2015 1. 地球史のなかの海 • なぜ地球には海があるか:他の惑星にはないのか • いつどのように海ができたのか • 海が地球の歴史の中で果たした役割は何か • 海洋底を研究する意義 1 私たちは特異な存在か? D’oú venons nous? Que sommes nous? Oú allons nous? Blue Planet Earth: from Apollo 17 (NASA,1972) 2 3 他の地球型惑星との比較 (宮本ほか、惑星地質学、2008) 4 海が存在できる理由 From the Sun [km] 108 ×106 150×106 228×106 Surface Temp [°C] 460 15 -60 Surface Press [atm] 100 1 0.01 Major Atmospheric comp CO2,N2 N2,O2 CO2,N2,Ar 5 他の惑星・衛星に海がある可能性:火星 (宮本ほか、惑星地質学、2008) 6 NASA Sept 28, 2015 7 他の惑星・衛星に海がある可能性:エウロパ (Images: NASA) 8 地球の特徴 • 表面が水(H2Oの水と氷)に満ちた唯一の惑星 • 酸素の多い大気を持つ唯一の惑星 • 珪素に富む岩石(例えば花崗岩)を多量に持つおそらく唯一の惑星 • 表面の高度がバイモーダル(海と陸)なおそらく唯一の惑星 • 地球型惑星の中では唯一の強い固有磁場を持つ惑星 • 生命のいる唯一の惑星? これらの特徴はみなリンクしている 9 バイモーダルな標高分布 海: 重い、玄武岩地殻、若い 陸: 軽い、花崗岩地殻、大半は安定 10 90° ° 12 0° elevation (km) 60° 90° Downloaded from www.sciencemag.org on May 27, 2012 60° 30 Downloaded from www.sciencemag.org on May 27, 2012 elevation (km) 火星の場合 -60° -60° 12 0° ° 30 1498 28 MAY 1999 VOL 284 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org Fig. 5. Histograms of (A) topography, (B) -3 ° 30 0° - 0° 33 -60° 0° heights with respect to an ellipsoid shifted by "2.986 km along the z axis, and (C) 100-km baseline slopes. The histogram in (A) shows the distinct bimodal signature that represents the elevation difference between the northern and southern hemispheres. That in (B) shows elevations plotted with respect to an ellipsoid whose center is shifted so as to remove the effect of the COM-COF offset along the polar axis. The effect of the shift is to produce a unimodal distribution of elevations; that is, the hemispheric difference in elevation largely disappears. H2O 15 -60° 498 Downloaded from www.sciencemag.org on May 27, 2012 agnetometer exface geology regionalconvection topography ap-sphere. topography the 6 south polar re- that ern hemisphere crust byand mantle Together, Figs. 5inand demonstrate resurfaced comparable northernspatial hemisphere. the hemispheric elevation difference is due is to highest long-wavelength effect. scale occur in Large association omalies high anpears to period contain three dominantplate contribu-the gion within the residual ice deposits (87°S,of the (31,of 32), early tectonic accounts forofmost (though smaller than hemispheric-scale) imtheoflong-wavelength planetary COM-COF shape rather offset A projection the northern hemisphere with regional topographic lows in the northterpreted as evitions: (i) volcanic construction associated !10°E), where a broad dome is present with than the boundary scarp (23, 37 ); thisdifference issue topography from the pole toand the equator (Fig. ern hemisphere, except for themarked previously recycling (33), and one or more large impacts elevation between the northern pacts such as Utopia and Hellas are s hydrodynamic with Tharsis, (ii) major excavated deposits more than 3 km of relief at one end of the cap 7 can(34 be–36). explored from the global distribution 7) further illustrates the nature of the by northern known Isidis impact structure that sits on the in the northern hemisphere and indicate distinctive positive gravitational anoma43). The largest approximately circumferential to Hellas, withsouthern (Fig. 8).hemispheres The relief of the southern polar that cap the of elevations and slopes (Fig. 5). As shownelevation in hemisphere depression. Note athe distinctive thus suggest is to contributions determine how much ofprobhemispheric difference is primarily onfined A to key the issue lies (40). dichotomy However, boundary. no otherWeanomalies of that additional from Isidis and is comparable to that of the northern cap. Fig.and 5, which plots histograms of The elevations circular signature the buried Utopia basin, the long-wavelength topographic expression because ably elevation Utopia ejecta, (iii) modification