●Health Checkup (基本健診) ●Lung cancer /Stomach cancer/Colon cancer examination (胃・肺・大腸がん検診 DATE LOCATION Thu , Sep 17, 2015 (9/17 木曜日) Sat , Nov 14, 2015 (11/14 土曜日) Sun , Feb 14, 2016 (2/14 日曜日) REGISTRATION TIME Onna Village Health and Welfare Center An English speaking interpreter is Welfare Center available at Health and 8:30am-9:30am 英語通訳者います。 ←Naha ●Onna elementary School R58 ●Onna clinic OIST Discount Ticket Discount Ticket (Under 39 year-old) (Under 40 year-old) (Health checkup & Cancer Examination) (Cancer Examination) Nago→ ●Onna Village Office ★Onna Village Health and Welfare Center To OIST employees and students If you have completed an annual health checkup at OIST (on/off campus), you are NOT eligible for a chest x-ray or a basic health check (stomach and colon cancer are available). Health Checkup ¥1,300 Items of health check ●Urine Analysis & Physical Measurements (Height /Weight) ●Blood pressure ● Blood Sampling ●questionnaire check ● Waist Measurement ● Interview and Examination by a doctor Cancer Examination ★Lung cancer examination¥200 Chest x-ray ★Stomach cancer examination¥500 stomach x-ray with barium ★Colon cancer examination¥500stool examination. Please receive examination container and submit the sample on the appointed date. To those who are subject to receive stomach barium 胃部 X 線(バリウム)検査の受診を希望する方へ ★ Instruction regarding to food, water and medicines ①Do not eat 食事や水分、内服薬について (include gums) after 9 pm of the day prior to your exam. 前日の午後 9 時以降、検査の終わるまで食べ物、ガム、は一切とらないで下さい ②Do not ingest any nicotine products after 9 pm of the day prior to your exam. 前日の午後 9 時以降、検査の終わるまでタバコは一切吸わないで下さい ③Eat food which is easy to digest on the day before your exam day. 前日の夕食は、消化の良いものをとりましょう ④Do not consume any alcohol beverages on the day before your exam day. 前日の飲酒はやめましょう ⑤You may drink water or tea until 12:00pm of the day before your exam day. お水、お茶は前日の夜12時までは、飲んでもかまいません ⑥ Please take your prescribed regular medications (medications for hypertention/heart disease or anticonvulsant) by 3 hours before the examination. 内服訳(降圧剤・狭心症・心筋梗塞・不整脈などの心臓治療薬、抗痙攣薬)は検査の 3 時間前までに内服して下さい ⑦Do not take the medication for diabetes prior to your exam. 糖尿病の薬は内服しないで下さい ⑧Consult your doctor if you are taking insulin injections. インシュリン注射は主治医と相談して下さい *You can take other medications after your examination. その他の薬は検査終了後に服薬して下さい。 You CANNOT proceed with the stomach barium test if….; 胃部 X 線(バリウム)検査を受けてはいけない方 ① you have eaten any food in the morning before your exam. ② you are pregnant or suspected pregnancy recently. ③ you a heavy constipation. ④ you have gastric or intestinal operation. ⑤ you are suffering from an ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease. ⑥ food tends to enters the trachea. ⑦ you are allergic to barium. ⑧ you have experienced heavy constipation by past barium G.I. examination. 検査当日の朝に食事をした。 現在、妊娠中または妊娠疑いである。 便秘症である。 胃の手術を受けたことがある。 潰瘍性大腸炎またはクローン病である。 食べ物が気管に入りやすい。 バリウムの検査でアレルギー症状が出た。 過去にバリウム検査でひどい便秘をしたことがある。 ⑨ you have fever or feel sick. ⑩ you have high blood pressure. 発熱または体調が悪い。 血圧の高い方。 (If your blood pressure is 180/110 or over, we will cancel your examination. For whose BP is 160/100 or over, we would measure again and if the blood pressure does not go down, we will cancel the examination) (180/100 以上の方は検査中止。 Onna Village Health and Welfare Division 160/100 以上の方は再測定し、落ち着かない場合は中止になります。) TEL:098-966-1207 ※Only Japanese speaker is available at the office.
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