平成28年度分 授業料免除申請について (新入生用)【私費外国人留学生】 Re: Application for Exemption of Tuition Fees for the 2016 Academic Year (Newly-enrolled Students) [Self-supporting International Students] 平成28年度授業料免除の申請受付等を、次のとおり行います。 Applications for the exemption of tuition fees for the 2016 academic year will be accepted as follows: 1.対象者 Eligible students: 学部または大学院に入学し、次の(1)または(2)のうち、いずれかに該当する人であること(ただし、 科目等履修生、研究生等の非正規生は除く) 。 Students who are newly enrolled in an undergraduate school or graduate school and fall under either of the following (1) or (2). (Provided, however, that non-regular students, such as credited auditors and research students, are excluded.) (1)経済的理由によって授業料の納付が困難であり、かつ、学業優秀と認められる人 Students who have difficulty in making the tuition payment for financial reasons but are proven to have outstanding academic performance. (2)平成27年4月以降に本人の学資を主として負担している人(以下「学資負担者」という。 )が死亡し、又 は本人若しくは学資負担者が風水害等の災害を受けたことにより、授業料の納付が著しく困難であると認 められる人 Students who are deemed to have extreme difficulty in making the tuition payment due to the reason that the main school expense provider of the applicant (hereinafter referred to as the “school expense provider”) passed away in April 2015 or later or that the applicant or his/her school expense provider has suffered damage caused by a storm, flood, etc. ただし、次のいずれかに該当する人については、選考の対象としません。 Provided, however, that students who fall under any of the following items will not be eligible for exemption: ① 平成28年度前期分の授業料を既に納入している人 Students who have already paid tuition fees for the first half of the 2016 academic year; ② 申請書類を提出後、別途大学から書類の追加提出を求められたが、指定された期日までに提出しなかっ た人 Students who, after the submission of the application documents, were requested by KIT to separately submit additional documents but did not submit such documents by the specified date; ③入学手続きを完了せずに、授業料免除申請を行った人 Students who have applied for the exemption of tuition fees without completing the admission procedures. ④ 虚偽の申請をしていることが判明した人 Students who turned out to have made a false application. 2.授業料免除の申請時期について Period to be applied for in terms of the exemption of tuition fees ①授業料免除に係る申請書類は、前学期・後学期ごとに提出する必要があります。 The application documents for the exemption of tuition fees need to be submitted for the first half and the latter half of the academic year, respectively; ②授業料免除の判定は、前学期・後学期ごとに行いますので、同じ申請内容でも結果が異なる場合があります。 Determinations of the exemption of tuition fees are made for the first half and the latter half of the academic year, respectively, and therefore, even when the application contents are the same, the determination results thereof may be different; ③後期分の申請において、家計状況等に変更が生じていない学生については、申請書類の簡素化を図るため、 後期分の免除申請受付期間に、以下の書類のみを提出することとします。 For students whose household financial situation, etc., has not changed when applying for the latter half of the academic year, in order to streamline the application process, only the following documents need to be submitted during the application period for the exemption of tuition fees for the latter half of the academic year: 1 ・ 「免除申請にかかる申告書」 “Declaration Relating to the Application for Exemption of Tuition Fees;” ・住民票または在留カードもしくは外国人登録証明書のコピー(前学期中に有効期限が切れる方のみ) The certificate of residence or a copy of residence card or a copy of alien registration certificate (This only applies to those students whose period of validity expires by the end of the first half of the academic year). ただし、後期分の申請において、前学期の申請内容と家計状況等に変更が生じている場合は、変更点に関す る必要書類を提出してください。 However, in the case of a change in household financial situation, etc., when applying for the latter half of the academic year, compared to the application contents for the first half of the academic year, please submit the required documents relating to said change. 3.申請書類 Application documents ①授業料免除申請書 Application for Exemption of Tuition Fees; ②平成28年度前期分授業料免除等申請提出書類チェック表 Checklist for Application Documents for Exemption, etc., of Tuition Fees for the first half of the 2016 Academic Year; ③留学生生活調査書 Foreign Student Survey; ④私費外国人留学生生活実態調査票 Self-supporting Foreign International Student Living Conditions Survey; ⑤住民票または在留カードもしくは外国人登録証明書のコピー The certificate of residence or a copy of residence card or a copy of alien registration certificate; ・一人世帯の人:在留カードもしくは外国人登録証明書のコピーで可 Students living alone: A copy of the residence card or alien registration certificate will suffice. ・一緒に生活している人全員の分:住民票(住所地の区役所等で発行のもの) For all the family members living together with the applicant: Certificate of residence (issued by the ward office, etc., covering the applicant’s address); ⑥在学証明書または学生証のコピー(一緒に生活している人が学生〈本人と小・中学校を除く〉の場合) The certificate of student status or a copy of Student Identification Card (in cases where a person living together with the applicant is a student <excluding the applicant and students of elementary and junior high schools>); ⑦本人または日本で一緒に生活している人に定職、アルバイト等収入があれば金額を証明する書類 ( 「給与支払証明書」 【本学所定用紙】 、平成27年分源泉徴収票のコピー、最近3~6か月の給与明細書の コピー等) When the applicant or a person (or persons) living together in Japan have some income from a regular job or part-time job, a document that certifies such income amount;(Payment Certificate [university designated form], copy of tax withholding slip for the 2015 fiscal year, copies of the pay statements of the past 3 to 6 months, etc.) ⑧その他(申請時又は申請の後に、追加提出を指示された書類) Other (Additional documents instructed to be submitted, at the time of or after application); 申請用紙は、学生サービス課で配布するとともに、本学ホームページに掲載していますので、各自でプリント アウトして利用してください。 