高校 2 年生 上田 茉尋さん【オーストラリア・ All Saints` College(本校

Focus! 2014
~世界で輝く城西生~ 2015 年 9 月 16 日 発行 vol.12
高校 2 年生 上田 茉尋さん【オーストラリア・All Saints’ College(本校姉妹校)】
I have experienced many precious things this month, and I spent a fulfilling
month. I belong to the Aikido Club at Josai, so I did a demonstration with Mr.
Fukumoto at lunch time. I thought this experience would be a very good opportunity
for everyone to get to know about Aikido because most people don’t know it here.
First I thought about how to explain what Aikido is in a way that was easy to
understand. Then I wrote the speech. Thanks to my friend’s help, I wrote the great
speech. Mr. Fukumoto advised me that “Teaching and explaining about Aikido is a
very nice way to improve your English.” I thought of the structure by myself. Before
my performance day, we practiced carefully and checked while watching YouTube at his house. He understood
Aikido very quickly because he teaches Kendo here. We talked about each other’s martial arts and he taught
me that Kendo and Aikido have a very similar point. Also when I was in Japan, the Aikido club members and
teachers told me “Please spread it in Perth.” He gave me a great opportunity, so I decided to I would do my
best. On the performance day, many people came to watch us. I was very nervous because I was doing a
speech in English front of everyone and a demonstration by myself for the first time. However everyone
listening to my speech seemed to think it was interesting so I was relieved a little. Then after finishing
performance, they clapped and I heard cheers. After the performance was finished, many students wanted to
try so I taught them how to do it. Thanks to Mr. Fukumoto’s helping, the demonstration ended in great
success. At the same time, I felt a great sense of accomplishment. Also I realized that I came here not only to
study English, but also to tell people about Japanese culture and tradition. This experience became a great
memory during study abroad for me.
ているので、お昼休みの時間に福本先生と演舞を披露することになりました。Perth ではほとんどの人が合気道の
成も自分自身で考えました。本番前日には、先生のお家で入念に練習をして、YouTube で技の確認をしたりしまし
城西大学附属城西中学・高等学校 〒171-0044 東京都豊島区千早 1-10-26