33rpm.de 26 Feb, 2016 composer list [Prices in Eur] 10 improvised organ pieces (Versetten) on the occasion of the organ´s dedication Cochereau Oberlinger- Orgel St.Joseph Bonn-Beuel rec 05.1981 non-commercial Kirchenmusik an St. Josef A(+)/ g/ private issue in smallest number, very rare, Pierre Cochereau improvising the whole record 16.80 [142341] 7 per Petrassi - Petrassi Inno, Carter Riconscenza per Goffredo Petrassi, Genilucci Metafore del tempo, Grisey Anubis et Nout, Martino Canzone sul nome Petrassi, de Pablo Dos Epigrammas, Halffter Dialogo, Clementi,Aldo 1904 Markiz, Moench, Scotese, Sparnay, Martino,D+C, Masera Zimmermann,JM, Lenzi, Minna, Applebaum, Bartoletti, Corvini, Short, Brocculi, Righini, Aprile, Mencoboni [Festival Pontino 1984] Italia ITL 70103 A(+)/ it/ gatefold original 11.80 [142013] a-capella motets - Lotti Gabrieli Hassler Fevin Palestina Aichinger Berchem Victoria Viadana Lasso Ens vocal Philippe Cailard Columbia SMC 95004 A(+)/ g/ wh-gld 21.80 [140443] Anon., de Araujo, de Conceicao , de Reis, Cabanilles Chapelet Organ of Sao Vicente de Fora, Lisbon HM HMS 30704 st A/ g/ wh-gld stereo original 12.80 [142546] Arias duets scenes Rossini Gounod Offenbach Bizet Verdi Wagneer Massenet Debussy Puccini Mascagni Los Angeles,V.d. (Gedda del Monte DensVieulle Jansen Björling Vozza) EMI 187- 30183/ 84 2LP- gatefold/ A/ g/ blue 6.80 [133997] Arne Organ concertos #4, 5, 6 Guillou (org) Klopfenstein BrandenbO Berlin Philips 6504 054 A(+)/ fr/ double gatefold 6.80 [132312] Arriaga V4 1-3 Rasumowsky-Q Philips 412 054- 1 A+/ nl/ as new 11.80 [143168] Ars Gregoriana 8 - Introitus Schola gregoriana Motette M 50440 A+/ g/ original/ as new/ reviewer´s copy 6.80 [140682] Aus den Schaetzen der Staatsbibliothek - Haydn Divertimento HobI, Es3, Beethoven Andante (Hps), Fanny Hensel PV4 As-dur Levine, David Spectrum Ensemble Berlin, Tomaszewski Lelong Buchholz Blanke Sharp Baumgaertel Adelmann RIAS Berlin, non-commercial, unnumbered A/ g/ original/ live recordings/ Fanny Mendelssohn was 16 when she wrote this lovely piano quartet, performed here with all the seriousness and charm it deserves, performed from manuscript and quite probably for the very first time. 6.80 [143376] Aus den Schaetzen der Staatsbibliothek - Haydn Divertimento HobI, Es3, Beethoven Andante (Hps), Fanny Hensel PV4 As-dur Levine, David Spectrum Ensemble Berlin, Tomaszewski Lelong Buchholz Blanke Sharp Baumgaertel Adelmann RIAS Berlin, non-commercial, unnumbered A/ g/ original/ sticker/ live recordings/ Fanny Mendelssohn was 16 when she wrote this lovely piano quartet, performed here with all the seriousness and charm it deserves, performed from manuscript and quite probably for the very first time. 6.80 [143377] Bach Fantasien + Fugen BWV542, 572 562, 537, Passacaglia BWV582 Walcha (in Alkmaar) Archiv 198 305 SAPM A(+)/ g/ gatefold/ as new 8.80 [108837] Bach Lautenwerke BWV995 -1000 ua. Yepes (baroque- lute) Archiv 2708 030 2LP- box/ A-, plays fine/ g 5.80 [111508] Bach 3 Sonaten Va da Gamba + Hps BWV1027-29 Wenzinger, Neumeyer (rec 1950) Archiv 14 009 APM A-/ M/ g/ sewn gatefold, the earliest rough post-war carton type/ 1953 original/ very rare 21.80 [143785] Bach 3 transcriptions of BWV1060 Menuhin Goossens Bath Festival ChO, Malcolm Preston / Andre Fernandez Paillard ChO Gruenenthal F 65467 A/ g/ Electrola pressing 5.80 [132678] Bach Amore traditore TrioSonate 2 / Handel Kantaten Dalla guerra amorosa + Cuopre tal volta cielo Fischer- Dieskau Nicolet Koch,L Picht- Axenfeld Poppen Electrola E 91063 A/ M/ g/ red Electrola original 11.80 [138852] Bach Brandenb Konzerte (earlier and later versions) Pommer Suske Guettler Haupt Glaetzner Jaccottet Neues Bachisches Collegium Leipzig Eterna 725 017-19 3LP- box/ A or better/ DMM/ coffee original/ great sound 18.80 [120708] Bach Brandenb. Konzerte Couraud Stuttgarter Solisten Lautenbacher Scherbaum Ruf Galling Fontana 700 128/ 129 2LP- gatefold/ A(+)/ as new/ lovely 5.80 [105204] Bach Brandenb. Konzerte #1 #2 #4 Harnoncourt Concentus musicus Wien (2nd recording, 1981 issue) Telefunken 6.42823 A(+)/ DMM/ gatefold original/ DMM sticker ( not yet printed) 6.80 [139595] Bach Brandenb. Konzerte #1- 6 (first version (Th. Dart) Marriner ASMF Philips 6700 045 2LP- box/ A/ g/ early red/ full booklet 6.80 [112007] Bach Brandenb. Konzerte 2, 3, 5 Baumgartner Festival Strings Lucerne Scherbaum Linde Winschermann Nicolet Kirckpatrick Starck DG Focus 419 652 -1 A/ g/ nearly as new 4.80 [139033] Bach Brandenburg Concertos 1, 3, 6 Richter,K Bach O. Munich Archiv 198 487 SAPM A+/ g/ grey carton gatefold/ new unplayed archive copy 29.80 [141326] Bach BWV208 Kantate Was mir behagt ist nur die muntre Jagd Rieu Spoorenberg Jascobett Brand Villisech Leonhardt ChO Amsterdam Telefunken SAWT 9427-B A(+)/ g/ black+gld original/ sample copy 21.80 [114960] Bach Cantata BWV56 Ich will den Kreuzstab gerne tragen / Stoelzel Cantata Aus der Tiefe rufe ich, Herr, zu dir / Purcell Fantasia in Nomine Fischer-Dieskau Baumgartner Festival Strings Lucerne DGG 138 969 SLPM A+/ g/ tulip/ new, unplayed archive copy 15.80 [141374] Bach Cantatas BWV131 Aus derTiefe ruf ich, Herr, zu dir BWV137 Loben den Herren BWV190 Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied Zylis-Gara Russ Schreier Crass Windsbacher Knabenchor Consortium musicum Hucke Tarr Thamm EMI 037- 2903681 A+, fac. sealed/ g/ the whole reissue series (300 Jahre JSB) is exceptionally fine 6.80 [136869] Bach Cantatas BWV25 es ist nichts Gesundes an meinem Leibe ... BWV103 Ihr werdet weinen und heulen Graulich Wehrung Waldbauer Gilvan Messthaler Hoelderlin Heidelberg ChO Motettenchor Stuttgart Da Camera SM 94010 A/ g/ blue original/ nearly as new 5.80 [139709] Bach Cantatas Coffee & Peasant BWV211+ 212 Laki Fueloep GatiNemeth Capella Savaria Hungaroton SLPD 12462 A/ original/ booklet incl/ cov- (back spine taped, else fine)/ one of the most charming Lieschen ever 4.80 [135691] Bach Cantatas Liebster Jesu mein Verlangen BWV32, Wie schoen leuchtet der Morgenstern BWV1, Der Himmel lacht .. BWV31, Bleib bei uns, denn es will Abend werden BWV6, Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben BWV147,Halt im Gedaechtnis Jesum Christ BWV67, Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt BWV68, Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes BWV76, Ich will den Kreuzstab gerne tragen BWV56, Ich habe genug BWV82, Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme BWV140, Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott BWV80 Werner Heinrich Schuetz- Chor Heilbronn, SWG ChO Giebel, McDaniel, Friesenhausen, Jelden, Krebs Wenk, Reichelt, Toepper, Kelch,Hellmann, Staempfli Hoeffgen, Graf, Huber EMI 145- 30864/ 69 6LPbox/ A/ g/ red Electrola Erato series label/ box- (ok) 21.80 [137508] Bach Clavier-Uebung zweyter Teil ( Italian Concerto BWV971, French Ouverture BWV831) Picht- Axfeld (rec 1952) Archiv 14 008 APM A/ M/ g/ flat original/ sewn cover nearly as new/ very good sound, straight forward, swinging performances/ this is a very rare earliest possible issue with a slightly different cover, not yet the the quality of the yellow carton paper we are used to. I am not quite sure whether this version has ever been in the shops 18.80 [140964] Bach Doppelkonzert d-moll fuer 2 Violinen BWV1043 / Sonate E-Dur fuer Violin + Cembalo BWV1016 Enescu Menuhin Monteux / Menuhin Landowska RCA LCT 1120 A-/ us/ earliest gld (78 era recordings, earliest LP release)/ cov - (tape, stickers, wroc) 18.80 [126429] Bach Family Bach,JS 4 Suites/ Bach,C.P.E. 4 Symphonies / Bach,J.Chr. 4 Sinfonias / Bach, W.Fr. Sinfonia, Hps Concerto / Bach,J.L Suite G-dur / Bach,J.Chr.Fr Sinfonia Es-dur Leppard ECO NPhO Philips 6709 004 5LP- box/ A/ red original/ 22.80 [109179] Bach Fantasie c-moll BWV562, Partita O Gott, du frommer Gott BWV767, Praeludien und Fugen G-dur BWV542, h-moll BWV544 Doerr, klais Orgel St. Peter, Black Forrest Christophorus SCGLX 73735 A/ g/ original 6.80 [140690] Bach Fl+VK BWV1044, Ob+VK BWV1060, Adagio Ob+O from BWV249 Sinfonia BWV209 Ars Rediviva Munclinger Snitil Verner Valek Hala) Supraphon 110 1201 A/ blue original 4.80 [110517] Bach Goldberg- Var Gould rec 1955 CBS 72261 A-/ M/ g/ early blue 5.80 [125109] Bach H-moll Messe Gardiner Rolfe Johnson Monteverdi Choir (= Argenta Dawson Fairfield Knibbs Kwella Hall Nichols Chance Collin Stafford Evans Milner Murgatroyd Lloyd Morgan Varcoe) EBS Archiv 415 514- 1 3LP- box/ A+, fac.sealed/ g/ original 26.80 [135562] Bach Handel arias Ferrier Boult LPO Decca 5698 854 A/ nl/ the famous stereo re-recording 4.80 [139012] Bach Harpsichord Concerti #1 d-moll BWV1052 , #2 E-dur BWV1053 Malcolm Muenchinger Decca SXL 6101 A/ eng 10.80 [114265] Bach Harpsichord concertos complete / BWV1052-58, 1060-1065 Veyron-Lacroix / Beckensteiner Goverts Boulay Paillard ChO EMI 181- 28218/ 21 4LP- box/ A/ g/ earliest blue, Erato series 18.80 [126089] Bach Italian Concerto, Toccata BWV 912, french Suite BWV816, Contrapunctus XV (Kunst der Fuge), Fantasie c-moll BWV562 Marlowe Cook Conant Saidenberg (all hps) Baroque ChO DGG 18 780 LPM A+/ M/ g/ flat tulip original (AH)/ new unplayed archive copy 17.80 [141853] Bach Johannes Passion Ramin Giebel Hoeffgen Haefliger Kelch Hudemann Thomaner Gwdhs Leipzig Eterna 820 012 -14 3LP- box/ A/ M/ black/ due to the better vinyl this is arguably the best Eterna pressing 29.80 [120164] Bach Johannes Passion Harnoncourt/ Gillesberger Wiener Saengerknaben, Chorus Viennensis, Concentus Musicus (Alice + Nicolaus Harnoncourt, Gustav + Marie Leonhardt) Equiluz van Egmond, Villisech van tHoff Schneeweis Telefunken SKH 19 3LP- box/ A(+)/ g/ black+gld original/ cloth spine box 37.80 [128947] Bach Johannes Passion Ramin Giebel Hoeffgen Haefliger Kelch Hudemann Thomaner Gwdhs Leipzig Eterna 820 012 -14 3LP- box/ A(-)/ M/ flat bl-wh (big logo)/ cloth spine box 25.80 [143721] Bach Kantate BWV105 Herr, gehe nicht ins Gericht .../ BWV46 Schauet doch und sehet .. Rilling Auger Watts Kraus Heldwein Schoene Gaechinger Kantorei Bach Coll Stuttgart Laudate 98694 A(+)/ g/ Die Bachkantate 6.80 [117403] Bach Kantate BWV146 Wir muessen durch viel Truebsal in das Reich Gottes eingehen Rilling Donath Hoeffgen Equiluz Kunz / Graf Passin Schwarz weber Rothweiler Keltsch Etzold Gaechinger Kantorei Bach Coll Stuttgart Claudius CLV 71917 A+/ g/ Die Bachkantate/ original/ new copy 6.80 [137532] Bach Kantate BWV78 Jesu, der Du meine Seele / Magnificat Richter,K, Ansbach Festival, Stader Buckel Toepper Haefliger Fischer- Dieskau Archive 198 197 SAPM A(+)/ g/ early gatefold, grey cardboard/ as new 21.80 [114839] Bach Kantate Ich hatte viel Bekuemmernis BWV21 Lehmann Weber Krebs Schey Berliner Motettenchor BPO (rec 1952) Archiv 14 007 APM A/ M/ g/ sewn gatefold cover in perfect condition/ earliest flat pressing with 1952 lacquer stamper 21.80 [138308] Bach Kantaten BWV117 Sei Lob und Ehr dem hoechsten Gut + BWV93 Wer nur den lieben Gott laesst walten Doormann Goettinger Stadkantorei, Frankfurter KantatenO Reichelt Wolf-Matthaeus Feyerabend Hudemann SDG 610102 A+/ g/ green -wh sc stereo/ as new/ reviewer´s copy 6.80 [140697] Bach Kantaten BWV211 +212 Kaffee- + Bauernkantate Schreier Mathis Adam ChO Berlin Eterna 826 874 A(+)/ black/ as new 6.80 [143133] Bach Kantaten BWV51+202 Jauchzet Gott / Weichet nur, betruebte Schatten Stader Richter,K Buechner Bilgram Bach-O Muenchen Archiv 198 027 SAPM A+/ g/ grey carton gatefold/ 1966 pressing, new, unplayed archive copy 18.80 [115046] Bach Kunst der Fuge Walcha Archiv APM 14 077- 8 2 LP/ A(-)/ M/ g/ recording, pressing printing all 1956/ original issue/ 17.80 [141092] Bach Lieder und Arien aus Schemelli (compl) Jelden Schnauffer Christophorus SCK 70341 2LP- gatefold/ A/ g/ original 8.80 [135371] Bach Matthaeus Passion Mauersberger Stolte Burmeister Schreier Rotzsch Adam Leib Vogel Thomaner Leipzig Kreuzchor Dresden Gewdhs Eurodisc 80613 XHK 4LP- box/ A(+), one non-sounding mark (checked), else seemingly unplayed/ g/ early gld/ nearly as new 18.80 [109335] Bach Messe h- moll Karajan Janowitz Ludwig Schreier Kerns Riddderbusch V Singverein BPO DG 2740 112 3LP- box/ A(+)/ g/ original/ box- (ok) 11.80 [140648] Bach Messe H-moll Corboz Ens vocal & instrumental Lausanne Perrin Staempfli Schwartz Perre Dufour Huttenlocher Tüller Erato ZL 30544 3LP- box/ A+/g/ early plum sc 17.80 [100518] Bach Messe h-moll Schreier, cond Popp Watkinson Buechner Lorenz Adam Bach- Coll Leipzig/Gwdhs) RFChor Leipzig Eterna 729 265- 266 2LP- gatefold/ A(+)/ outstanding performance 8.80 [106272] Bach Messen F- dur und A- dur Dresdener Kreuzchor +Philh. Kramer Burmeister Adam Flaemig Eterna 826 335 A(+)/ black 6.80 [100520] Bach Missa 1733 Watts Equiluz van Egmond Gillesberger Chorus Viennensis, Harnoncourt Concentus Musicus Vienna Telefunken SAWT 9581- B A(+)/ earliest blue/ g 9.80 [137717] Bach Motets 1-6 BWV225-230 Veselka CzPhC Eurodisc Supraphon 80800 XCK 2LPgatefold/ A/ wh original 9.80 [118701] Bach Motetten BWV225 Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, BWV229 Komm Jesu Komm, BWV 227 Jesu meine Freude Kahlhoefer Kantorei Barmen- Gemarke Collegium aureum Orbis 151- 99616- 7 A(+)/ g/ early blue/ nearly as new 4.80 [139100] Bach Motetten BWV225, 227 Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied / Jesu meine Freude Rilling Gaechinger Kantorei, Bach Collegium Stuttgart rec 65/7 Baerenreiter Musicaphon BM 30 SL 1327 A/ g/ gatefold 5.80 [107719] Bach Musikalisches Opfer Redel Barchet,R Lautenbacher Schmid Schneller,R Braun Schneller,W Redel Zartnert Cazauran Pro Arte Munich Christophorus FGLP 77522 A/ M/ g/ earliest blue 29.80 [134475] Bach Organ Works (2) - Orgelbuechlein, Orgelmesse, Choral- Bearbeitungen Walcha (1969/ 70 recordings) Archiv 2722 003 7LP- box/ A(+)/ earliest full cloth/ nearly as new 30.80 [142480] Bach Organworks vol9 - Dritter Teil der Clavieruebung BWV552, BWV669- 689, BWV802-805 Chapuis (Beckerath organ St Paul Hamm, Westfalia) Telefunken 6.35084 2LP- box/ A(-) plays fine/ g/ earliest blue/ incl booklets and score 11.80 [135316] Bach Partita #1, Beethoven VSoP op12,3 Yong Uck Kim Engel DG 2555 002 A+/ g/ 8.80 [106275] Bach Partita #1, Jesus bleibet meine Freude, Nun komm der Heiden Heiland Ich ruf zu dir Herr Jesu Christ, / Scarlatti Sonaten E-dur L23 + d-moll L413 Lipatti EMI 047- 01406 A(+)/ M/ g 6.80 [120694] Bach Partita #1, Telemann Fantasia #7, Barkauskas Partita, Ernst The Last Summer Rose, all for solo violin Kremer (violin solo) Melodiya CM 03573- 4 A(+)/ blue original 18.80 [130439] Bach Partita Fl solo, Bach,CPE Hamburger sonate (Fl+P), Dutilleux Sonatine (Fl+P), Mieg Sonate Fl+P Rumpel (Fl), Andres (P) Coda 30-296 A/ swiss 5.80 [117128] Bach Passacaglia c-moll BWV582, Praludium und Fuge e-moll BWV533, Fantasie Gdur BWV572 Nowakowski Telefunken TW 30166 A/ M/ flat black+gld/ 10 5.80 [134131] Bach PK BWV1060 1061 1062 (2hp) Ahlgrimm Pischner StkD Redel Eterna 825 693 A/ earliest black 7.80 [100581] Bach Praeludien und Fugen Es-dur BWV552, f-moll BWV534, h-moll BWV544, Fantasie und fuge g-moll BWV542 Walcha, St.Laurenskerk Alkmaar DGG 138 958 SLPM A(+)/ g/ earliest tulip (AH)/ red stereo original/ new unplayed 29.80 [141254] Bach Psalm 51 BWV1083 (Pergolesi´s Stabat Mater arr. by Bach), Cantata BWV200 Bekennen will ich seinen Namen Hellmann Buckel Conrad Bach-Chor+O Mainz Da Camera SM 94011 A(+)/ g/ blue original/ gatefold 9.80 [138984] Bach Suite Nr.1 G-Dur fuer Solo-Cello Sessions Six Pieces For Solo-Cello Penderecki Capriccio per Siegfried Palm Christensen (Vc) Gasparo GS 102 A(+)/ us/ original 10.80 [127940] Bach The 6 Trio Sonatas Baumgratz [Bach- Orgel Dom Bremen] Motette M 10820 2LP- gatefold/ A(+)/ g/ gatefold original 11.80 [139422] Bach Toccata f-dur BWV540, Preludes + Fuges BWV552 + 543, Chorale Prelude BWV654, Pastorale BWV590 Power Biggs (Flentrop/ Harvard) Columbia MS 6748 A+, fac. sealed/ us 6.80 [131401] Bach Toccata, Adagio et Fugue BWV564, chorals BWV658/698, Preludes et Fugues BWV532/543 Guillou (Orgue Du Grossmuenster de Zurich) Philips 6504 002 / fr/ double gatefold/ red/ tresors classiques 9.80 [133159] Bach Toccate und Fuge d-moll BWV565, Fantasie und Fuge g-moll BWV542 / Wachet auf ruft uns die Stimme, Praeludium und Fuge Es-dur BWV552 Jacob (St Sebald Nuremberg), Krapp (St Bavo Haarlem) Eurodisc 202 006- 250 A(+)/ g/ gld 4.80 [142841] Bach Trio-Sonatas BWV1037 BWV1038 BWV 1039 BWV 1036 Keltsch, Kussmaul [v], Taube [vc], Strebel, Sanwald [fl,Praetorius [hps] Da Camera HBE 92204 (A+)/ M/ g/ blue original 13.80 [140056] Bach TripelK Fl,V,Hps 1044 / 3VK1064 Bosse Bach- O GwhsO Eterna 825 993 A/ earliest black 10.80 [106597] Bach Two and Three- Part Inventions BWV772-801 Malcolm,G Nonesuch H71144 A/ eng 4.80 [116688] Bach Vc- solo Suiten #1- 6 Casals EMI 137- 100892 3 3 LP- box/ A-/ M/ g/ 9.80 [100611] Bach Vc- solo Suiten #1+2 Casals Electrola E 80496 A/ M/ g/ earliest red Electrola LP 26.80 [128693] Bach Violin Sonatas BWV1017-19 Schneeberger Mueller Baerenreiter Musicaphon BM 30 L 1902 A/ M/ g/ cream original 29.80 [119293] Bach VK 1041- 3 Menuhin Ferras Bath FestO Electrola SME 91025 A/ g/ early wh-gld 21.80 [136439] Bach VK 1041- 3 Melkus Rantos Capella Academica Wien Archiv 2533 075 A(-) plays fine/ g/ grey carton gatefold/ pre-original wh sample copy 13.80 [141477] Bach VK BWV1041- 3 Suske Kroehner GwdhsO Masur Eterna 827 046 A(-) plays fine/ black 11.80 [108988] Bach VK BWV1041*, BWV1042* / 2VK BWV1043** Oistrakh,D*+I VSO / RPO Goossens** DGG 138 820 A(+)/ g/ 5.80 [120608] Bach VK BWV1041+ 2 Totenberg Wislocki Warsaw NatPO Eterna 720 083 A/ M/flat bl- wh/ 10 21.80 [120661] Bach VK BWV1042, Brandenb K #2, Ricercar a 6 from Musical Offering Keltsch, Sauter thalheimer Rothweiler String Ensemble Werner Keltsch EHS 75004 (private, non-commercial) A/ g/ original/ rare 11.80 [138243] Bach VK d-moll/ Vivaldi Concerto grosso op3, 8 Oistrakh,D+I, Konwitschny Gwdhs DGG 17 160 LPE A/ M/ 10/ 1962 tulip (AH)/ never surpassed perfomance of the Bach, especially the 2nd mouv. 11.80 [143829] Bach VK1+2 BWV1041/2 2VK BWV1043* Barchet van der Mueren* Tilegant Swdt ChO Bertelsmann 11362 A-, plays fine/ g/ flat green original/ sewn gatefold cov/ lovely 21.80 [137988] Bach VSoP 2+3 Oistrakh Pischner DGG 138 989 SLPM A(+)/ g/ pre-original wh sample copy (1965)/ 37.80 [141252] Bach Weihnachts- oratorium Richter Muenchener Bach- C+O Janowitz Ludwig Wunderlich Crass Archiv 198 353- 55 SAPM 3LP box/ A(+)/ g/ earliest canvas box/ original, no set number yet/ nearly as new 29.80 [108217] Bach Weihnachts- Oratorium Muenchinger Pears Ameling watts Krause Luebecker Knaben- Kantorei (boys choir) Stuttgart ChO Decca SET 346- 8 3LP- box/ A/ eng/ grv. wb (as ED2), original 37.80 [138187] Bach Wohltemperiertes Klavier 1 Kirkpatrick (Clavichord) Archiv 2708 006 2LP- box/ A/ g/ full cloth box/ once you get acustomed to the dynamics of the clavichord its expressiveness is quite striking. And you see Kirkpatrick, the academic bore, taking risks and drive the whole performance to the wild side. This is as far from noble sleepiness than you could possibly get. 21.80 [142460] Bach-Busoni / Chopin Liszt Mozkowski Mozart Rachmaninov Schubert Schumann Scriabin Horowitz DG 419 045- 1 A(-) plays fine/ g/ gatefold original/ nearly as new 6.80 [108177] Bach-Busoni / Chopin Liszt Mozkowski Mozart Rachmaninov Schubert Schumann Scriabin Horowitz DG 419 045- 1 A(+)/ g/ gatefold/ 11.80 [142824] Bach,CPE Sinfonias for Orchestra Wq183 (4) Leppard ECO Philips 839 742 LY A(+)/ nl/ red nas silv bold letter original/ as new 8.80 [139235] Bach,CPE Cello concertos Wq 171+ 172 Onczay Rolla LisztChO Budapest Hungaroton SLPX 12229 A/ hung/ original 8.80 [115395] Bach,CPE Flute Trio Wtq 161, Les Folies dEspagne -Var Wtq118, Flute Sonatas Wtq131 + Wtq83 Strebel Kussmaul Wolf Praetorius Da Camera SM 92205 A(+)/ g/ blue original (AH)/ gatefold 6.80 [139532] Bach,CPE Organ concertos Muench Miegendt- Orgel der Prinzessin Anna Amalia von