Japanese Psychological Review ,**1, Vol. /*, No. ., ῏ῌ῎ ῍ ῏῍ῐ ῌῌ ῌῌ !" Some aspects of the meaning on anxiety : Focusing on the significance of anxiety measured using the self-reported questionaire technique Shunji MIYAKE Kibi International University The present study analyzes the different meanings of anxiety measured using the self-reported questionaire technique. Recently, three specific anxiety scales used to measure a particular meaning of anxiety were shown since the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory has been presented following the Manifest Anxiety Scale. ῌ # The Endler Multidimensional Anxiety Scale. This is based on the interaction model of personality and provides three types of instruments for assessing anxiety : $a# an individual predisposition, $b# transitory state responses, $c# individual’s perception of situational threat. ῍ # Anxiety Sensitivity Index. This can assess anxiety due to cognitive vulnerability. The scale is a useful tool for measuring the sensation of anxiety that cognitive theory hypothesized to be a result of cognitive bias produced in the course of information processing of anxiety-inducing experiences. ῎ # Yamamoto’s anxiety scale. The scale measuring two aspects of anxiety, namely both positive and negative anxiety, provides ῍῏ items to measure these two aspects. According to this proposition, both anxieties are concerned with the process of human ego integration for growth promotion. Findings related to the three scales and theories are reviewed and discussed. Key words : anxiety, anxiety scale, Endler Multidimensional Anxiety Scale $EMAS#% Anxiety Sensitivity Index $ASI#% Two Aspects of Anxiety Scale ῎% % &'()*+,-% ./012% 340 526789:;<=>% ?@ <P 6CD ?+Q4MHU A:;B CDE;F GHI FJ% KL% RsR% s"tfF 52678MNOG;@PQ<RJS% TS% RJS>G% R<PtQ U V% WX YZ [\6];M^Q_`a 4 SOeS<Ed :bMcdePQfgQRh% i 6 ¡5¢w>£UR% s PEQjk6lQ.mn<% op?qr 6s"tfM@R e% :stF[LGHuPI R?% P_<dE<¤URGHI AWX KLvUw@PQxy6z{.| :|lQmp}~B $% ῌῑῐῌ# GHI ῌ % % s% % s"t 0 Q% Qd E < % s " ¥ ¦ s § k ¨ MQe;SM% 5t?% R G © ª < « ¬ d J S ?% S. ® ῏ῌ῎ ®
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