小林 肇 Hajime KOBAYASHI - 持続型炭素循環システム工学

Hajime Kobayashi
小林 肇 Hajime KOBAYASHI Contact Address
: 〒113-8656 東京都文京区本郷7丁目 3-1 工学部 4 号館
TEL: 03-5841-7054
E-mail: [email protected]
FAX: 03-3818-7492
URL: http://escc.frcer.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/
2013-present University of Tokyo 2008-2013
大学院工学系研究科 システム創成学専攻 准教授 Tokyo/Japan University of Tokyo Tokyo/Japan 大学院工学系研究科 エネルギー・資源フロンティアセンター 持続型炭素循環システム工学(国際石油開発帝石株式会社)社会連携講座 特任助教 2004-2008
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Postdoctoral researcher at Department of Biology
University of Geneva
Assistant-doctorant at Laboratory of Molecular Biology of Higher Plants
Osaka University
Ph. D. in engineering (biotechnology). Thesis: Studies on nitrogen-fixing
symbiosis between rhizobia and leguminous plants: Nodule development and
flavonoid inducible regulon in rhizobia.
2004 年 3 月 25 日学位取得.
Osaka University
Master degree in engineering (biotechnology). Thesis: Analytical system for
morphogenesis and gene expression in bacteroid.
1999 年 3 月 25 日修了.
Osaka University
Bachelor of engineering in biotechnology. Thesis: Classification and
identification of yeasts isolated from Thailand.
1997 年 3 月 25 日卒業.
JSPS科学研究費補助金・若手研究B (研究代表者)
JSPS科学研究費補助金・若手研究B (研究代表者)
JSPS科学研究費補助金・若手研究(スタートアップ) (研究代表者)
University of Tokyo
(Advisor: Prof. Kozo Sato)
Biotechnologies for the sustainable carbon cycle system. (Sep 2008-present)
Hajime Kobayashi
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(Advisor: Prof. Graham C. Walker)
DNA replication and repair in Sinorhizobium meliloti. (Sep 2004-Aug 2008)
University of Geneva
(Advisor: Prof. William J. Broughton)
The flavonoid-inducible regulon of Rhizobium sp. NGR234. (July 2000-Aug 2004)
Osaka University
(Advisor: Prof. Yoshikatsu Murooka)
In situ visualization of nodule development.
(Apr 1998-June 2000)
Characterization of genes involved in fatty acid biosynthesis of Lactobacillus
plantarum L137.
(Apr 1996-Mar 1998)
28. Q. Fu, N. Fukushima, H. Maeda, K. Sato and H. Kobayashi (2015) “Bioelectrochemical analysis of a
hyperthermophilic microbial fuel cell generating electricity at temperatures above 80℃.” Biosci Biotechnol
Biochem, in press.
27. Q. Fu, Y. Kuramochi, N. Fukushima, H. Maeda, K. Sato and H. Kobayashi (2015) “Bioelectrochemical
Analyses of the Development of a Thermophilic Biocathode Catalyzing Electromethanogenesis.” Environ
Sci Technol, in press.
26. Q. Fu, H. Kobayashi, Y. Kuramochi, J. Xu, T. Wakayama, H. Maeda and K. Sato (2013)
“Bioelectrochemical analyses of a thermophilic biocathode catalyzing sustainable hydrogen production.” Int J
Hydrogen Energ, 38:15638-45.
25. Q. Fu, H. Kobayashi, H. Kawaguchi, T. Wakayama, H. Maeda and K. Sato (2013) “A thermophilic Gramnegative nitrate-reducing bacterium, Calditerrivibrio nitroreducens, exhibiting electricity generation
capability.” Environ Sci Technol, 47:12583-90.
24. H. Kobayashi†, N. Saito†, Q. Fu† (†contributed equally), H. Kawaguchi, J. Vilcaez, T. Wakayama, H.
Maeda and K. Sato (2013) “Electrochemical and microbial analysis of the bio-electrodes of the
electromethanogenic reactor.” J Biosci Bioeng, 116:114-7.
23. K. Sato, H. Kawaguchi and H. Kobayashi (2013) “Bio-electrochemical conversion of carbon dioxide to
methane in geological storage reservoirs.” Energ Convers Manage 66:343-50.
