Affirmative Materials PDF version

Japan should terminate
the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty.
Affirmative Materials
Presented by K. Toryudani
M. Shimada
Case P.3~13
Case Support
for AD1 P.14~16
for AD2 P.17~19
DA Attack P.20~21
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UT (Univ. of Tsukuba / Univ. of Tokyo)
Toryudani / Shimada
Affirmative Strategy
①長期的な目線に立つと、東アジアは軍事的結び付きよりも経済的結びつきののほうが強くなり、DA のような
②仮に「AD1 や DA, T/A のように様々なリスクを孕んでいる状況下で、劇的な変化を日本が起こすのは政策上優
ってしまうからだ(現に惰性のもとで着実に日本は軍国化している。) 日本は 9 条によるソフトパワーでの外交
③仮に AD1 の sol が立たなかったとしても NEG の T/A は現状で日本が武力攻撃の標的になる可能性自体を完全
に排除するものではない。また、DA 自体が実際に発生する可能性も、現実的なアジアの経済優先の潮流やあ
一方 AD2 については、少なくとも国内に平和が望まれているのはラウンドコンセであり、両者で異なるのは
その達成方法だけである。しかし D/R から分かるように、NEG の平和主義は沖縄をスケープゴートにするこ
このラウンドでこの歪みを解決できる方策を提示しているのは AFF だけであり、とるに足らない DA の危険性
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UT (Univ. of Tsukuba / Univ. of Tokyo)
Toryudani / Shimada
Affirmative Observation
a) What is the Japan-US Security Treaty so called JUST
1. The Japan-U.S. Security Treaty is the military alliance between Japan and U.S. Under JUST, Japan permits U.S.
to use its facilities and areas to keep the security of Japan
<Japan-U.S. Security Treaty / 1960> 1960/06/23
For the purpose of contributing to the security of Japan and the maintenance of international peace and security in the Far
East, the United States of America is granted the use by its land, air and naval forces of facilities and areas in Japan. The use
of these facilities and areas as well as the status of United States armed forces in Japan shall be governed by a separate
agreement, replacing the Administrative Agreement under Article III of the Security Treaty between Japan and the United
States of America, signed at Tokyo on February 28, 1952, as amended, and by such other arrangements as may be agreed
upon. (UQ
2. If Japan gives notice to U.S. to terminate JUST, it will terminate in one year based on Article X of JUST.
10 条に書いてあるとおり、片方の国が終了を通告すると、もう片方はそれに従うしかない。
Same source as up above
This Treaty shall remain in force until in the opinion of the Governments of Japan and the United States of America there
shall have come into force such United Nations arrangements as will satisfactorily provide for the maintenance of
international peace and security in the Japan area. However, after the Treaty has been in force for ten years, either Party may
give notice to the other Party of its intention to terminate the Treaty, in which case the Treaty shall terminate one year after
such notice has been given. (UQ
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UT (Univ. of Tsukuba / Univ. of Tokyo)
Toryudani / Shimada
b) Direction
1. The termination of JUST will affect many other countries and such a drastic reform will be somewhat risky.
2. If we fear risk and make decision from “habit”, we cannot find desirable policy for international society.
<Professor 押村 who studies international politics / 2010 > 高 / 青山学院大学 国際政治経済学部 教授 / 「日米安保」とは何か /
(掲載日:2010/10/30) / P97.98 / オーソリは[]
Q) In order to cut off the “habit”, there is a need to question the national interest, but there is a limit to that. Masataka
Kosaka said, “Realism will be conservatism if the purpose is living”. Even if it is a realism that put importance on national
interest, it will lose its direction without the vision of “what kind of world I want to make”. Building world with justice and
cosmos through multinational accentuation and within that there needs to be the effort to place national interest. This is the
role of diplomacy and not national defense. Safety security and national defense is just a means of diplomacy. If that is not
the case, example like “What will happen if petroleum stops coming Middle East “will be under national interest in the level
of existence. If there will be a discussion that sees national interest as a problem from the point of view of “How should
Japanese diplomacy be in order to lead the world in which way “and not “How it should corporate with America to live”,
then the “habit” will be cut off and the Japan-US Alliance will be placed differently. (UQ
3. If we can find clear vision in the termination of JUST and can minimize its risk, we should take the affirmative
4. The affirmative side supports peaceful diplomacy. We should not depend on military power as much as possible.
So, we should take action based on Article IX of the Constitution of Japan.
肯定側は平和的外交、つまりできるだけ武力を用いない外交を基本的方針とする。特に日本に当てはめれば、憲法 9 条の精神に即した行動をして
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UT (Univ. of Tsukuba / Univ. of Tokyo)
Toryudani / Shimada
Japan should terminate the Japan-US Security Treaty.
1. Shall give notice U.S. to terminate JUST based on its Article X.
2. Shall keep only Self-Defense Forces so called SDF and take a neutral position after withdrawal of the U.S. army.
3. Shall take the initiative in realizing peace in Asia.
4. Shall take necessary adjustment
1. 安全保障条約第 10 条を行使し、アメリカに安保破棄の旨を報告する。
2. 在日米軍をなくし、自衛隊のみを保ち、武装中立の立場をとる。
3. 安保破棄を通して、アジア圏和平のイニシアチブを率先してとる。
4. 政策実行上不都合が生じた場合、行政は必要な調整をはかる。
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UT (Univ. of Tsukuba / Univ. of Tokyo)
Toryudani / Shimada
Advantage1: Terrorism
a) Inherency
1. “American way” of pacifism is extreme unlike Japan. It doesn’t leads to finding a solution to the root of the
problem about terrorism.
<Department of International Relation, Prof 瀬端 / 2007>
アメリカの外交政策と日本外交 -21 世期の展望 P273 / (発行日:2007 年 12 月
20 日) / 孝夫 / 県立長崎シーボルト大学国際情報学部国際交流学科教授 / []
[Online] available on 2015/2/23 / オーソリは[]と
Q) In foreign diplomatic policy, US’s goal is to end oppressive rule and to forward democracy, and the purpose of US’s
foreign diplomacy is to spread democracy and that is to increase the safety security of the United States. In order to
accomplish this goal, it is thought to be OK to exercise force, and in the past it has exercised force many times. In the recent
example is Iraq. Of course there were many reasons that lead to Iraq War like to secure and gain the rights of petroleum, for
the safety security of Israel, to deal with Saudi Arabia, but the official reason was to end the oppression of Saddam Hussain
and to bring democracy to Iraq. As for the attack towards Iraq, the United States made the relationship of holding “weapons
for mass destruction” and “international terrorism organization” the reason to outbreak the war and didn’t wait for the UN
resolution. It was an action that many countries, like France and Germany disagreed. Like this, the United States does not
listen to the United Nations or the allies’ opinion for their safety security or national interest. Even though President Bush
called to an end to the war relatively at early stage, the US army made terrorism attacks after the call, which killed many
people. Even after the recent surge, the terrorism attack in Iraq has not decreased. Quite the contrary, the public safety of
Iraq is getting worse. (UQ
的であり,そのことが同時にアメリカの安全保障を高めることであるとの認識である。この目標を達成するためには,武力を行使することも 辞さ
ない考えであり,実際,過去に武力行使を多く行ってきた。 最近の例としては,イラクが挙げられる。もちろん,イラク戦争の理由は,石油の確
保と利権, イスラエルの安全保障,サウジアラビアへの対処など,さまざまなことが考えられるが,公式の理由としてはサダム・フセインの圧制
際テロ組織」との関係を理由に開戦に踏み切った。フランス,ドイツを始め,多くの国が反対する中で の単独行動であった。 アメリカはこのよ
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UT (Univ. of Tsukuba / Univ. of Tokyo)
Toryudani / Shimada
2. Recently, U.S. has increased pressure for military contribution on Japan and Japan has supported U.S. more
安保制定当時とは異なり、US の日本の軍事的貢献に対する圧力が強まっている。よって積極的に支援するようになってきた。
<ジャーナリスト 田中/ 2012>
宇 / 田中宇の国際ニュース解説 / 集団的自衛権と米国の濡れ衣戦争 / (2014 年 7 月 3 日 )
[] / [ON-LINE] Available on 2015/02/25 / Authority は[]から入手
Q) Does Japan stop the slavish obedience to the U.S? That’s not it. It was more like the other way around. With the will of
hegemony and financial strength of the U.S. declined by the failure or occupation of Iraq and anti-terror war, the Japanese
government struggles not to be abandoned by the U.S. One example is forcing through the construction of the U.S. military
base in Henoko, Okinawa. It is natural to think that Japan starts to have the right of collective self-defense reluctantly in
order to keep the slavish obedience to the U.S. It is not collect to regard it as the will of the Prime Minister Abe, not the
bureaucrat structure. Most of the close advisers who decide diplomatic policies of Abe are people involved in the ministry
of foreign affairs. The Abe administration started on the basis that it was subjected to the bureaucrat structure after the
Democratic Party administration, which tried to collapse bureaucrat structure was collapsed by bureaucrat structure.
Probably, when Obama visited Japan in this April, Abe might be strongly demanded to have the right of collective
self-defense. Since the Gulf conflict in 1991, the U.S. has been demanding Japan to enable to exercise the right of collective
self-defense and cooperate with the U.S. military when it invading the world. Because the pressure has become stronger
gradually, the bureaucrats in the ministry of foreign affairs etc. judged that Japan has to enable to exercise the right of
collective self-defense to keep Japan-U.S. Security Treaty and decided to do it during Abe administration, which is strongly
controlled by bureaucrats. (UQ
権を持つことを強く要求されたのだろう。米国は 91 年の湾岸戦争以来、日本に集団的自衛権の行使を可能にして米軍が世界に侵攻する際に一緒に
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UT (Univ. of Tsukuba / Univ. of Tokyo)
Toryudani / Shimada
3. Japan will be the target of terrorism.
< Faculty of International Relation, Professor 瀬端 / 2009 >
孝夫 / 長崎県立大学国際交流学科 / Globalized United States- Japan
Alliance and Japan's Security in the 21st Century / (発行日:2009 年 12 月 21 日) / [] /
[Online] available on 2015/02/22 / オーソリは[]より入手
Q) After September 2001, terrorists aim at United States facilities including embassies and military bases in foreign
countries. Nowadays, it is the Japanese police and the SDF that protect United States bases in Japan against terrorist attacks.
Japan had maintained relatively good relations with countries in the Middle East including Iraq and Iran until September
2001. However, now, because of the Security Treaty, Japan also becomes a target for terrorists. In other words, there is a
possibility that United States troops and bases in Japan might cause a terrorist attack against Japan. In this respect, the
Security Treaty is not beneficial to the people of Japan. On the contrary, the very existence of United States bases in Japan
might pose a threat to Japan. (UQ
b) Impact
1. Japan will be the target of tragic terrorism because of JUST.
2. Japan is thought she cannot take action for peace based on article IX in international society.
国際社会から日本が 9 条に基づいた平和のイニシアチブを取れないと思われる。
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UT (Univ. of Tsukuba / Univ. of Tokyo)
Toryudani / Shimada
c) Solvency
1. AP the military alliance between Japan and U.S. will terminate.
2. We can take neutral position in diplomacy because we can be free from pressure of U.S. and it will be a solution
for terrorism.
<A researcher in international relations 瀬端 / 2005 >
孝夫 / 専門分野:国際関係論、 研究課題:日米関係 / 日米同盟の変質と日本の安
全保障 / 県立長崎シーボルト大学国際経済学部紀要第 6 号 P233 / [] / [Online]
available on 2015/02/25 / オーソリは[]より入手
Q) Also, about the terror threat, which has been a problem after 9.11, the target of terror is the U.S. and its alliance countries,
especially the countries dispatching military to Iraq. In other words, if Japan withdraws from Iraq, removes the U.S. military
bases in Japan by terminating the Japan U.S. security treaty and takes neutrality policy, the reason that terror organizations
attack Japan will become significantly weak. In this way, in order to prevent terror attacks, diplomatic policy, that is,
utilizing soft power which Joseph Nye said is important, not depending on military power. (UQ
また、9.11 以降問題となっているテロの脅威も、アメリカおよびその同盟国、特にイラクに軍隊を派遣している国がテロの標的となっている。換
3. We can take initiative for world peace based on Article IX of the Constitution.
日本は 9 条を生かした平和のイニシアチブを世界中に発信することができる。
<しんぶん赤旗 / 2012 >
日本共産党/ 2012 年 5・6 月 号外 P5 /日米安保条約をなくしたらどういう展望がひらかれるか / 全国革新懇総会志
位委員長の記念講演 / [] / [Online] available on 2015/02/25
Q) On the other hand there is a problem, which is the fact that under the economic development China has increased the
military force, the defense budget of the year 2011 which exceeds 7 trillion yen (According to the Chinese government), and
has become the second in the world after the United States. Terminating the Japan US Security Treaty and removal of US
army base in Japan is the way to tell China and the East Asian countries to decrease arms military and not increase, like
“Let’s do on the road towards arms military reduction”. Then Japan can officially stand on the ground to take the initiative
of making peace that applies 9th article. (UQ
一方で、中国が、経済的に成長するもとで、軍事力を増大させ、2011 年度の国防予算は円換算で 7 兆円をこえ(中国政府の発表による)、米国に
ついで世界第 2 位となっているという問題があります。日米安保条約を解消し、この地域の軍事的緊張の最大の根源となっている在日米軍基地を
撤去してこそ、日本は、中国や東アジアの国々に対して、「ともに軍縮の道に転じよう」と、 軍拡から軍縮への転換を提起する、憲法9条を生か
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UT (Univ. of Tsukuba / Univ. of Tokyo)
Toryudani / Shimada
Advantage2: US base
a) Inherency
1. The U.S. army is permitted to use facilities and areas in Japan based on Article VI of JUST. Cross apply
observation a) 1st.
安保があるので、第 6 条により米軍は日本に無条件にいてもいい。
2. Especially, citizens in Okinawa dislike the U.S. army because of the scars of the Pacific War and accidents by the
army and so on.
<Professor 目黒/2012 >
博 / 2012/03 / 名古屋外国語大学現代国際学部紀要第 8 号 p.87 / 論文 沖縄基地問題はなぜねじれるのか?-沖縄と本
Q) There are two possible reasons why intellectuals in Okinawa, different from the mainland, have little concerns about the
military expansion of China. First of all, the U.S. military base at hand causes some daily troubles such as accident, noise,
and crime. The “burden” of U.S. military bases is remarkable as they concentrate on small islands (18% of the Okinawa
mainland is occupied by bases). Although the crime rate of U.S. military personnel is not higher compared to general
citizens in Okinawa, “the crime by the U.S. army” seems special to those living in the islands with bases or other media.
Combined with the fact that the U.S. army violently implemented the construction of the bases during its period of rule,
ignoring the voice of citizens, there is deep-ingrained hostility to the U.S. bases among Okinawa citizens.
The specificity of the base problem in Okinawa is that the dispute on security is not limited to the level of security and
diplomacy problems, and that it contains problems in another dimension such as historical perception and the relation
between mainland and Okinawa. As we get into a deeper controversy of the base problem in Okinawa from the aspect of
security, including military rationality, and we emphasize the national benefit, we feel more grudge of Okinawa citizens
against the mainland. It has accumulated during the long history of relationship between the mainland and Okinawa. On the
other hand, since the U.S. army has treated Okinawa like a colony, there is a deep-seated antipathy against the base among
Okinawa citizens. (UQ
本土とは異なり、沖縄の識者の中に中国の軍事的な膨張に対する懸念が少ない背景として、2 つの要因が考えられる。1 つは、目の前の米軍基地そ
のものが、事故や騒音、犯罪のような日常的なトラブルを作り出す存在であることである。在沖米軍基地は、小さな島に集中する(沖縄本島の 18%
沖縄関係史の中で積み重なってきた沖縄人の本土に対する怨念に触れることになる。一方、米軍は終戦直後から 1972 年の本土復帰まで 27 年にわ
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UT (Univ. of Tsukuba / Univ. of Tokyo)
Toryudani / Shimada
b) Impact
1. Citizens in Okinawa are dissatisfied with the present situation. Cross apply a) 2nd.
沖縄の不満 C/A a) 2nd
2. Decision Rule. It is important to pay attention to this situation to realize pacifism in real meaning.
Same source as a) 2nd
Q) Moreover, after 1952, Okinawa was virtually ruled by the U.S. military, but Okinawa citizens who could not endure
activated the return movement of their country to the mainland, and the flag of the rising sun became the symbol of
reversion of fatherland, in other words, resistance to the U.S. military bases. Prime Minister Eisaku Sato at that time visited
Okinawa for the first time as prime minister, and told that he recognized that the “Postwar Period” would not end for our
country as long as Okinawa is not returned to the homeland, and demanded Okinawa’s reversion of U.S. However, the
returned Okinawa islands were not given the same position as mainland as Okinawa’s “return” movement dreamed of, but
instead it resulted in uneven distribution of U.S. military bases on Okinawa. Once again, the decision by the Japanese
government which put emphasis on the Japan-US alliance was based on the logic of the priority of national interests. They
said that the Japanese diplomacy was basically on the path of pacifism and that they were lightly-armed and centered on
economy. However, from the viewpoint of Okinawa, what enabled Japanese pacifism and brought about economic
improvement was the concentration of U.S. military bases on Okinawa. They left the security to the American troops in
Okinawa, and the mainland itself adopted idealistic pacifism. (UQ
さらに、1952 年以降、実質的には米軍による統治が続いたが、それに耐えられなくなった沖縄人たちは、本土への祖国復帰運動を活発化させ、日
c) Solvency
1. AP the U.S. army will withdraw from Japan. As a result, the dissatisfaction in Okinawa will disappear.
安保破棄したら、第 6 条の効力が消えるため、米軍は撤退せざるを得ない。結果として不満は消えるだろう。
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UT (Univ. of Tsukuba / Univ. of Tokyo)
Toryudani / Shimada
__. Actually, the army in the Philippines withdrew after the Philippine government rejected them.
<Professor 内田 /2012 >
樹 / 2012/07/22 / [] / available on 2015/02/15 / 内田樹の研究室 / 神戸女学院
大学名誉教授。東京大学文学部仏文科卒業。専門はフランス現代思想、教育論/ Authority の説明[]
Q) When we discuss the conversion of U.S. strategy for the western Pacific, it is always referred to that Philippine
government refused to ratify Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Security between the Government of the Republic of
the Philippines and the Government of the United States of America in 1991, which aimed at keeping the U.S. military
bases. The U.S. army, which had been in Philippines from the colonial period for about one century, extensively withdrew
until the end of next year.
Although there are various domestic affairs for the withdrawal of U.S. army, the intension to stop obeying U.S. militarily
must be the main factor. It consists that the withdrawal of U.S. army is the first step for true independence of the
Philippines.” (UQ
AD1 Support ver. KIDL MODEL
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UT (Univ. of Tsukuba / Univ. of Tokyo)
Toryudani / Shimada
VS N/Inh 米軍のおかげでテロ攻撃しない
__. Their assumption is that terrorists fear the counter attack by U.S. army.
__. That’s wrong. Terrorists never fear such counter attack because they regard the action as duty.
< Department of Law and Politics Professor, 藤原 / 2015>
東京大学法学政治学研究科教授 / 藤原 帰一 / 東京大学政策ビジョン研究
センター / 紛争があふれる世界 − 抑止戦略に頼れぬ現実 / (掲載日:2015/2/25) / [] / [Online] available on
Q) At that time, what is the proper way? Generally, international politics is based on deterrence strategy to prevent attacks
by telling to make counterattacks if attacks are done. Although deterrence is the exact opposite of pacifism because it relies
on military power, it also has a characteristic to suppress exercise of power because it removes territory and fame expansion
by military power.