area ofeffect. probable ice-rich of material theanomahemispheric difference is due to ofthe long-wavelength comparable scale occur in association 海洋底ダイナミクス2013-01 before and after removing offset between originally proposed asthat an impact feature on ofspatial the northern hemisphere depression was r large southern the intervening region by fluvial processes greatly exceeds the region of residual ice the long-wavelength planetary shape rather A projection the northern hemisphere regional topographic lowsprocess in theornorthand channels COF along the polar axis, the from z ofthe basis of geological evidence (35),with but not shaped by an internal processes. rapid decay in associated with the the COM outflow that is apparent images. Support for this the boundary scarp (23, 37); In this issue the pole equator ern The hemisphere, except for the previously component ofaddition, the COM-COF differencefrom is comes observed in the earlier topographic and than the global empty into Chryse Planitia. pre-topography interpretation from to the existence of(Fig. studies. to the hemispheric elevaexpression Utopia is apparent de-Isidis impact structure that sits on the can be explored from the largely global distribution 7) further illustrates the nature of theofwith northern known 00 million years viously documented [for equivalent example, (35)] condistinctive plateau circular regions that correlate tion difference. A histogram oflayered the distribuspite location the area of dichotomy northern d (43).ofEither an tributions from(Fig. fracturing resurfacing terrain units (19),itsas wouldthe bewithin expectelevations and slopes 5). As and shown in hemisphere depression. Note distinctive boundary. We thus suggest that tion of 100-km baseline slopes ed (38) hemisphere resurfacing (5, 39). However, ecycling (33,5,43) dictate thathistograms the boundary formed in response if calculatthe layers were deposited on cratered Fig. which plots ofthe elevations circular signature of the buried Utopia basin, theoflong-wavelength topographic expression ed from global topographic grid (Fig. 5C) even after accounting for the formation the n would be conto multiple, complex mechanisms. terrain. In addition, impact craters within the before and after removing the offset between originally proposed as an impact feature on of the northern hemisphere depression was peaks at !0.3° and is long-tailed, the latter Tharsis rise, presumably namo. Polar caps and present surface volatile plateaus share unusual geometric properties subsequent to the COF The along the polar axis, the z lowthe with basis of geological (35), buthemispheric not shaped feature result ofthe topographic excursions process that produced the eleva- by an internal process or processes. ts onthe the COM litho- and budget. process thata produced counterparts in theevidence north polar region associated withearly volcanoes, and tion difference, the boundary of the northern of the COM-COF difference observed earlier topographic studies. heat component flow in the northern hemisphere occurred inis mar-impact (46basins, ) thatinare observed to have formed in an The features. Thedifferslopecircular corresponding to hemisphere depression is clearly s come from the tian history. Thetectonic resulting elevation ice-rich substrate. This similarity suggests largely equivalent to the hemispheric elevaexpression of Utopia is apparent de- noncircular, peak inthe thetransport distribution isthat close to the portions and we see south no compelling y signature (40) ence A must have the dominated ofspite ofthe the polar ice topographic evition difference. histogram of the distribuitssignificant location within area of northern average longitudinal dence for a mantling hemispheric-scale