22. Q. Fu, H. Kobayashi, H. Kawaguchi, J. Vilcaez, T. Wakayama, H. Maeda and K. Sato (2012)
“Electrochemical and phylogenetic analyses of current-generating microorganisms in a thermophilic microbial
fuel cell.” J Biosci Bioeng, 115:268-71.
21. H. Kawaguchi, H. Kobayashi and K. Sato (2012) “Metabolic engineering of hydrophobic Rhodococcus
opacus for biodesulfurization in oil-water biphasic reaction mixtures..” J Biosci Bioeng 113:360-6.
20. H. Kobayashi, K. Endo, S. Sakata, D. Mayumi, H. Kawaguchi, M. Ikarashi, Y. Miyagawa, H. Maeda and K.
Sato (2012) “Phylogenetic diversity of microbial communities associated with the crude oil and formation
water phases of the produced fluid from a high-temperature biodegraded petroleum reservoir.” J Biosci Bioeng
19. H. Kobayashi, H. Kawaguchi, K. Endo, D. Mayumi, S. Sakata, M. Ikarashi, Y. Miyagawa, H. Maeda and K.
Sato (2012) “Analysis of methane production by microorganisms indigenous to a depleted oil reservoir for
application in Micobial Enchance Oil Recoverly.” J Biosci Bioeng 113:84-7.
18. S. Ardissone, H. Kobayashi, K. Kambara, C. Rummel1, D.K. Noel, G.C. Walker, W.J. Broughton and W.J.
Deakin (2011) “Role of BacA in lipopolysaccharide synthesis, peptide transport and nodulation by Rhizobium
sp. NGR234.” J Bacteriol 93:2218-28.
Hajime Kobayashi
17. H. Kawaguchi, T. Sakuma, Y. Nakata, H. Kobayashi, K. Endo and K. Sato (2010) “Methane production by
Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus to recover energy from carbon dioxide sequestered in geological
reservoirs.” J Biosci Bioeng 110:106-8.
16. H. Kobayashi, N.J. De Nisco, P. Chien, L.A. Simmons and G.C. Walker (2009) “Sinorhizobium meliloti
CpdR1 is critical for coordinating cell-cycle progression and the symbiotic chronic infection.” Mol Microbiol
73:586-600. 表紙に選出 15. V.L. Marlow, A.F. Haag, H. Kobayashi, V. Fletcher, M. Scocchi, G.C. Walker and G.P. Ferguson1 (2009)
“Essential role for the BacA protein in the uptake of a truncated eukaryotic peptide in Sinorhizobium
meliloti.” J Bacteriol 191:1519-27.
14. L.A. Simmons, A.I. Goranov, H. Kobayashi, D.S. Yuan, A.D. Grossman, G.C. Walker (2009) “A
comparison of responses to double-strand breaks between Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis reveals
different requirements for SOS induction.” J Bacteriol 191:1152-61.
13. P. Domenech, H. Kobayashi, K. Levier, G.C. Walker, C.E. Barry III (2009) “BacA: an ABC transporter
involved in maintenance of chronic murine infections with Mycobacterium tuberculosis.” J Bacteriol 191:
12. K. Kambara, S. Ardissone, H. Kobayashi, M.M. Saad, O. Schumpp, W.J. Broughton, W.J. Deakin (2009)
“Rhizobia utilize pathogenic-like effector proteins during symbiosis.” Mol Microbiol 71:92-106.
11. R. Wassem, H. Kobayashi, K. Kambara, A.L. Le Quere, G.C. Walker, W.J. Broughton and W.J. Deakin
(2008) “TtsI regulates symbiotic genes in Rhizobium species NGR234 by binding to tts-boxes.” Mol
Microbiol 68:736-48.
10. H. Kobayashi, L.A. Simmons, D.S. Yuan, W.J. Broughton and G.C. Walker (2008) “Multiple Ku orthologs
mediate DNA non-homologous end-joining in the free-living form and during chronic infection of
Sinorhizobium meliloti.” Mol Microbiol 67:350-63.