However, sometimes deterrence cannot keep peace. The first example is those who act without fearing sacrifice by
counterattack. As it is no use giving notice of counterattack to terrorists who try suicide attacks, even if we announce
counterattack to battle agent who try to achieve their purpose at any cost, it cannot be expected to be effective. Moreover,
against those who cannot be suppressed by deterrence, we can do nothing but actually doing combat with them. This is the
brutal dilemma that “Islamic State” proposes. (UQ
__. Actually, U.S. faces the more terrorism than other countries like 9.11.
AD1 Support ver. KIDL MODEL
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UT (Univ. of Tsukuba / Univ. of Tokyo)
Toryudani / Shimada
__. Actually, compared with before and after US began war against terrorism, number of terrorism have increased.
<Professor of 静岡 prefecture Univ. 宮田/ 2006>
律 / 静岡県立大学助教授 / ◆特集 テロリズム対策◆現代イスラム過激派とテロリ
ズム/ 外国の立法 228(2006. 5)/ 2012/09/20 available
Q) In the 90s, large-scale terrorism was only several cases, but in the 2000s when the United States started "war against
terrorism", the number of it far increased, in addition, it spread regionally, and the global society come to have difficulty
dealing with terrorism of the Islamic extremist. (UQ
AD1 Support ver. KIDL MODEL
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UT (Univ. of Tsukuba / Univ. of Tokyo)
Toryudani / Shimada
VS T/A AP でテロにさらされる
__. Their argument is no more than a guess by one author and it is not based on backing.
On the other hands,
__. Please extend a) 3rd evidence. It shows backing that terrorists actually aim at Japan because of JUST. So, our
analysis must be more reliable.
我々の a) 3rd のエビデンスには、テロリストが現実に安保によって日本を狙っているという裏付けがある。したがってより信憑性のある議論である。
__. The purpose of attacking Japan must be to give the impression all over the world.
__. But, why do they want to give impression? The reason may be to show their power to U.S. Cross apply a).
しかしなぜ、世界に衝撃を与えたいかと言うと、敵国の米国に力を見せつけたいからであろう。C/A a)
__. If so, it is N/UQ. Attacking present Japan is more effective to show impression because it becomes the proof that
they don’t need to fear the U.S.
N/UQ もしそうならば、現状の安保体制の日本に攻める方が衝撃を与えられるだろう。なぜならば、米軍は恐れるに足らない証明になるから。
AD2 Support ver. KIDL MODEL
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UT (Univ. of Tsukuba / Univ. of Tokyo)
Toryudani / Shimada
VS N/Inh 若い人は基地に賛成している
__. It is partial N/Inh. They just say some people accept U.S. base.
議論は部分的な N/Inh でしかない。彼らはただ、米軍基地を受け入れている人もいると言っているだけである。
__. If negative can’t show other way is not enough to compensate it, their argument is not unique to this resolution.
For example, we can imagine that by making commercial facilities, economy to some extend enhance.
At least,
__. 80% citizens in Okinawa oppose U.S. base.
沖縄の 80%の人は米軍基地に反対している。
<フリージャーナリスト 志葉
/2015 >
玲 /「基地反対運動に公共性ない」!?反対派市民テント撤去か否か―内閣府のゴリ押しで緊迫
する沖縄・辺野古 / (掲載日: 2015 年 2 月 26 日 23 時 26 分) /フリージャーナリスト / パレスチナやイラクなどの紛争地取材、脱原発・自然エネル
ギー取材の他、米軍基地問題や反貧困、TPP 問題なども取材、幅広く活動する反骨系ジャーナリスト。 /
[] / [Online] available on 2015/3/2
Q) It is just not right to ignore really public opinion that 80% citizens in Okinawa oppose base and “freedom of expression
and assembly” guaranteed by the Constitution. (UQ
沖縄県民の 8 割が基地反対という民意や、憲法に保証された「表現・集会の自由」を全く無視した態度はいかがなものか。
AD2 Support ver. KIDL MODEL
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UT (Univ. of Tsukuba / Univ. of Tokyo)
Toryudani / Shimada
VS MR 地位協定運用改善
__. Initially they fail to prove clear mandate and solvency of MR. So, their risk is too slight.
そもそも、彼らはマイナーリペアの明確な政策と解決性を示せていない。よって、この政策で AD が得られる確率は非常に低いだろう。
__. N/Sol. U.S. reject the amendment of Status of Forces Agreement. Therefore, it is difficult to change its policy.
<The Asia-Pacific Journal Japan Focus / 2014 > Volume 12, Issue 1, No. 2, January 6, 2014. / Bitter Soup For Okinawans - The Governor’s
Year-End Betrayal / [] / [Online] available on 2015/03/04
Q) Demand for the revision of SOFA [Status of Forces Agreement], best understood as the statement of extraterritorial
privilege enjoyed by US forces, has long been central to Okinawan protest. Nakaima himself had associated himself with
the demand, commonly attaching the adjective “fundamental” (komponteki) to his call for revision. Before the Okinawa
Policy Council, however, he deleted that word. Like his other requests, this too was something that the US had long resisted,
insisting on its privileges, and even as Nakaima was ensconced in his Tokyo hospital, US authorities made clear once again
that they would not countenance any revision. The same message issued from both the Pentagon and the State
Department.9 As the State Department’s Marie Harf put it, the United States “has not agreed to and will not consider”
opening SOFA to renegotiation.10 As soon became clear, all that was under consideration as of 2013 was a discussion on a
possible supplemental agreement, of the kind agreed with South Korea in 2001, under which Okinawan authorities might be
given some base access for environmental inspection purposes. Even that seemed unlikely to impinge on the US’s final,
discretionary power or to soften its refusal to compensate for environmental damage caused by decades of lands subjection
to military usage. 11 (UQ
At least,
__. Inferiority. Even if U.S. follows Japanese demands, it is natural that U.S. will also demand something.
Inferiority もし日本の要求に従うなら、アメリカは見返りに新たな注文を付けるのが自然であろう。
AD2 Support ver. KIDL MODEL
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UT (Univ. of Tsukuba / Univ. of Tokyo)
Toryudani / Shimada
VS T/A 基地撤退で経済悪化
__. T/A AP Okinawa can utilize this area. Actually the economy rather enhances after withdrawal of U.S. base.
T/A AP に沖縄はその地域を有効活用することができる。実際に、アメリカ軍が撤退したほうが経済よくなった。
<全国商工団体連合会 / 2010>
跡地利用 経済効果 2000 億円=沖縄・北谷 / (掲載日:2010/11/8)
[] / [Online] available on 2015/02/25
Q) Since about 1972, when the mainland was returned, the return of the U.S. military base had been discussed and in 1981,
Hamby airport (42.5 hectares) and Maymosscolor firing range (22.9 hectares) were returned.
In the site of the Hamby airport, a town pushed forward a project of the site utilization by using about 2.1 billion yen for "a
land readjustment project total business in Kitamae" and it has been developed as a business district. Although there were
some objections in the commerce and industry association of the town, regional activation has been achieved by setting up
large commercial facilities of companies in the prefecture. By the test calculation by Chatan town, the economic ripple
effect is 172.6 billion yen in 12 years from 1991 to 2002 years. Property tax increased 81 times from 3.57 million yen of the
time when it was a base to 286 million yen. As for job creation, less than 100 people become over 2,000 people. (UQ
72 年の本土復帰前後から米軍基地返還について協議され、81 年にハンビー飛行場(42.5 ヘクタール)
、メイモスカラー射撃場(22.9 ヘクタール)
が返還されました。ハンビー飛行場跡地では、町が「北前土地区画整理事業総事業」として約 21 億円かけて跡地利用事業を進め、商業地域として
北谷町の試算では、91 年から 02 年までの 12 年間で、経済波及効果は 1726 億円。基地だったころの固定資産税 357 万円は 2 億 8600 万円と 81 倍に
なりました。雇用創出は 100 人足らずが、2000 人を超えるに至っています。
DA Attack ver. KIDL MODEL
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UT (Univ. of Tsukuba / Univ. of Tokyo)
Toryudani / Shimada
VS DA 中国の侵略
__. They never assume future strategy of U.S.
__. N/UQ. In future, U.S. won’t protect Japan because they must focus on Middle East Asia more.
N/UQ 将来的に、アメリカはより中東を重視しなければならなくなり、日本を守らなくなるだろう。
<International affairs commentator 田中/ 2012>
宇 / 田中宇の国際ニュース解説 / アジアのことはアジアに任せる
/ (掲載日:
2012/10/31)[] / [ON-LINE] Available on 2012-09-01 / Authority は[]から入手
Q) Secretary of state Rice visited Japan, Korea, China, and Russia from October 19 to 22. One of the purposes of the visit
was to discuss the economic sanction against North Korea with each country because she declared the start of nuclear
experiment. However, that was not all. Rice tell prime minister in each country that the multilateral system of security
should be established by countries in East Asia based in the participants in Six-Party Talks about the North Korean problem.
