①棚忠 r !nsutute Of Education C‖ ‖cal RenectiOn Fom り………Daね .解≠ρ年5 Reflection I pr<pato.n a vatv:Lct q aoAnva.tt fut<A q\ tL\!- LAa-lrv;Y AQt*,*e h'r<itjt voca,.bttto,4 'wtd.b do, utit. gv4t No{kL& u;It- U.c Hft r*oatu gtuul ,l-Lo,trud CI.Lt h,t,,o ,fic';l{|p acbadM b qQ-t U\i/.o\.{a./\ ul-q( fo d-ucrtbqq tLt lh,tUW (20 + ADI . CA^^ r{n tt^.,q-^ hod b clalu r-p,"1 2D Jt^o+u" orvt rv,.o-tci^' up 3d ',S$tfo fr\sjr rLs.t, A uarvrN-% tuottt(N uir-/t- uaqot ' '{ u7a-o( fotr- ruh',tLt@(^}e/"e u/\-rur-t + [n ord.e/ fu wnil Aq.^rn atv vocD-h W TarqeUs OCθ 屹ル敏 範 αr4∝ υ 'Euttto- ( o.rvr p./1u'/t^o./ 赫 ッ [s' 1-0 0^r1 30 dha+<.,r . BINLu& (g-rse f-u)ut ReⅥ ew oy 2-b dt^o+u 憫 T雁 VO― ^^嘲 ヽ 3‰ ‰ 梅町J出 つ 岬 w娯 も ,wt 4疏 r岬 tt αfは . 1 , . ′´ ^ ) tl t"-e" ' 1ffi qlou. t0 ujo &l Polt - ut (otz' a,r\d tA!- 'tai;hattr w G lmpact a 2D o'^ot 編聯ぶ蹴牌F写帯gl艦Υご 嚇鐸昴 鰐1,「 』Tは u化 や υ ,い W,^噌 咆 脅 ´ ` W常 協 黙 ヽ い ゝ、 礼稔 1崚 ・ ヤ 鱚 鵬蹴批 鳴滅棚領 _∫ ta rtノ イ1lhi r入 11111 : 二 一 十 ― H→ -1-l ]― ― 十 -1 ― 1 丁 │― │ 口 │ l I匡 三に 車ゴ =コ「 刊 事車車:コ コII車 4事事事事事¬ Q棚忠 er lnstitute of Education Observatton of Teacher bv Trainee to/rt I{+ I Date... os loS lts Lesson... FocusTeachers' Standard: W 粁 し R咄肌い降 C― Ytt」 Qた α 中 光 蝸 晰 9は Yeargroup"' b o"'d rylY'p- +a' lrv\pare k'rr'owl-c'd4e *Go.rto;.d,-r5 &ot g^ e&4dl'u\ ule + - ilJJ ry\ gtn l ' 」岬 Renect scrし pと し ∫ Arte/cLq3 P 鮮獄帆肌 脇職 し 1性鼎 謝 挽 棚 織 協 暇 認 紳d出 葛 ∫ 譜 ∼ 「 Review 叫 工 れ 疎 れ = eaC」 暉 颯 2コ … 臥 F LΨ胸鶴 lmpact (eiJo o^ a\rN$L on owc,{yry P&4, Chid.,rer\ urtre ebu +o d!,,treloi o^d' orLa-^d 0\tiit u}ere c6\4{-4.. WL-(Y\J WtAJ-r (os o3 {5) ,CAriaren u.^cloc(adrv qJo ori ponr 01. {lu- L[ria\ {o gorn 'fk J rno-^l' ^0^/J * unLlt-,tr' [o.,m 6ran (Nn]fiv\ YnUuo.lg /ir c1^L ry\ovQrt (kurr or,u'n wc{k- or $re/\Ah tha- uCI.ckt-r' υ:VVυ :LじヽLC: V′ lnstitute of Education Key Stage 1 /2 Lesson Observation Form: School Experience planning and structure of the lesson r management and management of :aling with misconceptions/ promotion fferentiation / assessment and feedbacl iditional adults. trご篤 観 二 e,'a^at 'l "^ L ピ ユ藁 メニ三に■‐ │■ ●L21を SS“ c;-.4 S☆ :彎 ‐ 姦 TE不 」 言 も ■千 ‐ ■三.1弯 ■ scL _ T_ t弓 ― べ 酵 │・ =:官 fu.iv( r.-r< a \+rt 」 J ^J- ' Jc.^-.t .v-sf,,こ毛 ' ´ l_ ' Tw' ta,ul^ 6ooi'' rnia (-ear+'"o\ ・ 'Sヤ y strengths‐ theSe shOuld feed into 〕 F T Dekty reviews 鞣 複萌懺 臓 : ハ飾 ・ ヽ below: NOTE: NO SPLiT GRADES TI 3tandard l 3 copy/● r ●●py rOr cow for sdool mentor Tha mentot shd)td ke€p a @py ol thb fom for their &sermtion. There ontinuatiOn sh● et if required rards. A qy sl]rc/uld be at must be giwn l@d b fhe trainee teacher within one day 1 ob*Nation Pet week d the :み “究蒻複協 ″ 鬱 ″ / ん ご 紘″ ■ をZ ん `イ lesson: Literacy Focus Teaches Standard: 4b. Promote a love of learning' when teaching my lessons laim to include engaging activities that involve children's imagination. Within this literacy lesson, I differentiated each activity for ability groups. Each ability group had a grammar term to focus on. lwas observed within this lesson. My produced observation form highlights how one particular child enjoyed the activity I had part of and when I have him feedback it motivated and encouraged learning. This child was the target group. I had produced an activity in which children