2016 年 ISAF 国枠予選の途中経過 10 月 10 日現在の日本の国枠獲得状況と、今後の予選日程について経過をお知らせします。 レーザー級 男子 6 月 29 日から 7 月 8 日にかけてキングストン(カナダ)で開催された世界選手権において 国枠を獲得できませんでした。残っているのはアジアカップでのアジア枠(2枠)予選大会 で、2016 年 3 月にアブダビ(アラブ首長国連邦)で開催されます。アジア地区では、すで にシンガポールと韓国が枠をとっています。この大会で枠をとった日本選手が五輪代表と なります。 ナクラ17 男女混合 7 月 3 日から 11 日にかけてオーフス(デンマーク)で開催された世界選手権ならびに 9 月 14 日から 20 日にかけて青島(中国)で開催された ISAF セーリングワールドカップ青島大 会にて国枠を獲得できませんでした。アジア地区の国枠はシンガポールが獲得しました。ナ クラ17級はこれで日本が参加可能な国枠予選は終了しましたので、リオへの参加枠は獲 得できませんでした。 RSX 級 女子 10 月 17 日から 24 日にかけてアルムサナウ(オマーン)で開催される世界選手権で枠の獲 得を目指します。とれなかった時はレーザー級と同様に3月のアジアカップでのアジア1 枠を目指すことになります。 49er級 男子・FX級 女子 49er と FX の男女は11月17日から22日にかけてブエノスアイレス(アルゼンチン) で開催される世界選手権で枠の獲得を目指します。とれなかった時は他のクラスと同様に 3月アブダビでのアジア枠1を目指すことになります。 レーザーラジアル級 女子 11月19日から28日にかけてアルムサナウ(オマーン)で開催される世界選手権で枠の 獲得を目指します。とれなかった時は他クラスと同様に3月アブダビでのアジア枠(2枠) を目指します。 フィン級 男子 ISAFセーリングワールドカップ青島ラウンドで先にアジア枠予選が終わりましたが、 11月20日から30日にかけてタカプナ(ニュージーランド)で開催される世界選手権で 4枠があります。この大会がリオへの参加枠(アジア諸国)獲得のラストチャンスです。 枠についての解釈 各地区での枠の解釈が IOC より出されました。枠獲得大会の優先順位は、2014 年世界選手 権枠、2015 年世界選手権枠、大陸別枠となります。時系列で開催の順に獲得した枠ではあ りません。大陸別枠の参加がない場合は返却された種目の 2015 年世界選手権に加えられま す。 予選の国枠については下記サイトに掲示されています。 http://www.sailing.org/tools/documents/201508Rio2016QualificationSystemFINALSaili ngEN-[19050].pdf 国枠を獲得した国のリストは下記サイトに掲示されています。 http://www.sailing.org/tools/documents/2016QualifiedNationsMNAconfirmationbyevent 24.09.15-[19286].pdf 大陸別 加盟国 (アジア地区) AZE Azerbaijan BRN Bahrain CHN China GEO Georgia HKG Hong Kong INA Indonesia IND India Asia IRI Iran JPN Japan KAZ Kazakhstan KGZ Kyrgyzstan KOR Korea KSA Saudi Arabia KUW Kuwait LBA Libya MAS Malaysian MYA Myanmar OMA Oman 29 か国 PAK Pakistan PHI Philippine PLE Palestine PRK Democratic People's Republic of Korea QAT Qatar SIN Singapore SRI Sri Lanka THA Thailand TPE Chinese Taipei UAE UAE VIE Vietnam QUALIFICATION SYSTEM – GAMES OF THE XXXI OLYMPIAD – RIO 2016 INTERNATIONAL SAILING FEDERATION Sailing A. EVENTS (10) Men’s Events (5) Women’s Events (4) Mixed Event (1) Windsurfer – RS X One Person Dinghy – Laser One Person Dinghy (Heavyweight) – Finn Two Person Dinghy – 470 Skiff – 49er Windsurfer – RS X One Person Dinghy – Laser Radial Two Person Dinghy – 470 Skiff – 49er FX Multihull – Nacra 17 B. ATHLETES QUOTA 1. Total Quota for Sailing: Qualification Places Host Country Places 207 154 361 8 7 15 Men Women Total Tripartite Commission Invitation Places 2 2 4 Total 217 163 380 2. Maximum Number of Athletes per NOC: Quota per NOC Event Specific Quota 8 7 15 1 boat per event 1 boat per event Men Women Total 3. Event Quotas for Sailing: Total Boats Total Athletes Windsurfer 36 36 One Person Dinghy 46 46 One Person Dinghy (Heavyweight) 23 23 Two Person Dinghy 26 52 Skiff 20 40 Windsurfer 26 26 One Person Dinghy 37 37 Men Women Original Version: ENGLISH AUGUST 2015 Page 1/6 QUALIFICATION SYSTEM – GAMES OF THE XXXI OLYMPIAD – RIO 2016 Two Person Dinghy 20 40 Skiff 20 40 20 40 274 380 Mixed Multihull 4. Type of Allocation of Quota Places The quota place is allocated to the NOC. C. ATHLETE ELIGIBILITY All athletes must comply with the provisions of the Olympic Charter currently in force, including but not limited to, Rule 41 (Nationality of Competitors). Only those athletes who have complied with the Olympic Charter may participate in the Olympic Games. Additional IF Requirements: To be eligible to participate in the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, all athletes must: - Have appeared on the official ISAF World Ranking List at any time between 01 August 2014 and 01 June 2016 or - Have competed in at least one of the Olympic Qualification Events. In order to qualify an NOC an athlete must satisfy the same nationality requirements as for the Olympic Games. D. QUALIFICATION PATHWAY QUALIFICATION PLACES The qualification events are listed in hierarchical order of qualification, irrespective of the actual calendar of the events. An athlete can only qualify their NOC in one event. Number of Boat Quota Places Qualification Events 2014 ISAF Sailing World Championships 138 The best ranked NOCs in each of the ten Sailing events at the 2014 Sailing World Championships will be qualified as per the quotas in the table below. 