Preussen (jetzt Karlshorst), ChO CPEBach Haenchen Eterna 729 059 A(+)/ DMM original 5.80 [136694] Bach,CPE organ concertos G-dur + Es-dur Guillou, Klopfenstein BrandenbO Berlin Philips 837 482 GY A(+)/ g/ plum original 6.80 [142391] Bach,CPE, Bach,Fr Kirnberger Muench Migendt organ of Princess Anna Amalia of Prussia Capriccio C27162 A(+)/ g/ original/ as new, reviewer´s copy 6.80 [140320] Bach,CPO Double concerto / Bach,JC PK no6 G-dur / Bach,WF PK c-moll Ristenpart ChO Sarre Veyron-Lacroix Dreyfus Christophorus SCGLP 75846 A(+)/ g/ green original/ stereo sticker 11.80 [139061] Bach,J.Ch. 6 Sonatas FLute +Piano op19 Haebler (Hammerclavier) Redel Philips 6500 849 A(+)/ eng/ early red 8.80 [114588] Bach,J.Chr. Quartet F Ob, V, Va +P /Bach,J.S. Cantata BWV189 Meine Seele ruehmt und preist/ Faure PV4 op15 /Turina PV4 op67/ Loeillet,JB (Beon,arr) 2 Triosonatas/ Albeniz Cantos de Espana Gemini Ensemble Amsterdam + Meens (tenor), Andriessen /fl)/ Benitez, B (guitar) OCE VR 21284- 86 (non- commercial) 3LPbox/ A(+)/ nl/ issued in small number 18.80 [124494] Bach,JChr Hps concerto A-dur, Festing concerto grosso op3,3, Stamitz,C Orchestral quartet G-dur Stadlmair, Noe, Munich ChO Camerata CMS 30020 LPM A(+)/ g/ original 5.80 [139839] Bach,JS, Bach,CPE, Handel Flute sonatas Abendmusik 7601 A/ g/ 4.80 [119092] Ritter von Hattingberg, Dieterich Wannseer Bachs Orgelwerke auf Silbermann-Orgeln vol 2 BWV538 527 529 544 Otto Silbermann- Orgel Grosshart-mannsdorf Eterna 825 580 A/ black original/ cov-, one corner bent,else fine 6.80 [134801] Baroque Belcanto Arias Monteverdi Steffani Marcello Scarlatti Galuppi Schreier Koch ChO Berlin Eterna 826 074 A/ black 4.80 [110679] Bartok Allegro barbaro, Romanian Christmas Carols, Suite op14, Romanian Dances, The first Term, Sonatina, 3 Burlesques Ranki Hungaroton SLPX 11336 A(+)/ gatefold original/ substantial booklet/ nearly as new/ Bartok complete edition 6.80 [143359] Bartok Mandarin (compl.) / Dance- suite Boulez NYPO CBS 73031 A/ g/ earliest blue 6.80 [100712] Bartok Music for Strings Perc. and Celesta / Bernstein Divertimento for Orchestra / Brahms Hung Dance #6 Bernstein BavRSO (Munich) live in Budapest 1983 Hungaroton SLPD 12631 A(+)/ hung 5.80 [124695] Bartok Sonata for 2 pianos + percussion Picht-Axenfeld Seemann Porth Peinkofer DGG 16 021 LP A/ M/ g/ earliest tulip/ gatefold/ 10 17.80 [113648] Bartok Suite #1 op3, 2 Portraits op5 Joo Budapest PO Sefel records SEFD 5006 A(+)/ us/ as new 6.80 [119161] Bartok V4 1+2 Fine Arts- Q Baerenreiter Musicaphon 30 SL 1801 A(+)/ g/ cream original 6.80 [136695] Baur, Juerg Ritratti Kontrapunkte 77, 5 Impressioni, Herz stirb oder singe (Lieder V4, Fl, Sopran) Caskel Auryn- Q Kruschek- Q Lindner Schwann SCW 3060 A+/ g/ DMM/ as new 8.80 [108747] Beethoven S Nr.2 op36 arr for PV3 / Haydn Sonata G-Dur, Hob. XVI/40 arr. for PV3 Brandis Boettcher Besch Ueberschaer Archiv 2533 136 A(+)/ g/ pre- original wh sample copy 10.80 [126519] Beethoven 7 Bagatellen op33, Rondo A-dur, Elise, Bagatelle op119,10 Sonatinen G+F-dur, Polonaise op89 Kraus, Detlev Stadt Essen 1602 HY A/ g/ early Philips pressing 9.80 [124963] Beethoven Ah Perfido!, Mozart (Don Giovanni & Figaro), Weber (Oberon) Callas ConservatoireO Rescigno (rec 1963/64 Paris) EMI 065- 01360 A/ it/ double gatefold 6.80 [135478] Beethoven Cello Sonatas op102,1+2, 7 Var Bei Maennern, welche Liebe fuehlen Sadlo Jilek Supraphon SUB 10454 A(+)/ M/ blue original 10.80 [133800] Beethoven Christ on the Mount of Olives Klee Harwood King Crass Wiener Singverein VSO DG 2530 228 A+/ g/ original/ quite rare/ new, unplayed archive copy 11.80 [117391] Beethoven Fidelio Klemperer Ludwig Vickers Frick Berry Unger Crass Hallstein PhO+C EMI 063- 00559/ 61 3LP- box/ A(+) g/ early gld 19.80 [100787] Beethoven Fidelio Maazel Nilsson McCracken Boehme Prey Sciutti Krause VPO Decca SXL 20085/ 86 2LP- box/ A/ g/ cloth spine box/ black+gld Telefunken pressing 21.80 [121474] Beethoven Klavier 4-handig Grosse Fuge op133 (Beethoven arr. = op134) / 3 Maersche op45 / Var WoO 67 / Ich denke dein WoO 74 / sonate op6 Demus Shetler Eterna 826 863 A(+)/ black original/ as new/ the weak paper-type, cover original in perfect condition 9.80 [138120] Beethoven Missa Solemnis / Verdi Requiem rec 11 +12 1940 Toscanini Milanov Castagna Bjoerling Kipnis Moscona Westminster C. NBC Melodram MEL 006 3LP- box/ A/ M/ it 18.80 [100812] Beethoven Missa Solemnis / Messe C-dur Davis Tomova- Sintow Payne Tear Lloyd / Eda Pierre Payne Tear Moll / LSO+C Philips 6769 001 3LP- box/ A(+)/ nl/ red 9500 pressings/ box(ok) 6.80 [140672] Beethoven Mozart Handel Barsanti - Compositions with 2 french horns Tylsar,Z+B Pesek DvorakChO Supraphon 1110 3907 G A(+)/ blue original 5.80 [129769] Beethoven PK #4 op58 + #5 op73 Schnabel Stock Chicago SO (rec 1942) RCA KR 11019 2LP- gatefold/ A/ M/ pun/ pink victrola 9.80 [134096] Beethoven PK 2 Fantasy op80 for P, Choir + Or Barenboim Klemperer NPhO EMI 06901979 A/ it/ double gatefold/ very good sound 6.80 [141767] Beethoven PK 4 Pollini Boehm VPO DG MG 1050 A/ jap/ 4.80 [142877] Beethoven PK1 Zechlin DresPO Bongartz Eterna 820 064 A-, plays fine/ M/ green original/ great sound, rich, warm, open ... 10.80 [117631] Beethoven PK1 Eschenbach BPO Karajan DGG 139 023 SLPM A(+)/ g/ pre-original wh sample copy/ as new archive copy 21.80 [141304] Beethoven PK2, Fantasy op80 Panenka Prague SO Smetacek Supraphon 110 1118 A(+)/ blue original 5.80 [129033] Beethoven PK2+4 Magaloff RSO Zuerich Rivoli Concert Hall SMS 2556 A/ red stereo original 9.80 [123713] Beethoven PK3 Pollini Boehm VPO DG 2531 057 A(+)/ g/ original 10.80 [120601] Beethoven PK3 Arrau Haitink Ccgbw Eterna 825 544 A(+)/ black/ as new copy, perfect condition/ very satisfying pressing (as any in the series), probably the best there is. 8.80 [143839] Beethoven PK5 Kempff Leitner BPO DGG 138 777 SLPM A/ g/ red stereo original, earliest tulip/ cov(ok see pic) 37.80 [110108] Beethoven PK5 Brendel LPO Haitink Philips 43 615 4 A/ g/ red/ club with id cov, label and stampers/ nearly as new 4.80 [135613] Beethoven PK5 / Rondo C-dur Foldes Leitner BPO DGG S 71130 A-/ M/ earliest flat tulip (AH)/ club/ cov- (ok) 4.80 [111638] Beethoven PK5 op73 Brendel LPO Haitink Philips 9500 243 LY A/ nl/ red original/ nearly as new 6.80 [132635] Beethoven PSo #12 op26, #18 op31,3 Czerny- Stefanska original 5.80 Muza SXL 0763 A-/ pol/ blue [134796] Beethoven PSo #8 , Bagatellen 1-7, 9 Richter,S Melodiya D05490- 1 A-/ M/ red+gld/ +cov 10.80 [109134] Beethoven PSo #8 op13, #14 op27,2, #23 op57 Serebriakov Melodiya C10- 07675- 6 A/ red 5.80 [129483] Beethoven PSo op106 Hammerklavier Bohnke, R-A Sastruphon SM 007033 A(-)/ g/ remember BOHNKE 6.80 [143026] Beethoven PSo op109 +110 Pollini DG 2530 645 A/ g/ nearly as new 6.80 [130519] Beethoven PSo op110 + op111 Gould (1956 mono rec) CBS 61798 A-/ M/ g/ 3.80 [114534] Beethoven PSo op13 (Pathetique), op57 Appassionata, op27,2 (Moonlight) Arrau Philips 6599 308 A/ nl/ cov-(ok), big original Arrau autograph in black marker on the back, see pics 18.80 [139165] Beethoven PSo op13 + 27,2 + 57 (MPA) Kempff DG 139 300 A+/ g/ new 6.80 [142324] Beethoven PSo op13 op27,2 op57 Gieseking (rec mono Zurich 1951) Electrola SMVP 8042 A/ g/ red widesound ( quite straight mono, in fact)/ cov- (ok) 5.80 [135088] Beethoven PSo op2,2+3 Arrau Philips 835 267 AY A(+)/ nl/ early red + silv, bold letter 11.80 [106494] Beethoven PSo op27,2, op79 op10.3 Brendel sample copy 6.80 Philips 6500 417 A(+)/ nl/ red/ original/ [132256] Beethoven PV3 op97 Archduke/ PV3 B-dur WoO 39 (1812) Ashkenazy Perlman Harrell EMI 40 5969 (067- 43269) A(+)/ g/ club with original cov +label/ as new 6.80 [122873] Beethoven PV3 + PV4 compl Kempff Szeryng Fournier Leister Eschenbach Brainin Schdlof Lovett DG 2721 132 6LP- box/ A(+)/ g/ 2nd Beethoven edition, vol6/ as new 22.80 [142260] Beethoven PV3 op1,1+2 Abegg Trio Harmonie der Welt HMW 608 D A(+)/ g/ DMM/ gatefold 6.80 [130492] Beethoven PV3 op1,3 Casals Horszowski Vegh Philips G 05364 R B+ vis, plays A-/ M/ g/ flat red 10 3.80 [123702] Beethoven PV3 op1,3 VcSoP op17 (arr from Horn Sonata) Casals Horszowski Vegh Philips A 00505 L A or better, hardly played/ g/ flat plum minigroove 18.80 [131062] Beethoven PV3 op70 #1+2 Bosse Kootz Erben Eterna 826 044 A(+)/ black 13.80 [136091] Beethoven PV3 op70,1 (Ghost) / Mozart PV3 K542 Trio Di Trieste (Zanettovich, Lana, de Rosa) Decca BLK 16176 A/ M/ g/ eng stamper/ early oval logo black+gld/ mono recording 26.80 [138466] Beethoven PV3 op70,1+2 (Ghost) Kempff Szeryng Fournier Leister (1970) DG 2530 207 A+/ g/ earliest issue (apart from the Beethoven edition)/ new, unplayed archive copy 10.80 [114530] Beethoven PV3 op70#1 /Ghosts), Var op121a Trio di Milano (Canino Ferraresi Filippini) Dischi Ricordi RCL 27013 A(+)/ it 10.80 [135294] Beethoven PV3 op97 Bosse Kootz Erben Eterna 826 081 A(+)/ black original/ nice nearly as new copy with early soft carton cov in perfect condition 18.80 [115720] Beethoven PV3 op97 Archduke Thibaud Casals Cortot EMI 047- 00857 A-/ M/ g/ red dacapo 3.80 [107346] Beethoven PV3 op97 Erzherzog Oistrakh Knushevitzky Oborin Columbia SMC 80542 B+ (noisy, but nothing fatal)/ g/ early wh-gld 3.80 [122018] Beethoven PV4 1-3 Quartetto di Roma (Santoliquido Pellicia Bianchi Amfitheatrof) Concert Hall SMS 2652 A(-) plays fine/ plum stereo original 5.80 [135451] Beethoven Romanzen op 40 +50, K C-dur WoO5, Rondo WoO6 Suske Bongartz Roesel Gwdhs Eterna 826 121 A(-)/ blue 5.80 [106231] Beethoven Romanzen op40+ op50, Konzertsatz V+O C-dur / Reger Romanzen G-dur + F-dur V+O op50,1+2, Scherzino VO+Hrn, Lyrisches Andante oO, Carmirelli, Einecke Laugs Heidelberg ChO Da Camera Magna SM 91027 A+/ g/ black original/ new DCM archive copy 19.80 [143965] Beethoven S1 S2 Walter NYPO CBS 61722 A(+)/ g/ M/ this is very impressive true mono transfers of Walter´s 1947/ 52 recordings/ as new 6.80 [139484] Beethoven S1-9 Karajan BPO rec 1976 DG 2740 172 8LP- box/ A(+)/ g/ original/ as new 25.80 [137527] Beethoven S4 Karajan BPO DGG 18 803 LPM A(+)/ M/ g/ tulip original (1962 AH)/ as new archive copy 7.80 [141904] Beethoven S4 Masur Gwdhs Leipzig Eterna 826 417 A(+)/ early black 6.80 [143236] Beethoven S5 Kleiber,C VPO DG 2530 516 A(+)/ g/ original, silv-black cov 21.80 [111016] Beethoven S5 Karajan BPO (rec 1962) DG 2535 304 A(+)/ g/ 4.80 Beethoven S5 S8 Kegel Dresden PO Eterna 725 022 A/ DMM 5.80 [139573] [129722] Beethoven S5* / Schubert S7[9] Furtwaengler BPO rec 05/1947*, 12/1951 Heliodor 61390 mono 2LP- gatefold/ A(+)/ M/ gld, club with id label/ as new 12.80 [130744] Beethoven S6 Karajan BPO DG 2535 305 A/ g/ surprising numbering with this cover/ 138 805 stamper 4.80 [143500] Beethoven S6, Prometheus op43 Hickox Northern Sinfonia ASV ALH 961 A(+)/ eng 5.80 [124911] Beethoven S7 Karajan BPO DGG 138 806 SLPM A(+)/ g/ red stereo tulip original (AH)/ cov- (ok) 14.80 [114393] Beethoven S7 Masur Gwdhs Leipzig Eterna 826 420 A(+)/ black original 6.80 [143246] Beethoven S7 Coriolan Ouv Bernard NSO London Forlane UM 4500 A+, was fac.sealed/ fr/ original/ new copy 9.80 [140417] Beethoven S7, Egmont Ouv Toscanini NBC SO RCA VICS 1658 A(+)/ us/ es 5.80 [101046] Beethoven S9 Furtwaengler Schwarzkopf Hoengen Hopf Edelmann Bayreuth 1951 Electrola E 90115/ 16 2LP- box/ A(-)/ M/ early red Electrola (2. label) 45.80 [105471] Beethoven Septet op 20 BambergPO Ch Ensemble Orbis CX 20880 A/ M/ g/ 10/ gen DSG cov/ lovely 4.80 [139256] Beethoven Septett op20 Phil Oktett Berlin (BPO members) Orbis 63 834 / Philips A/ g/ nearly as new 4.80 [131448] Beethoven The Middle Quartets - V4 op59,1-3 op75, op95 Budapest-Q Columbia US Odyssey Y3 33316 3LP- box/ A(+)/ us 11.80 [139771] Beethoven V3 op 9,1 +9,3 Grumiaux- Trio Philips 802 895 LY A(+)/ nl/ earliest red/ as new 21.80 [129928] Beethoven V3 op9,1-3 , V4 F-dur (arr op14,1) Suske- Q Eterna 826 107- 08 2LPgatefold/ A/ black/ cov- (ok, it is the weak original one) 46.80 [124336] Beethoven V4 B-dur op130 + B-dur op133 Hung SQ Columbia SMC 91618 original, Electrola pressing 30.80 A/ g/ wh-gld [111453] Beethoven V4 complete Juilliard- Q (rec 1964- 70) CBS GM 101 10LP- box/ A+/ g/ grey masterworks/ as new 61.80 [113025] Beethoven V4 op 127 / 130 / 131 / 132 / 133 (Grosse Fuge) / 135 Amadeus- Q rec 1982 DG 2740 265 4LP- box/ A(+)/ g/ as new 25.80 [101140] Beethoven V4 op 18,3 / Schumann V4 op41,3 Westphal- Q (HJ Westphal, Heinz Ortleb, Dietrich Gerhardt, Joerg Baumann (!)) Colosseum Colos SM 622 A/ g/ rare and fine/ recording just a bit on the dry side and in a smaller room, but with players like these the result is still a flowing, warm and rich string sound. This is really a very nice one 11.80 [140793] Beethoven V4 op127, op130, op131, op132, Grosse Fuge op133, op135 Smetana- Q, Vlach- Q, Czechoslovak -Q, Janacek- Q DSC J 086Supraphon 639 318-321 4LP- box/ A/ full cloth box/ 26.80 [123056] Beethoven V4 op132 Amadeus- Q Eterna 825 852 A(+)/ earliest black 5.80 [101158] Beethoven V4 op132 Smetana- Q (Novak Kostecky Skampa Kohout) Eurodisc/ Supraphon 80238 PK A(-)/ g/ wh original 5.80 [124858] Beethoven V4 op135 Grosse Fuge op133 Amadeus- Q Eterna 825 853 A(+)/ earliest black 4.80 [111537] Beethoven V4 op18 1+2 Gewandhaus- Q (Bosse Suske Hallmann Erben) Eterna 825 655 A(+)/ black original/ cov- 29.80 [106844] Beethoven V4 op18,1-6 ,+ Transcription of PSo op14,1 Melos-Q rec 1970 Intercord INT 185.750 4LP- box/ A(+)/ g/ black/ as new 18.80 [137772] Beethoven V4 op18,1+2 Brandis-Q (Brandis Brem Strehle Boettcher) HM France HMC 1222 A(+)/ fr/ black 15.80 [111745] Beethoven V4 op18,1+2 Budapest SQ Philips A 01194 L A/ M/ nl/ plum minigroove original 13.80 [125661] Beethoven V4 op18,2 G-dur Silzer-Q, playing Beethovens own set of string instruments EMI F 666 859 A(+)/ g/ red/ lovely 6.80 [120085] Beethoven V4 op59,1-3 op74, op95 Guarneri-Q RCA SGA 25023- R 1-4 4LP- box/ A+/ g/ red original/ Telefunken pressings/ cloth spine box/ as new 37.80 [106573] Beethoven V4 op59,2, Praeludien und Fugen C+D-dur Winkler-Q Sastruphon SM 007057 A/ g 5.80 [114861] Beethoven Variationen - Venni Amore, Menuett a la Vigano, russ Tanz aus Waldmaedchen, Rule Breitannia Kootz Eterna 826 045 A(+)/ heavy black original/ as new 6.80 [115746] Beethoven VcSoP #3 op69 / Franceur VcSoP E- dur / Breval VcSoP G-dur Podhoransky (Vc) Lapsansky (P) Opus 9111 1019 A/ light blue/ Opus is a (smaller) Slovak equivalent to Supraphon 12.80 [108973] Beethoven VcSoP 1-5 Aldulescu Guttman Eterna 826 082- 3 2LP- gatefold/ A/ black/ cov-(ok)/ original 29.80 [101190] Beethoven VK Menuhin Silvestri VPO Eterna 825 450 A(+)/ early black 8.80 [137980] Beethoven VK Oistrakh,D RSO Gauk Melodiya ND 0498- 0499 A/ M/ flat red+ gld pre-Melodiya torch label, Gost 56 21.80 [138027] Beethoven VK D- Dur op61 Milstein Steinberg Pittsburgh SO DSC F- 004 (Capitol) A/ M/ early flat Electrola presssing 6.80 [138050] Beethoven VSoP op47 Kreutzer, Mozart VSoP B-flat K454 Kulenkampff Solti (p) Decca ECM 831 A(+)/ eng/ mono! (Treasury series) as new 14.80 [134867] Beethoven VW7 op20 Gewandhaus Ch-Ens (Bosse Hallmann Erben + friends) Eterna 825 549 A/ black/ wroc (ok)/ rare 18.80 [121695] Bellini I Puritani Callas, di Stefano, Rossi-Lemeni, Panerai, Scala, Serafin EMI 153 29 0874 3 A(+)/ g/ late sc/ DMM transfer/ as new/ rarest in this (quite good!) series 21.80 [141862] Bellini Norma Serafin Callas Corelli Ludwig Zaccaria Scala EMI 163- 00535/ 37 3LP- box/ A/ it/ 1st postamp 13.80 [134130] Benda PSo #9 a-moll / Beethoven PSo f-moll op2,1 Rauch Supraphon G 20007 A/ M/ 10/ flat blue-gld 8.80 [130708] Berg Chamber Concerto P+V +13W Richter,S Kagan Moscow Cons Ens. Nikolajevsky EMI 065- 03672 A/ g/ red original 13.80 [114107] Berg V4 op3, Lyrische Suite LaSalle- Q DG 2530 283 A(+)/ g/ original 11.80 [121336] Berg VK, Stravinsky VK Grumiaux Markevitch Bour Concertgebouw Philips 802 785 LY A(+)/ nl/ red&silv 21.80 [122530] Berio Recital I (For Cathy) Berio Berberian London Sinfonietta RCA SER 5665 A(+)/ eng/ original/ rare 21.80 [142497] Berlioz La Damnation de Faust Monteux Crespin Turp Roux LSO+C (rec 1962) Discocorp RR 539 2LP- gatefold/ A(+)/ us/ original LP issue of broadcast material 18.80 [124645] Berlioz Nuits d´Été / La mort de Cleopatre Minton Burrows Boulez BBC SO CBS 76576 A/ g/ gatefold original 5.80 [101309] Berlioz S fantastique Bertini BundesjugendO (live Jerusalem 1986) HM/ EMI HM 810 D A(+)/ g/ gatefold, original/ as new 5.80 [137232] Berlioz S fantastique Karajan BPO (1965) DG 2535 256 A(+)/ g/ as new 3.80 [142315] Bernstein S. Dances from West Side Story, Gershwin 3 Ptreludes, Bartok Sonata 2P+Perc Pekinel, G+S Sadlo Gagelmann Teldec 243 719- 1 A(+)/ g/ as new 6.80 [119693] Bizet Carmen Maazel Moffo Corelli Donath Cappuccilli, van Dam Auger Berbie McDaniel Benoit Mercker Dt Oper Berlin Eurodisc 80489 XR 3LP- box/ A/ g/ wh original/ not licensed and probably the biggest show Eurodisc ever put on, just look at the cast! (which even included an instructor from the Opera comique for good French) 21.80 [106221] Bizet Carmen Lombard, Crespin, Py, Pilou, van Dam, Carminati, Denize, Thau, Corazza, Trigeau, Guige, Strasbourg PO Eurodisc ZL 30505 (STU 70900-02) 3LP- box/ A(+)/ g/ 17.80 [137516] Bizet Carmen Shippers, Resnik, del Monaco, Sutherland, Krause, OSR Decca SXL 20071- 73 3LP- box/ A(+)/ g/ black+gld oval logo/ Culshaw & Wilkinson rec/ nearly as new 37.80 [139365] Bizet Carmen Maazel Moffo Corelli Donath Cappuccilli, van Dam Auger Berbie Mc Daniel Benoit Mercker Dt Oper Berlin Eurodisc 80489 XR 3LP- box/ A/ g/ wh original/ not licensed and probably the biggest show Eurodisc ever put on, just look at the cast! (which even included an instructor from the Opera comique for good French)/ autographed by Anna Moffo, see pic 37.80 [142072] Bizet Carmen exc. Dominguez Stader Simandi Metternich Fricsay BavStO DGG 136 032 SLPEM A/ g/ MiG tulip/ new 14.80 [141441] Bizet L´Arlesienne, Chabrier Espana PragueSO Smetacek Supraphon 110 0694 A/ red stereo 3.80 [101350] Blacher PK2 op42 / Concertante Musik op10 Herzog,Gerty Rosbaud BPO DGG musica nova 802 A-, plays fine M/ g/ original 10 inch in its original 12inch sewn gatefold cov/ very rare 21.80 [131031] Blow Coronation + Symphony Anthems King´s College AstMF Willcocks Argo ZRG 767 A/ eng 8.80 [101363] Boccherini VcK / Haydn S concertante op84 (V +Vc +Ob +Bassoon +O) Hoelscher,L Matzerath BPO / Markevitch Ales Remond Mayousse Droulez Lamoureux Heliodor 89 509 A(-)/ g/ early plum/ es 4.80 [117634] Boccherini VcK Bflat major, Largo Vc + Hps Mainardi ChO Vienna Volksoper, Angerer (hps) Bertelsmann 13133 A/ M/ g/ 10 25.80 [143894] Boccherini VcK, Vivaldi VcK, Couperin Konzert Suite Vc+O Fournier Muenchinger Stuttgart ChO Decca LXT 2765 A(-)/ g/ M/ gatefold/ flat or_gld big logo original 18.80 [138827] Boito Mefistofele Questa Neri Tagliavini Pobbe Cecco RAI Torino Cetra LPC 1260 3LP- box/ A/ M/ it/ flat green original 21.80 [105881] Borodin S2 / Tchakovsky Francesca da Rimini Varviso OSR Decca SXL 6352 A-/ eng/ wb original 9.80 [136887] Boucourechliev Ombres (Hommage a Beethoven) / Guezec Successif- Simultane / Ligeti Ramifications ChO Toulouse Auriacombe EMI 061- 11316 A/ fr/ postmp original 18.80 [124761] Boulez PSo2 Berg PSo op1 Hellfer DG 2530 050 A(+)/ g/ pre-original wh sample copy/ as new from DGG archive 13.80 [105693] Brahms 2PSo op34b, Haydn-Var op56b Eschenbach Frantz EMI 067- 2702501 A+/ g/ DMM/ new 9.80 [129983] Brahms Altrhapsodie op53 Naenie op82 Gesang der Parzen op89 Begraebnisgesang op13 Haitink Bav RSO + Choir Hodgson Orfeo S 025821 A A(+) / g/ DMM/ as new 5.80 [130545] Brahms Ein deutsches Requiem/ Haydn Var. Solti Te Kanawa Weikl Chicago SO Decca 6.35462 (312637) 2LP- box/ A(+)/ g/ silv sc DMM/ nearly as new 8.80 [122885] Brahms Hungarian Dances 1 2 3 5 6 7 10 Schmidt- Isserstedt Hamburg RSO Decca LW 5066 B/ g/ 10/ flat black+gld original/ cov- (tear on back) 2.80 [134343] Brahms Klavierstuecke op118 op119 11.80 Gieseking Columbia C 70489 A(-)/ M/ g/ light blue/ 10 [134249] Brahms Lieder Loibl Shetler FSM 68207 EB A/ g/ DMM/ Teldec pressing 5.80 Brahms Lieder und Romanzen II [113943] Hauschild RFC Leipzig Eterna 827 634 A/ blue 4.80 [135116] Brahms PK1 Brendel Schmidt- Isserstedt Ccgbw Philips 6500 623 LY A(+)/ nl/ red 8.80 [135912] Brahms PK2 Richter- Haaser Karajan BPO EMI 053- 01973 A(-)/ g/ blue 4.80 [136959] Brahms PK2 Richter- Haaser Karajan BPO Eterna 825 433 A/ black/ good!, performance & transfer 9.80 [139163] Brahms PSo #3 f-moll op5, Scherzo op4 Arrau Philips 6500 377 A(+)/ nl/ red original 10.80 [132269] Brahms PSo op2, Paganini Var op35 Arrau Philips 9500 066 A/ nl/ wh sample copy/ a revelation 10.80 [105632] Brahms PSo op5/ Prokofiev/ Scriabin Waltz op38 Bashkirov Eterna 820 072 A/ M/ flat green original 13.80 [133072] Brahms Quartet #1 C Minor op51,1 / Schubert Quartetsatz c- minor Amadeus- Q Westminster XWN 18440 A/ M/ us/ original/ cov- (upper spine split 21.80 [133579] Brahms Quartets, Quintets, Sextets for strings (compl) Banda, Konrad, Bartok- Q (Komlos Devich Nemeth Botvay (Banda + Konrad being members of the Tatrai-Q) Hungaroton SLPX 11591- 95 5LP- box/ A(+)/ 1976 original 53.80 [136161] Brahms S1 Horenstein RSO Baden Baden Pantheon XP 3110 / Opera 1094 A(-)/ M/ g/ earliest flat / cov-, tear 6.80 [121310] Brahms S1 Kubelik VPO Decca SXL 2013 A/ g/ eng stampers/ black-silver big logo original/ Telefunken pressing 45.80 [133592] Brahms S2 Abbado BPO DG 2530 125 A+/ g/ original/ new, unplayed archive copy 13.80 [141400] Brahms S4 Abendroth RSO Leipzig Eterna 820 006 A/ M/ flat wh label / no printing, number stamped or handwritten/ new general cov and sleeve, see pic for an example 21.80 Brahms S4 Suitner StkB Eterna 729 170 A/ DMM/ cov- (ok) 6.80 [107160] [129075] Brahms S4 Suitner StkB Eterna 729 170 A+/ DMM/ as new 14.80 [129080] Brahms S4 Sawallisch VSO Philips 839 518 VGY A/ nl/ early blue 4.80 [139761] Brahms S4 Keilberth Hamburg PO Telefunken LT 43042 A(+)/ M/ g/ plum-gld original 37.80 [140822] Brahms Schoene Magelone Fischer- Dieskau Richter,S Eterna 826 427 A/ black 4.80 [101585] Brahms Schoene Magelone Fischer- Dieskau Richter,S Eterna 826 427 A(+)/ black/ cov(some wear, ok) 4.80 [143445] Brahms V+VcK, Tragic Ouv Gimpel Schuster,Josef (!) Davisson Stuttgart StaatsO/ Hollreiser TriestPO Pantheon XP 2850 A/ M/ g/ earliest glossy bl-gld/ rare Schuster 30.80 [112862] Brahms V4 1- 3 Alban-Berg- Q Telefunken 6.35447 2LP- box/ A(+)/ g 18.80 [113138] Brahms VcSoP #1+2 Sellheim,F.