JIUTAMAI ワークショップ が 「黒髪」習得コース 場 所:コレド室町3 3階 和室「橋楽亭」 〒103-0022 中央区日本橋室町1-5-5 日 程:4月8日、22日、5月13日 金曜日 計3回 時 間:18時 受付開始 18時30分~ 体ほぐしと舞の基本動作、 2回以後は前回の復習 19時~20時30分「黒髪」 受講料:5,000円(3回分) 定 員:20名 持ち物:着物もしくは浴衣一式 (お持ちでない方はご相談ください).足袋 主催・申込: 地唄舞普及協会 講 師: 花崎杜季女 他、花崎会メンバー 電 話: 080-3933-8731 E-mail : [email protected] Let’s master “Kurokami” dance 地唄舞 」 「黒髪 3回で ように 舞える *キャンセルは前日まで 受講料は1回目の受付時にお支払いください。 Location: 3F, COREDO Muromachi 3 Date: April 8, 22, May 13, 2016, Friday (three workshops) Time schedule: Reception open at 18:00, workshops start at 18:30, “Kurokami” dance lesson from 19:00 to 20:30 Fee: ¥5,000 total Limited enrollment: 20 persons Attire: A kimono or yukata and tabi socks (if you don’t have kimono or yukata, please ask us) Reservation and inquiries: Jiutamai Promotion Foundation Tel: 080-3933-8731 E-mail: [email protected] Cancellations must be made by the day before each workshop. Please pay for the course on the day of the first workshop. Jiutamai is one of the very few Japanese arts that were created and cherished by women. 地唄舞に ついて 舞は、旋回運動(まわること)と踏み(土地を踏みしめる)を、 踊りは、跳躍運動(飛び跳ねること)を特色としていました。 また、目的も、舞が、神、為政者への祈りが原点であるのに対し、 踊りは、自らの高揚に重きが置かれています。 地唄舞は、女性が育みそだてた、日本では数少ない芸能です。 お座敷の狭い空間で、子女の作法、嗜みから芸能へと発展したものであるため、大変 繊細な、そして、息使い(間)がとても大事な芸能です。 繊細な手先の動き、目線、肩の動きを肌で感じられる空間を大事にします。背景は、 曲により作るのではなく、日本家屋のふすま、障子、屏風などそこにあるそのままを 使い、燭台が、明かり、舞手と見者の世界を分ける結界として使われるのみです。こ のような簡素な背景と、表情を殺した眼力のみの白塗りは、見者の想像力をかき立て るものです。地唄舞は、ストーリーが決まっていて、それを忠実に表すのではなく、 舞手がその作品への自分の想いを伝えようと語りかけ、それに対して見者も自分の想 いをそこに具現する、キャッチボールで作り上げていく芸能なのです。そのため、語 りの朗読と同じように、原則として一人立ち(ひとりで舞う)です。 In order to explain what Jiutamai is, first it is important to mention two traditional forms of movement: mai – rotation and JIUTAMAI odori – jumping. In English as in many other languages there is only one word to define DANCE. According to the written sources, the history of Japanese dance traces back for around 1300 years. Mai features – rotation in a circle and stomping, performed as a prayer to gods or famous statesmen. Mai was also used to call the spirits of dead. Nowadays it is still performed: the Noh mai, kagura mai. Meanwhile odori is jumping up and down. It created an image that the dancer was taller. It is also mentioned, that one of the odori purposes was to send the gods and spirits back. Mai is more constrained, while odori is more free, breaking the rules, so it looks more elegant than mai. Jiutamai was born in 19th century, in Edo period. Jiuta music performed by shamisen was inspired by mai dance, so these two genres merged together. Jiutamai is one of the very few Japanese arts that were created and cherished by women. It is a very subtle art with special attention to pauses. It was born from the girly manners and interests the girls used to have in the narrow room space, covered in tatami. The most important things are – elegant movements of fingers and shoulders, eyes look, the ability to feel the space with the whole body. The scenography is not adjusted to the music – it is created by using traditional sliding door fusuma, sliding paper screens shoji, candles and their light is used to separate the world of dancer from the one of audience. The imagination of the viewer is stimulated by this simple view on the stage and the power of the dancer’s eye look, which is left after the dancer covers all the emotional expressions with the white make-up. The dancer is telling the story with her own mind while using the elegant movements of her fingers, shoulders and eye look. The viewers react to the story, told by the dancer, in their own way. In this way, the Jiutamai world is being created. That is why jiutamai, the same as expressive reading, is always performed by one person. 凛とした潔さ。柔らかな中にある鋭さ。削がれた中にある美。 日本には、舞と踊りの二つの動きがあります。原初の形として、
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