europe
every other time.
In addition, he mentioned about the 22nd EU-Japan Summit
Series: "Borderlands Studies"
The First in a Series of Three: "Military Borders and
Life Borders - Asia and Europe"
九州大学名誉教授の薮野祐三氏( 特定非営利活動法人 国境地
域研究センター長 )を発表者に迎え、2014 年 8 月 8 日( 金 )アク
ロス福岡にて、シリーズ「 国境を考える 」フォーラムの第 1 回目
を開催しました。発表は日英の逐次通訳をつけて行われ、約 40
薮野教授は「 軍事国境・生活国境 」という国境に関する新しい
概念を定義しました。89 年自身が訪れたサラエボでの戦禍の影
て、21 世紀の「 軍事国境 」を「 生活国境 」に変貌させていかなけ
( 九州大学法学研究院、EUIJ 九州代表 )が、EU 統合の歴史から
見る「 国境 」とは、まさにその概念をはずしていく過程であると
語りました。アフガニスタン出身のハシュマトゥラ サイスさん
( 九州大学法学府 CSPA コース修士課程 )は、イギリスによって
びていました。世界の国境を「 生活国境 」にするために、どのよ
On 8 August 2014, the first in a series of three "Borderlands
Studies" was held at Acros Fukuoka. Mr Yuzo Yabuno,
Honorary Professor of Kyushu University, Representative of
Japan Center for Borderlands Studies NPO, was welcomed
as a speaker. The presentation was conducted in Japanese
and English with consecutive interpretation, around 40
participants from mainly the general public listened to the
presentation ardently.
Prof. Yabuno defined the new idea with regards to border
as Military Borders and Life Borders. He provided pictures
taken by himself in 1989, of the stricken buildings in
Sarajevo, the capital and largest city of Bosnia, which was
exposed to the tribulation of war. He mentioned it is the
time for Japan to take initiative to turn the Military Borders
in 21st century into the Life Borders. Following that, Prof.
Hachiya (Faculty of Law, Kyushu University, Director of
EUIJ-Kyushu) said that when it came to "Borders", it was
just the process to remove the idea when viewed from the
第 2 回 " 世界を切り裂く壁とフェンス:国境地域を砦から
ゲートウェイに! "
2014 年 10 月 31 日( 金 )シリーズ「 国境を考える 」フォーラム
第 2 回が、特定非営利活動法人国境地域研究センター協力のもと、
約 40 名の参加者と共にアクロス福岡で開催しました。
北朝鮮と韓国の 38 度線地域、インドとパキスタンの国境である
は、日本人はパスポートや VISA なしで入ることができるものの、
続いて、八谷まち子教授( EUIJ 九州代表、九州大学法学研究
院 )は、自身の国境体験についてスライドを交えて語りました。
ポーランド・ウクライナ国境付近では、EU に加盟したことで国
間の国境問題を取り上げました。モハメド ナズラル イスラム
さん( 九州大学法学府 CSPA コース修士課程 )は、その歴史や
ラキブ カンさん( 九州大学法学府 CSPA コース修士課程 )は、
インドとバングラデシュ両国の「 飛び地 」の存在に注目し、政
第 3 回 " 東南アジア "
シリーズ「 国境を考える 」最終回となる第 3 回目が 2015 年 1 月
16 日( 金 )アクロス福岡セミナー室にて開催され、約 40 名の方
紹介しました。タイ・ミャンマー国境地域にある「 独立村 」や
山岳少数民族( パロン、ラフ、カヤン )が暮らすバーン・トン・
法学府 CSPA コース修士課程でベトナム出身のレ ティ トゥ ヴァ
The Second in a Series of Three: "Wall or Fence?:
Changing a Border Region from a Fortress to a Gateway"
The Second in a Series of Three: "Wall or Fence? Changing
a Border Region from a Fortress to a Gateway" was held as
the EUIJ-Kyushu forum at ACROS Fukuoka on 31 October
2014 in collaboration with The Japan Center for Borderlands
Studies NPO following the first time. Approximately 40
participants including the general public listened to the
lecture ardently.
At the beginning, Prof. Akihiro Iwashita, Slavic-Eurasian
Research Center, Hokkaido University showed a globe
which had no borders as seen from the outside. He spoke
that borders are artificial lines drawn by people to separate
space, reflect various things and cause border disputes.
