HR Seminar

HR Seminar
Unilateral Termination & Related Matters
-How to Avoiding the Risks Related Redundancy解雇とこれにまつわる諸問題
■Friday, 6th March 2015: 2015 年 3 月 6 日(金)
■13:30 -17:00
■Arcadia Ichigaya 7F Room“kotohira”アルカディア市ヶ谷
It may be practically difficult for an employer to try to keep employees whose performance is poor. However,
no employer is allowed to unilaterally terminate employees, as a rule, under the Employment Contract Act.
This seminar presents a 3.5-hours session, which provides you with a good understanding of unilateral
termination & related matters, as well as explanations on how to try to avoid the associated risks.
This seminar may presumably cover the following topics with two short and medium breaks between the sessions.
During these breaks, participants could exchange business cards, and develop a good network with each other.
The doors will open at 13:00
受付開始は 1:00 P.M となります。
Difficulty in Unilateral Termination:解雇が難しいこと
- Four Types 4 つの場合
- Risks Associated with Unilateral Termination: 解雇のリスク
2. Unilateral Termination due to Poor Performance:パフォーマンスの悪い従業員の解雇
- Who will Make a Decision:判断権者は誰か?
- Points for Substantiation:立証のポイント
3. Attempt to Persuade Poor Performers:パフォーマンスの悪い従業員に対する退職勧奨
- What to Say and What Not to Say:何を言うべきで何を言うべきでないか?
4. Unilateral Termination during Probationary Period :試用期間中の解雇
- Is it really easy?:本当に簡単なのか?
5. Employees under a Limited-period Contract:有期契約労働者の解雇
- More Difficult than Regular Employees :正社員より困難
- Expiry after Renewal:更新後の期間満了
Seminar Detail セミナー詳細
Date(日時) : Friday, 6th March, 2015 (2015 年 3 月 6 日 金曜日)13:30 ~ 17:00
Venue(会場): Arcadia Ichigaya 7th floor, Kotohira Room アルカディア市ヶ谷 7F 琴平
(4-2-25 Kudan-kita, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 千代田区九段北4-2-25 Tel: 03-3261-9921)
Number of Seats(定員): 50 seats (50 人)
Language(言語): English (英語)
Speaker(講師): Mr. Hideki Thurgood Kano: Partner of Anderson, Mori & Tomotsune
嘉納英樹 アンダーソン・毛利・友常弁護士事務所 パートナー
※ Mr.Kano’s seminar (Different theme in Japanese language) will be held on Tuesday Feb 24,
2015.(Fee:¥10,000+Tax). Special 20% discount applies to the participants of both seminars (Feb 24 &
March 6). For the person who wishes to attend both seminars, attached is the detail of the Japanese
seminar and please select “Both seminars” on Registration Sheet (申込書).
Seminar Price(受講料): ¥18,000 + Tax
*Please register to send your registration sheet by Fax (03-5275-3185)
下記申込書にご記入の上 FAX にてお送りいただきますようお願いいたします。
Seminar participants qualify for a special 10% discount on the following HR book:
参加者はセミナー講師執筆の HR 本が 10%オフにてご購入いただけます。
Japan Staff Employment Law Guide -3rd Edition- ¥24,000+Tax ⇒
D.H. International Co., Ltd. (-CCH Sole Agent in Japan, Daiichi Hoki Group)
Seiwa Bldg 7F,3-25 Kanda-Jimbocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0051 TEL: 03-5275-3182
〒101-0051 東京都千代田区神田神保町 3-25 精和ビル 7 階
¥21,600+Tax (10%Off)
FAX: 03-5275-3185
Speaker Profile 講師略歴
Hideki Thurgood Kano : Partner, Anderson, Mori & Tomotsune
Hideki Thurgood Kano is a Partner of Anderson Mori & Tomotsune which is one of the largest and most
diversified full service law firms in Japan.
Thurgood has been practicing in the area of labor and
employment only, since 1995, from the viewpoint of employers and companies.
He acts on behalf of both
Japanese and non-Japanese multinational companies, advising them on any and all aspects of labor and
Although he advises companies on ways to avert formal labor and employment disputes, he is
also an experienced labor and employment litigator, having successfully defended many cases. He has
written and lectured extensively on labor and employment matters.
嘉納英樹 アンダーソン・毛利・友常弁護士事務所 パートナー(人事労務管理・労働法に関する全てを担当)
III. 労働保険・社会保険・年金関係(労働者災害補償保険、雇用保険、健康保険、厚生年金保険、確定拠出年金、確定給付年金、
IV. 紛争関係(労働審判・労働訴訟・個別労働紛争斡旋・不当労働行為救済手続など)
○Subway Tokyo Metro: Yuraku-cho and Namboku Line :「Ichigaya station」 Exit A-1 3min on foot
○Subway :Toei Shinjuku Line :「Ichigaya station」 Exit A-1 3min on foot
○地下鉄:有楽町線、南北線:「市ヶ谷駅」A1-1 番出口下車
徒歩 3 分
徒歩 3 分
:「市ヶ谷駅」A1-1 番出口下車
Special Discount Offer for Seminar Participants
Seminar participants qualify for a special 10 % discount on the following HR books which is written
by the speaker of this seminar.