2015 World Championships 47 The best ranked NOCs, not already qualified at the 2014 ISAF Sailing World Championships, in each of the individual 2015 World Championships will be qualified as per the quotas in the table below. 75 Original Version: ENGLISH JUNE 2015 Page 2/6 QUALIFICATION SYSTEM – GAMES OF THE XXXI OLYMPIAD – RIO 2016 2015 / 2016 Continental Qualification Events The best ranked NOCs from each continent not already qualified at the 2014 ISAF Sailing World Championships or the 2015 World Championships, in each of the ten Sailing events at the respective continental qualification competitions, will be qualified as per the quotas in the table below. 2015 WC 2015 / 2016 Africa 2015 / 2016 Asia 2015 / 2016 Europe 2015 / 2016 North America 2015 / 2016 South America Host Tripartite Total Boats Total Athletes Windsurfer 18 6 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 0 36 36 One Person Dinghy 23 9 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 46 46 One Person Dinghy (Heavyweight) 12 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 23 23 Two Person Dinghy 13 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 26 52 Skiff 10 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 20 40 Windsurfer 13 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 26 26 One Person Dinghy 19 4 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 37 37 Two Person Dinghy 10 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 20 40 Skiff 10 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 20 40 10 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 20 40 274 380 2015 / 2016 Oceania 2014 WC Note: In addition to continental qualification events being held for North and South America, the 2015 Pan American Games will also serve as a qualification competition for both ISAF continents. One (1) quota place will be awarded at the 2015 Pan Am Games to the best ranked NOC from North America and the best ranked NOC from South America, not already qualified at the 2014 ISAF Sailing World Championships or the 2015 World Championships (if it has already taken place) in the Men’s One Person Dinghy and the Women’s One Person Dinghy events only. Men Women Mixed Multihull In the event that there are no eligible NOCs at any of the continental qualification events above, the quota place(s) will be allocated to the same event, irrespective of continent, at the 2015 World Championships. HOST COUNTRY PLACES The Host Country is guaranteed one (1) quota place in each event: eight (8) men’s quota places and seven (7) women’s quota places. The deadline for the Host Country NOC to confirm the use of their quota places is 1 June 2016. Original Version: ENGLISH JUNE 2015 Page 3/6 QUALIFICATION SYSTEM – GAMES OF THE XXXI OLYMPIAD – RIO 2016 TRIPARTITE COMMISSION INVITATION PLACES Four (4) Tripartite Commission Invitation Places are made available to eligible NOCs at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. - Two (2) men’s quota places in the One Person Dinghy event and two (2) women’s quota places in the One Person Dinghy event. To be eligible for a Tripartite Commission Invitation Places in Sailing, an athlete must meet the eligibility requirements as stated in Section C. On 15 October 2015, the International Olympic Committee will invite all eligible NOCs to submit their requests for Tripartite Commission Invitation Places. The deadline for NOCs to submit their requests is 15 January 2016. The Tripartite Commission will confirm, in writing, the allocation of invitation places to the relevant NOCs after the end of the qualification period for the concerned sport. Detailed information on Tripartite Invitation places is contained in the “Games of the XXXI Olympiad, Rio 2016 - Olympic Games Tripartite Commission Invitation Places - Allocation Procedure and Regulations”. E. CONFIRMATION PROCESS FOR QUOTA PLACES Following each qualification event, ISAF will publish the results on its website (http://www.sailing.org/regattasearch.php) and inform the respective NOCs of their allocated quota places. The NOCs will then have until 1 June 2016 to confirm if they wish to use these quota places, as detailed in paragraph H. Qualification Timeline. F. REALLOCATION OF UNUSED QUOTA PLACES REALLOCATION OF UNUSED