ヘ Z‐ 11011′ 18′ 2009‐ PPC Covernment of:ndia Ministry of Rural Development Department of Land Resources Block 'l'1, 66 Floor, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road New Delhi-'l'10 003 Date 2r,( January, 2014 To The Chairman, SLNA for IWMP All States Sub.: Allocation of minimum tentative targeE under IWMP for the year 201+15'reg' Sir, This is to inform that initial tentative targets for new projects under lntegrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP) during 2014-15 have been approved by the competent authority. The list of State wise targets is enclosed. Proiects Reports (PPRS) for the proiects to be proposed during the year 2014-15, afrer app;oval of the SLNA, may be furnished to this Department at the earliest for appraisal before the Steering Committee of the Department of Land Resources. The other piocedures and guidelines on IWMP issued by the Department from time to time may be complied with. 2. The Preliminary 3. The proposals received from the States will be considered on "Iirst come-tirst serve basis' Hence, it is requested to ensure that the proposal (PPRS) from the State, complete in all respects, reach the Department of Land Resources well in time within February, 2014 so thaithe appraisal of the same can be done by Steering committee within lst quarter of 201415. Yours faithfully, .l ctl(Ph (Dr. SandeeP Dave) Joint Secretary (WM) 011-230624541Fax: 01 1-23063568). Copy to Principal Secretary/Secretary/Commissioner/CEO, SLNA in 28 States mentioned above (as per list) Copy to 4 PPS to Secretary(LR)/PPS tO SS(LR)′ PPS tO」 S OⅣ M),Doし R― 2 DlG IWM)′ DlG(Nソ DC(WD)′ DS(IWDP)D States concerned fo「 nfo「 malon . lro,o""d allocation of minimum tentative physical targets for new projects under IWMP lor 2014-15 Name of State S. No. Approved weightage Allocation during 2014-l 5 based on weightage criteria (lakh ha) 1 Andhra Pradesh 8.14 4.06 2 Arunachal Pradesh 093 3 Assam .r oo 0.46 .t oo 4 Bihar 2.65 1.33 5 Chhattisgarh 3.08 1.54 6 Goa 0.06 0.03 7 Gujarat 6.31 3.1 5 8 Haryana 1.14 0.57 9 Himachal pradesh 1.39 0.70 10 J&K 3.25 1.63 」harkhand 2.89 1.45 12 Karnataka 6.44 3.21 13 Kerala 1.01 0.51 14 Madhya Pradesh 9.33 4.66 15 Maharashtra 1037 5.18 16 Manipur 1.24 0.62 17 Meghalaya 0.68 