英語 静岡大学 (前期)

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( 1 ) so
( 2 )( a ) storm
( b ) allow
( c ) promise
( d ) profits
( 3 ) 自 分 も 杖 で 叩 か れ る と 気 付 き 、 恐 れ た か ら 。( 20字 )
( 4 ) 残 り の 十 回 は 侍 従 が 打 た れ る 番 だ っ た か ら 。( 20字 )
ー ジ を 際 立 た せ て い る 。( 47字 )
( 6 ) the chamberlain
( 1 ) Because she wants to communicate with her hands.
( 2 ) ear
( 3 ) Trying to know[learn] sign language.
( 4 )Example1: 周 囲 の 人 の 声 が う る さ く て 、相 手 の 話 が 聞 き 取 れ な い よ う な パ ー テ ィ ー
Example2: 距 離 が 離 れ て い た り 、 窓 越 し に 友 人 と 会 話 を す る 時
で 必 要 と さ れ る 身 体 的 能 力 を 適 切 に 使 用 す る こ と が で き な い こ と 。( 66字 )
©河 合 塾
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( 1 ) a: has
( 2 ) d: convenient
( 3 ) c: you are
( 4 ) c: who can
( 5 ) c: a cat
( 1 ) satisfied
( 2 ) surprised
( 3 ) complaining
( 4 ) thought
( 5 ) goes
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If I could change one thing, I would definitely change the whole university
entrance exam system of this country. Currently we are given only one chance,
around the end of February, to take an entrance exam for a state university of our
choice. About this time of the year, we are more likely to be prone to nasty colds or
hay fever, and we may end up being unable to demonstrate our ability to the fullest,
wasting years of preparation for the exam. In order to avoid this sort of mishap, we
should have many more opportunities to take entrance exams in an academic year. In
this way, a student could avoid unfair results which might influence his or her whole
(122 words)
If I could change one thing in my local community, I would invite various large
corporations to move their headquarters or branch operations to my hometown so
that we could have more chances for local people to be employed. Here, university
graduates have traditionally had choices of either being school teachers or civil
servants and there has never been much freedom of career choice, even though it is
constitutionally guaranteed. Actually, many of the brightest university graduates
leave town to see k jobs in large cities and never come back. Our town has been losing
human resources this way over the years. Having large corporations would definitely
revitalize our local community by reversing the flow of young talent from our town.
(120 words)
©河 合 塾