News Release 平成 27 年 12 月 11 日 株 式 会 社 代表取締役社長 ジ パ ン 松藤 グ 民輔 (TEL:03-5422-6800) Atlanta Gold Inc.発表のニール鉱区での鉱石の分析結果報告について 昨日 12 月 10 日にお知らせいたしましたとおり、Atlanta Gold Inc.(トロント証券取引所ベンチ ャー市場 / シンボル:ATG)より、同社が米国アイダホ州に保有しておりますニール鉱区 (Neal Property)にて、過去4か月に亘って実施した試掘結果に関する適時開示がなされま した。そちらのリリースを一部抜粋し日本語化したものおよび原文を以下のとおりお知らせい たします。 【以下、一部抜粋の上、日本語化】 アトランタゴールド社による Neal エリアから採取した地表面付近の鉱石の分析結果報告 2015 年 12 月9日(東海岸時間) Neal Property で実施されている試掘において、約 8,000 トンの鉱石を採掘しました。 試掘は、約 3 エーカーの地表エリアで行われ、これらの鉱石から 8 つのバッチ(グループ)を 取り、その中から 562 のサンプルを採集しました。採集したサンプルは、2 か所の外部第三者 機関である分析所にて分析を行い、重量比で 1 トン当たり 5.12 グラムの金が含まれているこ とが確認されました。 2 か所の外部第三者機関の分析所は、ネバダ州スパークス市にある Inspectorate America 社と、ネバダ州エルコ市の北 42 マイルにある Queenstake-Jerritt Canyon Mine 分析所で す。 6 バッチ 387 のサンプルは Inspectorate America 社にて分析を行いました。分析の手順は、 破砕、縮分、粉砕(0.075 ミリ)で Fire Assay(※1)を行い原子吸光分析で最終測定を行いま した。分析試験の品質を保つために空試験と標準試料を試験サンプルに加えました。 Inspectorate America 社は、ISO 9001 取得企業であり、独立した検査機関です。 2 バッチ 175 サンプルは Jerritt Canyon の分析所で分析が行われました。Jerritt Canyon も 独立した検査機関です。Jerritt Canyon での分析手順は、破砕、縮分、粉砕(0.099 ミリ)で Fire Assay を行い重量で最終測定を行いました。分析の品質を高めるために標準試料を試 験サンプルに加えています。 Atlanta Gold 社 CEO の Ernest Simmons 氏は次の様に述べています。「我々はこの 4 か月 間にわたる試掘プログラムの結果に非常に興奮している。初期のグラブサンプル(採取試料) とドリル結果から、我々は特徴的な地表面に沿った“J”と“M”と呼ぶ 2 つのエリアに注力するこ とを決定しました。125 サンプルの最後の1バッチが示したのは、平均品位 13.91 gpt で最高 品位 176.57 gpt、最低品位 0.14 gpt を含む非常に興味深いものでした。」 “J”エリアからのサンプル分析結果は平均品位 14.79 gpt、“M”エリアからのサンプル分析結 果は平均品位 13.83 gpt でした。“M”エリアと“J”エリアは 76.2m 四方のグリッドで互いに北東 方向の対角線上に位置しています。これらのグリッドは特徴的なせん断領域をカバーし、地 表面に露出しているせん断領域のほとんどを含んでいます。“M”エリアや“J”エリアのサンプ ルは地表面に露出していたせん断(水平方向にずれた断層エリア)領域から採取を行って います。 Inspectorate 社が分析を行った 125 サンプルの内、97 サンプルが 3.43gpt を超えていまし た。“M”エリアと“J”エリアからの全てのサンプル結果を下表に示します。 ※1:灰吹法 金や銀を鉱石などからいったん鉛に溶け込ませ、さらにそこから金や銀を抽出する方法。 現在は鉛ではなくビスマスなど他の金属を利用することもある。 鉱石中の全ての金銀量を測定するために利用。 なお、この Neal Property における最新の検査結果は、埋蔵鉱量と定めるには至りません。 【以上】 【以下、Atlanta Gold Inc.のリリース原文そのまま】 ATLANTA GOLD REPORTS ASSAY RESULTS OF SURFACE MINERALIZED MATERIAL EXCAVATED FROM NEAL PROPERTY Toronto, Ontario, December 9, 2015 – Atlanta Gold Inc. (the "Company") (TSXV: ATG; OTC Pink: ATLDF) today announced assay results from the bulk sampling of surface mineralized material obtained from the Neal Property under a Notice of Motorized Exploration (“NOME”). Neal Development, LP (the “Partnership”), was created by the Company’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Atlanta Gold Corporation (“AGC”), to explore and develop the Neal Property (See the Company's news releases of April 7, 2015 and June 11, 2015). Exploration commenced in mid-July and the NOME was submitted to the Idaho Department of Lands on July 22, 2015. The bulk sample excavation at the Neal Property continued into November, producing an estimated eight thousand (8,000) short tons of gold-bearing material. The bulk sample was excavated from exposed material within three (3) contiguous acres. Five hundred and sixty-two (562) samples in eight (8) batches, primarily from stockpiles, were tested and analyzed by two (2) laboratories resulting in a weighted average gold grade of 0.1494 ounces per ton (“opt”) (5.12 grams per tonne (“gpt”)). The two laboratories are Inspectorate America (“Inspectorate”) in Sparks, Nevada and Queenstake-Jerritt Canyon Mine Assay Laboratory (“Jerritt Canyon”) 42 miles north of Elko, Nevada. Batch Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Lab Report Date August 4, 2015 August 6, 2015 August 24, 2015 August 31, 2015 September 30, 2015 October 6, 2015 October 30, 2015 November 30, 2015 Number of Samples Average Gold Grade in opt 8 4 22 14 0.2328 0.0022 0.2029 0.0601 66 109 214 0.0172 0.0708 0.0804 125 0.4057 Average