太田インフォルマ 2014 年 12 月 10 日号(英語版) 1P. 年末年始のごみ処理はお早めに 平成 26 年度後期日本語教室(あゆみの会) 2P. 大雪時の除雪にご協力を・使用済小型家電の回収を始 めます・ひとり親家庭の児童扶養手当と公的年金などの併給 制限が変わります・ひとり親家庭の親の就労を支援します・ イノシシ出没に注意を!!・緊急通報用電話番号 3P. イルミネーション in Ota・高校&大学への進学を奨学 資金がお手伝い・市税の 12 月納税・外国人市民相談 窓口&市役所&サービスセンター年末年始閉庁日 4P. 年末年始休日当番医・急患のみ診察可能な救急指定病 院・平日夜間急病診療所・休日歯科診療 *折込チラシ:太田警察署からのおしらせ「インターネッ トオークションは慎重に!!」 ・ 『カギをかけることが犯 罪被害防止の「鍵」です!』 ・ 「運転免許証の手続き」 ☆Disposing at Neighborhood Trash Disposal Stations No trash (burnables, non-burnables, over-sized, and recyclable kinds) will be collected from January 1 (Thu.) to 4 (Sun.), 2015. Collection starts from January 5, 2015 (Mon.). There will also be no door-to-door collection of over-sized items from December 27 (Sat.), 2014 to January 4 (Sun.), 2015. Collection starts from January 5, 2015 (Mon.). ☆Bringing Directly to Cleaning “Seisou” Center & “Recycle Plaza” Processing fee: Schedule during period from December 29, 2014 to December 31, 2014: 130 yen / 10kg December 29 (Mon.) & 30 (Tue.) → 8:30 ~ 12:00 & 13:00 ~ 15:00 December 31 (Wed.) → 8:30 ~ 12:00 Note: Please anticipate that the Cleaning Center Ota Station Tobu Isesaki Line and Recycling Plaza will be very crowded at the end of the year so it is advisable to bring your trash to these locations by December 19 (Fri.). Ota City Hall Information: Housen Higashi Elementary School R 323 Gas station Municipal Cleaning “Seisou” Center (For burnable trash) Kanto Gakuen University Address: Ota-Shi Hosoya-Cho 1712 TEL:0276-31-8153 Kenritsu Koutou Yougo Gakkou (H.S.) Cleaning “Seisou” Center Post office Ota Shougyou High School Recycle Plaza Recycle Plaza (For non-burnable trash, over-sized trash, and recyclable trash) Address: Ota-Shi Hosoya-Cho 604-1 SUNDAY Courses Period: Jan. 11 ~ Mar. 15, 2015 (every Sunday), 14:00~16:00. TUESDAY Courses Period: Jan. 13 ~ Mar. 10, 2015 (every Tuesday), 18:30~20:30. WEDNESDAY Courses Period: Jan. 14 ~ Mar. 11, 2015 (every Wednesday), 13:30~15:30. ☆Tuition: ¥500 (covers cost for entire 3 months) ★Application: directly at location of course, before class begins. ☆Vacancies: 50 (each course) 日本語 Location: Ota International Center “Ota-Shi Kokusai . Information: Ota International Association TEL: 0276-48-1001 Email: [email protected] R 407 Kouryuu Center” (2F) Address: 〒373-0851 Ota-Shi Iida-Cho 895-1 Note: About 10 minutes on foot from Ota Station, south exit “minami guchi,” next to Hello Work Ota. TEL:0276-33-7980 COOPERATION TO REMOVE THE SNOW AT TIMES OF HEAVY SNOW. Please follow the instructions in order to clear the roads when snowing heavily and to conduct a safe and efficient snow removal operation: ✓Please change to winter tires or carry tire chains. ✓ The main roads will be the priority when removing the snow. ✓Do not discard the snow on the road and do not park your car on the side of the road. ✓ Please stay away from the snow removal machines. ✓Workers may work in the middle of the night ¥ depending on the circumstances of the snow. For more information: Road Maintenance and Improvement Division “Douro Seibi-Ka” 8F, counter No.81 TEL: 0276-47-1835 The Children-Rearing Allowance and Public Pension will change its limit for the single-parent households The persons who receive the Public Pension “Kouteki Nenkin” (i.e.; survivor’s pension, old-age pension, work related accident pension, compensation to a bereaved family, etc.) were not eligible to receive the Children-Rearing Allowance. Although, from December 2014 onward, the households consisted of single parent such as; mother and child or father and child, whose the Public Pension’s amount is less