Examples of disputes caused by instable borders included
the area of the 38th parallel between Korea and North Korea,
the Kashmir bordered area of India and Pakistani, and the
Palestine area in Israel. In addition, regarding the Northern
Territories, Japan, he explained that Japanese people can
enter the area without a passport or visa, but customs
declaration is required. A wall has various functions, such
as military, economically, and politically.
Subsequently, Prof. Machiko Hachiya (Director, EUIJKyushu, Faculty of Law, Kyushu University) talked about
The Third in a Series of Three:“ South-eastern Asia"
~ In Comparison with the EU ~
On 16 Januar y 2015, the thi rd in a ser ies of th ree
“Borderlands Studies" was held at Seminar Room, ACROS
Fukuoka as the final session in a series. Approximately
40 people attended. Prof. Keiko Tsuji Tamura, Graduate
School of Law, Social System Studies, the University of
Kitakyushu, presented the historical and current state of the
border area in Southeast Asian countries. She introduced
by using slides about the independent village called KMT
(Kuomintang) villages and Baan Tong Luang villages where
mountain minorities (Palong, Lahu, Kayan) live, located
in the border region between Thailand and Myanmar, and
Johor State under development in the borderlands between
Malaysia and Singapore in which the Iskandar plan has
been progressing. In addition, Ms Le Thi Thu Van, CSPA
on 7 May held in Brussels, which is to confirm that the
EU and Japan will develop a strategic partnership as "a
global partner sharing basic values" in the future. The main
points are the progress of negotiation and the importance
to conclude EPA (Economic Partnership Agreement) and
SPA (Strategic partnership Agreement) as soon as possible,
and strengthen the cooperation in the field of security,
the cooperation to create a society where women can live
equally. Mr Tomonobu Hori was involved in the process
and writing manuscript of Prime Minister shinzo Abe, drew
strong interest from the participants as an valuable inside
story. The story implied that there was various diplomatic
efforts even for just one word incorporated in the statement.
After the lecture, the participants talked to each other
frankly around the lecturer as a "round table session". It was
very meaningful opportunity for the students to converse
hoping to work in Ministry of Foreign Affairs or abroad in
the future.
perspective of the EU integration history. Mr Hashmatullah
Sayes (CSPA Programme, Graduate School of Law, Kyushu
University, from Afghanistan) focused on the Pashtuns
divided Afghanistan between Pakistan by England, and a
long borderline called Durand line. He explained about the
history and social issues around the area, and disparities
spreading across the border.
After the presentation, an active question-and-answer
session was held which was conducted in high spirits. It
was a thought provoking time about what kind policies were
needed to make "Military Borders" in the world to be "Life
her own experiences related to borders. She spoke that
being an EU member country made it possible for free
migration between countries. Consequently the congestion
problem was resolved around the border area between
Ukraine and Poland.
The two foreign students from Bangladesh took up a
border dispute between India Bangladesh. Mr Md Nazrul
Islam (CSPA Program, Graduate School of Law, Kyushu
University) talked about the history and the miserable
situation and violence taking place around the area now. Mr
Md Rakib Khan (CSPA Program, Graduate School of Law,
Kyushu University) focused on the existence of "enclave"
areas considering they are rare in the world. He talked about
the hardship of the people living there who enjoy only quasi
citizenship while not included in any census of any county
and the major steps being taken to resolve the problem.
Programme, Graduate School of Law, Kyushu University,
from Vietnam, introduced the people's life and development
of border control systems in the areas in Vietnam along the
border of China, Cambodia and Laos.