single impact mplitudes of the water on Mars throughout its history.slope The associated cap may with be buried beneath dust 100-km baseline slopes (38) calculat(5, 39). proposed However, the COM-COF offset alonghemisphere the z axis andresurfacing is such as previously (34 ). Formation maliestion (43).ofThe from (Fig. 5C) even forelevation the formation playededby Hel-the global topographic partly agrid result of the offset. But theafter peak accounting slope of the differenceofbythe multiple smallal lithosphere also containsthe contributions to Tharsis er impactssubsequent has also beento suggested peaks atof !0.3° and is long-tailed, latter due Tharsis rise,andpresumably the (36 ). Be-10 -2 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 2 10km ormation was ata result of topographic regional-scale features. yondthe Utopia, however, no circular structures feature excursions process that produced hemispheric elevathickness and Subtracting the and COM-COF offset along the theofboundary comparableofscale are apparent in the toassociated with volcanoes, impact basins, tion difference, the northern 90°N ied stress differpolar axis from the global topography model pography of the northern plains, although tectonic features. The slope corresponding to ofhemisphere depression is clearly noncircular, an lithospheric (Fig. 6) eliminates most the hemispheric arguably such structures could have been the peak the distribution is close to the and we see no compelling topographic evihe South Pole– in 60°N 0) with its lower longitudinal slope associated with average dence for a hemispheric-scale single impact Fig. 4. Regional topowouldthe be COM-COF larger the model z axisofand is such0 as previously proposed (34). Formation graphic the Hel30°Noffset along km thickness of basin. a result of the offset.lasBut the(Top) peakAzimuthslope of the elevation difference by multiple smalln unitspartly that blanally averaged radial toalso contains contributions due to Tharsis andcal- er impacts has also been suggested (36). Bewere removed. If 0° pography used in the -5 ly compensated, regional-scale features. culation of infilling the yond Utopia, however, no circular structures basinoffset with along surrounding ata (40), Subtracting then a the COM-COF the of comparable scale are apparent in the to-3000 0 3000 30°S material postulated to ndicates that the distance (km) polar axis from the global topography model pography of the northern plains, although have been excavated at the time of it. (Bottom) Color- arguably such structures could have been 6) eliminates most from of the hemispheric km. (Fig. The thick60°S coded topography plotted gnetized crustal in an equal-area projecor the observed with the same scale 90°S Fig. 4.no Regional topo- tion agnetizations as240° that in Fig. 2.300° The black 0° 60° 120° 180° model of180° the Hel- lines 0 correspond to zero0° estrialgraphic rocks also Fig. 6. Map of Mars’ shape contours. with zonal spherical harmonic degree 1 (COM-COF offset along the basin. Azimuthelevation were las below the (Top) polar z axis) toremoved. The projection is rectangular to show topography from pole to pole. Note averaged radial minantally magnetic the general similarity in elevation between the northern and southern hemispheres. The figure pography in the cals before the Hel- used highlights the two other-5significant components of martian topography: the Tharsis province and culation infilling the basin. Here we have not removed shorter wavelength topographic features, mplitudes of the of the Hellas impact Fig. 5. Histograms of (A) topography, (B) basin elaswith including surrounding those composing the dichotomy boundary scarp. omparable (Smith et al., 1998) heights with respect to an