than the amount of the Children-Rearing Allowance, will receive the difference amount of the benefit. The beneficiaries must contact the Ota City Hall, Children Affairs Division “Kodomo-Ka” 2F-Counter No.28, TEL: 0276-47-1942. COLLECTION OF SMALL USED APPLIANCES Starting date: December 1, 2014 (Monday) Collection Point: Ota City Hall, Ojima / Nitta Yabuzukahonmachi Govermnent Building, Cleaning Center ※ The collection boxes will be located on the first floor of each facility. Objects that can be collected: Any house appliances that can fit in the collection box (vertical 15cm, horizontal 30cm) such as: mobile phones, PHS, smartphones, AC adapter, remote control, calculator, digital camera, video camera, electronic dictionary, small game system, laptop, etc… ) Attention!! 1. Small house appliance can not be returned after placing into the collection box. 2. Please remove the batteries and button batteries before placing the items into the collection box. 3. Please erase all the personal information out of the memory before placing the item into the collection box. 4. Items that were taken apart can not be collected. 5. Please do not leave any object that can not fit inside the collection box. 6. It is limited to only house appliances. For more information: Cleaning “Seiso” Center, TEL: 0276-31-8153 SUPPORT FOR THE WORKING PARENT HOUSEHOLDS Single parent households whose residency is registered within city limits, qualifies to receive a grant to obtain a profession qualification. (Must have a consultation beforehand submitting the application and be able to speak and read Japanese fluently). ※Conditions and terms may apply. For more information, call or visit Ota City Hall, Children Affair Division “Kodomo-Ka”, 2F – Counter 28 TEL: 0276-47-1911. Recently, we have been receiving many complaints regarding damages caused by wild boars in the surrounding areas of Hachioji Hill, Kana Mount “Kanayama, and at the riverbed area of Watarase River. The damages occur in areas such as; vegetable plantations, rice fields, and others. To avoid more damages, there are groups who are licensed and trained to capture wild boars. How to prevent not to get damages from a wild board: ★The wild boars normaly take actions between sundown, to the middle of the night, although, it is not an animal that only takes actions at night time; ★Usually it eats; vegetables, insects, worms, snakes, etc.; ★The wild boars can damage rice fields and vegetable plantations in order to search for food; ★Usually it doesn’t attack people, however, it can get aggressive if it gets provoked; How to prevent accidents caused by wild boars while hiking on the hills and mountains: ★Make sure to have a bell ringing or a radio on at all times, it will make your presence obvious and scare away the wild boars. ★Avoid taking dogs to the hills or mountains, because dogs can bring out the aggressiveness of the wild boars.. IT IS STRICKLY PROHIBITED TO HUNT WITHOUT APOLÍCIA HUNTING LICENSE!! If you see a wild boar, please contact the Agricultural Policy Division “Nougyou Seikaku-Ka” TEL: 0276-20-9714. POLICE 110 119 119 FIRE / AMBULANCE Ota Illumination 2014 Date: Until Jan. 12, 2015 (Mon./Holiday) Location: Ota Sports Park Hokubu Undou Kouen Ota Illumination 2014 Address: Ota-Shi Kamigodo-Cho 2079-3 Time: 17:30 ~ 22:00 Park Chomin no Mori Kouen Location: Chomin no Mori Kouen (in front of Ota-shi Ojima Chousha “Government Building”) Date: Until Jan. 17, 2015 (Sat.) Time: 17:00 ~ 22:00 City Hall Square Location: City Hall Square (Ota City Hall) Date: Until Jan. 30, 2015 (Fri.) Time: Starting from 17:00 Student loans are available to students: the Ota City Scholarship Fund “Ota-Shi Shougaku Shikin,” for students seeking to enter high school, junior college, college, or university, and Sonic Daiyu Kensetsu Scholarship Fund “Sonic Daiyu Kensetsu Shougaku Shikin,” for students seeking to enter college or university. Apply by filling in application form available at Educational General Affairs Division “Kyouiku Soumu-Ka” on Ojima Chousha (Government Office), 2F, attaching necessary documents and submitting these to the same division. ※ The applicants will need to provide 2 guarantors in order to apply for the student loans. Ota-Shi Shougaku Shikin (Application period: Sonic・Daiyu Kensetsu Shougaku Shikin Name (From Jan. 5 (Mon.) to 30 (Fri.), 2015) Conditions Number of persons Amount Payment Paying back (Application period: Until Mar. 31 (Tue.), 2015) ① An Ota City resident enrolling next school year. Persons who: ② Of sound physical & mental health with excellent ① have been a registered resident for more than 1 year. academic performance. ② have excellent school performance and are ③ Who is studious and apt as a role model for other well-mannered and energetic. young people. ③ are from a household facing financial hardship that ④ And cares about Ota City’s future development makes paying for school tuition difficult. and will take leadership. High school: 5 persons Higher education (“Tanki Daigaku” & “Daigaku”): 35 Higher education: 3 persons persons High school: 13,000 yen / month Higher education: 420,000 yen / year Higher education: 33,000 yen / month Divided into 4 installments over the year. Divided into 6 installments over the year. Starting from 13 months after graduation from From 1 year after graduation, start making the payments previous school, pay back 10,000 yen per month for within a period that is twice as long as the period of the number of months one had received the student receiving the student loan. No interest is charged. loan. No interest is charged. Information: Ota City Board of Education, Educational General Affairs Division “Kyouiku Soumu-Ka,” TEL: 0276 -20 -7080 Upcoming Payment Deadlines of Municipal Taxes for Fiscal Year Heisei 26 ・Fixed Property Tax “Kotei Shisan Zei” ( 4th period ) ・National Health Insurance Tax “Kokumin Kenkou Hoken Zei” ( 6th period ) Payments due: December 25, 2014 (Thursday) Please don’t miss making these payments by the due date. For inquiries concerning tax payments, contact the Tax Payment Division “Nouzei-Ka” in Ota City Hall (2F / No. 23), Tel.: 0276-47-1820. Every 1st & 3rd Thursday (except holidays), 13:00~16:00 Location: Ota City Hall (1F) Consultation Corner for Foreign Residents “Gaikokujin Shimin Soudan Madoguchi” (near Counter 5) Information: Ota City Hall, TEL: 0276-47-1111 (general) Please note that Ota City Hall will be closed from December 27, 2014 to January 4, 2015 and municipal Service Center, December 29, 2014 to January 3, 2015. I.M. : Internal Medicine Dec. 21 (Sun.) Dec. 23 (Tue.) Dec. 28 (Sun.) Dec. 29 (Mon.) Dec. 30 (Tue.) Dec. 31 (Wed.) Jan. 1 (Thu.) Jan. 2 (Fri.) Jan. 3 (Sat.) Jan. 4 (Sun.) Pediatrics I.M. / Pediatrics I.M. / Dermatology / Urology Orthopedics I.M. / Pediatrics I.M. / Pediatrics I.M. Dermatology / Urology I.M./ Pediatrics I.M. / Dermatology / Urology I.M. / Pediatrics I.M. / Obstetrician-gynecologist Pediatrics I.M. Obstetrician-gynecologist / I.M. / Pediatrics Ophthalmology I.M. / Pediatrics I.M. / Surgery / Orthopedics I.M. Otorhinolaryngology I.M. / Pediatrics Pediatrics I.M. I.M. / Pediatrics I.M. / Pediatrics