Ernst & Young Tax Co. Japanese corporate tax compliance 税務コンプライアンス・サービス How EY can help you manage your corporate tax compliance risk With significant tax law changes in the past two years and increased tax enforcement efforts through strengthened tax audits, accurate and timely tax filings are more important than ever in Japan. In light of tight deadlines (calendar year corporate tax returns generally due 31 March and consumption tax returns due 29 February), many companies are seeking assistance with their tax compliance obligations. Tax compliance and reporting is complex and a significant time burden on company resources. Now is the time to reevaluate your current arrangements and consider how best to ensure your tax returns are completed timely and accurately. Consider using EY tax compliance professionals who can help you meet your tax compliance obligations timely, accurately and efficiently, and to provide you with proactive tax advice to help you manage your tax requirements. 近年、日本においては、税制改正が相次ぎ、 税務調査による課税執行の強化が図られてい るといえます。また、各国に比して事業年度末 から申告納付期限までの期間が短く (法人税 は通常3ヶ月以内、消費税は2ヶ月以内)、 ます ます多くの企業が税務コンプライアンス業務 体制の見直しを迫られています。 複雑な関係法令に準拠して滞りなく申告納税 するためには、企業は多大な人的資源の投入 を強いられているのが実情です。今、多くの企 業では、タイムリーかつ正確に申告業務を遂 行するための最善の業務体制を検討する時期 を迎えています。 EY税理士法人は、 こうした企業の皆様の課題 にきめ細かにお応えし、 各社の状況に即して適 正かつ効率的な税務コンプライアンス業務の サポート・サービスをご提案いたします。貴社の 税務コンプライアンス業務における課題解決 のため、 ぜひEYにご相談下さい。 Our offer to you Assess your time, resources and money spent for corporate tax compliance Managing your tax obligations responsibly and proactively can make a critical difference to your business. Effective compliance and open, transparent reporting are the foundations of a successful tax function. 税務コンプライアンス業務を積極的に効率化 することは、企業にとって今や重要な経営課 題の一つです。私たちのご提案が、税務コン プライアンス業務に係る貴社の時間・コスト・ 人的資源の最適化をサポートします。 EY has one of the largest dedicated teams of certified tax professionals in Japan with expertise in tax compliance regulations, including consolidated return and electronic return filing. Through years of experience, our bi-lingual tax professionals have vast experience working with companies with cross-border activity and can explain Japanese tax compliance matters and strategies in multiple languages. We have combined best practices from around the world and through the use of standardized tax packages and state-of-the-art technology, have streamlined the tax compliance process. EY’s tax professionals will work closely with your team members to provide high quality, timely compliance in a cost effective manner. 誇る税務の専門家集団です。バイリンガルに よる多国籍企業への長年のサービス提供で 培ったノウハウ、 テクノロジーを活かし、貴社 と緊密に連携しながら、高品質かつご納得い ただける価格での税務コンプライアンス・ サービスをご提供いたします。また、 連結納税 申告や電子申告などにも対応し、 専門性の高 いサービスを提供しております。 Reevaluating your expenditure of time, resources and money to meet corporate tax compliance obligations is quite challenging. We will be pleased to meet with you and discuss tax compliance methodology from full-scope preparation of national and local corporate tax, fixed asset tax and consumption tax returns to a limited tax return review for returns prepared in-house. EY professionals can meet your needs. EY税理士法人は、貴社へのヒアリングの機会 を頂戴し、従来の税務処理プロセスの確認、 法人税・消費税・償却資産申告書作成などを 一括して提供するサービスや、貴社が作成さ れた税務申告書の部分的なレビューなど、 貴社の状況に即したサービスをご提案いたし ます。 EY 税理士法人は、日本で最大級の規模を Assessment P Time P Resources P Money 詳細については、EY の貴社担当者または 下記のコンタクト先までご連絡下さい。 Contact Comments or inquiries regarding this service may be directed to Corporate Communications. [email protected] EY | Assurance | Tax | Transactions | Advisory About EY EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities. EY refers to the global organization and/or one or more of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. For more information about our organization, please visit About EY’s Tax services EY’s tax professionals in Japan provide you with deep technical knowledge, both global and local, combined with practical, commercial and industry experience. Our highly regarded tax professionals operate in four major cities in Japan. Our talented people, consistent methodologies and unwavering commitment to quality service help you to build the strong compliance and reporting foundations and sustainable tax strategies that help your business succeed. © 2013 Ernst & Young Tax Co. All Rights Reserved. Japan Tax SCORE CC20130905-5 ED None Japanese corporate tax compliance This material has been prepared for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon as accounting, tax, or other professional advice. Please refer to your advisors for specific advice.
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