ellipsoid shifted by -3000 0 3000 material postulated to distance (km) "2.986 km along the z axis, and (C) 100-km -3 0° 0° have www.sciencemag.org been excavated SCIENCE VOL 284 28 MAY 1999 baseline slopes. The histogram in (A) shows 1499 -3 the distinct bimodal signature that repre- 11 from it. (Bottom) Color° 0 5 1 sents the elevation difference between the coded topography plotted northern and southern hemispheres. That in in an equal-area projec(B) shows elevations plotted with respect to tion with the same scale 8 33 an ellipsoid whose center is shifted so as to 0° as that in Fig. 2. The black remove the effect of the COM-COF offset lines correspond to zero0° along the polar axis. The effect of the shift is to produce a unimodal distribution of elevaelevation contours. tions; that is, the hemispheric difference in elevation largely disappears. 28 MAY 1999 VOL 284 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org 12 地球表層における水の分布 1.4×109 km3 2.5×105 km3 2.5×105 km3 2.3×107 km3 1.3×104 km3 1.5×105 km3/year (日本海洋学会編、海と地球環境、1991) 13 月の誕生 最初の海の証拠? 主な大陸の誕生 酸素大気の出現 殻を持つ生物の出現 (Press, Understanding Earth, 2003) 14 New! Holocene開始 =2.58 顕生代 この図は古い定義 原生代 New! Quaternary開始 =2.58 始生代(太古代) 冥王代 (Press, Understanding Earth, 2003) 15 16 初期地球の形成 EA40CH21-Arndt ARI 23 March 2012 15:30 • 太陽系の惑星がほぼ一斉にできる∼およそ46億年前 INTRODUCTION • 最初の一億年:微惑星衝突の時代 Our image of the early Earth has changed greatly over the past two decades, with important consequences for models of the origin and early evolution of life. Figure 1 shows two contrasting • 微惑星の衝突速度が増大(地球半径~2000km) Ga: billion years views of the surface of earliest Earth. In the 20-year-old image in panel a, we see a Hell-like, • 脱ガスによる原始大気(CO Hadean landscape of fiery volcanoes beneath a menacing red sky; the more recent image in panel 2,N2,水蒸気)の形成 b shows luxuriant microbial colonies on a tranquil beach. What caused this dramatic change in • 衝突エネルギーの解放と大気の保温による地表の温度上昇 our vision of the young Earth? The discovery of >4-Ga-old (>4-billion-year-old) zircons (Cavosie et al. 2005, 2007; Froude マグマオーシャンの形成(地球半径~3000km, 表層100気圧) et al. 1983; Wilde et al. 2001) radically changed our interpretation of the first part of Earth’s history. The zircons, found first in Mount Narryer and then in Jack Hills, both in Western 微惑星の衝突頻度の減少 Australia, have ages from approximately 3.1 Ga (that of the quartzitic metasediment from which they were extracted; Kinny et al. 1990) to just over 4.4 Ga (Wilde et al. 2001). The latter age • 大気温度低下 is some 150 million years less than accretion at 4.56 billion years ago (4.56 Gya), and merely 100 million years after the impact of the planetesimal Thea that led to the formation of the • 雲の形成→降雨 modern Earth-Moon system and the start of the Hadean (Goldblatt et al. 2009, Halliday 2003). Zircon is ubiquitous in granite but rare in rocks of more mafic compositions. The compositions • 原始海洋の形成 of the >4-Ga-old zircons are similar to those in modern granitoids (Maas et al. 1992, Mojzsis et al. 2001). Thus, this mineral provides evidence for the existence of granite >4 Gya. Because granitoids マグマオーシャンの固化:(海洋性)地殻の形成 define the continents, it follows that some felsic crust had already formed at this early stage of Earth’s history. Campbell & Taylor (1983) noted that, on the modern Earth, granite forms in 17 abundance only when hydrated basaltic crust is subducted. Oxygen isotopic analysis of the old zircons supports the inference by Campbell and Taylor. Cavosie et al. (2005) and Mojzsis et al. (2001) reported significant fractionation of oxygen isotopes in the minerals dating from >4 Gya—the oldest zircon they measured has a δ18 O of +4!, a value Gya: billion years ago • Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 2012.40:521-549. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by University of Tokyo on 09/29/13. For personal use only. • • Old concept of the Hadean Earth a Updated reconstruction b Figure 1 Two views of the young Earth. (a) Image reflects the old idea that the Hadean was Hell-like, covered by lava and impacted by meteorites. (b) A more recent image shows oceans and primitive life (from http://archenv.geo.uu.nl/). 522 Arndt · Nisbet 18 海洋底ダイナミクス2013-01 %" !6047,3+ !$" ' 9/3H17B,-!31C*43!@3=9C7,:FI>!1 $ !5*,0+/ !234,0/3 !.+*/01 !& !% K3/01 !)*+,- !$ !"#' 8*+1 !?*,3+ !83+C0+: !"#& !@*490 !899/ !"#% !-:;+ 9<3/ !-3=70 > +A!*>> 9/7* !/7,+9< A!>3,-*/3 3/A!9B :<3/ J=0,9 C*+D9 /!;79B 7;3 !"#$ !$""" '"" &"" %"" $"" (" !,3>43+*,0+3!*,!,-3!,94!9E!,-3!*,>914-3+3 F G (Rogers, Our Dynamic Planet, 2007) 8Rogers, Our Dynamic Planet, 2007) 19 11 海はいつできたのだろうか? 海洋底ダイナミクス2013-01 • 過去に海が存在した証拠は何か? • 堆積層の存在:陸では「堆積」は起こらない • 海底下で噴出した溶岩(枕状溶岩)の存在:水による急冷の構造 • 最古の海の証拠があるのは? • グリーンランド西部イスア地方:38億年前の堆積層+枕状溶岩片 • オーストラリア西部ジャックヒル地域:44億年前のジルコン • ZrSiO4: 風化に強い、水と反応する際に同位体分別 • 大陸があった証拠でもある 20 OLDEST PIECES OF THE PLANET THE TALES THEY TELL Zircons from the Jack Hills of Western Australia have changed the way scientists think about the early history of the earth. These crystals are the oldest terrestrial materials yet discovered — hundreds of those identified formed more than COOL OCEANS The oldest age for a Jack Hills zircon— 4.4 billion years (red) — is an Acasta exact match of twoGneiss geologic “clocks.” Two pairs of isotopes — (oldest intact rock, uranium 235 – lead 207 4 billion years old)(vertical axis) and uranium 238–lead 206 (horizontal axis) — form two radioactive timekeepers that start ticking when a zircon forms. If they are well preserved, their final Rocks older than ratios plot a single line (yellow). Dates from other parts of 2.5along billion years the zircon (pink) fall off this line because some lead was lost Jackfrom Hills zircons Inferred (oldest earth material, these areas,Exposed but scientists can correct for this damage. Oxygen isotope ratios in Jack Hills zircon samples (blue), Fossilized bed in theonly Jack Hills which range up to 7.5, gravel are possible if their source rock (above) contained the world’s oldest zirformed in a relatively cool, water-rich environment near the cons yet discovered. Geologists crushed earth’s surface. Had magma oceans covered and sorted hundreds of kilograms of thisthe planet when these zirconsrock formed, values would have (below)their to find the 20 crystals that clustered near bearofsigns of cool conditions more thanthat originates in 5.3, as do those all crystals from hot rock four billion years ago. the planet’s deep interior (red). 1.20 20 Dates in billions of years ago 4.2 Ancient rocks older than 2.5 billion years crop out or lie just underneath the soil in many spots 15regions around the globe (red) and are probably hidden below younger rocks across even broader 0.80 (pink). Zircon crystals as old as those discovered in the Jack Hills of Western Australia may eventually be discovered at another of these locations. Oldest zircon date from earth Expected value for the earth’s hot mantle 10 - port the surviving grains great distances The Jack Hills conglomerate was deposbefore 0.40 they become incorporated into ited three billion years ago and marks All may dates inthe thisnorthwestern region edge of a widespread deposits of sand and gravel that 5fall between 4.2 billion of rock formations that are all later solidify into sedimentary rock. In- assembly and 4.4 billion years ago deed, the Jack Hills zircons — separated older than 2.6 billion years. To recover by perhaps thousands of kilometers from less than a thimbleful of zircons, my col0.00source— were found embedded in a leagues and I collected hundreds