0.34 18 Mizoram 1.12 0.56 19 Nagaland 1.26 0.63 20 Orissa 4.11 2.06 21 Punjab 0.85 0.43 22 Rajasthan 1520 7.s9 23 Sikkim 0.09 0.05 24 Tam‖ Nadu 3.10 1.55 25 Tripura 0.69 0.35 26 Uttar Pradesh 6.25 3.13 27 Uttarakhand o.77 0.39 28 West Bangal 3.66 1.83 100.00 5000 Total ( lh::.irnran e:f' Sl.,NA Ihe‐ PFincipal Sccr■ ary g● 「 ハ Cu‖ ure l,0藤 ,It,lcnt。 &Ch31311ani SLヽ IA Oて 、er■ 1輸 o■ t01・ Andhrn Prfttesh Sccretttrid Builai"g [1)dC・ ︰ ︲ ︲ ︲ ︲ ︲ ︲ ︲ ︲ ︰ ﹁︱ 一 'f il-l,ri nd F;T Se* i*ia,'i, 騨 ,artrncr1l of Rllr,、 1 0ovcl● pmcnt (lhalrtnan,sllヽ A よ― Gott.o「 Blllar V:tas 3:lavell,Ncw Sccrcl■ riat,Bttilley Roatl rabad P・atn闘 B,:lal ` 11lc(lhiO「 Sをtret,lr) 1・ &Chairlmn■ ,Si,NA (lhioFSecttaFV (lovt. oi'Cioa Cioverninent oFChil`tttissaril Mant総 1lya;Roolll No 207,L)KSI〕 haw`o A Se(retariatAlto llorvorinr, Portnriln, Bardez (ica Ralptir な 壁J襲笙L___ _∼ _´ 1・ hc Clo:1111lissit)1)el・ &Printip〈 1,Seゞ '1い ・:ヽ 1 ral Devcic)pn、 clll l)o,art:γ l● R、 〕 &(` hariman.3に ヽA Gove‖ 11■ cnt ofo摯 │`tド tド BI● ●ヽNtl.16、 1)に │。 。 r :● 13,.卜 lciat(.● nl■ li、 、;● :1ば よ FI:`,ci,(1:ヽ i llマ │'1・ 喘 : & [tur-al l]eve lotru]]ent 1● γ 〕 「ぼ `。 Panchayats [)epannrent & {'hairnrrri" $l.NA (irvernrncnl ol- l{lrr}ann : `、 D:´ ht・ &(lil・41,11)aは ,St,ヽ .Jivr4 Mヾ lta B1lawall l{ Nt'.(,22. 0th l^'ltrt.rr New"- l-Jar\.arra { ir,il Sgcrt:tariatr' Gandllll188ar Citliarat 'I'he ChiqI Secret*r,y & Ohuilnrarr. $l..NA Covernment ol' l linrachal ltrudeslr HP Sceretsriat Slrinrla (::、 :l Secreial` Hirnachal Pradesh .in illl,、 &ぐ hall:113n、 `1.ヽ A (■ ,vcrlll▼ lel■ o「 Jal=ll11 11よ KaShl,1:r │ 1■ 1 u Janllltu&ヽ ashnl:r 'I'he ,\tltlirii,rrrii (.!riui S**i,i,r trre LiJu.;iiin,ncrrr t'o,, nii;tio,r;'' & Chairnrarr, Sl..NA fiuvt. ofJharkhand 改 \epnl l{ourse Ltuilding L)orarrda (1● 、 crI,nlc:1l of Kar` Rauchi .lhurkhand Vi<lhan Sauiiha, Llitngali;re & l)evelopnren Co131lritssloller i■ ,St′ (11lo l壼 1、 そ Ntr..i06" lll NA ootaka l)h.x>r' KarnalaL* I'hc Agricult*rlrl llnrtiuctiorr {".-urnrrrissir*er & Clrilirm:rn, !l"lt.4 (ior.sr"rr merrl ol K tral u 11,そ (11licrStcl.1ュ rv &(lhalirnall,Sl.NA `1=(11ly● Pradcsh (;o,c:11:,lClヽ 'ol` 'I'h i ru vnn;rrrt hapu rirnr Mantrala)a、 Valtab11 8:13Van 81lopal Keralt ヽladllya Secretilriatc" 11、 Water Colist∼ atiOnぶ ヒECS Dettart'` C'11 crlline:,iorヽla11.ra、 lnt,議 ヽla‖ iralava 時:ut,lbai ヽlahal'ashtFa ′ cr rhc rina1lci‐ 晨1(10nllllis、 ね綺 Rtral D● 、oloplllent&PR Dcparilan● &Chtti111,ao.St.