-J. + E. CBS 76639 A/ g/ gatefold original 6.80 Brahms VK Oistrakh,D StkD Konwitschny Eterna 820 003 C(a.s.)/ M/ bl- wh 3.80 Brahms VK Menuhin BPO Kempe Eterna 820 261 A/ M/ bl-wh 6.80 [101632] [123110] [101630] Brahms VK Szeryng Monteux LSO Eterna 826 824 A(+)/ earliest black 10.80 Brahms VK Tretjakov Fedoseyev USSR RSO Eterna 725 121 A/ DMM 5.80 [129072] [129734] Brahms VK Oistrakh Szell CleveO Eterna 826 676 A(+)/ black original/ Melodiya stamper 10.80 [131048] Brahms VK Grumiaux NPhO Davis Philips 6500 299 LY A/ nl/ red original 26.80 [128784] Brahms VSoP #1 op78 v/ Grieg VSoP #3 op45 Suk Hála (mono rec) Supraphon LPV 293 A- plays fine/ M/ flat blue-gld original/ very rare 13.80 [137171] Brahms VSoP #2+3 Szeryng Rubinstein RCA 630.724 A A(-) plays fine/ M/ fr, early red + silv/ outstanding 17.80 [100302] Britten V4#2 Fantasie op2 Metamorphosen op49 Janacek- Q Hanus Supraphon 1111 0697 A/ inland- edition/ earliest blue 13.80 [101696] Bruch VK op26 / Svendsen Romanze op26 Morbitzer Konwitschny StkBerlin Eterna 720 107 A/ M/ 10/ bl- wh, flat 14.80 [130593] Bruckner Messe #2 e-moll , Te Deum Mehta VPO +C Blegen Lilowa Ahnsjoe Meven Decca SXL 6837 A(+)/ eng/ sb original 8.80 [139945] Bruckner Messe #3 F-moll Forster Lorengar Ludwig Traxel Berry BSO St Hedwig Electrola STE 80715 A/ g/ wh-gld original/ cov- (ok) 25.80 [108490] Bruckner organ works compl. / Mendelssohn 3 Preludes op37 Lohmann (Klais Orgel Jesuitenkirche Mannheim) RBM 3004 a( gatefold/ original 4.80 [120903] Bruckner S0 d- moll Haitink Ccgbw Philips 802 724 LY A/ nl/ red/ lux double gatefold, cloth spine 8.80 [101731] Bruckner S0 d- moll Haitink Ccgbw Philips 802 724 LY A/ nl/ red/ lux double gatefold, cloth spine 10.80 [110393] Bruckner S1 Abbado VPO Decca SXL 21217- B A(+)/ g/ earliest blue/ as new 10.80 [125704] Bruckner S2 Haitink Ccgbw (rec live 9.7.1959) Movimento Musica 01.032 A(+)/ it/ though probably taken from a good private tape, way better than what you would get on CD today from the same source 6.80 [137347] Bruckner S3 Jochum SOBavRadio DG 139 133 SLPM A(+)/ g/ tulip/ as new archive copy 20.80 [124595] Bruckner S4 Karajan BPO (rec 1970) EMI 065- 02414 A(+)/ gld original/ 6.80 [101763] Bruckner S4 Klemperer PhO EMI 023- 762658- 1 A(+)/ g/ late sc, analogue DMM pressing, very enjoyable 6.80 [119177] Bruckner S4 Klemperer VSO (rec 1951) Intercord INT 120.925 A/ M/ good transfer 5.80 [142754] Bruckner S5 Jochum BavRSO DGG 138 967 / 68 SLPM 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g/ tulip/ new, unplayed archive copy 21.80 [141372] Bruckner S5, Lutoslawski Concerto for O Albert,WA BavYouthSO Calig CAL 30848/ 39 2LP- gatefold/ A(+)/ 10.80 [140007] Bruckner S7 Schuricht ResidentieO Den Haag Concert Hall SMS 2394 A(+)/ red stereo original/ 21.80 [133274] Bruckner S8 Masur Gwdhs Leipzig Eterna 927 346- 7 2LP- gatefold/ A/ blue 5.80 [101814] Bruckner S8 / Te Deum Barenboim Chicago SO Norman Minton Rendall Ramey DG 2741 007 2LP- gatefold/ A+, fac. sealed/ g/ original 13.80 [130809] Bruckner S9 Walter CSO CBS BRG 72095 A/ M/ eng 5.80 [129334] Buxtehude Boehm Tunder Luebeck - Bruhns Toccata e-moll (4 times by each of the 4 players) Clerc Decker Ketola Knappe Schmid Orgel St.Anton Kempten, St.Nicolai Altenbruch, Virtanen-Orgel, Porvoo, Beckerath-Orgel Hamburg-Altenwerder Musica viva MV 40- 1050 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g/ original/ as new 9.80 [142037] Buxtehude Bruhns Bach Schoenstedt, Marcussen Orgel, Meldorfer Dom A(+)/ g/ original/ reviewer´s copy, cov- (bit of tape upper spine, else as new) 6.80 Calig CAL 30460 [140955] Buxtehude Oran works complete Kraft (Totentanzorgel Marienkirche Luebeck) Vox VXDS 103 8LP- box/ A/ g/ original/ full cloth box 29.80 [128957] Byrd Gibbons Gould Columbia M 30825 A/ us/ masterworks half dozen original/ cov- (ok) 8.80 [142419] Cage Sonatas and Interludes for prepared piano Tilbury Decca Head 9 A/ eng/ original 21.80 [142504] Cage Variations II / Babbitt Ensembles for Synthesizer / Pousseur Trois Visages de Liege (Musique electronic nouvelle) Tudor (Cage) CBS S 34 61064 A(-) plays fine/ fr 13.80 [137832] Cello recital - Tchaikovsky Dvorak Prokofiev Mokranjac Francoeur Ravel Cassado Granados Popper Jankovic(Vc) Kecman (p) RTB 2130416 A(+)/ original/ signed by Ksenija Jankovic on cov and sleeve/ This is cello playing of the highest order, her intensity and sound remind me of Maisky, and as him she started by winning the Gaspar Cassado Florence first prize 29.80 [137237] Charpentier Oratorio de Noel (Christmas Oratorio) Ensemble vocal et instrumental Roger Blanchard Les Discophiles francais DF 740.018 A/ fr/ dowel spine, stereo original 18.80 [138541] Chopin Zarickaja, Achot-Haroutounian - Chopin competition Warsaw 1960 DGG 19 219 LPEM A(+)/ M/ g/ 1960 tulip original/ cov pr 1960/ rare 37.80 [141914] Chopin 14 Waltzes Entremont CBS S 61078 A/ g 5.80 [137735] Chopin Balladen Rubinstein Eterna 826 740 A/ pre-original wh label, gg- pressing/ number stamped or handwritten/ new general cov and sleeve, see pic for an example/ 5.80 [140626] Chopin Etudes op10 + op25 Pollini DG 2530 291 A+/ g/ new unplayed archive copy/ Edison, Prix Mondial 8.80 [121960] Chopin Etudes op10 + op25 Pollini DG 2530 291 A(+)/ g/ as new/ Edison, Prix Mondial 8.80 [142254] Chopin Mazurkas 18-33 op30,1-4 op33,1-4 op41,1-4 op50,1-3 op56 Rubinstein Eterna 826 820 A(+)/ pre-original wh label, gg- pressing/ number stamped or handwritten/ new general cov and sleeve, see pic for an example/ 6.80 [140620] Chopin Mazurken Kolodin, Elza EMI 290779 1 A(+)/ g/ DMM/ late sc/ as new 5.80 [130506] Chopin Mendelssohn Liszt Schubert Schumann / His recorded performances Vol3 Rachmaninov RCA AVM3 0294 3LP- box/ A(+)/ M/ g/ pink victrola/ relevatory and indispensable 22.80 [100228] Chopin Nocturnes compl. Rubinstein RCA LSC 7050-B/ 1-2 2LP- gatefold/ A/ g/ OA/ red seal Teldec pressing 13.80 [122028] Chopin PK#2 / Bach PK BWV1052 Ashkenazy Zinman LSO Decca SMD 1347 A/ g/ blue 5.80 [134689] Chopin PK1 Musulin Wallberg Bamberg SO Orbis 72282 A-/ g/ early blue/ quite good! 5.80 [143891] Chopin PK1 / Liszt PK1 Argerich Abbado LSO DGG 139 383 A(+)/ g/ OA 13.80 [101893] Chopin PK1 / Polonaisen #6+3 Askenase / Residentie O Den Haag / BPO Ludwig DGG J 824 A(+)/ g/ earliest tulip (AH)/ club with original cov/ as new 13.80 [113000] Chopin PK1+2, Andante spianato et Grande Polonaise Rubinstein Skrowaczewski NSO London, Wallenstein SoAir RCA RK 11525/ 1-2 2LP- box/ A/ g/ red seal 10.80 [117660] Chopin PK1+2, Fantasie ueber polnische Volkslieder, Andante spianato+ Grosse Polonaise, Polonaise #7, Krakowiak- Konzertrondo Weissenberg Skrowaczewski OSCC Paris EMI 197- 52240/ 42 3LP- box/ A(+)/ g/ outstanding 18.80 [112772] Chopin Polonaises (1-7), Andante spianato et Grande Polonaise, Impromptus(4) Rubinstein RCA SB 6640 +6649 (LSC 7037) 2 ind LP/ A/ eng 15.80 [136309] Chopin Polonaises (6) Smendzianka, Regina Muza SX 2001 A(+)/ pol/ cream original 6.80 [143536] Chopin PSo #2, Polonaise- Fantasie As- moll op61 Impromptus 1+4, Berceuse D- flat Kempff Decca BD 528 A/ M/ black+gld Telefunken pressing, DSC issue 6.80 [136434] Chopin PSo #2+3 Vasary DGG 136 450 SLPEM A+/ g/ / earliest tulip (AH)/ red stereo original/ nearly as new 29.80 [141114] Chopin PSo #3 op58, Nocturne #8, Barcarolle op60, Mazurka op50,3 Lipatti EMI 04701282 M A/ g/ dacapo red 5.80 [137085] Chopin PSo 2+3 Rubinstein Eterna 826 823 A/ pre-original, sample copy label (strange to say in Nova green!), gg- pressing/ number stamped (and checked..)/ new general cov and sleeve, see pic for an example 6.80 [140619] Chopin Scherzi 1-4 Petrov Eterna 827 337 A/ black 5.80 [106508] Chopin Sonatas #2+3 Rubinstein RCA LSC 3194 A(+)/ g/ red seal 13.80 [121100] Chopin The Mazurkas Rubinstein RCA LSC 6177- B 3LP- box/ A- (one side A-, else A or better)/ g/ red seal 11.80 [135301] Cilea Adriana Lecouvreur Simonetto Prandello Clabassi Bertocci Meletti lombardo Soley Gavazzi Pace Di Lelio Farolfi RAI Milano Cetra LPC 1218 3LP- box/ A/ M/ green original , flat+ heavy 21.80 [105897] Cilea Adriana Lecouvreur Levine Scotto Obrztsova Domingo Milnes PhO CBS M3 34588 3LP- box/ A/ us/ masterworks original 18.80 [135404] Cilea L´Arlesiana Basile, Tassinari, Tagliavini, Galli, Silveri, Carmassi, Zerbini, Rai Torino Cetra Everest S 430/ 2 2LP- box/ A/ us/ es/ sounds quite pleasant, a winner in the series/ booklet with full libretto incl (missing more often than not ..) 8.80 [140303] Clementi Sonatas op40,3 op7,3, 50,2 Leuschner Sound Star Ton SST 0165 St A/ g/ original/ nearly as new 6.80 [140437] Corelli Concerti grossi op6,1-4 Oistrakh (cond), Zhuk,V (V) Danchenko (V) Moscow PO soloists Melodiya C10- 05919- 20 A/ red 4.80 [118879] Das Alte Werk sampler Das Alte Werk sampler Telefunken SAW 9477 M A/ M/ black+gld original 7.80 [142758] David, Johann Nepomuk Motets Witte, Kantorei der Martin Luther-Kirche Trossingen Audite FSM 43406 A(+)/ gatefold original/ as new 8.80 [140170] de Rippe Tabulature de Leut (lute) Smith,Hopkinson Telefunken 6.42264 blue original 10.80 A(+)/ g/ gatefold/ [142482] De Visee, Bach, Sor, Giuliani, Ambrosius, Behrend, Falla^ Behrend A(+)/ g/ tulip original/ quite rare/ as new 26.80 DGG 139 167 SLPM [138632] Debussy Images pour O, Prelude Faune Previn LSO EMI 065- 03692 A+/ g/ 4.80 [101980] Debussy Images, Prelude ..Faune Barenboim OdParis DG 2532 058 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 9.80 [141299] Debussy Images1+2, Children´s Corner Michelangeli DG 2530 196 A+/ g/ new, unplayed archive copy 20.80 [122763] Debussy La boite a joujoux (compl),Etudes Vol1+2 Demus Metronome 66066- 2 2LPgatefold/ A/ g/ black/ club/ cov- (laminate peeling) 6.80 [135189] Debussy La Mer, Trois Nocturnes (fem choir in 3 (Sirènes)) Inbal Ccgbw Philips 6598 357 A(+)/ nl 4.80 [136961] Debussy Pelleas et Melisande Boulez Shirley Soederstroem McIntire Ward Minton Covent Garden CBS 77324 3LP/ A/ eng/ early blue 13.80 [136443] Debussy Pour le piano Excerpts from- Images Preludes Etudes Estampes LIsle joyeuse Ousset Eterna 825 917 A/ black 5.80 [120560] Debussy Preludes I+II Gulda (rec 1969, Brunner-Schwer) MPS / Basf 29 20857- 5 A/ g/ early red 37.80 [118470] Debussy V4 / Ravel V4 Zagreber SQ Da Camera Magna/ Improptu SM 192409 A/ g/ 5.80 [119038] Debussy VSoP / Respighi VSoP Heifetz Bay RCA AGM1- 4952 A/ us/ black/ gld seal 10.80 [129196] Delalande De Profundis, Regina Coeli Caillat Selig Chamonin Mallabrera Corazza Mars Paillard ChO Erato STU 70138 A(+)/ fr/ early blue sc 13.80 [110830] Deutsche Musik der Gegenwart - Baumann 3 Stuecke fuer Orgel, Schwarz-Schilling PSo 1968, Erdmann Tre Pastelli V+P, Ahrens Toccata eroica (Org) Haas Traeder Rupenhorner SK Kono Bednorz Theilen Ahrens (SFB + RIAS rec) VDMK 5/ 0654968 A/ g/ DG pressing, original 6.80 [119081] Distler Choralpassion op7 Ehmann Krebs Guemmer Flebbe Kortendieck Spiering Westfaelische Kantorei Cantate T72 083- 84 L 2LP- set/ A+/ M/ g/ original/ 10/ Guemmer studied his part (Jesus) with Distler and created it. / early original mono Telefunken pressing 37.80 [112813] Distler Choralpassion op7(5-part choir a cappella with soloists) Ehmann Krebs Guemmer Flebbe Kortendieck Spiering Westfaelische Kantorei Cantate T 72083- 84 2LP- folder/ A/ M/ g/ 10/ Telefunken pressing/ very rare original (1960, I believe this to be recorded 1959 in mono only) 26.80 [136392] Distler Motetten Totentanz, Das ist je gewisslich wahr, führwahr, er trug unsere Krankheit Wolters Ndt. Singkreis / Rilling Spandauer Kantorei SDG 610 301 A/ g 3.80 [109377] Donizetti - Il Campanello (compl) Gracis Mariotti Bruno De Sanctis Raffanelli Rinaldi Guggio Teatro La Fenice Venezia DG 139 123 SLPM B+, one soft a.s. else A(+)/ tulip original/ quite rare 4.80 [126689] Donizetti - Il Campanello (compl) Gracis Mariotti Bruno De Sanctis Raffanelli Rinaldi Guggio Teatro La Fenice Venezia DGG 139 123 SLPM A(+)/ g/ tulip original/ as new archive copy 17.80 [141597] Doppelchoerige Motetten Gallus Dulichius Schroeter Staden Hassler Pachelbel Bach Windsbacher Knabenchor Thamm Columbia C 91308 B+/ M/ g/ blue original 5.80 [130345] Du Mont Magnificat, Nisi Dominus, Benedictus Frémaux Chamonin Felix Mallabreara Meurant Marty Abdoun Mars, Alain,M.-C. Lamy Paillard ChO Christophorus CGLP 75804 A(+)/ M/ blue original 8.80 [133778] Dubois , Villa Lobos, Ibert Glazunov Saxophone Concertos Rousseau ChO Kuentz DG 2530 209 A(+)/ g/ original/ as new 10.80 [130187] Dusik PSo op70 + op77 De Dadelsen Rimaphon LP 30- 010 A/ swiss 6.80 Dvorak Ouvertures Krombholc Or Supraphon 110 1990 A-/ eng 4.80 [139964] [133926] Dvorak S5 op76 / Smetana Shakespeare March op20 Sejna CzPO Supraphon LPV 79 A/ M/ bl-gld 5.80 [106930] Dvorak S8, Slavonic dances op46, 2 +4 +6 Haitink Ccgbw Philips 835 193 DXY A/ nl/ early red 5.80 [118957] Dvorak S9 / Smetana Vltava Karajan BPO Columbia SAX 2275 A/ g/ turq-silv original, quite rare/ stereo sticker 53.80 [138301] Dvorak V4 op105 Novak- Q Eterna 720 043 A/ M/ 10/ green original 13.80 [106867] Dvorak VcK May Neumann CzPO Supraphon 1110 3623 ZA A/ blue original 8.80 [129409] Dvorak VcK Casals CzPO Szell Electrola 053- 00762 M A/ M/ early red dacapo/ nearly as new 5.80 [129526] Dvorak VcK op104 Fournier Szell BPO DGG 138 755 SLPM A/ g/ tulip 26.80 [111961] Dvorak VcK op104 Fournier Szell BPO DGG 18 755 LPM A(-) plays fine/ M/ g/ tulip original (AH)/ cov- 5.80 [136641] Dvorak VcK, Waldesruhe Du Pré, Barenboim, CSO EMI 063- 02164 A/ g/ gld original/ nearly as new, good example for a German EMI 063 prefix record being the original issue ( it was pushed into the market with 2 marks off (23,00 instead of 25,00 Deutschemarks) from the start in spring 72. 21.80 [143550] Dvotak PK Richter,S Kleiber,C BavStO Melodiya C10- 10085- 86 A(+)/ red 9.80 [132803] Edition Lockenhaus Vol4/5 Shostakovich V4 #14 op142, #13 op138, 2 Saetze for V4 (op22 + op29) / Schulhoff String-Sextet, Duo V+Vc, Jazz Etudes Kremer Horigome Kashkashian Geringas Zehetmair Imai Pergamentschikov Bik Hagen Demenga Hirschhorn Berger Tocco ECM New Series 1347/ 48 2LP- gatefold/ A(+)/ g / as new 29.80 [133317] Egk Peer Gynt Wallberg Hermann Sharp Loevaas Wulkopf Perry Hopf RSO Munich Orfeo S 005823 F 3LP- box/ A+/ original/ 57 p. booklet (incl lib. eng, fr, german) 21.80 [112590] Elgar Cello concerto, Bloch Shelomo Fournier Wallenstein BPO DGG 139 128 SLPM A(-) plays and sounds fine/ g/ pre-original wh sample copy/ archive copy 29.80 [142123] Elgar Coronation Ode op 44 The Spirit of England op80 Gibson Cahill Collins Rolfe Johnson Howell ScotNatO+C RCA RL 25074 2LP- gatefold/ A(+)/ eng/ original 13.80 [127953] Elgar Enigma Var / Brahms Haydn Var Toscanini NBC HMV ALP 1204 A/ M/ eng/ sc 10.80 [106650] Elgar Introduction and Allegro, Serenade, Elegy / Vaughan Williams Tallis Fantasia Greensleeves Fantasia Orpheus ChO DG 419 191- 1 A(+)/ g/ original/ as new 6.80 [131779] European Choral Music - Brahms Reger Schoenberg Strauss Debussy Badings Ravel Poulenc Byrd Dowland Morley Britten Bartok Ligeti Gesulado Gastoldi Monteverdi Rossini Petrassi Pizzetti Castiglioni Ericson Radio Choir Stockholm Chamber Choir EMI 153- 29916/ 9 4 LP- box/ A(+)/ g/ full cloth box 14.80 [118699] Falla The Three- Cornered Hat Complete Ballet [sung in spanish] Fruhbeck de Burgos PhO Los Angeles,V.d. EMI SXLP 30187 A/ eng/ HMV 8.80 [130563] Famous Opera Arias (Bellini La Sonnambula I Puritani Il Pirata Donizetti Don Pasquale Lucia Di Lammermoor Linda di Chamounix Lucrezia Borgia) Aliberti Gardelli Munich RO Choir Bavarian Radio Orfeo S 119841 A A/ g/ original 6.80 [124832] Famous Operatic Love Duets Verdi Aida, Puccini Manon Lescaut, Verdi Otello, Dio ti giocondi Tebaldi, del Monaco / Santa Cecilia, Rome Erede, Molinari Prandelli London LL 1256 A(-)/ M/ eng/flat red+gld/ cov-( ok) 11.80 [127613] Faure Dolly op56, Ballade op19 (arr. 2p), Nocturnes #4,6,7 Tagliaferro Varsano CBS 37246 A+/ g/ original/ as new 21.80 [129187] Festive music for trumpet, trombone and organ - Krol Frescobaldi Boutry Bach Correa Tamiya Krol Lohmann audite FSM 63404 A(+)/ g/ original/ reviewer´s copy, nearly as new 6.80 [140949] Fiocco Telemann Bach Tartini Leclair - Violin Sonatas Boettcher,M Lohmann Schneider,A Mars 307912 A(+)/ g/ original/ rare 21.80 [137334] Franck Le Chasseur, maudit / Les Eolides / Redemption, Les Djinns Fournet CzPO Supraphon SUAST 50800 A(+)/ red stereo original/ cov- 5.80 [129435] Franck Les sept paroles du Christ en croix Beck, Wiens Metre Pfeiffer Ingram, Schwaebisch Gmuend PO Audite FSM 63411 aud A+/ g/ original/ as new 8.80 [143104] Franck S d- moll Barbirolli CzPO Supraphon SUAST 50438 A(+)/ earliest red and silver 13.80 [120592] Franck VSoP Brahms VSoP #3 Oistrakh Richter,S live 1968 Eterna 826 214 A/ black/ original/ Melodiya stamper 18.80 [102293] French Organ music - Saint-Saens Franck Vierne Durufle Alain Widor Heuser SeifertOrgel Muenster Neuss Arsica Nr 1204 A(+)/ g/ original 4.80 [136685] Fucik Miramare op247 Dance Of Millions op121 In The Dreamland op270 The Old Grumbler Vacek Prague SO Smetacek Kincl Urbanec Supraphon SUH 20049 B+/ M/ blgld/ 10 3.80 [130636] Gabrieli Genzmer Frescobaldi Zipoli Hartmann,JPE Gade Glazunov Arro Lehrndorfer Celeghin Krogh Digrys Internationale Orgeltage Duesseldorf 1974 A/ g/ original 6.80 [132815] Galuppi Rapida cerva, fugue / Bach,JC Salve Regina Es-dur Marshall Dt. Barocksolisten Ewerhart FSM 53 017 A(+)/ g/ lovely 6.80 [128472] Geistliche und weltliche Chormusik (Hakenberger Poulenc Koszewski Szamotul Syzmanowski) Schola Cantorum Gedanensis Lukaszewski Rossek 455 131 A(-)/ g/ plays fine/ 5.80 [123857] Geminiani Concerti grossi op3 1-6 Scherchen English Baroque O Westminster PWN 287 A-/ nl 2.80 [134209] German Medieval Songs - Vogelweide, Lochamer Liederbuch, Von Hausen, Von Reuental, Pseudo-Wolfram, Hermann der Moench, Glogauer Liederbuch ... Zimmer Lips schwarzbeck Rudelle Mueller.Blattau Kraemer Hasenbein Lendle MPS 0188.043 3LP- slipcase/ A or better/ g/ cov- (laminate peeling, see pic) 13.80 [143572] Gesualdo (9) Marenzio(6) Madrigals Arcadelt Banchieri Palestrina Lassus Veselka CzPChorus (rec1979) Supraphon 1412 2931/ 2 QG 2LP- gatefold/ A/ blue SQ 6.80 [109491] Ginastera PK (1961), Piano Sonata Somer Maerzendoerfer Vienna Philharmonia O (?) Desto DS 6402 A/ us/ nearly as new 6.80 [116952] Giordano Andra Chenier Gigli Becchi Caniglia Huder Simoniato Palombini Tajo Taddei Fabritiis Scala EMI 1170693 M 2LP- box/ A+, fac.sealed/ it/ new unplayed copy 17.80 [142931] Giordano Fedora Olivero del Monaco Gobbi Monte Carlo Gardelli Decca SET 435- 36 2LPbox/ A(+)/ eng 18.80 [129146] Glass Glassworks Riesman Glass and Ens CBS 73640 A/ g/ earliest blue 6.80 [141705] Glazunov The King of the Jews Koehler Stuttgart PO Turnabout TV 334739 A(+)/ nl/ cov one corner bent, record as new 5.80 [142690] Glenn Gould Silver Jubilee Album Gould Schwarzkopf CBS 35914 2LP- gatefold/ A(+)/ us/ grey masterworks original 25.80 [135228] Glière Octet op5, Shostakovich Prelude and Scherzo for 8 Strings op11 Dornbusch-Q, Buchberger-Q Schwann VMS 1046 A+, sealed/ g/ original/ new unplayed copy 12.80 [142916] Gluck FlK G-dur / Mozart andante K315 Haydn FlK Ddur Verheul Zinman Neth.ChO Iramac 6527 A(+)/ gatefold/ blasck original/ as new 9.80 [105213] Gluck Iphigenie en Tauris (exc) Pretre Gorr Gedda Blanc Quilico OSocCC Paris Electrola E 80723 A/ M/ g/ pre original wh sample copy, stamped 1962) 9.80 [126776] Gluck Orfeo ed Euridice Solti Horne Lorengar Donath Decca SAD 22093/ 94 2LP- box/ A/ g/ blue original, english stampers/ superlative performance + recording, a relaxed Solti for once, nothings feels pushed or forced, everything unfolds from within, beautifully paced .. 