Gold Grade in gpt 7.98 0.08 6.96 2.06 Lab Name Inspectorate Inspectorate Inspectorate Inspectorate Jerritt Canyon 0.59 2.43 Jerritt Canyon 2.76 Inspectorate Inspectorate 13.91 Three hundred and eighty-seven (387) samples in six (6) batches were tested and analyzed by Inspectorate. Procedures included crush, split, pulverize 250g to 200 mesh and fire assay 30g for gold with an AAS finish. Blanks and standards were inserted among the samples for quality control and quality assurance. Inspectorate is an ISO 9001 certified laboratory and is independent from the Company. One hundred and seventy-five (175) samples in two (2) batches were sent to Jerritt Canyon. Jerritt Canyon is a non-accredited laboratory and is independent from the Company. The Jerritt Canyon laboratory’s protocol is to crush, split, pulverize 200g to 150 mesh and fire assay a 29g sample for gold with a gravimetric finish. Standards were inserted for quality control and quality assurance. Records of custody were recorded from sample sites to assay laboratories for shipments to both laboratories. Wm. Ernest Simmons, President and CEO of the Company stated, “We are excited about the results from this four-month bulk sampling and testing program. After some initial grab sampling and drilling, the decision was made to focus on target areas which were along recognizable surface structures in two main areas referred to as “J” and “M”. This last batch of one hundred and twenty-five (125) samples proved to be the most interesting with a weighted average gold grade of 0.4057 opt (13.91 gpt) including a high of 5.1500 opt (176.57 gpt) and a low of 0.0040 opt (0.14 gpt).” The assays from area “J” averaged 0.4314 opt gold (14.79 gpt) and the assays from area “M” averaged 0.4035 opt gold (13.83 gpt). The sample areas referred to as “M” and “J” are 250 by 250 foot (76.2 by 76.2 meter) grid squares diagonal to each other and trending northeasterly. These squares cover the main part of the recognizable shear zones and include most of the surface exposures of the shear zones. Samples from “M” and “J” are from excavations along the exposed structures. Of the one hundred and twenty-five (125) samples tested and analyzed by Inspectorate, ninety-seven (97) were over 0.1000 opt (3.43 gpt). All sample results from areas “M” and “J” are listed below: Sample # Au opt Location Sample # Au opt Location Sample # Au opt Location 1420423 5.1500 M 1420472 0.2830 M 1420015 0.1220 M 1420424 5.0850 M 1420442 0.2750 M 1420433 0.1220 M 1420425 4.2410 M 1420478 0.2590 M 1420456 0.1200 M Sample # Au opt Location Sample # Au opt Location Sample # Au opt Location 1420475 1.9710 M 1420041 0.2470 J 1420457 0.1190 M 1420481 1.6280 M 1420490 0.2470 M 1420031 0.1170 M 1420479 1.5740 M 1420499 0.2450 M 1420023 0.1140 M 1420473 1.3650 M 1420429 0.2360 M 1420488 0.1140 M 1420468 1.3020 M 1420040 0.2330 J 1420491 0.1130 M 1420017 0.9890 M 1420445 0.2310 M 1420477 0.1120 M 1420458 0.8590 M 1420454 0.2270 M 1420487 0.1110 M 1420016 0.8550 M 1420430 0.2230 M 1420432 0.1100 M 1420455 0.7930 M 1420460 0.2070 M 1420427 0.1080 M 1420038 0.7710 J 1420463 0.2030 M 1420448 0.1030 M 1420451 0.7520 M 1420483 0.2000 M 1420022 0.0960 M 1420498 0.7020 M 1420465 0.1940 M 1420471 0.0940 M 1420482 0.6800 M 1420037 0.1930 M 1420036 0.0920 M 1420047 0.6540 J 1420467 0.1900 M 1420032 0.0910 M 1420013 0.6040 M 1420452 0.1880 M 1420024 0.0900 M 1420044 0.5180 J 1420021 0.1870 M 1420440 0.0860 M 1420045 0.5090 J 1420008 0.1850 M 1420026 0.0840 M 1420010 0.4980 M 1420039 0.1830 J 1420495 0.0830 M 1420019 0.4880 M 1420014 0.1820 M 1420007 0.0820 M 1420464 0.4630 M 1420450 0.1810 