The School Life at Cashmere High School…

The School Life at Cashmere High School… Sayo Kumazawa (Japan) Although my life at Cashmere High School was only one year, I have got a lot of memories which I will never forget. Everything I experienced at Cashmere was new for me, such as studying with Kiwi teachers and students. That was totally a new world to me. It was quite difficult for me to catch what teachers said. I asked them questions so that I could understand the contents of classes. I was rewarded with Excellence and Merit in assessment results. And also, I could not speak to Kiwi students last year, because I was afraid that they might be cold to me. At the beginning of this year, I thought “I want to get on well with Kiwi students like my other Japanese friends do.” I called up all my courage and talked to Kiwi students on the first day of Term1, and then I noticed my thought was completely wrong. They were so friendly to me. When I asked what I should do during the class, they always tried hard to explain it understandable. I have improved my English skills especially reading and writing through taking a class entirely in English, and moreover, I have gained ability in a communication by talking with Kiwi friends. It was really lucky for me to learn at Cashmere High School. <Japanese> カシミヤ高校での生活は、たった 1 年でしたが、一生忘れることのない思い出をたくさん
めての世界でした。 先生の言うことを理解するのは非常に難しかったです。授業内容を理解するために、授業
いつも一生懸命に、分かりやすく説明しようとしてくれました。 私は、英語で全ての授業を受けることを通して、リーディング、ライティングといった英
思います。 熊沢 紗世