EUIJ-Kyushu Newsletter Issue 7 January 2015
日時:2014 年 9 月 5 日( 金 )
場所:九州大学箱崎文系キャンパス文系講義棟 302 号室
我が国の EU 経済研究の第一人者で Jean Monnet Chair でい
会元会長・日本 EU 学会元理事長)を講師にお迎えしてフォー
ラムが開催され、約 80 名が参加しました。
講義では、過去 40 年間にもおよぶご自身の欧州経済統合研究
合や通貨統合などの時期を経て、ユーロ危機に至るまで、7 つ
の時期に区切りお話頂きました。経済分野から EU を研究する
から、昨今の ECB の金融政策のあり方まで、多数の質問が寄せ
Kyushu University Faculty of Economics, Economics
Analysis course Research Workshop
Date: 5 September 2014
Lecturer: Prof. Soko Tanaka, Chuo University, Faculty of
Economics, Jean Monnet Chair
Prof. Soko Tanaka, former President of the Japan Society
of International Economics, and former Chairman of the
European Union Studies Association, held a special lecture
at 302 Lecture Room, Common Lecture Building, Kyushu
University. Around 80 people from undergraduate and
graduate students of Economics, and students and teachers
ポスト 2014 年度日本国際政治学会研究大会・若手研究会
日時:2014 年 10 月 20 日( 月 )
主催:QBS Women's Leadership Committee
共催:EUIJ 九州
講師:マレーン リックス( 交渉力トレーナー、デンマーク )
日時:2014 年 11 月 17 日( 月 )
主催:日本国際政治学会 若手研究者・院生研究会 海外地区
共催:EUIJ 九州、協力:九州政治研究会
テーマ:"Evolution of the International Relations – history and
【 第 1 部 】ヨーロッパ外交―その理念と現実
司会:八谷 まち子( EUIJ 九州代表、九州大学 教授 )
討論者:エムラー タニルディチ( 九州大学 )
報告:ペーター マルクス クリステンセン(コペンハーゲン大学)
西嶋 美智子( 九州大学 )、今井 宏平( 日本学術振興会 )
【 第 2 部 】国際関係論の展望と将来
司会:鈴木 啓之( 東京大学 )
討論者:渡邊 智明( 九州大学 助教 )
報告:ヴィッケ ヴェンホイア フォーゲラー(ベルリン自由大学)
沖 祐太郎( 九州大学 助教 )、角田 和広( 明治大学 )
*EUIJ 九州は下記セッションを後援しました。
2014 年 11 月 19 日( 立命館大学にて開催 )
、2014 年 11 月 21 日( 東
京都立大学にて開催 )、2014 年 11 月 23 日( 明治大学にて開催 )
A Taste of Europe: EU のクリスマス
福岡 EU 協会と EUIJ 九州の共催イベント『 EU のクリスマス 』
が、12 月 21 日( 日 )アクロス福岡こくさいひろばで開催されま
した。今回は 3 人の EU 出身の留学生が発表しました。スペイン
からオスカー・カラスコさん( 九州大学法学府 CSPA プログラ
ム修士課程 )、イギリスからオリー・ケープホーンさん( 九州大
学法学部研究生 )、ドイツからフラウケ・デジナールさん( 九州
大学法学部交換留学生 )が、それぞれ母国のクリスマスの過ご
し方についてスライドを交えて紹介しました。約 60 名の参加者
ダー( 日めくり暦 )がポピュラーで、12 月に入ると毎日ひとつ
● EUIJ 九州、アンスティチュ・フランセ共催:日仏文化サミッ
ト討論会「 労働市場における女性の地位とは?」
日時:2014 年 7 月 1 日( 火 )17:30〜19:30
日仏文化協力 90 周年記念イベントの一環として、EUIJ 九
しました。歴史人口学者、INED( フランス国立人口統計学研
日本人登壇者として、元福岡県知事の麻生渡氏( 福岡空港
ビルディング株式会社・代表取締役社長 )、日中貿易のエキ
スパート青木麗子氏( 株式会社 DLC・GB コンサルティング
代表取締役社長 )、社会学者の落合恵美子教授( 京都大学 )を
Post 2014-JAIR Conference: International Session for
Young Researchers
EUIJ-Kyushu supported opportunities for exchanges
between Japanese and European young researchers.
Date: 17 November 2014
Venue: Large Conference Room, Faculty of Law, Kyushu
Organized by the Japan Association of International
Relations, Co-organized with EUIJ-Kyushu
With cooperation of the Institute for Political Science,
Kyushu University​
Theme: "Evolution of International Relations - History and
[THE FIRST SESSION] Europe Diplomacy: Theories and Reality
Chair: Machiko Hachiya, Director, EUIJ-Kyushu, Professor,
Kyushu University
Discussant: Mr Emrah Tanyildizi, Kyushu University
Speakers: Mr Peter Marcus Kristensen, University of
Copenhagen ("Who's Afraid of the First Great Debate?:
The 1937 Conference on Peaceful Change and Historical
Revisionism Revisited"), Ms Michiko Nishijima, Kyushu
A Taste of Europe: Christmas in the EU
"Christmas in the EU", co-organized with Fukuoka
EU Association and EUIJ-Ky ushu, was held on 21st
December at Kokusaihiroba, ACROS Fukuoka. Three
international students, Mr Oscar Carrasco from Spain,
Mr Ollie Capehorn from United Kingdom, and Ms Frauke
Degenaar from Germany, introduced how to spend the
Christmas season in their home countries by using slides.
