Das komplette Programm ist hier online abrufbar.

Stand 07.03.2016
Änderungen vorbehalten/ This program may be subject to change
Internationale Konferenz/ International Conference 9.-11. 3. 2016
Auf der Straße und vor Gericht – Recht und Religion gegen atomare Risiken
On the Streets and in Court – Justice and Faith Against Nuclear Risks
Die Konferenz beginnt mit einer öffentlichen Veranstaltung im Zentrum Verkündigung in
Frankfurt (Markgrafenstraße 14) von 14:30-18:00. Anschließend fahren die Teilnehmer
der Konferenz gemeinsam im Bus nach Arnoldshain.
The conference begins with a public event in the Zentrum Verkündigung in Frankfurt City
(Markgrafenstraße 14) from 14:30-18:00. Then all the participants of the conference will
travel together by bus to Arnoldshain.
Mittwoch/ Wednesday 9.3.2016
in Frankfurt City, Zentrum Verkündigung, Markgrafenstraße 14.
11:00 Pressekonferenz/ Press conference
13:30 Registrierung/ Check-in, Zentrum Verkündigung
Kaffee & Kekse/ Coffee & cookies
14:30 Begrüßung und Einführung/ Greetings and introduction:
OKR Pfr. Detlev Knoche (Zentrum Oekumene ZOE)
Wolfgang Buff (ZOE)
im Zentrum Verkündigung
Atomausstieg als globale Notwendigkeit
Abolition of Nuclear Risks as Global Necessity
Vorträge/ Presentations I-IV
15:00 ReferentInnen/ Speakers:
Rechtsanwalt/ Attorney Otto Jäckel (Vorsitzender/ Chairperson, International
Association of Lawyers against Nuclear Arms IALANA, German section)
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Andrzej Dzięga (Metropolitan Archbishop of Szczecin -Kamień
Pomorski, Poland)
Mr. Joseph Trento (Jounalist, President Public Education Center, Washington DC): The
secret history of illegal nuclear proliferation
Prof. Emilie Gaillard (Université Caen, Frankreich/ France): Avoiding the Tragedy of
Human Rights – A Pledge for legislations stipulating transgenerational
Moderator: Mr. Jonathan Frerichs (Consultant; former Executive, World Council of
Fahrt nach
Arnoldshain mit dem Bus/ Transfer by bus from Frankfurt to Arnoldshain
17:00 Diskussion/ Discussion
Stand 07.03.2016
18:30 Abendessen/ Supper in Arnoldshain
19:30 Documentary Film by Lawyer KAWAI Hiroyuki in the small hall (Kleine Halle)
Donnerstag/ Thursday 10.3.2016
Frühstück/ Breakfast
Atomwaffen als Mittel der Politik abschaffen
Abolishing Nuclear Weapons as Political Means
Vorträge/ Presentations 1-3:
Mr. Jonathan Frerichs (Consultant; former Executive, Peace Building and
Disarmament, World Council of Churches, Geneva): A Nuclear Ban? - Three Steps
for people like us
Dr. Elke Koller (Klägerin gegen Stationierung von Atomwaffen/ Plaintiff of a law
suit against stationing nuclear weapons in Büchel, Germany): Protestaktionen
gegen die Atombombenstationierung auf dem NATO-Flugplatz Büchel und der
juristische Widerstand
Mr. Reiner Braun (Geschäftsführer/ Director, IALANA German Section, Berlin): Wie
kann eine Welt ohne Atomwaffen erreicht werden? – Überlegungen zu Strategien
zur Abschaffung aller Atomwaffen./ How to achieve a world without nuclear
weapons? – Strategies for their abolition
10:00 Diskussion/ Discussion
10:30 Kaffee Pause/ Coffee break
11:00 Vorträge/ Presentations 4-6:
Rev. Dr. Thomas Wipf (Moderator, European Council of Religious Leaders,
Religions for Peace, Zürich): Das Engagement von “Religions for Peace” gegen
Atomwaffen/ The engagement of “Religions for Peace” against nuclear weapons.
Ms. Julia Ratzmann (Pazifik Informationsstelle/ Pacific Information Desk,
Neuendettelsau): “Zum Wohle der Menschheit“? – Die Folgen der AtomwaffenTests auf den Marshall Inseln/ ”For the good of mankind“? – The impact of nuclear
weapon tests on the Marshall Islands
Dr. Peter Becker (Attorney, IALANA, Kassel): The present Court trial in The Hague
concerning nuclear bomb tests on the Marshall Islands
12:00 Diskussion/ Discussion
12:30 Mittagessen/ Lunch
Die TEPCO-Atomkatastrophe in Fukushima
The TEPCO Nuclear Disaster in Fukushima
14:30 Vorträge/ Presentations 7-9:
Stand 07.03.2016
Mr. FUJIWARA Seigo (Chief Attorney, ‘No more hibakusha Suit’ in Hiroshima and
Nagasaki, JALANA, Kobe): Endlose Qual der hibakusha und das ‘No more
hibakusha Gerichtsverfahren/ ノーモア・ヒバクシャ訴訟についての報告
Rev. Sabine Kluger (Evangelische Mission in Solidarität EMS/ Protestant Church in
Württemberg, Tokyo/ Stuttgart): Die TEPCO-Atomkatastrophe von Fukushima/
The TEPCO Nuclear Disaster in Fukushima
Prof. Michael Seigel (Council for Justice and Peace of the Catholic Bishops’
Conference; Nanzan University, Nagoya): The Response of the Catholic Church in
Japan to the Fukushima Nuclear Accident: Taking a Stand for the Abolition of
Nuclear Power"/ 福島の原発事故とカトリック教会――脱原発への取り組みの軌跡
15:30 Diskussion/ Discussion
16:00 Kaffee Pause/ Coffee break
16:30 Vorträge/ Presentations 10-12:
Ms. OSHIDORI Mako (Journalistin, Tokyo): Overview over the ongoing court trials
against TEPCO and the Japanese Government
Mr. NAKAJIMA Takashi (Hauptkläger/ Chief-Plaintiff against TEPCO, Nariwai Trial,
Fukushima): “Return Nariwai! Return our native country!”