9. W.J. Broughton, M. Hanin, B. Relic, J. Kopcinska, W. Golinowski, S. Simsek, T. Ojanen-Reuhs, B. Reuhs, C.
Marie, H. Kobayashi, B. Bordogna, A. Le Quere, S. Jabbouri, R. Fellay, X. Perret, and W.J. Deakin (2006)
“Flavonoid-inducible modifications to rhamnan O antigens are necessary for Rhizobium sp. strain NGR234legume symbioses.” J Bacteriol 188:3654-63. 8. P. Skorpil, M.M. Saad, N.M. Boukli, H. Kobayashi, F. Ares-Orpel, W.J. Broughton, and W.J. Deakin (2005)
“NopP, a phosphorylated effector of Rhizobium sp. strain NGR234, is a major determinant of nodulation of
the tropical legumes Flemingia congesta and Tephrosia vogelii.” Mol Microbiol 57:1304-17. 7. M.M. Saad, H. Kobayashi, C. Marie, I.R. Brown, J.W. Mansfield, W.J. Broughton, and W.J. Deakin (2005)
“NopB, a type III secreted protein of Rhizobium sp. strain NGR234, is associated with pilus-like surface
appendages.” J Bacteriol 187:1173-81.
6. M. Theunis †, H. Kobayashi† (†contributed equally), W.J. Broughton, and E. Prinsen (2004) “Flavonoids,
NodD1, NodD2 and nod-box NB15 Modulate Expression of the y4wEFG Operon that is Required for
Indole-3-acetic acid Synthesis in Rhizobium sp. NGR234.” Mol Plant-Microbe Interact 17:1153-61. 5. H. Kobayashi, Y. Naciri-Graven, W.J. Broughton and X. Perret (2004) “Flavonoids induce temporal shifts in
gene expression of nod-box controlled loci in Rhizobium sp. NGR234.” Mol Microbiol 51: 335-47. 表紙に選
4. N. Ausmees, H. Kobayashi, W.J. Deakin, C. Marie, H.B. Krishnan, W.J. Broughton, and X. Perret (2004)
“Characterization of NopP, a type III secreted effector of Rhizobium sp. NGR234.” J Bacteriol 186: 4774-80. 3. P. Kiatpapan, H. Kobayashi, M. Sakaguchi, H. Ono, M. Yamashita, Y. Kaneko, and Y. Murooka (2001)
“Molecular characterization of Lactobacillus plantarum genes for beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase
III (fabH) and acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase (accBCDA), which are essential for fatty acid biosynthesis.”
App Env Microbiol 67: 426-33. CURRICULUM VITAE
Hajime Kobayashi
2. H. Kobayashi, M. Sunako, M. Hayashi, and Y. Murooka (2001) “DNA synthesis and fragmentation in
bacteroids during Astragalus sinicus root nodule development.” Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 65: 510-15. 1. Y. Kaneko, H. Kobayashi, P. Kiatpapan, T. Nishimoto, R. Napitupulu, H. Ono, and Y. Murooka (2000)
“Development of a host-vector system for Lactobacillus plantarum L137 isolated from a traditional
fermented food produced in the Philippines.” J Biosci Bioeng 89: 62-7. 総説・著書等
8. 小林肇, 佐藤光三 (2014) “CO2 から資源を生み出す微生物電解合成システム.” 水素エネルギー協会
(HESS)会誌, 39: 24-32.
7. 若山樹, 小林肇, 前田治男 (2014) “枯渇油・ガス田をジオバイオリアクターとしたバイオエネルギ
ー生産の可能性.” in 光合成のエネルギー利用と環境応用, 三宅淳, 佐々木健 Eds, シーエムシー出
版, 東京, p. 118-30.
6. R.S. Kobayashi, V. Champreda, L. Eurwilaichitr, S. Tanapongpipat, N. Roongsawang, and H. Kobayashi
(2012) “Enzyme Technology and Application (เทคโนโลยีเอนไซม์และการประยุกต์ใช ้ทางอุตสาหกรรม)” (Book).
National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) printing, Pathumthani, Thailand.
5. K. E. Gibson, H. Kobayashi and G.C. Walker (2008) “Molecular determinants of the symbiotic chronic
infection.” Annu Rev Genet 42: 413-41.
