2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド “The Linux Foundation looks well on its way to establishing itself as the honest broker for managing largescale collaborative software projects.” (Linux Foundation は、大規模なソフトウェア共同開発プロジェクトを 管理する公正な仲介者という地位を着実に確立しつつあるようだ) COMPUTERWORLD もくじ Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit .........................6 Vault Linux Storage & Filesystems Conference................8 Linux Storage, Filesystem & Memory Management Summit...................................................10 Embedded Linux Conference North America................12 ApacheCon North America...........................................14 Automotive Linux Summit (日本語)...............................16 LinuxCon + CloudOpen Japan (日本語)........................18 LinuxCon + CloudOpen North America.........................20 Linux Plumbers Conference..........................................23 ContainerCon...............................................................25 LinuxCon + CloudOpen Europe....................................27 Embedded Linux Conference Europe...........................30 Linux Kernel Summit.....................................................32 Korea Linux Forum.......................................................34 ApacheCon Europe......................................................36 KVM Forum..................................................................38 その他のマーケティング オプション..............................40 スポンサーシップ バンドルとカスタム パッケージ........41 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 2 対象のプロジェクトや 技術 : Linux カーネル & サブシステム カーネル、セキュリティ、ネットワーク、 ワイヤレス、プラミング、トレーシング、 Bluetooth、メディア、ストレージ、ファ イルシステム、メモリ管理、Gluster、 Ceph。 基盤 Xen、KVM、Solr、Lucene、 Apache、Docker、LXC、Ovirt。 クラウド コンピューティング & オートメーション loudstack、Puppet、CouchDB、 C Chef、Stratos。 組込み & モバイル コンピューティ ング リアル タイム、Yocto、Cordova、 Uboot、Automotive Grade Linux、 LTSI、Tizen、LLVM。 ビッグ データ & クラスター Hadoop、Hive、Mesos、Cassandra、 Spark & Gora。 ネットワーク ソフトウェア定義ネットワーク (SDN)、 OpenDaylight、NFV。 IoT AllSeen、Open IOT 標準化と統合。 Linux Foundation のイベント は、オープン ソース開発を行 うための場所です。オープン ソースを利用している方は、 Linux Foundation のイベント に参加しましょう。 Linux Foundation のイベントは どこが違うのでしょう ? オープン ソース ソフトウェアが世界を飲 み込もうとしている今、Linux Foundation のイベントは、企業がそれを有効に利用 できるよう最適な場を提供します。世界の リーディング カンパニーがオープン ソー スを戦略的に活用してビジネスをより強 固にしていることは、明白な事実です。 競争の場で優位に立つには、商品やサービスに使用されてい るオープン ソースのプロジェクトを牽引しているメンテナーや 開発者らに影響を与えたり、彼らから直接学んだりすることが 必要だと、賢明な企業は知っています。 Linux Foundation イベントは、あらゆる重要分野 ( エンタープ ライズ、ネットワーク、組込み、IoT、クラウド基盤 ) のオープ ン ソース ソフトウェア プロジェクトのメンテナーや開発者と直 接交流できる唯一の場所です。 企業内の開発活動とオープン ソースの上流プロジェクトによる 研究開発活動とを協調させることは、今や議論の余地のない 重要なものです。 オープン ソースを極めることで、コスト削減や製品化時間の 短縮などが実現できます。オープン ソースを知らなければ、 もがき続けるしかありません。ソフトウェア人材の獲得競争で 勝利するには、企業がオープン ソース開発者を理解し、彼ら に影響を与えなければなりません。 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 3 では、オープン ソースのメンテナーや開発者の世界に どのように影響を与えられるのでしょうか? “We sponsor Linux Foundation events because they are high quality, professional events filled with a diverse group of smart people working on interesting projects - just the type of people we enjoy talking to.” (私たちは Linux Foundation イベントを 支援します。なぜなら、興味深いプロジェク トに取り組む優れた人々が多様性のある集 団を作り、高品質でプロフェッショナルなイ ベントを構成しているからです。) DAWN M. FOSTER 彼らは、企業の幹部や経営陣が出席するような カンファレンスには出席しません。そして、高 級感のあるブースや、美しい基調講演の画像よ りも、コラボレーションや技術的な取り組みに 価値を見出しているのです。 社外の R&D を企業に統合することが重要だと感じるなら、Linux Foundation イベントへの参加、支援、講演は大変有意義です。 Linux Foundation のイベントには、これからのコンピューティング基 盤を形成するプロジェクト (Linux カーネル、Hadoop、OpenDaylight、 OpenStack、Docker、CloudStack、Mesos、Puppet など ) に取り組ん でいるメンテナーや開発者らが集結します。 DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY PUPPET LABS 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 4 オープン ソースのメンテナー や開発者に影響を与えたい、 影響力 & 交流 Web サイト Web サイトには毎月 2400 万以上 のページ ビューと 1100 万人以上の 新規訪問者。 イベント Web サイトだけで毎月 3 万 5000 人の新規訪問者。 電子メール & ニュースレター 36 万 7000 件の購読者。 ソーシャル メディア 14 万 5000 人のツイッター フォロ ワー 。 全チャンネルで 50 万人のファンとフ ォロワー。 2400 万のソーシャル メディア到達 量 / 月。 ビデオ 1100 万ビュー / 年。 3 万 5000 人の購読者。 2 50 万分間の視聴時間 / 年。 メディア露出量 オープン ソース振興財団の 52%。 彼らから学びたい、または 彼らを雇用したい場合は、 Linux Foundation のイベント にぜひ参加しましょう。 企業は、開発者を対象とするこれらのイ ベントを支援することにより、オープン ソースに対する投資を最大限に生かす 知識を得られると同時に、 このコミュニ ティの信頼とマインドシェアを得ること ができます。 オープン ソース コミュニティにおける認知度を高めること は、競争に勝つための有能なソフトウェア人材を獲得でき る近道です。 営利目的のカンファレンス企業とは異なり、Linux Foundation は、支援企業のパートナーとして、 オープン ソー スの世界を隈なく詳細に誘導します。 この重要なコミュニティに影響を与えたい 企業にも、そこから学びたい企業にも、 私たちはオープン ソースへのツアー ガイド として、最良の方法を提案します。 Linux Foundation や Apache Software プロジェクト コミ ュニティに所属するオープン ソース 開発者のためのカンフ ァレンスとサミットを組織しているのは、 ここだけです。 した がって、 この業界で最大の最も影響力ある開発者集団と交 流することができます。 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 5 February 18-20 | Hyatt Vineyard Creek, Santa Rosa, CA The Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit is an exclusive, invitation-only annual summit... gathering Linux Foundation corporate members, core kernel developers, distribution maintainers, ISVs, end users, system vendors and other community organizations for plenary sessions and workgroup meetings to meet face-to-face to tackle and solve the most pressing issues facing Linux today. Audience: Attendees include: Linux Foundation corporate members, core kernel developers, distribution maintainers, ISVs, end users, system vendors and community organizations Audience Breakdown: 34% Developer, 10% ISV, 13% End User, 9% Distro, 5% Press/ Analyst, 6% Community, 18% Systems Vendors, 5% Other 500 Attendees gather annually from 30+ countries around the globe Benefits of Sponsorship: + Talent acquisition and recruitment Support the Linux community in solving the most pressing issues facing the ecosystem Gain mindshare and brand visibility 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 6 SPONSORSHIP AT-A-GLANCE Pre or Post-Conference Email Blast: One time use of opt-in list to be sent by Linux Foundation Editorial Interview and Article on Linux.com: Contact Jay Sullivan at [email protected] to secure your sponsorship today. diamond platinum gold silver 1 available 4 available 6 available 8 available bronze • • • • • Onsite Recognition during Opening Keynote Session • • Recognition in Pre-Conference Email Marketing • • • Assistance with Press Bookings at Event: • • • • • Shared Shared • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 20 15 10 5 2 $35,000 $25,000 $18,000 $12,000 $6,000 Over 1m unique visitors per month. Linux Foundation to determine final interview content and delivery date Sponsor Designation in Press Releases: Recognition as xxx sponsor in body of release Helping you get the most out of an on-site announcement Private Conference Room: Exclusive use of a meeting room throughout conference Access to Event Press/Analyst List: Contact List shared two weeks prior to event for your own outreach Recognition on Event Website: Prominent logo display on all website pages Recognition on Event Signage: Logo on conference signage Keynote Stage Branding: Logo prominently displayed on stage screens Conference Attendee Passes: Full access passes to the entire conference for your staff or customers Sponsorship Cost 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 7 March 9 & 10 | Revere Hotel, Boston Vault will bring together the leading developers in filesystems and storage in the Linux kernel with related projects to forge a path to continued innovation and education. By being co-located with the invite-only and exclusive Linux Storage, Filesystem & MM Summit, Vault will tap into the expertise of the developers leading these innovations while offering a general technical conference that is open to everyone, creating a place where companies on the leading edge can network with users and developers to advance computing. Companies and projects on the leading edge of Linux storage and filesystems will be represented. Audience: CTOs, CIOs and IT Management Data Center and Enterprise Storage Experts Cloud Storage Consultants and Specialists Storage System Architects, Developers and Engineers Storage System Educators and Researchers Over 400 attendees expected Data Storage Consultants and Specialists Systems Administrators, Analysts and Engineers IT Architects, Specialists, Consultants and Service Providers Benefits of Sponsorship: + Talent acquisition & recruitment Support the Linux community Gain mindshare & brand visibility Showcase products, services & new technologies 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 8 SPONSORSHIP AT-A-GLANCE Contact Jay Sullivan at [email protected] to secure your sponsorship today. diamond platinum gold silver 1 available 4 available 6 available 8 available • • • Keynote Keynote or Linux.com/ Session Session Onsite Recognition during Opening Keynote Session • • • Recognition in Pre-Conference Email Marketing • • • • Sponsor Designation in Press Releases: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Shared Shared • • • • • • • • • • 10x10 10x10 8x6 6x6 6x6 2 1 1 1 0 15 10 8 4 2 $40,000 $25,000 $18,000 $12,000 $6,000 Assistance with Press Bookings at Event: Helping you get the most out of an on-site announcement Editorial Interview and Article on Linux.com: Over 1M unique visitors per month. Linux Foundation to determine final interview content and delivery date Speaking Opportunity: Sponsor to work directly with Linux Foundation on signoff for content of session Recognition as xxx sponsor in body of release Message in Attendee Pre-Conference Email: Customized message in text email distributed bronze to all attendees pre-event Keynote Stage Branding: Logo prominently displayed on stage screens Access to Event Press/Analyst List: Contact List shared two weeks prior to event for your own outreach Private Conference Room: Exclusive use of a meeting room throughout conference Recognition on Event Website: Prominent logo display on all website pages Recognition on Event Signage: Logo on conference signage Exhibit Booth: The Technology Showcase is the hub of the event, providing excellent mindshare for sponsors Lead Retrieval Scanners: Use at your booth or at your conference sessions Conference Attendee Passes: Full access passes to the entire conference for your staff or customers Sponsorship Cost 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 9 March 11 & 12, 2015 | Revere Hotel, Boston, MA The Linux Storage, Filesystem & Memory Management Summit gathers the foremost development and research experts and kernel subsystem maintainers... to map out and implement improvements to the Linux filesystem, storage and memory management subsystems that will find their way into the mainline kernel and Linux distributions in the next 24-48 months. This two day invitation-only workshop is a community event underwritten and managed by The Linux Foundation. Who Attends: The top developers and researchers worldwide that are integral in the development and success of these subsystem improvements are invited via a community nomination process. 85-100 are invited to attend annually. Benefits of Sponsorship: + Talent acquisition & recruitment Support the Linux community in solving the most pressing issues facing the ecosystem Gain mindshare & brand visibility An invitation to be a part of the discussions and decisions that affect change in the Linux kernel 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 10 SPONSORSHIP AT-A-GLANCE Contact Jay Sullivan at [email protected] to secure your sponsorship today. platinum gold 3 available 4 available Recognition on Event Signage: Logo on conference signage • • • Recognition on Event Website: Prominent logo display • • • 2 1 0 $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 on all website pages Summit Invitation: Attendee invitations to event Sponsorship Cost silver 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 11 March 23-25 | San Jose Marriott, San Jose, CA The Embedded Linux Conference (ELC) is the premier vendor-neutral technical conference for companies and developers using Linux in embedded products. This conference, now in its 11th year, has the largest collection of sessions dedicated exclusively to embedded Linux and embedded Linux developers. ELC now includes a series of summits dedicated to diving deeper into specific facets of embedded Linux. These include: Automotive Linux Mini-Summit: Gathering the most innovative minds from automotive expertise and