セミナー参加者の皆様に本セミナー講師執筆の HR 本をご紹介いたします。参加者は 10%オフにてご購入いた
“Japanese Labor & Employment Law and Practice 3rd Edition”
Price :¥24,000+Tax ⇒ ¥21,600+Tax (10%Off)
Bound book: approximately 630 pages 単行本:約 630 ページ
Publish: November,2014 発行日:2014 年 11 月
Author: Hideki Thurgood Kano,
Anderson, Mori & Tomotsune
著者:嘉納英樹 アンダーソン・毛利・友常弁護士事務所 パートナー
This book provides comprehensive commentary and local custom advice to the labor and employment laws
of Japan along with clear explanations of how these laws work in practice.
1. Basic Important Points
2. Employees & Employers
3. Employment Laws
4. Labor Laws
5. Labor Insurance &
Social Insurance
・Fundamental Points, and Current Topics
・Summary of Labor/Employment Laws
・The Enforcement of Statutes, Rules and Agreements as Well as Government Bodies
・Required Procedures and Documents Submission for HR People
・Employees & Employers
・Female Employees, Gender Discrimination, and Sexual Harassment
・Aged Society & Declining Birthrates
・Expatriates and Foreign Workers
・Worker Dispatch
・Statutory Director
・Recruitment, Hiring, Probation, and Related Matters
・Working Hours, Rest Hours, Overtime Work
・Irregular Working Hours, Flextime, and Discretionary Working Hour
・Non-working Days, Annual Paid Leave, Sickness & Injury Leave, and Maternity Leave
・Health, Safety and Sanitation
・Education and Training
・Protection of Information
・Promotion and Demotion
・Mobility of Employees
・Disciplinary Actions
・Severance, Unilateral Termination, and Redundancy
・Unilateral Termination and Redundancy
・Alternatives to Unilateral Termination
・Industrial & Labor Relations
・Labor Union, Labor Union Confederation, and Employer Organizations
・Collective Bargaining
・Concerted Activities
・Unfair Labor Practices
・Workers Accident Compensation
・Unemployment Insurance
・Health Insurance
・Welfare Pension Funds, and Defined Contribution, and Defined Benefit
6th March D.H.I HR Seminar Registration Sheet (申込書)
To: D.H.International Co., Ltd.
/ / Fax to.03-5275-3185
) Seminar(English: 2015/3/6) only (セミナーのみ参加) ¥18,000 + Tax
) Seminar with HR book (セミナー参加+本購入)¥42,000 +Tax ⇒¥39,600 +Tax (※book:10%Off)
) Both seminars (Japanese:2/24 & English:3/6 )¥28,000 +Tax ⇒¥22,400 +Tax (※20%Off)
) Both seminars with HR book ¥52,000 +Tax ⇒¥44,000 +Tax (※seminar:20%Off,book:10%Off)
Registration Information
Registration and Confirmation (お申込について)
Reserve your seat by telephone, fax, or e-mail. Please complete the registration form on an individual
basis. After your seat has been reserved, a confirmation letter will be sent. Please present it to the
reception desk with your business card.
電話、E-メール及び Fax にてお申込ください。
Payment (お支払について)
Once your participation has been confirmed, you will be required to make payment for the event before the
seminar, as described on the invoice.
Substitution Policy (代理出席について)
A substitute delegate is welcomed at any time with no extra charge, if you are unable to attend. Notice of
replacement must be made in writing via e-mail or fax to CCH Japan at least one day prior to the event.
Cancellation (キャンセルについて)
You may send notification of a substitute at any time prior to your scheduled seminar. If a cancellation notice is
received in writing or by telephone more than one week before the seminar, you will receive a full refund. If a
cancellation notice is not received by then or no show on the seminar day, payment is due in full. (In such a case,
a complete set of the course materials will be sent to you.)
セミナーのキャンセルをご希望の場合は、セミナー開催日 1 週間前までにご連絡ください。それ以降のお申し出、またはご連絡が無い場合、
【Contact us お問合せ】
D.H. International Co., Ltd.
Seiwa Bldg, 7F 3-25 Kanda-Jimbocho, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 101-0051
〒101-0051 東京都千代田区神田神保町 3-25 精和ビル 7F
TEL:03-5275-3182 FAX:03-5275-3185 URL: