第4章 ALE(Active Learning in English) 三小田 博 昭 平成 24 年(2012)度に本校が文部科学省から「国際 communication, consisting of five two-hour classes バカロレアの趣旨を踏まえた教育に関する調査研究」に that feature lectures, discussions, and exercises, 関して研究受託を受けた。国際バカロレア(以下 IB) in a workshop format. We will be looking at は、日本語による Dual-DP プログラムが国際バカロレ topics such as culture, verbal and nonverbal ア機構(IBO)で認められ一部科目においては日本語で communication, intercultural sensitivity, and 行う事が可能となった。しかし、IB の教授言語は英語、 intercultural competence. This workshop is for スペイン語、フランス語であるため本校では、英語の people with some confidence in English, but don t みによる授業及び討論を行う試みとして ALE( Active worry if you are not at bilingual level. So as long Learning in English )を平成 24 年(2012)度の3月に as you have interest and are willing to learn, you 試行した。 are welcome! 平成 24 年(2012)度の参加生徒は中3(11 名) 高1(12 名)高2(10 名) の合計 33 名 であった。試行という 平成 25 年(2012)度は ALE を本格的に実施した。そ こともあり、中学生も交えて、5 日間(各日 120 分)実 のため対象を高校生に絞り実施した。参加者の内訳は 1 施した。その際、TA として名古屋大学の G30 プログラ 年生 19 名、2 年生 3 名、3 年生 1 名であり、圧倒的に高校 ム等に参加している留学生を TA として 6 名採用した。 1 年生が多かった。また、TA の数も増やし、10 名の留 生徒募集の際に明記した ALE の紹介文である。 学生を採用した。その結果、高校生 2 名に対し、1 名の TA が付くといった高い割合となった。以下は、各講義 内容に関するシラバスである。 This seminar is an introduction to intercultural Contemporary Topics in Education Across the Globe Through discussion of selected topics and issues regarding education in the various regions of the world, we aim to discover what the study of education is all about. Date 1 2 3 8 月 27 日 (Tue) 8 月 28 日 Wed) 8 月 31 日 (Sat) Time 15:30-17:30 Instractor Jiro Takai Moriki 13:30-15:30 Terada Akiyoshi 9:30-11:30 Yonezawa Theme Syllabus Introduction: Why do we need to study education? Education in Europe: Education and Daily Life of High School Students in Recent Germany Education in the Developing World: Challenges of Developing World People take education for granted, not realizing that it is a carefully planned program to raise children to become fully functioning adults in society, and that it is the main means by which culture is transmitted from one generation to the next. We will be discussing the reasons why we need to consider education as an important part of our lives. We will also be looking at education from a cross-cultural perspective, comparing the important issues of education in various regions of the world. In this special English lecture, some educational topics will be taken up so student attendants may understand characteristics of German education and training system in comparison with Japan and other European countries. Also, lecturer shows some students daily lives under such education system. 1. Some characteristics of German society 2. Education and training systems 3. Cases of daily life of high school (Gymnasium) students In the 21st Century, no country can get rid of the impact of globalization. What does globalization mean for the education we receive? How can we collaborate for better learning environment for all children in the world? In this class, we will discuss on the global structure of education. Especially, we will focus on the current condition and challenges of education of the developing countries, and also on the international efforts for overcoming these challenges. Students are expected to search on Millennium Development Goals and other international collaboration related to education before the class. − 38 − 名古屋大学教育学部付属中・高等学校紀要 第 59 集(2014) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9月2日 (Mon) 9月3日 (Tue) 9月3日 (Tue) 9月4日 (Wed) 9月4日 (Wed) 9月5日 (Thu) 9 月 14 日 (Sat) 13:30-15:30 9:00-11:00 13:30-15:30 9:30-11:30 Masahiro Chikada Takashi Otani Misao Hayakawa Haruhiko Matsushita Yoshikatsu 15:30-17:30 Ogawa * Education in Asia: Vietnam How do the Confucius tradition and socialism affect education? This session focuses on the schooling in Vietnam for examining the impact. While Confucianism has been appreciated as the driving force for achieving high literacy, economic development, it may cause the cramming, memorization and diploma disease. Socialism has been taught in negative context since the end of cold war 1990 s, however, it is still working in education pursuing equality and social justice. Considering education with multi-faced perspectives is important to eliminate our prejudice or bias. Education in North America: O Canada! How many differences between the U.S. and Canada can you say? Canada is the country just next to the U.S. And there are lots of similarities between them. But there are also lots of differences bwetween them. In this class, you are learning about canadian school system focusing the comparison with the U.S. schools. But as you may know, there's a saying You can't see the forest for the trees. You have to learn about Canadian education in a comprehensive cultural context of the country. So I also show you the cultural differences between the two countries, showing Canada's denominational education in public shool system, pairing system in Parliament of Canada, and Canada's same sex mariage, etc. I have been working with you as a principal for three years . But now I look very much forward to work you again as an instructor this time! Education in North America: The Search for a Caring and Just Community in the U.S. This class is composed of two sessions. In the first session, we will examine the idea of individuality for Japanese and American people. By examining several survey data focusing on the comparison of the attitudes/orientations of youths in Japan, America and other countries, we will discuss how our personalities are formed. In the second session, we will study the debate on reverse discrimination caused by affirmative action in the U.S. By reviewing the Bakke case and the case of University of Michigan, we will consider the role of college/ university admissions for the promotion of a caring and just community in the U.S. and Japan. Education in North America: The struggle for equality in the United States The first half of this class will work towards a brief history of the struggle for equal educational opportunity in the U.S.; school segregation, cultural genocide, the civil rights movement, the cultural wars and so on. After examining some major ideals that are expected to be associated with schooling, we will go on to discuss existing educational policies and practices in the light of these ideals. In the second half of the class, the following themes (questions) will be addressed and discussed: naturalization and a cultural diversity; cultural pluralism and multi-culturalism; standardized curriculum and ethno-centric (oriented) curriculum; alternative schools; voucher programs; home schooling. Education in Asia: Realities of the Marketization in China It is often said that China is a socialist country governed by the China Communist Party, but a rapid market economy has progressed for about twenty years on the other hand. The movement has extended to the educational fields, which led to the critical changes in many school settings. What concrete changes happen in particular when we focus on the high schools in China? Compared with the Japanese cases, this session will make participants think about the fairness of the education by focucing on the realities of the changes. Looking at the same pictures, how French, American and Japanese children explain them? When we talk or write, we edit the information to a certain form, which is sound and understandable. Then what kind Education in Europe: Styles of of information is thought to be important and what is the right order reasoning and socialization in to place the information? In this section, we are going to explore the France-- Comparisons with the communication pattern in France, and how this pattern is taught United States and Japan in schools and prepare children to become a member of society. Comparisons with the United States and Japan will illuminate the characteristics of French education and society. 9:30-11:30 Masako Watanabe 9:30-11:30 Masako Watanabe Jiro Takai What did we learn about Takashi education? Otani Others This will be a wrap-up session, overviewing what we had learned. Students will make presentations integrating what they learned with some new perspectives that they have researched on their own. − 39 − ALE(Active Learning in English) 無回答 1 (6.7%) 平 成 24 年(2012) 度 の 第 1 回 の 時 も そ う で あ っ た が、2 時間の講義の前後に TA と高校生で行う Check in 6 受講前に比べ、英語の学習に興味・関心を持つよう になった。 session と Follow up session を各 1 時間づつ行った。こ とてもそう思う の 2 つのセッションを行うことにより、英語で行われる (中間) 6 (40%) 4 (26.7%) 以下は平成 25 年(2012)度は ALE の生徒アンケート そう思う 4 (26.7%) の結果である。 かわらない 1 (6.7%) そう思わない 0 全くそう思わない 0 講義の有用性も高まった。 ALE 全講義 終了後の生徒アンケート結果 (回答数 15) 7 受講前に比べ、外国文化に興味・関心を持つように なった。 1 受講前に比べ、英語を聞くことができるようになっ とてもそう思う た。 (中間) 6 (40%) とてもそう思う 8 (53.3%) 2 (13%) そう思う 6 (40%) そう思う 5 (66.7%) かわらない 1 (6.7%) かわらない 2 (13%) そう思わない 0 そう思わない 0 全くそう思わない 0 全くそう思わない 0 2 受講前に比べ、英語を話すことができるようになっ 8 受講前に比べ、異文化理解に興味・関心を持つよう になった。 た。 とてもそう思う 8 (53.3%) 2 (13%) そう思う 2 (13%) かわらない 3 (20%) 0 そう思わない 0 0 全くそう思わない 0 5 (33.3%) 1 (6.7%) そう思う 9 (60%) かわらない 0 そう思わない 全くそう思わない (中間) とてもそう思う (中間) 3 受講前に比べ、英語を書くことができるようになっ 9 受講前に比べ、コミュニケーションに興味・関心を 持つようになった。 た。 とてもそう思う 5 (33.3%) そう思う 7 (46.7%) かわらない 3 (20%) そう思わない 0 全くそう思わない 0 とてもそう思う 8 (53.3%) 1 (6.7%) そう思う 3 (20%) かわらない 3 (20%) そう思わない 0 全くそう思わない 0 (中間) 4 受講前に比べ、英語を読むことができるようになっ 10 ALE を受講してよかった。 た。 とてもそう思う 4 (26.7%) とてもそう思う 10 (66.7%) そう思う 4 (26.7%) そう思う 4 (26.7%) 3 (20%) かわらない 1 (6.7%) かわらない 4 (26.7%) そう思わない 0 そう思わない 0 全くそう思わない 0 全くそう思わない 0 (中間) 11 ALE の授業内容に興味を持って参加することがで 5 受講前に比べ、英語で考えることができるように とてもそう思う きた。 とてもそう思う なった。 (中間) 5 (3.3%) 1 (6.7%) 6 (40%) 6 (40%) 2 (13%) 4 (26.7%) 1 (6.7%) 1 (6.7%) かわらない 2 (13%) かわらない 1 (6.7%) そう思わない 0 そう思わない 0 全くそう思わない 0 全くそう思わない 0 (中間) そう思う (中間) そう思う (中間) − 40 − 名古屋大学教育学部付属中・高等学校紀要 第 59 集(2014) 12 ALE の授業内容をよく理解することができた。 とてもそう思う 2 (13%) 1: Got worst 2: 1と3の間 3: Not changed そう思う 8 (53.3%) 4: 3 と 5 の間 5: Pretty much improved 1 (6.7%) かわらない 2 (13%) そう思わない 2 (13%) 全くそう思わない 0 (中間) No1.How much do you think students English speaking ability improved? 13 Check-in session は授業に入るために役に立った。 とてもそう思う 1: 0人 2: 0人 3: 0人 4: 8人 5: 1人 4 (26.7%) ☆ Reason for Answer 4: 1 (6.7%) ・Students eventually got used to English so they そう思う 7 (46.7%) かわらない 2 (13%) 1 (6.7%) (中間) (中間) started trying to express themselves. ・Their vocabulary has improved, and they got acquainted with English speech. そう思わない 0 ・Some of them spoke a lot, but the ones who lacked 全くそう思わない 0 confidence from the beginning didn t seem to start 14 授業後に行った Follow-up session は役に立った。 opining up. とてもそう思う 6 (40%) そう思う 6 (40%) かわらない 3 (20%) そう思わない 0 became more talkative and confident. However 全くそう思わない 0 some didn t try or weren t interested in talking. ・They are provided with chances to discuss and instructors encourage them to talk. ・Some students tried really hard and I feel they 15 またこのような授業があったら参加したい。 とてもそう思う (中間) そう思う (中間) ・We had many discussions and you could see that 9 (60%) some students (maybe not all) became more 1 (6.7%) confident in talking English. Thus, I also think that 1 (6.7%) their ability improved. 1 (6.7%) かわらない 3 (20%) そう思わない 0 ・I could realize that most of students can speak 全くそう思わない 0 their thinking more clearly and voluntary than ・I can tell some students who actively participated in class activities improved a lot. 16 バイリンガルの TA(アシスタントティーチャー) before. は役に立った。 ☆ Reason for Answer 5: とてもそう思う 12 (80%) そう思う 2 (13%) language is courage and belief in oneself once かわらない 1 (6.7%) you ve reached certain level. In my opinion, most そう思わない 0 of the students were able to improve their English 全くそう思わない 0 skills because they were able to gain self-must in ・I believe key to improving one s command of a 参加生徒による事後アンケートの結果から、生徒の their own abilities. ALE に対する満足度が伺われる。しかし、日本人生徒 同士で英語で討論することには、まだ恥ずかしさや、た No2.How much do you think students English listening めらいがみられた。そのため、TA に依存している傾向 も伺われた。 ability improved? 1: 0人 2: 0 人 3: 0 人 4: 9 人 5: 0 人 TA が主導して、Check in Session や Follow-up session ☆ Reason for Answer 4 を行ってくれたため、グループワークなどもスムーズに ・I think it improved a little but the students don t 行われた。もっと生徒主体で行われていくためには、や はり英語を使うことができるんだ、という生徒の自信が 必要になると思う。 take any reactions so it was hard to tell. ・Students had to follow professional lectures. This helped them to concentrate harder on their listening skills. In discussion time, I could see ALE 全講義終了後に、TA にアンケートをとった。 how they needed less and less explanation and repetition to understand what I am saying. − 41 − ALE(Active Learning in English) ☆ Reason for 5Answer 5 ・It probably improved as some of them learned ・Perhaps because they don t feel as shy as they to pick up a few difficult words and grammatical were or the first day, they now speak about what expressions that they couldn t before. they think with more confidence, better vocabulary ・While being encouraged to talk and discuss, the choices and sentence structures. students also listen to other s opinions especially ・I think everyone learned something. during discussion session and lecture. ・A s t h e c l a s s e s a d v a n c e d , t h e y s e e m e d t o 1: Easy 2: 1と3の間 3: Good 4: 3と5の間 understand more. This may also be because of the 5: Difficult lecture level and interest. Some seemed to blood English off, but only 1 or 2 students. ・The students had to listen to English all the time No4.How do you think the ALE challenging level is for and it seems that they learned some words and Japanese students? expression which they are now able to understand. 1: 0人 2: 0人 3: 2人 4: 4人 5: 2人 ・It s hard to judge here, but through conversation ※無回答1人 and discussion with TAs probably they have ☆ Reason for Answer 3 improved much. ・I thought it was a good, fair level. However, I think ・I believe a chance to be showered in any certain it was a little hard for some students. language improves one s abilities of that language. ・The topic Education is in the student interest Lectures, talking with TAs and among themselves and still within the range of their knowledge. As a must have helped them. result, they could catch up most of the content and ・Students could understand what TA said and most of information written on the paper. in the same time improve their English thought the lecture and discussion sessions. ☆ Reason for 4 Answer No3.How much do you think students overall English ability improved? ・I think the contents of the lecture are really excellent, at the same time it s pretty challenging. 1: 0人 2: 0人 3: 1人 4: 6人 5: 2人 ・Maybe, the topic(Education systems)was difficult ☆ Reason for Answer 3 to make students understand, because most of ・Their writing was not particularly worked on contents are come from university. (or reading). Maybe their grammar did not ・I believe for some, it was a positive challenge, but improve much, and they seemed more interested for many others, perhaps it was a little bit too in speaking! difficult of demanding. ☆ Reason for Answer 4 ・Some lectures seemed far too hard for them so ・It depends on students, but overall, I felt students they did not learn or enjoy them. got rid of the fear against English. Some were too advanced. ・Practicing English everyday made them more confident and they become less hesitant to speak. ☆ Reason for Answer 5 ・Some of them can keep up, but I think that most ・Being urged to discuss and talk in English, most students try their best to improve their abilities. Talking to the TAs also help them improve their English abilities individually. think it s hard to understand. It s not necessarily a bad thing though because they get help. ・The level is a bit difficult for students. However, the students in the class were eager to learn. ・In general, I think their ability improved, but of If ALE classes are held for students in optional course that depends on the students: Some did manner, I think it will be more beneficial for not talk that much or only few some more, thus overall improvement. students. ※無回答者 ・They can speak much longer sentences and gave immediate response after listening our words. ・That is difficult of answer: Some lectures were too difficult, students could not understand a lot ・They could express their opinion. Even though they have difficulty with using English in classes, they tried to present their speech in English. − 42 − of teacher too fast, words, too difficult, some were Okay. 