特殊講義タイトル : The Rise of China and East Asia 講義概要 [講義基本情報] 教員: Professor:Jaehwan Lim その他の教員: 科目種別: Subject Type: Lecture 開講時期: Semester: Intensive 対象年次: 開講時限: Day and Time: August 18th-20th (8:45 - 16:15), August 21st (8:45 - 14:30) 単位数: Credit: 2 必修の有無: 教室: Lecture Room 講義概要 Course Outline: This course is aimed at inspiring discussion and deepening our understanding about the rise of China, arguably one of the most visible and critical global phenomena in the 21st century. In doing so, this course will first address diverse components of a rising China such as politics, economy, military, society, culture and history. And we will shift the focus to regional reactions to the rise of China with a special attention to interactions between China and major regional actors, and discuss what kind of regional order is now emerging in East Asia. 到達目標 Goals: There will be a 5 or 10-minute background explanation from the instructor at the beginning of each class and the rest will be attributed to presentation (one or two) and group discussion. Students will be required to submit a one-page critique of the assigned reading every week and make an individual presentation on a particular topic at least once during the course. Attendance is mandatory - active participation is encouraged and welcomed. Textbooks: A detailed list of readings will be distributed on the first class. 教科書 参考書・参考資料 References: 成績評価方法 Method of evaluation Grades will be determined as follows: daily assignments (20%), presentation and participation (30%), and final (50%). 履修条件 その他の注意 Requirements for class registration: IMPORTANT Remarks Stay current. Stay abreast of current developments through the Asia sections of the Washington Post, New York Times, and BBC. For the latest developments in China, see Pacific Forum: Comparative Connections, China Leadership Monitor, and China Brief. Major news outlets in China have English editions, 特殊講義 : The Rise of China and East Asia 講義計画と記録 講義計画 の追加 [全課題 の提出状 回 1 講義計画の編集画面 番号の再整理 講義計画の削除画面 [総合投票成績一覧] [全資料の一覧] [全課題の一覧] テーマ Class 1 (Aug.18) 8:45-10:15 講義内容 Class Theme Introduction: Is China rising? 授業時間外の学修活動 Assignment 関連ページ [資料][課題] 2 Class 2 (Aug.18) 10:30-12:00 Class Theme Diverse aspects of the rise of China 1: Politics Assignment [資料][課題] 3 Class 3 (Aug.18) 13:00-14:30 Class Theme Diverse aspects of the rise of China 2: Economy Assignment [資料][課題] 4 Class 4 (Aug.18) 14:45-16:15 Class Theme Diverse aspects of the rise of China 3: Military Assignment [資料][課題] 5 Class 5 (Aug.19) 8:45-10:15 Class Theme Diverse aspects of the rise of China 4: Society Assignment [資料][課題] 6 Class 6 (Aug.19) 10:30-12:00 Class Theme Diverse aspects of the rise of China 5: Culture and History Assignment [資料][課題] 7 Class 7 (Aug.19) 13:00-14:30 Class Theme Regional reactions to the rise of China 1: China and US Assignment [資料][課題] 8 Class 8 (Aug.19) 14:45-16:15 Class Theme Regional reactions to the rise of China 2: China and Japan Assignment [資料][課題] 9 Class 9 (Aug.20) 8:45-10:15 Class Theme Regional reactions to the rise of China 3: China and ASEAN Assignment [資料][課題] 10 Class 10 (Aug.20) 10:30-12:00 Class Theme Regional reactions to the rise of China 4: China and Korean Peninsula Assignment [資料][課題] 11 Class 11 (Aug.20) 13:00-14:30 Class Theme Regional reactions to the rise of China 5: New evolution of Chinese foreign policy Assignment [資料][課題] 12 Class 12 (Aug.20) 14:45-16:15 Class Theme Group presentation and general discussion Assignment [資料][課題] 13 Class 13 (Aug.21) 8:45-10:15 Class Theme Group presentation and general discussion Assignment [資料][課題] 14 Class 14 (Aug.21) 10:30-12:00 Class Theme Final Exam Assignment [資料][課題] 15 Class 15 (Aug.21) 13:00-14:30 Class Theme Final Exam Assignment [資料][課題]
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