Focus! 2014 ~世界で輝く城西生~ 2015 年 2 月 14 日 発行 vol.5 10ヶ月の留学生活も半分が過ぎました。年末年始はホストファミリーとともに過ごし、それぞれに温かい年越をしたようです。 アメリカでの生活で、日本との文化の違いに気付くこともありました。ダンスパーティーがあったり新学期が始まったりと、イベン トにも大忙しの様子です。クラスメイトとも積極的に交流ができるようになったようです。 高校 1 年生 遠藤 晨恵さん【アメリカ・Sweet Home High School(本校姉妹校)】 「スノーボードとダンスパーティー」 Happy New Year to everyone in Japan. I spent my New Year in America at my host home. It is very quiet on New Year's Day and there isn't much celebration. I talked to my host brother and told him about how Japanese people go to the temple but he didn't know what a temple was. It was difficult to explain it to him because the customs are so much different, but I tried anyway. Early in the new year I got to go to Hoodoo Ski Bowl and tried snowboarding for the first time. That was one of the things I really wanted to try here in America. It was difficult at first and I fell a lot. I never really did learn how to do it well, but hope to get try again before I return to Japan. In January, we have a dance party called the Winter Formal. I had to shop for a dress for the dance. I went with my host mom and her daughter Ilima and her boyfriend to the city of Salem to a shopping mall where we found our dresses. I didn't find the dress I imagined and we shopped for a very long time. I eventually settled for a dress that was just OK but still cute. For Winter Formal dance, the girl asks the boy to escort them to the dance but later at the Senior Prom Dance the boys are supposed to ask the girls.we went to the dance and I had a very good time. However, it was not what I had imagined because everyone told me it would be very fun and I thought of the show "High School Musical" so my image was not exactly what I experienced. I was just a little disappointed. I did get to visit with many friends who were dressed up nice and we all got many many more pictures taken. 元日はホストファミリーと一緒に過ごしました。ホストブラザーに「初詣」の話をすると、お寺のことを知ら なかったので、お寺の説明をするのに苦労しました。ホストファミリーとスノーボードにも行きました。初めて だったのでたくさん転びましたが、日本に戻ったらまた行きたいと思います。今月は、Winter Formal というダ ンスパーティーがありました。たくさんの友達と写真を撮ることができて楽しかったです。 高校 1 年生 竹下 みなみさん【アメリカ・Sweet Home High School(本校姉妹校)】 「国の違いを感じた 1 月」 This January I felt a big difference between Japan and America I went to Portland Comic Con with my host family. Comic Con has a lot of American comics goods. We can buy those, get tattoos, and there are booths with many celebrities that we can meet. Many people also dress up in cosplay. I saw lots of people cosplaying Japanese characters. Most popular cosplay was Attack on Titan’s characters. I was glad because I love that comic too. Monkey king from Dragon ball’s 城西大学附属城西中学・高等学校 〒171-0044 東京都豊島区千早 1-10-26 ※本記事の文章および画像の無断転載を禁ず cosplay was cool too. I thought American cosplay is completely different from Japanese cosplay. I met a man who dressed as to Batman. He was very cool. If I am living in Japan, I might not see that. So I took a picture with him. Comic Con also held a cosplay contest. I liked the Kaonashi the best. It is a character from the movie of studio Ghibli's Spirited Away. Why I liked it was because really it was big and high quality. I was impressed that lots of people are interested in Japanese cartoons more than anything. It was such a beautiful experience. Lately during my government class, my classmate boy asked me about a movie. I had not heard of that movie before, but I understood it is a Japanese movie because he said the word “Tokyo” Next he asked me, “Do Japanese school's students wear the special shoes?” I was thinking Uwabaki. He suddenly said the word Uwabaki!! I laughed so hard because he said and knew Uwabaki. I think it is not known by many people. His pronunciation was perfect so it was easy to realize it. The reason why he knows it is because he watched that movie many times. I thought that was really funny. Comic Con というアメリカで人気のある漫画のグッズなどが売られているイベントに行きました。コス プレをすることも可能で、特に多かった日本のアニメキャラクターのコスプレは進撃の巨人でした。私も 好きなアニメなので嬉しかったです。ただ、日本とアメリカのコスプレは違うと感じました。 最近クラスの男の子に、ある日本の映画について質問されました。そして、日本の学校では特別な靴を 履くのか、とも聞かれました。上履きのことかなと思っていると、彼が突然「上履き!」と言いました。 彼は何回もその映画を見たので上履きのことを知っていたようです。とても面白い出来事でした。 