Approximately 60 participants gathered.
The par ticipants listened to the presentations about
manners and customs peculiar to each country with lots
of interest. In Spain, an uncle called Olentzero goes from
door to door giving out presents. There is a unique tradition
that a fragment of "charcoal" (actually, charcoal-shaped
sugar candy) is given to a bad child. Advent calendars,
which depict Santa Claus and his reindeer, snowmen, holly,
mistletoe, and trappings of Christmas, are very popular
with children in Germany. An advent calendar's picture has
many windows and doors each with a number between 1
and 24. Behind each one, often a piece of chocolate can be
found. Children excitedly await the approach of Christmas
まだまだ女性の社会進出をはばむ「 ガラスの天井 」があるこ
段 と し て、
related to EUIJ-Kyushu gathered.
He gave a lecture related to his own history of European
economic integration research from the past 40 years. He
spoke enthusiastically about his journey so far by dividing
it into 7 periods, from the era of Kyushu University Faculty
of Engineering, through a period of monetary integration
and market integration in Europe, and up until the euro
crisis. The challenges and fun of research in the EU from
economic fields was conveyed vividly to all participants
through his speech. During the question and answer session
after the lecture, there were a number of questions from
the audience, from the way of settling the viewpoint of
economic integration research, to the future of the monetary
policy of the ECB (European Central Bank). The forum was
lively and a great success.
University ("Illegalization of War and the Right of Selfdefense: a Legal Approach Analyzing the Sino-Japanese
War (1937)"), Dr Kohei Imai, Japan Society for the
Promotion of Sciences ("Democratic Consolidation or
Hybrid Regime?: Turkey's Experience of Gezi Park Protest)
[THE SECOND SESSION] The Future of International
Relations Theories
Chair: Mr Hiroyuki Suzuki, the University of Tokyo
Discussant: Mr Tomoaki Watanabe, Kyushu University
Sp e a ke r s: M s Wiebke We m he ue r-Vogela a r, Fr eie
Universität Berlin ("The Debate on Post-/Non-Western
IR: A Tentative Evaluation"), Mr Yutaro Oki, Kyushu
University ("Reception of International Law in the 19th
century Egypt"), Mr Kazuhiro Tsunoda, Meiji University
(The English School of International Relations: From
Regional to Cross-Regional International Society")
*A series of the international workshops under the auspices
of EUIJ-Kyushu;
19 Nov., 2014, Ritsumeikan University / 21 Nov., 2014,
Tokyo Metropolitan University / 23 Nov., 2014, Meiji
University, Tokyo
EUIJ-Kyushu Forum: Negotiation Training for Business
Persons in a global context
Date: 20 October, 2014
Venue: Fukuoka Asia Business Center
Organized by QBS Women's Leadership Committee
Supported by EUIJ-Kyushu
L e c t u r e r : M s M a le n e R i x , E xe c ut ive Ad v i s o r i n
Negotiation, Facilitation & Leadership, Denmark
by opening the small doors or windows day by day when
December begins. In the U.K., "Christmas crackers" are
always arranged on the Christmas dinner table. Each person
takes hold of one cracker and by crossing their arms, takes
hold of a person's cracker sitting beside them. Everyone at
the same time pull the crackers, which causes a loud ‘crack'
as the small amount of gunpowder inside each cracker
ignites. Inside every cracker there is a small gift and a joke.
Af ter the presentations, ever yone enjoyed time for
conversation with delicious tea and cake in a festive
は行政のイニシアティブにより「 改善へ向かっている 」とい
EUIJ-Kyushu Newsletter Issue 7 January 2015
● オープンキャンパス
2014 年 8 月 2 日( 土 )・3 日( 日 )西南学院大学
2014 年 8 月 3 日( 日 )福岡女子大学、九州大学箱崎キャンパス
われました。コンソーシアム 3 大学において、それぞれ EUIJ
九州が主催する EU 情報コーナーとして EU 紹介ポスター展示
は、EU や諸外国に興味のある九州各県から来場した高校生
が熱心に展示を見学していました。また、3 月に行われた EU
ている様子でした。イベントでは約 30 名の高校生が参加し、
EU の歴史や仕組みに関する講義に加え、EUIJ 九州事務室フ
ランス人インターンシップ生クレモンさんが「 EU クイズ 」を
行いました。EU の言語、文化などについて、日本語、英語
そしてフランス語の 3 カ国語を使ってクイズを出題しました。
「 多様性の中の統合 」をモットーとする EU では多言語主義の
日本人の高校生にとっては彼が 3ヶ国語を流暢に話せること
に大変驚いた様子でした。近い将来、大学生になり EU につ
Other Events
● Japan-France Cultural Summit Panel Discussion
"Women in the Labor Market" organized by EUIJKyushu and Institut français
Date: 1 July 2014
Venue: ACROS Fukuoka Arena Hall
As one of the events commemorating the 90 th year of
Japan-France Cultural Exchanges, EUIJ-Kyushu and
Institut français held a Japan-France panel discussion.
