〆 ロ hyperplasia by t加ee-d加ensional A. Takahashi, W. Hao-Zong', S・Murakami, H. Kondoh*, M. Ptyishita and H. Fuchihata Medical Unive『鼎ily, Xi'an, China enlarged coronoid process on an exostosis on the lower border of the malar bone・In addition a small concavity was found on the inner surface of the malar bone that was not displayed患7 other imaging modalities・The 3D images were useful in planning surgical treatment・In cases Water's view should suggest the presence of coronoid process hyperpla篤職even if the Keywords:〃"ullhle: hypどゅ伽如tomography,泥沌Ⅲy a>"¥"" Dcntomaxillofac. Radiol., 1993. Vol.22, 149-154, August Coronoid p】・ocess hyperplasia is more common than it opening and no muscle tenderness・A provisional Radiograpノ"cノド"dihgs Panoramic radiography was be treated initially for TMJ disorders'"4.10.20 蹄 :su戒 :bm 塗e, 。副 ertro a n e l'"鵬 ro i叫 rv 崎 . 1剛 …蝋 割 ' 淵 !…l n t o v e e x * ' ^ " i e w lomography""-"".8.10-12.20.,22.24.27 g^j computed tomoノ 魂 pIainradiographs4,12,15 19. andcventomography16 日 、 q 陀狐ures of the condition. Caseノ L L 可.to resolve with occlusal therapy・When first seen, Figure 1 Case 1. Waters,radiograph showing asymmetry of the ∼、 3D imag航g of coronoidノlyperplasia: A. Takaノmshi et al 442-⑪SRKRUNLV。命じ陰門 4 8 F1冨可「Ⅱ。 目垂手 C O Figure 2 Case I. Axial CT images at the level of the left coronoid process・a. In centric occlusion, the hyperplastic left coronoid process S唖1,s. limitation of opening・Three years previously he had months afterwards,Splint therapy had been under- maxillary alveolus・The triangular hyperplastic left this one scan・The CT data were therefore transferred Radiogノ ノ"cノセ"d加顔Bilateral coronoid hyperplasia 150 Dcntomaxillofac・Radio1., 1993. Vol. 22, August ■ 一 3D imaging of coronoid hyperplasia: A. Takαノiashi et al ・ソ夢、恥 可 噸 ユ ロ ュ 竺 唾輝 『 1 5 戸 口 ー F 畢 画 二 甲 q Figure 3 Case 1. 3D display processed from 2-mm thick axial CI" scans obtained in the opened mouth position・The mandible is displayed as 8rey. Dcntomaxillofac. Radiol., 1993, Vol.22, August I51 .、I.") oi joud p⑨umiqo nq pfnuqs ijdnjSoipHJ ,SJ3ii;触瞭U3叩 p鋤狛d -sns s¦ !!isi!]djodXt¦ ssnDOJd piouojoa jj・qd画月iOlpRJ ③iiiumoucd oqi uo ssanojd pioiiOJo:ig叩、llo 3di;qs Olll別側pZHp pUD山iiui>riD.i ,n航、uoni!¦suT;ji sp]A¥)IUO.1 JO .^.^usplA3 ou qiiM Suuiodo qmo山JO uoiiniiiui] sssjumd叩;i siusiiiid ui ojojaa.iq^l, "sisoisox⑨』GI m g't[l os¦i! inq i;!si!¦djndXq ssn.iojd piouojo:)9叩パ.¦U0 lOU ffUI1IM¦SUOUt.')p UI 0¦O・IluiiiJoduij lEt: poハ町d i]di;j3oipiTJ ,s」。 仏nqi 'ijodoj siqi ui p^icaAOJ sy・oiqv珊恥E SハVfA]V. lou SI ¥nq '¥u⑨山調uiduii ,ii[i 3U1山』:313p URD (a ino叩1紙」Cl11脚)JO・ハ職u9po1qd哩冒oipRj luai0鴎nsui 瓢lllnq訓11鰍AoLuosw【IパR[di;jSo山101 [tijiSiJs "d、I.Ol JO/pUuパqdiM^oipiiJ Ji山m:ou!!d i<q X¦po・iip p3P3¦3p piotiojoa⑨l[1 si."n;iuo,i nuoq jnpiiu :>叩⑨j3qA¥ cajt! 3叩 。