ヽ ヘ Go、 t oFPu■ ,ab M ini ttDcrcm"誠 ,Scぜ lo「 1) F)rodtrction()。 ,凛 n● sぶ lo,lcr [)epartrrrerrt ot' Agricr.rlturc & (."hairnran, SLNA (.iote!'nn'lent of (}ri*sa &ぐ halrlllan.SLNA C‐ oγ P:` adc、 │、 cAぶ :ict:lttilc Raiit Bhavntr lJhubanesrtilr … :11 lti.ll │ < │ 'l'hc :\dci i t i orrlrl ('hief Sc'oretary Rural [)eve loprrrent & Panc]ra1'ati & (.llrlirnrnn. SL.:\A │ │ iilvcr"ltrnr;nt of Ra.iasilrarr Secreturiat ( R■ IDぐ 1)a“ :11● 子 ヽ : .lhCユ 赫 鰊 儡 駒 ltlllelV Sert'ctar"r- g占 ml■ 15siOncr あiit,ご 百6Jli;ii卜 nぐ 。 に,3rII■ ,C:ヽ it,1人 gricttltttt・ ● │ 鸞 &Ci卜 :1:rinan、 係轟 Siゃ `A 「 r〕 管 & (ltr:ririrrari. Sl'll A (jLrverntnet:t o!' Ui.tar })ratiesh (iitttrntrlent ol'{"luri l nadtt 1-ucktrorv 、 り゛ヽ11 キlit● I I)1・ 々 (lhennai Departrnertr of l"orests 1 & Rurirl Dcveltlpurenl & Chainnan' SLNA $ovr. of l.lttarakhnnd Jttarakhand Secri:tariute Dehradutl t "itlie ['ri rrciirai secr"ttarY llspartnr(lrt <.' I ;\gri ctrltur{r :腕 ■覇ilふ0,sttA 1癬 凛ぽ │ヾ cま 椰en=轟 littarakhand flie Gtrrnrissioner I(ural DevcioPnrent DePamrnett & Chairnan, SI"NA $oventtnqnt of i\runachal Pradenh ,Iこ 高品薇ζぶふ:度 続tttI轟 ふ こ Sr-ril ('trtscrvittioll nepafi lrrelll :∫ &ご hairnta〕 1,Stヽ A 1漱 CioVt.。 fハ 'sユ Assa摯 l SecFOttrtat Sectetariai Itanagi:r (1,w:Jヽ nti .{runac}tal I'railelh ^l ll」 11、 c C11、 icF S● 1ヽ A、 ま燎 ヽ 11む i::ま Cretary l.rt & {t[:(). sl-NA & (."Litirrrran. Sl.\;\ **r.t. ul l\'l*glrulala' l.{cghalnya t'iviI liecrlltarirt Addl^ Bidg' lnrphal lr{anipur Slrill.rirg :laぃ 、 │ヽ ● ぶ 1 5cCretary I)op議 │ぬ 。nt● F Itu腱 l 1‐ riI(│ふ lll‐ &Ch=inllan、 Sし `A Devt・ Covttrlilllell:゛ f卜ti7orar11 Secr01ariat Aiz.nwl l。 ,ment ´ 1)ncr&ヽ tCr● n.1■ 、 & Chainrtan. Sl"Nt\ Covi. crl Nagal*nd S*cretarint Kohinta D*panrrrelrt of Agriculture CioverttrnEtrt of' $ikki rtt sccretarヽ 41 Gan諄 Ok Sikki:11 _ r) “ Devel oprnent l)epanttr eut oi' l..,Rnd Rcs()urce$ Mizt:ratn Ivlanugelnenl & Charinrun. SI.NA ) l)cliirtrlr.rlt of Soil & Wili(;'r ('(lnsur\itti()!l O$venYnent o1' Iv{itniPrrr !luniptrr Sccrctariat '「 Socretary III gluati(lll or,.,,,u,,,r" l tttplctlrcrrtati *rr rrrrd l:r & {lhairnratr, lil .\A I Govi.ぐ ,f` Triptra FeC曲 "鎮 i懲艤 11百 げ a 榊 一 一 . 一 一 一 ii, Ilahrr l'.handi llllrirvi"rtt t:P Cir:ii Secrt:tariitl 9- Secretsriilt St. George Fotl ︲︱︱ ︲︲ ︲ 、︲ 二⋮ ︲ そ ︲ ︲ι ﹁ 十 ︱︱ ︲ ⋮ ︲ ︲1■ ︲ ︲ ︲ 一 ︱ ︱︱︱ ﹁ 躙︲︲ Ctrandig*rh Pritrcipal Secretsries of States The Principal Secretary Department of Rural Development Covemment of Andhra Pradesh Secretariat Building Hyderabad - 500 001 The Principal Secretary Department of Agriculture Go!l. ofBihar Vikas Bhavan, New Secretariat Bailley Road, Patna The Secretary Rural Development Department Govemment of Chhattisgarh Secrelariat D.K.S. Bhawan, Raipur The Commissioner & Principal Secretary Rural Development Department Govemment ofGujarat Block No.16, 3rd Floor Dr. Jiwaj Mehta Bhawan Gandhinagar - 382 0l0cuiarat The Secretary Agriculture Department Gort. ofGoa Secretadat, Alto Porvorim Bardez, Goa The Principal Secretary Rural Development Deptt. Govemment ofHaryana Chandigarh The Secretary Rural Development Department Govemment of Himachal Pradesh HP Secretariat Shimla - 171 002 The APC cum Secretary Department of Agriculture Govemment of Tamil Nadu Secretariat Fort St. George Chennai - 600 009 The Principal Secretary Deptt. of Irrigation , Land Development and Water Resources, Govemment of Uttar Pradesh Bapu Bhawan 66 Floor, U.P. Civil Secretariat Vidhan Sabha Marg, Lucknow-226001 The Secretary (Watersheds) Watershed Management Agency Indira Nagar, Forest Colony Govemment of Uttarakhand Dehradun The Principal Secretary Rural Development Department Govemmenl ofJharkhand Ranchi The Principal Seoetary Department of Agriculture Gol4. of Kamataka 46 Floor, MS Building Kamataka S€cretariate - 2, Bangalore The Principal Secretary Local Se lf Govemment Department Government ofKerala. Secretariat Thiruvananthapuram The Principal Secretary Panchayati & Rural Dev. Deptt. Govemment of Madhya Pradesh 'B' Wing, IInd Floor, Vindhyachal Bhawan, Bhopal - 462 004 The Principal Secretary Water Conservation & R.D. Deptt. Govemment of Maharashtra Mantralaya Mumbai - 400 032 The Commissioner cum Secretary Dept. of Agriculture GoY€mment ofOrissa Secrelariat, Rajeev Bhavan Bhubaneswar-751 001 The Financial Commissioner & Secrelary Rural Development & PR Department Gort. ofPunjab Mini Secretari at, Sector 9, Chandigarh The Principal Secretary Rural Deyelopment & Panchayati Raj Department GoYemment ofRajasthan Seoetariat, Jaipur - 302 005 The Secretary Rural Development Department Govemment of Jammu & Kashmir Civil Secretariat, Srinagar The PPS to Chief Secretary Gor4. of Manipur Secretariat Imphal れ ふ れ 「1'ヽ 轟′ i:轟 111苺 ″ いop● :t,│ヽ な :A=‐ │.