21.80 [122606] Gluck Orfeo* abr./ Mahler 3 Rueckert Lieder/ Purcell Handel Ferrier Stiedry* Ayara Vlachopoulos (rec 1947*)/ Walter Stone (rec 1952/3) Decca KD 11028/ 1-2 2LPgatefold/ A/ M/ g/ 9.80 [122977] Gounod Massenet Wagner Puccini , mostly duets Angerer / Piccaver (rec 1928-30) Preiser/ Lebendige Vergangenheit LV 52 A/ M/ austrian 6.80 [117454] Gounod Mireille Plasson Freni Vanzo vanDam Rhodes Bacquier Toulouse O EMI 16773021- 23 3LP- box/ A(+)/ fr/ red original 18.80 [130925] Gounod Requiem Havard de la Montaigne, Saneva Durand Laurent Ruthemborg Martin Marret Choeurs et Ens instr. de la Madeleine Arion ARN 38443 A(+)/ fr/ premiere mondiale 8.80 [116591] Great Sacred Songs Flagstad Boult LPO Decca SDD 207 B+/ eng 2.80 [115587] Gregorian chants - Offizium Christmas night Abbey St Pierre in Solesmes, Dom Jean Claire, dom Claude Gay Christophorus DMM 70374 2LP- gatefold/ A/ g/ original 6.80 [136990] Grieg From Holbergs Time - Suite op40, Two Melodies op53, Two Elegiac Melodies op34, Two Norwegian Melodies op63 Jansons Oslo PO Norwegian Cultural Council NKF 30051 A(+)/ original, a new 9.80 [126789] Grieg Lyric Pieces, PSo op7 Kocsis Philips 6514 115 A(+)/ nl/ red original 6.80 [129494] Grieg Peeer- Gynt Suiten 1+2 Suitner Bamberg SO DGG 17 037 LPE A-/ M/ g/ earliest flat tulip (AH)/ 10/ quite rare early Suitner recording / wroc 5.80 [102360] Grieg Peer Gynt music Beecham RPO Hollweg EMI 037- 291166 1 A+, sealed/ g/ new unplayed copy 11.80 [142897] Grieg PK op16, Poetic tone- pictures for Piano op3 Yeresko Rozhdestvensky Large RSO Moscow Melodiya CM 02567- 8 A/ blue original 6.80 [137106] Grieg PK/ Schumann PK Gimpel Rother BSO Opera 1184 A/ M/ g 6.80 [135522] Grieg PSo op7, Bizet Premier Nocturne, Variations chromatiques Gould CBS 60290 A/ g/ 5.80 [143342] Grieg Violin sonatas no 1 op8 + no3 op45 Kogan Ginzberg (1947) Melodiya D028513- 14 A/ M/ early yellow, Gost 68/ gen. cov 26.80 [138712] Grieg, Liszt - Piano Concertos Earl Wild Leibowitz, Sargent RPO Quintessence PMC 7031 A/ us 5.80 [137653] Guitar Recital (Bach Villa- Lobos Terzi Tarrega Vinas) Szendrey- Karper Qualiton SLPX 1161 A(+)/ stereo sticker 6.80 [130441] H. Wieniawski VK#9, #9 Gradow, Neidlinger Nuremberg SO Colosseum 0593 A(+)/ g/original 9.80 [122127] Handel 16 Organ concertos Rogg Armand Toulouse ChO EMI 163- 14051/ 54 QY 4LP- box/ A/ g/ red/ box- (funny laminate, else ok) 13.80 [120819] Handel Brockes Passion McGegan Klietmann Gati Zadori Farkas deMey Bandi Minter Capella Savaria Hungaroton SLPD 12734- 6 3LP- box/ A(+)/ original/ as new 10.80 [102389] Handel Chandos anthems - O praise the Lord with one consent, Let God arise Willcocks Vaughan Young Robinson Kings College ASMF Argo 411 980- 1 A(+)/ eng 6.80 [137317] Handel Chandos Anthems 2+3 In the Lord put I my trust, Have mercy upon me, o God Mann Boatwright Bresler Held Coll. musicum Rutgers SDG 610 320 A/ g/ green-wh sc 5.80 [108406] Handel Con. grossi op3 #4a, 5, 6 / Concerto grosso C- dur Alexanderfest Wenzinger Capella Coloniensis Archiv 198 218 SAPM A/ g/ early grey gatefold/ price sticker 11.80 [137654] Handel Con. grossi op6, 3, 4, 5, 8 Wenzinger Schola Cantorum Basiliensis Archiv 198 390 SAPM A+/ g/ gatefold original 10.80 [112634] Handel Concerti a due cori #1- 3 Leppard ECO Philips 802 894 LY A/ nl/ earliest red/ original cloth spine double gatefold 10.80 [111941] Handel Concerti grossi op3,4 op6,4+10, op1Alexanderfest Schuricht Bav RSO Concert Hall M 2266 A/ M/ blue 5.80 [120990] Handel Concerti grossi op6,3 +7 +9 Karajan BPO Spierer, Maas, Borwitzky PichtAxenfeld, Goebel DGG 139 036 SLPM A(+)/ g/ pre- original wh sample copy 18.80 [141360] Handel Concerto grossi op3,6 op6,6 / Beethoven PSo op49,2, Fuer Elise, Rondo C-dur op51,1, Rondo a capriccio op129 Wenzinger Mueller Schola Cantorum Basieliensis / Kempff DGG 104 475 A(+)/ g/ 1966 2 label record, side A Archive, side B DGG tulip 6.80 [139736] Handel Concerto op4,6 / Ravel Introduction et Allegro Harp, V4 Fl, Klar / Debussy Dances for Harp +O / Albrechtsberger Harp Concerto C-dur Zabaleta Paul Kuentz ChO/ Frasca Colombier, Vidal Moraver Dor Larde Deplus DG 139 304 SLPM A-, few tics at start/ g/ tulip original 6.80 [140155] Handel harp concerto / Faure Imprmptu op86 / Roussel Impromptu op21 Jamet, Orchestre, Damase Decca 115923 A-/ M/ fr/ 10 3.80 [125688] Handel Italian Cantatas - Lucrezia, Tu fedel,tu costante, Crudel tiranno Amor Petrescu - Mild (hps) Opreano, Abramovoci (v), Costescu (va), Botez (vc) Baerenreiter musicaphon BM 30 SL 1343 A(+)/ g/ early red +wh sc (192g pressing) 11.80 [139525] Handel Jephta Somary Grist Forrester Watts Young ECO Vanguard VSL 11089- 91 3LP- box/ A/ eng 13.80 [102424] Handel Keybord works compl / P- Suiten 1- 8 (1720), Suiten 1-8 (1733), Suite dmoll , Partiten 1-3, u.a. Krapp (hist hps and virginal) Eurodisc 302576- 460 8LPbox/ A(+)/ g/ gld/ DMM/ great set 21.80 [109359] Handel Messiah Boult Sutherland Bumbry McKellar Ward LSO+C Decca SAWD 9920/ 22- B 3LP- box/ A/ g/ black+gld original/ eng stampers/ cov- spine taped, else fine 21.80 [113177] Handel Messiah Bonynge Sutherland Tourangeau Krenn Krause Ambrosian Singers ECO Decca SAD 22099- 101 3LP- box/ A(+)/ g/ pre-original wh sample pressings 12.80 [142079] Handel Messias (exc.) Richter,K Janowitz Hoeffgen Haefliger Crass Bach- O+C Munich DGG 136 476 A(+)/ g/ as new 5.80 [141070] Handel Oboe-K #1-3, concerto grosso op3,3 Sonata a 5 (V+VO+Bc) Leppard Holliger Sillito ECO fono-ring SFGLP 78394 [Philips] A+/new, unplayed 6.80 [132020] Handel Organ Concertos op4,4 op7,4 + #16 Ewerhart Collegium Aureum Orbis/ HM 72485 A/ g/ earliest dark blue/ Krings recording 9.80 [125324] Handel Organ Concertos op7,1 op4,5 op7,3+4 Wenzinger Mueller Schola Cantorum Bassiliensis Archiv 198 486 SAPM A(+)/ g/ grey carton 3-fold/ pre- original wh sample copy/ as new 18.80 [141325] Handel Recorder sonatas op1,2, 4, 7, 11, Fitzwilliam 1-4(rec+org) Koch,H.O,. Heudron Unisono UNS 22857- 58 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ original/ new 10.80 [142120] Handel Saul instrumental pieces Winschermann Schoenstedt Cassedanne Dt Bachsolisten Stephani Baerenreiter Musicaphon BM 30 SL 1202 A(+)/ g/ wh-red sc original/ nearly as new 5.80 [139513] Handel Trio G-dur, ObSoP c-moll / Telemann TrioSo F-dur Ars rediviva (Munclinger Hantak Simandl Svihlikova Zilka) Supraphon SUF 20041 A(-)/ M/ bl-gld/ 10 4.80 [130653] Handel VSoP op1,15 / Brahms ,Falla/ Prokofiev VSoP op94 Kogan Walter Melodiya 33D- 014823/4 A/ early blue MK/ gen cover/ nearly as new 18.80 [140479] Harpsichord recital historical instruments / Caccini Farnaby Tomkins Frescobaldi Bach Bach,J.Ch Leonhardt Telefunken SAWT 9512- B A/ g/ black+gld original/ great sound and performance 13.80 [142458] Harpsichord recital - Handel Fischer Couperin Bach Rameau Scarlatti Fiocco Daquin Balbastre Pinnock Archiv 413 591- 1 A(+)/ g/ gatefold original 6.80 [123233] Hassler Lechner - Deutsche Lieder Arndt Berlin Motet Choir wh sample copy/ grey carton gatefold/ as new archive copy 13.80 Archiv 2533 062 A(+)/ M/ g/ [126811] Hassler Missa octavi toni, Motets Capella Carolina, Collegium aureum, Aachener Domchor, Pohl HM/ Basf 25 20355 2 A(+)/ g/ gatefold/ as new 6.80 [142338] Haydn + Strauss,R Oboe concertos Waetzig, Roegner Berlin RSO Eterna 820 428 A/ preoriginal wh label, no printing, number stamped or handwritten/ new general cov and sleeve, see pic for an example/ 7.80 [120041] Haydn Cello concertos 1+2 Arcu Agoston ChO Pro musica Electrecord ST ECE 02046 A(+)/ wh 10.80 [125800] Haydn FlK D- dur / OboenK C- dur Redel (fl) Kalmus MuenchnerChO Stadlmair DGG 19 147 LPEM A/ M/ tulip 13.80 [132791] Haydn Jahreszeiten Fricsay Troetschel Ludwig Greindl RIAS SO + ChChoir St. Hedwig (rec mono 1952) DGG 18 025-28 LPM 4LP-box/ A(+)/ M/ g/ early tulip (Alle Hersteller) in cloth spine oversize box 29.80 [122657] Haydn Jahreszeiten Fricsay Stader Haefliger Greindl RSO Berlin, St. Hedwig (rec mono 11.11.1961) DG 2721 170 3LP-box/ A(+)/ M/ g/ original issue of live radio recording, not to be confused with the 1952 studio 21.80 [141608] Haydn Pariser Sinfonien [S82 S83] Maier Collegium aureum BASF/HM 20 22476-7 A/ g/ orange/ wroc 6.80 [132727] Haydn S 100 G-Dur (Military), S 83 g-moll Muenchinger VPO London CS 6230 A/ eng/ wb 18.80 [126841] Haydn S45 (Abschied) + S55 (Schulmeister) Otterloo Den Haag DGG 138 825 SLPM A/ M/ g/ tulip/ quite rare and fine (as about every Otterloo performance)/ as new 18.80 [139345] Haydn S45 + S94 Lehmann BPO DGG 18 397 LPM A(-) plays fine/ flat AH tulip 14.80 Haydn S48 + S70 Leppard ECO Philips 6500 194 A/ nl/ early red original 5.80 [141641] [117067] Haydn S60, Cherubini S in D Brusilow, Philadelphia Ch Symphony RCA LSC 3088 A(-)/ g/ red seal original 4.80 [143302] Haydn S63 S78, Ouverture to an English Opera Jones The Little Orchestra of London Nonesuch H 71197 A/ us/ original 6.80 [137647] Haydn S83 + 84 [Pariser S. Vol II] Sanderling,K BSO Eterna 826 345 A(+)/ pre-original wh label, gg- pressing/ no printing, number stamped or handwritten/ new general cov and sleeve, see pic for an example/ 8.80 [105670] Haydn S88/ Mozart S39 / Beethoven S5 (Titania 1947)/ Schubert S8 (Titania 1952) S9 /Schumann S4 / Brahms S1 (Titania 1952 ) Bruckner S7 (Kairo 1951)/ Wagner Meistersinger + Parsifal Vorspiele (1959, 51) Strauss Don Juan, Till/ Furtwaengler S2/ Furtwaengler talking, cut from interviews Furtwaengler BPO DG 2721 202 10LP- box/ A-, tiny a.s. S7, else A(+)/ M/ g 25.80 [111951] Haydn S90 S91 Jones The Little Orchestra of London Nonesuch H 71191 A/ us/ original 6.80 [137649] Haydn S91 + S103 Jochum Bav RSO DGG 138 007 SLPM A(+)/ g/ tulip (AH), red stereo original 21.80 [138916] Haydn S92, Piano concerto D-dur Wand Schroeter, Guerzenich Cologne Club francais du Disque / Europ. Platten Club 73 A/ M/ swiss/ flat/ rare 26.80 [132604] Haydn S94 + S101 Jochum LPO DG 2530 628 A(+)/ g/ original 6.80 [133041] Haydn S99 / S102 Woeldike VStOpera (Volksoper) Amadeo AVRS 6048 A/ M/ austrian flat black original 6.80 [139867] Haydn S99 S100 (London IV) Herbig Dresden PO Eterna 826 849 A+/ black 6.80 [102585] Haydn S99 S100 (London IV) Herbig Dresden PO Eterna 826 849 A(+)/ black original/ as new 6.80 [131185] Haydn Schoepfung Forster Gruemmer Traxel Frick St Hedwig BSO Electrola STE 80579- 81 3LP- box/ A/ g/ wh-gld original 29.80 [102586] Haydn Te Deum C-dur, Mozart Maur. Trauermusik K477, Adagio + Fuge c-moll K546, Missa brevis #11 C-dur K269 Fricsay RIAS / Buckel Nagano Kesteren Flottau Bav RSO DGG 136 398 SLPEM A(+)/ g/ earliest tulip(AH)/ red stereo original 37.80 [141153] Haydn V4 #76 op76,3 Kaiserquartett, V4 #74 op74,3 Prague City Q (Novotny Pribyl Maly Sirc) Loewenguth- Q (Loewenguth,A Gotkovsky Roche Loewenguth,R) Eurodisc 27170 XAK B (a.s.)/ gld 1.80 [129989] Haydn V4 op33,3 Mozart V4 G-dur K387 Janacek-Q DGG 18 542 LPM A/ M/ g/ earliest flat tulip (AH) 18.80 [138587] Haydn V4 op33,4- 6 Panocha- Q Supraphon 1111 3020 A/ blue 4.80 [112599] Haydn V4 op76,1+2 Danish SQ Valois MB 777 A(+)/ fr/ original/ great sound and performance 19.80 [143177] Haydn VcK #1 / Bartok VaK Ostertag / Shirao Kord SWF SO A/ g/ rare radio record 8.80 SWF 78 (non commercial) [113968] Haydn VcK C-dur / Boccherini VcK B-dur Sadlo Klima Prague RSO Supraphon SUAST 50495 A(+)/ very rare red & black! original/ gatefold/ as new 18.80 [113701] Haydn VcK C-dur, D-dur Hob VIIb 1+2 Borwitzky Ronnefeld VSO Telefunken SLT 43092 A(+)/ g/ black+gld original/ as new 37.80 [114519] Haydn,M OrganK + Va C- Dur / Haydn,J OrganK #1 C- Dur F- Dur / Albrechtsberger OrganK B- Dur / Bach,CPE OrganK Es- Dur Parker- Smith Maly Bedford Prague ChO EMI C- 151- 03420/ 21 2LP- gatefold/ A/ SQ/ musica prae classica 8.80 [132658] Heiller Adventsmusik, Passionsmusik Youth Choir Thalwil, Henking, Ulbrich (ob), Merian von Wyss (v)Heiller (org) Exclusiv EV 30 829 A/ swiss/ as new 6.80 [140382] Henze Szenen aus Elegie fuer junge Liebende Fischer-Dieskau Hemsly Driscoll Dubin Moedl Gayer Hilten RSO + Dt.Oper Berlin Henze DGG 138 876 SLPM A/ g/ gatefold, incl libretto/ red stereo original 37.80 [122315] Henze Violin concerto #2, Compases (for Va + 22 players) Langbein Fukai London Sinfonietta Henze Decca Head 5 A/ eng/ red sb original/ notes incl. 13.80 [135507] Hindemith Mathis- S / Bartok Music f. VO, Perc+ Celesta Karajan BPO EMI 063- 00547 A/ g/ gld 8.80 [109898] Hindemith Mathis- S. Hindemith BPO DGG 17241 LPE B+, nothing fatal, very good sound, no distortions/ M/ early flat/ tulip (AH)/ 10/ sewn gatefold cov- 6.80 [136875] Hindemith V4#3, Minimax Dornbusch- Q Da Camera Magna SM 92416 A(-)/ g/ black/ as new 3.80 [122890] Hindemith VK / Britten Serenade for Tenor + Horn + Or op31 Oistrach Hindemith LSO / Pears Tuckwell Britten LSO Decca DSC J 479 A(+)/ g/ black+gld original, oval logo/ as new 21.80 [125266] Historic Organs of France (Silbermann organs of Alsace) Power Biggs 7438 A/ us 5.80 [131405] Columbia MS Historic Organs in Switzerland - Frescobaldi Sicher Bach Bruhns Muffat Hildenbrand [ Choir organ St.Gall Cathedral, organ of Fischingen monastry Telefunken TK 11547/1-2 2LP- box/ A/ g/ blue 6.80 [140575] Hoelszky, Adriana Space (4 orchestral groups), Sonett (Mezzo +2guit), Decorum (Hps), Innere Welten (V3) Russel Davies Saarbruecken RSO / Ascher Freiberger Gitarrenduo/ Grossmann/ Deutsches Streichtrio (Kalafusz Hedrich Ginzel) Aulos 53595 A+/ g/ gatefold/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 10.80 [121839] Honegger S3 Liturgique S4 Deliciae Basilienses Ansermet OSR Decca SXL 6394 A/ eng/ wb original 34.80 [142565] Hummel TrK E- Dur / Bochsa HarfeK #1 op15 Laskine Andre Mari Lamoureux Columbia SMC 95056 A/ g/ wh-gld 18.80 [139274] Hummel,B Suite Violine solo*, VSoP op6**, V4 op46 Epstein, Joshua* Hummel,M** Schmidt,G Seraphim- Q TSW 86830 (semi private issue) A+/ g/ issued in small number 18.80 [113462] Hymns - settings by Bach Krueger Weiss Werner,F Kuebler, Kammeier, FischerDieskau,K Hugo-Distler-Chor Berlin, Meyer (org) DGG 19 382 LPEM A(+)/ g/ pre- original wh sample, as new archive copy 17.80 [141039] IChopin PSo2 b-moll op35, Prelude cis moll op45, Scherzo cis-moll op39, Nocturne Es-Dur op55/2, Etudes op10,No.8 F-Dur + Nur.10 in As-Dur, Etude gis-moll op25/6 Pogorelich DG 2531 346 A(+)/ g/ original, as new 9.80 [126642] In dulci jubilo / Weihnachtslieder Stader DGG 136 266 SLPEM A-, plays fine/ g/ tulip 11.80 [141601] Janacek Amarus / Suk Under the Apple Tree Trhlík Gebauerova Zahradnicek Tucek Jelinkova CzPOC Ostrava Janacek O Supraphon 112 1678 A(+)/ blue original 6.80 [128093] Janacek Jenufa Gregor Nat Theatre Prag Supraphon 112 0711- 12 2LP- box/ A/ g/ rec. in Vienna, Sophiensaal/ nearly as new 13.80 [102739] Janacek Makropulous Case Gregor Prague Nat Theatre Supraphon 50811- 2 2LP- box/ A/ blue 12.80 [102721] Janacek Vater unser (tenor, harp, choir + organ), Ave Maria, Messse Es dur (unfinished), Postludium Pfaff Spelz Hug Ulmer Kanorei Haupt Audite FSM 53189 aud A/ g 5.80 [121149] Khachaturian VK Schmahl Pflueger Gwdhs Leipzig Eterna 820 385 A/ M/ bl-wh 8.80 [108970] Khatchaturian Spartacus, Gayaneh exc. / Prokofiev Romeo & Juliet exc. Khachaturian VPO / Maazel CleveO Decca 6.43722 A/ g/ DMM 4.80 [136255] Kokkonen Last Temptations Soederblom Auvinen Talvela Savonlinna Opera Festival July 1977 DG 2740 190 3LP- box/ A/ g 17.80 [114782] Kondrashin, Yansons,A Moscow PO Nikolayev S. [no1 op21] / Ustvolskaya Lights in the Steppe Melodiya 33D 010305- 06 A(+)/ M/ flat blue MK original/ nearly as new/ very rare/ the true Ustvolskaya was not performed or recorded back then. This is one of her patriotic party pieces, very little to do with her own music,but the open display of all the tricks of the trade of Soviet style, their escalation towards a biting irony is at once hard to believe ( how could they have made it into a record!) and real good fun. I imagine her and Shostakovich attending the official performance of ´Lights in the Steppe´ with just as straight faces as they can manage. 