名古屋大学教育学部付属中・高等学校紀要 第 59 集(2014) ・I believe lectures were interesting for TAs, too. No5.Do you think ALE is a good opportunity for ・The students were nice and fun! It was very students to improve their English? nice to interact and get to know them(befriend Yes: 9人 No: 0人 people). ☆ Reason for Yes ・It was fun listening to the lectures and interacting ・It is a very good chance to actually talk in with the students. English. ・The discussion and presentation are the key ・Very informative lectures, bright and friendly opportunities for the students to improve their students, TAs with various back grounds and funny, interactive activities. English. With support from the teachers and TA, ・All the students were very nice and interested, so students can obtain valuable experience and enjoy it was also fun for me as a TA. the class. This leads to remarkable improvement. ・Sure, definitely. Being immersed students into international environment itself forced students to No7.What activity do you think is needed in ALE for students to improve student s speak English. ・I think the ALE is a high-leveled program. It s good opportunity for high school students to get in touch this kind of class not only raising their English ability? ※無回答2人 ・It is important to make the students raise their hands, but some students wont, and will not have English skills but also thinking deeply. ・4-8 hours of being showered with English is sure any chance to talk in front of the class. I think we need an activity that all the students have to to help one s command of English. talk. ・They get to talk and listen to English, as well as ・The activities provided in class are fairy effective. interest with foreigners. Good practice with help and people who are interested. However, if we could inform them of the topic of ・It s a perfect opportunity to practice expressing the next day in order for them to do some pre- your opinions and thoughts in English and also research, it would help them to learn faster and not get lost during the class. getting and from as TAs while doing it. ・Any opportunities to improve English is a good ・Students need to English class which are not only directed by Japanese professor, but also some opportunity for students. ・The students learn about education in English and have the chance to speak, which is rather race in English-native teachers. ・I think perhaps giving an easy and interesting topic(example: hobby, movies…)to converse Japan. freely would be a better warm-up which gives a good opportunity to practice English than playing No6.Did you enjoy ALE as a TA? games, because one has to weave one s own Yes: 9人 No: 0人 ☆ Reason for Yes sentences and ideas.(I personally believe games ・It was a very good chance for me to talk in give certain guidelines- model structures answer, English too and I loved to see how student s which hinders one to practice English conversation English skill improved. in a situation that is lively to happen in reality.) ・Not only had I got to assist the students, I have ・① Ask them to talk even more ② Make some learned a lot of from the lecturers, and the lectures interactive ③ Sometimes(some teachers students. I am impressed with the student s did)there were Japanese, I think this is helpful. English competency their enthusiasm, and the ④ Perhaps more reading out loud and checking, if teacher s commitment to help the students to they understand: make students answer questions sharpen their skills. immediately. They get quiet often ardently not to ・It s an eye-opining experience to me. I learned a lot from interactions with Japanese students. answer. ・Nor an activity, but I think it s necessary to ・I could listen various opinions from Japanese emphasize the importance of activity participating students. These were quite fresh and unique that in the lecture and conversations and how it ordinary students couldn t think. doesn t matter if what they say in wrong or their − 43 − ALE(Active Learning in English) content, but a few did not.) English being faulty. Maybe doing more games where everybody has to talk. ・I think that interactive activities are very No9.Any Comment ※無回答5人 ・It was really fun and a good experience!! Thank important, and fortunately, we had a lot of those. you!! However, it was sometimes difficult for the ・There are some students that are shy to talk. students to express their opinions