!! MT EDUCARE LTD. SANSKRIT ENTIRE !"#!$!#%!!& (Essay Writing) & Topics for orals !"#$%&$'%()*%+%%,%%#-#(Sanskrit language) Sanskrit is the !"#!$"%&'"("")""*+","-""./"'"0""*(""1'"".2""*("")""*3 !""*!"4"5(""1'"".2"("")""6""#*7"/"/"".*3 !"#!$"%&'"("")""*8""/"!2"*0"9'":*(""6;"10":*<""=!'"3 !"#!$"%&'"("")""2""#* 2">""*4"?@+"A1"6"""=@B",/>""C*!""=/'"*'">"D4" "=4""=4"E"F""!G"B",/>""C*!"/'2""=+"*3 !"!#$"%&"'= "1H"6"">"I*!"4#"E"5/"">"I*-"*!"!#$"%&'"("")""2""C*<"E2"2"/"0": <""4"F2"$"&0":*3 !"#!$"%&'"("")""*!"#B"6"$"&2""?B2""*<""=!'"*J"='"*<""=+"*"=!"@:E"0":*3 !"'2"0"?4"*K$"L'"0":*M*("")""!"A*0"AN2""*0"E"A1"*"=@42""*B"".4""56"(""1'"".3 (Oct. 08) ancient most Indian language. It is the mother of all Indian languages. Sanskrit is a great store of knowledge. Just as the Vedas, Puranas & other treatises are in Sanskrit, so also are various scriptures. The study of Sanskrit language is essential for the protection & progress of culture. It is also proven that Sanskrit language is suitable for computers. It is truly said that – Among the languages, Sanskrit is main, sweet & divine. ."#/%/%#/%%*%%#-#(My mother) (March 08, Sept. 09, 11) 0"0"*0""'"AC*/""0"*F""1@"*<""=!'"*3 0"O"#*!""*<"'"".4"*1"?-"'"?*3 !""*0""=2"*<""='"F"2"#*"=!/"O""='"*3 !""*+""$"&$"&P""2""#*"=/"+"A6""*<""=!'"*3 $"A&QA0R"!2"*$"%&'"?*!""*"=/"'"1"#*S""02""='"*3 !""*0""#*!4""E2""2"?*+",?12""='"*2"F"!"C*0""B"I*-"*@F"52""='"**3 !"'2"0"?4"*4"@"=/'"*M7"/"/"".*7"/0"("T"0= "F-"*!4"B""5@"=+"*B"1".2"!"".3 My mother’s name is Sharada. I like her very much.. She is has a lot of affection for me. She is skilled in cooking. She strives a lot for the family. She encourages me in studies and shows the path of success. It is truly said that – The mother and the motherland are greater than heaven. (March 09) 0"#1%%2'%)/%%34%%5*%1%'%)6#-(Lokmanya Tilak) Balgangadhar Tilak is my favourite leader. R""P"B"U"E"1"='"P"$"&V*0"0"*"=W"2"C*/"?'""*3 He performed great sacrifice for the country '"?/"*@?F"!2"*$"%&'"?*0"9"/":*'2""B"V*$"%&'"V3 He struggled greatly for India’s (""1'"!2"*!4""'"/G2"">"I*'"?/"*0"9"/":*!"#X")"5V**$"%&'"V3 <""Y:BP"F""!"/"?/"*0"6;"P"?$"&"1"B"%9?**W"?")= "'"V3 !"C*'"G"D4"*B"".'""19!2"#*/""0"*Z"/>"0""=P"N"'":*3 !"C*$"&?!"1".*/""0"*4"%''"+"G"#*+","-""P"2"'":*3 "='"P"$"&C*(""1'"".2""/""0":*<"!"/'""?)"!2"*7"/"$"&V*J"='"*$"&>2"'"?3 [ !4"1"72"#*0"0"*7"/0""=!"\"?]"=E"$"&"1V*3*'"#*-""9#*P"("?2"D4"^ J"='"*'"!2"*E2"?2"0""!"".'":*3 !"#$$%& !'"()$* independence. He was sent to Mandalay prison by the British Government. He wrote the treatise named Geeta Rahasyam there itself. He started a newspaper named Kesari. Tilak is regarded as the father of Indian Unrest. ‘Swarajya is my birth-right and I shall get it’ was his motto. 261 !! MT SANSKRIT ENTIRE EDUCARE LTD. !"