open-source excellence. IoT Summit:A discussion of hot topics by the developer community working on the Internet of Things and interconnectivity. Android™ Builders Summit: A technical summit for the ecosystem of builders to collaborate on a common solution for existing limitations and desired features across all of these device categories. Audience: ELC is embedded Linux experts talking about solutions to your embedded Linux problems. ELC gathers over 500 attendees annually from 25+ countries worldwide. Over 75% of the audience consists of developers, architects and engineers. Benefits of Sponsorship: + Talent acquisition & recruitment Support the embedded Linux community Gain mindshare & brand visibility Showcase products, services & new technologies 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 12 SPONSORSHIP AT-A-GLANCE Contact Jay Sullivan at [email protected] to secure your sponsorship today. diamond platinum gold silver 1 available 4 available 6 available 8 available Keynote Session • Keynote or Linux.com/ Session • • Onsite Recognition during Opening Keynote Session • • • Recognition in Pre-Conference Email Marketing • • • • Sponsor Designation in Press Releases: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Shared Shared • • • • • • • • • • 10x10 10x10 8x6 6x6 6x6 2 1 1 1 0 10 8 6 4 2 $35,000 $25,000 $18,000 $12,000 $6,000 Speaking Opportunity: Sponsor to work directly with Linux Foundation on signoff for content of session Editorial Interview and Article on Linux.com: Over 1M unique visitors per month. Linux Foundation to determine final interview content and delivery date Assistance with Press Bookings at Event: Helping you get the most out of an on-site announcement Recognition as xxx sponsor in body of release Message in Attendee Pre-Conference Email: Customized message in text email distributed to all attendees pre-event Keynote Stage Branding: Logo prominently displayed on stage screens Access to Event Press/Analyst List: Contact List shared two weeks prior to event for your own outreach Private Conference Room: Exclusive Use of a meeting room throughout conference Recognition on Event Website: Prominent logo display on all website pages Recognition on Event Signage: Logo on conference signage Exhibit Booth: The Technology Showcase is the hub of the event, providing excellent mindshare for sponsors Lead Retrieval Scanners: Use at your booth or at your conference sessions Conference Attendee Passes: Full access passes to the entire conference for your staff or customers Sponsorship Cost bronze 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 13 April 13-17 | Hyatt Austin, Austin, TX ApacheCon brings together the open source community to learn about and collaborate on the technologies and projects driving the future of open source, big data and cloud computing. Apache projects have and continue to be hugely influential in the innovation and development of software development across a plethora of categories from content, databases and servers, to big data, cloud, mobile and virtual machine. The developers, programmers, committers and users driving this innovation and utilizing these tools will meet for collaboration, education and community building. Audience: Committers and developers across Apache projects including Hadoop, Cassandra, Spark, Mesos, BigTop, CloudStack, Lucene, Solr and many more 500 Attendees, 75% developers Benefits of Sponsorship: + Talent acquisition & recruitment Support the Apache project committers and developer community Gain mindshare & brand visibility Showcase products, services & new technologies 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 14 SPONSORSHIP AT-A-GLANCE Contact Jay Sullivan at [email protected] to secure your sponsorship today. diamond Editorial Interview and Article on Linux.com: Over 1M unique visitors per month. Linux Foundation to determine final interview content and delivery date Keynote Speaking Opportunity: Sponsor to work directly with Linux Foundation on signoff for content of session platinum gold silver bronze • 10 minutes 5 minutes • • • • • • • • Recognition in Pre-Conference Email Marketing • • • Recognition on Event Website: Prominent • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Exhibit Booth: The Technology Showcase is the hub of the event, providing excellent mindshare for sponsors 20x10 10x10 8x6 8x6 8x6 Lead Retrieval Scanners Use at your booth or 2 2 1 1 1 15 10 6 3 1 $50,000 $30,000 $20,000 $10,000 $6,000 Message in Attendee Pre-Conference Email: Customized message in text email distributed to all attendees pre-event Session Speaking Opportunity: Sponsor to work directly with Linux Foundation on signoff for content of session Keynote Stage Branding: Logo prominently displayed on stage screens logo display on all website pages Recognition on Event Signage: Logo on conference signage Onsite Recognition during Opening Keynote Session at your conference sessions Conference Attendee Passes: Full access passes to the entire conference for your staff or customers Sponsorship Cost 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 15 6 月 1、2 日 | 東京 椿山荘 Automotive Linux Summit (ALS) には、自動車関連の 専門家やオープンソース エキスパートの中でも極めて 革新的な考え方を持つ人々が集結します.... 自動車システム エンジニア、Linux エキスパート、R&D マネージャー、ビジネ ス エグゼクティブ、オープン ソース ライセンスやコンプライアンスのスペシ ャリスト、Linux コミュニティに参加している開発者など。 このイベントは、 この分野のイノベーションを牽引している開発者コミュニティと、自動車分野における組 込み機器の未来を牽引するために彼らのコードを使用するベンダーやユーザーとを結びつけます。 来場者: ALS 2015 は 300 人以上の参加者が見込まれており、LinuxCon + CloudOpen Japan と併催されます。 スポンサーのメリット: + 優秀な人材を発掘・ 採用できる 自動車系および組込み 系 Linux コミュニティを 支援できる 名度やブランドイメ 知 ージを強化できる 自社の製品、サービス、 および最新技術を紹介 できる 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 16 スポンサーの 種類と特典 スポンサーシップの詳細については、 Jay Sullivan ([email protected])まで お問い合わせください。 