詳細 - 極東書店

KS-4100 / March 2015
 戦争終結 70 周年を迎える第二次世界大戦の現在の研究水準を示す重要論考集
E.モーズリー監修 ケンブリッジ版
The Cambridge History of
the Second World War. 3 vols.
Mawdsley, Evan (General ed.), The Cambridge History of the Second World War. 3 vols. 96 colour
illus., 36 maps. ca. 2025 pp. 2015:4 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <622-2275>
ISBN 978-1-107-10177-7
全巻購入特価 hard set
第二次世界大戦終結 70 周年を迎える今年、現在の研究水準を示す
ョンは、1939 年から 45 年まで展開した大戦の権威ある論文集で、越
第 1 巻「戦争を戦う」は、大戦の過程に対する大局的観点から、戦
略や軍事文化、軍事作戦、鍵となった軍事行動を検討します。第 2 巻
ーバルな野心、外交の役割を考察します。第 3 巻「総力戦-戦時の経
第 1 巻:戦争を戦う
Vol. 1: Ferris, John / Mawdsley, Evan (eds.), Fighting the War. 675 pp. 2015:4 <622-2276>
ISBN 978-1-107-03892-9
Contents: General introduction Evan Mawdsley; Introduction to Volume I John Ferris and Evan
Mawdsley; Part I. Grand Strategies: Introduction to Part I John Ferris and Evan Mawdsley; 1. British
military strategy David French; 2. China's long war with Japan Jay Taylor; 3. French grand strategy
and defence preparations Martin S. Alexander; 4. German strategy, 1939–45 Gerhard Weinberg; 5.
Mussolini's strategy 1939–43 John Gooch; 6. Feigning grand strategy: Japan, 1937–45 Alessio Patalono; 7. US grand strategy, 1939–45 Thomas Mahnken; 8. Soviet strategy Bruce W. Menning and
Jonathan House; Part II. Campaigns: Introduction to Part II John Ferris and Evan Mawdsley; 9.
Campaigns in China, 1937–45 Hans Van De Ven; 10. War in the West, 1939–40: an unplanned Blitzkrieg Karl-Heinz Frieser; 11. War in the West, 1939–40: the Battle of Britain? John Ferris and Evan
Mawdsley; 12. Operations on the Eastern Front, 1941–5 David R. Stone; 13. The Mediterranean and
North Africa, 1940–4 Simon Ball; 14. The war in the West, 1943–5 Mary Kathryn Barbier; 15. The war
in the Pacific, 1941–5 John T. Kuehn; 16. The Atlantic war, 1939–45 Marc Milner; 17. Anglo-American
strategic bombing, 1940–5 Tami Davis Biddle; Part III. Fighting Forces: Introduction to Part III John
Ferris and Evan Mawdsley; 18. War planning Eliot Cohen; 19. Armies, navies, air forces: the instruments of war Dennis Showalter; 20. Filling the ranks: conscription and personnel policies Sanders
Marble; 21. Logistics by land and air Phillips O'Brien; 22. Intelligence John Ferris; 23. Prisoners of war
Bob Moore; 24. Guerrillas and counter-insurgency Ben H. Shepherd; Bibliographical essays; Index.
第 2 巻:政治とイデオロギー
Vol. 2: Bosworth, Richard / Maiolo, Joseph (eds.), Politics and Ideology. 650 pp. 2015:4 <622-2277>
ISBN 978-1-107-03407-5
Contents: Introduction to Volume 2 Richard Bosworth and Joseph Maiolo; Part I. Ideologies: Introduction to Part I Richard Bosworth and Joseph Maiolo; 1. The Axis: Germany, Japan and Italy on the
road to war Robert Gerwarth; 2. Western allied ideology, 1939–45 Talbot Imlay; 3. The Soviet Union
and international left Silvio Pons; 4. The propaganda war Jo Fox; 5. Reporting from the battlefield:
censorship and journalism Steven Casey; 6. International organizations Patricia Clavin; 7. Nazi genocides Jürgen Matthäus; 8. War crimes trials Donald Bloxham and Jonathan Waterlow; Part II. Diplomacy and Alliances: Introduction to Part II Richard Bosworth and Joseph Maiolo; 9. Europe: the
failure of diplomacy, 1933–40 Peter Jackson; 10. Asia-Pacific: the failure of diplomacy, 1931–41 Peter
Mauch; 11. The diplomacy of the Axis, 1940–41 Norman J. W. Goda; 12. The diplomacy of the Grand
Alliance David Reynolds; 13. Spain: betting on a Nazi victory Paul Preston; 14. Sweden: negotiated
neutrality Klas Åmark; Part III. Occupation, Collaboration, Resistance and Liberation: Introduction to
Part III Richard Bosworth and Joseph Maiolo; 15. Wartime occupation by Germany: food and sex
Nicholas Stargardt; 16. Collaboration, resistance and liberation in Western Europe William I. Hitchcock; 17. Wartime occupation by Italy Davide Rodogno; 18. Collaboration, resistance and liberation in
the Balkans, 1941–45 Gregor Kranjc; 19. Soviet liberations and occupations, 1939–49 Mark Edele; 20.