We honorarily received Mr Emmanuel Todd, a historical
demographer, and Prof. Dominique Méda, Université
Paris Dauphine, a philosopher. The discussion theme was
the solution to the problem that the society of Japan and
France faces, especially focusing on Japanese women's
participation in society.
As the Japanese panelists, Mr Wataru Aso (President of
Fukuoka Airport Building Co., Ltd., Ex-gov. of Fukuoka
prefecture), Ms Reiko Aoki (President of DLC, GB
consulting), and Prof. Emiko Ochiai (the Sociologist,
Kyoto University) were welcomed. Ms Tomoko Machida
(Director of the Western Branch, Asahi Shimbun) acted
as a facilitator. The panelists gave presentations from
various standpoints of administrative, corporate director,
and academic. This was followed by a panel discussion.
Prof. Ochiai mentioned that the history of Japanese
women's social advancement and a peculiarly Japanese
gender structure have caused the Japanese women's
labor market problem. Prof. Méda described the current
states in France as an outstanding achievement, which
shows high-working rates while maintaining the highbirth rate. Although, it was referred that women are still
mainly imposed the responsibility and burden for their
children, there still remains a glass ceiling which hinders
the promotion of women into the workforce, despite high
educational backgrounds.
A participant suggested that the problem of working long
hours should be discussed as a preliminary step prior
to the dispute of women's advancement in society. Exgov. Mr Aso stated regarding to the issue of long working
hours "improvements are being made" by administrative
initiative, but this was received with intense negative
comments from the audience. It was a moment when
アジア太平洋地域 EU センター合同大学院生ワークショップ in 済州島
2015 年 2 月 5 日( 木 )〜7 日( 土 )
アジア太平洋地域 EU センター研究者ラウンドテーブル in 済州島
2015 年 2 月 9 日( 月 )〜10 日( 火 )
福岡で楽しむ EU
2015 年 2 月 19 日( 木 )@西鉄グランドホテル
EUIJ 九州 EU 研修旅行 2015( 13 泊 15 日 )
2015 年 2 月 26 日( 木 )〜3 月 12 日( 木 )
EUIJ 九州 EU 研修旅行 2015 報告会
2015 年 3 月 23 日( 月 )@アクロス福岡こくさいひろば
Upcoming EUIJ-Kyushu Events and Programmes
2015 Asia-Pacific EU Centre Graduate Students Workshop
in Jeju Island, Korea
Date: 5 - 7 February 2015
● EUCE Conference in Canada
日時:2014 年 7 月 16 日( 水 )〜18 日( 金 )
場所:University of Victoria, Canada
際会議が 3 日間にわたり開催されました。開催国カナダから
タワ大学、アジアは台湾の淡江大学と九州大学から約 20 名
の学生が集まり、英語で発表と議論を行いました。EUIJ 九
州からリャイリャ・ヌルガリエヴァさん( 九州大学比較社会
文化学府 )
、ニキータ・シュポルトコさん( 九州大学法学府
CSPA )の 2 名が参加しました。
カナダまたはアジア太平洋地域における EU の現状という
活発な質疑応答が行われました。参加学生からは「 非常に大
it became obvious that there was a deep gap between
an administrative sense and a citizen's sense regarding
this issue. An engrossing exchanging of views ensued
including the audience.
● EUIJ-Kyushu at Open Campus
2 and 3 August 2014 at Seinan Gakuin University
3 August 2014 at Fukuoka Women's University, Kyushu
Open campus event targeting high school students, which
is an annual event in summer, was held on the date above
respectively at the three consortium universities. Posters
and panels were exhibited to provide information about
the EU at the EU information corner.
