平成 27(2015)年度工学系研究科授業関係日程表

平成 27(2015)年度工学系研究科授業関係日程表
AY 2015 Schedule of the Graduate School of Engineering
事 / Academic Events
日 / Date
Summer Term Classes Begin
4 月 6 日(月)[Monday, April 6]
大学院入学式(平成 27 年4月入学者)
Entrance Ceremony for Students Enrolled in April 2015
4 月 13 日(月)[Monday, April 13]
WEB 履修登録期間(夏学期・通年科目)
Web Registration Period for the Summer / One-Year
WEB 履修状況(成績)確認期間
Web Confirmation Period for Web registration for the
Summer / One-Year Classes and Academic Credits
Previously Earned
4 月 6 日(月)~4 月 10 日(金)
[from Monday, April 6 to Friday,April 10]
*履修登録方法等は Web 方式となっているので、
「UT-mate 利用の手引き」を参照のこと。
*Refer to the “UT-mate manual” to register for
courses online.
WEB 履修登録修正期間(夏学期・通年科目)
Web Modification Period for Web registration for the
Summer / One-Year Classes
4 月 13 日(月)~4 月 17 日(金)
[from Monday, April 13 to Friday, April 17]
Deadline to Submit the Doctoral Dissertation (only for
those who are expected to complete the doctoral course
on 25 September )
6 月 1 日(月)[Monday, June 1]
Period for Submission of Request for Transferring Credits
(only for those who are expected to complete the doctoral
course on 25 September)
7 月 7 日(火)~7 月 17 日(金)
[from Tuesday, July 7 to Friday, July 17]
Last Day of Summer Term Classes
7 月 17 日(金)[Friday, July 17]
Summer Term Vacation
7 月 18 日(土)~9 月 30 日(水)
[from Saturday, July 18 to Wednesday, September 30]
Deadline to Submit the Master’s Thesis (only for those
who are expected to complete the master’s course on 25
Confirm the exact date at the Department
Administration Office
Course Completion Date
9 月 25 日(金)[Friday, September 25]
◆5 月 15 日(金)は授業休講
The classes will be canceled on Friday, May 15
◆5 月 7 日(木)全日は水曜日の授業を行う
Wednesday' s classes will be held on Thursday, May 7
事 / Academic Events
日 / Date
Winter Term Classes Begin
10 月 5 日(月)[Monday, October 5]
大学院入学式(平成 27 年 10 月入学者)
Entrance Ceremony for Students Enrolled in October 2015
WEB 履修登録期間(冬学期)
Web Registration Period for the Winter Classes
WEB 履修状況(成績)確認期間
Web Confirmation Period for Web registration for the
Winter Classes and Academic Credits Previously Earned
10 月 5 日(月)~10 月 8 日(木)
[from Monday, October 5 to Thursday, October 8]
*履修登録方法等は Web 方式となっているので、
「UT-mate 利用の手引き」を参照のこと。
*Refer to the “UT-mate manual” to register for
courses online.
WEB 履修登録修正期間(冬学期)
Web Modification Period for Web registration for the
Winter Classes
10 月 9 日(金)~10 月 16 日(金)
[from Friday, October 9 to Friday, October 16]
Deadline to Submit the Doctoral Dissertation (only for
those who are expected to complete the doctoral course
on 24 March)
12 月 1 日(火)[Tuesday, December 1]
Winter Term Vacation
12 月 26 日(土)~1 月 4 日(月)
[from Saturday, December 26 to Monday, January 4]
Period for Submission of Request for Transferring Credits
(only for those who are expected to complete the doctoral
course on 24 March)
1 月 18 日(月)~1 月 29 日(金)
[from Monday, January 18 to Friday, January 29]
Last Day of Winter Term Classes
1 月 25 日(月)[Monday, January 25]
Deadline to Submit the Master’s Thesis (only for those
who are expected to complete the master’s course on 24
Confirm the exact date at the Department
Administration Office
Course Completion Date
◆1 月 15 日(金)は授業休講
The classes will be canceled on Friday, January 15
◆10 月 29 日(木)全日は月曜日の授業を行う
Monday' s classes will be held on thursday, October 29
◆10 月 30 日(金)全日は火曜日の授業を行う
Tuesday' s classes will be held on Friday, October 30
◆12 月 23 日(水)全日は月曜日の授業を行う
Monday' s classes will be held on Wednesday, December 23
◆1 月 7 日(木)全日は月曜日の授業を行う
Monday' s classes will be held on Thursday, January 7
◆1 月 12 日(火)全日は金曜日の授業を行う
Friday’s classes will be held on Tuesday, January 12
◆1 月 18 日(月)全日は木曜日の授業を行う
Thursday’s classes will be held on Monday, January 18