ダイヤモンド プラチナ ゴールド シルバー 現在の募集数 1 現在の募集数 4 イベントの前または後に参加者に電子メール配布: • • イベント前の参加者向け電子メールにメッセージを掲載: • • イベント前の電子メール マーケティングで認知度をアップ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 基調講演 基調講演 セッション セッション 8x10 8x10 8x6 8x6 来場者データ スキャナー: 1 1 1 1 カンファレンス無料招待券: 20 15 10 5 スポンサーシップ料金 $30,000 $20,000 $10,000 $5,000 Linux Foundation から参加者リストを提供 (1 度利用可) イベント前に参加者全員にメッセージ入りテキスト メールを配布 基調講演ステージでアピール: ステージのスクリーンに大きな企業ロゴを表示 オープニング基調講演セッションでスポンサーとして紹介 イベント Web サイトに広告: 当イベントの全 Web ページに大きな企業ロゴを掲載 イベント看板に広告: カンファレンスの看板に企業ロゴを掲載 講演の機会: セッション内容については Linux Foundation がアドバイス 展示ブース: スポンサーへのマインドシェアを高める技術展示コーナーはイベントの目玉 企業のブースやカンファレンス セッションで使用 社員や顧客が当カンファレンスにフル アクセスできる招待券 現在の募集数 6 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 17 6 月 3 日 ~ 5 日 | 東京 椿山荘 LinuxCon Japan CloudOpen (併催) アジア地域における最大の Linux カ ンファレンスです。 コア開発者、管理 者、ユーザー、 コミュニティ マネージ ャー、業界専門家が一堂に会します。 オープン クラウドを発展させるための 協業と教育の場です。 このイベントは、単に協業を推進するだけでなく、 日本 やアジア諸国と世界の Linux コミュニティとの今後の 交流を促進するものです。各種プレゼンテーション、 チュートリアル、BOF (分科会) セッション、基調講演、 ミニサミットなどが用意されています。 CloudOpen には、昨今のクラウドやビッグ データ エコ システムを牽引しているオープン ソース プロジェクト、 製品、および企業に加え、伝統的なオープン ソース分野 のベスト プラクティスが集結します。 来場者 来場者内訳: 開発者 - 45%、 システム管理者/Dev Ops - 25%、IT/開発マネージャー - 13%、 ビジネス/ベンダー - 11%、 プレス/アナリスト/コミュニティ - 6% 23 か国以上から 700 人超の参加者 日本からの参加者 80% スポンサーのメリット: + Linux やオープ ン クラウド コミ ュニティへの支 援をアピールで きる 製品、サービス、 新たなパートナ 技術を公開・ ーシップ、アライ 展示できる アンス、および 顧客を創出で きる ブランド知名度 を強化できる 優秀な人材を発 掘・採用できる ソート リーダー シップの機会が 得られる (業界 のオピニオンを リードできる) 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 18 スポンサーの 種類と特典 スポンサーシップの詳細については、 Jay Sullivan ([email protected]) まで お問い合わせください。 ダイヤモンド 現在の募集数 1 Linux.com でのインタビューや記事: 毎月 100 万人超の訪問者。Linux Foundation が最終的な 記事内容と掲載日を決定 講演の機会: セッション内容については Linux Foundation がアドバイス イベント前の電子メール マーケティングで認 知度をアップ プレス リリースでスポンサー名をアピール: プレス リリース本文に xxx スポンサー として掲載 イベント前の参加者向け電子メールにメッセ ージを掲載: イベント前に参加者全員にメッセージ入り テキスト メールを配布 基調講演ステージでアピール: ステージのスクリーンに大きな企業ロゴを表示 オープニング基調講演セッションでスポンサー として紹介 イベント担当のプレスやアナリストのリスト: イベントの 2 週間前に連絡先リストを提供 専用会議室: カンファレンスの会期中利用できる専用の会議室 イベント看板に広告: カンファレンスの看板に企業ロゴを掲載 イベント Web サイトに広告: 対象イベントの全 Web ページに大きな企業ロゴを掲載 展示ブース: スポンサーへのマインドシェアを高める技術 展示コーナーはイベントの目玉 来場者データ スキャナー: 企業のブースやカンファレンス セッションで使用 無料招待券: 社員や顧客が対象カンファレンスにフル ア クセスできる招待券 スポンサーシップ料金 プラチナ ゴールド シルバー 現在の募集数 6 基調講演 基調講演 または Linux.com / セッション セッション • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 共有 共有 • • • • • • • • • • 10x10 10x10 8x6 6x6 6x6 2 1 1 1 0 20 15 10 5 3 $40,000 $30,000 $20,000 $12,000 $6,000 • 現在の募集数 8 ブロンズ 現在の募集数 4 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 19 August 17-19 | Sheraton Seattle, Seattle, WA At the intersection of Linux and cloud computing, two events converge to create one extraordinary opportunity for cross pollination between the developers, sys admins, devops professionals and architects driving the future of technology - LinuxCon and CloudOpen. LinuxCon is the leading annual technical conference in North America, providing a much needed collaboration and education space for the Linux community. In 2012, The Linux Foundation introduced a new annual technical conference, CloudOpen, designed to provide a collaboration and education space to advance the open cloud. Launched in 2009, LinuxCon has quickly become known for offering top speaking talent, a crosssection of the leading players in the Linux community, innovative and timely content, a wide variety of opportunities for attendee collaboration and a place for smaller groups to co-locate for topic-specific mini-summits and workgroups. CloudOpen brings together the open source projects, products and companies that are driving the cloud and big data ecosystems today, along with best practices from the world of traditional open source. LinuxCon North America promises to deliver sponsors the opportunity to connect with the leaders of the Linux community in one place. There are two primary goals of CloudOpen; to educate and inform users on open cloud technologies and open source best practices applied to the cloud and to allow collaboration between projects and companies within the open cloud ecosystem. Linux in cloud computing is ubiquitous and holding these events in tandem fills a crucial need for those working in these often overlapping arenas to come together for discussions, problem solving, education and collaboration. 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 20 Audience: Developers Operations Software Developers, IT Operations Experts, Programmers, Core System Administrators Maintainers and Linux IT and Chief Architects Professionals Business & Legal Corporate End Users, Senior Business Executives, Legal Counsel Plus Students, Media, Analysts and other professionals with an interest in the Linux ecosystem By The Numbers: 1,282 Attendees in 2014 Averaging a 50% year over year new attendee rate Averaging a 20% year over year increase in attendee growth Audience Breakdown Developer-45%, SysAdmin/Dev Ops-25%, IT/Dev Manager-13%, Business/Vendor-11%, Press/Analyst/Community-6% 91% of attendees visit sponsor exhibits onsite 84% of attendees from the US Benefits of Sponsorship: + Thought leadership Increase brand awareness & recognition Highly targeted marketing opportunities Talent acquisition & recruitment Showing support of the Linux & open cloud communities Media exposure & PR announcements Showcase products, services & technologies Generate new partnerships, alliances & customers 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 21 SPONSORSHIP AT-A-GLANCE Contact Jay Sullivan at [email protected] to secure your sponsorship today. diamond platinum gold silver 2 available 6 available 8 available 10 available • • Keynote Session • Keynote or Linux.com/ Session • • • • • • Onsite Recognition during Opening Keynote Session • • • Sponsor Designation in Press Releases: • • • • • • • • Recognition in Pre-Conference Email Marketing • • • • Keynote Stage Branding: Logo prominently • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Shared Shared • • • • • • • • • • 10x20 10x15 10X10 8X6 8X6 3 2 2 1 0 20 15 10 5 3 10 5 3 2 1 $50,000 $35,000 $25,000 $14,000 $7,000 Pre or Post-Conference Email Blast: One time use of opt-in list to be sent by linux foundation Speaking Opportunity: Sponsor to work directly with Linux Foundation on signoff for content of session Editorial Interview and Article on Linux.com: Over 1M unique visitors per month. Linux Foundation to determine final interview content and delivery date Ability to Show Sponsor Video between Keynotes: Max 1 minute video shown once