of0kilotheir 4.5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 fossilized gravel bar called the Jack Hills grams of rock from these remote outRatio of Lead 206 to Uranium 238hauled them back to the labocrops and conglomerate. (Valley, 2005) So, despite the excitement of finding ratory for crushing and sorting, similar such primeval pieces of the earth, most to searching for a few special grains of scientists, including me, continued to sand on a beach. FIRST CONTINENTS? Once extracted from their source accept the view that the climate of zircons our Rounded surfaces of some Jack Hills under rock,and individual crystals could be dated young planet wasmicroscope Hadean. It show was not a scanning electron that wind because until 1999 thatwater technological possibly running buffetedadvances these crystals overzircons make ideal timekeepers. In addition to their longevity, they further study ofacross the ancient zir-continental — possibly a large longallowed distances contain trace amounts of radioactive con crystals from Western — before they were fiAustralia nally laid—to rest (right). landmass Zircons found near conventional their place of origin retain their which decays at a known rate uranium, and challenged wisdom original edgesearliest ( far right). The large number of aboutsharp the earth’s history. Typical mantle zircons Jack Hills zircons (includes all billion-year-old to lead. When a zircon forms from a>4 sozircons analyzed lidifying magma, atoms of zirconium, so far) silicon and oxygen combine in exact proportions (ZrSiO4) to create a crystal structure unique to zircon; uranium occasionally substitutes as a trace impurity. Atoms of lead, on the other hand, 6.0 replace 6.5any are5.0 too large 5.5 to comfortably of the elements in theIsotope lattice, so zircons Oxygen Ratio start out virtually lead-free. The uranium-lead clock starts ticking as soon as the zircon crystallizes. Thus, the ratio of lead to uranium increases with the age of the crystal. Scientists can reliably determine the age of an undamaged zircon within 1 percent accuracy, which for the early earth is about plus or minus 40 million years. 7.0 7.5 21 THE AUTHOR ancient, rounded Jack Hills zircons suggests theirJOHN W. VALLEY received his Ph.D. in 1980 from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, original sourceDeep rocks were widespread. where he first became interested in the early earth. He and his students have since exDigging t h e aus t r a l i a n z i rc ons did not give up their secrets easily. For one thing, the Jack Hills andimplications their surroundings As the possible of are the dusty barrens at the edge of vast sheep zircon discoveries spread through the scistations, called Berringarra and Mileuentific community, was ra, situated somethe 800excitement kilometers north of Perth, Australia’s most isolated city. palpable. In the superheated violence of plored the ancient rock record throughout North America and in Western Australia, Greenland and Scotland. Currently Valley is president of the Mineralogical Society of America and Charles Van Hise Professor of Geology the University of Wisconsin– rock, that evidence would supother materials thatR. were encapsulated as atgranitic Madison, where he founded a multimillion-dollar laboratory called WiscSIMS. The cutport the hypothesis that they are samtheting-edge zircon capabilities grew around them. Such zirof the lab’s new CAMECA IMS 1280 ion microprobe will enable a ples of the world’s fi condiverse inclusions can reveal much about range of research; besides zircons, Valley and his colleagues will probe many rst continent. But rare or extremely small materials ranging from stardust cancer cells. caution is warranted. Quartz can form where the crystal