7. Martin Streloke Regulation 1107/2009 Lessons learnt after 5 years?

Regulation 1107/2009:
Lessons learned after 5 years
Dr. Martin Streloke, BVL
Brussels, 9. March 2016
Experiences with implemeting 1107/2009
Much more exchange between MS
Administrative procedures, reporting, responsibilities have
been harmonised considerably
Even criteria for risk assessment and decision-making have
been developed further
Additional committees for discussing critical items were
established and MS met frequently
A lot of zonal authorisations habe been granted
Number of approved actives and authorised products in DE
are more or less stable
However, in specific crops products are not available as
Dr. Martin Streloke, BVL Abteilung Pflanzenschutzmittel
17. Februar 2016
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Dr. Martin Streloke, BVL Abteilung Pflanzenschutzmittel
17. Februar 2016
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Number of approvals in DE high
Around 600 approvals in progress
Number of approvals has increased considerably
250 new approvals in 2015
Number of authorisations are clearly lower, therefore
Considerable delays in authorisation procedures
Accumulation of not finalised registration procedures
Dr. Martin Streloke, BVL Abteilung Pflanzenschutzmittel
17. Februar 2016
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Reasons for higher number of applications
Applicants apply in DE because:
– other MS accept only a certain number of applications
– in DE authorities must accept all applications
– authorisation are difficult to get in DE, but if yes,
acceptance in other MS often high
– applicants receive information about short-comings early
in authorisation procedure
– DE important market for PPP.
Dr. Martin Streloke, BVL Abteilung Pflanzenschutzmittel
17. Februar 2016
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Current status of zonal procedures
According to 1107/2009 procedure should be finalised 12 (18)
month after time of application
Nearly impossible to reach this goal
Authorities in DE busy in improving situation
FVO-Audit last week in Braunschweig:
– number of applications, staff, Time of processing are
– recommendations from FVO; action plan of MS to
– implementation will be supervised
COM will report to parliament next year .
Dr. Martin Streloke, BVL Abteilung Pflanzenschutzmittel
17. Februar 2016
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Why are authorisation procedures delayed ?
A lot of new assessment methods and citeria for decisionmaking (Cutoffs, CfS, Comparative Assessment, …)
Development of guidance documents very science driven
but often not ready for regulatory practise
Interpretation of GD parly unclear, no clear guidance given
Role of Risk Managers to be clarified
Needs of regulatory bodies are not enough considered
Dr. Martin Streloke, BVL Abteilung Pflanzenschutzmittel
17. Februar 2016
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Why are authorisation procedures delayed ?
Quality of applications partly low
Applicants may wish to submit good applications to reduce
workload in authorities
No clear arbitration procedure in central zone in place
Different opinions are discussed but if no agreement no
further action
Dr. Martin Streloke, BVL Abteilung Pflanzenschutzmittel
17. Februar 2016
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Reasons for long processing time
Completeness of evaluation in MS still different (Art. 36 (1))
Efficacy assessment and wording/structure of GAPs need to
be better harmonised
Still a considerable number of national approaches
When to apply new scientific and technical knowledge ?
Efforts for coordinating and organising approval procedure
in DE are quite high
Not enough staff in authorities
Public discussions much more critical; workload for
responding has increased considerably (e.g. glyphosate)
Dr. Martin Streloke, BVL Abteilung Pflanzenschutzmittel
17. Februar 2016
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Measures taken for improving situation
More intensive check for completeness
Refuse applications of low quality
Increase work in groups like PAI, CZSC, DCG at EU and zonal
level for more harmonisation
Start discussion on strengthening work of these groups
Clear remits and responsibilities of groups are needed and
an effective work-sharing
Dr. Martin Streloke, BVL Abteilung Pflanzenschutzmittel
17. Februar 2016
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Measures taken for improving situation
Taking the lead for projects aiming more harmonisation in
RA and RM
More efforts for optimising process of GD development
More regular contacts with CA in neighbouring countries
Strengthening procedures in DE regulatory system
Increasing staff in regulatory bodies
• But overall workload for harmonisation – in particular
assessment and decision-making schemes – is high
and needs time !
Dr. Martin Streloke, BVL Abteilung Pflanzenschutzmittel
17. Februar 2016
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Take home messages
Implementation of 1107/2009 increased work-sharing
amongst MS and a considerable number of zonal
authorisations were granted
High number of applications in DE
Processing time too long
More harmonisation for RA and RM needed
Clear Guidance ready for regulatory purpose needed
Measures to improve situation are presented.
Dr. Martin Streloke, BVL Abteilung Pflanzenschutzmittel
17. Februar 2016
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Thank you for your attention!
Dr. Martin Streloke
0531 299-3401
E-Mail: [email protected]
Dr. Martin Streloke, BVL Abteilung Pflanzenschutzmittel
17. Februar 2016