Message in Attendee Pre-Conference Email: Customized message in text email distributed to all attendees pre-event Recognition as xxx sponsor in body of release Assistance with Press Bookings at Event: Helping you get the most out of an on-site announcement displayed on stage screens Access to Event Press/Analyst List: Contact List shared two weeks prior to event for your own outreach Collateral in Conference Bag: Distributed to all attendees at check-in Private Conference Room: Exclusive use of a meeting room throughout conference Recognition on Event Website: Prominent logo display on all website pages Recognition on Event Signage: Logo on conference signage Exhibit Booth: The Technology Showcase is the hub of the event, providing excellent mindshare for sponsors Lead Retrieval Scanners: Use at your booth or at your conference sessions Conference Attendee Passes: Full access passes to the entire conference for your staff or customers VIP Dinner Passes Sponsorship Cost bronze • 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 22 August 19-21 | Sheraton Seattle, Seattle, WA The Linux Plumbers Conference (LPC) is a developer conference for the open source community. The LPC brings together the top developers working on the “plumbing” of Linux — kernel subsystems, core libraries, windowing systems, etc. — and gives them three days to work together on core design problems. The conference is divided into several working sessions focusing on different “plumbing” topics, as well as a general paper track. LPC launched in 2008 at the behest of the community and continues to provide a space where developers working in subsystems can come together to solve problems real-time. 350 developers gather annually for this event; the conference is limited to this number of people for maximum collaboration opportunities. Benefits of Sponsorship: + Talent acquisition & recruitment Support the Linux community Gain mindshare & brand visibility Showcase products, services & new technologies 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 23 SPONSORSHIP AT-A-GLANCE platinum 6’ Table Display in conference foyer Banner Stand with custom sponsor graphics Sponsor Designation in Press Releases: Recognition as platinum sponsor in body of release Contact Jay Sullivan at [email protected] to secure your sponsorship today. gold silver exclusive shared reception reception attendee t-shirt • • • Exclusive sponsor of an Attendee Reception: With logo on • event branding/signage Co-sponsor of an Attendee Reception • with logo on signage Exclusive sponsor of Attendee T-Shirt: With • logo on sleeve Recognition During Opening Session • • Logo on Conference Signage • • • Logo on Conference Program • • • • • Recognition on Event Website: Prominent logo • • • • • • Free Attendee Passes 8 6 4 4 2 1 Sponsorship Cost $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $20,000 $12,000 $7,000 display on all website pages 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 24 August 20 & 21 | Sheraton Seattle, Seattle, WA Virtualization is a crucial part of enterprise IT operations and cloud services and innovation is needed to make virtualization systems more efficient, adaptive, and easier to deploy. Linux has been at the center of this with advancements in nearly every aspect of virtualization with Linux containers being the most recent disruptive technology. The Linux Foundation is launching a new conference called ContainerCon to bring together leading contributors in Linux containers, the Linux kernel, and related projects to forge a path to continued innovation and education. Linux containers are disrupting traditional application development and virtualization models; enabling businesses to explore new, improved methods of deploying their services and products. New developments in Linux containers are driving the adoption of cloud and virtualization technologies in many industries and ContainerCon will provide a platform for exhibiting the best work. By being co-located with CloudOpen, ContainerCon will bring together a diverse range of experts from cloud computing and Linux containers to offer a general technical conference that is open to everyone; creating a place where companies on the leading edge can network with users and developers to advance computing. Audience: Developers, DevOps, Ops, Sysadmins and anyone else using, developing or interested in these areas. Over 400 attendees are expected to join in the inaugural event. Benefits of Sponsorship: + Talent acquisition & recruitment Support the Linux community Gain mindshare & brand visibility Showcase products, services & new technologies 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 25 SPONSORSHIP AT-A-GLANCE Contact Jay Sullivan at [email protected] to secure your sponsorship today. platinum gold silver bronze 1 available 4 available 6 available 8 available Speaking Opportunity: Sponsor to work directly with Linux Foundation on signoff for content of session Editorial Interview and Article on Linux.com: Over 1M unique visitors per month. Linux Foundation to determine final interview content and delivery date Assistance with Press Bookings at Event: Helping you get the Keynote or Linux.com Session • • Onsite Recognition during Opening Keynote Session • • • Recognition in Pre-Conference Email Marketing • • • Sponsor Designation in Press Releases: Recognition as xxx • • • • • • Keynote Stage Branding: Logo prominently displayed on stage screens • • • Access to Event Press/Analyst List: Contact list shared • • • • Shared Shared • • • • • • • • 10x10 8x6 6x6 6x6 1 1 1 0 10 8 6 4 $30,000 $20,000 $12,000 $3,500 most out of an on-site announcement sponsor in body of release Message in Attendee Pre-Conference Email: Customized message in text email distributed to all attendees pre-event two weeks prior to event for your own outreach Private Conference Room Exclusive: Use of a meeting room throughout conference Recognition on Event Signage: Logo on conference signage Recognition on Event Website: Prominent Logo Display on all website pages Exhibit Booth: The Technology Showcase