sniiaog.n^unsojd sii Sumiiuj:)l.ip ui soiiin,リ;jip soiiiiリ -3UJOS ]¦¦1S .">肥⑨』g叩'ji:i]U3SS3酬パDMUS 3iqdEユ冠;o!pcJ ;職測Y細狩溌脇。鮒W蹴縦:藤。 piOUOJO^ o叩山lOJJ iDKiuoa oリパ』;i:puoDns i;isi:[山:3d:(q 9'AiPRni 01 anp si;a¥ ii it;叩パp>¦¦iun 1! 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UE SEM luojiEd ."iq) q3noqi¦v・3iiiS瞭山¥1J ac ^q p3iuユリIU0.1 SItA,nuoq Jn¦勉山③叩JO SnSOlSOKO O叩 piiL' S3SS330id piOUOi03 ^iisiqd』0idXq 3'叩U33A¥l3q lU⑨山 -33uidiui。J⑨Ⅱ惣皿IS SEM 1J3[ 3叩uo lEqx・SDS01S0X3 JBIEUI 叩.IA¥ poiEpossE insEidJ3id(<q piouoion ¦Ei3iEiiq poinaAOi (c ojnSM)肌。HA .SJ3肥仏蛎Iイノ J !/du 8o""y 、山山9 3J3A¥ S1U3UJ3AOUJ ]EJ31E¦鵬miXGtu iq3u puE IJDI 3叩pUG '山山 sU州UOtSnJlOjd [EUllXElAJ・3uiu3do [ESpUUSlUI山山g¥ inoqi! 11! iqSi』0iqi uo p3Ai3SqO S!!A¥ 3"!^3!D・UOl33』』iE¦n:)ijn!;3jd⑨叩UI uird iqSfls pUE ijs] e叩OI U0l)KlA3p叩1紬 皿山11 SEM Suipuado IRS!D叩鋤UI mniujXEUJ uoijEui山P;x3 uo・is!iu3p siq Xq psjou sem Suiuodo JO uoiu郡山!1 ^叩'X[sno,nu!:iuods p3JE3dd!:sip pL'q spunos 3叩qSno叩IV "SJGoX (7 isEd 3q1』:oj suoi33」 jE[n3ijnE3jd叩oq uiojj jpsuiiu0》u'.ui pino3⑨II q31UA¥ -lnmIl航o』』!i) -.u i o¦i j!i¦mu nqi jo nSpa』⑨紬0 ,1 机n it; sisoisoxo ,i¦i uo posodiuundns s; (smo』』l11) SS330jd p1OUOJO.l 31(1 sapis inoci uo uodC叩no山。卯111M M3IA S」。1m肌.E,肥①5,』,軸 ,匡、 蝉 -o.niso '...asoisoxa, ¥^.Xi1ui.ioリ⑨p, ',. ,)U3UI98JBIU9, 』町npou 'jBinSaMi, Se ij SUiqi』③iS3p Xl11E山』ouq悪⑨moq j町v.山。up 3iou pjp 061 "' Joud suodoj jo JDq山nu 6 'J3A3A¥01-1・ oi-tc-iroz-Hi ri^MI'^Jo【【qt; pjouojod 3i¦l X¦uo p鋤』od9j 9aiu1 s.ioii:3iis3aui Xuejaj ^uoq ji;¦聴山 ⑨叩jo oSpn joiJ3jui o叩UO S1SOJSOX3 UI! qjlAV p3U>pOSSE e13紬lJ0d3J Sj叩m RisR¦dエ。dXq ss330Jd pjouojod ∼ し 弓 ▲ JO S3SC3 (p?J0!¦lq oam put! ¦B・3 I U¦:Un 3UO) 33』叩。suismd ⅡV -0311o耶I 3AEi¦3i¦ inn: p.-idiuis uioojqsnmパiiensng肥 ¥9叩33Uis p3pnpx3 oq ma ,Z・.^SEiuojpuoqoosiso jo SI!IU031S0VciviP^IリuooⅡlis sj niSEidjsdXq ssssojd (spc3i¦A¥ojjc) ouoq』町[BUI oqi uo sisoisoxa .1111 jo ued JOUSISod ,叩uo saSuiduu ssaoojd piouojo.") pa1堀uolau (AACユ』ic) uoqs siや。U JC¦A'pUO0 3l¦_L pOAOU』。』uasq sbi¦ nuoq jkiC山aiqi jo und ¦i;jaiE¦ .i¦i pun u。'瓢;¦1 uioij SI moja sil 'ssauipiⅧMils UIUI-g jo saSciui i・Iimxi: iuojj possssojd Xiqdsip Q 'q (spiioqwo』』IB) auiK)』剛[BUI 31)lJo調』a.wo]O叩犯 馴 】 3叩uo pasoduiupdhs 340 (s*o』』ib) sassa.iojd pjouojoa・叩 lloquO・P動mdoIl1n 'al¦1 qii w qdiuilojpBj .sjaii!/¥¥ T. jo罪,) t- wn*U 『 一 唾 L 二 q 司 一 一 ib ja wsviwyvi y :vtsnノ山vdty pw"αイ ノひ8岬3〃 qg 、 公 一 slices・Mentally, transforming such a series into the Ihe complex anatomy of the craniofacial region. 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Address: Dr A・Takahashi, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial daoka. Suita・Osaka 565, Japan.
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