高校 1 年生 大舘 壽輝くん【アメリカ・Salem Academy High School(本校提携校)】 「文化の違い」 The new year has begun and five months have passed since I came to America. All the family had a countdown to midnight on the night of December thirty-first, like ten, nine… three, two, one, Happy New Year!! It is a day I cannot forget forever. I enjoyed the day so much. The next morning, I got up early to see the first sunrise of the new year. I was quite sleepy and about to go back to bed, but I totally woke because I wanted to see the sunrise. When I went outside, it was a bit bright, so I thought the sun had already come up. However my phone said the time when the sun would come up was not yet. So I stayed outside for about fifteen minutes and watched the sky. The sun came up over the trees, namely the new day dawning. I saw the sunrise for the first time in America. It was so beautiful like never before. In America, it is not a culture that people see the first sunrise of the new year. In Japan, New Year is a big celebration for a lot of people, but in America, it is only a small celebration. I felt that Christmas is a bigger event than New Years in America. Anyway, a new cat came to our house before Christmas for my host sister's birthday. In a few weeks he ran away from our house, but he finally came back to our house. I was happy to see him again because I like him. 城西大学附属城西中学・高等学校 〒171-0044 東京都豊島区千早 1-10-26 ※本記事の文章および画像の無断転載を禁ず One day, one of my friends gave a giant candy to me as a Christmas present. He told me to finish eating the whole thing in two days. I tried to down it all in one day, but I got a little hyper because of all the sugar. I do not think I can finish eating it even for a week, because the candy is bigger than my face. It will take a lot of time, maybe a few weeks. It tastes the same as Candy Cane’s peppermint. I am still trying to finish eating it. 大晦日はホストファミリーみんなでカウントダウンをしました。日本では、新年は大きな行事ですが、アメリカ では初日の出を見たり、正月を祝ったりする伝統や文化がありません。アメリカでは、新年よりもクリスマスの 方が大きな行事だと感じました。クリスマスや新年をアメリカで過ごせてとてもよい経験となりました。 友人からクリスマスプレゼントに大きな飴をもらいました。彼は 2 日で食べ終わるようにと言いましたが、僕の 顔よりも大きな飴です。数週間はかかるだろうと思っています。今も挑戦しているところです。 高校 1 年生 三瀬 星くん【アメリカ・Valley Catholic High School(本校提携校)】 「新学期」 Five months have passed since I've come to the United States. All the students finished final tests, and we are in the 2nd semester. I got a new class schedule. The subjects didn't change from before, except for Mathematics. But P.E class was moved to 2nd period so I felt sad a little bit. I don't dislike P.E., but I don't want to use energy so much in the morning because P.E. class makes me very tired and hungry. That's why I don't like to move my body in the morning. So to tell the truth, I want to take it in 3rd or 4th period. Geometry has been changed to Algebra, and the person who is the Japanese class teacher told me Algebra is easier than Geometry so I felt so happy and that was very good news for me. When I took the Algebra class, I was so surprised because that was much easier than Geometry. So I talked about it to the other Japanese students, and they were going to go to the teacher's room for take Algebra. I tried to take Spanish class in place of Art class, but Spanish class is such a popular subject, I couldn't take it. I will join the Track & Field club, and then I'll be a long jumper. When I was a junior high school student, I was a long jumper for three years so I think I will try my best to make use of the experience, and to be able to become a good part of the team. Anyway, we had a great Christmas home party. At the party, the host's son gave his parents a present and letters, and his parents burst into tears. On New Year's Eve, we also had a Countdown Party with new house-mate Travis and his dog. In Japan, especially my house, it is prohibited to keep on animal in my house, so Travis's dog coming is great and fun news for me. I've spent six months in Portland, America, and I'll have to go back to Japan around June. I realize my American life should be more vivid and I should spend more experiencing things. 新学期に入り、時間割が新しくなりました。スペイン語の授業を取ろうかと思いましたが、人気があるため取れません でした。また、バスケットボール部の期間を終えたので、今は陸上部で走り幅跳びをしています。走り幅跳びは中学 生のときに経験があるので、チームに貢献できるように頑張りたいと思います。クリスマスパーティーではプレゼント 交換で盛り上がり、大晦日にはカウントダウンをしながらホストファミリーと一緒に楽しく過ごすことができました。 城西大学附属城西中学・高等学校 〒171-0044 東京都豊島区千早 1-10-26 ※本記事の文章および画像の無断転載を禁ず
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