本学ホームページ>キャンパスライフ>在学生向け最新情報>「平成28年度分授業料免除及び徴収猶 予の申請について(新入生用) 」 (http://www.kit.ac.jp/campus_index/student-new/) Application forms are available at Student Affairs and, at the same time, posted on KIT’s website (http://www.kit.ac.jp/campus_index/student-new/) at the following address, for downloading and printing. 2 4.申請期間及び場所 Application period and acceptance place <前学期> First half of the academic year 月 日 Date 学部・大学院 Undergraduates and Graduate students (Newly enrolled students) 3月27日(日) 、 3月31日(木) March 27, Sun. and March 31, Thu. 受付時間 Time 10:00~16:00 (但し 12:00~13:00 は除く) 10:00 to 16:00 (closed from 12:00 to 13:00) 受付場所 Acceptance place (3月27日) センターホール2階 小会議室 (March 27, Sun.) Small Conference Room, 2nd floor of the Center Hole (3月31日) 大学会館3階 会議室 (March 31, Thu.) Conference Room, 3rd floor of the Student Center <後学期> Latter half of the academic year 9月中旬予定(後期分の日程が決定次第、ホームページ等により周知します) Scheduled for mid-September. (We will make the details widely known through our website, etc., as soon as the schedule for the latter half of the academic year has been determined.) ※注 意 Notes: ①授業料免除を申請した人は、選考結果の通知があるまでは、本学から納付依頼の文書が届いても、授業料を 納付しないでください。 Students who have applied for the exemption of tuition fees should not pay the tuition fees until notification of the decision on the application has been made, even if a document requesting the tuition payment has arrived from KIT. ②申請者は、申請受付の際に、申請書及び証明書類に記載された事項(所得の内容、家族構成等)に関連 した家庭の状況を、説明できるように準備しておいてください。 Applicants are required to make preparations so that he/she can explain his/her family situation in connection with the matters set out in the application and certificates (such as the contents of the income, etc., and the family structure); ③代理人による申請はできません。 We do not accept proxy applications; ④申請期間終了後の受付はしません。受付時間内に受付場所に入室してください。 Applications submitted after the application period are not accepted, so pay attention to the application period. ⑤申請書類提出後に、申請理由等を明らかにするために照会や書類の追加提出を指示することがあります ので、連絡を受けた場合は、速やかに学生サービス課に来課してください。 There are cases where, after the submission of the application documents, inquiries for clarifying the reasons for application, etc., may be made or instructions to submit additional documents may be given, and therefore, when contacted, please promptly come to Student Affairs. 5.面接等についての注意 Points to note in terms of interviews, etc. ①授業料免除に係わる大学からの通知は、学生サービス課掲示板により行います。 The notice from KIT in terms of the exemption of tuition fees will be made through the Bulletin Board of Student Affairs; 3 ②初めて申請する人及び申請内容について確認が必要な人等に面接を行います。 Interviews are conducted for students that make an application for the first time and/or require checking in terms of application contents; ③面接の対象となった人の学生番号、面接の日時・場所は掲示によりお知らせしますので、くれぐれも 見落としのないように注意してください。 We will inform the students subject to our interview of their student ID number, the date and time, and place of the interview by posting a notice, and therefore, please be sure not to leave out such information; ④面接を受けなかった人は、授業料免除申請の資格を失ったものとみなします。 Students who failed to have an interview will be deemed to have been disqualified from applying for the exemption of tuition fees; ⑤面接日時の変更は、特別な場合を除いて認めません。 (就職活動、アルバイト等の理由による場合でも認め ません。 ) No change of the interview date and time is allowed, except for special cases. (Even reasons such as job-seeking activities or part-time jobs are unacceptable.) 6.選考結果の通知 Notice of the application result (前学期分)平成28年 7月8日(金)10時(予定) (For the first half of the academic year) 10:00 a.m., July 8, 2016 (scheduled) (後学期分)平成28年12月8日(木)10時(予定) (For the latter half of the academic year) 10:00 a.m., December 8, 2016 (scheduled) ・学生サービス課窓口にて、選考結果通知書をお渡ししますので、学生証を提示して受け取ってください。 We will deliver the notice of the application result at the counter of Student Affairs, so please receive the application result by showing your Student Identification Card. ・不許可となった人は授業料の全額を、半額免除となった人は授業料の半額を、選考結果通知の日から 20日以内の指定する期日までに納入してください。 Students who are not granted the exemption of tuition fees or who have been granted an exemption of half of tuition fees are kindly requested to pay the entire amount and half the amount of tuition fees, respectively, by the specified date no later than twenty days after the day of the notice of the application result. <申請問合せ窓口> Contact for Inquiries about Applications 学生サービス課奨学支援係 Financial Aid, Student Affairs TEL 075(724)7143 4
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