第 318 回材料科学談話会 第 206 回HVEM研究会

第 318 回材料科学談話会
の超顕微解析共用拠点」、九州大学超顕微科学リサーチコア 共催
第 206 回HVEM研究会
米国バージニア工科大学の M. F. Hochella Jr.博士ならびに村山光宏博士をお招きし、
場】九州大学 伊都キャンパス 超顕微解析研究センター(CE20)セミナー室
(〒810-0395 福岡県福岡市西区元岡744番地)
13時30分 ∼ 15時30分
Dr. Michael Frederick HOCHELLA Jr.
University Distinguished Professor, the Environmental Nanoscience group, Virginia Tech
A Unique Organization: The Virginia Tech National Center for Earth and
Environmental Nanotechnology Infrastructure, and the Vital Role Played
by TEM
Dr. Mitsuhiro MURAYAMA(村山光宏)
Associate Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Virginia Tech
Identifying structural and chemical characteristics of natural and
incidental nanominerals in the environment(ナノスケール地球科学におけ
る透過電子顕微鏡法の活用例 ー 水圏でのナノサイズ鉱物の生成と成長)
材料科学談話会世話人:西田 稔
HVEM研究会世話人:安田和弘・佐藤幸生・波多 聰
先:波多 聰(九州大学 大学院総合理工学研究院 融合創造理工学部門)
Tel & Fax: 092-583-7580 E-mail: [email protected]
Dr. Michael Frederick HOCHELLA Jr.
University Distinguished Professor, the Environmental Nanoscience group, Virginia Tech
A Unique Organization: The Virginia Tech National Center for Earth and
Environmental Nanotechnology Infrastructure, and the Vital Role Played
by TEM
The potential for discovery and innovation within the Earth sciences using
nanoscience and technology are enormous, and many breakthroughs are
discovered using TEM-related technology. The Virginia Tech National Center is
available to assist users in these pursuits. Users working at the local, regional, and
global scales, including land, atmospheric, water, and biological components of any
subfield within the Earth and environmental sciences and engineering, are welcome.
These users will be enhancing their ability to apply nanoscience and
nanotechnology to help solve challenges in far-reaching and critical issues in all of
the Earth sciences, including climate change, critical zone research, chemical
oceanography, hydrology, ore deposits, paleoecology, paleontology, fault
mechanics, fundamental aspects of mineralogy, geochemistry, petrology, and
geophysics research, medical mineralogy and geochemistry.
Dr. Mitsuhiro MURAYAMA(村山光宏)
Associate Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Virginia Tech
Identifying structural and chemical characteristics of natural and
incidental nanominerals in the environment(ナノスケール地球科学におけ
る透過電子顕微鏡法の活用例 ー 水圏でのナノサイズ鉱物の生成と成長)
This talk will overview our recent actives on nanoscale earth science, characterizing
structural and chemical features of naturally occurring nano-minerals and their
laboratory made analogs to understand evolution, transformations, and
structure-properties relationships of them. The talk will demonstrate how modern
transmission electron microscopy techniques change the type of information
experimentally obtainable in this research field, and advance our understandings in
naturally occurring poorly crystallized phases. The structure characterization of
poorly crystallized natural Schwertmannite (iron-oxyhydroxysulfate), first
experimental proof of polycrystalline nature of natural Green rust (iron-hydroxide),
structure transformations and dissolution behavior of nanosized Hematite
(iron-oxide) will be discussed.