
第5回 異分野融合セミナー
Speaker 下林 俊典 (Shunsuke Shimobayashi)
京都大学 理学研究科 博士後期課程3年
(Ph.D. Kyoto University)
Date Place 2016 年 2 月 26 日 (金) 11:30 ~
(Friday, February 26, 2016 11:30 AM)
中セミナー室 (マテリアルサイエンス研究科 4 棟 8 階)
Seminar room (School of Materials Sience Ⅳ : 8F)
Language Speech : English
Q & A : English and Japanese
Title Direct observations of transition dynamics from macro- to micro-phase
separation in asymmetric lipid bilayers
Abstract Generally, phase separation in binary liquid mixtures completes by relaxation below the
transition temperature. However, it is also well known that the competition between local
attractive and long-ranged repulsive interactions leads to stable micro-phase separation.
The coarsening dynamics from homegeneous phase to macro- and micro-phases have been
extensively investigated in binary mixture systems. In contrast, the dynamics from macroto micro-phase separation remains poorly understood because no appropriate experiments
and models exist for investigating this phenomenon.
In this talk, we present first direct observations from macro-to micro-phase separation in
micrometer-sized asymmetric lipid vesicles exposed to externally added glycolipids.
Moreover, we numerically confirm the transitions using a dissipative dynamic model and
discuss an essential role of added glycolipids in the transitions.