have to view objects around it the room and write a sentence including the objects preposition in it. This was effective as acted as a visual activity in which children were able to construct sentences based on their had observations. My observation form highlights how the child celebrated when he produced an effective sentence which I commented on. The observer then commented on the fact that the child then continued with his work showing the child's interest and motivation within the activity. 騒 針 ①棚寵 lnnitute of Education Critical Reflection Form Modure/resso oate .2.5..!.1...J.t.... "..MatN.. Focus Teachers' Standard .. ..f *m' *' wa -:tad,g'ir@ .'ffime/ t Wffii p'..lqllfilixo d^ dc:q.1M W Reflectionl.Lwtc.lttd,-o-ml-auqatw-batlao,ruuwblt;iq'rtl.t*tb(L il b to.lrv on unu,.. ho TarqeUs 1flU"l1,U44w*lfrt a-clllttttl.U^vd,ytd f,(g, cut q, 6h0 Urle\ '(o U^n stur,O rurl t hdp i/ddre^ Work o'Jti Colulfoflqu (l,t,r\g U^L LUrulo^rN.{fufl. 謳 W箭‰ Q駅地響 Au of 0u c/nr,uren rNailL 1縦鶉 M3uuxtr *9. 緻 `慇 ry## .*; y.摯 磯 讚 鮒赫盪 __W^T (o'klrllJ'kua :饗 Ψ tl,, 丁 Ail;*a;;-'ho,tld uthk a,tt. ini{1rc0/ 0L{\0L ffi^ir1 tl/u$ rKlAlflI ∫C機に t{Wildr\ada 叫 ¨ Impact iurur ujo(rt Wlq]^ mn b uud<o u'a/Lalf; UfulAA' KU h,U,futn hq,o wn-Am N\!.M\Ma uilutg afu{1.0*u1x .M*,lu^ a tul\ 04\d fE" pr^ (s.Y\+ULLr,{ ,n Ur^"$ &ro- WnfV.n ntql,{'Od, oy cAlc.tvt-tl;to^" , Focus Teachem Standard: 4d. Reflection. After each lesson, whether it is a whole class or a small group one, I have reflected and we evaluated my lesson. This has been verbally through a discussion with my class teacher. planningforthe have discussed how children have progressed and therefore used this when next lesson. I found reflecting upon lessons useful as I was able to give myself targets to improve on. A main target was using specific feedback for students. This was something that for my weekly review sheet. However, I successfully met my target and used specific feedback during lessons. Therefore, through reflection, lwas able to identify my strengths and weaknesses throughout my teaching practice. I have also reflected through completing critical reflections and evaluating what time went well and what didn't. I did this daily in order to show progression throughout my my teacher also picked up on and used as a target on placement. Weekly review record 眈OSE2SE3 Weekdpractica③ oate, ljf 63/15 Teacherc' Standards identified from previous review: Review: (How have you aimed to meet your targets? How successful have you been? Use lesson observation feedback, reflection forms etc. to provide evidence for this.) futilrti n4 wl\otL clsJt (utarv tfuJ week) I ptarut-t.d, to utrk wittt a loYut qrqq ti Or&t_t b eKA^d c,t1il;at\'t Uatr,qto. ln rv.Lll rnoa-k-il A^tJa 1 / wo@td Lu'th\ t4 to et\Ju_ft tk-a-u J hatd-"a JTUJJT ht\ou.)Uaqe.-Tlvu t*W qe u}yg Atotlt*o,_ @Jt w!-a-te- t' ettta-nnu iro^ ogeruaiot ?,an iyi/"Zt ,Zj'陥画 伸 同 面 dm螢 師s hd m yourb∝ h躍 mtt ___一 ― ω ′ 鰻 紹 潔 ω “ 彬 移 叩写ガ r血 “ 蹴 腸 感彎 ´ 駅 ,.彎 角 中 だ蜜 __ハ ^:″ rじ .1夕 α機力い .0 r夢 Ψ θ4彎夕″ =ゥ 理 │シ 働 ヒ 即 之」 ¨ 銀 物 ″ :μ 彎 “ “ School monfor cnmm● 碗 畝 7 ″ 徽 館 ″と "し 仇に な も銘 o′ ′っ ′ハ 写 ,′ 替 r/A● r “ あ ρ ン ι如 ァ麗 窮 九
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