I.M. Pediatrics I.M. / Orthopedics I.M. / Pediatrics / Dermatology / Surgery I.M. / Pediatrics I.M. / Orthopedics Pediatrics I.M. / Surgery I.M. / Dermatology / Pediatrics Otorhinolaryngology Minami Yajima Kodomo Clinic (Minamiyajima-Cho), (0276) 60-0415 Suzuki Iin (Nitta Hayakawa-Cho), (0276) 56-7876 Ishikawa Hifu Hinyoukika (Higashihon-Cho), (0276) 25-5966 Ishida Seikeigeka Iin (Yura-Cho), (0276) 32-6566 Sekiguchi Iin Naika (Ushizawa-Cho), (0276) 38-0358 Ehara Naika Clinic (Shimokobayashi-Cho), (0276) 60-3130 Osawa Iin (Nitta Kizaki-Cho), (0276) 56-7369 Taguchi Iin (Komaigi-Cho), (0276) 46-1384 Hoshino Naika Ichoka Iin (Higashiyajima-Cho), (0276) 48-5525 Kawada Clinic (Yura-Cho), (0276) 33-7755 Hattori・Ebisusama Clinic (Iizuka-Cho), (0276) 55-3111 Iwasaki Iin (Arai-Cho), (0276) 45-5818 Tachibana Shonika Allergy Ka Clinic (Fujiagu-Cho), (0276) 33-7177 Kaneko Clinic (Iwasegawa-Cho), (0276) 30-2626 Yamaguchi Iin (Dainogo-Cho), (0276) 45-8818 Baba Iin (Takahayashihigashi-Cho), (0276) 38-0220 Watauchi Shinryojo (Nitta Kamidanaka-Cho), (0276) 56-3366 Arai Shinryoujo(Arai-Cho), (0276) 46-1850 Iijima Kokyukika Naika Clinic (Shimokobayashi-Cho), (0276) 49-1121 Maehara Jibiinkouka Clinic (Shimokobayashi-Cho), (0276) 30-2777 Arisaka Iin (Ryumai-Cho), (0276) 45-3681 Ishikawa Kodomo Clinic (Takahayashikita-Cho), (0276) 38-0101 Yamagishi Naika Iin (Iizuka-Cho), (0276) 45-1580 Ota Higashi Kodomo & Otona Shinryoujo (Ryumai-Cho), (0276) 48-5611 Shoda Iin (Minamiyajima-Cho), (0276) 38-5511 Oshima Ichoka Naika Clinic (Niino-Cho), (0276) 33-7500 Takara Shinryoujo (Takara-Machi), (0276) 31-8200 Toumou Seikeigeka Clinic (Higashikanai-Cho), (0276) 20-2500 Kizaki Clinic (Nitta Kizaki-Cho), (0276) 56-7770 Kobayashi Shonika Naika Iin (Higashihon-Cho), (0276) 26-1000 Motojima Seikeigeka Tounyoubyou Naika (Niino-Cho), (0276) 33-9777 Mayuzumi Kodomo Clinic (Obara-Cho), (0277) 32-6522 Toumou Keiai Byouin (Kamikobayashi-Cho), (0276) 26-1793 Araki Iin (Nitta Murata-Cho), (0276) 57-2722 Ota Chuo Ganka (Yura-Cho), (0276) 31-6226 *Note 1: The doctors and dentist above are on duty only for seeing emergency patients. Other patients are asked to seek treatment on weekdays. *Note 2: Emergency medical services are subject to change. Please call the telephone number below for confirmation. Hospital Guidance Telephone Service for Emergency Cases: 0276-45-7799 Designated Emergency Hospitals providing medical services only to emergency patients Ota Kinen Byouin TEL : 0276-55-2200, Motojima Sogo Byouin TEL: 0276-22-7131, Horie Byouin TEL : 0276-38-1215, IMS Ota Chuo Sogo Byouin TEL : 0276-37-2378, Shiroyama Byouin TEL : 0276-46-0311, Kouaikai Dai Ichi Byouin TEL : 0277-78-1555 Weekday Night Emergency Infirmary (I.M. or Pediatrics) Location: Ota-Shi Hoken (Public Health) Center, 1F Address: Iida-cho 818 Consulting Days: Monday ~ Saturday (excluding holidays, year-end and New Year holidays) Hours: 18:45~21:45 Types of services: Internal Medicine or Pediatrics Tel.: 0276-60-3099 Dental services on Sundays, Holidays, and year-end/New Year holidays (10:00~13:00) Ota Nitta Shika Ishi Kaikan TEL : 0276-45-7320 ・OTA CITY HALL, Exchange Promotion Division “Kouryuu Suishin-Ka” and ・OTA INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION “Ota-Shi Kokusai Kouryuu Kyoukai” Address: 〒373-8718 Ota-Shi Hama-Cho 2-35 (Ota Shiyakusho) TEL: 0276-47-1908 & 0276-48-1001 FAX: 0276-48-1012 email: [email protected] http://www.city.ota.gunma.jp/005gyosei/0020-007kikaku-kouryu/kokusaikouryu-eng/index.html 太田市交流推進課・太田市国際交流協会(英語版行政情報)
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