Sister School Exchange Form (学校交流希望調査票)

Sister School Exchange Form (学校交流希望調査票)
Please fill in the form in English.(
Title (肩書)
First Name (名) Louise
Last Name (姓)
D ungate
Your E-mail (E-M ailアドレス)
ldungate@ korow al.nsw
School Name (学校名)
K orow al S chool
54 H allP arade,H azelbrook,2779,N ew South W ales
Address (学校住所)
Phone (incl. country code) (電話 (国番号を含む)) eg.(例) 61-2-1234-5678
Fax (incl. country code) (ファックス (国番号を含む)) eg.(例) 61-2-1234-5678
School Website (学校H P ) w w w .korow al.nsw
Q1.Does your town/city/village already have a Sister City in Japan? (Yes/No, if Yes, please write the name of the
(そちらの自治体はオーストラリア/ニュージーランドの自治体と姉妹都市提携をしていますか? (はい/いいえ、はいの場合は自治体名もご記載ください))
O ur schooldoes not have a sister schoolat allas yet
Q2.Reason(s) for wanting a Sister School (姉妹校を結びたい理由は何ですか?)
W e now teach Japanese from kindergarten (5 yrs old) to H SC (17 yrs old) and w ish to offer opportunities for our students to visit and exchange
com m unication w ith Japanese students.
Q3.Do you have a specific place in Japan where you want to establish the relations? (特に指定したいオーストラリアの自治体はありますか?)
City or Town's Name (自治体名)
Ishikaw a,Toyam a,Fukuior G ifu P refectures- sm aller tow ns preferred but w illconsider larger tow ns also.
Q4.What type of Sister School would you prefer? (Please tick)
(どのような種類の学校と姉妹校提携をしたいですか? (あてはまるものにチェックを入れてください))
Primary (小学校)
Junior High (中学校)
High (高等学校)
Boys' (男子校)
Girls' (女子校)
Co-educational (共学校)
Public (公立)
Private (私立)
Or do you have a specific school in mind? (あるいは、具体的に考えている学校はありますか?)
no- how ever w e are an independent schoolrun on dem ocratic priciples w here relationships are a priority.Students don't w ear uniform s and call
teachers by their first nam es.W e are in the m iddle of a W orld H eritage N ationalP ark 1 and half hours w est of Sydney.O ur schoolis in a bushland
Q5.What are the ages of your students? Class size? (貴校における生徒の年齢は? /クラスの規模は?)
5yrs to 17 yrs (Kindergarten to finalschoolyear -Yr 12) C lass sizes average 15 -20 students
Q6.Do the students want to communicate in English or Japanese?
Yrs K-8 learn Japanese .Students in Yrs 9 and 10 can choose Japanese - currently 15 students are studying in these years.A llof these students
w ant to practise their Japanese.
Q7.Will other teachers (and/or the principal) be involved in this initiative? (他の先生方 (校長含む) から協力は得られますか?)
D efinitely- the w hole schoolw illbe involved.W e had our first hosting of a Japanese schoolin 2014 for a tw o w eek stay w ith us and it w as fantastic.
This schoolalready has a sister schoolrelationship w ith another schoolso w e are looking for our ow n sister schooltoo.
Q8.Can we put this information on our website?
Yes (はい)
No (いいえ)