QUALIFICATION PLACES Stage 1: If an allocated quota place is not confirmed by the NOC by the confirmation of quota place deadline or is declined by the NOC, the quota place will be reallocated within the same event to the next best ranked NOC, irrespective of the continent, not yet qualified, based on the results of the 2015 World Championships. Stage 2: If there are still unused quota places following this process the quota places will be reallocated within the same event to the next best ranked NOC, irrespective of the continent, not yet qualified, based on the results of the 2014 ISAF Sailing World Championships. Stage 3: If there any unused quota places following this process the quota places will be allocated first to the Men’s One Person Dinghy and secondly to the Women’s One Person Dinghy event to the next best ranked NOC, irrespective of continent, not yet qualified, based on the results of the 2015 World Championships. Stage 3 will be repeated until all unused quota places have been reallocated. Original Version: ENGLISH JUNE 2015 Page 4/6 QUALIFICATION SYSTEM – GAMES OF THE XXXI OLYMPIAD – RIO 2016 REALLOCATION OF UNUSED HOST COUNTRY PLACES Unused Host Country Place(s) will be reallocated according to the Reallocation process of Unused Qualification Places described above. REALLOCATION OF UNUSED TRIPARTITE COMMISSION INVITATION PLACES If the Tripartite Commission is not able to allocate a Tripartite Commission Invitation Place, it will be reallocated according to the Reallocation process of Unused Qualification Places described above. G. QUALIFICATION TIMELINE Date Milestone 1 August 2014 – 1 June Period for athletes to achieve eligibility criteria 2016 1 September 2014 – 1 Sailing Qualification period June 2016 8-21 September 2014 2014 ISAF Sailing World Championships – Santander, Spain 29 June – 8 July 2015 2015 Laser World Championships – Kingston, Canada 3-11 July 2015 2015 Nacra 17 World Championships – Aarhus, Denmark 17-24 October 2015 RS X World Championships – Al Mussanah, Oman 10-17 October 2015 2015 470 World Championships – Haifa, Israel 17-22 November 2015 2015 49er & 49er FX World Championships – Buenos Aires, Argentina 17-26 November 2015 2015 Laser Radial Women’s World Championships – Al Mussanah, Oman 20-30 November 2015 2015 Finn World Championships – Takapuna, New Zealand Africa Continental Qualification Events 4-11 December 2015 African Qualification Regatta (RS:X, Laser, Laser Radial)– Algiers, Algeria December 2015 – March 2016 African Qualification Regatta (470 Men)– Cape Town, South Africa TBD* March / April 2016 Princess Sofia Regatta (Finn, 470 Women, 49er, 49er FX, Nacra 17) – Palma, Spain Asia Continental Qualification Events 14-20 September 2015 ISAF Sailing World Cup Qingdao(Finn, 470, Nacra 17) – Qingdao, China 16-23 March 2016 ASAF Cup (RS:X, Laser, Laser Radial, 49er, 49erFX) – Abu Dhabi Europe Continental Qualification Events TBD* March / April 2016 Princess Sofia Trophy Regatta All events) - Palma Mallorca, Spain Oceania Continental Qualification Events 6-13 December 2015 ISAF Sailing World Cup Melbourne (All events)– Melbourne, Australia North America Continental Qualification Events Original Version: ENGLISH JUNE 2015 Page 5/6 QUALIFICATION SYSTEM – GAMES OF THE XXXI OLYMPIAD – RIO 2016 10-26 July 2015 25-30 January 2016 2015 Pan-American Games(Laser, Laser Radial) – Toronto, Canada ISAF Sailing World Cup Miami (All events)– Miami, USA South America Continental Qualification Events 10-26 July 2015 2015 Pan-American Games (Laser, Laser Radial)– Toronto, Canada 25-30 January 2016 ISAF Sailing World Cup Miami (All events)– Miami, USA Deadline for NOCs to submit their requests for Tripartite Commission Invitation 15 January 2016 Places TBD* by ISAF ISAF to inform NOCs/NFs of their allocated quota places 1 June 2016 NOCs to confirm use of allocated quota places to ISAF The Tripartite Commission to confirm in writing the allocation of Invitation As of 1 June 2016 Places to the NOCs By 22 June 2016 ISAF to reallocate all unused quota places 18 July 2016 Rio 2016 Sport Entries deadline *To Be Determined Original Version: ENGLISH JUNE 2015 Page 6/6
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