4. H. Kobayashi, and W.J. Broughton (2008) “Fine-tuning of symbiotic genes in rhizobia: flavonoid signal
transduction cascade.” in Nitrogen-fixing Leguminous Symbioses, M.J. Dilworth, E.K. James, J.I. Sprent, and
W.E. Newton Eds, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, p. 117-152.
3. K.M. Jones, H. Kobayashi, B.W. Davies, M.E. Taga, and G.C. Walker (2007) “How rhizobial symbionts
invade plants: the Sinorhizobium-Medicago model.” Nature Rev Microbiol, 5:619-33.
2. A. Bartsev, H. Kobayashi, and W.J. Broughton (2004) “Rhizobial signals convert pathogens to symbionts at
the legume interface.” in Plant Microbiology, M. Gillings Ed, Bios Scientific Publishers, Oxfordshire, UK,
p19-31. 1. X. Perret, H. Kobayashi, and J. Collado-Vides (2003) “Regulation of expression of symbiotic genes in
Rhizobium sp. NGR234.” Indian J Exp Biol, 41: 1101-13.
主要な国際学会 Proceedings
6. M. Hara, Y. Onaka, H. Kobayashi, Q. Fu, H. Kawaguchi, J. Vilcaez and K. Sato (2013) “Mechanism of
electromethanogenic reduction of CO2 by a thermophilic methanogen.” Energy Procedia:37, 7021-8.
5. Q. Fu, H. Kobayashi, H. Kawaguchi, J. Vilcaez and K. Sato (2013) “Identification of new microbial mediators
for electromethanogenic reduction of geologically-stored carbon dioxide.” Energy Procedia, 37:7006-13.
4. Y. Kuramochi, Q. Fu, H. Kobayashi, M. Ikarashi, T. Wakayama, H. Kawaguchi, J. Vilcaez, H. Maeda and K.
Sato (2013) “Electromethanogenic CO2 conversion by subsurface-reservoir microorganisms.” Energy
Procedia, 37:7014-20.
3. R. Wassem, K. Kambara, H. Kobayashi, W. J. Broughton and W. J. Deakin (2008) “Control and Action of the
Transcriptional Regulator TtsI of Rhizobium sp. NGR234”, in Biological Nitrogen Fixation: Towards
poverty alleviation through sustainable agriculture: Current Plant Science and Biotechnology in Agriculture,
Vol. 42, II, Part 9, p. 233-234.
2. N.M. Boukli, W.J. Deakin, K. Kambara, H. Kobayashi, C. Marie, X. Perret, A. Le Quéré, B. Reuhs, M.M.
Saad, O. Schump, P. Skorpil, C. Staehelin, W. Streit and W.J. Broughton (2005) “Rhizobial control of hostspecificity.” in Biological Nitrogen Fixation, Sustainable Agriculture, and the Environment, Y.P. Wang, M.
Lin, Z.X. Tian, C. Elmerich and W.E. Newton Eds, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, p. 217-218.
Hajime Kobayashi
1. W.J. Deakin, A.V. Bartsev, M.M. Boukli, Y. Inaba, H. Kobayashi, C. Marie, X. Perret, M.M. Saad, P. Skorpil,
C. Staehelin, V. Viprey and W.J. Broughton (2004) “Symbiotic type III protein secretion systems.” in
Biology of Plant-Microbe Interactions Vol. 4. New Bridges Between Past and Futurie, I. Tikhonovich, B.
Lugtenberg and N. Provorov Eds, International Society for Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, St. Paul,
MN, USA, p. 542-544.
5. 前田 治男,五十嵐 雅之,宮川 喜洋,小林 肇,佐藤 光三,真弓 大介,坂田 将. (2011) 「地下
常在微生物を利用した二酸化炭素のメタン変換システム構築」 石油技術協会誌, 76: 530-7.
4. 小林 肇, 佐藤 光三 (2011)“持続型炭素循環システム工学(国際石油開発帝石㈱)社会連携講
座.”石油技術協会誌, 76: 176-9.