came from, as can the to a Hadean world, no samples would have crystal’s growth patterns and the compow wfor w. sgeologists c ia m . c o m to study. But these sition of trace elements. When Peck and survived COPYRIGHT 2005 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. zircons pointed to a more clement and I studied the 4.4-billion-year-old zircon, familiar world and provided a means to for instance, we found that it contained unravel its secrets. If the earth’s climate pieces of other minerals, including was cool enough for oceans of water ear- quartz. That was surprising because ly on, then maybe zircons could tell us if quartz is rare in primitive rocks and was continents and other features of modern probably absent from the very first crust earth also existed. To find out, we had to on the earth. Most quartz comes from look more closely into the interiors of granitic rocks, which are common in more evolved continental crust. single crystals. If the Jack Hills zircons came from a Even the smallest zircon contains 64 Expected value for cool, wet environments 4.4 Number of Samples Ratio of Lead 207 to Uranium 235 L U C Y R E A D I N G - I K K A N D A ; S O U R C E : W I L L I A M H . P E C K C o l g a t e U n i v e r s i t y ( m a p) ; J O H N W. V A L L E Y ( p h o t o g r a p h s) 4.4 billion years old) SCIENTIFIC A MERIC A N in the last stages of magma crystallizaS C I E Neven T I F I C Aif M Ethe R I C Aparent N 61 tion rock is not granitic, although such quartz is much less abundant. For instance, zircons and a few grains of quartz have been found on the moon, which never developed a granitic, continental-style crust. Some scientists have also wondered if the earth’s earliest zircons formed an environment more like the early moon or by some other means that is no longer common, perhaps related to giant meteorite im- COPYRIGHT 2005 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. OC TOBER 2005 22 L U C Y R E A D I N G - I K K A N D A ; S O U R C E : S I M O N A . W I L D E C u r t i n U n i v e r s i t y o f Te c h n o l o g y ( u r a n i u m - l e a d ) ; ANCIENT AGE Isua sediments (oldest evidence for life, 3.8 billion years old) four billion years ago. Many of these tiny timekeepers also bear clear chemical signs that oceans of liquid water and possibly even continents existed on the earth’s surface at a time once thought to be molten and fiery. 大気と海の進化 stage 1 • 大気も海洋も酸素に乏しい • シアノバクテリアによって部分 的に酸素濃度の高まった海洋 表層部も存在 • 海洋で縞状鉄鉱床(BIF)が生成 • 陸上に赤色砂岩はない 23 縞状鉄鉱床 Banded Iron Formation • 鉄分に富む鉱物から成る層と珪酸から なる層の繰り返し • 水に溶けた二価鉄イオンがシアノバク テリアの光合成で生み出された酸素と 結びついて沈殿 • 鉄イオンが海中に溶解するためには、 無酸素状態(還元的)な海が必要 (富山科学文化センター) • つまり、ほとんどが還元的な海洋 環境で、酸化的な環境が一部にあ る、という状態が必要 24 大気と海の進化 stage 2 • シアノバクテリアの光合成によ って大気と海洋表層が酸化的 に • 海洋ではひきつづき縞状鉄鉱 床が形成 • 陸上では赤色砂岩が形成 • 22-19億年前か? 25 (ニュートン) 現世ストロマトライト(オーストラリア) (Wikipedia) シアノバクテリア(藍藻類) (富山科学文化センター) ストロマトライト化石 (Wikipedia) Banded Iron Formation (BIF) 縞状鉄鉱床 26 大気と海の進化 stage 3 • 大気も海洋も酸化的になり現 在に至る • 海洋で縞状鉄鉱床(BIF)は生成 されない • 陸上では赤色砂岩が形成 27 28 海あってこそプレートテクトニクス? • なぜ「適当に柔らかい」プレートが存在できるのか? • 冷却により鉱物の粘性は急増するので、惑星表層は硬い殻に覆われて対流は 深部でのみ起こるほうが自然=沈み込みは起こらない • 適度に粘性を下げる何か...海? 29 大陸と海:海あってこその陸 • 大陸(花崗岩の火山活動)の証拠 • 38-37, 32-31, 27-26億年前に活動のピークがある • 27-26億年前が最大の大陸形成期で現存の大陸の大半がこの時代に既にで きていた • 水が加わらないと花崗岩の火山活動は起こらない 30 初期生命と海:海あってこその命 • ミラーの実験(1953) • 水素・メタン・アンモニアからアミノ酸を合成 • 実際の原始大気は水素濃度が低いことが問題 • 化学進化による生命の進化 • 単純な有機物から複雑な高分子・タンパク質・核酸の生成、そして細胞膜 内システムの完成 • 化学進化を起こしたのはいつ?どこ? • 炭素同位体比(生命活動が関与すると軽い)が示す38.5億年前 • 暖かい浅い海?深海の熱水噴出域? 31 数値は最適生息温度 32 (JAMSTEC, courtesy of Dr. Takai 33 地球の生命史は海・地球の歴史と結びつく 大量絶滅と海洋環境 34 現在の海洋底 35 海洋底を研究する意義 • 海底は現在の地球上で最も活動的な場所 • ほとんどすべてのプレート境界は海底にある • 海底には過去2億年の地球の歴史が刻まれている • 連続的な地球環境変動を追えるのは海底堆積物だけ • 風化浸食の影響が少ない 36
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