is the hub of the event, providing excellent mindshare for sponsors Lead Retrieval Scanners: Use at your booth or at your conference sessions Conference Attendee Passes: Full access passes to the entire conference for your staff or customers Sponsorship Cost 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 26 Oct 5-7 | Location TBD At the intersection of Linux and cloud computing, two events converge to create one extraordinary opportunity for cross pollination between the developers, sys admins, devops professionals and architects driving the future of technology - LinuxCon and CloudOpen. LinuxCon is the leading annual technical conference in Europe, providing a much needed collaboration and education space for the Linux community. In 2012, The Linux Foundation introduced a new annual technical conference, CloudOpen, designed to provide a collaboration and education space to advance the open cloud. LinuxCon is known for offering top speaking talent, a cross-section of the leading players in the Linux community, innovative and timely content, a wide variety of opportunities for attendee collaboration and a place for smaller groups to co-locate for topicspecific mini-summits and workgroups. CloudOpen brings together the open source projects, products and companies that are driving the cloud and big data ecosystems today, along with best practices from the world of traditional open source. LinuxCon Europe promises to deliver sponsors the opportunity to connect with the leaders of the Linux community in one place. There are two primary goals of CloudOpen; to educate and inform users on open cloud technologies and open source best practices applied to the cloud and to allow collaboration between projects and companies within the open cloud ecosystem. Linux in cloud computing is ubiquitous and holding these events in tandem fills a crucial need for those working in these often overlapping arenas to come together for discussions, problem solving, education and collaboration. 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 27 Audience: Developers Operations Software Developers, IT Operations Experts, Programmers, Core System Administrators Maintainers and Linux IT and Chief Architects Professionals Business & Legal Corporate End Users, Senior Business Executives, Legal Counsel Plus Students, Media, Analysts and other professionals with an interest in the Linux ecosystem By The Numbers: 1300+ Attendees in 2014 Averaging a 55% year over year new attendee rate Averaging a 23% year over year increase in attendee growth 86% of attendees from Europe - 43 countries represented overall 95% of attendees visit sponsor exhibits onsite Audience Breakdown - Developer - 60%, SysAdmin/Dev Ops - 18%, IT/Dev Manager - 12%, Business/Vendor - 7%, Press/Analyst/Community - 3% Benefits of Sponsorship: + Thought leadership Increase brand awareness & recognition Highly targeted marketing opportunities Talent acquisition & recruitment Showing support of the Linux & open cloud communities Media exposure & PR announcements Showcase products, services & technologies Generate new partnerships, alliances & customers 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 28 SPONSORSHIP AT-A-GLANCE Contact Jay Sullivan at [email protected] to secure your sponsorship today. diamond platinum gold silver 2 available 6 available 8 available 10 available • • Keynote Session • Keynote or Linux.com/ Session • • • • • • Onsite Recognition during Opening Keynote Session • • • Sponsor Designation in Press Releases: • • • • • • • • Recognition in Pre-Conference Email Marketing • • • • Keynote Stage Branding: Logo prominently • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Shared Shared • • • • • • • • • • 10x20 10x15 10X10 8X6 8X6 3 2 2 1 0 20 15 10 5 3 10 5 3 2 1 $50,000 $35,000 $25,000 $14,000 $7,000 Pre or Post-Conference Email Blast: One time use of opt-in list to be sent by linux foundation Speaking Opportunity: Sponsor to work directly with Linux Foundation on signoff for content of session Editorial Interview and Article on Linux.com: Over 1M unique visitors per month. Linux Foundation to determine final interview content and delivery date Ability to Show Sponsor Video between Keynotes: Max 1 minute video shown once Message in Attendee Pre-Conference Email: Customized message in text email distributed to all attendees pre-event Recognition as xxx sponsor in body of release Assistance with Press Bookings at Event: Helping you get the most out of an on-site announcement displayed on stage screens Access to Event Press/Analyst List: Contact list shared two weeks prior to event for your own outreach Collateral in Conference Bag: Distributed to all attendees at check-in Private Conference Room: Exclusive use of a meeting room throughout conference Recognition on Event Website: Prominent logo display on all website pages Recognition on Event Signage: Logo on conference signage Exhibit Booth: The Technology Showcase is the hub of the event, providing excellent mindshare for sponsors Lead Retrieval Scanners: Use at your booth or at your conference sessions Conference Attendee Passes: Full access passes to the entire conference for your staff or customers VIP Dinner Passes Sponsorship Cost bronze • 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 29 Oct 1 & 2 | Square Meeting Centre, Brussels, Belgium The Embedded Linux Conference Europe (ELC-E) is the premier vendor-neutral technical conference in Europe for companies and developers using Linux in embedded products. This conference has the largest collection of sessions dedicated exclusively to embedded Linux and embedded Linux developers. ELC-E is embedded Linux experts talking about solutions to your embedded Linux problems. ELC-E 2015 will include a series of summits dedicated to diving deeper into specific facets of embedded Linux. These include: Automotive Linux Mini-Summit: athering the most innovative minds from automotive expertise and open-source excellence, G including automotive systems engineers, Linux experts, R&D managers, business executives, open-source licensing