#$%&%'%%(%)#$%*%'%%'%$%+#,#(Drinking liquor is a great sin) (Sept. 09, March 11) !"#"$%&"'()""*+",""-"&"$(%."/"0%&"(1."/"2%/"/"0%3"/."!"2+"4 It is truly said that liquor destroys the family. !"#"5"3."%6"'"*78%9":;<"%9"+""*/"%4 A drunkard’s intellect gets deviated. 3"8%="/"">+"%=""*31"?8%@"A@")"-@"%9"+""*/"%4 He is extremely unsteady & fickle. 3+"&"(/"B+."$%3"%,"C+"%&"(?"2"*/"%4 He does not perform his duty. !"#"3."%+3"3","2,"%3"%D+.",""-"$%&"(?"2"*/"%4 Due to the addiction to liquor, he destroys E/"2,"%3"8%F"*?D8%9"+""*/"%4 /"3!""/"0%3"8%3+"&"'(<'!6"5""2;"G"!""*5"%&"(/"'H%3"!"1"B8%,"%9"+""*/"4 =",/"2%3"8%3+"I","2,"%@"%"*/"?3&"J(/""2%9"+""*/"%4%="/"8%!"#"5"","$ !"K"5""5"!"0%4 wealth. Due to this, he becomes poor. By that he is not able to rear his family. Ultimately, he is insulted by his own people. Therefore 'Drinking liquour is a great sin.' -"#$%$%#.%(%/%01#,#(My father) (Sept. 08, 11) "*+",""."&"(8%L"*/"%!"!"%I","&"(3."%,""!"M"2."!"0%4 My father’s name is Vinayak. 3"%?"I."-""3","3."%&"(".""B)"."2%&"(!"B@""?">%=""*3/"%4 He is an employee in a State Government office. 5":"*/""*F,"$%5":!"""*G"&"(/".""%&"(".""B)"."2%&"("."H%&"J(/+""%3""."$%3" N"JK!""N"@O"*/"%4 !"!"%="M.".","2%3""K".."$%&"(?"2"*/"%4 &"P+""*@"/"0%="3!"","0%5":Q2 "G"">."31")"",.""*5"%F-"B"*."/"'$%,".""*/"%4 He sincerely goes to office and comes home in the evening after work. He helps me in my studies. Sometimes he takes us to see places of interest. %."F0%."F0%="3!"""*9""*?;."/"2%/"/"0%/"/"0%3"+"H%3"%="3!"9."$%5":."@O"*/"4 He gives us everything that we want. "*&"(,/"'%"*+"#""M.".","2%/"3.""N":K8%4 But he insists on studies. ="3!""&"$(%3"8%="/"">+"%"*5":."84 He is extremely dear to us. 2"#.%3%$%%4*$%%#,#(Importance / Greatness of water) (March 10, Sept. 10) 5"J"*1"+.""$%R"">"*G"%?/,"""*,"%I")"!",,"$%3"'9"""*;"/"!"0%L"*/"%."F0 ‘Water, food and good saying are the three S&"P/"$%/"/"0%."1""1"B!"2+"%4 jewels on earth‘ what is thus said is only true. /"R"""*5"%I")"3."%T"1"!"8%"*,"FU-"V%L"*/"%"*+"-"2;"V4 What is special is that there too the first I")"$%"*+",""%I"">+","!"0%="-"&"P."!"2+"%4 3"W+"U;""$%T"""*G"W!""R""G""$%I")"!"2+"%I"">+","!"0%4 5"J"*1"+.""$%"*R"5""F9""N"8%I")"3."%E+"%4 I")"2,"%E+"%+"."$%3"3."""*,"%5"()"""*,"%&"(,F!"X)"""*,"%@"%)"9""!"K24 I","CV%I")""5"+."."V%,"%&"(/"B+."V%4 I")"3"Y".""8%=""*5"%!"K/""%T"."/,"2,"%3"$?Q"G"">.""V%4 reference is that of water. Life is impossible without water. Water is life for all creatures. On earth, three quarter part is that of water. We obtain grains, fruits, tubers and roots because of water alone. People should not waste water. Water stores should also be protected with great efforts. 262 !"#$$%& !'"()$*
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