Her visit also aimed to call for related countries to establish “Asian NATO”. (Omission)
After World War II, the U.S. strategy for Asia was consistently “hub & spork”, which emphasize only bilateral relations
such as Japan-U.S, U.S.-Korea, U.S-Taiwan, and U.S.-China. Because of this strategy, Asian countries couldn’t strengthen
the relations between themselves and they had no choice but to depend on U.S. permanently. It indicates U.S. giving up hub
& spork and beginning to call for Asian countries to unite that Rice tell each Asian country to establish the local system of
collective security.
The policy change of U.S. is because she loses room to engage in East Asia. It resulted from the faults of hard line policy of
Bush administration such as endless conflicts in Iraq or Afghanistan and the deadlock of clash with Iran. (UQ
立を関係国に呼びかける旅でもあった。 (中略)
DA Attack ver. KIDL MODEL
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UT (Univ. of Tsukuba / Univ. of Tokyo)
Toryudani / Shimada
__. They never assume recent tendency of China.
__. N/LK. Today, China concentrates on economy and she has no motive to attack Japan.
N/LK 今日の中国は経済に重きを置いているため、日本に攻める意図はない
< Faculty of International Relation, Professor 瀬端 / 2009 >
孝夫 / 長崎県立大学国際交流学科 / Globalized United States Japan Alliance
and Japan's Security in the 21st Century / (発行日:2009 年 12 月 21 日) / [] / [Online]
available on 2015/02/22 / オーソリは[]より入手
Q) China is not a threat to Japan either. China wants trade and technology from Japan. If Japan can maintain a neutral
position when there is a conflict between China and Taiwan, there is little possibility of China attacking Japan. In recent
years, China has been Japan's largest trading partner although the United States is still an important customer in Japan's
export. Although the Chinese Navy is recently growing and has a plan to have two conventional aircraft carriers by 2015
and two nuclear powered conventional aircraft carriers around 2020, this naval power is aimed at United States Navy. There
is a problem over the Senkaku (Diaoyutai Qundao in China) Islands between China (and Taiwan) and Japan, but this issue
would not lead to a conflict. China needs peaceful environment in conducting trade and, given the fact that trade in East
Asia is rapidly growing, it is inconceivable that China would attack Japan over the territorial issue. If Japan could keep
active trade relations with China and would not intervene in a Taiwan problem, China would not become a security
headache for Japan. (UQ
__. SDF has world-class military power. Therefore, they can protect Japan without U.S.
Same source as up above
Q) All three countries mentioned above do not pose a threat to Japan. Therefore, even if Japan abrogates the Security Treaty
with the United States, Japan would not have to strengthen the SDF. It is not well known among the Japanese people that
Japan has already the most powerful conventional armed forces in Asia including six AEGIS destroyers, 202 F-15
interceptors, 94 P3C antisubmarine reconnaissance airplanes, and four AWACS planes. The Ground SDF is as strong as the
British Army. The Maritime SDF has the second largest escort vessels in the world. The Air SDF is as strong as the British,
French, or German Air Forces3. (UQ
__. They never assume other alliance.
__. N/Imp Even if we are in danger to be attacked, unacceptable risk is low thanks to help by the United Nations.
N/Imp 仮に侵攻の危機にあったとしても、国連のようにほかの同盟が助けてくれるため、許容できないリスクの危険性は少ない
Same source as up above
Q) If Japan is an important country to an international society, the United Nations would organize multinational forces led
by the United States and come to help Japan in an emergency. Kuwait in 1991 is a case in point. There was no military
alliance between the United States and Kuwait. There were no United States troops stationed in Kuwait. Nevertheless, the
United States organized multinational troops under the auspices of the United Nations and rescued Kuwait. Therefore, one
can argue that the United Nations could be deterrent. (UQ