れ "│ぜ `■11:3● ●■■│ │ 11・ ・ ヾIれ :tヾ Sit i■ ヽ :■ 1'【 ヾ′`13● 11摯 │ ■(,11`F,I l kt,lk● (■ r `│ :こ l f ― :Dt行 凛犠 │ dい 凛:R■ “ ■ 1豪 :■ 1 )ヽ 1,1` │■ ヽ゛oィ を1ま ri■ せ ‐鑢■11:1詢 ■ : ‐ l 1 l“ (■ l t'o,● ‐(1,ゃ │ ー ″ 卜● 、 11,,'そ は ,● 資 `で `.Iい i21■ hil 1,マ ,:'よ 嶋 lk:1.:,む l l(1■ │ │` : : ヾ ャ 、、.11,i「 ),ll:t ‐ ヽ●■t■ tt凛 11ヽ ぉ1,ヽ 11:■ 1'ィ iti(::、 ,い o(11で 1(1:i tt itζ :'11'1■ ;〕 │ヾ ぃ.薇 」 iお ,,“ 、、 ●lA、 、ぃそ そ ヽヽヽ:1籠 :ヽ へ「●::凛 :ユ │(1.、 、│::● 、 ti 1` “ 'ヽ ●: ■t(■ ヽ:ヽ ヽ′ … tl.■ 高 「 │ :ヤ,織ニ∴ : ●iゞ i患 11)。 Jレ ir":ヾ 籠 =;"ミ ヽ1■ 1.:° ト ズ :│、 1,ヽ ■ぃ■書 :“ ‐ヽよ11,ヽ ■,■ まぅメ ・ I Iヽ 1,11:(│● ミ 1,I;t,1 ` ・ さtiふ し :二 i,■ お 求●メRurJ鋳 ,そ れ諄 銀 Dcraan織 (グ ,,Hlい lt`)1.:V:′ 、 ,:: : :('い ヽ ●●│● │ュ │(様 凛 ■ ● :ヽ ,ハ c■ 希 : “ l■ 1ロ セt虫 せ│″ Cnt ;● ,t。 i:、 11彙 I │卜 :・ 11■ ■ すR■ 、 彙 〔。●■ 1)ヾ 、ャIⅢ Pn‐ `ト i「 rl■ )::議 │ :(■ l lli`` ・ ,ヽ 1´ :ど iti富 ‖‡ │「 猟驚 鷲 1:ll:│:瀧:意 ■ ‐ヽヾゞ 111電 轟 ふ P蒙 101,オ ‐ よ踊 ^:ι `tr● ,「 )・ く::[島 41 :=│`き :.ふ た11二 1 11き な ■11:た よ:¨ "お コ ヽ 中 ヽ■ 「● れ,wi、 凛 ぉ ゛ . ● : │ (″ ′ ヽ Ⅲ ‐ 、 ■凛 : Cnt ‐ な 1、 │チ .r'\-t:,..r1 i; i.)!\: l(r; +i .\:r*lr;r Pr.i;ir,'.h D■ ,││■ 機■ 甲∵ 。鶴 ・ B轟 轟Ⅲ l,ヽ 111、 \r\r 劇 熾 欝 撮凝 憲 1鸞 S(c*[iit.,li 11こ iillヽ III il:ち ` )・ ψttk輛 → 轟輛 ::ィ !. t:ill Jfliitit.ll){f 露 量鑽 1鷲 lff ir j :1Ii i.'iilll { !i"..! I i,i- aL:,ih,}r<i5it lr i} (. r;lliiri IJijliijir,ir, irlitl(:. :: '■ tFi'い `Ⅲ 卜 │(lⅢ ′、●イ│,.二 ::「 :lilII表 1驚 言凛議 漱爾 ヽocrは 3rio:,DKS B卜 凛 tt ti:Ⅲ .ヽ 1.ヽ 、 lI破 lSaill*1 Raatl, P:urur ヽ。 clこ :│:さ .Iれ ■ 「 ヽ ll :│う :,lrlヾ :tr `cc:ゃ Dirgctor*le of $ui I l"onserrarir:n fiuu" tr{ Bihar \'ikrs Bhur.ur. │ ヽFI:1:ヽ 11,て `● ,,、 r tt CI=`│ヽ │ヽ 1ヽ =レ .■ ││`イ ヽolll,t,,│■ │,織 ″r,:,o.IIふ 1静 ぐ、● ■′ ), ^,,41ヽ ら,,、 :,,ヽ ィ│::i` l ヽ1ヽ tit11■ ,,Ⅲ ヽ11:● 1,11,4、 こ,1'''' t- =・ │卜 Aら riヽ ヽヨン ぐIrti).sIヽ ヽヽ ,:‐ i'.,,:rrrr!... .---. '.-i": :,i,\..1'il,'i.il(,.: (ir)! t ol‐ ごI驚 さ 、‐ヽA jar. I │ヽ :l` へ : 'lonca (-aranr"alenl Panaii 1)│「 0*a ・で・・r中 ::° 1・ │・ ::講 :卜 11(〉 il.'夕 (11,,:、 ヾr、 r,、 '■ 、 ′ マ:│,:● │:itⅢ `、 ぃ凛● 、 井 IIIら ,■ ││:ヽ「 ヽ1■ lt l,`11た 、ゃ│● ;、 1:2■ ri(■ :ヽ ヽュ :ヾ ( l rll・ い│:,懺 ュ,、 1● 1,4、 :,1ヽ 工。 ゛ 驚 思 l寧 鵞 ぶ驚 kや o韓 Iヽ │`:卜 ,t,, l,l:r,1,i l!.\ 11■ 11■ 「)it,=● 1● :こ │「 411::ヽ 1ヾ ¬ ゛山 : lth嗜 lk゛ 、 鮨ura釧 瞥cぬ 1,17,ぃ ンド、 FIt=ゴ Iミ , 1'凛 税 ‐ 響 ヽゃ :轟 .│■ :卜 ,(.「 ●lKバ ヽ ヽ,お :1● 、t,11 。 ぃ 、Rttu軸 ・‐ "al漱 ニ ‐ 二 な 。サ │■ ご ■ 『 Aヽ C(1)「 鰺│:::じ ,pgヽ 。 5,、 燎 ↓ぶ ユ :「鳳:1薫 ∬ ユ二 :I` 1・ lII:‐ :キ ヽ│● 「 li('l-1t l`ヽ ii Fヽ lぶ :・ t瀾 11'1111ヽ “ i)ct*iil[rrr*ni & 'rf *ier il,:i+rrrc*: i.iHlLl (;rrri (,i i'uiy l.,r.lrjrili ヽ゛ヽ 131:::JIぃ │.ti「 (11■ il、 ‐ 1 1瀞 … ■朧 lillll:llヽ ││111■ 1■ 1.:′ ヽ 'Ⅲ 1ヽ 、 1デ ‐ │キ 1111111■ _、 111、 K滅 ,徴 lIプ `‐ 繁 :Agenc, 蓬 露電 気1.Ittldr)eva。 勢 驚駐:ll霞戯 靭翼F l彙 漁 11霧 撥 11:ill》 ヽ 1_卜 llir.r.;rrr ' SCO NO.:な 1.185, ::』 、ゃュ)P(71 Ⅲl( '(ヽ 1● :1)(│■ 1:ヽ ト !*dl!,r i'j ri)i1;lia !lill 181011} t t lt,、 ,│、 、 ":い `■ やえ ,IK、 :iti l,。 P.:彙 :` ` ll,1:、 1与'│ゝ 、 ■ ■ ■ 、1“ ■ 1よ ti'Vlo■ サ,t'01::ヽ て 、 1■ 、│:1■ )ビ IF` :ttt.、 klれ │ヽ 1ヽ ヽ │て Bh)● kヽ ● :`.I″ ド:● げ ‐ :J● 111識 二Ⅲふ■ 碁二二ふ二■ 1■ tt::tl:, 0■ 、ま゛f■ ■,■ ral へ:│:12,ll,ぉ │ ヽ│:1,,,そ ` 11'''そ ,`■ ,,I:`,■ │.ィ :11 '`■ :11 11: 11: いヽ 1 =tr,1,1 … 「│,│, ■ 1 ,ψ I` : 1,砂 ::″ │■ _、 Iれ なた 、 1 、 )IF,´ ゛││て 「 .( 1,1ヽ (it■ 、 │に kt末 , r)。 ●r,,l :● I FI、 re、 tr、 `,こ rl■ :γ l,● ,,ヽ 1ヽ (1ン :癬 .ヽ 1.ヽ i l *rr.qcr i itt it'llt : :R(イ 轟:i)。 ヽ●l● I,`γ tt 、: 、 ,「 ヽ1:′ ゛ │;● =ol■ :′ 11ヽ i 1 111■ 1)lr● c、 │、 rよ (1を I Cll、 1:11シ ,■ 1'I IIヽ i-)l rdalrr,riitr: i)i' $r.i r t . .t t ,\ i i ll rtr │● ■│、 alぃ Fl 、 lF)● 、ol■ ,● 、 4": 1 1)trC● :。 rol● ●:Rく :´ く l li● .ヽ { .i , r i a,r;illiirlk ■てし =Director↓ ,よ 1.:1(111,を `「 ヽ111tt:=● r,● ′ ハ1れ ` i: 、1 1、 中、ヽi.ヽ ハ FI:ル ● 燎rむ、 ti), 「 1ヾ 、ト ●■,IICI)011● 1,1、 ││へ i ti:`:t111t,│ ヽ111)● (ツ 千 :│ IFれ ,I)irぼ そ oマ・&0「 く シ ヽ4ヽ 、1 ●Iヽ 1ぐ ,1111:,11.:` ″ nti、 o[it`ヽ 111::= I AIi,ヽ 1■ 1ヽ 〔 │(:,I[,1,cti■ r、 1■ t,.ヽ 1ヽ ヘ I、 、 │I Itl、 ぃ lt t● │「 :'11、 ま :■ r● ` 。1■ 「 .、 ■ 1■ 1ヽ 、 :● 1 =I,1,、 :ユ │、 、ヽ■ ● τ● ‐お、 三 I`1:ヽ :(11、 11ヽ こ ′ :ヽ │`:1,│,′ :菫 ,,ヽ │ド :● :` 1)││`'■ みけ │〔 `│:1)11● │ヽ ¬ た │"│)o,1■ ■1:● ゞ´ :ヽ 1` : il、 1:‐ ,゛ :lh。 `│゛ ヾiniヽ 。(「 ご ,■ ょ く,11`,ヽ :ヽ へ .IWヽ .1:' il'CFa痰 :“ oぃ IR`、 ゛lt,No 、で ,I「 篠、:ゃ l11"゛ 31 ,■ 農 卜■Fこ 二1、 1 1卜 ●( I In.、 1、 ハ ー I I'J'ト :(11で . 11シ ,I iャ すoレ ,“ (゛ 1ヽ 。.ヽ ヽtCrゞ :晟 r;ょ , II'ar麟 1lmP卜 111,ヽ inn :.ヽ il)11r r)● )、 :● ● :(1:lr● 子 ゛ 、1■ 11卜 ●11: ゃご ぃ'1;,,“ ■11菫“ '131● iて :凛 ( ■3al,1● :::
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