and compliance specialists and community developers. IoT Summit:A discussion of hot topics by the developer community working on the Internet of Things and interconnectivity. Audience: Embedded Linux Developers and Technical Management 500+ Attendees Expected (475 in previous year) 17% - Senior Technical Management, 76% - Engineers/Architects Benefits of Sponsorship: + Talent acquisition & recruitment Support the embedded Linux community Gain mindshare & brand visibility Showcase products, services & new technologies 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 30 SPONSORSHIP AT-A-GLANCE Contact Jay Sullivan at [email protected] to secure your sponsorship today. diamond platinum gold silver 1 available 4 available 6 available 8 available • • • Keynote Keynote or Linux.com/ Session Session • • • • • • • Recognition in Pre-Conference Email Marketing • • • • Sponsor Designation in Press Releases: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Shared Shared • • • • • • • • • • 10x10 10x10 8x6 6x6 6x6 2 1 1 1 0 10 8 6 4 2 $35,000 $25,000 $18,000 $12,000 $6,000 Assistance with Press Bookings at Event: Helping you get the most out of an on-site announcement Editorial Interview and Article on Linux.com: Over 1M unique visitors per month. Linux Foundation to determine final interview content and delivery date Speaking Opportunity: Sponsor to work directly with Linux Foundation on signoff for content of session Onsite Recognition during Opening Keynote Session Access to Event Press/Analyst List: Contact list shared two weeks prior to event for your own outreach Recognition as xxx sponsor in body of release Message in Attendee Pre-Conference Email: Customized message in text email distributed to all attendees pre-event Keynote Stage Branding: Logo prominently displayed on stage screens Private Conference Room: Exclusive use of a meeting room throughout conference Recognition on Event Website: Prominent logo display on all website pages Recognition on Event Signage: Logo on conference signage Exhibit Booth: The Technology Showcase is the hub of the event, providing excellent mindshare for sponsors Lead Retrieval Scanners: Use at your booth or at your conference sessions Conference Attendee Passes: Full access passes to the entire conference for your staff or customers Sponsorship Cost bronze 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 31 Oct 19-21 | Ritz Carlton Seoul, Seoul, South Korea The Linux Kernel Summit brings together the world’s leading core kernel developers to discuss the state of the existing kernel and plan the next development cycle. This three-day summit focuses on development and innovation through sessions and workshops that encourage interaction and discussion between kernel developers and industry leaders. The first day of the Linux Kernel Summit is invite-only, wherein invited attendees are chosen via an annual nomination process on the Linux Kernel mailing list. Sponsors of the event also receive a seat at the table to these closed door meetings. The second day of the event focuses on subsystem workshops for real time problem solving and discussion. The final day of Linux Kernel Summit is open to attendees of the co-located Korea Linux Forum and provides attendees with education and information on the current state of the Linux kernel. Benefits of Sponsorship: + A seat at the table Talent acquisition and recruitment Support the Linux kernel community Gain mindshare and brand visibility Connect with senior linux kernel maintainers 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 32 SPONSORSHIP AT-A-GLANCE Contact Jay Sullivan at [email protected] to secure your sponsorship today. attendee gift dinner reception breakfast & breaks lunch 1 available 2 available 1 available 2 available general 15-Minute Speaking Opportunity (Day 1) • Sponsor Designation in Promotional Emails • • Sponsor Designation in Press Releases • • Day 1 Day 2 Collateral Distributed to Attendees • • • • Logo on Conference Signage • • • • • Logo on Website • • • • • 125 Words 100 Words 75 Words 50 Words 25 Words 2 2 1 1 1 $38,000 $33,000 $33,000 $27,500 $15,000 Recognition during Opening Session Company Description/Sponsor News on Website Conference Attendee Passes Sponsorship Cost 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 33 Oct 22 | Ritz Carlton Seoul, Seoul, South Korea The Korea Linux Forum was introduced in 2012 to assist in bridging the gap between the South Korean development community and the global development community. The event brings together a unique blend of core developers, system administrators, users, community managers, and industry experts. It includes keynote speeches, presentations and workshops with core Linux kernel maintainers and developers. In 2015, the renowned Linux Kernel Summit will co-locate with Korea Linux Forum, bringing the foremost kernel maintainers worldwide to Seoul to connect with the local community. Audience: 500+ Attendees from 20 countries globally Audience Breakdown: 57% Developer, 14% IT Manager, 13% Sys Admin/DevOps, 10% Business/Industry, 6% Student/Community Benefits of Sponsorship: + Talent acquisition & recruitment Support the korean Linux community Gain mindshare & brand visibility Showcase products, services & new technologies 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 34 SPONSORSHIP AT-A-GLANCE Contact Jay Sullivan at [email protected] to secure your sponsorship today. diamond platinum gold silver 1 available 4 available 6 available 8 available • • • • Recognition in Pre-Conference Email Marketing • • • Keynote Stage Branding: • • • • • • Keynote Keynote Session Session • • • • • • • • • • 8x10 8x10 8x6 8x6 8x6 1 1 1 1 1 40 20 10 5 2 $30,000 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 Message in Attendee Pre-Conference Email: Customized message in text email distributed to all bronze attendees pre-event Pre or Post-Conference Email Blast: One time use of opt-in list to be sent by linux foundation Logo prominently displayed on stage screens Onsite Recognition during Opening Keynote Session Speaking Opportunity: Sponsor