3. 小林 肇 (2010)“二酸化炭素の回収・貯留からエネルギー資源を作り出す.”東京大学環境報告書
2010: 29.
2. 小林 肇 (2000)“KAIST-大阪大学交流シンポジウム(後編).”日本生物工学会誌, 78: 173.
1. 小林 肇 (2000)“KAIST-大阪大学交流シンポジウム(前編).”日本生物工学会誌, 78: 143.
発明者:佐藤 光三, 小林 肇, 出願番号:特願 2011-013976(26 Jan 2011 出願完了)公開中
21. ○小林 肇, 佐藤 光三. “持続型炭素循環システム要素技術 Electromethanogenesis の研究.”持続
型炭素循環システム工学(INPEX)社会連携講座第 4 回公開セミナー, 東京, 日本 (25 Jan 2012,
連携講座による情報発信) 20. ○小林 肇, 佐藤 光三. “持続型炭素循環へ向けた油田地下微生物の研究.”持続型炭素循環シス
テム工学(INPEX)社会連携講座第 3 回公開セミナー, 東京, 日本 (27 Jan 2011, 連携講座による
情報発信) 19. ○小林 肇, 川口 秀夫, 佐藤 光三, 眞弓 大介, 坂田 将, 五十嵐 雅之, 宮川 喜洋, 前田 治男.
“地下油田内微生物によるメタン生産.” 第 2 回メタンハイドレート総合シンポジウム, 東京,
日本 (2 Dec 2010)
18. ○小林 肇, 遠藤 啓太, 坂田 将, 眞弓 大介, 川口 秀夫, 五十嵐 雅之, 宮川 喜洋, 前田 治男, 佐藤光三. “Study to enhance methanogenesis by subsurface microorganisms within petroleum
reservoirs.”日本微生物生態学会第 26 回大会,筑波,日本 (25 Nov 2010)
17. ○小林 肇. “微生物の共生と利用.”日本微生物生態学会若手交流会, 筑波, 日本 (23 Nov 2010,
招待講演) 16. ○小林 肇,遠藤 啓太,川口 秀夫,佐藤 光三,前田 治男,坂田 将. “枯渇油田における微生物
を利用した原油分解メタン生成に関する研究.” 石油技術協会春季講演会, 福岡, 日本 (9 Jun
15. ○小林 肇, 佐藤 光三. “持続型炭素循環へ向けた油田地下微生物共生ネットワークの研究.”持
続型炭素循環システム工学(INPEX)社会連携講座第 2 回公開セミナー, 東京,日本 (20 Jan 2010,
Hajime Kobayashi
14. ○小林 肇, 佐藤 光三. “持続型炭素循環へ向けた地下微生物共生システムの利用.”持続型炭素
循環システム工学(INPEX)社会連携講座第 1 回公開セミナー, 東京, 日本 (23 Jan 2009, 連携講
座による情報発信) 13. ○H. Kobayashi, L.A. Simmons, D.S. Yuan, W.J. Broughton and G.C. Walker. “Multiple Ku orthologs
mediate DNA non-homologous end-joining in the free-living form and during chronic infection of
Sinorhizobium meliloti.” DNA Repair Associated Meeting, Boston, USA (6 Dec 2007)
12. ○H. Kobayashi, L.A. Simmons, D.S. Yuan, W.J. Broughton and G.C. Walker. “Multiple Ku orthologs
mediate DNA non-homologous end-joining in the free-living form and during chronic infection of
Sinorhizobium meliloti.” Boston Bacterial Meeting, Boston, USA (22 Jun 2007, 査読により選出)
11. ○H. Kobayashi and W. Streit. “The genome of Rhizobium sp. NGR234, an evolutionary hot spot.”,
Workshop on “Genomic of Nitrogen Fixing Organisms”, 6th European Nitrogen Fixing Conference,
Toulouse, France (28 Jul 2004)
10. ○H. Kobayashi, Y. Naciri-Graben, W.J. Broughton and X. Perret. “Flavonoids induce temporal shifts in
gene-expression of nod-box controlled loci in Rhizobium sp. NGR234.”日本植物微生物研究会交流会,
東京, 日本 (11 Oct 2003)
9. ○H. Kobayashi, Y. Naciri-Graben, W.J. Broughton and X. Perret. “Flavonoids induce temporal shifts in
gene-expression of nod-box controlled loci in Rhizobium sp. NGR234.” Suisse Molecular Microbiology,
Geneva, Switzerland (24 Jun 2003)
8. ○H. Kobayashi, W.J. Broughton and X. Perret. “Dual regulation of 19 nod-box like sequences by NodD1
