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Ahmed Abed Al-Kadhem Majhool and A.P. Watkins,'Spray algorithm Computational Physics 231 (2012) without interface construction', Joumal of 3647 -3662. 2. Ahmed Abed Al-Kadhem Majhool, Abbas Alwi Sakhir AlJeebori, 'Study of rnodeling spray penetration of biodiesel under transient engine conditions', Academic Research Intemational, 3 (2012) 3, November ,70-79. qr.:urgt--.Vl 御 d.r.Lll pli3l,.l │ 6r;dl,rii;foJl+yl $rj.ll OLJCI i+.J{ -\ . ot,,..,;gJl . JL;rllJ 9!r !,Ltl grLrYl .,;U!ll -f .4,Giill .iE#!:! Ol+dl Aa.Ji -r i:rLiYt diL+.rijl tlrii,l.i dlrjt up Lrii.lt i*aLJl &Ell plris-t -t +rrr: -o .dJ.JJl crtsJF.l iit.!r)l i^rrr ,J. .+tJ&llJ 15,」 4s d.ll ,,I i+&.yl cir.jJlJi 1rlriJ,"l -1 ,crti;!:ll LA+l ''"'Jltl 6eU.,; plr&"1 -v .iis,s-:'i:tt crr a*.13t gU.; plri:-l -A . 4iLrll 6J+ill .亀 コ ス リ ン“L」 │ごメ 6`LJニ ハ″ 昌 ―ヽ “ く .^‖ ‐ γ 』 申 │げ‐二 ´え =島 1礼 ■ 夕IJ」 1■ ■ 1● lL` ^“ Curriculum Vitae Ahmed Abed Al-Kadhem Majhool Al-Mashadi Personal Information E-mail Telephone Mobile Date of Birth Nationality [email protected] 0096436647601 009647800722812 Feburary 7, 1977 Iraqi Contact Information Iraq Al-Qadisiya University College of Engineering - Mechanical Department Al-Qadisiya Governate - Ad Diwaniya city Baghdad Street Service 20L1- 2005 2OO4 Associate dean college of engineering Head of Database and information unit in the Al-Qadisya University Head of Reconstruction and development unit in the A1-Qadisya University Academic Experience 2OL2-2OL} 2OLL-2OL2 2006-200T 2005-2006 2OO3-20O4 Supervision Supervision Department/ Thermodynamics/ English language Department/ Thermodynamics/ Englishlanguage Department/ Mechanical drawing / Computer engineering Department/ Manfucturing process PhysicsDepartment/Thermodynamics Three projects in aerodynamics Four projects in turbulent flow Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Software 1. Author of a Computation Pluid Dynamics program. 2. Accommodating multiple unstructured 2/3 dimensional grids and multi-phase flow. 3. Optimized for the solution of large sets of transport equations. 4. Currently, the software is used for research purposes at the school ofMechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering, University of Manchester for simulating spray and aerosol dynamics. 5. User for FLUENT software for computational fluid dynamics. 6. User for GAMBIT software for geometry. Publications 1. Ahmed Abed Al-Kadhem Majhool and A.P. Watkins,'Spray algorithm without interface construction', Journal of Computational Physics 231 (2012) 3647 - 3662. 2. Ahmed Abed Al-Kadhem Majhooi, Abbas Alwi Sakhir AlJeebori, 'Study of modelling spray penetration of biodiesel under transient engine conditions', Academic Research International, 3 (20L2) 3, November , 70-79. Education Doctoral Degree January 2008 2010 - December Master Degree October 2000 - October 2002 Bachelor's Degree October 1995 - June 2000 Advanced spray and combustion modelling University of Manchester Modelling and analysis of Kufa trajectory of unguided missile University Mechanical Engineering (Awarded FzTth) Kufa, University Work Experience Consultant and Designer systems systems Air - conditioning Mechanical Pharmecy college Waste water treatment station Technical Skills Experienced in the Fortran programming language, using LAPACK and LAPACK-95 libraries and Make. Familiar with UNIX based systems, the console and some GNU licensed software. Competent with Latex. Have experience using the MPI library and have some knowledge of the Fortran 2003 programming language. Research Interests o Probabiiity density function o Combustion modelling o Biofuel modelling, properties and characteristics. o Two-phase modelling o Domain decomposition for parallel programming, o Algebraic multi-grid method, adaptive and moving meshes, mechanical-fluid interaction. o Modelling of the complete engine cycle, simulating the interaction between the fluid flow and mechanics of the system. o Understanding and usage of programming languages for engineering problems; clarity of stucture and exploiting advanced methods.
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