to work directly with Linux Foundation on signoff for content of session Recognition on Event Website: Prominent logo display on all website pages Recognition on Event Signage: Logo on conference signage Exhibit Booth: The Technology Showcase is the hub of the event, providing excellent mindshare for sponsors Lead Retrieval Scanners: Use at your booth or at your conference sessions Conference Attendee Passes: Full access passes to the entire conference for your staff or customers Sponsorship Cost 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 35 November 2015 | Dates and Location to be announced shortly ApacheCon brings together the open source community to learn about and collaborate on the technologies and projects driving the future of open source, big data and cloud computing. Apache projects have and continue to be hugely influential in the innovation and development of software development across a plethora of categories from content, databases and servers, to big data, cloud, mobile and virtual machine. The developers, programmers, committers and users driving this innovation and utilizing these tools will meet for collaboration, education and community building. Audience: Committers and developers across Apache projects including Hadoop, Cassandra, Spark, Mesos, BigTop, CloudStack, Lucene, Solr and many more 500 Attendees, 75% developers Benefits of Sponsorship: + Talent acquisition & recruitment Support the Apache project committers and developer community Gain mindshare & brand visibility Showcase products, services & new technologies 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 36 SPONSORSHIP AT-A-GLANCE Contact Jay Sullivan at [email protected] to secure your sponsorship today. diamond Editorial Interview and Article on Linux.com: Over 1M unique visitors per month. Linux Foundation to determine final interview content and delivery date Message in Attendee Pre-Conference Email: Customized message in text email distributed platinum gold silver bronze • • • 10 minutes 5 minutes • • • • • • Recognition in Pre-Conference Email Marketing • • • Recognition on Event Website: Prominent • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Exhibit Booth: The Technology Showcase is the hub of the event, providing excellent mindshare for sponsors 20x10 10x10 8x6 8x6 8x6 Lead Retrieval Scanners Use at your booth or 2 2 1 1 1 15 10 6 3 1 $50,000 $30,000 $20,000 $10,000 $6,000 to all attendees pre-event Keynote Speaking Opportunity: Sponsor to work directly with Linux Foundation on signoff for content of session Session Speaking Opportunity: Sponsor to work directly with Linux Foundation on signoff for content of session Keynote Stage Branding: Logo prominently displayed on stage screens logo display on all website pages Recognition on Event Signage: Logo on conference signage Onsite Recognition during Opening Keynote Session at your conference sessions Conference Attendee Passes: Full access passes to the entire conference for your staff or customers Sponsorship Cost 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 37 November 2015 | Dates and Location to be announced shortly KVM is an industry leading open source hypervisor that provides an ideal platform for datacenter virtualization, virtual desktop infrastructure, and cloud computing. Once again, it’s time to bring together the community of developers and users that define the KVM ecosystem for our annual technical conference. We will discuss the current state of affairs and plan for the future of KVM, its surrounding infrastructure, and management tools. So mark your calendar and join us in advancing KVM. Benefits of Sponsorship: + Talent acquisition and recruitment Support the Linux community in solving the most pressing issues facing the ecosystem Gain mindshare and brand visibility 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 38 SPONSORSHIP AT-A-GLANCE Contact Jay Sullivan at [email protected] to secure your sponsorship today. Session Speaking Opportunity: Sponsor to work directly with Linux Foundation on signoff for content of session Pre or Post Conference Email Blast: One time use of opt-in list to be sent by Linux Foundation platinum gold 2 available 4 available silver • • Recognition in Pre-Conference Email Marketing • • Keynote Stage Branding: Logo prominently displayed on stage screens • • Onsite Recognition during Opening Keynote Session • • 15 10 5 Recognition on Event Website: Prominent logo display on all website pages • • • Recognition on Event Signage: Logo on conference signage • • • $20,000 $10,000 $5,000 Conference Attendee Passes: Full access passes to the entire conference for your staff or customers Sponsorship Cost 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 39 その他の マーケティング オプション ス ポン サ ーシップ パッケージ の ほ か、さまざまな マ ーケティング オプション が 用 意されています。 イベントにより費 用 が 異 なりま すので、詳しくは 担 当 者 に お 尋 ね ください。 スポンサーに提供されるオプショ ンの一部をご紹介します。 スポンサーが利用できるオプシ ョン: ブレックファスト & ブレーク、 ランチ、モバイル アプリ、 ブース クロール ハッピー アワー、スピ ーカー ラウンジ、 ソーシャル メ ディア ウォール、カンファレンス レコーディング、 メッセージ ラウ ンジ、 フォト ステーションなど。 詳しくは担当者にお尋ねくださ い。 スポンサーシップの詳細に ついては、Jay Sullivan ( [email protected] ) までお問い合わせください。 「ウイメン イン オープン ソース」 ランチョン (昼食会) $5,000-$7,500 オープン ソースの未来を創造しているコミュニティの 女性たちへの支援をアピールしましょう。 名札ストラップ $5,000-$7,500 来場者が身につける名札のストラップに企業ロゴが印刷 されます。 水筒 $5,000-$7,500 繰り返し使える高品質な水筒に企業ロゴが印刷され、 すべての参加者に配布されます。長く印象に残るエコな オプションです。 来場者 T シャツ $5,000-$10,000 担当のデザイナーが作成するユニークなシャツです。 繰り返し着ていただけます。 デベロッパー ハッキング ラウンジ $7,500-$10,000 開発者らが夜中までハックできる場所とスナックを提供 します。快適な居場所、 ソファなどの備品、 選りすぐりの スナックが用意され、 スポンサーの看板が展示されます。 基調講演のライブ ストリーム フィード $7,500-$10,000 イベントの基調講演ビデオをイベント終了後に視聴 できるよう準備します。各基調講演を紹介する大画面に、 企業ロゴが表示されます。 イブニング イベント $10,000 より コミュニティを支援しながら発表などを行える絶好のチャ ンスです。 カンファレンスの会場内外で開催するイブニン グ イベントの特別スポンサーとなります。 2015 イベント スポンサーシップ ガイド 40 スポンサーシップ バンドルと カスタム パッケージ 複数のイベントのスポンサーや、カスタム スポンサー パッケージにご興味はありませんか? バンドル スポンサーシップ パッケージ割引や、 カスタム パッケージ サービスを 提供しています。 Linux Foundation 企業メンバーは、Linux Foundation イベントのスポンサーシップ割引を受けられます。 詳細についてはお問い合わせください。 スポンサーシップの詳細については、 Jay Sullivan ([email protected]) までお問い合わせください。 www.linuxfoundation.org
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