15.80 [140480] Kreisler Dvorak De FAlla Albeniz Perlman Sanders Eterna 827 606 A-/ g/ blue 3.80 [129405] Kummer Quintett op75 (2fl,va, vc, git), Kuefner Serenade op6 (fl, va, git). Pastor Sebon Sunnus Ganz Forest Schwann VMS 1040 A(+)/ g/ original/ great sound 11.80 [142535] L´Orgue symphonique III - Dupré Huré Barié Bonnal Alain Isoir - organ of Saint Salomon Sait Gregoire de Pithiviers Calliope CAL 1922 A/ fr/ gatefold original/ nearly as new 6.80 [141679] Lalo S Espagnole / Bruch VK1 Zukerman Mehta LAPO CBS 76726 A+/ g/ gatefold 6.80 [109774] Lalo S espagnole / Sarasate Zigeunerweisen op20 Mutter Ozawa ONF EMI 0672701761[26348-3] A/ g/ club numbering, orig. cover + label + stampers 6.80 [106832] Lang VK, Wind Quintet #3, 2 Preludes Pauk, Janota, Kodaly- Q, Hung Wind Quintet, Budapest PO members, Lehel Hungaroton SLPX 12051 A(+)/ original 6.80 [121608] Lange- Mueller Sulamith og Salomon, Norgard Baum des Lebens Halding Guertler Odeon MOAK 11 A/ M/ dan/ very rare and lovely 26.80 [124701] Lasso Prophetiae Sibyllarum, Moresken Hirsch Muenchener Vokalsolisten Muenchener Floetenconsort Telefunken 6.41889 A(+)/ g/ gatefold/ earliest blue (original) 6.80 [121911] Lassus Requiem (1580) Pro Cantione Antiqua Turner HM/ BASF 2520356- 0 A-/ g/ gatefold/ original / Krings rec 4.80 [137862] Lechner Das Hohelied Salomonis (1606), Deutsche Sprueche von Leben und Tod / Jannequin, Claude le Jeune Le Chant du Rossignol/ Monteverdi Lamento d´Ariana Knothe Capella Lipsiensis Eterna 825 290 A/ blue 8.80 [134352] Leclair 3 Violin Concertos op7,2 op10,2+6 Fernandez Paillard ChO Christophorus SCGLP 75816 A(+)/ g/ earliest blue/ stereo sticker 21.80 [119241] Les bis de Alexis Weissenberg - Liszt Schumann Chopin Scriabin Debussy Tchaikovsky Weissenberg EMI 069- 16326 A(+)/ fr/ gatefold/ as new 8.80 [137299] Les Vendredis - a collection of pieces for SQ published 1898 - Glazunov Borodin Sokolov Artciboucheff Rimsky-Korsakov Lyadov Wihtol Kopylov dSacken-Osten Blumenfeld / vol 2 Haydn-Q Berlin Schwann VMS 1028 A/ g/ original 9.80 [120767] Lieder aus Meyerbeer Dinorah, Donizetti Don Pasquale, Thomas Hamlet Tchaikovsky The Queen of Spades, Verdi La Traviata Rigoletto Il Trovatore, Franchetti Germania, Gounod Faust De Luca Belcantodisc BC 245 A(-) plays fine/ M/ us 5.80 [134372] Lieder Bach Dowland Schuetz v.Einem Schubert Schreier Ragossnig (git, laute) Capriccio CC 27053 A / g/ original (westgerman issue) 4.80 [124151] Liszt / Berlioz S Fantastique op14 Duchable EMI 069- 73004 B+/ fr/ gatefold 1.80 [133304] Liszt Hngarian Rhapsodies #1-6 (O) Korodi Budapest SO Capriccio 439000 A/ g/ original/ nearly as new 4.80 [133996] Liszt Hung Rhapsodies 9-15 Farnadi Westminster XWN 18337 A-, plays fine/ M/ us/ blue original/ in a German distributor´s gen cover 5.80 [140904] Liszt Hung. Fantasy P+O, Hung Rhapsody #5 + #4 / Brahms Hung Dances #17-20 Karajan Cherkassy BPO DG 2535 175 A(+)/ g/ nearly as new 3.80 [136691] Liszt Late Piano Works De Leeuw Telefunken 6.42489 A/ g/ blue original 9.80 Liszt Late piano works Brendel Philips 9500 775 A(+)/ nl/ red original 10.80 [119734] [131583] Liszt Les Preludes, Hung. Rhapsodie #2 + #4, Mazeppa Karajan BPO DGG 2535 110 A(+)/ g/ 3.80 [134860] Liszt Mephisto- Waltzer #1, Benediction, Funerailles Liebestraum 1-3 Ohlsson EMI 037- 2907311 A(+)/ g/ cov-/ late sc/ very good sound/ when compared to Arrau´s many recordings of pieces like Benediction sound trivial, - except for this truly great one 5.80 [108526] Liszt PK2 Foldes Ludwig BPO DGG 18 133 LPM A-/ M/ gatefold/ flat tulip AH 18.80 [129221] Liszt Polonaise #2, Sonette 123 del Petrarca, B.A.C.H Fantasie und Fuge, Caprice poetique #2+3, Tarantella, Legend #2 Cziffra Philips 6500 250 A/ fr/ double gatefold/ red 10.80 [136912] Liszt Sonate, Polonaise II E-dur, Don Juan Fantasie flat earliest tulip/ red stereo original/ nearly as new archive copy Vasary DGG 136258 SLPEM A(+)/ 30.80 [141127] Loewe Ballads Prey Engel Christophorus fono ring SFGLP 78395 A(+)/ g/ wh sample copy/ Philips pressing/ as new 4.80 [137010] Lortzing Waffenschmied (exc, no complete set exists) Janowitz Wagner Greindl Stewart Vantin Stepp RSO+C Berlin DGG 19 417 LPEM A+/ M/ g/ tulip (AH) original/ new archive copy 15.80 [142589] Lortzing Zar + Zimmermann (exc) Heger Prey Schreier Frick Koeth Gedda Teschler Vogel Burmeister Rundfunk Chor Leipzig, StkD Eterna 825 722 A(+)/ black/ as new 5.80 [143204] Lute music from the royal courts of Europe - Moritz v. Hessen, Molinaro Philips Dowland Howett Mudarra Dlzgoraj Ferrabosco Neusidler Bakfark Besard Bream RCA LSC 2924- B A/ g 6.80 [121639] Mahler Kindertoten- Lieder / Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen/ Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen Baker Barbirolli Hallé Electrola SME 91670 A/ g/ wh- gld original 37.80 [125902] Mahler Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen Furtwaengler Fischer- Dieskau VPO, Salzburg 18.09.1951/ Furtwaengler Poell VPO Wien 30.12.1952 Fonit Cetra FE 29 A(+)/ it/ as new/ one of the rarest in this remarkably fine series 22.80 [141983] Mahler S1 Walter CSO CBS 61116 A/ g/ red/ very good transfer, the whole series is quite remarkable 5.80 [102893] Mahler S10 (Cooke, Goldschmidt) Sanderling BSO Eterna 827 435- 6 2LP- gatefold/ A(-)/ black (!) original 14.80 [125994] Mahler S2 Solti Harper Watts LSO Decca 64835 blue Teldec pressings (ZAL stampers)/ as new 7.80 2LP-gatefold/ A(+)/ g/ early blue/ club with decent [111841] Mahler S2 Bernstein Baker Armstrong Edinburgh Festival Chorus, LSO Columbia M2Q 32681 2LP- box/ us/ SQ- gold original 18.80 [140340] Mahler S4 Sejna CzPO Tauberova Supraphon SUA 10157 A/ M/ earliest blue 6.80 [121192] Mahler S6 / Side 4 Horenstein talking with Alan Blyth Horenstein Stockholm PO Nonesuch HB 73029 2LP- gatefold/ A/ us/ original/ promo copy 21.80 [143645] Mahler S7 Masur Gwdhs Leipzig (rec 1982) Eterna 827 790- 791 2LP- gatefold/ A(+)/ blue original 10.80 [128997] Malec, Ivo Sigma, Dodecameron, Lumina, Carillon Choral, Vox,Vocis, Recitativo, Vocatif Pennetier ONatFrance / Couraud Solistes des Choeurs ORTF/ Ensemble 2E 2M, Malec / Robin Foix Malec / Musique vivante Masson INA GRM 9105 MA 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ fr/ incl boolket & leaflet/ new copy/ very rare 50.80 [142955] Marchand Pieces de Clavecin Book 1+2 Haugsand (Hps) Simax PS1007 A/ g/ gatefold 5.80 [124745] Marilyn Horne live at la Scala Horne,M Katz CBS 74105 A/ nl 5.80 [102955] Martin Ballade Vc+P, Ballade Fl+P, 8 Preludes (P) Hofmann Lindtberg Heitz Da Camera Magna SM 93118 A(+)/ g/ black original 8.80 [121159] Martinu S6 + S3 Neumann CzPO rec 1982/84 Supraphon 1110 3584 A(+)/ g/ original/ new recordings, made 7 years after the first set& as new 11.80 [141987] Martucci Notturno, Novelletta, La Canzone Dei Ricordi, PK op. 66 Toscanini Castagna, d´Atilli NBC SO [ broadcasts 1938, 1941, 1946] Paragon 53008 2LP- gatefold/ A/ M/ it/ rare 10.80 [122139] Massenet Werther Sebastian Opera- Comique Juyol Leger Richard Rouquetty Bourdin Roux Urania URLP 233 3LP- box/ M/ A/ us/ early oversize, in outstanding condition 29.80 [102981] Medieval music at the Prague court (Gothic- Renaissance) Prague Madrigal Singers Venhoda Musica Antiqua vienna Clemencic Supraphon GS 50598 A/ red stereo original/ Golden Series gatefold, incl 30 p. booklet 8.80 [140884] Mendelssohn Cello Sonatas 1+2 Mantel Frieser Da Camera Magna SM 93703 A(+)/ g / original, as new 13.80 [119058] Mendelssohn Elias Sawallisch Adam Ameling Burmeister Schreier GwdhsO Philips 802 889/ 91 LY 3LP/ A+/ nl/ red/ full orig booklet 12.80 [126202] Mendelssohn S3 + S4 / Mahler S1 Abbado Mehta LSO Israel PO Decca 66.28250 2LPgatefold/ A(+)/ g/ Teldec DMM special pressings for DC 13.80 [134283] Mendelssohn S3 Hebrides Ouv Fischer,I Hungarian StO Hungaroton SLPD 12660 A(+)/ hung/ original/ lovely performance and recording 5.80 Mendelssohn S4 + S5 [139009] Bernstein Israel PO DG 2531 097 A(+)/ g/ original 9.80 [120688] Mendelssohn S4, Italian, Ouvertures Ansermet OSR Decca SXL 6166 A(+)/ g/ black+gld 21.80 [143555] Mendelssohn VK / Tchaikovsky VK Zukerman Bernstein NYPO / Dorati LSO CBS S 72768 A/ eng/ blue original 6.80 [135823] Mendelssohn VK / VK d-moll Menuhin LSO Fruehbeck EMI 063- 02266 A/ g/ gld 5.80 [103052] Mendelssohn VK / Tchaikovsky VK Gimpel,B Schueler Bamberg SO Opera 71959 A)/ earliest blue/ very rare stereo 14.80 [135526] Mendelssohn VK Bruch VK Mutter Karajan BPO DG 2532 016 A(+)/ g/ original 8.80 [106404] Mendelssohn VK op64 Schneiderhan Fricsay RSO Berlin DGG 17 085 LPE A/ M/ 10/ flat tulip/ cov - 18.80 [129460] Mendelssohn VK op64 / Bruch VK op26 Schneiderhan Fricsay Leitner DGG 19 124 LPEM A/ M/ early tulip (AH), never in stereo 37.80 [131558] Messiaen Fete des belles eaux (6 Ondes Martenot) / Milhaud Suite (mart+p) / Charpentier,J Lalita (mart+perc) Loriod,J Caron Matagne Recoussine Trow Chanfordan Philips (p) Duclot (perc) Erato STU 70102 A(+)/ fr/ earliest bl-wh sc/ sample copy 37.80 [132538] Michael Nyman Band (A.Balaneascu..) Nyman The Draughtsman´s Contract (Purcell arr, mostly) Charisma CAS 1158 A(+)/ eng/ original 18.80 [142828] Milhaud S6, Chansons de Ronsard Mester, Seibel, Louisville O RCA GL 25020 A(+)/ it/ gold seal 5.80 [143360] Missa Universalis Vetter Wergo SM 1051 A/ g/ original/ cov- (ok, see pic) 8.80 [138323] Moene Babylone Reibel, cond., Trio a Cordes Paris, Saneva Oxombre Oudot Fremau Dehon(vocals) Beaumadier (flutes) Gayot Simocini (oboe, clar) Manfrin Fourquet Milliere Chevaillier (4 tromb.) Erato STU 71562 A+ new/ fr/ sealed unplayed copy from Erato Archive Paris 18.80 [111417] Monteverdi Madrigali e Concerti Juergens Leonhardt Dombois Storck Leonhardt-Consort Monteverdi- C Hamburg Telefunken SAWT 9438- A A/ g/ gatefold/ black+gld original 11.80 [140245] Monteverdi Madrigali Libri VIII, IX, X Leppard Glyndebourne Opera Group Philips 6799 006 5LP- box/ A/ early red (6500 ..)/ full size lux book 21.80 [114818] Monteverdi Schuetz Speth Bach Buxtehude / Magnificat Rilling, Spandauer Kantorei, Bach- Collegium + Figuralchor Stuttgart Fono FSM 33014/ 5 2LP/ A/ g 7.80 [103091] Monteverdi Vespro Vergine1610 Harnoncourt Juergens Ruhland Hansmann Jacobeit Rogers van t´Hoff Egmond Villisech Concentus musicus Monteverdi-Choir Hamburg Capella antiqua Muenchen Telefunken SAWT 9501/ 02 -A 2LP- box/ A/ cloth spine vox, black & gld original/ as new 20.80 [105751] Monteverdi Vespro Vergine1610 Harnoncourt Juergens Ruhland Hansmann Jacobeit Rogers van t´Hoff Egmond Villisech Concentus musicus Monteverdi-Choir Hamburg Capella antiqua Muenchen Telefunken SAWT 9501/ 02 -A 2LP- box/ A(+)/ cloth spine, black+ gld original/ nearly as new 21.80 [113325] Moszkowski PK op59, Caprice Espagnol op37, Etude F-dur op72, Etinselles op36,6, Venusberg Bacchanale, Danse Boheme (after Carmen) Ponti Stracke Ph Hungarica Candide (Vox) CE 31030 A/ us 5.80 [125416] Mozart Clemenza di Tito Boehm Berganza Mathis Varady Schiml Schreier Adam StKDresden DG 2740 208 3LP- box/ A(+)/ g/ as new 13.80 [134528] Mozart Messe C-dur K257 (Credo), Messe C-dur K317 (Coronation) Davis Donath Knight Davies Grant Dean John Alldis Choir Constable LSO Philips 6570 025 A(+)/ nl/ as new 4.80 [136978] Mozart 2+3PK K365 K242 Kocsis Schiff Ranki Ferencsik HunStO Hungaroton SLPX 11631 A(+)/ rec when all three of them were still students 6.80 [106292] Mozart 3 FlSoP K10-12 Sverev Nasedkin Eterna 827 298 A/ black/ rare 6.80 [107675] Mozart 6 Var K360, Beethoven 12 Var WoO40, Hummel Inroduktion und Var ueber ein deutsches Lied, Messiaen Theme et Var, Haag 8 Var op16 Manheimer Duo (Haag Schlicker) Pape FSM 43752 (Nocturne 2 ) A(+)/ g/ original/ Teldec pressing 6.80 [140244] Mozart Adagio English Horn + O K580 a,/ Beetrhoven Var Reich mir die Hand.. 2 Ob + Eng Horn, Trio C-dur 2Ob + Eng Horn op87 Hausmann Ayrton Shann, Wuerzburg Academy, Reinartz Calig CAL 30401 A(+)/ g/ original 5.80 [116963] Mozart Bastien und Bastienne K50 Koch Stolte Schreier ChO Berlin Eterna 825 551 A/ black 6.80 [107052] Mozart Concert Arias Jonasova - Lukas Prague Ch Soloists + Members of Ch Harmony Supraphon 112 1114 A/ blue original/ lovely voice, a slim, easy, clear, high soprano, Streich perhaps, but less cold 6.80 [131212] Mozart Cosi fan tutte Muti Marshall Baltsa Araiza Morris Battle van Dam VPO Salzburg live recording EMI 157- 1435163 3LP- box/ A+/ g/ as new 21.80 [103125] Mozart Cosi fan tutte Jochum Koeth Merriman Seefried Fischer- Dieskau Haefliger Prey BPO DGG KL 09-11 3LP- box/ A or better/ M/ g/ tulip original (AH), earliest subscription copy, no set number yet/ nearly as new 25.80 [126282] Mozart Così fan tutte Boehm Schwarzkopf Ludwig Steffek Kraus Taddei Berry PhO EMI STA 91235- 38 4LP- box/ A(+)!/ g/ gld angel series original, cloth spine box, stereo sticker/ box- (ok, title spine dodgy, records and inner sleeves in as new condition) 61.80 [136352] Mozart Divertimento (V3) Es dur K563 Grumiaux Trio (Grumiaux Janzer Czako) Philips 802 803 A(+)/ nl/ original red, bold letter/ lux cloth spine double gatefold 29.80 [131417] Mozart Divertimento K257 (2.Lodronsche Nachtmusik) Collegium aureum Maier Vollmer Graf Beckdorf Schlegel Gruets Alfing) HM/ EMI 065- 99696 A(+)/ g/ gld original/ great Cedernsaal recording/ as new 6.80 [136340] Mozart Divertimento K334, Notturno K286 Marriner ASMF Decca SAWD 9989-B A/ g/ early blue 6.80 [124886] Mozart Divertimento no11 K251 / Schubert 5 Minuets, 5 German Dances Muenchinger Stuttgart ChO Decca MD 1044 A(+)/ g/ black+gld/ as new 8.80 [139269] Mozart Don Giovanni Krips Siepi Corena Boehme Danco Dermota Della Casa Berrry Gueden VPO Decca SKA 25011- D/ 1- 4 4LP- box/ A(-)/ g/ early blue/ cloth spine box 17.80 [108618] Mozart Figaro Kleiber,E Della Casa Gueden Danco Siepi Poell Corena VPO Decca 6.35113 4LP- box/ A/ g/ blue 13.80 [106686] Mozart FlK K313 + K314 Debost MoscowChO Barshai Electrola SME 91485 A(+)/ g/ wh-gld original as new 13.80 [138931] Mozart FlK no1 K313, no2 K314 Linde Stadlmair Munich 'ChO / nicolet Baumgartner FS Lucerne DG 2535 178 A/ g 4.80 [140589] Mozart FlK1+2 K313+4, Andante Fl+O K315 Galway Baumgartner Festival Strings Lucerne (rec 1974) Eurodisc S 63728 A(-)/ g/ gld/ club with id cov + label 2.80 [140276] Mozart Haydn Schumann Mendelssohn Brahms - duets trios quartets Gaudeamus Vocalquartett Intercord INT 120.939 A(+)/ g 6.80 [142693] Mozart Horn Concertos Hoegner Boehm VPO DG 2531 274 A(+)/ g 9.80 [132951] Mozart Horn Quintet K407, Ob Quartet K370, Divertimenti K187, 12 Duos f. 2 Horns K487 Czech Ph W Ensemble, Cz PhO (Members) Supraphon 111 1671/ 2 A(+) 2LPgatefold/ blue original 9.80 [125404] Mozart Horn- Quintet Es- Dur K407 Clar- Quintet A- Dur K581 Barchet- Q Vescovo [Horn] Lancelot [Klar] Christophorus Erato CGLP 75 731 A/ M/ earliest flat green 45.80 [133314] Mozart Horn- Quintet Es- Dur K407 Clar- Quintet A- Dur K581 Barchet- Q Vescovo [Horn] Lancelot [Klar] Christophorus Fono- Ring FGLP 77521 A/ M/ flat 53.80 [135454] Mozart KlarK K622, KlarV5 K581 Goodman Munch Boston SO, Boston SQ Eterna 826 765 A/ black/ cov- (ok) 3.80 [138346] Mozart Klavier 4haendig, PSo K497 5 Var G- Dur K501 Orgelstueck K608 Eschenbach Frantz DG 2530 363 A(+)/ g/ 5.80 [131517] Mozart Mass #5 C K167 / Haydn Mass in G (Rorate coeli ..) Grossmann Akademie ChC, Vienna Volksoper / Gohl Singkreis Zurich ChO Turnabout TV 34501 S A/ eng Decca pressing 4.80 [136311] Mozart Messe c-moll K427 Marriner Marshall Palmer Rolfe Johnson Howell ASMF Philips 412 932- 1 A(+)/ nl 4.80 [135199] Mozart Missa brevis F-dur K 192, C-dur K259 Kegel Casapietra Burmeister Schreier Polster RSO Leipzig Philips 6500 867 LY A/ nl/ red 5.80 [112445] Mozart Missa brevis K175 / Credo Messe K257 Moralt VSO Tiller Krenn Majkut Berry Wiener Saenger- knaben / Paumgartner Camerata Academica Mozarteum CahnbeyMaedel Schretter Maran Raninger Philips A 00367 L A(+)/ M/ g/ flat plum minigroove original 15.80 [124111] Mozart Missa brevis K192, Missa in honorem SSmae Trinitatis K167 Grossmann Akademie ChC, Vienna Volksoper Vox STDL 500.790 A(+)/ fr/ early plum stereo/ as new 6.80 [139511] Mozart Missa solemnis K139 Kegel Casapietra Burmeister Schreier Polster RSO Leipzig Philips 6500 867 LY A/ nl/ red 5.80 [112446] Mozart ObK K314 Fagott K K191 Schaeftlein Turkovic Hager Mozarteum- Or Telefunken 6.42361 A/ g/ gatefold, blue original 8.80 [139337] Mozart Offenbach Verdi Strauss,R Rossini Bellini Geszty Masur Eterna 825 973 A/ earliest black 10.80 [100081] Mozart operatic arias Popp Slatkin Munich RSO EMI 067- 1467871 A(+)/ g/ small cut/ as new 8.80 [124055] Mozart Organ music Proeger Bauer, Stumm Organ Kirchheimbolanden (1745) Schwann AMS 24 A(+)/ g/ earliest Electrola pressing 5.80 [139288] Mozart PK #20 K466 #23 K488* Gieseking Rosbaud Karajan* PhO Columbia C91242 A/ M/ g/ early light blue sample copy 21.80 [111830] Mozart PK #21 C dur K467, PSo K310 Lipatti Karajan Lucerne EMI 047- 01469 A-/ M/ g/ dacapo (mono) 2.80 [123677] Mozart PK 19 F-dur K459 + 20 d-moll K466 Haskil Swoboda Winterthur SO Heliodor 478 059 Westminster series B+, nothing fatal/ M/ g DGG pressing/ earliest plum/ cov- 3.80 [136784] Mozart PK 19 F-dur K459 + 20 d-moll K466 Haskil Swoboda Winterthur SO Heliodor 478 059 Westminster series A/ M/ g/ flat marron original/ DGG pressing, Westminster series/ nearly as new 19.80 [138994] Mozart PK 19 K459 + 25 K503 Serkin Abbado LSO DG 410 989- 1 A(+)/ g/ original 13.80 [126296] Mozart PK 27 B-dur K595 / PSo A-dur K331 Backhaus Boehm VPO Decca 6.41516 A(+)/ g/ blue/ outstanding 8.80 [135020] Mozart PK 27 B-dur K595 / PSo A-dur K331 Backhaus Boehm VPO Decca BD 104 A (DSC F 803) A(-)/ M/ g/ black+gld, oval logo 6.80 [143655] Mozart PK d-moll K466 Serkin Ormandy PhiladO Philips A 01600 R A/ M/ 10/ plum minigroove 6.80 [109240] Mozart PK K246 K503 Anda Camerata acad. Mozarteum DGG 139 384 SLPM A/ g/ tulip original/ record fine, cov as new 10.80 [140657] Mozart PK K246, K271 Zacharias Maksymiuk PolCO EMI 067- 2700711 A/ g/ DMM 4.80 [108937] Mozart PK K246, K271 Zacharias Maksymiuk PolCO EMI 067- 2700711 A/ g/ DMM 4.80 [115284] Mozart PK K414 K488 Kocsis Rolla Liszt Ferenc ChO Hungaroton SLPD 12472 A(+)/ original 5.80 [126143] Mozart PK K414, K459, K466, 488 Brendel Marriner ASMF Philips 26 167- 7 2LP- gatefold/ A(+)/ g/ red 9.80 [140221] Mozart PK K415 Haydn PK op21 Michelangeli RAI Olympic OL 8142 A/ us/ rare 9.80 [111049] Mozart PK K450 K467 Brendel Marriner ASMF Philips 6514 148 A-soft a.s./ nl/ red original 1.80 [115345] Mozart PK K453 + K450 Ranki Rolla Liszt ChO Budapest Hungaroton SLPD 12655 A(+)/ original 4.80 [139605] Mozart PK K459 / PK K415* Haskil Fricsay BPO / Baumgartner* Lucerne Eterna 825 858 A(+)/ earliest black 10.80 [132165] Mozart Posthorn- Serenade D-dur K320 Damm de Waart StkD Eterna 826 573 A/ black/ cov- (ok, number on back)/ reference performances 5.80 [112537] Mozart PSo D-dur K284, a-moll K310 Hansen DGG 18 505 LPM A(+)/ M/ earliest flat tulip (AH, 1958)/ cov pr. 1958/ original/ as new archive copy 29.80 [141138] Mozart PV3 K254 / Mendelssohn PV3 nr2 c-moll op66 Gilels Kogan Rostropovich/ Oistrakh Obrin Knushevitsky Bruno BR 14053 A/ M/ us/ early cheapie with surprisingly decent transfers 5.80 [138868] Mozart PV4 K478 + K493 Horszowski Budapest SQ members (rec 1963) CBS 61667 A/ g/ nearly as new/ nothing dim about this transfer, very good immediate sound 5.80 [134774] Mozart Requiem Karajan Lipp Roessl- Majdan Dermota Berry Wiener Singverein BPO DGG 138 767 A(-)/ g/ tulip (AH), red stereo original/ cov- 13.80 [117715] Mozart Requiem Harnoncourt Yakar Wenkel Equiluz Holl Concentus musicus StOpera-C Telefunken 6.42756 A(-) plays fine/ gatefold/ DMM/ 4.80 [143497] Mozart Requiem in D minor Richter,K, StaderM, Toepper,H, Van Kesteren,J, Kohn, K.C, Munich Bach C+O. Telefunken 6.41153 A(+)/ g/ early blue Telefunken 6.80 [122557] Mozart Requiem K626 Jochum Seefried Pitzinger Holm Borg VSO VStOC DSG Atlas 6805 A-/ M/ g/ cov- (ok)/ early flat DGG pressing 5.80 [126072] Mozart S conc. K364 / Duo V+Va K424 Suk Skampa CzPO Redel Supraphon SUAST 50427 A/ blue/ a treasure 10.80 [103347] Mozart S conc. K364 / S conc. K297b Boehm BPO Brandis Cappone Steins Leister Seifert Piesk DGG 139 156 SLPM A(+)/ g/ 1966 tulip original/ as new 18.80 [103346] Mozart S concertante K297b / Horn concerto Es-dur K447 Friedrich (hrn) Kemeny (Ob) Horvath (Clar) Hara (Bassoon) - Ferencsik HungStO Hungaroton SLPX 12264 A(+)/ as new 6.80 [136159] Mozart S concertante K364 / VK1 K207 Kremer Kashkashian Harnoncourt VPO DG 413 461- 1 A/ g/ original 20.80 [122843] Mozart S concertante K364, Concertone K190 Oistrakh,D+I BPO Eterna 826 481 A/ black original/ cov- (wroc + sticker remnants one corner, else fine) 6.80 [123316] Mozart S Es-dur K543 + S g-moll K550 Boehm Ccgbw Eterna 826 511 A/ black/ nearly as new 6.80 [124215] Mozart S28 K200 + S29 K201 Suitner StkD Eterna 826 681 A(+)/ black/ wroc (ok) 6.80 [103359] Mozart S29, S35, S38 S39 S40 S41 Boehm VPO (rec 1977-81) DG 2740 268 3LP- box/ A/ g 18.80 [124267] Mozart S31 Divertimento K251 Melichar SOBR Heliodor 89 550 A+/ g/ early plum/ es (ok, a bit thin, but no fake shadows)/ as new 4.80 [105288] Mozart S31 K297 S38 K504 Suitner StkD Eterna 826 041 A-/ black original 4.80 [135255] Mozart S35-41, wind concertos Fl K313, Fl, Harp K299 Ob K314 Clar K622, FagK191 S conc K297b / rehearsal takes Karajan BPO Blau Galway Helmis Koch Leister Piesk Steins Staehr Hauptmann Braun EMI 165- 02145/ 8 + 195- 02238/ 40 (62273) 7LP- box/ A/ g/ club with original gld label + stampers/ + both original booklets 21.80 [103381] Mozart S35+36 / S38- 41 / rehearsal S36 (1h!) Walter CSO CBS 77413 4LP- box/ A-/ g/ 8.80 [103380] Mozart S38, PK no 20 d-moll K466 