(文系研究者向け)(PDF) - 名古屋大学 男女共同参画室

男女共同参画室では、平成 26 年度採択の文部科学省「女性研究者研究活動支援事業(連携型)」の一環と
月 16 日には、理系研究者向けの同様のセミナーも開催します)。
日時:2016 年 2 月 15 日(月)13:00〜14:30
講師: Dr. Richard Howitt, Professor of Human Geography, Department of Geography & Planning, Macquarie University
申込方法: 名古屋大学男女共同参画室([email protected])まで、所属・職名・氏名をご記入
受講者多数の場合は、先着順で定員 50 名になり次第締め切ります。
詳細や登録方法は、http://www.kyodo-sankaku.provost.nagoya-u.ac.jp/AICHI_consortium/guidance/index.html をご
Successful publishing in English for Social Scientists:
Manuscript Preparation and Review Workshop
Purpose and structure of the workshop
This workshop follows up on an initial session in 2015. Participants will consider the differences between strong and
weak manuscripts, good and bad reviews and realistic and unrealistic plans for their own writing.
Building a strategic approach to writing and publishing in English is increasingly important in the social sciences. It
requires good preparation, patience and persistence. In this workshop Professor Howitt will focus how to write a good
journal paper.
2015 Workshop materials are available for participants to assist in preparation, and all participants are asked to prepare
a short statement in English of what they will be aiming to publish in English and what they see as the biggest challenges
they face in achieving their goal.
What sort of writer are you?
discipline expectations, journal requirements, personal preferences, reader interest
What are you writing for?
reporting original research, synthesizing existing studies, translating research already reported in
Japanese, responding to other research
Preparing your manuscript
good practices need to be worked at – in this part of the workshop we will discuss how people feel they
do their best writing.
Submitting your paper
how to submit in ways that foster success – submitting to the journal, following up with editors,
responding to reviews.
Maximising its impacts
writing that get reads is the best sort of writing!
What does a good paper look like in your discipline?
abstract; keywords; figures; tables; maps; data; quotations; long sentences; big words?
can you tell if your writing looks like good writing?
Are there different expectations for an original research paper, review paper, commentary?
Make sure you are on the right path from the beginning of your preparations.
How does good writing happen?
How, when and where do good writers produce their good writing?
Is getting published really enough?
Making sure people know your paper exists is always important. Reputable publishers will help you get
this right.
* Professor Richard Howitt is Professor of Human Geography in the Department of Geography & Planning, Macquarie
University in Sydney Australia. He is a successful writer, mentor and graduate research supervisor with research experience in
interdisciplinary social sciences.