M 1420489 0.0810 M 1420462 0.4580 M 1420459 0.1800 M 1420443 0.0790 M 1420003 0.4550 M 1420461 0.1790 M 1420434 0.0700 M 1420042 0.4500 J 1420033 0.1690 M 1420035 0.0630 M 1420439 0.4460 M 1420485 0.1690 M 1420437 0.0620 M 1420476 0.4140 M 1420426 0.1600 M 1420436 0.0610 M 1420484 0.4140 M 1420444 0.1590 M 1420474 0.0590 M 1420002 0.4110 M 1420494 0.1590 M 1420030 0.0570 M 1420025 0.4040 M 1420027 0.1530 M 1420449 0.0480 M 1420001 0.3930 M 1420453 0.1520 M 1420029 0.0450 M 1420043 0.3810 J 1420497 0.1520 M 1420496 0.0400 M 1420493 0.3810 M 1420028 0.1510 M 1420034 0.0390 M 1420012 0.3720 M 1420441 0.1510 M 1420431 0.0360 M 1420046 0.3680 J 1420500 0.1500 M 1420009 0.0340 M 1420020 0.3630 M 1420469 0.1450 M 1420006 0.0290 M 1420470 0.3280 M 1420011 0.1430 M 1420435 0.0220 M Sample # Au opt Location Sample # Au opt Location Sample # Au opt Location 1420480 0.3220 M 1420492 0.1420 M 1420428 0.0170 M 1420018 0.2970 M 1420486 0.1310 M 1420005 0.0150 M 1420446 0.2870 M 1420447 0.1260 M 1420004 0.0040 M 1420466 0.2860 M 1420438 0.1230 M This recent exploration sampling of the Neal Property has been insufficient to define a mineral resource, and it is uncertain if further similar exploration will result in there being a viable, delineated mineral resource. Qualified Person Information of a technical nature in this news release has been reviewed by William L. Josey, who is a designated “Qualified Person” under NI 43-101 regulations. Mr. Josey is an independent geologist, who is a Registered Member of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc. (SME) and a Registered Geologist in the State of Arizona. Mr. Josey was on site during one of the early stages of sampling and offered suggestions on sampling. Subsequent sampling was under the supervision of senior, experienced Company personnel. About the Company Atlanta Gold Inc. holds through its 100% owned subsidiary, AGC, leases, options or ownership interests in its Atlanta properties which comprise approximately 2,159 acres (8.74 square kilometres) located 90 air kilometres east of Boise, in Elmore County, Idaho. A long history of mining makes Atlanta very suitable for development of new mining projects. The Company is focused on advancing its core asset, Atlanta, towards mine development and production. The Company is also focused on advancing its exploration and processing methods on the Neal Property, which is located approximately 15 miles from Boise, Idaho and comprises approximately 192 acres (0.78 square kilometres). The Neal Property’s geology is similar to that of the Atlanta Project; in that, there are northeasterly-trending shear zones in granodioritic host rocks. The Neal Property provides the Company with all-season access to further refine the processing equipment and procedures. AGC holds a five-year lease on the Neal Property and has staked an additional seven contiguous claims on public land that was open to mineral entry. For further information contact: Atlanta Gold Inc. Wm. Ernest Simmons President and CEO Telephone: (208)-424-3343 Fax: (208) 338-6513 Email: [email protected] Atlanta Gold Inc. Peili Miao Chief Financial Officer Telephone: (416) 777-0013 Fax: (416) 777-0014 Email: [email protected] To receive Company news via email, contact [email protected] and mention “Atlanta Gold News” in the subject line. NEITHER THE TSX VENTURE EXCHANGE NOR ITS REGULATION SERVICES PROVIDER (AS THAT TERM IS DEFINED IN THE POLICIES OF THE TSX VENTURE EXCHANGE) ACCEPTS RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ADEQUACY OR ACCURACY OF THIS RELEASE.
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