Collaboration, resistance and accommodation in Northeast Asia Margherita Zanasi; 21. Japanese
occupation of Southeast Asia, 1941–45 Paul H. Kratoska and Ken'ichi Goto; 22. The British Empire,
1939–45 Ashley Jackson; 23. France and its colonial civil wars, 1940–45 Martin Thomas; 24. The
Muslim world in the Second World War David Motodel; Bibliographical essays; Index.
第 3 巻:総力戦-経済、社会、文化
Vol. 3: Geyer, Michael / Tooze, Adam (eds.), Total War: Economy, Society and Culture. 720 pp.
2015:4 <622-2278>
ISBN 978-1-107-03995-7
Contents: Introduction to Volume 3 Michael Geyer and Adam Tooze; Part I. Political Economy: Introduction to Part I Michael Geyer and Adam Tooze; 1. The economics of the war with Germany Adam
Tooze and Jamie Martin; 2. Finance for war in Asia and its aftermath Greg Huff; 3. War of the factories
Jeff Fear; 4. Controlling resources: coal, iron-ore and oil in the Second World War David Edgerton; 5.
The human fuel: food as global commodity and local scarcity Lizzie Collingham; 6. Transportation
Michael Miller; 7. Towards a new technological age: technoscience from the 1930s to the 1950s
Cathryn Carson; 8. Environments, states and societies at war Chris Pearson; Part II. The Social
Practice of People's War, 1939–1945: Introduction to Part II Michael Geyer and Adam Tooze; 9. Death
and survival in the Second World War Richard Bessel; 10. Wars of displacement: exile and uprooting
KS-4100 / ケンブリッジ版 第 2 次世界大戦史
in the 1940s Yasmin Khan; 11. The war of the cities: industrial labouring forces Rüdiger Hachtman; 12.
Battles for morale: an entangled history of total war in Europe, 1939–1945 Jochen Hellbeck; 13. Hors
de combat: mobilization and immobilization in total war Geoffrey Cocks; 14. The war of the villages:
the interwar agrarian crisis and the Second World War Adam Tooze; Part III. The Moral Economy of
War and Peace: Introduction to Part III Michael Geyer and Adam Tooze; 15. Sexuality and sexual violence Sabine Frühstück; 16. A war for liberty: the law of conscientious objection Jeremy Kessler; 17.
Against war: pacifism as collaboration and as resistance Devin Pendas; 18. Humanitarian politics and
governance: international responses to the civilian toll in the Second World War Stephen Porter; 19.
Making peace as a project of moral reconstruction Mark Bradley; 20. Renegotiating the social contract: Western Europe, Great Britain, Europe and North America Timothy B. Smith; 21. The rise and
fall of central planning David Engerman; 22. Nationalism, decolonization, geopolitics and the Asian
postwar Rana Mitter; Part IV. In the Aftermath of Catastrophic Destruction: Introduction to Part IV
Michael Geyer and Adam Tooze; 23. Interpretations of catastrophe: German intellectuals on Nazism,
genocide, and mass destruction Peter Gordon; 24. The ghosts of war Monica Black; 25. Popular
memory, popular culture: the war in the postwar world Lucy Noakes; 26. The Second World War in
global memory space Jie-Hyun Lim; 27. Landscapes of destruction: capturing images and creating
memory through photography Dorothee Brantz; Bibliographical essay; Index.
KS-4100 / ケンブリッジ版 第 2 次世界大戦史