Barenboim ECO Orbis 77555 A/g/ early blue/ Electrola pressing with good sound 4.80 [139801] Mozart S38, S34 Kubelik Chicago SO Mercury MG 50015 A/ M/ us/ plum living presence 13.80 [135353] Mozart S39 + S40 Suitner StkD Eterna 826 852 A/ black 9.80 [103398] Mozart S39 S40 Boehm Ccgbw (rec 1955) Eterna 820 185 A/ M/ flat big logo bl-wh/ mono rec 6.80 [121075] Mozart S39/ Debussy Prelude .. faune / Ravel Daphnis + Chloe 2. suite SchmidtIsserstedt Atzmon NDR SO NDR noncommercial radio issue 0666 062 A(+)/ g/ DGG pressing/ rare 29.80 [119203] Mozart Schauspieldirektor Schoener Mesple Moser Gedda Hirte Bav StO EMI 065- 30230 A(+)/ g/ gatefold 5.80 [134247] Mozart Schubert Lieder Schreiber Neumeyer Toccata FSM 53617 toc A(+)/ g 6.80 [143809] Mozart Serenade D-dur K203 Zukerman (V + cond) ECO CBS 64004 A/ g/ blue, as original/ club with id. stampers (76383) 5.80 [117059] Mozart Serenade K525, Divertimento K287 Karajan BPO DG 139 004 A+/ g/ new, unplayed archive copy 7.80 [141367] Mozart Serenade K525, Divertimento K287 Karajan BPO DG 139 004 SLPM A(-), plays fine/ g/ tulip original (AH)/ nearly as new 5.80 [142431] Mozart Sinfonia Concertante Es-Dur K 364 / Exsultate Jubilate K 165 Druian (v) Skernick (Va) Raskin (sopr) CleveO (members) Szell Columbia MS 6625 A/ us/ 2-eye masterworks 9.80 [127135] Mozart Son2P K448, SonP4h K521 Eschenbach Frantz DG 2530 285 A/ g/ original/ rare earliest alternative cover 5.80 [136375] Mozart Taenze, Maersche, Menuette, Boskovsky Vienna Mozart Ensemble Decca SXL 21098/ 100-B 3LP- box/ A/ g/ black+gld/ a classic 26.80 [133107] Mozart The 4 Flute quartets Flute Quartet Zurich - Haemig Metzler Jacor Nyffenegger Hug HC 8051 A-/ swiss/ original/ very rare 29.80 [142088] Mozart The late Symphonies (21-41) Marriner ASMF Philips 6769 043 8LP- box/ A(+)/ nl/ red (9500 xxx pressings)/ box- (ok) 26.80 [137585] Mozart V4 K387 + K590 Brandis-Q (Brandis Brem Strehle Boettcher) Orfeo S 041831 A g/ DMM 10.80 A/ [114862] Mozart V4 K464 K465 Barchet-Q Orbis CX 10930 A(-) plays fine/ M/ g/ flat blue-silv/ gen DSG cov, wroc (ok)/ marvellous 200g pressing, great sound 9.80 [139115] Mozart V4K387 K421 Suske- Q Eterna 826 470 A(+)/ blue/ wroc (ok) 25.80 [103443] Mozart V5 compl 1-6 Amadeus- Q Aronowitz DG 2740 122 3LP- box/ A+/ g/ new DGG archive copy 21.80 [138372] Mozart V5 K515, Mendelssohn Trio #2 op66 Heifetz Baker Primrose Majewski Piatigorsky / Pennario Heifetz Piatigorsky RCA LSC 3048 A(+)/ us, red seal 14.80 [141957] Mozart VK #1 K207 VK#2 K211 Zukerman St. Paul ChO CBS D37833 A(+)/ g/ masterworks original/ as new 13.80 [140342] Mozart VK 2+4 K211 K218 Mutter Muti PhO EMI 067- 43229 A/ g/ gatefold original/ DMM 6.80 [135410] Mozart VK 3+5 K216 K219 Mutter Karajan DG 2531 049 A/ g/ Mutter 15 years old 6.80 [135115] Mozart VK 4+5 Altenburger Winschermann German Bach Soloists Pro arte PAD 115 A(+)/ us/ as new 8.80 [124515] Mozart VK A-dur K219 Rondos C-dur + B-dur K373 +269, Adagio E-dur K261 Oistrakh,D BPO Eterna 826 480 A(+)/ black original 6.80 [122789] Mozart VK A-dur K219 / Bruch VK1 Menuhin Bath Suesskind PhO Eterna 825 463 A(+)/ earliest black 8.80 [143910] Mozart VK1-5, S concertante K364 Spivakov Bashmet ECO EMI 197- 154786 3 3LP- box/ A(+)/ g/ original 25.80 [107817] Mozart Zauberfloete (exc) Fricsay Sreich Greindl Haefliger Stader Fischer-Dieskau RIAS DGG 19 194 LPEM A/ M/ g/ gatefold/ cov- (ok)/ flat tulip original 13.80 [135089] Munich Organ masters 19th cent - Ruedinger Hoeller HaasGeierhaas Rheinberger Weinberger, Muenster Ingolstadt Calig CAL 30465 A+/ g/ original 6.80 [141686] music from the crusader´s time (12.+13. cent) Munrow, Early Music Consort of London Telefunken 6.42570 A(+)/ g/ blue 6.80 [140720] Musik in alten Staedten und Residenzen/ Luebeck/ Tunder Buxtehude Bruhns Lessing Lahrs Kober Haferland Hedler Naumann Spieker Mueller-Dombois Kraft Mathis,E(!) Freisenhausen Lessing Lahrs Prey Heller Gieseler Bastiaan Witt Meyer Brenneke Schaedle Lisken Jelden Mueller-Heuser Windsbacher KC Zartner Columbia STC 91112 A(+)/ g/ wh-gld original, booklet incl/ stereo sticker/ as new 21.80 [121734] Mussorgsky Pictures (Ravel) / Night on the bare mountain Gwdhs Leipzig Markevitch Eterna 826 449 A(+)/ black original/ nearly as new 11.80 [103522] Mussorgsky Without Sun / Tcherepnin Chinese Songs Yi- Kwei Sze Smith,Brooks Iramac 6517 A-/ M/ black/ gatefold/ cov- (see pic)/ original/ superlative performance 3.80 [138040] Myslivecek 4 Trios, Stamitz,JA 3 Caprices for solo flute, Stamitz,K Trio Sonata G-dur Ars Rediviva Munclinger Novak Moucka Luksaite- Mrazkova Supraphon 1111 3376 A+/ blue original 6.80 [125415] Myslivecek VK (4) Vol1 Ishikawa Pesek DvorakChO Supraphon 1110 4031- 32 2LP- gatefold/ A/ blue 14.80 [107677] New Year´s Concert / Strauss, J+J Boskovsky VPO Decca SXL 21042 A/ g/ black+gld oval logo original 30.80 [143628] New Year´s concert 1982 Maazel VPO DG 2532 059 A(+)/ g/ pre-original wh sample copy/ as new 13.80 [141316] Nicolai Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor (exc) Stader Schlemm Klose Ludwig,W Waechter Leitner BavRSO DGG 19 049 LPM A or better/ M/ flat earliest tulip (AH, original/ no complete set exists 12.80 [138537] Nielsen Commotio op58 / Rosenberg Fantasia e Fuga / Valen Pastorale op34 Bonsaksen (organ) Simax PN 2006 A+/ gatefold/ german teldec pressing/ norwegian issue 10.80 [124827] Nielsen Commotio, Little Preludes Krogh Christernsen, Grete (Marcussen organs Holmen´s church Copenhagen, St Paul´s church Aarhus) Lyrichord LL 148 A/ M/ us/ original 5.80 [143768] Nielsen Symphonic Suite op8, Theme and Variations op40 (p-solo) Koppel,H (p) Odeon KDO 2014 A/ M/ dan/ 10 5.80 [143441] Nigg Visages d Axel / Martinet Mouv. symphonique, Prométhée ORTF PO Girard Chabrun Inedits RTF 995 030 A+/ fr/ new unplayed copy 10.80 [116233] Oboe concertos - Dittersdorf Fasch Platti Stoelzel Passin, Musici Pragensis, Cologne ChO Mueller-Bruehl Schwann VMS 2022 A(+)/ g/ original/ 1968 Electrola pressing/ as new 8.80 [139021] Offenbach La Perichole Berganza Carreras Bacquier Plasson Toulouse EMI 157- 73093- 4 2LP- box/ A(+)/ g/ original/ 13.80 [133750] Ohana Cantigas, Cris Couraud Ars Nova Choeur de lORTF Garcisanz Erato STU 70544 A+ new/ fr/ blue sc original, gatefold/ unplayed copy 18.80 Opera Lied Song Tauber Top Artists Platters T 313 [110916] A-/ us/ early heavy gg pressing 6.80 [122747] Operatic Ouvertures - Suppe Light Cavalry Offenbach La Belle Helene Donizetti La Filie Du Regiment D´Albert Tiefland Krenovsky Cz PO Folprecht Prague Nat TheatreO Supraphon LPM 315 A/ M/ bl-gld/ 10 4.80 [130683] operatic recital - Handel Mozart / Massenet Puccini Verdi [Cleopatra, Elvira / Manon, Lauretta, Violetta] Nielsen, Inga Pappano Helsingborg SO Danacord DACO 240 A(+)/ eng/ DMM/ original/ cov- (worn spines, (ok)), record as new 7.80 [141962] operatic recital - Mozart (6) Scarlatti Pergolesi Paisiello Gardelli,E (Voc) Gardelli Hungarian RSO Qualiton LPX 1108 A- / M/ original/ lovely 4.80 [143930] Operatic Recital Berllini Puccini Donizetti Verdi Rimsky Bizet Massenet Delibes Streich Dt Oper Berlin Peters DGG 136 496 SLPEM A/ g/ earliest tulip/ cov- (ok)/ original recording (not compiled)/ rare 29.80 [110458] Operatic Recital Berllini Puccini Donizetti Verdi Rimsky Bizet Massenet Delibes (sung in Ital. and French) Streich Dt Oper Berlin Peters DGG 136 495 SLPEM A+/ g/ earliest tulip (AH)/ original recording (not compiled)/ rare/ new archive copy 37.80 [141109] Operatic Recitals (Two Arias from Aida Two Arias from Macbeth Salome) Tynes,M Varga Budapest PSocO Qualiton LPX 1074 A/ M/ original 10.80 [125777] operatic recordings Mozart Nicolai Flotow Smetana Boieldieu Donizetti Verdi Puccini Bizet Ludwig, Walter (rec 1943-46) Cebotari Beilke Hann Schmitt-Walter - Rother, Steinkopf BASF 2221492- 5 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g 6.80 [117316] Orff Ludus de Nato Infante mirificus, Comoedia de Christi Resurrectione Eichhorn/ Orff Toelzer Knabenchor Bav RSO+C Eurodisc 61760 2LP- gatefold/ A-, small playable bubble, else fine/ g/ wh/ club with original cov, label + stampers 2.80 [134784] Orff Prometheus Leitner Moser,E Lorand Greindl Hermann Uhl Engen CologneRSO (WDR) Acanta / RCA 40.21345 3LP- box/ A(+)/ g/ RCA pressing/ big booklet with compl. libretti in classic Greek, English, German and French/ quite rare/ nearly as new 15.80 [139987] Organ and Choral music from Germany 1500-1700 - Scheidt Issac Weckmann LechnerBuxtehudePachelbel Schlick Praetorius Boehm Bruhns Danby Hist. Orgel der Marienkirche Lemgo, Marienkantorei Lemgo Schmidt,W Chandos ABA 1028 A+/ g/ original/ reviewer´s copy, as new 7.80 [140574] Organ concertos - Haydn,M Albrechtsberger, Haydn,J Chorzempa (Organ) Winschermann Deutsche Bachsolisten - Haydn organs Eisenstadt Philips 6700 052 2LPbox/ A(+)/ nl/ early red, as new 11.80 [131413] Orgellandschaften der Schweiz - Sachsen-Weimar, Beethoven Schubert Brahms Bruckner Bruhns Liszt Vollenweider (Zurich Grossmuenster), Leutert Richterswil, Ev. Kirche) Pelca PSR 41016 A(+)/ swiss/ as new 5.80 [135679] Oswald von Wolkenstein / Senfl/ Roman de Fauvel / Machaut Ciconia Altenglische Consort -Musik Binkley Studio der frühen Musik/ Linde Consort / Ricercare Ens Zuerich Piguet Savall EMI 163- 30101/ 06 - Reflexe Box 1 6LP -box/ 6 ind. gatefold cov in original clothbound Reflexe box (Folge 1)/ A to A(+)/ g/ original gld label, nearly as new 43.80 [132942] Pachelbel Complete Organ Works Alain, M-C Erato EDO 235/ 240 6LP- slipcase/ A(+)/ fr/ blwh sc/ cloth box 33.80 [138819] Paganini 24 Capricen Ricci London CS 6163 A(+)/ eng/ sb 21.80 [141956] Paganini 24 Caprices Kawaciuk Supraphon SUA 10059- 60 2LP- box/ A(-)/ M/ early blue 37.80 [116492] Paganini 24 Caprices op1 Mintz DG 2532 042 A/ g/ original 14.80 [132420] Paganini Sonatinas Violin + Guitar op3 Sroubek Pitter Supraphon LPM 373 A- plays fine/ M/ bl-gld/ 10/ cov-, ok 6.80 [119399] Paganini VK 1+4 Grumiaux Bellugi Monte Carlo Philips 6500 411 A/ nl red/ gatefold 10.80 [109674] Paganini VK1 Belkin Mehta Israel PO Decca SXL 6798 A(+)/ eng/ nb/ original 21.80 [135987] Paganini VK1, Liszt PK1 Pikaisen Kondrashin Moscow StO, Liou Chi-Koun Eliasberg Melodiya D 04534- 35 A/ M/ red+gld 17.80 [106105] Paganini VK2 Sitkovetsky,Y Paverman StRSO Melodiya D1089- 90 A/ M/ 10/ red+gld Dolgoigrayushchaya, Gost 56, original/ gen. cov/ very rare 29.80 [137186] Parsifal, Walkuere, Goetter- dammerung exc Knappertbusch, Boehm, Bayreuth Philips 6598 352 A(+)/ nl/ 2.80 [139795] Penderecki Les Diables de Loudon Janowski Troyanos Hiolski Ladysz Wilhelm Ahlin Boese Sotin Blankenburg van Mill Hanburg St Opera Philips 6700 042 2LP- box/ A/+, fac. sealed/ red original / 64 p book 21.80 [112684] Pergolesi Concerti armonici 1-4 Muenchinger Stutttgart CHO Decca SAWD 9933- B A/ g/ early black-gld 13.80 [133289] Pfitzner Palestrina Vorspiele 1-3, / extr form Das Herz, S C-dur, Christ Elflein- Ouv Pfitzner StkBerlin, BPO Heliodor 88 014 A/ M/ g/ gld/ true mono 5.80 [118826] Picchi - Harpsichord pieces Kopman Telefunken 6.42212 A+/ g/ blue original 6.80 [131017] Plaisir d´amour - Kreisler, Debussy Lehar Tchaikovsky Duparc Offenbach Heuberger Liszt Grieg Dostal Khatchaturian Suppé Bardazewska Wagner Strauss,J+J Merndelssohn Gruenberg Pavarotti Vered Sakonov sutherland Tebaldi Krenn Boskovsky Farr Cooper Cleobury and many more Decca 6.48144 2LP- gatefold/ A(+)/ g 4.80 [134217] Play Bach #3 Loussier Garros Michelot Decca SLK 16215- P A- / g/ Teldec pressing 4.80 [132798] Ponchielli Gioconda exc. Callas Votto RAI Torino (Cetra rec) DGG 17 129 LPE A/ M/ 10/ flat original/ quite rare/ cov- 21.80 [137939] Poulenc Mass in G, 2 Motets, Somers God the Master.., Russell Who is at my Window, who?, Beckwith Sharon Fragments Iseler, Fest Singers Toronto Angel Seraphim S 60085 A/ us/ wh angel 5.80 [139590] Praetorius Meine Seel erhebt den Herren (Magnificat), Motetten Wie schoen leuchtet der Morgenstern , Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her. Mauersberger,E Thomaner Rotzsch Stier Polster Eterna 826 091 A/ blue/ nearly as new 6.80 [110512] Praetorius Meine Seel erhebt den Herren (Magnificat), Motetten Wie schoen leuchtet der Morgenstern , Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her. Mauersberger,E Thomaner Rotzsch Stier Polster Eterna 826 091 A/ black 6.80 [124260] Prokofiev Ala & Lolli Suite op20 / Stravinsky Ivanov USSR SO / Blashkov RSO Melodiya 5289-61(MK) A(+)/ 210g pink stereo original, very rare/ as new 45.80 [129343] Prokofiev PK5, PSo no8, Visions fugitives 3, 6, 9 Richter,S WarsawPO, Rowicki DG 2543 812 A(-)/ g/ 4.80 [142156] Prokofiev Romeo+Julia Suiten 1+2 Ancerl CzPO Eterna 825 940 A/ earliest black 5.80 [103662] Prokofiev Sonata Violin solo / Britten Suite V+P / Dallapiccola Tartiniana (V+P) Jasek Hala Supraphon SUAST 50707 A+/ red original 29.80 [106913] Prokofiev Symphony-Concerto (VcK) op125 / Respighi Adagio con Variazioni (Vc+O) Navarra Ancerl CzPO Supraphon SUAST 50689 A(+)/ red stereo/ stereo sticker/ nearly as new 21.80 [122501] Prokofiev Verlobung im Kloster (Excpts) Kegel Breul Croonen Burmeister Kurth Buechner Hellmich Suess Leipzig Radio Choir, Leipzig RSO Eterna 826 486 A(+)/ earliest black 9.80 [130421] Prokofiev VK2 / Love for the 3 oranges*, suite Voicu Bongartz Kegel* Eterna 820 381 A/ M/ bl-wh/ rare 25.80 [134099] Puccini Gianni Schicchi Corena Tebaldi Danieli Gardelli Maggio musicale Fiorentino London OSA1153 1LP- box/ A/ eng/ black+silv 13.80 [119233] Puccini La Boheme Serafin Tebaldi Bergonzi dAngelo Bastianini Siepi Cesari Corena Santa Cecilia Roma Decca SXL 2170/ 71 2LP- box/ A(+)/ earliest blue 18.80 [130923] Puccini Tosca Callas di Stefano Gobbi Scala Sabata EMI 153- 2900393 2LP- box/ A+, fac.sealed/ M/ g/ DMM, late but nice true mono transfer/ new unplayed copy 18.80 [111554] Purcell Dido + Aeneas St Anthony SIngers Hurwitz Engl ChO Weil Decca AWO 9935- A A/ M/ g/ gatefold, black+gld 6.80 [125580] Purcell Dido + Aeneas Davis Veasey Bainbridge Donath Patterson Shirley-Quirk John Alldis Choir ASMF Philips 6500 131 LY A(+)/ red original/ as new 9.80 [134934] Purcell Ode on St. Ceciliia´s Day Mackeras Woolf Esswood Tatnell Young Rippon ShirleyQuirk ECO Archiv 2533 042 A(+)/ g/ grey carton gatefold original/ as new 14.80 [141397] Rachmaninov PK3 Sgouros Simonov BPO rec 1983, (Sgouros aged 14) EMI 067- 270020-1 A(+)/ g/ red original 6.80 [106142] Radulescu Clepsydra / Astray Radulescu European Lucero Ensemble Edition RZ 1007 A+/ rare, Electrola-Pressing 14.80 [103764] Rameau Scarlatti Couperin Bach Heiler,Ingrid very rare 29.80 Odeon STO 80623 A(+)/ g/ wh-gld original/ [138521] Ravel La Valse Rapsodie esp. / Alborada / Tombeau Karajan OParis EMI 62 786 [= 065- 02214] A/ g/ gld original/ club with id cov, label, and stampers 6.80 [103792] Rchberg V4 #4,5 +6 (Concord Quartets) Concord SQ RCA ARL2- 4198 2LP- box/ A/ us/ world premiere recordings 13.80 [117669] Rec. Soler Bach,CPE. Couperin Scarlatti Telemann Bull Puyana Philips 6582 005 A(+)/ nl/ nearly as new 5.80 [105187] recital - Russian opera arias, Mussorgsky Tcahikovsky Glinka Borodin Borg Stein RSO Berlin DGG 136 386 SLPEM A+/ g/ earliest tulip (AH)/ red stereo original/ as new copy from DGG archive 43.80 [141086] Recital Wagner Weber Beethoven Nilsson Downes Covent Garden Decca SXL 21078- B A/ g/ early blue 5.80 [112226] Recorder Music from Italy - Willaert, Modena, Gabrieli,A+G, Mainero, Palestrina, de Rore, Lassus, Rossi Wiener Blockfloetenensemble Telefunken 6.42033 AW A(+)/ g/ gatefold/ earliest blue 6.80 [135830] Reger Flute- Serenades op77a + 141a Graf Vegh Moog Claves D 8104 A/ swiss/ gatefold/ original 18.80 [134298] Reger Sacred Works acappella Ericson Radio Choir Stockholm EMI 063- 29081 A/ g/ gld original/ quite rare 8.80 [135336] Reinhold Tryptychon / Debussy La Mer DresdenPO Masur / Ccgbw Beinum Eterna 820 269 A-/ M/ flat wh- bl 6.80 [103835] Renaissance love songs Tauche Grebenstein ChC, Ragossnig Fono FSM 68714 A(+)/ g/ original 5.80 [140377] Respighi Pini di Roma, Fontane di Roma Karajan BPO DG 2531 055 A(+)/ g/ as new 11.80 [109613] Rheinberger Renner Reger Kraus,E Kraus,E Domorgel Regensburg Christophorus SCGLX 73794 A/ g/ original 6.80 [141630] Richter,F.X. Sonate da camera in D, G, A Ars Rediviva Supraphon 111 1105 A(+)/ blue original/ musica antiqua bohemica 6.80 [134628] Rimsky- Korsakov Sheherazade Karajan BPO (Schwalbé) DGG 139 022 SLPM A-/ g/ tulip 4.80 [103845] Rimsky- Korsakov Sheherazade Chalabala CzPO Supraphon LPV 245 A/ M/ bl- gld/ wroc (back)/ spines taped for protection (ok) 8.80 [136728] Rimsky-Korsakov Sheherazade Bernstein NYPO, John Corigliano v-solo Philips A 01403 L A- plays fine/ g/ plum flat minigroove original 6.80 [143621] Romantic Organ music - Dvorak Merkel Gade Wesley Cherubini Guilmant Tramnitz (St. Emeran Regensburg) Christophorus SCGLX 73891 A/ g/ original 5.80 [143402] Rosenfeld Scherzo V-solo*, Hattwig Carpe diem, Arndt Burleske TR+O, Arenz Koepenicker Sommer (Suite f O), Bruchmann Toccata P+O Morbitzer* Hattwig Meinl Richter,W Hanell Deutschlandsender- O Nova 885 008 A/ earliest nova green 13.80 [118047] Rossini Barbier von Sevilla (g) Suitner Schreier Ollendorff Puetz Prey Crass Burmeister Neukirch Kuehne StkB EMI 153 28918- 9 2LP- box/ A(+)/ g/ red/ as new 12.80 [143199] Rossini Barbiere Abbado Prey Berganza Alva Dara Montarsolo LSO DG 2709 041/ DG 2720 053 3LP- box/ A(+)/ g/ original/ 2720 sticker on original 2709 copy 21.80 [106024] Rossini Barbiere Callas Gobbi Alva Galliera PhO EMI Angel S 3559 C/L 3LP- box/ A(+)/ us/ light blue stereo/ nearly as new 21.80 [140829] Rossini La Cenerentola Abbado Berganza Alva Capecchi Montarsolo Guglielmi Zannini Trama Scottish Opera C LSO DG 2709 039 3LP- box/ A(+)/ original 21.80 [136122] Rossini-Resphigi La Boutique fantastique Fricsay RIAS DGG 17 054 LPE B+/ M/ g/ 10/ earliest tulip, gatefold original/ 5.80 [116207] Rubinstein Cello Sonatas 1+2 Mantel Frieser Da Camera Magna SM 93707 A(+)/ g blue original/ as new 13.80 [142018] Russian Songs Jaroff Don Cossacks DGG 136 457 SLPEM A+/ g/ 1966 MiG tulip in 1964 red stereo cov/ new unplayed archive copy 29.80 [141094] Sacred choral music from Russia Jaroff Don Cossacks DGG 19 385 LPEM A(+)/ M/ g/ preoriginal flat wh sample/ as new archive copy 14.80 [141892] Saint Saens Samson et Dalila Patane Ludwig King Weikl Bav RSO Eurodisc 86977 XR 3LPbox/ A(+)/ g/ gld/ 2 spines of this very white box yellowed, else fine 11.80 [140301] Saint-Georges S concertante G-major, S1, Scena from Ernestine, V4 no1 Mriam Fried (!), Laredo, Fay Robinson, Freeman, LSO, Juilliard-Q Columbia M 32781 A/(+)/ us/ half dozen original 6.80 [143677] Saint-Saens S3 (Organ) Ormandy, Power-Biggs PhiladO CBS 61035 A(+)/ g/ sticker tear 4.80 [142147] Saints-Saens VcK op33, op119 Suite (Vc, Or) op16 Allegro Appassionato op43 Walevska Inbal OrNatdelOp Monte Carlo Philips 6500 459 LY A(+)/ red original 14.80 [120449] Satie Ogives, 3 Gymnopedies, 3 Sarabandes, Gnossiennes Petite Ouverture A danser, Prelude de la porte heroique du ciel, Danses gothiques, Sonneries de la Rose + Croix, Pices froides, Priere, 4 Preludes De Leeuw Philips 420 291-1 3LP- slipcase/ A/ nl, red 9500 pressings 13.80 [110614] Scarlatti Ruzickova Supraphon SUAST 50688 A-/ blue 3.80 Scarlatti recital (vol1) Cooper Vanguard 71201 A/ us 5.80 [103914] [105871] Scarlatti,D 12 Sinfonie (Oboe, V4, Theorbo, Hps or Harpe) Vandeville, Quatuor Arcana [Barbier, Cacherau Soufflard Guillaume], Fournier, Le Gaillard, Geliot Metropole 2599 004 A(+)/ fr/ gatefold 9.80 [135988] Scheidt Scheidemann Buxtehude Zachow Walther Hanff Sweelinck Melcherson, Arp Schnittger organs in Lüdingwörth, Dedsdorf/ Weser, Steinkirchen/ Altes Land Christophorus SCGLX 74025 A(+)/ g/ gatefold original/ as new 6.80 [140290] Schmidt PV5 G-dur, Var on a Theme by Josef Labor Vienna Philharmonic Q [Prinz (clar), Mrazek (p), Poduschka (v), Staar (2nd v), Herzer (vc)] London STS 15401 A/ eng/ ffrr 13.80 [134397] Schmidt,Fr V4 A-dur Wiener Konzerthaus- Q Preiser SPR 3062 A/ black 7.80 [103924] Schoeck Elegie op36 (24 songs, Eichendorff + Lenau) Lagger Tschupp Cmarata Zuerich Classic Pick 70- 115 A/ swiss/ SQ/ gatefold original 10.80 [117372] Schoeck VK Serenade op1 Suite op59 Hoelscher,U Griffith ECO Novalis 150 070- 1 A(+)/ swiss/ original 13.80 [133226] Schoenberg Pelleas + Melisande / Webern Passacaglia Swarowsky CzPO Supraphon 110 1505 A/ blue, 1973 recording 6.80 [125146] Schoenberg V4#2+3 Juilliard-Q Graf, U Philips ABL 3372 A/ M/ eng/ early plum mgroove 10.80 [103958] Schoenberg Verklaerte Nacht / Loeffler A Pagan Poem Stokowski SO Angel Seraphim S 60080 A/ us/ earliest label 5.80 [137658] Schroeder Musik f. 4 Instrumente in Memoriam- Lied der Moorsoldaten, Musik f. Kl + Vibraphon, Musik II f. eine Geige allein Metronom 80, Voelker der Erde, Serenade f. 3 Bratschen Ulbrich- Q Kindermann Winkler Negyesy Borris Senn Gerhardt Tsuchiya Nicolai Thorofon Capella MTH 199 A+/ new/ original 13.80 [124681] Schubert 4 hands Sonate 4hands op30 D617 Andantino, Rondeau, Trois marches Duo Lejsek (Lejsek Lejsekova) Eterna 826 920 A/ black/ cov- 5.80 [123254] Schubert 4-hand Fantasie f-moll op103, Introduktion + Var B-dur op82, rondo D-dur op138, 2 Marches op121 Haebler Hoffmann Fontana 698 069 CL A-/ M/ flat plum-silv 5.80 [137293] Schubert Arpeggione Sonata, Mendelssohn Cello Sonata #2 op58 Albin,Roger Hellfer,Claude Telefunken BLE 14004 A(+)/ g/ flat plum + silver original/ very rare/ neary as new! 101.80 [138379] Schubert Divertissement a la Hongroise g- moll op54 for 2P / Hindemith Thema mit 4 Variationen Kontarsky, A + A / Otte Hindemith BPO strings DGG 004 246 A(-)/ g/ M/ ca. 1963 Sonderpressung Kulturkreis der Deutschen Industrie, presenting the Kontarsky brothers and Hans Otte as their stipendiaries (!) 