and NodD2 in Rhizobium sp. NGR234.” FWO Research Community Symposium on Plant-Microbe
Interactions, Spa, Belgium (11 Nov 2002)
7. ○H. Kobayashi, W.J. Broughton and X. Perret. “Promoter activity of 19 nod-box like sequences of the
symbiotic plasmid pNGR234a.” Suisse Molecular Microbiology, Holstein, Switzerland (13 Sep 2001)
6. ○H. Kobayashi, W.J. Broughton and X. Perret. “Promoter activity of 19 nod-box like sequences of the
symbiotic plasmid pNGR234a.” US-Japan Seminar in Symbiosis Between Plants and Microorganisms for
Sustainable Agriculture and Bioremediation, St. Paul, USA (12 Aug 2001)
5. ○小林 肇, 林 誠, 室岡 義勝. “Investigation of DNA fragmentation and DNA synthesis in bacteroids
within root nodules.”日本植物微生物研究会交流会, 京都, 日本 (22 Oct 1999)
4. ○小林 肇, 林 誠, 室岡 義勝. “Analytical System for Morphogenesis and Gene Expression in Bacteroid.”
Osaka University-KAIST joint symposium, 太田, 韓国 (17 Aug 1999, 日本側オーガナイザーとして
3. ○小林 肇, P. Kiatpapan, 坂口 真紀, 小野 比佐好, 金子 嘉信, 室岡 義勝. “Cloning and nucleotide
sequences of the gene encoding biotin carboxylase of Lactobacillus plantarum isolated from a fermented
food in Philippines.”日本生物工学会大会, 広島, 日本 (30 Sep. 1998)
2. ○小林 肇, 稲葉 正樹, W. Maiek, 金子 嘉信, 室岡 義勝. “Competition for Astragalus sinicus root
nodule infection between its native microsymbiont Mesorhizobium huakuii subsp. rengei strain B3 and
Rhizobium sp. ACMP18 strain specific for Astragalus cicer.” Kobayashi, H., Inaba,, M., W., Kaneko, Y.
and Murooka, Y., 日本植物微生物研究会交流会, 三重, 日本 (26 Sep 1998)
1. ○小林 肇, 西本 貴之, 金子 嘉信, 山下 光雄, 室岡 義勝. “Development of a gene manipulation
system in Lactobacillus plantarum isolated from a fermented food of Philippines.” 日本生物工学会大会,
東京, 日本 (19 Sep. 1997)
その他の口頭発表 19 件
Hajime Kobayashi
4. ○小林 肇, 遠藤 啓太, 川口 秀夫, 五十嵐 雅之, 宮川 喜洋, 前田 治男, 佐藤 光三.“地下微生物
圏の二酸化炭素への応答.”日本微生物生態学会大会, 広島, 日本(25 Nov 2009)
3. ○H. Kobayashi, Y. Naciri-Graben, W.J. Broughton and X. Perret.“Flavonoid-inducible regulatory cascade
of the broad-host-range Rhizobium sp. NGR234.” 6th European Nitrogen Fixing Conference, Toulouse,
France (24-27 Jul 2004)
2. ○小林 肇, 林 誠, 室岡 義勝.“Analytical System for Morphogenesis and Gene Expression in Bacteroid.”
AEARU Workshop on Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, 横浜, 日本 (20 Nov 1999)
1. ○小林 肇, 林 誠, 室岡 義勝.“Use of variant green fluorescent protein to visualize the early events of
symbiosis between Mesorhizobium huakuii subsp. rengei strain B3 and Astragalus sinicus cv. Japan.”
Kobayashi, H., Hayashi, M. and Murooka, Y., 日本農芸化学会大会, 福岡, 日本 (1 Apr 1999)
その他のポスター発表 6 件