Although Kyushu area was hit by heavy rain on that day
as a typhoon was approaching, high school students from
various prefectures in Kyushu area who were interested
in the EU and other foreign countries visited and studied
about the exhibition enthusiastically. A video about the
EU Study Tour last March especially drew attention from
participants. In the event, about 30 high school students
attended. In addition to a lecture about the history and
the structure of the EU, "The EU quiz" was conducted by
the French internship student named Clément. He gave a
quiz in terms of language and culture in the EU by using
three different languages, Japanese, English, and French.
Since the motto of the EU is "United in Diversity", which
came into use in 2000, multilingualism has a long history,
there are a number of people who have a good command
of more than one language. Japanese high school students
were surprised very much to see that he was f luent in
three different languages. It was impressive that the
participating high school students talked eagerly while
dreaming to be a university student and to study abroad in
the near future. Thank you very much for everyone who
joined us.
The University of Victoria's European Union Center
of Excellence held a conference "the State of the EU in
Canada and the Pacific and Asian Regions" for graduate
students over three days. The students from University of
Victoria, Dalhousie University, Université de Montréal,
Ottawa University, which were located in the host country
Canada, and Tamkang University of Taipei, National
University of Taiwan, and Kyushu University of Japan,
which are in the Asian region, took part in the conference.
About 20 students gave a presentation and discussion
in English. Ms Lyailya Nurgaliyeva (Graduate School
of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University),
Mr Nikita Shportko (CSPA, School of Law, Kyushu
University) joined from EUIJ Kyushu.
The "State of the EU in Canada" and the "State of the
EU in the Pacific Asia" were the underlying theme of
the presentation. The participating graduate students
reported their daily research progress, and a question-andanswer session was conducted actively. Feedback from a
participating student said that "it became an inspiration,
and having such an opportunity to interact with each
other was a wonderf ul experience." The conference
provided students with the opportunity to build up their
global network with scholars from around the world.
Known as the "City of Gardens", Victoria was filled with
full bloomed flowers everywhere in the city, it was a very
good season to hold the event. The conference will be held
again next year around the same time at UVic.
● EUCE Conference in Canada
Date: 16 to 18 July 2014
Location: University of Victoria, Canada
EUIJ 九州事務局
〒 812-8581 福岡市東区箱崎 6-10-1 九州大学 EU センター内
( 旧工学部本館 2 階 254 号室 )
TEL: 092-642-4433, 4434 FAX: 092-642-4435
[email protected]
EUIJ 九州 西南学院大学分室
〒 814-8511 福岡市早良区西新 6-2-92 西南学院大学図書館 2F
( 国際機関資料室内 )
TEL: 092-823-3410 [email protected]
EUIJ 九州 福岡女子大学分室
〒813-8529 福岡市東区香住ヶ丘1-1-1
公立大学法人 福岡女子大学 国際化推進センター内
TEL: 092-663-4005 [email protected]
2015 EU Centre's Asia Pacific Researcher Workshop in Jeju
Island, Korea
EUIJ-Kyushu Contact Information
EUIJ-Kyushu Administrative Office
Kyushu University
Engineering Main Bldg. 2nd Fl Rm 254
6-10-1 Hakozaki, Higashi-ku Fukuoka, 812-8581
TEL: +81 (0)92 642-4433, 4434 FAX: +81 (0)92 642-4435
[email protected]
EUIJ-Kyushu Branch Office in Seinan Gakuin University
Rm for Documents from Institutional Organizations,
Seinan Gakuin University Library 6-2-92 Nishijin, Sawara-ku Fukuoka,
TEL: +81 (0)92-823-3410 [email protected]
EUIJ-Kyushu Branch Office in Fukuoka Women’s University
1-1-1 Kasumigaoka, Higashi-ku Fukuoka, 813-8529
TEL: +81 (0)92-663-4005 [email protected]
Date: 9 - 10 February 2015
Enjoy the EU in Fukuoka
Date: 19 February 2015 at Nishitetsu Grand Hotel
EUIJ-Kyushu EU Study Tour (13 nights and 15 days)
From 26 February to 12 March 2015
Debriefing Session for the EU Study Tour 2015
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Date: 23 March 2015 at ACROS Fukuoka
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発 行:EUIJ 九州 発行日:2015 年 1 月 26 日 印 刷:株式会社ミドリ印刷