Rev. LEE Daesoo (No Nukes Asia Actions/ NNAA, Seoul): ‘No-Nukes-Asia-Actions’
(NNAA) and the international lawsuit against the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant
manufacturers Toshiba-Hitachi-General Electrics and against TEPCO
17:30 Diskussion/ Discussion
18:00 Abendessen/ Supper
19:00 Dr. FUJITA Sanae (Human Rights Expert, Essex University): Freedom of information
and expression in Fukushima and Japan in General.
Ms. OSHIDORI Mako (Journalist, Tokyo): Students Emergency Actions for Liberty
and Democracy SEALDs: Die Bewegung für Demokratie und gegen die jüngste
Militarisierung Japans/ The movement for democracy and against Japan’s recent
20:00 Empfang/ Reception: Hosted by OKR Pfr. Detlev Knoche (ZOE)
Piano: Ms. EJIRI Nami (Dietzenbach)
Freitag 11. März/ Friday March 11
Frühstück/ Breakfast
Atom-Ausstieg – Alternativen denken
Abolition of Nuclear Risks – Considering Alternatives
Vorträge/ Presentations 13-15:
Dr. Dörte Siedentopf (International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War/
IPPNW, Berlin): Die atomare Kette/ The nuclear chain
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Pasquale Policastro (Faculty of Law and Administration, University
of Szczecin; IALANA)
Dr. Mary Lou Harley (Representative of the United Church of Canada on Nuclear
Issues): Toward Reducing Nuclear Risks
Stand 07.03.2016
10:00 Diskussion/ Discussion
10:30 Kaffee Pause/ Coffee break
11:00 Vorträge/ Presentations 16-18:
Dr. Werner Neumann (Bund für Umwelt- und Naturschutz Deutschland
BUND/Friends of the Earth): Die Anti-Atom-Bewegung in Deutschland Widerstand, Energiewende und Atommüll/ The anti-nuclear movement in
Germany – Resistance, energy transition and nuclear waste
Dr. Michael Sladek (Elektrizitätswerke EWS Schönau/ Electrical Power Company
Schönau, Germany) Der Weg der Schönauer Stromrebellen zur enkeltauglichen
Energieversorgung: Empathie – Resilienz - Kompetenz
11:40 Diskussion/ Discussion
12:00 Dr. Peter Becker (Attorney, IALANA): Schlusswort/ Conclusions
12:30 Mittagessen & Abreise/ Lunch & Departure
For English travel instructions see below
Travel Instructions
Zentrum Verkündigung, Frankfurt Markgrafenstraße 14, Tel. 069 713790,
Public Transport
From Frankfurt Central Railway Station: purchase a subway ticket (
- Fahrkarte:
EUR 2,80) and take subway U4 to Bockenheimer Warte (end station). Proceed walking in travel
direction and go to the platform of U6 and U7. Take U6 or U7 direction Hausen or Heerstraße to
the next station Leipziger Straße. Leave platform in travel direction and take the staircase; at the
surface turn right in opposite direction; at the crossing turn left into Markgrafenstraße and
proceed to the church on the right hand side (Markuskirche – Zentrum Verkündigung).
Alternative from Frankfurt Westbahnhof (local trains -Bahn): After having arrived here with S3,
S4, S5 or S6: walk along the Kurfürstenstraße which later becomes Markgrafenstraße (10 min to
walk), proceed to the church on the right hand side (Markuskirche – Zentrum Verkündigung).
Martin-Niemöller Haus, Am Eichwaldsfeld 3, 61389 Schmitten, Tel. 06084 944-0
Public Transport
From Frankfurt International Airport:
Take a train to Frankfurt Central Station ("Hauptbahnhof")
From Frankfurt Central Station (Hauptbahnhof):
At the DB ticket counter, buy a ticket for
Linienbus No. 50", bus stop "Arnoldshain
Forsthaus". (If you want to take a taxi (3. Option below), buy a ticket only to Oberursel station.)
Please ask here (a) for the entrance to S-Bahn station which is underground (not to confuse with
subway station " -Bahn") and (b) which of the following options would be the fastest.
1. Option: Take "S-Bahn" S-5 direction "Friedrichsdorf / Bad Homburg v.d.H."
At train station Bad Homburg v.d.H., change to Bus ("RMV Linienbus") No. 50 direction "Richtung
Leave at bus stop "Arnoldshain Forsthaus". Walk to Martin-Niemöller-Haus (short distance).
2. Option: Take "S-Bahn" S-5 direction "Friedrichsdorf / Bad Homburg v.d.H.".
At train station Oberursel, change to Bus ( RMV
Linienbus) No. 50 direction "Richtung
Leave at bus stop "Arnoldshain Forsthaus". Walk to Martin-Niemöller-Haus (short distance).
3. Option: When you arrive in Oberursel Station, take a taxi to Martin-Niemöller-Haus
TAXI-Albert phone 06082-4444, or 0151-11569866;
maxi taxi for 5 to 6 pers.
Mainstation Frankfurt Station Oberursel
70,00 €
55,00 €
32,00 €
90,00 €
70,00 €
48,00 €