37.80 [133293] Schubert Duette Baker Fischer- Dieskau Moore Rias-ChC DG 2530 328 A/ pre-original wh sample copy/ nearly as new 8.80 [141570] Schubert Forellenquintett Olbertz Suske Dommus Pfaender Klier Eterna 825 873 A(+)/ black/ nearly as new/ even compared to the Vienna Octet´s this is very likely to be the best ever recording of the Trout, a breathtaking thriller of Schubertian Angst and Relaxation in perfect sonics 17.80 [104002] Schubert Impromptus, Walzer, Beethoven PSo op13, Rondo G-dur op51,2, Für Elise WoO 59 Demus Hammerflügel Villa Ludwigshoehe SWF 125 non commercial radio issue A(+)/ as new/ gatefold 10.80 [122936] Schubert Klavierwerke 1822-28(9 Sonaten, Wanderer- Fantasie, Moments musicaux, Dt. Taenze, Impromptus Brendel Philips 6747 175 8LP- box/ A/ nl/ full booklet/ box- (one corner taped, else fine) 25.80 [112477] Schubert Lazarus D689 Salve Regina op153 D676 Mathis Schwarz Wulkopf Hollweg Laubnethal Prey Chmura RSO Stuttgart Orfeo S 011822 H 2LP- gatefold/ A(+)/ g/ DMM/ cov10.80 [121997] Schubert Lieder Norman Moll Philips 412 623- 1 A/ nl/ original 5.80 [123597] Schubert Messen As-dur + Es-dur Sawallisch Donath Schreier Adam StkD Philips 6747 489 2LP- box/ A(+)/ nl/ nearly as new 11.80 [104022] Schubert Messen Es dur + As dur Sawallisch Donath Springer Schreier Adam RC Leipzig StkD Philips 6747 489 2LP- box/ A(+)/ nl/ as new 8.80 [119228] Schubert Mozart Schumann Scarlatti Beethoven Chopin Falla Haskil Philips 6747 055 9LP- box/ A(+)/ nl/ as new 53.80 [104023] Schubert Muellerin, Winterreise, Schwanengesang Fischer- Dieskau Moore first rec 1951/ 55/ 57/8 EMI 175- 01764/ 66 3LP- box/ A(+)/ M/ g 12.80 [104029] Schubert Octet D803 ASMF Ch- Ens Philips 9500 400 A(+)/ nl/ red original 5.80 [131791] Schubert Piano Works Vol 2 (the late sonatas) Lee Telefunken 6.35396 5LP- box/ A(+) mostly unplayed/ g/ blue original/ as new 21.80 [136519] Schubert PSO #19 Impromptu op142,2 Richter,S Eurodisc 85792 MK A/ g/ gatefold/ earliest small silv label, original Eurodisc production, rec. 1971/2 in Salzburg 8.80 [143812] Schubert PSo A-dur op959 / Debussy Jardins sous la pluie, L Isle joyeuse / Czerny Var op33 Menuhin,J Gerling C 5190 non- commercial A(+)/ g/ rare 10.80 [130108] Schubert PSo G-dur op78, 2 Scherzi DV 593, Var Diabelli Walzer, Menuett F-dur Demus (Hammerfluegel) HM HM 30 675 A/ M/ g/ gld original/ rare and fine 13.80 [111064] Schubert PV3 compl op99 op100 / Adagio op posth 145 Notturno, Trio Sonate D28 Beaux Arts Trio (Pressler Guilet Greenhouse) Philips 6747 431 2LP- box/ A(+)/ nl 8.80 [119727] Schubert PV5 Forelle Menuhin,H Members Amadeus- Q Merrett Electrola E 60654 C/ g/ whgld/ 10/ stereo sticker 5.80 [130634] Schubert PV5 op114 Forelle Suske Olbertz Dommus Pfaender Klier Eterna 825 873 A(+)/ black original/ even compared to the Vienna Octet´s this is very likely to be the best ever recording of the Trout, a breathtaking thriller of Schubertian Angst and Relaxation in perfect sonics 18.80 [131348] Schubert Pv5 op114 Trout Budapest SQ Horszowski Moleux Philips S06652R B / M/ 10 4.80 [104069] Schubert PV5 op114 Trout Hansen, Strub-Q, Heister fono Ring FGLP 77525 B+, plays A/ M/ early flat pressing 26.80 [139377] Schubert Quintett A-Dur D667 (Trout) Alban Berg- Q Leonskaja (p) Hoertnagel 27 0371 1 A/ g/ sc original/ DMM 6.80 [132617] EMI 067- Schubert S1+2 (new Schubert edition) Perras Bamberg SO RCA RL 30378 A/ g/ gatefold original 5.80 [123596] Schubert S3 + S4 Sawallisch StkD Eterna 825 805 A/ earliest black 6.80 Schubert S5 S8 S9 Boehm BPO DG 663872 [116765] 2LP- gatefold/ A(+)/ as new 4.80 [134858] Schubert S7 op.posth. Furtwaengler BPO Eterna 820 068 B+, plays A-/ M/ flat green original, very good sound/ cov-, taped 6.80 [126134] Schubert S8 Sawallisch VSO Philips 610 102 A/ M/ 10/ nl/ early red 5.80 [130678] Schubert S8 h-moll Furtwaengler VPO Electrola E 60550 A-, plays fine/ g/ flat red Electrola/ gatefold 6.80 [116011] Schubert S9 Abendroth RSO Leipzig Eterna 821 635 A(-)/ black original/ cov- 10.80 Schubert S9 Solti VPO Decca 6.42693 A(+)/ silv sc original/ DMM 6.80 [107058] [139401] Schubert V4 #15 D887 Bartholdy- Q EMI 30 4261 (063- 30788) A/ g/ club with id cov + label 6.80 [114888] Schubert V4 #9 D173, #13 D804, #15 D887 Juilliard- Q better/ g/ nearly as new 13.80 CBS 78250 2LP- gatefold/ A or [121209] Schubert V4 B-dur D112 Es dur D87 Takacs- Q Hungaroton SLPX 12390 A(+)/ hung/ original 10.80 [121156] Schubert V5 C-dur D956 Chilingirian- Q Ward Clarke (2nd cello) EMI CFP 40355 A/ eng/ original 6.80 [116578] Schubert V5 C-dur op163 Melos Rostropovich DG 2530 980 A/ g/ original 7.80 [107342] Schubert V5 Cdur op163 Taneyev- Q Rostropovich Eterna 826 359 A/ black/ Melodiya stamper 5.80 [120652] Schubert Vinterresan/ Winterreise (swed) Hagegard Schuback SR records SRLP 1318/19 2LP- box/ A(+)/ swed/ original 10.80 [139943] Schubert Wanderer- Fantasie, PSo A.dur D845 Pollini DG 2530 473 A/ g/ original/ Deutscher Schallplattenpreis 4.80 [118082] Schubert Wanderer- Fantasie, PSo A.dur D845 Pollini DG 2530 473 A/ g/ original/ Deutscher Schallplattenpreis 4.80 [118396] Schuetz Deutsche Lieder und Madrigale Knothe Capella Lipsiensis Philips 9502 062 A(+)/ nl/ as new 6.80 [131627] Schuetz Exequien Reich, Hessische Kantorei MAS 043 (non-commercial) A/ g/ original 5.80 [140733] Schuetz Kleine geistliche Konzerte II , (Konzerte 15-24 des 1. Teils) Ehmann Westfaelische Kantorei (Stolte(!), Bernat- Klein Haasemann Rotzsch Boessow Pommerien Mueller Kortendiek Steinkopf Gerwig Haferland Koch Schoenstedt) Baerenreiter Musicaphon BM 30 SL 1312 A(+)/ gatefold original red+cream stereo, from the Int. Heinrich Schuetz Society s series/ in perfect condition, as new 18.80 [130179] Schuetz Musikalische Exequien / Mauersberger,R Dresdener Kreuzchor Schreier Adam Vogel Rotzsch Apreck Eterna 826 100 A/ black original/ gatefold/ booklet 8.80 [104205] Schuetz Musikalische Exequien / 7 Worte am Kreuz Mauersberger,R Dresdener Kreuzchor Schreier Adam Vogel Rotzsch Apreck Eterna 826 233 A/ black/ nearly as new 6.80 [104206] Schuetz Psalmen Davids SWV28, 30, 31, 37, 280, 482, Dialogo per la Pascua SWV443, Ich bin die Auferstehung SWV464 Beringer Windsbacher Knabenchor Bellaphon 680 01 031 A/ g/ original/ cov- (transport damage upper spine, taped, else as new) 4.80 [140766] Schuetz Weihnachtshistorie Tamm Mathis Jelden Ocker Windsbacher Knabenchor Eterna 825 489 A(+)/ blue 5.80 [104215] Schumann Carnaval op9, Fantasie C-dur op17 Foldes DGG 18 506 LPM A(+)/ g/ M/ earliest flat tulip (AH)/ nearly as new archive copy / very rare 37.80 [141137] Schumann Carnaval, Kinderszenen, Davidsbuendlertaenze, Papillons, Kreisleriana Cortot EMI 147- 01544/ 45 2LP- gatefold/ A/ g/ 13.80 [137675] Schumann Dichterliebe op48 / Brahms 6 Lieder Hagegard Schuback RCA RL 14523 A(+)/ g/ gatefold/ cov- 4.80 [119089] Schumann Frauenliebe und -leben / Brahms 4 ernste Gesaenge Ferrier Newmark Decca LK 40 141 B/ M/ g/ red+gld flat original, eng stamper 10.80 [104237] Schumann Frauenliebe und Leben / Schubert Die Junge Nonne, Du bist die Ruh, Du liebst mich nicht, Rosamunde / Brahms Botschaft, Von ewiger Liebe / Bruno Walter talks to A. Michaelis about K. Ferrier Ferrier Walter [p] (rec 1949/ 56) Bruno Walter Society BWS 707B A/ M/ us/ complimentary copy 14.80 [131850] Schumann Frauenliebe, Strauss Lieder Takacs Jando Hungaroton SLPD 12477 A/ booklet incl/ original 5.80 [130250] Schumann Grand Sonata #3 F-minor op14/ Scriabin PSo #5 op53 Horowitz (75/76) RCA ARL1- 1766 A+/ g/ red original 10.80 [115167] Schumann Kinderszenen Kreisleriana Argerich DG 410 653 -1 A(+)/ g/ original 18.80 [120664] Schumann Kreisleriana op16 Leroux, Germaine Supraphon LPM 322 A/ M/ bl- gld / 10/ nearly as new 18.80 [117101] Schumann Lieder Price, M Lockhart Orfeo S 031821 A A/ g/ original 6.80 [126067] Schumann PK Puchelt Konwitschny GwdhsO Eterna 720 016 A/ M/ bl-wh/ 10 10.80 [115975] Schumann PK A-moll / Introduction + Allegro op 92 Novellette op21,1 Toccata C-dur op7 Richter,S Rowicki Wislocki Warsaw NatPO DG 2535 181 A/ g/ reissue of 138 077 (stamper) 4.80 [136131] Schumann PK, Kinderszenen Novaes Svarowsky Pro musica Vienna (=VSO) Pantheon XP 2360 (Opera 1011) B+, nothing fatal, plays A-/ M/ earliest flat glossy plum/ cov- 4.80 [142997] Schumann PV5 Es-dur / PV3 d-moll op63 Bamberger Klavierquintett / Mannheimer Trio FSM 33124 Carus A/ g/ original 9.80 [122892] Schumann PV5 op44 Demus Barylli-Q Westminster W 9045 A/ M/ us/ nearly as new 13.80 [137619] Schumann S1-4 Suitner Stk Berlin Eterna 729 224- 225 2LP- gatefold/ A/ quite rare 13.80 [116799] Schumann S1-4 Manfred-Ouv Bernstein NYPO CBS S 77315 3LP- box/ A(+)/ g/ blue original/ cloth spine box/ as new/ Hardly any conductor ever came to terms with these scores as convincingly as Bernstein, especially the most difficult S2 is a revelation 16.80 [117201] Schumann S2 Genoveva Ouv Mehta VPO Decca 6.42478 A/ g/ silv sc/ DMM 5.80 [136946] Schumann VcK / Tchaikovsky Rococo- Var Rostropovich Rozhdestvensky LenPO Eterna 826 360 A/ black 5.80 [104309] Schumann VcK / Tchaikovsky Rococo Var op33 Rostropovich Rozhdestvensky LenPO DG 2535 112 A(+)/ g/ as new 7.80 [135050] Schumann VcK PK Abendroth Tortelier Wuehrer RSO Leipzig, Berlin Eterna 821 955 A/ M/ black original 13.80 [130415] Schumann VK / Schubert konzertstück Snitil Hlavacek Prague SO Supraphon 1110 2288 A/ blue 6.80 [118439] Schumann Wolf Schoeck Strauss,R Rothenberger Weissenborn EMI 063- 29043 A/ g/ gld original/ to those that, like myself, grew up with the ever popular Anneliese on TV her true rank, as proven best in her incomparable Lieder records, might come as a surprise. This, again, is one of the best Lieder records I know. 10.80 [100250] Shostakovich Cello Sonata op40 Shafran Musinian Supraphon LPV 304 A-, plays fine/ M/ 10/ flat bl-gl origina/ no cover, comes in new general sleeve 29.80 [140885] Shostakovich S14 Barshai Moscow ChO Miroshnikova Vladimirov Eurodisc 80895 PK A(+)/ wh original 11.80 [135810] Shostakovich S14 op135 Bernstein Kubiak Bushkin NYPO CBS 74084 A(+)/ g/ masterworks original 6.80 [131768] Shostakovich S5 Ancerl CzPO Baerenreiter Musicaphon BM 30 SL 4306 A/ g/ wh-red sc 4.80 [136899] Shostakovich S7 Leningrad Mravinsky LenPO (rec 1953) Melodiya ND 01380/ 83 A/ M/ early dark MK blue 26.80 [107007] Shostakovich S8 op65/ PK1 op35 Kondrashin Moscow PO/ Grinberg Rozhdestvensky Moscow RSO Melodiya 33 D 011185- 87/ 01714 2 ind LP/ A(+)/ M/ blue original (GOST 68)/ perfect as new condition 21.80 [111541] Shostakovich VK #2 / S6 Oistrakh Kondrashin Moscow PO Melodiya C 01627- 8 A/ blue gg stereo original 21.80 [143517] Shostakovich VSoP op134, Prokofiev VSoP op94b Moravec Vondrovic Supraphon 111 2148 G A/ blue/ czech inland issue 18.80 [135297] Sibelius S1-7, Finlandia, Swan of Tounela, Tapiola Davis Boston SO Philips 6709 011 5LP- box/ A(+)/ nl/ red original/ superlative performances and recordings/ as new Sibelius S2 Collins LSO London LL822 A/ M/ eng/ flat red+gld original 9.80 30.80 [110078] [104382] Sibelius The Swan of Tuonela op22 / Glinka Kamarinskaia / Brahms Hungarian Dances #2 Smetacek Prague SO Supraphon LPM 113 A/ M/ 10/ flat wh original 5.80 [130613] Sibelius VK / Wieniawski VK Szeryng- Rozhdestvensky LSO, Krenz Bamberg SO Fono ring/ Philips 78365 A+/ g/ as new 6.80 [135905] Sibelius VK d-moll op47 / Humoresken op87 #1+2 Oistrakh USSR RSO Rozhdestvensky Eurodisc S 74111 MK A/ g/ early silv 9.80 [122662] Smetana Ma Vlast Talich CzPO Quintessence PMC 7168 A/ M/ us 5.80 [143682] Smetana The Bartered Bride Vogel Prague Nat Theatre Bednar Stepanova Musilova Otava Vesela-Kabelacova Kovar Zidek Kalas Hruska Pechova Mraz Supraphon D SLPV 91-3 3 ind LP/ B+ / M/ flat wh 1953 original,each record in great heavy carton cov 13.80 [141950] some Mozart Verdi Donizetti Bellini but for the most 19.cent. French arias and songs Doria,Renée - airs inedits Patrimoine 81101-04 4LP- box/ A(+)/ fr/ quite rare 29.80 [141729] Sonate concertate Buonamente Schmelzer Brueckner Ferro Valentini Fux Legrenzi (17. Jhdt) Musikalische Compagney (hist instr) Telefunken 6.42825 A(+)/ g/ silv original 4.80 [135163] Sonatinas Kuhlau Clementi Haydn Dussek/ Sonatas Mozart (K545) Beethoven (op49,1+2) Entremont CBS 78273 2LP- gatefold/ A/ g/ earliest blue 8.80 [121127] Spirituals Tuskegee Institute Choir, William M. Dawson Westminster W 9633 A/ M/ us/ nearly as new archive copy 6.80 [141527] Stamic Ouverture #9, Sinfonia op7,6+op11,3 ObK Krejci Prague ChO Supraphon 110 1668 A/ blue original 5.80 [130445] Stamitz ClarK #3 B-dur, FlK G-dur, FagK F-dur Glazer,D Wanausek Zukerman,G Turnabout TV 34093S A+/ us/ as new 3.80 [105330] Stockhausen ´Unsichtbare Choere Stockhausen Stephens WDR Choirs DG 419 432- 1 A/ g/ original 29.80 [138190] Strauss 4 letzte Lieder Della Casa Boehm VPO Decca LW 5056 A/ M/ g/ 10/ black & gld, oval logo 21.80 [136835] Strauss Intermezzo Sawallisch Popp Fischer-Dieskau Fuchs Dallapozza Bav RSO EMI 16530983/ 85 3LP- box/ A(+)/ g/ box- 14.80 [119060] Strauss,J (Vater), Hadn Mayer, Mozart Schubert, Lanner, Stelzmueller Boskovsky Ensemble Amadeo AVRS 6269 A/ M/ austrian/ flat (210g) black original/ quite rare 11.80 [139847] Strauss,J+J - Die schoensten Strauss- Walzer - An der schoenen blauen Donau, Transaktionen Wiener Blut, Kaiserwalzer, Sphaerenklaenge, Tausendundeine Nacht Boskovsky VPO Decca SXL 21058- B A(+)/ g/ oval logo black+gld Telefunken pressing/ eng stampers 21.80 [134004] Strauss,J+J Waltzes, Polkas, Marches, Ouvertures Karajan BPO DG 2741 003 3LP- box/ A(+)/ g/ original 14.80 [136241] Strauss,R Arabella Solti Edelmann Malaniuk Della Casa Güden London Dermota Kmentt Waechter Decca 6.35104 EK 3LP- box/ A/ g/ blue / cloth spine 13.80 [113180] Strauss,R Arabella Solti Edelmann Malaniuk Della Casa Gueden London Dermota Kmentt Waechter Decca 6.35104 3LP- box/ A(+)/ g/ silv sc 11.80 [136136] Strauss,R Ariadne Boehm Stoss Fischer- Dieskau Troyanos Thomas Unger Friedrich Lackner Grist Hillebrecht McDaniel Van Kesteren Kogel Lenz Auger Rugtvedt Schmidt BavRSO DG 2720 027 3LP- box/ A(+)/ full cloth box/ original/ as new 26.80 [126139] Strauss,R Capriccio Sawallisch Schwarzkopf Waechter Gedda Fischer- Dieskau Hotter Ludwig Moffo PhO (1957 mono rec.) Angel 3580 3LP- box/ A(-) plays fine/ M/ early blue/ us 13.80 [133842] Strauss,R Festl. Praeludium, Till, Don Juan, Salomes Tanz Boehm BPO DGG 138 866 SLPM A(-)/ g/ tulip 9.80 [107638] Strauss,R Salome Boehm Jones,G Fischer- Dieskau Dunn Cassily Ochman live Hamburg 1970 DG 2721 186 2LP- box/ A(+)/ g/ 12.80 [104557] Strauss,R Salome Karajan Behrens van Dam Boehm Baltsa Ochman VPO EMI 165- 029089 2LP- box/ A/ g/ red original/ one of Karajans greatest recordings 13.80 [104558] Strauss,R Salome Solti Nilsson Stolze Waechter Kmentt VPO Decca SXL 20037/ 38 2LP- box/ A or better/ g/ early black+gld Telefunken pressing/ cloth spine box 21.80 [126140] Stravinsky Firebird compl Kitaenko Moscow PO Eterna 725 010 A/ coffee original/ DMM 5.80 [129700] Stravinsky Firebird Petrushka Suites Stokowski BPO Capitol STK 80329 (P8407) original/ stereo sticker/ Electrola pressing 29.80 A/ g/ [132881] Stravinsky Le Rossignol (opera) Stravinsky Driscoll Grist Picassi Smith Beattie Gramm Kolk Murphy Kaiser Bonazzi Washington Opera Society Columbia KL 5727 A-/ M/ us/ gatefold 4.80 [133024] Stravinsky Mass/ Poulenc Lenten and Christmas motets (Timor et Tremor ..) Preston Christ Church Cathedral Oxford, London Sinfonietta Decca 6.41875 A/ g/ blue original 6.80 [135339] Stravinsky Pulcinella, Respighi Old Dances and Airs, Suite no3 Rother Berlin RSO, Lange Radio Bertlin ChO Urania URLP 7093 A-/ M/ us/ plum silver original 6.80 [143710] Stravinsky Sacre Kobayashi Budapest PO Hungaroton SLPX 11841 A(+)/ still analogue 9.80 [131211] Stravinsky Sacre du Printemps, piano 4hd version) Ballista, Canino Dischi Ricordi RCL 20036 A+/ it/ original/ as new 8.80 [143103] Stravinsky Suite Italienne / Fliere Duo, Handel-Halvorsen Passacaglia / Dvorak PV3 op65 Heifetz Piatigorsky , Pennario CBS 76421 A(+)/ g/ gatefold fprice issue/ as new 13.80 [112903] Suk Fantasy G-moll / Cikker Concertino (PK) Plocek Ancerl CzPO / Macudzinski Cikker BratO Supraphon LPV 232 A/ M/ bl- gld 9.80 [104666] Suk Symphony C-dur Asrael (5 sides) / FibichThe Fall of Arkun Ouv Talich CzPO / Prag NatThO, Vogel Supraphon SLPM 85- 87 3 ind LP/ A-/ M/ 10/ wh original/ gen cov 20.80 [142710] Takacs,J Dialoge, Sinfonia breve, Trio Rhapsodier, Klaenge und Farben, Eine kleine Tafelmusik Haydn Trio, Petreo NOe W5, Klasinc, Baeuml Amadeo 423 520- 1 A+/ austrian 6.80 [113515] Takemitsu Stanza I, Sacrifice, Ring, Varelia Wakasugi Nagano Ibe Nagasako Abe Takahashi Noguchi Hamada Koizumi Ueki Hattori DG 2530 088 A(+)/ g/ original/ nearly as new 21.80 [141318] Tallis Lamentationes Jeremiae, Byrd Missa Tres Vocum Pro Cantione Antiqua London Archiv 2533 113 A/ g/ gatefold 6.80 [138363] Tartini Devils Trill Sonata, Paganini 3 Sonatas from op3 (V+Git*), Franck VSoP Funke Rost* Roesel Eterna 827 560 A/ blue 13.80 [114852] Tartini Saint-Saens, Wieniawski Fajn, Rosa (Fain) (v) Kollegorskaja (p) Eterna 720 110 A/ M/ flat 10 earliest bl-wh/ very rare 37.80 [133091] Tartini VcK Vivaldi Corelli Denes,V HungChO Tatrai Qualiton SLPX 1036 A/ earliest stereo/ sticker 10.80 [104688] Tchaikovsky Nutcracker Suite / Romeo and Juliet Leitner BPO, Sanderling StKD DG 2535 451 A(+)/ g 3.80 [143595] Tchaikovsky P3 op50 Ashkenazy Perlman Harrell EMI 065- 03971 A+/ g 6.80 Tchaikovsky PK#1 Richter Karajan VSO DG 138 822 A/ g/ red stereo original 18.80 [120387] [104698] Tchaikovsky Rococ Var, Serenade VO Parisot VStOpera Le Conte / Goehr Frankfurt ChO Concert Hall MMS 2188 A/ M/ blue/ Parisot! 