and ideas since We should encourage them more to speak it out they are not used to that. (maybe by asking for their ideas or something easy to talk about, not a difficult topic.) No8.Please give us any advice when we do ALE next ・It was very nice to take part in this event, and year. ※無回答3人 would love to do so again! Enjoyable and nice to ・For students to be part of the class and participate, meet the staff and students. I think the students should know it is important to ・It was fun, and I am glad I got the opportunity to react. Even if I ask them questions, they don t say be apart or it. I wouldn t mind doing it again. anything or react so I don t have any idea if they understand, or thinking the answer. It is hard to また、最終授業のポスターセション後、日本人生徒の communicate. ・The lecture should pay more attention to their みで、日本語で ALE 全体の振り返りを行った。 word choices. We should try not to use the too difficult vocabulary or technical terms. When the students don t understand, they are easily ■良かった点 【英語学習について】 ・いつかの Check in session でやった距離を求めるク distracted. If the technical terms or difficult words are needed, we should provide them explanation. イズ(みんなでヒントを出し合う)ものがよかった。 ・There should be more time for free conversation テーマに関係することを何回かに渡って深く学ぶこ とができた。 with TAs. ・英語を聞く、話す、読む機会が増えた。 ・① Maybe make some of the lectures simpler. ・グループの人数が少なかったので話す機会がたくさ Some lectures were very hard for the students んあった。 to understand or relate. ② Some students maybe ・ 英 語 の 授 業 で は な く、 英 語 で 授 業 な の が 良 should be rewarded for their good participation; choose the best by consulting TAs. かったです。 ③ Involve exercises that force students to give answers ・最初は全部英語なことにあせって泣きそうになった immediately so they do not avoid talking. ④ Make けれど、次回からは絶対に聞いてやるって思えたの で良かった。リスニング力は絶対あがる! the start time a bit later so they are not so sleepy. ・一語一語の説明とかも和訳せず、英語でしてたか ⑤ The homework can change a bit, make it more ら英語で考えやすかった(diversity とかすぐ「多 attractive. 様性」と言っちゃわずに It means…って言ってく ・If possible, maybe handing out a list of important れた) 。 words in preparation of the next lecture would be a good idea. For example, one student listened to 【Assistant TA について】 ・自分の意見を言いたいときに TA が上手くまとめて the lecture about racial discrimination, but thought くれた。 that race meant レ ー ス and not 人 種 . So either handing out the list just before the lecture, ・TA の意欲も高くレベルも高かった。 or at the end of the previous lecture so that they ・分かりやすい英語でゆっくり話してくれて、フレン ドリーだった。 can prepare at home. ・いろんな国の TA がいたから良かった。 ・Please tell the teachers that the content should ・みんな優しくて良い人ばかりでした。 be suitable for the high school students, that is, ・趣味の話などもできてよかった。 not too difficult or complicated and interesting for them. If not, they may not learn that much and 【学習環境について】 feel discouraged(because they think that they are stupid and lot their English is bad ).(Of course, some teachers understood that and adjusted their − 44 − ・パワーポイントのハンドアウトを渡してもらえたの でよかった。 ・TA が多かった。 名古屋大学教育学部付属中・高等学校紀要 第 59 集(2014) ・隣に TA の方がいたので質問がしやすかった。 ・ちょっと難しかった。知らない単語がたくさんでて ・1 人の TA につき生徒が 2 ∼ 3 人くらいで、以前よ きてわけがわかんないときもあったけれど、TA が り話しやすかった。これくらいの人数が丁度良いと 教えてくれたのでよかった。 思う。 ・授業の時にプリントを配る先生と配らない先生がい ・パワーポイントのスライドのプリントを毎回もらえ て統一してほしかった(配るなら全部配る、配らな たのがとても助かった。 いなら一人一人ノート持参で資料として紙配布、と ・英語しか話せない環境がよかった。 いう感じで) 【exercise について】 ■要望、改善点 ・ルールが理解できないとゲームを楽しめないので、 もう少し簡単にするか日本語の説明もつけてほし 【プログラム全体について】 い。 ・時間通りに終わらせてほしい。 ・眠くなってしまうので講義中に活動をもっと入れて ・ゲーム的なセッションがもっとあると良かった。 ほしい。 ・ゲームは TA が中心だったので全員参加できたけ ・もっと TA と雑談がしたいです。 ど、人によってレベルが違うので引け目を感じて話 ・TA とのセッションの中に雑談タイム的なものを入 せない子もいたと思う。 れてほしい。もっと TA と仲良くなれるしグループ ・総人や中学入試でやったようなゲームを英語でした での話し合いより話しやすいと思う。 のは楽しかったが難しかった。資料を最初からちゃ ・こういう強制的に英語をしゃべらなきゃいけない授 んと整えてくれていればもっと良かった。 業をふつうに学校でもやっていいと思う。でも 意 欲がないと難しいのかもしれませんが…。いいチャ ■その他自由記載欄 ンスにはなると思います。 ・前回の最後の回にやったような大きなゲームのよう 集中が続かない時もあったのがもったいなかっ なものが楽しかったので次回は入れてほしい。 た。2 時間の授業の間に 5 ∼ 10 分休みを入れてくれ ・いろんな TA と話せて良かった。 るとだいぶリフレッシュできる。 ・大学の部屋でやりたかった。 ・TA が日本語話せて良かった。 【難易度について】 ・英語が上達したのは TA との会話のおかげだから、 ・難しい内容のものと理解できないものの差が大きい ・今回は前回より人数が少なく、レベルが高い人たち が多かったので格差は縮まったと思う。少し難しい くらいが丁度いいので、私にとって今回の難易度は とてもよかった。 − 45 − これからもクールダウン&ウォームアップセッショ ンは絶対なくさないでほしい! ・TA 全員と話ができなかったのは少し残念。もっと いろんな TA と話してみたかった。
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