21.80 [118418] Tchaikovsky Romeo and Julia, Slavonic March op31/ + exc from Serenade and Nutcracker Karajan BPO DGG 104 811 A/ g/ earliest tulip/ promo record 11.80 [136987] Tchaikovsky S1-6, Manfred-S Maazel VPO Decca 6.35342 6LP- box/ A(+)/ g/ blue 21.80 [104727] Tchaikovsky S4 Furtwaengler VPO EMI ENC 109 A(-), plays fine/ M/ eng 5.80 Tchaikovsky S4 Barenboim NYPO CBS 72926 A/ g/ blue original 7.80 [116418] [140594] Tchaikovsky S5 Matacic CzPO Supraphon SUA 10141 A/ M/ bl-gld 11.80 Tchaikovsky S6 Talich CzPO Supraphon LPV 204 A-/ M/ flat bl-gld 5.80 [125872] [132480] Tchaikovsky S6 Albert,WA Ph Hungarica Sastruphon SM 007 023 A/ g/ 3.80 [136986] Tchaikovsky S6 Mravinsky LenPO ( Leningrad 1949) Melodiya D 0237-8 A/ M/ pre-Melodiya light blue torch label/ Gost 56, nice copy/ gen. cov 37.80 [138731] Tchaikovsky Serenade For StringO op48 Kondrashin USSR State SO Melodiya D 5958- 59 A/ M/ red + gld lighthouse original/ 10 10.80 [130665] Tchaikovsky Serenade VO op48 / Vonkmann Serenade VO op63 Suitner StkD Dresden Eterna 820 961 A/ M/ black 5.80 [122793] Tchaikovsky Swan´s Lake + Nutcracker suites Rozhdestvensky Bolshoi Eurodisc 88703 XAK A/ g/ gld 2.80 [134323] Tchaikovsky V4 no3 op30, V4 B-dur op posth. Carmina-Q (Enderle Heeg Champney Goerner) Ex Libris EL 16972 A(+)/ swiss/ gatefold, origina/ as newl 8.80 [143898] Tchaikovsky V4 op22 Borodin- Q Eterna 820 056 A-/ M/ green original 21.80 [109147] Tchaikovsky VK, Serenade melancholique op26 Kremer Maazel BPO DG 2532 001 A/ g 14.80 [107766] Tea for two Menuhin Grapelli EMI 063- 02997 QA (347088) A/ g/ club with id. cov, label + stampers 6.80 [105821] Teleman Ino (Cantata) Stolte Koch ChOBerlin Eterna 826 079 A/ black original/ cov- (sticker tear, see pic) 6.80 [104801] Telemann 3 Kantaten Schulmeister, Glueck Landlust Stein,F Brueckmann (boy soprano), Guenter (bar) Goebel (hps) Luebecker Kantorei (rec 1953) Archiv 14 025 APM B+/ M/ g/ original 1953 pressing with earliest 1954 sewn gatefold inhouse cover with stamper and signatures of approval 4.80 [141829] Telemann Concerti from Tafelmusik A-Dur (Fl), F-Dur (3V), Es-Dur (2Hrn) Collegium aureum Maier HM/ Orbis 66748 A(-) plays fine/ g 2.80 [130773] Telemann Kantaten Schulmeister, Landlust , Von geliebten Augen Speiser Nimsgern Collegium aureum HM HMS 30879 A/ g/ wh-gld, gatefold original/ fine 21.80 [108072] Telemann Oboe concerto d.moll, Oboe sonata c-moll / Vivaldi Oboe concerto F-dur, Handel Oboe sonata op1,6 Gomberg, Stutch Newman Kipnis Columbia ChO Ozawa CBS 71034 A/ g/ blue original 5.80 [139741] Telemann Pimpinone Koch StkBerlin Roscher Suess Philips 835 379 AY A(+)/ nl/ earliest gatefold/ red stereo original/ 6.80 [140135] Telemann Sammartini Handel Munrow ASMF Marriner EMI ASD 3028 A(+)/ eng/ sample copy 10.80 [127162] Telemann Trio- Sonaten a-moll + c-moll / Handel FlSo #6 / Bach Konzert Fl+ Va da Gamba + Hps (BWV525) Schmitz Haupt Pischner Eterna 820 237 A/ M/ early flat blwh/ nice copy 4.80 [110523] Telemann, du Tertre, Biber, Muffat, Haydn Gabrieli, Legrenzi, Scheidt Concentus musicus Metronome Classic 201.843 A(+)/ g/ Amadeo recording 4.80 [139579] Thomas Mignon Mizan Michau De Luca O.Nat Belgique Sebastian London Richmond RS 63014 3LP- box/ A(+)/ M/ eng/ 18.80 [129130] Trumpet Concerti Vivaldi Telemann Mozart,L Hummel Andre Karajan BPO EMI 06502544 A(+)/ g/ gatefold/ nearly as new 5.80 [109932] Trumpet Concertos - Otto, Molter Richter Sperger Guettler Pommer Neues Bachisches Collegium Leipzig Eterna 729 147 A/ 4.80 [121802] Vaughan Williams S5 Serenade to music Boult LPO / Burrows Armstrong Longfield Hayward Hodgson Jennings Minty Dickinson Partridge Dickerson Evans Bowen Angas Case Noble Keyte EMI ASD 2538 A/ eng/ original 1.pstamp 6.80 [114114] Verdi Aida Nilsson Corelli Bumbry Sereni Opera di Roma Mehta EMI SAN 189/ 91 3LP- box/ A/ g/ cloth spine box/ wh-gld angel original [SMA 91653/ 55] 37.80 [104869] Verdi Aida (exc) Karajan Tebaldi Corena Simoniato Bergonzi VPO Decca SXL 20510 A(+)/ g/ earliest glossy black+gld 37.80 [138823] Verdi Ballo in Maschera Babieri Caniglia Bechi Gigli Serafin Rome Opera EMI 153- 18392/ 94 3LP- box/ A+/ M/ it/ historical archives series/ as new 18.80 [130074] Verdi Don Carlos Karajan Carreras Freni Ghiaurov Baltsa Cappuccilli Raimondi van Dam Gruberova Chor dt Oper BPO EMI 157- 03450/ 53 4LP- box/ A(+)/ g/ red original/ as new 18.80 [104878] Verdi Don Carlos Giulini Christoff Vickers Gobbi Brouwenstijn Barbieri Covent Garden 12.05.1958 Paragon DSV 52008 3LP- box/ A(+)/ it/ as new 29.80 [131673] Verdi Falstaff Karajan Gobbi Panerai Alva Schwarzkopf Moffo Merriman PhO Columbia 33CX 1410-12 3LP- box/ A/ M/ eng/ blue-gld original 45.80 [125028] Verdi Giovanna d Arco Levine Caballe Domingo Milnes Ambrosian OpChorus, LSO EMI 19502378- 80 3LP- box/ A(+)/ g/ gld original/ nearly as new 14.80 [116854] Verdi Il Trovatore Davis Ricciarelli Carreras Masurok Lloyd Cannan Leggate Treleaven Earle Covent Garden Philips 6769 063 3LP- box/ A(+)/ nl/ original red 9500 pressings/ nearly as new 21.80 [132900] Verdi La Forza del Destino del Monaco Tebaldi Bastianini Simoniato Siepi Corena Academia Santa Cecilia Rome Molinari-Pradelli Decca SXL 2069- 72 4LP- box/ A(+)/ g/ cloth spine box/ big oval logo black+silver original/ eng Decca stampers/ nearly as new, inside in pristine condition 37.80 [138820] Verdi Nabucco Gardelli Gobbi Suliotis Cava Prevedi Carral VStO Decca SET 298/ 300 3LP- box/ A(+)/ g/ cloth spine box/ early black+gld / 2 booklets, original eng, incl eng/ital libretto, plus extra german one, libretto german/ ital./ as new 21.80 [106392] Verdi Otello Toscanini Vinay Nelli Valdengo NBC (1947) RCA AT 303/ 1-3 3LP- box/ A(+)/ M/ g/ very enjoyable transfer, pristine vinyl 11.80 [136498] Verdi Quattro pezzi Sacri Muti Auger ChChoir Stockholm BPO EMI 067- 1435721 A(+)/ g/ gatefold/ DMM/ sc original/ small cut (see pic) 6.80 [134807] Verdi Requiem Fricsay Stader Radev Krebs Borg RIAS SO + Kammerchor, St Hedwig´s CC (1953 rec) DGG 18 155- 6 LPM 2 LP- box/ A/ M/ g/ early flat tulip (AH)/ oversize box 34.80 [104896] Verdi Rigoletto Kubelik Scotto Cossotto Bergonzi Fischer- Dieskau Scala DGG 138 931/ 33 3LP- box/ A(+)/ g/ full red cloth box, huge booklet, 1964 (AH) tulip original/ box- (ok) 29.80 [104898] Verdi Rigoletto Sutherland MacNeil Cioni Corena Siepi Malagu Santa Cecilia Rome Sanzogno Decca SXL 20039/41 -B 3LP- box/ A(-) plays fine/ g/ black-gld/ cloth spine box 29.80 [124927] Verdi Rigoletto Perlea Peters Bjoerling Merrill Tozzi RCA LM 6051 2LP- box/ A/ M/ g/ flat plum original/ cloth spine box 29.80 [126111] Verdi Rigoletto Callas di Stefano Gobbi Dickie Zaccaria Scala Serafin Columbia 153290928 3 2LP- box/ A+, fac.sealed/ M/ g/ DMM, late but nice true mono transfer/ new unplayed copy 13.80 [141996] Verdi Un Ballo in Maschera Bjoerling Sved Milanov Castagna Andreva Kent Cordon Moscona Carter Oliviero Panizza Rococo 1003 3LP- box/ A+/ M/ can/ 18.80 [109401] Villa Lobos Maria Lucia Godoy (soprano), Orquestra de Violoncelos, Sergio Abreu (guitar) Philips 6598 309 A/ brazil/ one of the most beautiful voices I have ever heard. Side 2, just voice and guitar, offers Villa Lobos at his best, clearly prooving less is more/ cov- (sticker res) 13.80 [142648] Violin Sonatas Roussel (#1), Milhaud (#2), Ravel (#2) Snitl Hala Supraphon 110103 1131 A(+)/ original blue 10.80 [116042] Vitali Chaconne, Tartini Theme+ 30 Variations from LArte dell arco, Devils Trill Sonata, Nardini Sonata D-major Melkus (+ continuo) Salter Scheit Schulz Planyavsky Archiv 2533 086 A(+)/ g/ gatefold 18.80 [119275] Vitali Chaconne, Tartini Theme+ 30 Variations from LArte dell arco, Devils Trill Sonata, Nardini Sonata D-major Melkus (+ continuo) Salter Scheit Schulz Planyavsky Archiv 2533 086 A/ g/ grey carton/ wh sample copyl 21.80 [120552] Vivaldi Concerti - 2 Tr. VO +Bc, 2 Hrn, VO +Bc, VO +Bc (Madrigalesco, Al Santo Sepolcro, Alla rustica Hirsch Daehler Klamand Schmitz Zapf Kejmar Acad instrumentalis C Monteverdi Claves D 602 A/ swiss gatefold original/ cov-, taped tear, back 6.80 [122744] Vivaldi 4 Seasons (op8,1-4) Marschner ChO Christophorus SFGLP 77935 A(-) plays fine/ g/ grey original/ 21.80 [136922] Vivaldi 6 Concerti op10 Galway New Irish ChO Timoney Proud RCA RL 85316 A(+)/ g/ red original/ as new 9.80 [125954] Vivaldi Concerto grosso op3,8 (2V), Concerto g-moll ("V, Vc), Concerti c-moll + E-dur (V) Fasano - Mozzato Malanotte/ Ferro Mozzato Mazzacurati/ Pellicia/ Ferro/ Virtuosi di Roma DSG/ Impression 6446 A/ M/ g/ most likely DGG press. 5.80 [136731] Vivaldi Gloria, Magnificat Wilcocks Vaughan Baker Partridge Keyte Kings College ASMF Decca 6.42244 A+/ g/ blue/ as new 4.80 [109921] Vivaldi Magnificat, Te Deum Negri Giebel Hoeffgen La Fenice, Venezia (rec in San Marco!) Philips 835 301 LY A/ nl/ plum stereol/ lux double fold 10.80 [112216] Vivaldi Marcello Cello- Sonaten (+Bc) May Koch Neumeyer HM HM 30 638 A(+)/ M/ g/ gld original/ rare and fine 21.80 [111070] Vivaldi Sinfonia al Santo Sepolcro, Concerto for Vc, Strings + B.c. / Couperin Pieces en Concert / Rameau Suite for Strings Cassado, de Stoutz Zuerich ChO Amadeo AVRS 6428 St A(+)/ austrian/ early red stereo/ cov- (ok) 26.80 [129847] Vivaldi Stabat Mater, Longe Mala Umbrae Terrores Budai Sandor Liszt Ferenc ChO Hungaroton SLPX 11750 A(+)/ as new 6.80 [140384] Vivaldi Tito Manlio Negri Luccardi Wagemann Hamari Finnilae Marshall Trimarchi Lerer Ahnsjoe ChO Berlin Philips 6769 004 5LP- box/ A+/ nl/ red original/ as new 26.80 [132928] Vivaldi VK Il Favorito, Corelli Concerto grosso op6,4, Albinoni Oboe concerto d-moll op9,2, Manfredini concerto a-moll op3,2 Vivaldi Flutwe concerto op10,3 Il Cardellino I Musici Philips G 03090 L A(-) plays fine/ M/ nl/ early coarse red label, nice issue including pics and catalogue with all early I Musici Philips/ great sound 4.80 [136751] Vivaldi VK op12,1 / VK op4,8 / op4,3 3VK op23,1 Kogan,L+P / Gilels,Elisa. Melodiya CM 02993- 4 A/ early pink 8.80 [104940] Vivaldi VK RV277, 358, 317, 271 Grumiaux StkD Negri Eterna 826 495 A/ black/ original Eterna recording 9.80 [122422] Vorisek S D- Dur Var de Bravoure op14, Introduction et Rondeau Brillant op22 Krajny (p) Parik Prague ChO Supraphon 1110 3868 A(+)/ blue original/ musica antiqua bohemica 9.80 [131334] Wagenseil Franchomme Offenbach Bialas Balakirew Buchardo Ginastera Milhaud Thomas-Mifune (vol 2) Phil Cellisten Koeln EMI 063- 46134 A(+)/ g/ original 6.80 [135556] Wagner Chorus scenes Pitz Bayreuth var. Philips 6575 507 A(+)/ nl/ red/ as new 4.80 [137012] Wagner Hollaender Krauss Hotter Hann Ursuleac Ostertag Klarwein Willer Bav State Opera Acanta HA 23135/ 37 3LP- box/ A+, was fac.sealed/ M/ g/ earliest red/ new unplayed copy 21.80 [137962] Wagner Lohengrin Nelsson Hofmann Armstrong Connell Roar Vogel Weikl Bayreuth 1982 CBS 79503 5LP- box/ A(+)/ g/ original 18.80 [104960] Wagner Meistersinger Karajan Donath Hesse Adam Evans Kelemen Kollo Ridderbusch Schreier StkD EMI 193- 02174/ 8 (61837) 5LP- box/ A(+)/ g/ club with earliest gld label, as original, incl big original booklet 18.80 [104972] Wagner Meistersinger Kempe Frantz Frick Kusche Schock Grümmer Unger Hoeffgen Neidlinger BPO Eterna 820 108- 112 4LP- box/ A/ M/ (original mono rec)/ green original/ very nice box in marvellous condition 17.80 [133502] Wagner Meistersinger scenes Schorr Schumann Melchior Angel Seraphim 60189 A/ M/ us 4.80 [104973] Wagner Meistersinger* Lohengrin** Tristan*** Varviso* Ridderbusch Sotin Hirte Cox Stricker Bode Reynolds / Sawallisch** Crass Thomas Silja Vinay Varnay Krause / Boehm*** Windgassen Nilsson Talvela Waechter Heater Ludwig / Bayreuth live performances 74, 62, 66***(!) Philips 6747 243 14LP- box/ A(+)/ nl/ cloth box, big original booklet for each opera 43.80 [135436] Wagner orchestral esc Markevich USSR SO (rec live 1963) Melodiya M10 47565 000 A(+)/ M/ as new 10.80 [142808] Wagner Parsifal (exc) Kegel Kollo adam Schroeter Cold RSO Leipzig, RC Leipzig+Berlin, Thomaner Eterna 827 036 A(+)/ black original/ cov (ok)/ just as rare as the complete set 13.80 [136512] Wagner Parsifal* Hollaender Tannhaeuser / rec 1961 + 62* Knappertsbusch* / Sawallisch / Bumbry Crass Dalis Greindl Hotter Janowitz London Neidlinger Nienstedt Stolze Silja Talvela Thomas Windgassen/ Bayreuth Philips 6723 001 11LP- box/ A(+)/ nl/ early red, 6500 xxx pressings/ as new 54.80 [130846] Wagner recital Parly Maag Dt Oper DGG 135 022 A/ g/ tulip 9.80 [116604] Wagner Rheingold Stiedry Hotter Harshaw Novotna Berger Brandzell Hines Davidson (Met 1950) Unique Opera Records UORC 276 2LP- box/ A/ M/ us/ minimalistic get- up 10.80 [109390] Wagner S C-dur, Ouv Faust + Rienzi Gerdes Bamberg SO DG 2530 194 A(+)/ g/ as new 6.80 [141548] Wagner Tannhaeuser exc Rysanek Windgassen Waechter Greindl Leitner Stuttgart DGG 19 069 LPEM A/ M/ earliest flat tulip (AH)/ cov- (ok)/ gatefold, sewn seams/ original/ cov printed 1956 13.80 [115844] Wagner Transcriptionen (Mottls Tristan Vorspiel e.g.) Mottl Gruenfeld Cor de Las, Paur Ruebner Samaroff (Welte rolls reproduced on Wagners 1876 Steinway) EMI 0651467781 A/ g/ gatefold original 13.80 [112710] Wagner Transcriptionen (Mottls Tristan Vorspiel e.g.) Mottl, Gruenfeld, Cor de Las, Paur, Ruebner, Samaroff (Welte rolls reproduced on Wagners 1876 Steinway) EMI 065- 1467781 A(+)/ g/ gatefold original/ as new 6.80 [129980] Wagner Tristan Vorspiel 1.Akt Liebestod / Scene Akt 1 Weh, ach wehe. Knappertsbusch Nilsson Hoffmann VPO Eterna 820 576 A(+)/ M/ bl-wh 10.80 [114002] Wagner Walkuere Wotans Abschied, Meistersinger Tannhaeuser / Meyerbeer Huguenots Schwur / Weber Freischuetz Arie des Eremiten / Lortzing Zar und Zimmermann Sonst spielt ich mit Sceptor / Mozart Don Giovanni Serenata / Schubert Aus Heliopolis op65,3 Im Abendrot Schorr Scala 842 A/ M/ us 5.80 [134361] Weber Chamber music with wind instruments Consortium classicum (Kloecker Genuit Schmalfusss Dohn Ostertag and friends) Telefunken 6.35366 3LP- box/ A/ g/ blue original 13.80 [121479] Weber ClarK #1+2 Michallik StkD Sanderling Eterna 825 690 A(+)/ black original 9.80 [105065] Weber Fl-Trio op63, Reinecke Fl-Sonata op167 (Undine), Kuhlau Introduction and Var on Webers Euryanthe (Fl+P) op63 Staege (fl) Schneider (Vc) Havenith (p) EMI 057- 30717 A(+)/ g/ as new 5.80 [133992] Weber Fl-Trio op63, Reinecke Fl-Sonata op167 (Undine), Kuhlau Introduction and Var on Webers Euryanthe (Fl+P) op63 Staege (fl) Schneider (Vc) Havenith (p) EMI 057- 30717 A/(+)/ g/ as new 5.80 [138010] Weber S1 + S2 Schoenzeler LSO RCA LRL 1- 5106 A/ g/ red 4.80 [118062] Weber VSoP1-6 Komissarov Karandashova Eterna 827 125 A(+)/ earliest black/ quite rare 10.80 [120555] Webern, The Complete Works Craft Columbia CK 4L- 232 4LP- box/ B+, 1 short a.s. ruining one song of op18, else A or better/ us/ cov -(ok) 9.80 [142361] Weill Brecht - The 7 deadly sins Rattle Ross Rolfe- Johnson Caley Rippon Tomlinson CBSO EMI 067- 1076981 A(+)/ g/ gatefold original 8.80 [142168] Weinberger Schwanda Wallberg Popp Jerusalem Prey Killebrew Nimmsgern Munich RSO CBS 79344 3LP- box/ A/ g/ original/ first recording 17.80 [139934] WIEN 1885-1910 Kammermusik Wolf V4 d-moll, Bruckner Streichquintett F-Dur, Schoenberg V4 D-Dur (1897), Alban Berg V4 op3, Webern V4 (1905) LaSalle - Q /Amadeus- Q (Bruckner) DG 2733 010 3LP- box/ A(+)/ g/ nearly as new 14.80 [137238] Wieniawski Brodski Wit Wielka Pol Nat RSO tonpress SX T75 A(+)/ pol/ original 15.80 [131544] Wieniawski Souvenir de Moscou u.a. Violinstuecke Korsakow Miroshnikowa Eterna 827 342 A/ black 7.80 [105089] Wieniawski VK #2, Ciprian Porumbescu Balada Voicu Conta RSO Romania Electrecord ECD 83 A/ flat/ 10/ very rare 29.80 [142738] Wind music around 1800 on authentic instruments - Reicha Haydn,M Cambini DanziQuintett Philips 802 791 LY A(+)/ nl/ earliest red/ cloth spine double gatefold original 11.80 [120971] Wolf Eichendorff Lieder Fischer-Dieskau Moore Electrola STE 90989 A/ g/ pre-original wh sample copy 21.80 [127700] Wolf Goethe & Keller - Lieder Ameling Jansen Etcetera ETC 1003 A/ g/ red original 9.80 [137401] Wolf Moerike- Lieder Fischer- Dieskau Richter,S Eterna 826 974 A/ black original/ Melodiya stampers 6.80 [107172] Wolf Moerike- Lieder Fischer- Dieskau Barenboim DG 2740 113 3LP- box/ A-/ g/ cloth box original 6.80 [133882] Wolf-Ferrari Sly Maxym Bader Polaski Reeh Haertel Hannover Acanta 4023501 3LP- box/ A(+)/ g/ original/ first recording/ as new 14.80 [142267] Zeitgenoessische Musik in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland - vol 2 - 1945-50 Hartmann Adagio 2. S, Concerto P, W+ Perc/ Orff Antigonae 2. Akt/ Fortner S 1947/ Blacher Paganini Var, Ornamente op37/ Zimmermann VK/Klebe Die Zwitschermaschine/ Henze S1, Chamber Sonata Rosbaud SWF/ Sawallisch Bav RSO Moedl Rade Dooley Alexander Kuen/ Bader NDR/ Zagrosek SWF/ Herzog,G/Ganz Alberth RSO Berlin/ Rosbaud SWF/ Henze Saarbruecken RSO/ Stuttgart Piano Trio HM DMR 1004- 06 3LP- box/ A+/ g/ gld/ nearly as new 26.80 [129157] Zeitgenoessische Musik in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland - vol 9 - 1970-80 Reimann Lear Fragmente exc./ Beyer Rondeau imaginaire/ Grosskopf Quintett ueber den Herbstanfang/ Bialas Introitus- Exodus/ Bose Travesties in a sad landscape/ Stranz Szenen fuer Orchester (2nd scene)/ Schweinitz Variationen ueber ein Thema von Mozart/ Mueller Siemens Under Neonlight II/ Trojahn Architectura caelestis / Ruzicka Gestalt und Abbruch/ Medek Tagund Nachtstuecke/ Kiesewetter- Tchaikovsky Tango pathetique aus Schwanenroeschen Fischer-Dieskau Stuttgart RSO Albrecht/ Halffter Bav RSO/ Mercier Berlin RSO/ Krapp Kubelik Bav RSO/ Bour Basel RSO/ Killmayer Munich PO/ Segerstam Bav RSO/ Banfield/ Keuschnig NDR SO+C/ Gottwald Schola Cantorum Stuttgart/ Henck/ Menuhin Christ Borowitzky Zimerman HM DMR 1025- 27 3LP- box/ A+/ g/ gld/ as new 26.80 [121444] Our grading is absolute, there is no such thing as a record in generally fine condition with a bad scratch on it. There is no secret grading hidden in the price. We will never claim a low price as an an excuse for bad condition. A+ Sealed or in mint condition, not necessarily unplayed, but in a state where you can hardly tell whether it was played or not. The (+) in brackets indicates a record which is just as fine, but you do see that this record has been played. A box set with 4 A+ records and one obviously played but fine record could be given the same grade A(+) A/A(-) Fine: Very light scuffing or spindle marks. The typical condition of a careful collector´s record. Runs perfectly fine and should give full satisfaction. The brackets A(-) indicate that a small visual blemish has prooved virtually inaudible when checked on the player. AJust a bit below perfection, the same type of small light blemishes prooved to be still tolerable. B O.K.: Marks on the surface which are audible. Items in this condition are rather a bit noisy than severely scratched, and offered only, if they are rare, interesting and still enjoyable. They are often very lovely indeed, especially when given a B+. We do not offer seriously scratched records without explicit warning (a.s.). B records make about 2% in our lists. Please note that grades apply only to the records themselves. Problems with a record's cover will be noted in the list cov-. Nothing should be too bad. Some type of records - early Melodiya in the main - come with a poor general cover and the less fine condition of these should be understood. If a cover (especially one of those where one would expect nothing too brilliant) is especially fine, it is noted +cov. as new - for once - refers to both record and cover, even with very old LPs. OA -original album jacket with later pressings full booklet is telling the item from later issues where the original, often luxurious, booklet is replaced by a mere info sheet. Abbreviations M/ mono a.s. audible scratch es electronic stereo DMM direct metal mastering (not necessarily digital) g/ nl/ eng/ fr/ pressing stems from Germany, Netherlands a.s.o. as new refers to viny and cover cov+ especially good condition of the cover early Melodiya were delivered with a poor general paper cover, +cov refers to an extra (properly printed) de luxe cover that was available independently from the record. color-abbr. such as wh-gld, bl-wh refer to the label. www 33rpm.de e-mail [email protected] phone +49 /(0)30 69568456 Volker Mueller Fidicinstr. 40 10965 Berlin
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